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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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So glad I logged instead of watching the Superbowl. I am so excited about this review as we will be on her in April. As you where skipping and jumping while boarding, I am jumping for joy to read this. Off to a great start.......oh I only have 10 more Sundays and then it will be live for us!

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It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around a cruise ship that has SEVENTEEN decks…and actually, this is a misnomer, as the Allure has a few more, but due to their weird deck-numbering system, that’s a whole nother story. I actually got to visit one of those weirdly-numbered decks – TW – but that is a story for a future day.


Anyway…back to Deck 17.


Most of Deck 17 consists of what lies beyond the locked doors…the Loft suites. Which I never saw. Because the door is locked. I’m sure it’s to keep the riff-raff – such as yours truly – out.




I’ve really got to start cultivating friends who sail in the Loft suites so that I can sneak a peek. Any takers?? To be my friends and invite me into your Loft suite the next time?? I’ll only take a few thousand photos and plaster them all over an EPIC REVIEW so thousands of people can see your cabin. <wink>


With no access to the coveted Loft suites, I moved on to the other, public areas of Deck 17.


There’s the Pinnacle Chapel…which, being on Deck 17, practically has you closer to Heaven than you could ever be:



Port side...


Starboard side...

I visited the Pinnacle Chapel twice…hoping to be a Wedding Crasher…but alas. No weddings that I ever saw. I will say that it was much narrower than I expected. You could almost – but not quite – touch both walls if you stood in the middle. I’m just saying that in case you decide to get married onboard – and want to have 10 bridesmaids and 10 groomsmen. Unless you stack them on top of each other, you may have problems.


The other area that I visited was the under-appreciated Viking Crown Lounge. It is a surprisingly large – and beautifully-decorated space – and unfortunately, empty. At least it was when I visited it. I didn’t visit it at night, but I wanted to, after reading Gambee’s review of it (and HERE'S a link with his review and MUCH better photos than I ever took...I hope he doesn't mind that I'm linking to his amazing photos of the Lounge!)


Here is just the first of SEVERAL horrible photos I took of the Viking Crown Lounge. (BTW...on a side note...because of camera issues, I ended up having to use my measly, peasly iPhone 4S for my photos. I apologize...if you can get past the poor quality, I promise to make up for it in quantity. I took the most amazing photos - in my mind - but unfortunately, it's a little difficult to upload those, for some reason. Go figure.)



Bad photo #1




Bad Photo #2. The Lounge DID have some INCREDIBLE views...this is St. Thomas out the window.



And...Bad Photo #3.


However, I DID manage to snag an INCREDIBLE photo of the amazing carpet in the Lounge (don't laugh; I thought it was cool. For some reason, it evoked memories of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"...anyone else get that vibe? Or is it just me??!!)




There would be dance music in the evenings, as well as Sunset Martini Hours (20% off martinis) between the hours of 5 and 8:00 pm.



Finally, the Pinnacle Lounge is located on Deck 17…but I have no photos. In my defense, I didn't know it was open to EVERYONE onboard. The name threw me. A "Diamond" Lounge is open only to Diamond members, so I naturally thought that a Pinnacle Lounge is open only to Pinnacle members. Wouldn't you assume the same??!! Don't fall for this trap. It is misnamed - as it should really be called the "Lounge With No Name."


It was intended to be a lounge for the Loft Suite cruisers, but is now primarily used for private events, such as wedding receptions...where you can partake of wedding cake and free champagne. However, I noticed that there quite a few art events taking place in the Pinnacle Lounge – including the infamous champagne art reception. Be sure to read your Cruise Compasses for other events that take place here.


Next up: Deck 16

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Poor Jack... The thought bubble above his head could read:


"Do I alert the TSA about this one or not?"


That made me laugh out loud. So true, huh?! He was so...bewildered. :)


HAHA Sherri

I just "knew" from seeing your random pics on facebook a review would surely follow.......and it has, I'm here till the end


Yay, Wendy! You knew it was coming! :)

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I have actual envy here as sometimes i think there is nothing more that i'd love to do than travel alone at least once in my lifetime (sorry mr charleyroo!)... imagine the people you meet!


Charlotte - you are so right; you really do meet some interesting people traveling solo! I have to travel solo a lot with work (with the Red Cross), and I have done a few solo trips to Walt Disney World...so I've had some practice. It can be a bit intimidating - especially when eating alone in a fine restaurant - but I've learned to just face my fears, plunge in, and meet new people. Wait until you hear about some of the people I met on this sailing! :)


Sherri, I am absolutely loving this review. I surprised friends on the Allure last summer. As someone who writes reviews, I will tell you: you have me entirely beat to heck! And I would gladly cruise with you any day. :)


Just had to chime in here that this paragraph shows how utterly and entirely clueless some of the "RC agents" are.


If you had brought a driver's license and your social security card, you would have been waving good bye to the Allure from the pier. :cool:


First, thanks for coming along! I always, always, always read your reviews, as I enjoy them very much! (I usually just lurk, though; I need to be better at posting!)


And YIKES! I'm glad I went with my gut and had my passport sent to me!!! I would have been CRUSHED to be left behind on the pier!!! This is good information to know.

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I'm intrigued! Can't wait for the next part ...


"Intrigued" is good! Thanks for coming along on the fun!


Yea......Stephanie Plum, I mean Sherri is back.

Loving the review so far. Keep it coming........


Gwen :)


Gwen, never say never is right! Good to see you back! :)

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Sherri -I love this review. Can't wait for the rest. I cruise every summer solo--my husband likes to cruise but doesn't love it like I do. Best regards. Katherine


Thanks, Katherine...and my Dear Hubby isn't the cruiser, either. I mean, he'll go - but he's not an AVID cruiser like me! Glad to meet a fellow solo cruiser!


You are a very entertaining writer! I can't wait for more:D


Thanks, Sharod - I'll get more posted...in between commercials of the Super Bowl, of course!

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Great start and looking forward to the rest. What is the cost for the unlimited Internet package?


Thank you!


And my first question - yay!


And I have an answer for you - complete with a photo - double yay!


The Unlimited Internet Package is $119. I have to say, the internet speed was pretty fast...not LIGHTNING-SPEED, but better than the homing pigeons they've used in the past to get the messages across. I was pleasantly surprised by the speed!



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Mom told me about your review and I had to stop by and read it, I loved your past reviews and I can't to how this one develops.


Thanks for sharing :)


Thanks, Gambee...as I said, YOUR review was amazingly and extremely helpful for me when I had four days to plan and prepare! One of these days, I'd love to cruise with you and your Mom....Imagine the review we could write together upon our return. ;)


Really loving this review so far! Great sense of humor and you are an EPIC writer! :)



That's what I thought too when I read that! I went to the RCCL site to log on and double check just to be sure, and of course, the site's not working for me again.


First, thank you...I appreciate that!


And as I said to Merion's Mom - wow. I'm glad I didn't just go with the DL and a SSI card...Yikes. Lesson learned: Passports are the way to go!

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So glad I logged in instead of watching the Superbowl. I am so excited about this review as we will be on her in April. As you were skipping and jumping while boarding, I am jumping for joy to read this. Off to a great start.......oh I only have 10 more Sundays and then it will be live for us!


Super Bowl, Schmooper Bowl...if you're a Baltimore fan, it's a great game! If you're a 49er fan...not so much. I have it on so I can catch the commercials. :)


I hope you have an amazing time on the Allure...be sure to watch for the tips and advice and secrets I give out! :)

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I can't believe the wonderful timing of your review :) I will be taking my first almost-solo cruise on the Allure next week. I say "almost" because I will be sharing the cabin with my soon-to-be-ex-husband (I forfeited a 2-night on the Constellation last month to have some time alone at home, but neither of us will give up the Allure). We will be going our separate ways. I have been really, really tired of the entire MDR experience for several cruises, just went because my ex enjoys it, so I am really looking forward to hearing what you did instead.



Edited to add: you know you are really addicted to cruising when you choose twin beds in a tiny cabin with your ex over having some peace and quiet alone at home :)

Edited by ZoeyVictoria
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How awkward and sad, ZoeyVictoria. I hope thing work out okay for you. The end of a marriage is always sad and stressful.


I can't believe the wonderful timing of your review :) I will be taking my first almost-solo cruise on the Allure next week. I say "almost" because I will be sharing the cabin with my soon-to-be-ex-husband (I forfeited a 2-night on the Constellation last month to have some time alone at home, but neither of us will give up the Allure). We will be going our separate ways. I have been really, really tired of the entire MDR experience for several cruises, just went because my ex enjoys it, so I am really looking forward to hearing what you did instead.



Edited to add: you know you are really addicted to cruising when you choose twin beds in a tiny cabin with your ex over having some peace and quiet alone at home :)

Edited by Coralc
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I can't believe the wonderful timing of your review :) I will be taking my first almost-solo cruise on the Allure next week. I say "almost" because I will be sharing the cabin with my soon-to-be-ex-husband (I forfeited a 2-night on the Constellation last month to have some time alone at home, but neither of us will give up the Allure). We will be going our separate ways. I have been really, really tired of the entire MDR experience for several cruises, just went because my ex enjoys it, so I am really looking forward to hearing what you did instead.



Edited to add: you know you are really addicted to cruising when you choose twin beds in a tiny cabin with your ex over having some peace and quiet alone at home :)


Wow! I'm glad this review will help you...I ate in the Specialty Restaurants every night, so I will be doing a review of each of them.


I'm sorry about the circumstances, but I'm glad that you and your ex can sail together! This ship is so massive, you can probably escape for some peace and quiet - I'll be sure to tell you where to go for some "alone" time, and it can be our secret! ;)


It's funny about the Constellation...I'm sailing on her in April, for the "Top Chef" (Bravo TV) cruise. Hubby Mike and I are avid "foodies" - and so we're going to enjoy that cruise for sure! I would have been looking to you for some tips and advice.

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Really enjoying your review. I'm currently confined to my house due to bad shoulder injury and to pass time getting as much info as possible on Allure. I like you said I would never sail on such a big ship but DH is starting to talk me into it and after reading Gambee's review I think I've changed my mind. Its great to have something so entertaining to read while bored to tears at home. Gambee's review kept me going for days. Going to start reading your prev reviews as I can tell they will be a great read. I'm going to try my first review after my next cruise in June.

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Really enjoying your review. I'm currently confined to my house due to bad shoulder injury and to pass time getting as much info as possible on Allure. I like you said I would never sail on such a big ship but DH is starting to talk me into it and after reading Gambee's review I think I've changed my mind. Its great to have something so entertaining to read while bored to tears at home. Gambee's review kept me going for days. Going to start reading your prev reviews as I can tell they will be a great read. I'm going to try my first review after my next cruise in June.


Ouch - I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder injury...but I'm glad you have found a way to pass the time! And yes, wasn't Gambee's review amazing?!


I'll be honest - I never thought I'd sail on a ship this big...but it wasn't bad. At all. Trust me. I'll be sure to point out why I think it's manageable. :)

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Continuing on with our tour of the Allure of the Seas...



On to Deck 16.


If we start at the front of the ship, we found the upper floors of the Solarium.



Entrance to the Solarium on Deck 16...however, you could also access this area from Deck 15 and going up a flight of stairs....


And truly…I think the Solarium was my…3rd favorite place? on the ship. Okay…not sure if it was exactly 3rd, but it was DEFINITELY in my Top 10 of Places to Hang Out on the ship.




Because…there’s NO CHILDREN.


Yes. Take note of that, please.


There are no children. No Klingons. No ankle-biters and curtain-climbers. At least under the age of 16. And it WAS enforced on this sailing.


It was bliss.


Not that I don’t love children…I have three of my own, as well as four stepchildren. However, let’s be honest…we ALL need a break from not only others’ children, but our own, as well…and the Solarium was the perfect spot.


There’s the Solarium Bar…



Note to self: Don't take photos when looking into the sun....


Parts of the Solarium were covered, which is awesome in inclement weather…of which we had very little of on this sailing.



See the Bar in the background? Not to mention...some cool chairs and loungers....



There are PLENTY of loungers and chairs in the Solarium...you didn't have to get there at 5:30 a.m. on a sea day to get a spot....





There’s also these…




Don’t make the same mistake I did. I thought they were comfy throw pillows, and I was just about ready to throw myself down on them and wallow in their comfort and softness, when I discovered…these are NOT comfy, soft pillows.


These are ROCKS!


Can you imagine if I'd thrown myself on them?


That woulda’ hurt.


Not to mention it would have hurt my pride.


I have some more AMAZING photos of the Solarium…but I’ll post them when I get to Deck 15…as that’s where I took them, and that’s where I loved to hang out, as I said previously.


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Enjoying your review. Husband and I leave four weeks from today for our second time on Allure. So agree that the carpet in Viking Crown makes you think of "Starry Starry Night".


I'm glad it's not just me!


Four weeks...I'm envious! I know you're going to have a good time - especially if you've gone on her before! :)

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This is a test. I just made up my mind on Friday that I was going to cancel my Allure cruise for March 2014, but I am sure your review is going to have me rethinking things. I better hold off cancelling.


I know everyone says it never feels crowded, but how can that be?

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It's funny about the Constellation...I'm sailing on her in April, for the "Top Chef" (Bravo TV) cruise. Hubby Mike and I are avid "foodies" - and so we're going to enjoy that cruise for sure! I would have been looking to you for some tips and advice.


Can I say I am very jealous - I would love to go on the Top Chef cruise - every time I see it advertised I think how much fun that would be - but being a single mom the logistics are too hard


Enjoying the review so far

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