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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Carib Review: Fun on the FREEDOM!!!

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Sherri, first of all...I grew up in K.C., my mom still lives there (very close to the famous Jasper's on 103rd) and am still a huge Chiefs fan, despite living in So Cal for 29 years.


Second of all...YOU ROCK! :D I have spent over an hour reading every bit of this report, completely mesmerized by your adventures. LOVE your writing style! And your attitude! I've only done a personal trainer ONCE on a cruise (a Disney cruise, long ago) and could barely walk after that. I give you huge props for even going back to the second class. You are a trooper.


I will be on the Freedom on 9/30, have sailed her on a pre-inaugural and many other RCCL ships, and am enjoying your perspective on everything! Can't wait to read more!

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One of the advantages to My Time Dining is it’s flexibility. We had a HUGE evening planned, and so we slipped down to MTD a bit earlier than our normal time, to see if they could work us in. We were immediately taken to a table, and enjoyed, I’m sure, a delightful dinner, although I took no pictures nor made any notes. Well. I didn’t have a bad meal onboard (other than that gluten-free pasta…shudder), so I’m sure it was tasty. Checking my Cruise Compass, the theme was “Venetian Feast” – so I would imagine I had the tiger shrimp.


Our first post-dinner activity was a 7:00 pm showing of “Madagascar 3” in the Arcadia Theater…in 3D!!! We had not seen this yet, but knew it takes place in Europe, so it was a must-see for us. It was a must-see for just about everyone else onboard, as well, as the theater was packed. PACKED! And there was popcorn! (At a whopping $1.95 for a small cup.)


The movie ended at 8:30 pm, and Mickey and I then rushed (well…as fast as a crippled person CAN rush) to Studio B for the ice show, Freedom-Ice.Com. This was at 9:00 pm (although there had been an earlier 7:00 pm show, as well.) I had made online reservations for this several weeks before sailing, but honestly, no one EVER checked for reservations. We managed to snag aisle seats on the 2nd row, which were fantastic.


Speaking of fantastic…so was the show. It’s a not-to-be missed extravaganza, that has numerous sets, costume changes, and performances….





There was a Wheelie Guy who did some incredible tricks and stunts in a giant wheel, with the audience literally gasping at some moments:





Leaving the Ice Show, I casually checked my iPhone for messages…out of habit, you know. And there was a message from AT&T, warning me that I am using up data at a high rate of $$$, due to international roaming fees. OH MY GAWD! I had turned my phone “on” while in St. Thomas the day before…and I had forgotten to turn it back off!!!! Talking to some other passengers, I found out I wasn’t the only nincompoop who’d done this…so be forewarned. Don’t forget to turn your phone back “off” when heading back out to sea!!!!


We headed up to the Royal Promenade to hang out a bit, because tonight was the famous Rock Britannia street party at 10:45 pm. This is a popular event, and the Promenade was soon crowded with party-goers, waiting for Graham Seymour, our beloved CD, to come out and rock the ship. And rock it he did.


With music from The Beatles to Spice Girls, Queen to Elton John, and Led Zeppelin to the Rolling Stones…it was too much fun. However. My brain was having a serious argument with my body, as my brain kept saying, “Dance, Sherri, dance!” and my poor body was like, “Don’t even THINK about it.” My body won. Yup. I KNEW I must be in bad shape when I don’t dance. Sad, sad, sad.




At one point, Graham says he wants everyone to jump up and down…he wants the ship to be BOUNCING in the ocean…and the reality of it hits me. I can’t even bounce. Seriously. I can’t bounce. It hurt too much.


When you can’t dance…and can’t even bounce…it’s time to call it a night. Sigh.


After the party, it was back to our cabin. With our comfy beds. And our Kindles.


Kindles don’t hurt.



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Sherri, first of all...I grew up in K.C., my mom still lives there (very close to the famous Jasper's on 103rd) and am still a huge Chiefs fan, despite living in So Cal for 29 years.


Second of all...YOU ROCK! :D I have spent over an hour reading every bit of this report, completely mesmerized by your adventures. LOVE your writing style! And your attitude! I've only done a personal trainer ONCE on a cruise (a Disney cruise, long ago) and could barely walk after that. I give you huge props for even going back to the second class. You are a trooper.


I will be on the Freedom on 9/30, have sailed her on a pre-inaugural and many other RCCL ships, and am enjoying your perspective on everything! Can't wait to read more!


Hey - the Chiefs are on tonight; I'm a HUGE fan, as well! You can take us out of KC - but you can never take the KC out of us, huh?!


And thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! This one is only an hour; my Serenade review, so I hear, is now a 3-hour read or so. Yikes. :eek:

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Hi Sherri.......Just want to say thank you soooo much for posting your review and your photo's. They are amazing!! and i'm loving reading your review


We are sailing on FOS on the 7th October and doing Eastern Caribbean like yourself.


I've really enjoyed reading about your island tours on St. Thomas and St. Martin that i've now gone ahead and booked the Bernards Tours :D I've just paid the $5 PP deposit so far but do they then invoice you for the balance at a later date? And will they send out confirmation and details of my booking?

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We’re now up to Friday, July 20th…and it’s a sea day. We’re chugging back full-steam ahead to Port Canaveral, so the ship is moving at a pretty good clip.


Today…was rather dull. No drama. No exciting adventures. It was one of those lazy days that sometimes, a body just needs. I know that my goal today was to rest my injured muscles…and I have to give a shout-out to Mickey, as she was quite the loving nurse…watching to make sure I didn’t over do it, and volunteering to run errands on the ship.


We slept in, and didn’t make it to the Jammer until 10:30 or so for a late breakfast.


Back in the room, we watched our usual morning fare, “See More TV” – the daily morning show put on by Graham Seymour, the CD.





We really enjoyed this daily show…between the valuable information, as well as Graham’s humor, it was must-see TV for us every day. Overall, I think Graham is one of the best - if not THE best - Cruise Director's we've ever experienced. I feel he did a great job in keeping us informed of what was going on, as well as keeping us entertained...and his humor didn't come at the expense of the passengers. Loved him...would sail with him again any time, any day.



It was while flipping the channels that I came across the news of the tragic theater shootings in Colorado, and that kept my attention riveted for awhile…you can’t help but think that it could have happened to anyone…I know my boy Klingons LOVE those midnight movie premiers.



Lunch was at Sorrento’s Pizza…as it didn’t take NEAR as much physical effort to walk there, as it did to the Windjammer or MDR at the back of the ship.



We then spent a good part of the day in the room, reading and relaxing. It was a beautiful sunny day, so I’m sure the pool deck was crowded, but we didn’t want to be Pool Sloths today. We were Cabin Sloths. And it was good.



Tonight was Formal night in the MDR, as well as lobster night. I had pre-ordered the prime rib, sticking true to my Kansas City roots…but Edwin INSISTED that I try the lobster. The lobster was good…but my prime rib was better.



A quick interjection here…all week, Sunil had insisted on bringing me a cup of fresh fruit with my dinner. I really, really do not like fresh fruit. I do not like it in a house. I do not like it with a mouse. I would not eat it with a fox. I would not eat it wearing socks. I do not like it, Sunil-I-am. Oh, I would gamely pick at it, but I never enjoyed it. Bleh. And then…something happened midweek that changed my life. While picking at my fruit, I saw another waiter go by with a tray of fresh vegetables and ranch dip…the crudités, as they’re known. OMG, I LOVE fresh veggies and dip!!! I mentioned something to Sunil, and with tonight’s dinner, he skips the fruit and brings me the veggies and I can hear heavenly choirs of angels singing and trumpets blaring, as I voraciously do justice to those veggies. I will get fresh veggies tomorrow night, as well…and I mentally kick myself that I didn’t communicate my wants and/or needs to Sunil at the beginning of the cruise.



After dinner, Mickey and I wander down to On Air…why? I have no idea. We were probably lost, to be honest. Anyway…that’s when we discovered the Personal Karaoke Booths.


TOO MUCH FUN! We had it all to ourselves with no one else waiting…we’d shut ourselves up in there and sing like there was no tomorrow…



And not only was singing fun...but taking photos of us singing was fun.



I’d pick a song…she’d pick a song…I picked, “I’ve Got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher, and she had a pouty face because she didn’t know it at all. I really need to work on her musical education; it’s obviously sadly lacking.



Pouty face...she doesn't appreciate my choice of music.



At 8:30 or so, we headed up to the Arcadia Theater to watch the RCI singers and dancers in “Once Upon A Time” (and again – they NEVER checked for reservations…so what was the point of making all of them before I left home?) I thought it was better than I expected…because yes, it’s based on fairy tales…but there’s enough clever “adult” humor/puns thrown in that it will keep the “mature” ones of us entertained. Wait. Did I just refer to myself as mature? Bwahahahahahahaha.


Moving on.


Tonight was 70’s night in the Royal Promenade, but knowing the HUGE argument that would ensue between my Brain and my Body about dancing, I skipped it. I was still in no condition for dancing, although I was starting to feel just a tad bit better.


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Hi Sherri.......Just want to say thank you soooo much for posting your review and your photo's. They are amazing!! and i'm loving reading your review


We are sailing on FOS on the 7th October and doing Eastern Caribbean like yourself.


I've really enjoyed reading about your island tours on St. Thomas and St. Martin that i've now gone ahead and booked the Bernards Tours :D I've just paid the $5 PP deposit so far but do they then invoice you for the balance at a later date? And will they send out confirmation and details of my booking?


Thank you! You're going to have so much fun - I hope you get to CocoCay, unlike us!


You will pay the balance at the beginning of the tour...when you check in at the Information Desk, you can pay then. I put the balance on a credit card with no problem. And yes - you should get an email confirmation with the details - mainly, where and when to meet (9:00 am at Info Center, most likely!) You'll have fun! :)

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So enjoying your review. We will be in St. Marteen in December and we will have to check out Maho Beach. Looks so exciting. My son and grandson who will be cruising with us would love it too.


To change the subject, I was wondering if Mickey's name is a nickname or her real name? If it is a nickname, what is her real name (or is it a secret)? It's really cute and I can't think of a real name that Mickey would be the nickname for, unless it is Michele.


Thanks for all you are doing. I know it takes a lot of time away from your family.


Gwen :)

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Thank you! You're going to have so much fun - I hope you get to CocoCay, unlike us!


You will pay the balance at the beginning of the tour...when you check in at the Information Desk, you can pay then. I put the balance on a credit card with no problem. And yes - you should get an email confirmation with the details - mainly, where and when to meet (9:00 am at Info Center, most likely!) You'll have fun! :)



Awwww perfect...thank you so much for letting me know. Can't wait to read the next installments of your trip now :) x

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As we drive into Marigot (the French side), we stop right in the heart and Sexy gives us about 30 minutes to explore. There’s a little market close by, but pretty much the entire van heads to Sarafina’s, a fantastic little French bakery along the waterfront.




It’s a pretty popular place, both with the tourists and locals, so we wait in a long line as we peruse the shelves loaded with a huge selection of breads, quiche, sandwiches, desserts and pastries. Holy Chocolate Éclair, Batman – it all looked sooooooo good!




However. I showed incredible restraint by only purchasing two Croque Monsier sandwiches for Mickey and I. That’s a grilled ham & cheese sandwich, for those of us who don’t speak French. Like me. But Croque Monsier sounds so much…sexier…than ham & cheese, right?!





We get back to the van with nary a minute to spare, and are pleased to see that we are NOT the last family this time. As we nibble and nosh and enjoy our absolutely-delicious sandwiches, I see that some of the people on the van are indulging in the chocolate éclairs and cookies and such….which leads to a HUGE case of dessert-envy on my part. When I go back to St. Maartin – I am SO going back to Sarafina’s and indulging in those desserts. And another Croque Monsier, as well, just because it’s fun to say and it’s also really tasty.


Anyway…with food in hand, and drinks from the cooler…on to our next stop!



First let me say that I love your reviews. I have no plans for a Med Cruise (maybe someday) but loved your review, your stories, and pictures (even the pigeons and cats).


We went to Marigot on our St Marteen trip last summer because I wanted a French Pastry, dang I dont know how I missed this shop. We just ended up walking the open market and paying to go the bathroom at the mall, then getting a crepe from a truck (not that great). So how do I find this treasure?

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So enjoying your review. We will be in St. Marteen in December and we will have to check out Maho Beach. Looks so exciting. My son and grandson who will be cruising with us would love it too.


To change the subject, I was wondering if Mickey's name is a nickname or her real name? If it is a nickname, what is her real name (or is it a secret)? It's really cute and I can't think of a real name that Mickey would be the nickname for, unless it is Michele.


Thanks for all you are doing. I know it takes a lot of time away from your family.


Gwen :)


Hi, Gwen - yes; Maho Beach is a must!


Mickey's real name is Mikayla - named after Hubby Mike. :) SHE'S the one who decided to shorten it to Mickey - she started this in 4th grade. It's funny; now she's in middle school, and she's thinking of going back to Mikayla, as she feels it sounds more "mature." Because when you're 13, it's all about being mature, you know! :)


And I'm JUST NOW getting used to "Mickey." Ack.

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First let me say that I love your reviews. I have no plans for a Med Cruise (maybe someday) but loved your review, your stories, and pictures (even the pigeons and cats).


We went to Marigot on our St Marteen trip last summer because I wanted a French Pastry, dang I dont know how I missed this shop. We just ended up walking the open market and paying to go the bathroom at the mall, then getting a crepe from a truck (not that great). So how do I find this treasure?


It's across from the market...down the road about 50 feet...you'll see the bright awnings outside....if you can't find it, just ask anyone where Sarafina's is, and they'll be able to point you in the right direction!

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Hey - the Chiefs are on tonight; I'm a HUGE fan, as well! You can take us out of KC - but you can never take the KC out of us, huh?!


And thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! This one is only an hour; my Serenade review, so I hear, is now a 3-hour read or so. Yikes. :eek:


So true! Sadly, we rarely get a televised KC game here, unless they are playing (shudder) the Raiders or Chargers. ;)


I will have to check out your Serenade review when I have three or so hours to spare! :p Still enjoying this one...and will definitely have to sneak in some bad, private karaoke on my future cruise. :D

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We’re to meet Bernard’s Tours at the Information Center, which is located right on the pier:



You can't miss the Info Center...it's to the right, after you walk down the pier...


Mickey's real name is Mikayla - named after Hubby Mike. :) SHE'S the one who decided to shorten it to Mickey - she started this in 4th grade. It's funny; now she's in middle school, and she's thinking of going back to Mikayla, as she feels it sounds more "mature." Because when you're 13, it's all about being mature, you know! :)


And I'm JUST NOW getting used to "Mickey." Ack.



Mikayla is NOT impressed! :rolleyes:


(as inspired by: http://mckaylaisnotimpressed.tumblr.com/ )


Sherri...I've quietly lurked through both your Serenade review and this one, and have thoroughly enjoyed them (just like everyone else) - but I finally had to comment after seeing this picture, and the tidbit about Mickey's real name!



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Hi, Gwen - yes; Maho Beach is a must!


Mickey's real name is Mikayla - named after Hubby Mike. :) SHE'S the one who decided to shorten it to Mickey - she started this in 4th grade. It's funny; now she's in middle school, and she's thinking of going back to Mikayla, as she feels it sounds more "mature." Because when you're 13, it's all about being mature, you know! :)


And I'm JUST NOW getting used to "Mickey." Ack.

That is a beautiful name. It does sound more mature. Whichever one she goes by, she is a sweet young girl. Although she looks more mature than a 13 yr. old. I had 2 boys, and finally had a granddaughter. She is 16 now and of course Grammy is too old to pal around with. She's our sweetie and always will be. Only girl in the family besides my DIL and me. I have 2 grandsons too. Love them all. Grandkids are the best. You can give them back when they get to be too much to handle. :p


Gwen :)

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Hi Sherri, I'm usually more of a lurker than a poster but I just had to say how much I loved your both of your reviews.

I think our daughters must be related. Mine is 12 1/2, is tall with same color hair as Mickey, LOVES to read, is DYING to go on a cruise and HATES sand in her swim suit (which seems to happen anytime she goes to the beach).

You two seem like a great pair. Thanks for sharing your adventures with all of us.

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Mickey's real name is Mikayla - named after Hubby Mike. :) SHE'S the one who decided to shorten it to Mickey - she started this in 4th grade. It's funny; now she's in middle school, and she's thinking of going back to Mikayla, as she feels it sounds more "mature." Because when you're 13, it's all about being mature, you know! :)


And I'm JUST NOW getting used to "Mickey." Ack.


We named our eldest daughter (of three :eek:) Jessica. We figured she'd be Jessie until about the age of 12 of so. Nope, she wanted Jessica, even in pre-school! We've always called her Jessie. I don't think she likes it, because as a teenager she was always "Jess" to her friends, and even as an adult (28 now), she's always been Jess in her jobs.


I wonder if it has something to do with Uncle Jesse on Full House? :rolleyes:


I think I've convince DH to take that Bernard's Tour #1 when we go to St. Martin in December.

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I think I've convince DH to take that Bernard's Tour #1 when we go to St. Martin in December.


I don't think I need to take Bernard's tour. I just want to go and see the Blue Iguanas. They are really unique, and somewhat endangered. We will definitely have to visit them next time. :D




BTW, the store that Sexy took you to is Rima's Beach World.




It is a fun store with a huge selection of things and tropical clothing. It's a great place to get those (made in China) Caribbean vacation souvenirs for co- workers. :D

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I'm so glad you went to Sarafina's - it's my absolute favourite bakery/ restaurant in St. Martin. I live in Anguilla and it is a MUST every time I go over (which is pretty often because the ferry is right there in Marigot). Next time you are in St. Maarten you have to take a day trip to Anguilla!


I have been reading your blog on the Mediterranean as well and am also a huge fan of your writing and your reviews.

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You certainly have picked out wonderful private tours to take on all of your traveling. I have been to St. Maartan a few times and never did as much in one day as you did. One thing, it was a shame that Orient beach looked like it did when you were there. Normally, that is a gorgeous clean white sand beach with no sea weed or debris on the shore. That must have been a big storm to mess up the beach like that. The three times I was there the water was very calm.

One thing surprised me, and that is you never took advantage of room service. When I cruise, I just love to have room service bring me coffee and a small danish to wake up to,(or course I will usually wander down to the dining room for a larger breakfast later) and some days I like to have lunch delivered to eat on a balcony. As sore as you were, having some hot soup or tea delivered would have felt really nice.

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Please please please don't do this. Ok, Ibuprofen is better than acetaminophen but taking over the normal dosing amount for a period of time can have a horrid effect on your liver. I did it on a vacation where I hurt my shoulder and on my following physical got told my liver results were so far off that I was banned from significant alcohol for what is now 4 plus years while it recovers.


Motrin usually helps but you have to take more than the recommended on the otc package.
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Sheri, at Sarafina’s do they take US dollars? If not, where can you get the correct currency?


You can use US dollars and euros anywhere on St. Maarten. There are several shops (esp on the French side) that offer a $1-1€ exchange rate (great for Americans, bad for Europeans). Some euros managed to sneak home with us after our Serenade cruise this summer, so we are saving them for St. Maarten.


The official currency on the Dutch side is the Antillean guilder. We spent a week there last summer and paid for everything in US dollars.

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Your St Thomas tour brought back a lot of memories. I was also on a Bernards Tour in January and John was our driver. We went to pretty much all the same stops except Orient Bay and I have a picture with him holding a sea urchin.


Although he creeped me out a little (he kept making very suggestive comments that I just ignored), he absolutely catered to the kids in the group, which was nice to see. I'd use them again in the future.


Loving the review; keep up the good job!

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