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Frustrated with Norwegian


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True. And I think that if it was an adult's wallet, camera, or binoculars that got lost, the reponse on this thread would have been more sympathetic and would have stuck to the true subject at hand...the lost and found process and the frustration that someone is experiencing trying to navigate that process that appears to be running in circles.


To some, it appears that only certain things are on the allowable list to have on your person when you're in port. But because it was a teen and their phone, it seems to have unleased a bitter commentary from some on the subject of "teens and their phones - they deserve what they get because they're so attached to them".


Walk a mile in someone's shoes people. If it were you and your "blank", and you tried to get it back, and were running into walls, wouldn't you be frustrated and ask for new ideas and help in trying to recover it? I'm sure the OP realizes that it very well may be a long shot in recovering it, but it's certainly worth a try.


"To some, it appears that only certain things are on the allowable list to have on your person when you're in port"


--I don't know where that comes from. All I ever said was that the item would not be on MY person while I was in port. Only talking myself here. I really don't care what anyone else does/does not carry on THEIR person. You carry the item, you carry the risk, right?


Walk a mile in someone's shoes people


--I think that is what people are trying to do. However, many don't understand how a person takes an (admittedly unused) item on a private shore excursion in a foreign country, loses it, and then points at the company who provided their transportation as the source of frustration over the item they lost while NOT onboard the transportation vessel (IOW the cruise ship).


Let's say I take a flight on Delta airlines from Atlanta to Los Angeles with a layover in Dallas. While in Dallas I go to a restaurant in the airport and leave my phone behind. In what way, shape, or form do I have any right to express frustration with Delta airlines for losing my phone in the restaurant?? :rolleyes:

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"To some, it appears that only certain things are on the allowable list to have on your person when you're in port"


--I don't know where that comes from. All I ever said was that the item would not be on MY person while I was in port. Only talking myself here. I really don't care what anyone else does/does not carry on THEIR person. You carry the item, you carry the risk, right?


Walk a mile in someone's shoes people


--I think that is what people are trying to do. However, many don't understand how a person takes an (admittedly unused) item on a private shore excursion in a foreign country, loses it, and then points at the company who provided their transportation as the source of frustration over the item they lost while NOT onboard the transportation vessel (IOW the cruise ship).


Let's say I take a flight on Delta airlines from Atlanta to Los Angeles with a layover in Dallas. While in Dallas I go to a restaurant in the airport and leave my phone behind. In what way, shape, or form do I have any right to express frustration with Delta airlines for losing my phone in the restaurant?? :rolleyes:


Well, if the nice waitress happened to give your phone to another Delta passenger and they were nice enough to drop the phone off at the airport...;)

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The OP has said the phone was delivered to the Cruise Ship, If I am reading this thread right the OP was still on the ship when the phone was delivered. Why didn't the OP go to the service desk then to ask if anybody turned in a phone ? The phone could have been lost anywhere during the day. Also the person who delivered the might have been able to retrive the name of the owner from the phone it self before they turned it in.

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Well, if the nice waitress happened to give your phone to another Delta passenger and they were nice enough to drop the phone off at the airport...;)


Yes...but then I would have an issue with the airport, not with the airline. ;)

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I lost my phone on the cruise ship (this was the day of disembarkation unfortunately). Got the guest services director's attention and my phone was in Lost and Found. Great service for me.


The guest relations person, I forget her name.. maybe Claire, but she was from Great Britain and awesome!

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The idea of texting is just another assumption, right?


Of course, the OP (back in post #18) stated that they checked with Verizon and that there was NO ACTIVITY on the phone since the beginning of the cruise. So the fact is that the kid wasn't using the phone at all. No calls. No texts. It got lost because they "had" to have it with them.


As was speculated earlier in the thread, Maya Chan has Wi-fi. We all brought our phones along. Verizon does not log wifi activity.



Is it really so unacceptable that I have my own opinion that phones aren't all that important?


I find this comment quite amusing considering the quote you have in your signature:

"This is a forum - not a support group. We do not "owe" anyone unconditional acceptance of their opinions."

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I sent an email to DS. He'll check to see if it's on the ship.


It may have been on the ship but could have been offloaded in Miami prior to their trans-atlantic.


BTW- was there a Mom, Dad, or home contact in the contact list? We got a phone returned that was lost at an airport that way. They told me they go thru the phone list for these names to try to return phones to owners.


I'll let you know if he finds it on board.


Thank you!!!


This is precisely why I posted. I will send you a private message with some more details.


To all that had constructive suggestions and kind thoughts, I truly thank you. I sincerely hope we end up on cruise together someday.

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The idea of texting is just another assumption, right?


Of course, the OP (back in post #18) stated that they checked with Verizon and that there was NO ACTIVITY on the phone since the beginning of the cruise. So the fact is that the kid wasn't using the phone at all. No calls. No texts. It got lost because they "had" to have it with him


Obviously, my post came across wrong. My point was that most teens/kids will not leave home without their cell phones. Like it or not, they entirely rely upon these gagets whether they will actually need them or not. Perhaps the teen would argue the reason for him to bring the cell with him was to keep track of the time. IDK, however, unfortunately I somehow offended you and for that I am truly sorry. :( On another note, I felt bad for the OP and as such, was just trying to offer some guidance to help rectify their situation.

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Your son was irresponsible and lost his cell phone. Happens all the time. Put the blame where it belongs, ON HIM.

Based on the fact you supposedly know the person that turned the phone in from your posting. If the person who was given the phone knew you why would they turn it in to Lost and Found?


This whole story doesn't make sense.


Wow - Judge Much! I think if you go back and re-read the OP's post, they do place the blame with their son - They only wish that NCL would act on the information they have given them as well as the phone calls from the person it was passed onto to hand in to the lost and found (two calls to NCL from that person as well). I don't recall reading anywhere that they know the person who turned it in?????


I'm thinking that all lost and found items would end up in one place on the ship so when people call in for lost or left behind items, they don't have to search every crook and cranny on the ship. Only makes sense to me. Anyways -


Good luck and I hope you get the phone back or like you said, you're son will be responsible to purchase a new one - an expensive lesson I'm sure.

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I find this comment quite amusing considering the quote you have in your signature:

"This is a forum - not a support group. We do not "owe" anyone unconditional acceptance of their opinions."


You either misunderstood the quote, or my statement of opinion.


I'm not asking for unconditional acceptance of my opinion, just a recognition of the fact that I have one that I don't HAVE to change just because someone else has a differing opinion. I'm quite comfortable with my opinion and I'm also quite comfortable with accepting whatever my arise as a result.


You felt it was OK to take the phone, you lost it, so you should feel that it is OK to deal with the result. It isn't NCL's job to do anything to take care of what YOU did with YOUR personal property while YOU were on shore enjoying a private excursion that YOU arranged. That is all your choice...and I have no issue with that. It isn't the choice I would make, however, I'm not going to stop you from making that choice if that is what you want to do.


I'm also not looking for a support group...whether or not someone agrees with me or feels empathy towards me is unimportant...this isn't a support group.

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...and this is what happens when one person is on the attack. Everything goes downhill really, really fast.


OP, I get what you were saying and obviously it's best to just say goodbye to that phone. FYI, with an iPhone Apple will always know where the phone is via GPS. No need to unlock screens or anything like that. They can remotely lock it or unlock it. I have five sons- can you imagine the broken screens, drowned phones, etc? Only one or two lost phones but so many that were damaged. I, too, always take my phone with me in port- it IS my camera, and a very good one, and also has my notes. Also- ICE, literally. My kids would obviously jump at the chance to text their friends or play games or use the wifi, depending upon age. I would definitely tell my teens to leave their phones on the ship, but do they always listen and would I remember to triple check with everything else going on? No.


I left a Nintendo DS on board once (hopefully I won't get flamed for that innocent sentence) and Carnival called ME, asked me to indentify the leather pouch (it had a ton of games in it, plus the DS) before I even knew it was missing. They had it to me within three days after that, although I did pay a nominal amount for shipping.


Just kiss it goodbye, you paid a lot for that vacation- what's another $100 (plus)?

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Sov1, I appreciate the details you have provided on this post, and welcome details of any interaction with a cruise line. Also, I'm not sure about why the attacks. It's unfortunate that you have to defend yourself at every turn. :confused:

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Thank you!!!


This is precisely why I posted. I will send you a private message with some more details.


To all that had constructive suggestions and kind thoughts, I truly thank you. I sincerely hope we end up on cruise together someday.

Send me the type, brand, etc at techcrewmom@gmail.com if you don't want to post info here.

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Crewmom that is nice that you are helping the OP out. :) I believe that the OP never tried to blame NCL for his son forgetting or losing his phone, as other posters have tried to convey. He just requested a little guidance and customer service. He was not directly bashing NCL and just wanted to know if anyone at CC knew the correct avenues to pursue. This thread turned ugly for no reason whatsoever, very sad and unnecessary. :(

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My 2 cents FWIW...unfortunately our group had 3 experiences with Lost and Found....Both my children lost backpacks and a man in our group lost his wallet...The staff was very sweet and helpful all three times. My sons backpack was there and returned after he described it and the contents...My daughters was not in Lost and Found, but found later in her friends room (yes I think a couple of my kids decided their brain was on vacation!).


Our friend never did find his wallet (oh well)...but the strange part is that when he went down to lost and found he was asked to identify what it looked like since they had THREE wallets in the back....this was on disembarcation morning...we all found it strange they didn't seem to have tried to identify owner (most wallets have id dont they? granted not all,but what is the chances of three not having id).....Can't know for sure....My sons backpack had our name (not a common one), and I am totally understanding why there wasnt an attempt for a backpack as it would take crew members time and time is money....but wallets? That just seemed odd to us....:rolleyes:

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Thank you!!!


This is precisely why I posted. I will send you a private message with some more details.


To all that had constructive suggestions and kind thoughts, I truly thank you. I sincerely hope we end up on cruise together someday.



Hopefully this isn't considered a thread hijack, but as CrewMom pointed out, some common names in phone address books might be helpful in getting them returned.


I have my home phone number listed on the lock-out screen, so that if my Blackberry is found, they know where to call to locate me.


HOWEVER...that's not why I chose to write. I wanted to publicize the following:



ICE (In Case of Emergency) is a cell-phone entry which EMS & first responders are trained to check for, in order to contact a loved one of someone who is in need.





I encourage everyone to include an ICE contact in their address books.




End of Public Service Announcement, thanks for listening.








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I will chime in with a little information and advice.


First, I have seen Verizon mentioned here, and with their family plan, DW can tell where every phone in the family is located at any time as long as it is turned on. Even if the person carrying the phone is on the freeway.


Second, the comment about the service desk looking for the owner of the wallets -- The front desk on the ship is a total madhouse on disembarkation day. They don't have time for anything but the next person in line, and the person behind you may be the one who lost a wallet.

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I haven't been on here in over a year, for this very reason, but once again I am frustrated by "nasty" responders to questions/comments. If you don't have something nice and/or helpful to say, step away from your computer.

I really hope you can locate your phone. I too have sons.....so I feel your pain :)! Oh BTW, Maya Chan is an amazing place with honest, wonderful people. They obviously felt comfortable sending the phone with a fellow passenger, as everyone probably interacted with one another while there. NCL is huge and busy, I love them, but they are probably not overly concerned with a cell phone. Stick with it, hopefully you will get the results you are looking for!! :D

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I was at Maya Chan that day and was in the taxi when the ATV from Maya Chan pulled up with the cell phone. We were in a convoy of vans that had just left the resort and they handed the phone to my friend and told us that someone ahead of us had left the phone behind at the resort and would we hand the phone back over at the pier. When we got out of the taxis at the dock, we approached other people that we recognized from the resort but nobody was missing a phone.


Unsure what to do at this point, my friend took the phone onboard to Guest Relations and explained what had happened. She suggested to them that they should look at the contact information and see if they could find anyone listed onboard. When we returned home, we all received emails from Maya Chan asking for the name of the person in the taxi that took the phone. My friend immediately came forward and has provided any assistance that she could.


It's unfortunate that the OP was not advised that they were delivering the phone to the pier because maybe this could have been avoided. I think that Maya Chan and my friend acted with the best of intentions and I'm sorry that things did not work out.

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Incidentally, one of the teenagers in our group left their backpack containing an IPad and IPhone in the taxi that day, returning from Maya Chan. He didn't realize until he was about to board the ship and went running back to where the taxis had dropped us off. The taxi had left but he described the driver to another driver, who then made a phone call and located the taxi! The driver confirmed that he had the backpack and brought it back to the pier with all the belongings intact. We were all very impressed!

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First let me say I understand the OP's frustration - I once had my cell phone slip off my belt clip at a ski resort - I did not even know it until several hours later when I wanted to call my son. Luckly the lost and found had my phone - along with others - all I had to do was verify some of the contact phone numbers in it.


It sounds like the resort staff went above and beyond to try and get the phone back to its owner. It is too bad that it all blew up.


The OP did not realize that the phone was onboard ship until they returned home and contacted the resort, by then the ship was long gone on it's next voyage - does anybody know NCL's policy or proceedure for what happens to the lost and found items?? Do they leave them on ship? transfer them to the port operations? send them back to HQ? a combination of the above? I think that is where the frustration part comes in - the OP can't seem to get a consistant answer to his question.


While it seems that NCL could try and locate the owners of lost items - they probably have neither the time or manpower to do this - besides they are not obligated to do this - your property is your responsibility not theirs.


There are exceptions of course - I am sure that room stewards find items left behind and maybe they have a different path to try and get these items back to their owners.


As a father, I understand how teens can loose things and to them a cell phone is not a luxury item but a necessity of life - and now that I have a smart phone I am beginning to agree :D


The phone is probably sitting somewhere within NCL - battery dead and untraceable.


I do wish the OP good luck - and at the same time suggest that they write off the phone and get a new one - at the son's expense.

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First let me say I understand the OP's frustration - I once had my cell phone slip off my belt clip at a ski resort - I did not even know it until several hours later when I wanted to call my son. Luckly the lost and found had my phone - along with others - all I had to do was verify some of the contact phone numbers in it.


It sounds like the resort staff went above and beyond to try and get the phone back to its owner. It is too bad that it all blew up.


The OP did not realize that the phone was onboard ship until they returned home and contacted the resort, by then the ship was long gone on it's next voyage - does anybody know NCL's policy or proceedure for what happens to the lost and found items?? Do they leave them on ship? transfer them to the port operations? send them back to HQ? a combination of the above? I think that is where the frustration part comes in - the OP can't seem to get a consistant answer to his question.


While it seems that NCL could try and locate the owners of lost items - they probably have neither the time or manpower to do this - besides they are not obligated to do this - your property is your responsibility not theirs.


There are exceptions of course - I am sure that room stewards find items left behind and maybe they have a different path to try and get these items back to their owners.


As a father, I understand how teens can loose things and to them a cell phone is not a luxury item but a necessity of life - and now that I have a smart phone I am beginning to agree :D


The phone is probably sitting somewhere within NCL - battery dead and untraceable.


I do wish the OP good luck - and at the same time suggest that they write off the phone and get a new one - at the son's expense.


I have been told that NCL sends all "lost and found" items to the Miami headquarters. I am sure there is some delay in getting there.

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Some phones take excellent photos and can be downloaded right to their computer from the phone. I believe the OP mentioned that there were alot of photos on the phone perhaps they were using the phone as their main source of picture taking.


There isn't a phone made that can take a better photo than an DSLR or any of my 35mm cameras. But they are handy if you don't have the GOOD camera with you.

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Wow this is crazy, I don't understand why people jumped on her like that...This isn't the cruise critic I know...wow..I don't post much but this thread is definitely not the norm.


Hope you find your phone :)

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