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Fascination Man Overboard 8-27-12? (MERGED THREADS)


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No matter what happened, this guy had mental issues of some sort. PTS, or whatever. Nobody hurls themselves off a ship that is mentally healthy.


As for the one poster's Mom that was actually on this cruise being upset, I can understand her feelings as well after having actually been on a ship where someone jumped. I often speak of the feel on a ship...the one that comes from the energy of the thousands of people you are sailing with. If you have 3,000 people and all of them are aware that someone just killed themselves (or attempted to) you have a ship full of really awful energy. It's not just about missing a port....you're entire vacation is pretty much ruined due to the fcat that everyone, crew & officers included is affected emotionally from this.

On our sailing, when the guy was brought back to the ship alive and pretty well considering he juimped from the 10th deck, that 'sad/scared' energy on the ship lifted immediately and this created a pretty amazing shift that had everyone in a great mood. I paid very close attention to all of it. The same type of PTS that happens to military happens when any human witnesses another perosn dying in a horrific manner.....how can you not be affected????:confused:


This current guy jumped off the ship in the middle of the night....I am sure some people on that ship will have their own little PTS going on, knowing that a fellow human being jumped. His fate...what they imagine it to be, will run like a nightmare through their heads.


Yeah, I'd say they have a right to be a little mad. This doesn't mean they are not empathetic by any means, but let's face it...this guy's actions created a bad situation out of what was supposed to be a week of stress-free fun.


This cannot be a fun way to die. One can only hope that he did die on impact. The thought that he may have survived the jump is just too difficult to imagine.

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"Some stupid man was fighting with his girlfriend and the security tried to handle him and he ran from them and the idiot jumped overboard. And now we won't be able to go to Key West because some this idiot was drunk, abusing his girlfriend, and jumps overboard."


I'm not surprised at all. Some people forget to pack their brains before they leave home.


Unfortunately the actions of one idiot can affect the vacations of many.


Just one drawback of a cruise vacation.

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Never a dull moment on cruises. We had a murder on the Liberty in 2010. It was hushed up and little information came out.


There was an emergency call in the AM. Rumors went all over the ship. Everything from a woman suffering a stroke to her husband killing her.


We were delayed from disembarking for 2 hours.


The FBI came on board and the cabin was taped off with "Do Not Cross" tape. Hardly what you would expect from a mere medical emergency.


It was only as we were about to cast off from St. Thomas, and the FBI left the ship with a man in handcuffs did it become blatantly apparent that a crime had been committed.


The "official" line?


It was a "medical emergency."


Holy crap! :eek:

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I guess I'm just a little more cold hearted than others in this thread. I don't have a lot of sympathy for "stupid". Of course we don't know the whole story or have a lot of facts but it seems likely that the guy had a little too much to drink, fought with his girlfriend, got mad and bailed. If that turns out to be the case then I'll be kind of Forrest Gump about it "stupid is as stupid does".


We'll just have to wait and see.

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I guess I'm just a little more cold hearted than others in this thread. I don't have a lot of sympathy for "stupid". Of course we don't know the whole story or have a lot of facts but it seems likely that the guy had a little too much to drink, fought with his girlfriend, got mad and bailed. If that turns out to be the case then I'll be kind of Forrest Gump about it "stupid is as stupid does".


We'll just have to wait and see.


As Einstein said.....


"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

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Holy crap! :eek:






I saw the man being taken away in handcuffs as we waited to depart St. Thomas.


So the "official" line is hardly ever the truth.

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I guess I'm just a little more cold hearted than others in this thread. I don't have a lot of sympathy for "stupid". Of course we don't know the whole story or have a lot of facts but it seems likely that the guy had a little too much to drink, fought with his girlfriend, got mad and bailed. If that turns out to be the case then I'll be kind of Forrest Gump about it "stupid is as stupid does".


We'll just have to wait and see.


It is kind of cold hearted because the guy was probably sick...mentally, emotionally whatever.

Stupid is wehen you take an action that is obviously not smart and you accidentally die because of it. ILL is when you hurl yourself off a ship in the middle of the night.

It's very sad.

The guy was military which makes me even sadder because I believe you have some healthy minded people going into service and they are not as healthy minded when they come out. I don't think some or even most of the men and women that sign up really understand how badly they posssibly can be affected.

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likely that the guy had a little too much to drink, fought with his girlfriend, .


Since he was on leave....... Im thinking he was drinking to much and his GF got mad at him for getting drunk.:eek:

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Since he was on leave....... Im thinking he was drinking to much and his GF got mad at him for getting drunk.:eek:


They often do that. Yet they are usually the reason for the drinking....LOL

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Never a dull moment on cruises. We had a murder on the Liberty in 2010. It was hushed up and little information came out.


There was an emergency call in the AM. Rumors went all over the ship. Everything from a woman suffering a stroke to her husband killing her.


We were delayed from disembarking for 2 hours.


The FBI came on board and the cabin was taped off with "Do Not Cross" tape. Hardly what you would expect from a mere medical emergency.


It was only as we were about to cast off from St. Thomas, and the FBI left the ship with a man in handcuffs did it become blatantly apparent that a crime had been committed.


The "official" line?


It was a "medical emergency."



Technically it was a medical emergency.

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Technically it was a medical emergency.


A "medical emergency" caused by the actions of another.


A man jumping overboard could be termed a "medical emergency" too in that hitting the water from 87 feet is very likely to result in injuries requiring medical attention.

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It is kind of cold hearted because the guy was probably sick...mentally, emotionally whatever.

Stupid is wehen you take an action that is obviously not smart and you accidentally die because of it. ILL is when you hurl yourself off a ship in the middle of the night.

It's very sad.

The guy was military which makes me even sadder because I believe you have some healthy minded people going into service and they are not as healthy minded when they come out. I don't think some or even most of the men and women that sign up really understand how badly they posssibly can be affected.


I really get tired of folks giving military people a "pass" simply because they might suffer from PTSD. I don't know how much military service you have or how much combat you've seen but I've been involved in my share and I think PTSD is an excuse that has really been worn out. I know it happens but feel it is much more rare than Hollywood and the news media would have you believe. It seems now days whenever someone in the military does anything wrong everybody wants to blame PTSD when "stupid" or "drunk and crazy" might be the more likely cause.

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It is kind of cold hearted because the guy was probably sick...mentally, emotionally whatever.

Stupid is wehen you take an action that is obviously not smart and you accidentally die because of it. ILL is when you hurl yourself off a ship in the middle of the night.

It's very sad.

The guy was military which makes me even sadder because I believe you have some healthy minded people going into service and they are not as healthy minded when they come out. I don't think some or even most of the men and women that sign up really understand how badly they posssibly can be affected.

I so agree with you Halos, I work with PTSD every day. And we of course had a case of it in my family.

For those that "don't believe in it" I hope that you never have to experience it or watch someone you love experience it, it's heartbreaking.

Alcohol has a depressive effect and so is dangerous for an already depressed person.


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Boy, I have to agree with Halos...this person was not killed in Mexico or fell out of a harness while parasailing...he jumped off the ship of his own volition. If I was sailing on that ship after planning and saving for months or a year for my only week of vacation...counting down the days, packing and re-packing, budgeting time and money, coordinating vacations with co-workers, anticipating the event and, finally, we're on the ship and looking forward to a week of pampering and fun, then this happens. Yes, I'd be upset that itineraries were cancelled. And, Halos is right about the vibe on the ship...on one of our cruises, we had a man airlifted by helicopter because he had an apparent heart attack...the mood on the ship suddenly shifted, everyone got quiet and spoke in hushed tones and I felt compassion for the patient because he became unexpectedly ill. After he was safely in the helicopter, the mood lightened up.


I don't know the man that allegedly jumped off the ship or the reasons he did so, therefore feel no compassion for him. I don't know his family and cannot guess what they are feeling and therefore, feel no compassion for them either. Unfortunately, it's todays headline and tomorrow's old news. His actions affected the entire population on the ship in one way or another.


I'm not going to start creating scenarios about this man...was he mentally ill? was he compulsive? was he drunk? pretty soon people will have a mini-series plotted out in their brains and writing books about the event. It is what it is, a man supposedly jumped overboard, probably killing himself...fellow passengers were affected by this incident. Case closed.

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Boy, I have to agree with Halos...this person was not killed in Mexico or fell out of a harness while parasailing...he jumped off the ship of his own volition. If I was sailing on that ship after planning and saving for months or a year for my only week of vacation...counting down the days, packing and re-packing, budgeting time and money, coordinating vacations with co-workers, anticipating the event and, finally, we're on the ship and looking forward to a week of pampering and fun, then this happens. Yes, I'd be upset that itineraries were cancelled. And, Halos is right about the vibe on the ship...on one of our cruises, we had a man airlifted by helicopter because he had an apparent heart attack...the mood on the ship suddenly shifted, everyone got quiet and spoke in hushed tones and I felt compassion for the patient because he became unexpectedly ill. After he was safely in the helicopter, the mood lightened up.


I don't know the man that allegedly jumped off the ship or the reasons he did so, therefore feel no compassion for him. I don't know his family and cannot guess what they are feeling and therefore, feel no compassion for them either. Unfortunately, it's todays headline and tomorrow's old news. His actions affected the entire population on the ship in one way or another.


I'm not going to start creating scenarios about this man...was he mentally ill? was he compulsive? was he drunk? pretty soon people will have a mini-series plotted out in their brains and writing books about the event. It is what it is, a man supposedly jumped overboard, probably killing himself...fellow passengers were affected by this incident. Case closed.


I literally looked for the "like" button. LOL

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I really get tired of folks giving military people a "pass" simply because they might suffer from PTSD. I don't know how much military service you have or how much combat you've seen but I've been involved in my share and I think PTSD is an excuse that has really been worn out. I know it happens but feel it is much more rare than Hollywood and the news media would have you believe. It seems now days whenever someone in the military does anything wrong everybody wants to blame PTSD when "stupid" or "drunk and crazy" might be the more likely cause.

I will agree that non of us whould get a pass but Im glad that the VA at least acknowledges this as a Dx.

Everyone has thier own way of processing stress and traumatic situations. That I will leave to those, that know more than me, to figure out.


I know how i handle mine but cant speak for others.


But I have seen some guys do some really stupid stuff on liberty/leave:eek:

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No one knows what went through this person's head and no one should make assumptions, PTSD, depression, drunk who knows maybe it was revenge. What ever it was I feel bad that the only solution this man could find was to jump.


I pray his family will not blame themselves for his decision. Until we have walked in his shoes, no one should judge. JMHO.

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I really get tired of folks giving military people a "pass" simply because they might suffer from PTSD. I don't know how much military service you have or how much combat you've seen but I've been involved in my share and I think PTSD is an excuse that has really been worn out. I know it happens but feel it is much more rare than Hollywood and the news media would have you believe. It seems now days whenever someone in the military does anything wrong everybody wants to blame PTSD when "stupid" or "drunk and crazy" might be the more likely cause.


I don't know that they get a "pass". It's quite striking to see a vet, 15 years post war experience, hear a noise and hit the floor so fast it makes your head spin because he thought it was incomming helicopters.

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I don't know that they get a "pass". It's quite striking to see a vet, 15 years post war experience, hear a noise and hit the floor so fast it makes your head spin because he thought it was incomming helicopters.


When I was stationed in the UK in the early 80's we had an "old timer" that would leap under desks and into corners when loud noises would appear.

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Boy, I have to agree with Halos...this person was not killed in Mexico or fell out of a harness while parasailing...he jumped off the ship of his own volition. If I was sailing on that ship after planning and saving for months or a year for my only week of vacation...counting down the days, packing and re-packing, budgeting time and money, coordinating vacations with co-workers, anticipating the event and, finally, we're on the ship and looking forward to a week of pampering and fun, then this happens. Yes, I'd be upset that itineraries were cancelled. And, Halos is right about the vibe on the ship...on one of our cruises, we had a man airlifted by helicopter because he had an apparent heart attack...the mood on the ship suddenly shifted, everyone got quiet and spoke in hushed tones and I felt compassion for the patient because he became unexpectedly ill. After he was safely in the helicopter, the mood lightened up.


I don't know the man that allegedly jumped off the ship or the reasons he did so, therefore feel no compassion for him. I don't know his family and cannot guess what they are feeling and therefore, feel no compassion for them either. Unfortunately, it's todays headline and tomorrow's old news. His actions affected the entire population on the ship in one way or another.


I'm not going to start creating scenarios about this man...was he mentally ill? was he compulsive? was he drunk? pretty soon people will have a mini-series plotted out in their brains and writing books about the event. It is what it is, a man supposedly jumped overboard, probably killing himself...fellow passengers were affected by this incident. Case closed.


Maybe you better not cruise because there are alot of things that can cause a ship to cancel ports. Hate to see how you'd react to a storm cancelling your cruise. You're probably one of those that yells at the people who work for the cruise line when they can't let you board the ship because the port is closed. How dare they make changes to your vacation.

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