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When to change tips os S&S?


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So why cant people do what the cruiseline thinks is best and suggested. Why not just go camping

hmmm Like a dictatorship .. sounds great! maybe the smokers will take the suggestions of CCL and only smoke where permitted... or go camping!:p Or maybe chair hogs will do the same !! wow .. look at that can of worms!! Sorry just trying to lighten up the subject!! HA HA! seriously these are just opinions .. you don't have to agree.. but everyone is entitled!you want to tip great .. so tip .. if you don't don't .. the answer is .. yes you can remove them as soon as you get on the ship.. do what you think is right and don't look back.. All of the angels giving there opinions on this site have all done something (present company included) that another doesn't agree with;)

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You got all of that from just his post in this thread?




I admit whenever I see someone admit to removing tips .. I go and read their other posts. This poster says he has to be big man on campus and wave cash around to get better service.


Yep, saw he was on a B2B. I pity his kids. Kids know when their dad is a cheap tipper .. I knew when my Dad didnt tip enough... my math is good.

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And by the way servers should not have to win a tip .Your $5 is not the lottery


Maybe if you give $7 they will shine your shoes after dessert




Sorry I should have said earn. I admit my faults!



TIP: A sum of money given to someone as a way of rewarding them for their services.


For those unaware of the definition.. I'm not making this up really! Service before reward.. what a concept.

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I admit whenever I see someone admit to removing tips .. I go and read their other posts. This poster says he has to be big man on campus and wave cash around to get better service.


Yep, saw he was on a B2B. I pity his kids. Kids know when their dad is a cheap tipper .. I knew when my Dad didnt tip enough... my math is good.


Fire its sad to say but 99% of the time when im working and the big man on campus with the nice wad of cash who wants to buy everyones drinks tips the least.I have had $190 tabs pay $192 and thank me for such great service.

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There is no right or wrong way to tip. I use to like it when Carnival gave you envelopes to give out the last night. I think they went to auto tipping because many people would not come to the mdr for dinner the last night so they would not get tipped. I think personally, I got better service when we tipped the last night. To put this to rest I think they should be added to the cruise price. I have never heard of anyone taking the tip away from the waiter who brings them a drink.

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I pay the auto tips but on one cruise this person at our table(one of the reasons we do anytime dining) spent the week bragging about how he stiffed the crew. He always removed his tips, lived in Florida, was retired and cruised several times a year. He said the best time to remove them was on the night before your last night of the cruise, then your steward won't be less clean in your room and your waiters won't ignore you that much. Folks we thought the last night that the waiters did sort of ignore this man and his wife at out table. I don't know if they overheard him or if the crew gets a list of the folks who remove tips.

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In many cases, yes, thru the "tip pool".


Nope. YOU are not tipping through the "tip pool", you're tipping your server for the service they provide. If any of that tip money goes elsewhere, it's because your server is tipping their fellow employees for services rendered to the server.


In all my years of working in a restaurant in different capacities, I have never worked in one where the back of the house has been tipped out. I understand it may happen, I've never seen it and I wouldn't work in a restaurant that expected it's salaried people to share in servers tips. That's disgusting to me.


Besides this is apples to oranges


Again, nope. Tipped employees are tipped employees. Salaried employees are salaried employees. Where the job occurs and under what conditions doesn't change that.

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I know of several restaurants where the tips are pooled and then shared with the kitchen staff. Kitchen staff is not salaried but hourly. My son in law works in restaurants as a cook and that is the norm here.

I have to really save up my money to cruise but would not even think of removing the tips. I usually tip extra at the end. The only cruise I didn't tip more was on our Disney cruise. The service was horrible in all areas and the food was bad.


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Nope. YOU are not tipping through the "tip pool", you're tipping your server for the service they provide.


Again, nope. Tipped employees are tipped employees. Salaried employees are salaried employees. Where the job occurs and under what conditions doesn't change that.


You were comparing land based service workers to ship based workers. That is apples and oranges.

Hours, pay and conditions are night and day.


And yes tip pooling between front of house and back of house happens more often than not.

Your tip in a restaurant most likely is shared with the bartender, busboy and kitchen staff.


People will come up with any excuse not to be generous.


Reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes:


Morty: "The service was slow. And God forbid they should refill the water. How does 12.4% sound?"

Jerry, looking at the calculator: "Well, your tip is four dollars and thirty-six point six six six six cents."

Morty: "We'll round down."

- - - - - - -

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Gratuities are a part of cruising and everyone knows this


May I suggest camping


Yo, mikel24m, I didn't say I didn't tip. And I do know that, which if you had bothered to read what I wrote, you wouldn't have made such an inane comment. I was simply commenting that I think the tipping situation everywhere has gotten out of hand and that I would rather companies build the price of their employees salaries directly into their prices. That is my preference, even though it's not the tradition. I do follow the tradition. The only time I don't tip is when service is really, really bad, which has happened only a handful of times in my life. Learn to read, bubba.

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I am a firm believer of tipping those who help you directly. I would rather give my server and my room steward cash for everyday things like cleaning the room and serving dinner. I do not feel obligated to tip others that I never see and would rather tip my face to face people more than what they get through my auto tips. I know some of you may do it differently and I respect that. However, this is my choice and I ask you to respect it as well. Having said that, when is the best time to get the auto tips removed from your account? Embarkation day or wait until the last night?


I will never understand why people choose this option. How inconvenient to track down all those who serve you & are deserving of your gratuities. And BTW, you can always give them more if that's your reasoning.......

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Yo, mikel24m, I didn't say I didn't tip. And I do know that, which if you had bothered to read what I wrote, you wouldn't have made such an inane comment. I was simply commenting that I think the tipping situation everywhere has gotten out of hand and that I would rather companies build the price of their employees salaries directly into their prices. That is my preference, even though it's not the tradition. I do follow the tradition. The only time I don't tip is when service is really, really bad, which has happened only a handful of times in my life. Learn to read, bubba.


Yo suzinva


I know how to read very well and I did read how you would rather not tip at all though


Learn to tip

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I do not remove auto tips however I can see why people would want to remove them.


I find the auto tips to be more of a service charge...almost like a resort daily fee. The word tip means to most people extra money to give a person for outstanding service that is usully paid after service is rendered and not before. Technically we dont pay until after but the daily "tip" does come out of our on board accounts so I guess we do pay the "tip" before all services are rendered.


I think tipping has gotten WAY OUT OF HAND in this country!


I have been harassed by people that the tip i left them is inadequate.

I have been harassed by people that they deserve a tip when they dont, meaning the occupation this person is doing is not really an occupation I feel deserves a tip.

I have also been harassed by waiters during my meal to not forget to tip them!


On Monday my backdoors in the home I am renting had to be replaced. The home owners association ordered the doors and hired people to install them. I do not own the home as i am leasing and I had nothing to do with the installation of these doors, however when the job was done the men who were working on it hung around like they were waiting for me to tip them and I didn't.


Why does everyone expect that they deserve extra money for doing their job? Is that not what a salary is for? I have only been tipped once in my life and I refused it because it was not neccessary!

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I will never understand why people choose this option. How inconvenient to track down all those who serve you & are deserving of your gratuities. And BTW, you can always give them more if that's your reasoning.......


you don'thave to. your fare goes to the salary of the employees that are not in the tip "pool". tips are not part of their compensation.

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I do not remove auto tips however I can see why people would want to remove them.


I find the auto tips to be more of a service charge...almost like a resort daily fee. The word tip means to most people extra money to give a person for outstanding service that is usully paid after service is rendered and not before. Technically we dont pay until after but the daily "tip" does come out of our on board accounts so I guess we do pay the "tip" before all services are rendered.


I think tipping has gotten WAY OUT OF HAND in this country!


I have been harassed by people that the tip i left them is inadequate.

I have been harassed by people that they deserve a tip when they dont, meaning the occupation this person is doing is not really an occupation I feel deserves a tip.

I have also been harassed by waiters during my meal to not forget to tip them!


On Monday my backdoors in the home I am renting had to be replaced. The home owners association ordered the doors and hired people to install them. I do not own the home as i am leasing and I had nothing to do with the installation of these doors, however when the job was done the men who were working on it hung around like they were waiting for me to tip them and I didn't.


Why does everyone expect that they deserve extra money for doing their job? Is that not what a salary is for? I have only been tipped once in my life and I refused it because it was not neccessary!


Thats funny we eat out maybe 3 times a week and have never had anyone "harass" us about tips and its not allowed by any management or company I know of


By chance do you think you dont tip well or even 15% and are trying to justify being cheap by saying in this country it is so way out of hand lol :)

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Yo suzinva


I know how to read very well and I did read how you would rather not tip at all though


Learn to tip


I went back and re-read some of your posts and I think I understand where you're coming from. And what we had here was a failure to communicate, on both parts, I think. My intent wasn't to cause any hard feelings and I apologize for my hasty retort.


To clarify, I do tip and I tip well, except in a few isolated cases. Yes, I wish we didn't have the tipping system, I wish employers would simply pay their employees well enough that it wasn't a necessity. My apologies again. :)

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Thats funny we eat out maybe 3 times a week and have never had anyone "harass" us about tips and its not allowed by any management or company I know of


By chance do you think you dont tip well or even 15% and are trying to justify being cheap by saying in this country it is so way out of hand lol :)


I think i tip well. For crappy service I will double the taz. And for me it would have to be attitude more than anything. If you spill something on me and apologize and are nice then your still getting a great tip, if you bring me my food on time but are nasty towards me well then your getting a doubled the tax tip.


I do not have a problem tipping people who deserve it

What I meant by saying it is way out of hand is that EVERYONE thinks they deserve a tip.


Typical day for me when i lived in ny: Wake up go the coffee shop there is a cup asking for tips, go get my nails done-tip-, if I need to take a taxi somewhere-tip-, order food-tip-, etc...


I am not sure why but here in Charlotte I havent seen so many people asking for tips.


And yes I have been harassed during dinner to not forget to tip. It has happened at least 3 times to me. I understand they live on tips but I wasnt born yesterday LOL They are getting their tip

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Maybe I did not make it clear and for that I apologize. When I say I would rather tip face-to-face, I meant tip them everyday face-to-face and not at the end of the cruise where I go looking for them. We have budgeted $10 per person, per day for the room steward and our server. They are the ones who take time to get to know us and build relationships with us and I think they should be rewarded for that. I think they will appreciate it just fine and if they share between the others who help them is not my business.


I have found out real quick that this is obviously a touchy subject among the members here. If you do not agree with me, that is completely acceptable. I have yet to agree with anyone 100% of the time. For those who try to take personal jabs at my character or my faith, I will not respond to that nor take it personal. :rolleyes: If you are in agreement with me on this, chances are we will disagree somewhere down the line. In all the above, I appreciate your opinions and respect them.


All in all, cruisecritic is a great place to find information and bounce ideas off of each other. I appreciate every comment and have taken each thing said into consideration.


P.S. Bringing the little ones? I don't think so. Nana and Pappy have already spoken for them.

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Let me start off by saying I do my job well every day .... yet no one ever tips me (I am also hourly). But guess what its my job, and if I don’t do it well I will lose it. My family eats out a couple times a week and I have no problem tipping very well when it is deserved .... I also have absolutely no problem walking away without giving a tip. Before you start bashing me I believe a tip of any size must be earned, it is never a given.

I will be cruising this winter with my wife for our honeymoon and we will be removing the auto tip the first chance we get. I prefer to leave our room person a $20 with a thank you each morning and a note if there is anything we need. Same goes for the bartender, a few bucks with each drink.

I do not believe I need to tip the guy that is washing the dishes, he did not take the time to learn my name, how I like my drink or even have to smile while he is having a bad day. He/she gets a paycheck if it’s not enough he needs to take that up with his/her employer or work their way into a front line position.

In my opinion as soon as tips are expected service goes down.

Before you light your flame thrower I worked in the food service industry for many years ... I worked my tail off for every tip but it was never expected or factored into my guaranteed money at the end of the week. Tips were considered extra .... just like they should be.

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I went back and re-read some of your posts and I think I understand where you're coming from. And what we had here was a failure to communicate, on both parts, I think. My intent wasn't to cause any hard feelings and I apologize for my hasty retort.


To clarify, I do tip and I tip well, except in a few isolated cases. Yes, I wish we didn't have the tipping system, I wish employers would simply pay their employees well enough that it wasn't a necessity. My apologies again. :)


Im sorry as well.Working in the service industry for so many years counting on people to tip me nice for my good service:) sometimes my butt gets puckered :)

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I am a firm believer of tipping those who help you directly. I would rather give my server and my room steward cash for everyday things like cleaning the room and serving dinner. I do not feel obligated to tip others that I never see and would rather tip my face to face people more than what they get through my auto tips. I know some of you may do it differently and I respect that. However, this is my choice and I ask you to respect it as well. Having said that, when is the best time to get the auto tips removed from your account? Embarkation day or wait until the last night?


I've never seen so many tipping posts in my life as I do on this Carnival board.

Remove your tips on the last day so they can spit in, pee on, or lose some of your luggage..


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