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Being charged twice for onboard costs


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We were in Bergen and I could not understand why my onshore purchase was not going through. Credit Card company put a hold until they could verify it was us! Trouble was, we were in the wrong time zone for CSR to help us. Will always travel with two Credit Cards now, AND some cash that is only for true emergency use. Sorry OP, for what you are experiencing. As my clever niece always says, "someday we will look back on this and laugh." May your marriage last so that can eventually happen.:D


We've learned to call our cc companies before any traveling to notify them. this avoids being "declined" for purchases.

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If each person on the ship gets their money held for up to 72 or more hours per thousands of customers, think of the interest the cruise lines are making. But I certainly agree not to use a debt card to begin with!


There would be no interest to anyone. These funds are just sitting on hold. NCL will, for lack of better words, send a request to your bank to see if X number of dollars are available. The bank approves that X number of dollars and then freezes that amount (a hold is put on) until that dollar amount goes through.


For whatever reason, and that seems to be unclear. There were 2 amounts "requested for authorization". I am also unclear whether either of these amounts were actual purchases that the OP was trying to make that NCL requested. Either way the money is not in NCL's hands it still is in the OP's account it is just frozen until the hold is released.

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great way to end our trip after finding out we have been charged twice


took the cruise with the Pride of America to the hawaian islands.


flying to Las Vegas the next day with no funds available and cannot contact them to fix the issue


went back to the cruise ship and they did nothing to assist and help me out.


I do think, though, that you need to be careful about what you're calling a charge. A charge and a hold aren't the same thing.


The OP did not say if the second "charge" was an actual charge or just a hold. However, many of those responding have said it was a hold.


Maybe it was a hold or maybe NCL accidentally made the charge a second time. Not enough information has been given to say which.

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I have spoken to my bank again, and again NCL took out another $1227


total amount oweing back to us is $2472


to me that is a disgrace when we only spent $1205 on the ship.


why on earth would they feel the need to hold that amount of money.


yes it is NCL fault because when i advised them they told me no.


also the food after day 3 started to taste the same everywhere so we decided to start eating off the ship;)


The OP did not say if the second "charge" was an actual charge or just a hold. However, many of those responding have said it was a hold.


Maybe it was a hold or maybe NCL accidentally made the charge a second time. Not enough information has been given to say which.


The OP doesn't say it's a hold in the original post but in his response that I quoted here, he mentions NCL "holding" that amount. My impression is that OP has been using the terms "charge" and "hold" interchangably. Either the OP is misunderstanding what's going on or is not is not clearly communicating it to us so we are all misunderstanding it.

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If each person on the ship gets their money held for up to 72 or more hours per thousands of customers, think of the interest the cruise lines are making. But I certainly agree not to use a debt card to begin with!


How can NCL be earning interest on money that they do not have :confused: A hold is just an authorization of a particular amount, not a payment.

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The OP doesn't say it's a hold in the original post but in his response that I quoted here, he mentions NCL "holding" that amount. My impression is that OP has been using the terms "charge" and "hold" interchangably. Either the OP is misunderstanding what's going on or is not is not clearly communicating it to us so we are all misunderstanding it.


I am so confused. Spacepotatoes I too was under the impression by the initial posts that there were holds put on the OP's account. I am speaking about the post where the OP states "they have taken $200 then a $900 sum from our account with no explanation or a warning of it."


Now the OP states that "NCL took out another $1227, total amount oweing back to us is $2472, to me that is a disgrace when we only spent $1205 on the ship."


Now what it looks like is the OP had a bill that was $1205 and the charge in their account was $1245 (2472-1227) which possibly was an exchange rate difference on the 1205 & 1245. The 2nd amount of $1227 could have been a double run (meaning the card did not appear to take and accept so the person ran it a 2nd time), again the difference being exchange rates. I have had 2 amounts come off of my credit card or my debit card for the exact same amount of money and the exchange rate has changed within a few minutes. (So that could explain the difference).


This could easily happen since the lines from the ship to land are not absolute connections. So in fact, if this did happen by the clerk it would be technically NCL's fault but a totally honest human mistake and certainly IMO not worth bashing a company for.


How many times has anyone went in to purchase something in a store with debit or credit and had the sales clerk say could you run that card again, it didn't seem to go through for some reason. Some sales people have actually stated, you may want to keep an eye on your account to make sure that first charge really didn't go through and it wasn't just a glitch in the system.

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I'm really glad I read this thread. Since I normally use credit cards and only use debit card for POS with cash-back -- I truly was not aware of the holds. Oh I probably read about sometime ago but have since forgot.


I was planning on opening a separate checking acct with a small amount of money and then using associated debit card when I was on shore -- in case it was lost/stolen.


Why? you ask, when I'm only liable for $50 on credit card? Because I don't want those stinking thieves to get any more than they can -- I don't care if it's the credit company's money or mine.


I might still do it - and thanks to this thread, I'll be aware of the hold issue and prepare accordingly.

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I still don't see where the OP contacted his/her bank. This is the final solution. NCL is not doing much here, the bank is the only one that can help them. Not knowing how you bank handles debit card transactions is not NCL's fault. Having plenty of cash in the account would negate any of these issues.

For all the years I've had a debit card, there has never been a pending hold that lasted more than about 48 hours. Now the OP doesn't like the food either????:D

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I still don't see where the OP contacted his/her bank. This is the final solution. NCL is not doing much here, the bank is the only one that can help them. Not knowing how you bank handles debit card transactions is not NCL's fault. Having plenty of cash in the account would negate any of these issues.

For all the years I've had a debit card, there has never been a pending hold that lasted more than about 48 hours. Now the OP doesn't like the food either????:D



pOST #46 above


I have spoken to my bank again, and again NCL took out another $1227


total amount oweing back to us is $2472


to me that is a disgrace when we only spent $1205 on the ship.


why on earth would they feel the need to hold that amount of money.


yes it is NCL fault because when i advised them they told me no.


also the food after day 3 started to taste the same everywhere so we decided to start eating off the ship;)

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Not sure if this true with all debit cards, but we can use ours as a credit card. When you swipe at the store just choose credit instead of debit. I wonder if it works the same way if you tell them it is a credit card at check in.

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How you use the card doesn't matter. It is the TYPE of card in the end that matters. You may be able to say "credit" when you swipe your debit card, but it is still pulling that money from your account.

Example: At a hotel, they don't ask for your PIN number for your debit card - they just swipe it. It's the interface between the hotel (swipe) and the financial institution that says "oh yeah, this is really a debit card tied to a checking account, not a credit card, so go ahead and take some of their real funds out of play until we get the actual bill."

I've had people come and tell me that we've already charged a big amount on their card within 1 hour of arriving. It's just the authorization if it's a credit card. Sometimes, they will see 2 "charges" within an hour of leaving and think they have been double-charged. It's really the authorization then the actual charge on the card. If you have a credit card, you can call the company and they will see the auth & charge and will, in most cases, put back or add credit line to temporarily fix it. If it's a debit card, nothing they can do, since it is hard currency and not virtual credit.

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Whoever defends the NCL has no idea the amount of calls and follow ups i have made.


it has been well over 72 hours and out of the 3 holds they have put on my card only one was released which was only a small amount of $267


they then keep telling me they have faxed the release for the other 2, 3 days ago and again they keep telling me the same till today when i asked to speak to the Manager and told them I would be taking legal action


after that they then told me that they have not faxed those releases because of the fax number i have given them. Why on earth would they not tell me this right away and lie to me about this for the last 4 days.


the number i have given them is exactly the same as they used to release the first amount of $$


is it that hard to find out the number of a major bank in the world.


absolute disgrace and once again they told me they will do this within an hour and 3 hours has passed and once again my bank has not received it as yet.


NCL needs a kick up the bum.


and for you all who told me it is my fault for using a debit card, I am sorry i am not as clever as you, when someone behind a desk who runs the show on the ship tells you one thing, and another thing happens that's unacceptable and people should be accountable for this


how they get away with holding that amount of money more then double then what we had spent is no fare.



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OP, you keep drumming on NCL. I'm not defending NCL at all. I'm telling you, your bank is the issue. You should place as many calls to them as you say you have with NCL. I would fear that asking a third party (NCL) to keep contacting the bank, you may be making it worse. Tell your bank to release the hold on your funds and deduct the actual charges from your account and your issue will be solved.

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OP, maybe you should take legal action. That way you'll find out who is really responsible.



By time you get around to that, it will be all done and gone.


I use MINT.COM and see some credit card "temps" or "authorizations" sit there for days. I an not imagine the mess if I had a low limit credit card or debit card.


Someday, more travelers will understand that using CREIDT CARDS is the easy and relaxed way to handle things. Debit cards are the devil.

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This is the way debit cards have worked for years, you are just noticing due to a large purchase.


Months ago I bought 63.48 worth of lawn mower parts with my debit card. The cashier accidentally pressed too many numbers and billed me 634.80. She immediately gave me a 634.80 refund and then billed me the 63.48....


Both charges were deducted from my account. It took over a week for the 634.80 to be credited. Holds can work the same way. The bank has to release the holds. I don't know if it was the parts shops' bank that took so long or mine, but it's clear that banks do a much better job of taking your money than giving it back.


Your problem is with a bank not NCL. I know you are upset, but you are starting to make a fool of yourself.


I do use a debit card when I cruise, but have double the amount I plan to use and keep funds available in other accounts as well. I know it'll bite me one day.......

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Well OP because your figures, stories and charges vs holds have not stayed consistent in your postings, I am just plainly confused. :confused:


But whoever is at fault and whatever actually happened. I wish you luck in getting this cleared up soon.

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This is the way debit cards have worked for years, you are just noticing due to a large purchase.


Months ago I bought 63.48 worth of lawn mower parts with my debit card. The cashier accidentally pressed too many numbers and billed me 634.80. She immediately gave me a 634.80 refund and then billed me the 63.48....


Both charges were deducted from my account. It took over a week for the 634.80 to be credited. Holds can work the same way. The bank has to release the holds. I don't know if it was the parts shops' bank that took so long or mine, but it's clear that banks do a much better job of taking your money than giving it back.


Your problem is with a bank not NCL. I know you are upset, but you are starting to make a fool of yourself.

I do use a debit card when I cruise, but have double the amount I plan to use and keep funds available in other accounts as well. I know it'll bite me one day.......




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NCL has to fax a clearance letter to our bank in order for them to legally remove the hold for us


That is because it is YOUR BANKS policy to keep those holds on your account for a number of days. They will release the hold when their policy states that they will. Have you asked the bank what their hold policy is? Some banks hold the funds for weeks. The reason that they are asking for faxes from NCL is because you want them to break their policy and release the holds early. NCL has no obligation to fax these letters for you, as this issue is between you and your bank.


I use a debit card EVERY TIME I cruise and my bank doesn't do this. I also am well versed on my banks policy on holds, and know exactly how and when holds are place on my account and when they are released.

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That is because it is YOUR BANKS policy to keep those holds on your account for a number of days. They will release the hold when their policy states that they will. Have you asked the bank what their hold policy is? Some banks hold the funds for weeks. The reason that they are asking for faxes from NCL is because you want them to break their policy and release the holds early. NCL has no obligation to fax these letters for you, as this issue is between you and your bank.



Very well explained.

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I have spoken to my bank over 7 times and each time they said they will release the funds within 10min when NCL FAX over the release holds


due to legal reasons they cannot without it.


I even got NCL and my Commonwealth Bank on a 3 way telephone connection and it was explained to NCL the process and all they have to do it fax this through


NCL have lied to me and my wife over 5 days and the bank itself spoke directly with there account team and still they lied when saying they will fax it within 30min after the 3 way conversation


absolute disgrace from NCL behalf and it is them who have held our funds well over the 78 hour hold which is stated on there phone message.


my Bank has done everything it can to help.


NCL is at fault and they have been very unprofessional:mad:

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I have spoken to my bank over 7 times and each time they said they will release the funds within 10min when NCL FAX over the release holds


due to legal reasons they cannot without it.


That is your banks decision as they want be sure that the possible charge will have sufficient funds in your account.


I even got NCL and my Commonwealth Bank on a 3 way telephone connection and it was explained to NCL the process and all they have to do it fax this through


You do realize that the procedure you're asking is unusual and usually holds will be cleared by the bank itself after banks own timelimit - just like several people in this thread have already explained?


NCL have lied to me and my wife over 5 days and the bank itself spoke directly with there account team and still they lied when saying they will fax it within 30min after the 3 way conversation


That is very sad and unfortunate, I feel your pain there.


my Bank has done everything it can to help.


NCL is at fault and they have been very unprofessional:mad:


NCL might have been unprofessional in the aftermath but to begin with this problem is caused to you by the policies of your bank and the way that they handle holds.


The decision to even use debit card was yours and NCL has provided information about the downsides of doing that in many places. It's too bad that there apparently was a miscommunication or misunderstanding at some point but I can't see how this would be NCL's fault.


NCL has just asked for authorization for a possible charge from the bank and bank has placed an hold to the sum as per their own policies - NCL doesn't hold anything and the fact that they have been helping with the situation at least to some extent is just good customer service and not fixing their own fault.

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I don't understand why the OP does not think this is the his and the banks problem.

OP what is the policy of your bank in releasing holds?

I don't understand why people don't know the rules when using credit and debit cards. No wonder so many people get into trouble.

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