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Most annoying thing?


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all the people that complain about children being in the pools and hot tubs. I paid a full cruise fare for each of my children (twins currently 12yrs old), they have just as much right as you to use the pools. Oh and those of you asking why parents dont put the kids in camp carnival, we do and thats when we see the kids running through the ship, doing the scavanger hunts provided by carnival. :)


That's just fine as long as they behave as they are supposed to, but if they act like brats, they should be treated as such.



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all the people that complain about children being in the pools and hot tubs. I paid a full cruise fare for each of my children (twins currently 12yrs old), they have just as much right as you to use the pools. Oh and those of you asking why parents dont put the kids in camp carnival, we do and thats when we see the kids running through the ship, doing the scavanger hunts provided by carnival. :)


The problem is that the back pool and hot tubs have signs on them that say ADULT only. So it's annoying that you go there to be away from kids and there are kids in there.

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The problem is that the back pool and hot tubs have signs on them that say ADULT only. So it's annoying that you go there to be away from kids and there are kids in there.


I can understand that. I think its a bit silly to get so upset about it, but I can understand part of that.

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Again, that depends on what YOU find "rude". I have met uppity snotty people who find it rude for a child to not address people with "sir" or "maam". I dont find that rude. I have met people who find it rude for a child speak when not being spoken to. Again, I dont find that rude.


People have different definitions of rude. Thats what you and others dont seem to understand.


Have you not read all the pages that people are complainging about children running and screaming in the halls at all hours, blocking stairwells, making a big mess for someone else to clean up, running over people, getting in elevators and pushing all the buttons and generally just acting like brats???? If your kids are like this, you need to correct them. I could care less if they call anyone "sir or mam". A little commons sense goes a long way. Every one else on the ship also paid their fare to be there without having to put with a bunch of nonsense.



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When I actually think about it I suppose there are a few things that annoy me on a cruise. Like seeing young kids wander around the ship alone at night, and as someone else mentioned the photographers. I've never cared much for having my picture taken and I really REALLY hate it when one comes along to our table in the MDR at night and shoves a camera in my face while I have a mouth full of food. Other than that nope.


Those are just annoyances to me anyway. I don't let anything deter me from having a good time on vacation, every one is an adventure and if the weather's bad, well there are lots of other things to do on a ship to keep busy. I think the ones who complain about every little thing are just like that in their every day life. Not happy unless they have something to moan about :)

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Have you not read all the pages that people are complainging about children running and screaming in the halls at all hours, blocking stairwells, making a big mess for someone else to clean up, running over people, getting in elevators and pushing all the buttons and generally just acting like brats???? If your kids are like this, you need to correct them. I could care less if they call anyone "sir or mam". A little commons sense goes a long way. Every one else on the ship also paid their fare to be there without having to put with a bunch of nonsense.



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I may be wrong about this and forgive me if I am, but when I order room service, I leave the dirty dishes in my room and put a note on them. It says, "Please remove". The room steward takes them away.

It sort of grosses me out to see half eaten food sitting on the floor of hallways outside people's cabins. Especially after someone has already stepped into it and spread it around.

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Another thing would be young children running amouk with no parental supervision. Not just children in general, but when they are obviously doing things they're old enough to know they shouldn't be doing like making a mess at the ice cream station. Someone has to clean that up, and it just isn't necessary. Or running up and down a hallway screaming at the top of their lungs. Stuff like that. I just want to grab them by their ear and drag them back to their parents. :) Thankfully we don't see things like that too often.


We went on the Magic last year during Spring Break. I just knew we were going to come across lots of drunk spring breakers. Nope, the worst was crazy ten-twelve year olds running around the ship. They would get on the elevators and push every button and leave there stinking ice cream cones everywhere to melt. Drove me nuts and I really like kids!

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I have a 10year old boy who has been on 16 cruises. There has been times I have to correct him. However, I can count them on one hand for these minor trangressions. This does not compare to the times I have heard the F bomb being dropped on the ship. The agruments between husband/wife, boyfriend girlfriend, or line cutting by adults not to mention, someone being drunk and abusive. My kid is respectful and has been treated very well by most of the passengers and all of Carnival's staff. Therefore, I will continue to ensure my child is not a bother to any other passengers, However, I would ask for those reading this to remember, it not always the kids acting poorly the F-bomb is still highly offensive. Abusive passengers towards their spouses or crew members are. And highly intoxicated people acting out are. Out of 16 cruises, I have only had remove my child a couple times from these rude adults. Remember the kids are paid for passengers and I have never seen kids drop the F-bomb, be abusive or drunk.

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OK, so if someone (family,good friends) sees you child doing something "wrong" they should just ignore the situation, and say nothing? Kids learn from what their parents say and do and I am sure that you would want them to put their fist in someone's mouth for correcting them.


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Most annoying was definitely changing the itinerary at the last minute, announcing that there would be a change, but intentionally withholding the details of that change until well after the ship had left port (presumably to make it more difficult for passengers to make their own alternative arrangements)

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People "photo bombing" you because they are too clueless to see (or care) that you are getting your picture taken. I'm not talking about like at ports where people just randomly stop to point and shoot, but when there is a formal set up onboard and people just walk through. Happened to us last month on a cruise. Some people are in outer space or something when they're walking.

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I've only been on one cruise. We are parents, but our children were not with us.

Here is a list of the things I saw kids doing (and I've only listed things that I happened more than once or saw different children doing) that I would definitely not want my children to do:

1. Running from the pool to the ice cream machine and then running back to the pool, sopping wet with nothing to cover their suit, knocking into guests and crew members.

2. Pushing all of the buttons in the elevator

3. Knocking into people who were trying to exit the elevator. I mean, literally pushing or bumping them out of the way so they could get on before the others exited.

4. Running up and down the hall screaming and hitting the walls/cabin doors

5. Getting into the hot tub (not sure if it was an adult one. I didn't get into any of them), bobbing up and down getting the water into the mouth then spitting it out back into the hot tub.


I didn't say anything to any of the children I saw and neither did I observe anyone say something to them.


Only once did I say something to two boys about what they were doing, they were playing ping pong but stopped playing that to toss a stuffed animal back and forth and to throw it at each other. It went through the railing above the Lido deck and landed on the edge of a small metal lip outside the rail. One of the boys laid down on the deck and started inching through the rail opening trying to reach his toy. I reacted as soon as I saw him hanging out there and said the only thing that I could get out "hey, HEY HEY! NO NO!" I guess that could be considered "disciplining" someone else's child but what if he fell and then the parent wanted to know why I saw him and didn't try to stop him?


As I said, we've only been on one cruise. The most annoying thing for us was the very loud people in the hallway after midnight. I didn't open the door to see how old they were.

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We had a really annoying issue on one of our last carnival cruises. A group of special needs adults was cruising with their handlers (clearly not family members). The handlers seemed very into cruising and not so much into "handling." While they chatted with each other, sunned themselves, and ate, their charges were urinating on themselves (and the furniture), screaming, spitting, grabbing passengers, and (in one case) vomiting on themselves and the ship.


One of the special needs women liked to spit and I kept having to yank my toddler away as she walked by because she kept trying to spit on him. I'm sure she was just trying to be affectionate, but that did not make it okay. The aides did nothing.


In the most extreme example, I stepped onto an elevator with one of the special needs women. It was not until the doors closed that I noticed (smelled) that she was covered in vomit. The aide halfheartedly warned the woman to stop trying to grab me as she played with her camera and I held my breath and prayed the doors would open.


I got the distinct impression that these were aides who had arranged for a free cruise by "assisting" special needs people. I bet there were families back home who imagined their sons and daughters getting pool therapy in the tropical sun. Or being fed spoonfuls of decadent buffet food. Not being left to hand-feed themselves a mess on the Lido deck as the aides shooed them away. Thankfully, this was a one-off situation that I haven't seen repeated, and probably never will.

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We had a really annoying issue on one of our last carnival cruises. A group of special needs adults was cruising with their handlers (clearly not family members). The handlers seemed very into cruising and not so much into "handling." While they chatted with each other, sunned themselves, and ate, their charges were urinating on themselves (and the furniture), screaming, spitting, grabbing passengers, and (in one case) vomiting on themselves and the ship.


One of the special needs women liked to spit and I kept having to yank my toddler away as she walked by because she kept trying to spit on him. I'm sure she was just trying to be affectionate, but that did not make it okay. The aides did nothing.


In the most extreme example, I stepped onto an elevator with one of the special needs women. It was not until the doors closed that I noticed (smelled) that she was covered in vomit. The aide halfheartedly warned the woman to stop trying to grab me as she played with her camera and I held my breath and prayed the doors would open.


I got the distinct impression that these were aides who had arranged for a free cruise by "assisting" special needs people. I bet there were families back home who imagined their sons and daughters getting pool therapy in the tropical sun. Or being fed spoonfuls of decadent buffet food. Not being left to hand-feed themselves a mess on the Lido deck as the aides shooed them away. Thankfully, this was a one-off situation that I haven't seen repeated, and probably never will.



Ok. Just reading your post makes my stomach turn.

Thats sooo unsanitary and a health issue for everyone onboard and at the public places. WOW

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... what is the most annoying thing to you that happens on a cruise?


Mine: parents letting little children go to the buffet line alone

and watching them put their hands on everything. Just me.

Not just you....a lot of people.

Buffet is emergency food only, if all other options are considered.


That's why God made Main Dining Rooms -certainly for breakfasts and dinners.



My particular irritant?

Un-necessary marketing ANNOUNCEMENTS in dormitory hallways

for Bingo. HooWee! exciting Bingo, inches of gold, etc.

which might attract maybe 1-2 % of all cruisers on board.


Therefore the other 98-99% of us must suffer this noise pollution?


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I dislike, but wont say hate, the fact that Carnival push push pushes people to drink. A lot.


I don't drink at all and I have never felt pressure to drink on any of my Carnival cruises so not sure what you mean by this statement. My husband on the other hand does drink but again never feels like he's being forced to drink anything.

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This is not so much on the cruise, but reading reviews people post afterwards. Unrealistic people who write scathing reviews of Carnival and the MDR food. "It was ok, but I've had better." You don't say? Honestly do people expect to go on ANY mass market cruise, where most food is included in the modest price of the vacation plus their lodging, and expect that it would be some sort of Michelin star dining experience?


SMH. Next they'll be complaining that the cruise wasn't free, or that they weren't paid to go on it.

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After reading John's blog for a while I am wondering about some of the people who cruise and get upset over every little thing. Can't believe some of things that people write to John about. It has got me curious now, what is the most annoying thing to you that happens on a cruise? Mine: parents letting little children go to the buffet line alone and watching them put their hands on everything. Just me.


Who is John and where is his blog?

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I didn't have too many pet peeves....but one thing we did run in to that drove me crazy was how there were two kids in the Serenity deck hot tub playing marco polo...and no crew around to ask them to leave. My husband and I wanted to go up there and relax in the hot tubs with just other adults and peace and quiet. This was supposed to be an adults only deck. The two kids were extremely obnoxious and did not care one bit when my husband and I got in there. The hot tub was also pretty cold...so we made our way out of there quickly and enjoyed the adult only hot tubs on the other side of the ship much better!

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My problem is unattended kids. We had an instance last cruise where a little kid, not more than ten called us f,ers because we told them to stop leaning over the railing. They could easily gotten hurt. I do not apologize for "disciplining" other people's kids if danger is involved.

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I may be wrong about this and forgive me if I am, but when I order room service, I leave the dirty dishes in my room and put a note on them. It says, "Please remove". The room steward takes them away.

It sort of grosses me out to see half eaten food sitting on the floor of hallways outside people's cabins. Especially after someone has already stepped into it and spread it around.



Trays being left in the halls don't annoy me but people who step in the trays and then spread it around might. ;)

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The very loud hip hop krap music on the lido!:eek:


Hear, hear!


Bring back the live Caribbean bands!!:D


Now, now, let's not be expecting miracles. I'd settle for some calypso, reggae, and Jimmy Buffett from the deejay.


(I personally would be happy with hearing hard rock and metal, since I'm a radio deejay, but it's about as out-of-place on a tropical island cruise as....hip hop krap music. :D )

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