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The Ma'am's Star Western Caribbean Review with Pictures!


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I got off at midnight last night and fell asleep trying to post. Thus the post without a picture!




p><p>As I mentioned, we were a group of 21 in 7 suites and 2 AFT balconies.  We had enough


http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd360/robingk/IMG_1861_zps8b50a5b6.jpg' alt='IMG_1861_zps8b50a5b6.jpg'>


We had a beautiful sunset as we left port. Drinks in hand, we were underway! This is the beautiful Star Bar.




After two dirty gin martinis I do not remember much about dinner that night. I think we ate in Aqua and turned in early.

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We got a bottle of bubbly in our suite, as did Planma'am next door. We shared it with Screenma'am on the other side of me and we made mimosas during the week with them. That was nice to have out there int he mornings.


My VERY FAVORITE thing about the suite was that Lavaza machine!!! I love a good cup of espresso in the morning and my machine had been on the blink for a week before the cruise. I would have three cups of the purple pod every morning. Even the coffee in Cagney's didn't compare. I do need to look at getting another machine. (If I could have only taken theirs with me!!!) No, really, it was too big. I would need to add on to the kitchen to fit that thing in!


The next morning we were up early and I was enjoying that coffee.




Oh my. Do you see what I see? It seems during the night the balcony divider came open. It was just sitting ajar so my BIL pushed a table against it to keep it fully open and in place and we were SO happy!


So it is Monday and breakfast at Cagney's was in order. We headed up there at about 9 and enjoyed what would be my DH's favorite of the suite perks: Cagney's breakfast and lunch. I had the crab cakes Benedict. Oh my, I would order this two more times during the week. There also were fresh fruit, cheeses, cereals, juices, fish and danishes on the buffet table there. I always had fruit with breakfast.


We went back to our cabins to get our gifts for the Cruise Critic Meet & Greet. We had name tags and many colored sharpies to make name tags.We got to Ginza to see that Katherine Quiestas, the group services coordinator, already had name tags with the NCL logo on them. We just put our sharpies out and made sure that everyone put their screen name on their tag along with their name. She also had a sign in list. I did not realize until told later that we were to place a 'B' by our name if we wanted the bridge tour later in the cruise, compliments of the captain. Planma'am, Screenma'am and I tried to greet everyone as they entered Ginza and found seats. We had a GREAT turnout. I stopped counting at 56 and I know more entered!




Many of the officers were there and spoke to us. The last one was about to speak when we saw Captain Kostas Fafalios coming. He greeted us and spoke several minutes. He was most outgoing and personable and extended to us the bridge tour. (This was held on Saturday morning in two sessions as there were so many of us. IMG_1870_zpsda19badb.jpg[/img]



We had a good time exchanging gifts from our home region and visiting with the person whose gift we received. It is always fun to put faces to the names of those we have been visiting with for so long. I opened my gift just today and wow, it is fabulous toffee!!!


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After the Meet & Greet we had a delema: lunch in Cagney's or make it to the Latitudes Party? We decided to get a quick bite in the buffet after the Latitudes Party. (We DID have a big late breakfast)


The Latitudes party was held in Spinnaker Lounge.



They had white and red wine, bloody marys and some other choices of drinks. I had two glasses of the red wine. They had prize give a ways also.


Afterwards we headed up to Market Buffet for lunch. I had salad that was so fresh with everything I could want to put in it. It was late but the buffet still looked neat and appetizing.


The Washy Washy Happy Happy Smiley Smiley guys were there and doing their promotion of cleanliness. I must note here that the patrons were able to self serve and there seemed no fear of illness on this cruise. I know that two weeks prior to us, the utensils wrapped in napkins were handed out, there was no self service in the buffet, and a deck was quarantined.


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A nap was in order after the TWO glasses of wine at the Latitudes Party. I also looked over the Freestyle Daily. I noted on the one for the day before that SHARKBAIT WAS ON BOARD!!! I had heard so much about these guys and had watched an interview of them on you tube. They had not been on two cruises prior to us, but I was hoping they would be back from their Christmas break. I was beyond excited to see that I would experience their show.


I checked on the kids and learned that my daughter was taking my grand girl to the family cupcake decorating in the Market Cafe. My niece was also taking her daughter, so Planma'am and I headed up to help the Grand Girls make masterpiece cupcakes.




The finished product and the proud artist.




My grand girl, Rayne, was fascinated with watching the wake after ingesting her piece of art.


Maybe it was nap time for her.



It was soon time for a Martini tasting. Screenma'am, Planma'am, me, Planma'am's hubby's cousin and friend all headed to Gatsby's.



Oh yes, this had to be documented.




We thought we were arriving early enough to get a seat at the bar. The place was packed. There was room for all and we had seats where we were close to the bar and could see all that was going on. It was a disappointment that it was just not what we have experienced in the past. We had a tasting with Candalaria on the Pearl. We had a tasting on the Pearl two years later with a guy who poured 7 kinds of martinis at one time into about 15 glasses and told the funniest jokes and stories. This tasting, it just seemed they were overwhelmed with making that many drinks and did not entertain us much. I realize they are making $ here, but I think they should scale back, limit the # of patrons, and have more of these tastings available. AND maybe get the talented and entertaining bar staff back. They were stars!


I must say the favorite was the chocolate martini. They did not make my favorite, the original GIN martini, dirty with lots of olives.



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I don't know if the Grand Girls took a nap or not.


This was my niece's room (Planma'am's daughter). That fold out bed was huge. I lay down in it and it was not uncomfortable. I can easily see two being able to sleep in it.


She had a forward looking room with angled window on deck 12 and my son and DIL had the one on the other side of deck 12. Those rooms seemed a bit bigger but did not have the Murphy bed that folds down from the wall.



There was a VIP cocktail party in the spinnaker at 6:45 that evening. We again had wines and drinks.


Dinner was at Le Bistro that evening. We had a party of about 18 and we are seated just inside the door.


The food was not disappointing, the best on the ship in my opinion. (Except the Chef's Table)




My entree YUM












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I take that back, that was not one of the angled window rooms, that was a regular deck 12 room, by DD and SIL's.


More Le Bistro:

This is the dessert that Planma'am and I shared that evening.




The presentation of the food was outstanding in my opinion. I enjoyed every bite!


DH and I after we stuffed ourselves




We picked up the Grand Girls at the Kids Club and came back to our cabins as we were sitting them again tonight so parents could have adult time and adult drinks.


They had Princess Night at Kids Club and even had a Princess Parade!



What a big day it had been. We got to bed late. My family had a relaxing day planned for Costa Maya on Tuesday.

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Loving your review! We will be on this cruise Easter Sunday and have one of the aft balcony rooms on the 10th deck. Its our very first true aft cabin and we can't wait! We were hoping to move to an aft suite but they sold out before we could decide lol. Looking forward to the rest of your review!

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My sisters and I (with our hubbys) have been cruising about every two years. Planma'am and I were talking last night about how that is TOO long between cruises. I want to cruise every year.


We are looking at our next cruise.......


On Tuesday we docked in Costa Maya. My family had reserved a private palapa at Maya Chan. DH and I had been to Costa Maya on our Spirit cruise in '09 but just hung out in the cruise dock area.


Chah Chi beach is still there looking deserted and forlorn. It is such a a beautiful spot but totally inaccessible because of the big wall the cruise port has built. The cruise port itself had no beach but it does have a beautiful pool and a 'beachy' area with sand.




It is clean and you can spend quite a bit of time wandering the shops and enjoy drinks for hours there inexpensively.


We opted for a quiet lazy day on the beach. That is what my kids kept telling me that they wanted and I really scored this time!!! All I can say is...

Oh, Maya Chan


We found our way out of the terminal area and to the taxi booth outside the port. They had radios and were very helpful in directing you and notifying the booth that 7 were coming for Maya Chan. We then joined a group against the wall and soon our bus had arrived. It was a big bus that was comfortable enough. Our ride was S L O W, very B u M p Y, but arrive we did.




This was to our right and I did not at first realize that we were stopping. I just thought that we were slowing down for another of those colossal BuMpS in the road. I gazed at the bus and thought it was a casualty of the road. But we stayed stopped. I looked to the left and was the entrance right there! There was a booth that you walk under and the owners son was there to greet us. We stood in line as each guest signed in, then we walked down a beautiful path to the kitchen/eating area. We were shown where the restroom was and the showers and lockers. To the right of the eating area was an area set up for massages. Just in front of us there was the beach. After seeing Mitsugirlys pictures, it was so awesome to be here and see it for ourselves! Better than any picture I had seen!


We were then shown to our palapa.





It is the big one in the background. And did I mean BIG! I had asked for 7 chairs, a hammock and a bed. We also had a little chair for my Grand Girl! They had a bucket of sand toys for her beside her chair. This was just above and beyond wonderful. She had so much fun playing with those.




This is the view from our palapa of the beach.




There is our ship.




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I had given this cruise to my kids for Christmas 2011. I originally had them all in a Family Suite on deck 12 (Son, Daughter, Son in law and Grand Girl). Then my son got engaged! Oh happy day! We celebrated a June wedding last year, and for a wedding gift, I moved them to their own suite next door to the original one. I now have the Daughter in law of my dreams! (Love you Sweetie!) Then for Christmas 2012, I gave each couple a note telling them that my credit card would go on their accounts at check in. I just did not want to pull an 'Oprah' and give them something that would cost them a dent in their budget. (Daughter is saving to buy a house and DIL is just starting grad school) They know this was a once in a lifetime vacay for the family and Christmas won't ALWAYS be like that! Anyway, I picked out all our excursions with their wishes in mind and paid for them all, even though we did not book them through the ship. I also prepaid their hotel in NOLA as I got a great rate back in May or June.


So, I was very nervous and hoping that all was approved of.






It was beyond their expectations also. I had read recently that the water is not clear. I had read that they had had a wonderful Nov. and Dec. with clear water. So I was anxious to see what the weather would present for us in the clarity of the water.




Just look at that water! It was perfect. You can read on their website how they keep everything natural and don't want to leave a negative imprint on the land/water. The beach was clean and raked and soft.




We all enjoyed these chairs.




The hammock.




And the view.




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I am not done bragging on Maya Chan!


We all got buttered up.




Unpacked our things and made ourselves at home in our haven for the day.




They had drinks for us imediately and chips and salsa. We got refills on the chips.





Everyone thought the guacamole was the best they have ever eaten. No. It couldn't be better than mine.


I don't have a pic of it but I think DIL does. Yes, it was better than mine. :o


Or maybe mine would be just as good on a Caribbean beach. :p


We felt very secure leaving our things while in the water.




We got drinks delivered to us all day. The food was fabulous and the variety had something for everyone.





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DH got a massage and went snorkeling. He brought back some finds to show us. We only left them out of the water for a bit, so they did survive.




The two on the right were empty shell that we brought home with us after washing them off.





We all wore ourselves out.




And took naps




Caught up on email and FB and made some posts to friends back home.




We were pampered and spoiled.




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A cute story while at Maya Chan:





They have a webcam at the bar that looks out onto the beach. You can see somewhat the things going on there.


My DIL had texted her family back home. Several of them are employed at the same place. She told them to pull up the Maya Chan website and look at the webcam.


They texted her back and said that they had seen my son several times, but had not seen her. I was coming out of the bathroom and they were in front of the camera looking at their phones. I stopped and asked what they were doing and DIL told me that they were waiting to see if her family saw her yet.


I could just picture the whole office at a standstill, in front of a computer monitor, watching for them! They did send a message that they saw them! That was fun.


There was a wedding there that day. I did not see it, as we were down at the end of the property. I was in the water with my GG and she pointed to the beach and said "LOOK! A princess!!!" I looked up to see the photographer taking a picture of the bride and groom in the water at the edge of the beach. I bet that was a beautiful picture. I will have that vision in my mind whenever I think of Maya Chan.


We had a long time at Maya Chan as it is a long port day. It was the best of all our days on the cruise.


We headed back to the cruise port in a smaller van bus. This ended up being a smoother ride than the big bus we had arrived in. It just seemed able to take the BuMpS in the road better, maneuvering around them at times instead of going straight through them.




We got some cute pictures at the port. Who can resist the "holding the ship in your hand" photo op?




My family




Tired as we all were





Headed back to the beautiful Star.




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I am working this weekend. It is time for me to get ready, so I will pause and let Planma'am, and hopefully Screenma'am make some posts of their day in Costa Maya. I may make more posts when I arrive home tonight but may not as I work from 2 pm till midnight today.


When I work the weekend, I am the only RN on campus taking care of 400 individuals who are mentally and physically handicapped. If an LVN needs me (we always have at least 23 LVN's on campus to give meds and do basic care.) I come to their aid. It can be slow, or it can be very busy and hectic. We are a large facility physically spread out on what used to be an ARMY base. My step counter racks up! On week days, I am one of five 2-10 shift supervisors, and only take care of 80 individuals (and supervise 6 LVNs) in my Castle Pines area.


Did I mention I LOVE MY JOB, MY INDIVIDUALS, and my LVNs?!!!

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We have Maya Chan reserved for our 2/24 Star cruise. I am driving my DH crazy with my countdown. It was so fun to see your incredible pictures. What time did you actually leave the dock area to go to Maya Chan? Great review and it's fun that you are all contributing!

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