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Gap Khaki = too casual?


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"Lois, isn't that a bit sexist to say it is okay for guys but not gals"?


No, I don't think it is sexist. I was comparing a pair of khakis for a man on casual night~as opposed to wearing a pair of dress slacks. I wouldn't expect him to wear the slacks that go with his suit on casual night.


I think the question for khakis on Casual night was for women. My answer was, In my opinion yes they are too casual.

I don't think being sexist had anything to do with my reply. Oh, and a man in a nice pair of dockers with a nice oxford shirt with loafers to me is just fine for a casual evening. If he wants to get more dressed up than that, more power to him. If not, all I was saying, I have seen lots of men in that type of outfit on my cruises.

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Lois, isn't that a bit sexist to say it is okay for guys but not gals?


Not that Lois needs my defense, but I didn't find her comment sexist at all.


Women have SO MANY choices when it comes to dressing for dinner.....dresses, skirts, pants. A limitless variety of fabrics - - silk, linen, rayon, microfiber - and color - black, red, purple, gold, stripes, paisley's, polka dots, etc.

I can wear a pair of baby blue wide legged georgette pants with a halter top to dinner. DH can't.

Men have only a few choices in fabrics, less choices in color and then even less choices in silhouette.


Also, because of a man's build, a pair of khaki's with a nice botton down shirt, a casual blazer and a pair of topsiders, can look elegant. The same outfit on me, while it might look even "Ralph Lauren-y" (is there such a word) is still going to look very casual. Something I'd wear when I'm running errands.


Many people like the unisex look, even unisex fragrances, but for me, I say "Vive la Difference!"



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Lois and Jane...I agree, nothing sexist at all!


The other night DH and I went out to dinner and he wore a white dress shirt with khakis, black loafers and a black belt. I wore black microfiber pants, a baby blue sweater set and black sandals.


If I would have worn DH's outfit, I would have looked extremely casual for dinner at one of the newest hot spots in town. ;)

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Hi Jane:) thanks. I was thinking the same thing about all the choices we have but I was sort of taken aback by the sexist comment I forgot to type that part too.

Yep, I can dress up or down on casual night and so can a man. But he really only has 2 choices~pants or pants;) Well, of course a Scotsman can wear his kilt too:D

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Hi Karen:) don't you love the microfibers? They feel so good against the skin and are washable too:D

And the baby blue and black sound lovely!

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Yes, I love them, Lois! They don't wrinkle, they feel like "buttah",they're lightweight and there's no ironing!


I love the blues and greens, especially the greens, out this spring. I have green eyes and people always notice them when I wear green close to my face. ;)


Hope you're doing well.



Hi Karen:) don't you love the microfibers? They feel so good against the skin and are washable too:D

And the baby blue and black sound lovely!

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Hi Karen:) doing pretty well~other than trying to understand how I got a case of vertigo over the last couple of weeks:( well, the Doc didn't call it that. He said I seem to have a case of labrynthitis:eek:. It is a pain in the you know what.


Other than that, I can't complain. I have 5 months to go until my next cruise. Lets hope I can make it through the summer and fall......October can't get here soon enough.

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Lois, now how in the world did you get labrynthitis? I just "googled" it and read a little. Does it have anything to do with cruising?


Wow...that must be driving you crazy! Yeah, a real pain in the you know what, I'm sure. Are you on meds? Geez...I sure hope it doesn't last much longer.

Are you able to drive?


At least you have another cruise coming up. Hey, October will be here before you know it. Time really flies as you get older, doesn't it? If it makes you feel any better, my next cruise isn't until September 2006!:eek:


Please get better and keep us informed on your progress, ok?

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Hi Karen:) It comes and goes, and no, I haven't had it while driving. And I am not a "pill person". I took some Bonine (though the Dr did write a perscription for something else).


It isn't too too bad. Sometimes I notice it and then sometimes I am just fine.


And no, I don't think it has anything to do with cruising. It is an inner ear problem and the canal that gives us our balance.


Hopefully it will go away as quickly as it arrived.

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Not that Lois needs my defense, but I didn't find her comment sexist at all.


Women have SO MANY choices when it comes to dressing for dinner.....dresses, skirts, pants. A limitless variety of fabrics - - silk, linen, rayon, microfiber - and color - black, red, purple, gold, stripes, paisley's, polka dots, etc.

I can wear a pair of baby blue wide legged georgette pants with a halter top to dinner. DH can't.

Men have only a few choices in fabrics, less choices in color and then even less choices in silhouette.


Also, because of a man's build, a pair of khaki's with a nice botton down shirt, a casual blazer and a pair of topsiders, can look elegant. The same outfit on me, while it might look even "Ralph Lauren-y" (is there such a word) is still going to look very casual. Something I'd wear when I'm running errands.


Many people like the unisex look, even unisex fragrances, but for me, I say "Vive la Difference!"




Well maybe I used the wrong term and I certainly was NOT trying to put Lois on the defense. I WAS NOT attacking her. It just sounds "double-standard" to me. Just think of it-if I am wearing a nice silk outfit and my hubby is in his khakis and golf shirt- (casual night attire for like 90% of the men I have seen on my 9 cruises) isn't he going to look kind of stupid next to me?


Why are woman expected to "deck all out" and not men? I just do not think that is right.

Plus on casual night you NEVER see men in blazers. At least I don't.


As I said we all come from differant regions of the US and are from differants walks of life etc. everyone has a differant view.


I have no Celebrity cruises booked and don't expect to in the near future as we are saving for the big one for our 25th anniversary and we are doing Princess for that-I just hope if I ever do do a Celebrity cruise-I won't allow you guys to have me terrified of dressing wrong.

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momofmeg, nobody is trying to terrify you. I don't think anyone is trying to terrify anyone.


And no, I still don't think it is a double standard. I have been on Celebrity 5 times in the past 2 years and I am going again in October. I think a guy can look very nice in an oxford shirt with a pair of dockers~no, I don't think he would look stupid next to you.

We had a couple at my dinner table in March. The husband was a very casual person and the wife liked dressing up. And they still looked good together. They both carried themselves well. He never wore a tie on casual nights, nor would I expect him to, but she loved to dress up. They looked wonderful together.

I probably have some of their photos below. Noah and Michelle, they just both had a "good vibe" around them.


And nobody said women "have to get decked out". I think some of us like to dress up~and when someone asks a question "are kahkis too casual", I give my opinion. Nobody is telling anyone not to wear them.

If you think it is a double standard, that is your choice. I don't happen to think it is~I can wear kahkis to work, and I do, but I don't care to bring them on a cruise with me.

And I don't have a mate so maybe I shouldn't even be commenting on it.


But your question about your husband looking stupid next you threw me. If you both look good together (as my tablemates did) I think your silk outfit and his outfit would probably look just fine.

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momofmeg, nobody is trying to terrify you. I don't think anyone is trying to terrify anyone.


And no, I still don't think it is a double standard. I have been on Celebrity 5 times in the past 2 years and I am going again in October. I think a guy can look very nice in an oxford shirt with a pair of dockers~no, I don't think he would look stupid next to you.

We had a couple at my dinner table in March. The husband was a very casual person and the wife liked dressing up. And they still looked good together. They both carried themselves well. He never wore a tie on casual nights, nor would I expect him to, but she loved to dress up. They looked wonderful together.

I probably have some of their photos below. Noah and Michelle, they just both had a "good vibe" around them.


And nobody said women "have to get decked out". I think some of us like to dress up~and when someone asks a question "are kahkis too casual", I give my opinion. Nobody is telling anyone not to wear them.

If you think it is a double standard, that is your choice. I don't happen to think it is~I can wear kahkis to work, and I do, but I don't care to bring them on a cruise with me.

And I don't have a mate so maybe I shouldn't even be commenting on it.


But your question about your husband looking stupid next you threw me. If you both look good together (as my tablemates did) I think your silk outfit and his outfit would probably look just fine.


Obviously you do not get what I was trying to say. Maybe I use the wrong words; I don't know. I guess it is too bad there is no tone of voice with these posts. First of all-I was NEVER trying ot offend you in any way. Yes I know you love Celebrity and have cruised that line many times. And Yes I HAVE never been on Celberity so I have no idea what people wear. You say no women wear khakis but men do- so I have to take you at your word. As far of being "terrified" I was being a little sarcastic (Jane ticked me off a bit insinuating I was attacking you as though I had a vendetta against you) -but I guess without tone of voice-no one could get that. A better way of saying things is you have convinced me I probally would not like Celebrity.


Yes I have seen the women dressed to the 9's and their husbands super casual-very often-men as a rule do not like to dress up. That is them-I prefer for hubby and I to dress more the same. For example if I choose to wear a skirt to dinner, he may have on a pair of navy slacks with a button down collared shirt, minus the tie. Now I might would wear a linen pantsuit while he wears his khakis and golf(or some call Polo) shirt but I would never wear a silk outfit when he was so casually attired. To me that would make him look like a bum. The question about him looking "Stupid" was not really a quest.-just the way I feel about it.


As a rule we both dress nicely even on casual night (we think it is fun to dress up) but we have both worn khakis on casual nights (on other cruiselines- as I said I have not been on Celebrity) usually when we had been in port that day and were tired and did not feel like going all out for that evening.


But as I said these are just my opinions-I realize you have your own opinions too. And no just because you are not married at present or a couple or whatever does not mean you cannot have an opinion.


Gals I am just a plain old middle class girl. I never put on airs-I do not pretend to be things I am not. It seems to me my being just a plain ordinary Jane irks alot of you gals. I am sorry. I just cannot understand why expressing an opinion is so upsetting to some of you.


And I still stand by my opinion that if it is okay for men to wear khakis on casual night it should be okay for women. But if you don't feel it is a double standard or sexist that is you and you also are entiled to your opinion.


By the way-Jane110-my hubby does have a couple of silk shirts-I bought them for him but he is like a lot of you-he feels they are "cissy" but he really looks classy when I can convince him to wear them and in my opinion VERY MASCULINE and handsome. I feel there are just as many choices in clothing materials for men as women-there is just that doublestandard again-that certain things are for women or "gay" men. So silly I think. From what I have seen alot of gay men have good taste in clothing and straight men could learn a thing or 2 from them about how to dress.


Anyway I think the oirginal post asked more if this was acceptable as proper dress on Celebrity on Casual nights-all of us are the one that caught up in what we would do or not do.


Maybe the post should just e-mail Celebrity and ask them if it is acceptable.

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Well maybe I used the wrong term and I certainly was NOT trying to put Lois on the defense. I WAS NOT attacking her. It just sounds "double-standard" to me. Just think of it-if I am wearing a nice silk outfit and my hubby is in his khakis and golf shirt- (casual night attire for like 90% of the men I have seen on my 9 cruises) isn't he going to look kind of stupid next to me?

Why are woman expected to "deck all out" and not men? I just do not think that is right.

Plus on casual night you NEVER see men in blazers. At least I don't.

As I said we all come from differant regions of the US and are from differants walks of life etc. everyone has a differant view.

I have no Celebrity cruises booked and don't expect to in the near future as we are saving for the big one for our 25th anniversary and we are doing Princess for that-I just hope if I ever do do a Celebrity cruise-I won't allow you guys to have me terrified of dressing wrong.




I didn't feel like you were attacking Lois. You simply made a comment about her comment and I chimed in that I agree'd with Lois. To me, that's just conversation and expressing points of view. I'm sorry if you felt attacked for giving your opinion. I hope we can offer differing opinions here without people feeling personally attacked.


If a couple both want to wear khaki's polo shirts to dinner on casual night, they can certainly do so. But many women would prefer to be more "dressed" than that. My DH would not wear that kind of clothing to dinner on a casual night. He wears linen or microfiber trousers with a nice long sleeved shirt in linen or silk and a pair of Ferragamo loafers. Sometimes he'll wear an elegant cotton sweater or sometimes he'll wear a blazer depending on his mood. Because my little muffin-of-love is short and chubby, he can't pull off the sexy Prada tee shirt and tight pants look. Looking great is all about knowing what one can and can't wear.


Wear what you want on your Celebrity cruise. If you think you look nice, then I'm sure you do. Hopefully, there are no fashion terrorists here! :)

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I didn't feel like you were attacking Lois. You simply made a comment about her comment and I chimed in that I agree'd with Lois. To me, that's just conversation and expressing points of view. I'm sorry if you felt attacked for giving your opinion. I hope we can offer differing opinions here without people feeling personally attacked.


If a couple both want to wear khaki's polo shirts to dinner on casual night, they can certainly do so. But many women would prefer to be more "dressed" than that. My DH would not wear that kind of clothing to dinner on a casual night. He wears linen or microfiber trousers with a nice long sleeved shirt in linen or silk and a pair of Ferragamo loafers. Sometimes he'll wear an elegant cotton sweater or sometimes he'll wear a blazer depending on his mood. Because my little muffin-of-love is short and chubby, he can't pull off the sexy Prada tee shirt and tight pants look. Looking great is all about knowing what one can and can't wear.


Wear what you want on your Celebrity cruise. If you think you look nice, then I'm sure you do. Hopefully, there are no fashion terrorists here! :)


well I wear khaki pants and by this I mean the sand colored or tape colored pants. some I think are referring to a material. but I do not wear polo shirts. I never liked the look on me. too masculine-now that may sound like I am doing a double standard but if you saw me you would understand, I have kind of delicate features so I have always felt I looked better in more femine stuff. some women though look really good in tailered stuff (you call it the Ralph Lauren look)


On my last cruise on a casual night I wore a peach, coral, taupe, cream colored striped weskit style blouse with khaki colored pants slightly cropped (27inch inseam-I normally wear 29 inch) with a coral linen shirtjacket over it and tan colored slide sandals with a slight wedge heel. I thought I looked really nice. My hubby had on his khakis with a coral and off white colored striped golf(polo) shirt with his docksiders/Sperrys. I thought we looked tons better then those in their bermuda shorts and blue jeans. (there were quite a number of these)This was on Disney Wonder.

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[Whew....sounds like you're doing better than I envisioned! Hang in there, kid! ;)


QUOTE=Lois R]Hi Karen:) It comes and goes, and no, I haven't had it while driving. And I am not a "pill person". I took some Bonine (though the Dr did write a perscription for something else).


It isn't too too bad. Sometimes I notice it and then sometimes I am just fine.


And no, I don't think it has anything to do with cruising. It is an inner ear problem and the canal that gives us our balance.


Hopefully it will go away as quickly as it arrived.

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Hello again~first, I am re-reading this entire thread.

momofmeg, I am trying to find where I said women never wear kahkis. I don't believe I said that~what I was replying to was the OP's question "are they too casual"~I can only answer for me~In my opinion they are~but I am not telling anyone what to wear or what not to wear.


To the original poster~I never meant for your topic to be picked apart like this~



Hope you enjoy your cruise:)

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well I wear khaki pants and by this I mean the sand colored or tape colored pants. some I think are referring to a material. but I do not wear polo shirts. I never liked the look on me. too masculine-now that may sound like I am doing a double standard but if you saw me you would understand, I have kind of delicate features so I have always felt I looked better in more femine stuff. some women though look really good in tailered stuff (you call it the Ralph Lauren look)


On my last cruise on a casual night I wore a peach, coral, taupe, cream colored striped weskit style blouse with khaki colored pants slightly cropped (27inch inseam-I normally wear 29 inch) with a coral linen shirtjacket over it and tan colored slide sandals with a slight wedge heel. I thought I looked really nice. My hubby had on his khakis with a coral and off white colored striped golf(polo) shirt with his docksiders/Sperrys. I thought we looked tons better then those in their bermuda shorts and blue jeans. (there were quite a number of these)This was on Disney Wonder.




I'm quite certain that most of us here feel that the term "khaki pants" refers to a specific style/look which is very casual. Actually, some people will even say they're wearing navy khaki's, which only goes to show even further, that it's an overall style of pant that's being referred to. It's generally a heavy cotton pant usually with 4 or more pockets and is very casual looking. If you look at GAP khaki's or Eddie Bauer Khaki's, it'll show a distinct look. And you might think this is "sexist" but imo, khaki pants look more casual on women than they do on men..........or really I should say, that it's easier for a man to "dress up" a pair of khaki's than it is for a woman. Men can wear them with a nice loafer, but for women, they never look good with a kitten heeled sandal - it's off balance. Again, that's my personal opinion and if you disagree, it's really fine. We're all about opinions here. :)


Now that I know you wore "khaki colored" pants on your cruise, it's a whole different image in my mind. BTW, what's the weskit blouse? For some reason, I'm thinking woman serving beer in Germany wearing tight blouse w/ over flowing boobs..........is that a weskit?


I do agree with you that I think couples look better together when they're dressed at the same level of casualness or dressiness. I would not wear a pair of dressy crepe evening pants, silk top, high heeled sandals while DH is in khaki's, a casual cotton shirt and topsiders.



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Lois - I'll be sailing again in September. I've already started making plans on what to bring - that's as much fun for me as the actual cruise. I have a Citiknits dress on waitlist that I can't wait to get. It's the one with the flutter sleeves.


Madelinerose - Good to "see" you, too.


Now, on the the khaki thing...I had said that I don't recall seeing any women in khakis at dinner. And yes, I do think capris are acceptable. Not denim ones, but a nice capri suit. They come in all kinds of fabric - some dressier than others. IMHO a nice capri suit does look "dressier" than a pair of khakis.

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Hello again~first, I am re-reading this entire thread.

momofmeg, I am trying to find where I said women never wear kahkis. I don't believe I said that~what I was replying to was the OP's question "are they too casual"~I can only answer for me~In my opinion they are~but I am not telling anyone what to wear or what not to wear.


To the original poster~I never meant for your topic to be picked apart like this~



Hope you enjoy your cruise:)

No you did not say that in so many words- but you did imply she would be going against dresscode if she wore khakis. but let's just let it go. I am terribly sorry I upset you.


One thing too I was thinking is maybe my idea of khaki is not you gals. As I keep saying in differant regions of the country what we may means differant things by the terms we use. I noticed the original post mentioned hers were cargo pants. Now isn't those the pants with the pockets down on the legs? Now I would not wear those pants. Hubby does not either-we are both a little long in the tooth for that. Now my daughter has a pair or 2 of them but as I think about it I do not think she has ever worn hers to dinner on a cruise-she usually dresses up a little more then that.

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I'm quite certain that most of us here feel that the term "khaki pants" refers to a specific style/look which is very casual. Actually, some people will even say they're wearing navy khaki's, which only goes to show even further, that it's an overall style of pant that's being referred to. It's generally a heavy cotton pant usually with 4 or more pockets and is very casual looking. If you look at GAP khaki's or Eddie Bauer Khaki's, it'll show a distinct look. And you might think this is "sexist" but imo, khaki pants look more casual on women than they do on men..........or really I should say, that it's easier for a man to "dress up" a pair of khaki's than it is for a woman. Men can wear them with a nice loafer, but for women, they never look good with a kitten heeled sandal - it's off balance. Again, that's my personal opinion and if you disagree, it's really fine. We're all about opinions here. :)


Now that I know you wore "khaki colored" pants on your cruise, it's a whole different image in my mind. BTW, what's the weskit blouse? For some reason, I'm thinking woman serving beer in Germany wearing tight blouse w/ over flowing boobs..........is that a weskit?


I do agree with you that I think couples look better together when they're dressed at the same level of casualness or dressiness. I would not wear a pair of dressy crepe evening pants, silk top, high heeled sandals while DH is in khaki's, a casual cotton shirt and topsiders.




A drop out button up blouse that forms two "V"s on the bottom of the hem. Very flattering to women who are a little thick around the middle. Makes you look a good ten pounds thinner around the middle. They were very popular about 10-15 years ago and then in the past year they started showing up again. I was so happy to see them back in the stores. I look tons better in them then I do in just a simple dropout blouse.

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A drop out button up blouse that forms two "V"s on the bottom of the hem. Very flattering to women who are a little thick around the middle. Makes you look a good ten pounds thinner around the middle. They were very popular about 10-15 years ago and then in the past year they started showing up again. I was so happy to see them back in the stores. I look tons better in them then I do in just a simple dropout blouse.




Okay, I think I understand the two "V's" - meaning notches?. From your description, it sounds like a blouse that's never tucked in, and probably has princess seaming down the front and back creating an almost peplum effect. But now, what's a "drop out" blouse?



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