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End of Elite cocktail party?


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Sounds like it would be a perfect outcome of getting a freebee drinkcard instead of the social event!! Heck, even if they have the Elite social, I'd love to meet up and enjoy talking.....but you've got to realize me being an Old Salt, I'll try to get you to buy the round!!


Enjoy your cruise, and loved your response..I was a bit edgy and your's was classy!




Well Den - let me just say this - I'd be proud to buy my new Elite friend a round! I'm really not as evil as all this would indicate. I'm just saying that these types of programs are not promises. They come, they change and they go. Lets all mix together and have a great time. I've not been on as many cruises as you but I've spent time in China, Malaysia, Mexico, France . . . I bet we could swap some "stories"!!!


So Den (and Mrs Den or a S.O.) then next round is on me :) (and dh)!!! Cruise On!

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My next cruise on Celebrity has a base price of $7,798.00 and I don't feel that I am paying for anything other than a cabin. Do you Elite status people trying to defend a cocktail party not get how silly you sound. So stomp your foot and if you don't get your party - where lets face it, it is all about feeling special (but now there are too many special people) - then you'll just cruise with another line.


Some of you are saying that you love the parties for the chance to meet and talk to others who love to cruise - well there are plently of wonderful, educated, well traveled people out there on the cruise ship for you to meet on any cruise if you get your head out of the clouds.


An airline f.f. program or a cruise line loyalty program - to define yourself by these perks is sad. I admit that I do love first class if I am lucky enough to get bumped up there - but I certainly don't book expecting it and I certainly don't throw a hissy fit if I don't get it.


If (and it is a big if as I believe that the program will change and I love other types of travel as well) that I ever make Elite - I sure hope that I don't end up sounding as snobby and entitled as some of you. Lighten up! Celebrity doesn't owe you anything.


If you chose to criuse another line - go for it - there will always be someone else to take your spot on Celebrity. Just the plain truth of business.


That's what RCL thought too that's why they are spending hundreds of thousands putting Diamond lounges on all their ships, they loss a whole lot more passengers than they ever thought they would when they kick the Diamonds out of the CL. Never under estimate an angry passenger :eek:

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I talked today via email with our very good friends who just returned to Southhampton on the Eclipse. All was normal, nothing changed. I think it might have been an emergency change as there was probably an enourmous group of Elites on the transatlantic.

I also think that there might be just a tad of snobbery from one or two of the posters here. Just my thought. There are a few of us Elites that do appreciate the cocktail party, both for the social part and also for the fact that after spending tens of thousands of dollars over the years, probably well over $100,000 for us, we get a drink or two from the cruiseline. Royal Caribbean treated us badly and we hope Celebrity won't do the same. As we all know, liquor has a very high markup. It doesn't cost the line much to offer a cocktail or two. We paid for plenty of them over the years.

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My next cruise on Celebrity has a base price of $7,798.00 and I don't feel that I am paying for anything other than a cabin. Do you Elite status people trying to defend a cocktail party not get how silly you sound. So stomp your foot and if you don't get your party - where lets face it, it is all about feeling special (but now there are too many special people) - then you'll just cruise with another line.


Some of you are saying that you love the parties for the chance to meet and talk to others who love to cruise - well there are plently of wonderful, educated, well traveled people out there on the cruise ship for you to meet on any cruise if you get your head out of the clouds.


An airline f.f. program or a cruise line loyalty program - to define yourself by these perks is sad. I admit that I do love first class if I am lucky enough to get bumped up there - but I certainly don't book expecting it and I certainly don't throw a hissy fit if I don't get it.


If (and it is a big if as I believe that the program will change and I love other types of travel as well) that I ever make Elite - I sure hope that I don't end up sounding as snobby and entitled as some of you. Lighten up! Celebrity doesn't owe you anything.


If you chose to criuse another line - go for it - there will always be someone else to take your spot on Celebrity. Just the plain truth of business.


As you say your just paying for your room. You must know that the cost of the rooms pay for the lights, fuel, food and drinks on the ship. In Celebrities business plan they know their cost. They must know what the costs are for the drinks at the cocktail hour. If there not meeting their numbers then they will have to up room prices or cut other cost. I'm hoping that this was because of the number of Elites on the TA. Richard

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Just one comment on this subject.


We enjoy Michael's Club and have sailed our way into Elite with our loyalty to Celebrity and Azamara Club Cruises. We enjoy meeting old and new friends who are experienced travelers on X. The drinks are a nice perk, but we would be there just as much if we were buying our drinks. It is the friends, the staff who call you by name and the quiet relaxation (as compared to some of the other bars on the ship) that keep bringing us back to X and to Michael's Club.


If numbers are a problem, I would suggest that you earn your way into the Elite lounge and not be able to buy your way in by booking a suite or by being Diamond on RCCL. A first time X cruiser in a penthouse is quite different than the Elite member who has earned this Elite perk by sailing frequently in an inside or OV cabin. Loyalty perks should be based Xpressly upon brand loyalty.



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I think the biggest problem is that Elite status is too easy to attain. 5 two day cruises in Concierge class or above and you're in. I also agree with others that Celebrity should end the reciprocity. I can't imagine what 1000 Elites on a TA would be like. 600 was bad enough.

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Just one comment on this subject.


We enjoy Michael's Club and have sailed our way into Elite with our loyalty to Celebrity and Azamara Club Cruises. We enjoy meeting old and new friends who are experienced travelers on X. The drinks are a nice perk, but we would be there just as much if we were buying our drinks. It is the friends, the staff who call you by name and the quiet relaxation (as compared to some of the other bars on the ship) that keep bringing us back to X and to Michael's Club.


If numbers are a problem, I would suggest that you earn your way into the Elite lounge and not be able to buy your way in by booking a suite or by being Diamond on RCCL. A first time X cruiser in a penthouse is quite different than the Elite member who has earned this Elite perk by sailing frequently in an inside or OV cabin. Loyalty perks should be based Xpressly upon brand loyalty.




Really? So people book that book the cheap seats for 10 cruises are more loyal than someone unloading 12-15 grand for a Penthouse. LOL. Don't think and either do the cruise lines.

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I think the biggest problem is that Elite status is too easy to attain. 5 two day cruises in Concierge class or above and you're in. I also agree with others that Celebrity should end the reciprocity. I can't imagine what 1000 Elites on a TA would be like. 600 was bad enough.


With 354 days with RCCL and 19 cruises credits on X ( and will have 33 cruise credits by 14 Feb 2014) we certainly agree with YVR.

We enjoy seeing past faces from other cruises, a quiet area where we have plenty of room to seat large groups, and a couple of free drinks. ! !!!!

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We board the Millennium on Friday, our first Celebrity cruise as Elite. We were looking forward to the Elite cocktail party, both for the free drinks and an opportunity to meet others. If they are offering coupons on our cruise I will be disappointed that we will not get to experience the Elite evening event at least for one cruise. But the coupon idea would also work for us. I assume it would be possible to get your drink and then take it away with you, something you could not do from the Elite event. Then, one could take the drink back to the cabin and enjoy it while getting ready for the show, or supper.


Does this mean I can bring a glass of wine from a bar into the MDR and enjoy it with my meal? Heck, might as well bring a glass in each hand and then nix my need to order a bottle of wine at the table which is my usual custom. I'll be saving big bucks!!

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My next cruise on Celebrity has a base price of $7,798.00 and I don't feel that I am paying for anything other than a cabin. Do you Elite status people trying to defend a cocktail party not get how silly you sound. So stomp your foot and if you don't get your party - where lets face it, it is all about feeling special (but now there are too many special people) - then you'll just cruise with another line.


Some of you are saying that you love the parties for the chance to meet and talk to others who love to cruise - well there are plently of wonderful, educated, well traveled people out there on the cruise ship for you to meet on any cruise if you get your head out of the clouds.


An airline f.f. program or a cruise line loyalty program - to define yourself by these perks is sad. I admit that I do love first class if I am lucky enough to get bumped up there - but I certainly don't book expecting it and I certainly don't throw a hissy fit if I don't get it.


If (and it is a big if as I believe that the program will change and I love other types of travel as well) that I ever make Elite - I sure hope that I don't end up sounding as snobby and entitled as some of you. Lighten up! Celebrity doesn't owe you anything.


If you chose to criuse another line - go for it - there will always be someone else to take your spot on Celebrity. Just the plain truth of business.


I'm fairly sure people can make a point in a civil way, without being rude and aggressive.


I travel solo quite often. Although I rarely have more than a soft drink, I love the Elite lounge because I can go there as a single and be welcomed immediately. Somone will always invite you to join them if they see you alone. This will NOT happen in other bars, whether on Celebrity ships or other ships. The dynamics are just different.


I can understand that you might not know why this experience is valued by others, since you have not experienced it. You also might not know that for most Elites (unfortunate label), it is not about the free drinks at all.


I quite understand that something may have to be done, as there are just too many Elites on some cruises. But they do need to give people a heads up, before final payment, when this type of change takes place. It is just good business practice. Whether or not this is a long-term change in policy, it has negatively affected the cruise experience for some people who have just arrived on their long-awaited cruise, only to find that an experience that they expected to enjoy, was being cancelled without warning.


From my perspective, I think it is past time that the reciprocity between RCCL and Celebrity be severed.

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It seems to me that people are arguing that its the social aspect of not meeting people at the same time and place that's causing the issue.


It quite simple if they change to the coupon option then before the cruise we can decide via the Roll Call which nominated bar is the new "elite" bar and then turn up with our vouchers and meet new friends.


Even if its sprung on us during embarkation I am sure we can still nominate bar on the day via CC and even post it on the notice board by guest services


Just because X no longer has a specific bar/lounge doesn't stop it happening you just have to have a little bit of common sense and organise it ourselves


In fact you could nominate a different bar/lounge each night of the cruise post it on CC roll call and "bar crawl" which might be fun :)

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Very nice post. I cruise Celebrity for huge number of reasons, not just one... And certainly not one centered around free drinks.


Whatever bar we are in we meet people... That is cruising!


Also, don't you think it would be cool to be talking to some new cruisers at a bar and they notice the coupons that you are using for drinks and ask about how to get them and you explain what they are? That would be good for the cruise line I would think!


But don't you understand that the point here is that the change was instituted without any advance notice? I don't know what your status of Host means....but surely you, if no one else, should address this issue.

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My last (and final) Carnival cruise was so bad, I would have paid $50 to get OFF early.


It was the front end of a back-to-back, the second leg of which was my first Celebrity experience. I was so impressed by Celebrity, I've booked only them since (having previously tried many other main stream cruiselines).


I'll finally be Elite for my upcoming cruise on the Eclipse 11/9. I'm hoping that the OP's reference to logistics is the reason the current TA has had a change in the Elite Hour. But if not, I think I have a right to be pretty upset and disappointed that a big perk I've worked toward and paid for has vanished with little notice.


I chose this cruise twelve months ago over an all-inclusive resort and the cocktail hour was part of the decision, especially the chance to meet so many other loyal Celebrity cruisers.


I don't think my concern is "sad", "silly", or comes from my head "being in the clouds."

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Hi Everyone,


While this is understandably a hot button item for some of our members, I hope everyone will take a deep breath and relax. It's possible what was reported in another thread, is due to a huge amount of Elite members onboard, which is fairly common for Transatlantic sailings. I'm just as curious if this is a one-off situation, or... if it's the start of something new.


I'm trying to find out addtional information. Let's hope Celebrity will reply. Stay Tuned !

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I go for the drinks. We eat at 6pm so we have time for one or two since time at the trough, as you call it is 5-7. We still have a bar bill of several hundred dollars at the end of the cruise. I take it as Celebrity's way of saying thank you for the well over $50,000 we've spent with them over the years and please keep coming back.

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Would it change who I booked with - no because it was a FREEBIE. I'm not going to love that but hey - I'm still getting something FOR FREE for those miles. Just like on this TA, there are drink coupons


My only point in this is - it is all about business. Be thankful for what you do get and know that at any time - it can come, go or change.


"Jane, you're playing a game you never can win girl..."


Consider yourself fortunate that "insensitive," "obnoxious," "rude," and "troll" are ONLY as bad as you have been called on this thread. I hope you will consider those labels as badges of honesty and courage since pointing out that "The Emperor has no clothes," to so many of the naked royalty here can get dicey. :rolleyes:


I am truly astounded that "drb" did not draw any righteous indignation for his "I am tempted to ask if you all would like some cheese with that whine." Or better yet, Wine-O and "Just think of it as being on welfare..." ZOWIE!!!:eek:


I really wish I could have gotten the "Multi-Quote This Message" function to include as many choice nuggets as I wanted, such as ...




"We MAY be jumping the gun here" and "...people will yell."


"How many FREE drinks do you need per day to feel you are getting your money's worth" ;)


"...there will always be someone else to take your spot on Celebrity. Just the plain truth of business." (amazing that in a world of 7,000,000,000 people there are always those few who really believe Celebrity Cruiselines (and perhaps even the rotation of the Earth) would falter without THEM. :p


I also think that there might be just a tad of snobbery from one or two of the posters here. for the fact that after spending tens of thousands of dollars over the years, probably well over $100,000 for us, we get a drink or two from the cruiseline. Royal Caribbean treated us badly and we hope Celebrity won't do the same. It doesn't cost the line much to offer a cocktail or two.


You are ABSOLUTELY correct, it does NOT "cost the line much to offer a cocktail or two." TO YOU.


Now imagine a place called REALITY in which Celebrity Cruiselines has 5 Solstice Class ships at 2,900 passengers each, 4 Millenneum Class ships at 1,950 passengers each, 1 Century class ship at 1,700 passengers. Each ship makes roughly 45 sailings per year, bringing yearly passenger totals to just over ONE MILLION Lets just say only 5 percent are ELITE for a total of FIFTY THOUSAND people consuming ONLY 2 drinks per day for an average cruise length of 7 days.


Shoot, no big deal, how about you spring for the bar bill? :D

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Hi Everyone,


While this is understandably a hot button item for some of our members, I hope everyone will take a deep breath and relax. It's possible what was reported in another thread, is due to a huge amount of Elite members onboard, which is fairly common for Transatlantic sailings. I'm just as curious if this is a one-off situation, or... if it's the start of something new.


I'm trying to find out additional information. Let's hope Celebrity will reply. Stay Tuned !


I just happened on this thread. We have a Celebrity Trans-Pacific booked for late April, 2013, and are Elite. The roll call indicates that there may be over 200 Elites. Final payment is not due until January, but knowing what the Elite benefits will truly be is of some importance. We should know now, not on our final payment date.


Jane has made several comments, some logical, others not so. Most certainly, Celebrity must earn profits to survive. But the profits are not only determined by sales on board, but also by the number of bookings. Celebrity apparently determined that bookings would be increased by offering the Elite perk under discussion. To withdraw it now may be detrimental to future bookings.


We have not sailed with Celebrity since the Elite cocktail time was started. But that has been an influence for our current booking. We also have a booking with Silversea for the same spring time across the Pacific. The cost is higher, but it includes wine, liquor, tips, and a few other no-cost items. The Silversea suite is also a bit better that the Celebrity one.


We had decided on Celebrity, but now may reverse that decision.


One Celebrity option I have thought of in the past is to limit the free drinks to two per person. This is the maximum people should have before dinner anyway. And the drinks provided do not have the cost to Celebrity of the amounts charged at other times. But the venue should remain as it is so that one can meet other cruisers.


Surely the Celebrity have the intelligence to follow the drink limit per "happy hour" I suggest above.


Bob :cool:

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I have read through all the posts - here is it as I see it


* there has been a change in operation on a cruise

* we do not know whether this is driven by logistics or a policy change yet


If it is to address a logistical issue, can you blame the cruiseline? They could not offer an event as a perk knowing that for operational reasons they actually could not accommodate all entitled to the event in one or even two places. To staff up and shut down several extra places would have an impact on all passengers.


So they come up with a solution that keeps the commitment to offer guests pre dinner drinks that will not have the same negative impact as the current method. So where is the problem?


* is it because the guests are limited to two drinks? From having witnessed some behaviour of guests in the Elite lounge, that will now also remove some other issues that were emerging so has to be a plus for the cruise line. Indeed as the cruise lines are all working more closely on Sensible Drinking programmes, sadly the stupidity of a minority (albeit a growing minority) may be a factor (though I doubt a prime driver) in this decision

* is it because the Elite guests cannot feel special and flaunt their access to places to others? I doubt anyone on here will own up to that one but for a few, their inner voice may be saying to them - that's you

* is it because the change has come about late? Changes happen, this is not a contractual issue the perk has not been removed it has been modified and as your contract says lots of things can be modified for operational reasons. Would you rather the cruiseline had left things as is, tried to manage large numbers of Elites in various venues, knowing that perhaps they would have service issues in these venues? aka "I went to the Elite lounge but never got served" or "I could not find any bar to get good service in as several were open only to guests who were considered to be elite"


Lets now consider if this is trialling a permanent move. Inevitable I would say given the increasing number of elites and the fact the CEO has already said there will be changes to the Captains Club in the coming year.


How might these changes play out - a new higher category that has a "venue" as a perk, drinks vouchers for others - would certainly be an option. This is the world of business and the maths of unlimited drinks for large numbers every night cannot stack up. The argument about where do I meet friends wont wash in business, indeed the cruiseline might be deliberately wanting to mix up first time and repeat passengers more and this will help with this agenda.


I wonder if as an alternative to vouchers Celebrity might go down the route of offering a discount of an alcoholic or non alcoholic beverage package? Indeed they could extend that to Select members offering a lower discount, you have a precedent there with the internet minutes and from a business perspective they might see this as increasing the package take up.

That would be a fair way of redistributing the benefit value particularly if the discount was scaled to attempt to equalise the value - I.e the cheaper non alcoholic packages attracting a higher discount. As a further enhancement to counter the "i cannot justify a package argument" it would be great if the systems would allow an opt in/out at time of reservation or up to x days pre cruise guests could indicate if they wish to receive two coupons a day or have the discount on the package (ideally with them still being able to purchase the package on embarkation day)


If its a permanent change, I am sure some calculations have been done balancing the risk of losing guests with the costs of keeping the programme as is.


Lets all draw breath and see what emerges and remember we are so lucky to have the privilege to be able to cruise the world and there are other far bigger things in life to worry about each day.

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It seems to me that people are arguing that its the social aspect of not meeting people at the same time and place that's causing the issue.


It quite simple if they change to the coupon option then before the cruise we can decide via the Roll Call which nominated bar is the new "elite" bar and then turn up with our vouchers and meet new friends.



That's a nice idea, but the logistical problem of having potentially 1000 or more Elite voucher holders trying to use a single lounge/bar would be identical to keeping the status quo. I'm pretty sure that none of the bar areas could accomodate more than 300 max.

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We just got off the Eclipse on Saturday and the Constellation two weeks prior to that and there was no mention or hint of any changes to the Cocktail hour policy on either ship.


This seems like a one-off occurrance due to a high number of elites on board on the current cruise.


I have to say that even I was amazed at how busy the lounge was for cocktail hour on the recent Eclipse sailing compared to a year ago when I was last on board the Eclipse. It was almost full in the Sky lounge, where it was half empty last year!.


Personally, I'd love to have coupons in lieu so I can drink when and where I want to drink as we too prefer to eat late and find the current lounge hours don't always work for us.:)

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Wow, poor show from Celebrity. Cancelling last minute for the whole cruise is bad. They must have known in advance the numbers of Elite on board and should have planned accordingly. I appreciate everything comes at a price and those who are not Elite pay for the perks for those who are. I had no problem with this while I was paying my way up to Elite but for Celebrity to pull that rug away from under their feet is unacceptable. I do agree that they should look at how the points are collected. I tend to go for longer and b2b cruises, sometimes in Aqua or CC but the extra number of nights do not fairly equate to the allocation of the credits given to members of the Club, a system based on days cruised would be much fairer.


I do like the social time but would be happy with vouchers providing they were at least 3 per person, this would be sufficient to accommodate those that prefer to drink more but you would not be obliged to use them for alcohol, possibly could be exchanged for coffee/ice cream etc anytime during day. This would encourage people to use the different venues more evenly throughout the day and a plus point would be more of a buzz in the different bars out-with peak times.


I do like Celebrity as a cruise line and the Elite Club is one of the main reasons I have remained loyal to Celebrity and not cruised with HAL but if there was a detrimental change I would purely look at price taking into account the extra cost of alcohol and other beverages.

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