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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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One of our highlights was the Santorini hike that we did just like your friends (Steve and Amy?) My wife was so impressed with all the "planning" that I did, but in reality a lot of was "copying.'


Thanks for all you do... and I'd be happy to send in my dollar!


That hike was amazing!!! Glad you guys were able to use our info!!! Out of all of the fabulous days we spent on that trip, the hike was still one of our favorites. And by far the cheapest thing we did!!! :D



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You know how you see a thread on the first page of of the RCI Board but for some reason the title doesn't strike you, so you don't click on it? And then the next day the thread is still on the first page. And the next day, and the next day. And the number of posts and views just keeps climbing and climbing until curiosity eventually gets the better of you and you click on the thread just to see what everyone else finds so interesting? That's me with your review. Wow...I should have clicked in from day 1. I'm only up to page 10 and there's still LOTS more to go. GREAT REVIEW! Very entertaining and it's bringing me back to our 2011 cruise. Thanks.

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I was lucky in that I discovered the previous reviews after they were completed. All the waiting for the next update is like waiting for your vacation to arrive except there's nothing I can plan in the interim!


Okay that's a lie, I've already mock planned a sailing on Oasis and Allure. I just have this lack of (unallocated)vacation time issue for the next 2 years.

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With regards to cameras, the shop has Canon, Olympus, Leica, Pentax and others at tax and duty-free prices. On Day 5, they were offering a Canon 520 HS for $279.95 (Is this a good price? I have no idea, so I’d suggest doing your homework if you’re looking to purchase a camera onboard).


I'm still only up to page 21, so sorry if this has already been answered. Looks like a pretty bad price to me, assuming that this is the same model for $169:


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The Alaskan dates open up in March - there's a whole group from the Serenade sailing this summer that wants to do the reunion to Alaska in 2014 - so let me know when you think you all are going...and we'll book then, too. I haven't done ANY research yet at this point - I'm lucky to be planning for THIS summer!


Hi Sherri,


I just spent some time getting caught up on your review. I am still trying to dig out from the snowstorm. It started snowing on Friday am and continued till Saturday afternoon. I had 5 ft drifts in front of my garage doors. Thankfully Ken planned ahead before he left. He had my neighbor plow me out. His friend came over to snowblow as well. I am still shoveling my way out of my front door. Yug!!


We are planning on going sometime in June. I know July/August are the best times to go but they are also the busiest. I would like to get a Aft cabin so I will need to book as soon as the window opens.

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Good morning, Dear Readers…my loyal & faithful ones, and the NEW ones! A special welcome to all of the new readers – where the heck have you BEEN??!! We’ve been having so much fun, so I’m glad you found the party – albeit a bit late! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day…and I hope that whatever you have planned for today, that you have a few minutes to stop by and catch up on the EPIC REVIEW of the Allure...! Again, I’ll post a few posts regarding the ship, and I’ll then go back and address the comments & questions anyone may have…and hopefully, I won’t be so distracted today that I inadvertently leave out an entire 1,000-seat venue like I almost did yesterday….<shudder>.


So…to bring everyone up to speed…we’re on Deck 5…and we’re going to tour the Promenade, in a clock-wise circle…beginning with:





Hey...lookie there!!! Some Diamond Club folks photobombed my picture! You'll see them up towards the top...that's the outside deck that overlooks the Royal Promenade....



Boleros is a Latin-themed dance club…it’s very name conveys a Spanish dance with guitar and castanets and hot music. Every night, there'd be some sexy Latin music spilling out from here....besides dancing, look for drink specials in the Cruise Compass, like 20% off Mojitos or margaritas.






I never ventured in here, as I didn't exactly have a dance partner to salsa with, but from the Cruise in Review DVD, it looked like it was a popular place for dancing.


Boleros would offer different classes, which did have a cost, that included “Learn How to Make the Perfect Mojito & Caipirinha” and “The Art of Mixing Cocktails.”


Even if you never venture here for a night of dancing, be sure to check out the light/glass fixture over the bar:



Hot, hot, hot!!!



It's worth a look-see, because it's just stunning - altho I know my lousy photo doesn't do it justice.


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I’m going to go through every bar & restaurant on the Promenade, and THEN go back to discuss the shops and miscellaneous stuff you’ll find here…


Sorrento’s Pizza Parlor




If you’re in the mood for pizza, look no further than Sorrento’s Pizza Parlor, where you can find the standard cheese & pepperoni pizzas, but other delights such as chicken & potato, chorizo, Hawaiian, and others. There’s also a “Build Your Own Pizza” bar – and the great thing about Sorrento’s – is that it’s FREE!


Let me just say, though, that FREE PIZZA will attract a crowd…especially of the Klingon-type…so be forewarned. The lines can get long; the tables can get crowded….



These tables are to the side of Sorrento's...Oh sure...they look empty NOW...but trust me. This was early in the morning, when Klingons are still in a sleep coma.



The décor is pretty cool…and there’s a plaque that tells how the inspiration for the décor came from buildings typically found in the SoHo district of New York City back in the 1880’s.


Take a few moments and check out the “Italian Wall of Fame” here… photographs of famous Italians adorn the walls, and it was fun to spend a few moments to see how many I recognized.



Here's a fun game to play with the Klingons...tell them "Madonna" is onboard the ship some where...and see if they can find her....of course, this is assuming your Klingons even know who Madonna is!!!





Guest Explorations Desk

Officially, it’s called the “Explorations” Desk…but really, for all intents and purposes, it’s the “Excursion” Desk. If you want to book a shore excursion through RCI, you have three ways of doing it:


1. Do it online through the RCI website before your cruise.

2. Do it on your interactive TV in your stateroom (which I’ll talk about later – and this was VERY easy)

3. Go line up and wait your turn at this little area in the middle of the Royal Rpromenade.


Here, you might be working with my friend, Susanna. She is from Mexico and was a true delight – I had dinner with her and other friends at the Rita’s Fiesta later in the cruise, which I’ll talk about later.




There’s a HUGE booklet of Shore Excursions that will be found in your Stateroom, for each and every port…once you figure which one you want to book, go see Susanna…and tell her Sherri said "Hola!" :D




All this talk of pizza...has me hungry. Go figure. I'll be right back - after I go scrounge up some lunch....THIS is when I wish I were still on a cruise ship, so I could enjoy someone ELSE do the cooking...!

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Shoot - if I relied on mental notes, I'd be a mental case! Hee hee...thank you for commenting. I was being a big baby about it - having a pity party - and I shouldn't have fretted.


One of my favorite quotes (don't know who deserves the credit)..."Mental notes aren't worth the paper they're written on". That becomes more profound with each passing year.


The good news...I'm finally call caught up with this thread. The bad news...I now need to wait for futher installments. :( Maybe I'll start on your Med cruise review to keep me entertained.

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Good morning, Dear Readers…my loyal & faithful ones, and the NEW ones! A special welcome to all of the new readers – where the heck have you BEEN??!! We’ve been having so much fun, so I’m glad you found the party – albeit a bit late! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day…and I hope that whatever you have planned for today, that you have a few minutes to stop by and catch up on the EPIC REVIEW of the Allure...! Again, I’ll post a few posts regarding the ship, and I’ll then go back and address the comments & questions anyone may have…and hopefully, I won’t be so distracted today that I inadvertently leave out an entire 1,000-seat venue like I almost did yesterday….<shudder>.


So…to bring everyone up to speed…we’re on Deck 5…and we’re going to tour the Promenade, in a clock-wise circle…beginning with:





Hey...lookie there!!! Some Diamond Club folks photobombed my picture! You'll see them up towards the top...that's the outside deck that overlooks the Royal Promenade....



Boleros is a Latin-themed dance club…it’s very name conveys a Spanish dance with guitar and castanets and hot music. Every night, there'd be some sexy Latin music spilling out from here....besides dancing, look for drink specials in the Cruise Compass, like 20% off Mojitos or margaritas.






I never ventured in here, as I didn't exactly have a dance partner to salsa with, but from the Cruise in Review DVD, it looked like it was a popular place for dancing.


Boleros would offer different classes, which did have a cost, that included “Learn How to Make the Perfect Mojito & Caipirinha” and “The Art of Mixing Cocktails.”


Even if you never venture here for a night of dancing, be sure to check out the light/glass fixture over the bar:



Hot, hot, hot!!!



It's worth a look-see, because it's just stunning - altho I know my lousy photo doesn't do it justice.


Thanks for your continued EPIC review. The nearer it gets to our time on Allure, the more interesting all your info is, especially the discounted Mojitos! Boleros and Mojitos are one of our favs on RCI ships!
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That hike was amazing!!! Glad you guys were able to use our info!!! Out of all of the fabulous days we spent on that trip, the hike was still one of our favorites. And by far the cheapest thing we did!!! :D





Ok, I'm going to have to go back and read exactly what you did! Still trying to plan our stop in Santorini! :D

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Champagne Bar





If you’re in the mood for some bubbly, then this is the place for you…or, even if you’re NOT in the mood for some bubbly, but just love the AWESOME chairs that are right outside the Bar, and want to sit in one just for the fun of it. Not that I would do that. Oh heck, who am I kidding??!! Of COURSE I DID that – because, really, look at these chairs:



Just give me a crown and a robe, and I really WOULD be a Middle Aged Drama Queen, sitting in my throne!



The Champagne Bar, though, isn’t JUST for drinking some bubbly champagne or sitting regally in the chairs. It’s also used during the week for some “professional” photo opportunities with various DreamWorks characters, such as Alex, King Julien and Gloria (from “Madagascar”.)



Here’s a good place to explain the difference between “professional” photography onboard – and the non-professional. There are TONS of photo opportunities available with various characters during the week – but the majority of them are considered “non-professional," which basically means, "bring your OWN camera." However, they are also “professional” photo opportunities, as well – which means, don't bring your camera - bring your wallet instead. Ka-ching. (Don't worry - the Cruise Compass will tell you whether you need your camera or not.)



Look for classes (usually for a fee) here at the Champagne Bar, as well – such as “Learn How to Make Your Own Martini”. And I prefer mine shaken, not stirred, please, if you DO go and learn…and I also like my martini glass rimmed in chocolate…hint, hint.



Finally, after you’ve taken a moment to just sit in the AWESOME chairs, take another moment to peek at the lights inside the venue – they’re little tiny champagne bubbles…way cool, huh?!



My throat gets all tickly just looking at them....




Guest Services




Whether it wants to be or not, Guest Services is probably one of the busiest places onboard...here's where you go when you need answers, information, or just need to vent.



You can also stop by here to pick up extra copies of the Cruise Compasses - in any language - for any age group:





Guest Services is open 24 hours a day - so here's a hint...if you need to make a visit here, do it in the "off" hours - and not during the busy day time, so you won't have to wait in lines. On the last evening before debarkation, HOLY MOB SCENE, BATMAN...the lines to Guest Services were 3-4 people deep...it was insane!



So...here's a quiz...who can tell me the Godmother of the Allure of the Seas??


Anyone? Anyone?



If you answered "Princess Fiona" - then you're a winner, winner, grub worm dinner! (Because trolls like to eat grub worms, in case you didn't know....)





So...why Princess Fiona? Well, there's a little plaque next to her picture that explains it, but I'll summarize it here:


"Princess Fiona is much like the ship she is Godmother of: spirited, audacious, not afraid to stand out from the crowd, and always seeking her next great adventure."


Hey, wait. That sounds suspiciously like ME!


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Good morning, Dear Readers…my loyal & faithful ones, and the NEW ones! A special welcome to all of the new readers – where the heck have you BEEN??!! We’ve been having so much fun, so I’m glad you found the party – albeit a bit late!



Just thought I'd interject... I read your Freedom review first, because we are headed on Freedom in March. Then, I spent hours and hours reading Serenade when you posted Allure because I just thought I should finish it first! So I've been reading Allure as I got time... and I'm not a late-comer, just a late commenter :) Nothing important to add here, just chiming in :D

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Ok, I'm going to have to go back and read exactly what you did! Still trying to plan our stop in Santorini! :D


We hiked along the edge of the caldera from Fira to Oia. It took about 3 hours, mostly because every 20 ft you have to stop and take a picture of the amazing view. After being entrenched in some of Europe's most populous cities for a week, we saw maybe 5 people the whole time. (Not counting Sherri's family in the van as they drove by us :) )

It was peaceful, gorgeous, exhilarating.... and FREE.

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It’s just…beautiful. They’ve brought in these flying birds, designed by Carmel Mooney, and made of blue Murano glass…and during the day, there are sounds of birds actually chirping as you walk through the gardens. At night, you’ll hear crickets. It’s amazing.


Your review has been awesome. I am really enjoying reading it! This surprised me. Are the bird chirping sounds recorded? REAL birds don't actually live in the Central Park area of the ship, right???


Thanks again for sharing!


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Your review has been awesome. I am really enjoying reading it! This surprised me. Are the bird chirping sounds recorded? REAL birds don't actually live in the Central Park area of the ship, right???


Thanks again for sharing!



The only way to stop bird poop



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I'm glad it has helped! (Can you tell I'm a teacher...? I have to make sure we have the foundation - or the layout - before we build upon it with the "rest of the story"!!!!)


The best part is that the grammar, punctuation, and spelling are just the way they should be. ;) I always enjoy reading pic reviews, and am not nit-picky about that stuff, but some of them make my teeth itch.

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Café Promenade





Oh, how I love the Café Promenade…I think it’s an under-appreciated little treasure, but that may be okay, because the more under-appreciated it is, then the less of a line when I walk up each morning for my usual breakfast of White Chocolate Donuts and iced Chai Tea....So stay away. Really. You'll HATE the Café Promenade. Trust me. <wink>




The offerings would change as the day went on…and the nice thing, the Café Promenade is open really, really late….



Yes. This was where I would head, every morning, for my daily delight. The donuts were free – the tea, no. In fact, ALL of the food here is free…but the drinks are not. My theory is, a lot of people get confused – when they see us whipping out our Seapass cards to pay for our drinks, they assume – wrongly – that we’re also paying for the delicious donuts, cookies, wraps, etc that are piled on our plates. DON’T make that assumption! Feast on the FREE cookies, the FREE donuts, the FREE wraps, the FREE sandwiches...they're FREE!




Just a hint of the specialty drinks they offer…



This is an excellent place to stop for an afternoon cookie…and sit at one of the numerous tables to people-watch along the Promenade. On Day 4 during the cruise, they offered a “Coffee Chat with the Cruise Director’s Staff” – which I didn’t attend, but sounded interesting (at 11:00 am).


Again...stay away from here...at least on the cruises that I'm on. You won't like it. (did that sound believable??!!)



Cupcake Cupboard





Okay…true confessions. I was prepared to hate this place. Not only had I read that the cupcakes were overrated in quality, but I was a tad bit peeved that this was just another nickel-and-dime-us-to-death venue that RCI had plopped into the Royal Promenade to tempt us with.



And then…and then…all that hate when out the window the first time I bit into a delicious delight from this darling little shop. Drat. It would have been easier on my wallet – and my waistline – if I could have avoided this, but alas…I fell in love.




…a CocaCola Vanilla cupcake…it was yummy….!


The cupcakes cost $2.75 a piece…but if you buy a half-dozen or more, you can get a small discount. I WAS going to – for the sake of research, you know – attempt to try EVERY flavor they offer, so I could do a proper EPIC REVIEW. When I found out they offer 32 flavors, I was crushed – there was no way I could eat 32 cupcakes in seven days. Well. I COULD. But I shouldn't. Then – I looked at the bright side…that meant I just needed to continue my cruising adventures, so that I could eventually make my way through all 32 flavors! I’m using that as my argument when I need to convince Dear Hubby it’s time to book another cruise.



There are Cupcake Decorating Classes – both for adults AND kids – but sign up early, as they are extremely popular. I didn’t take the class on the Allure, as I had already done it on the Freedom – but Amy & her mom took it, and they made these darling Poodles:



Almost too cute to eat...! Notice I said "almost"...!



My tips are:

1. If you are going to buy several cupcakes during the voyage, don’t forget to ask for the Frequent Cupcake Buyer Card. It’s free – and for every 6 cupcakes you buy, you get one FREE!

2. Sign up for the Cupcake Decorating Classes as soon as you board – or at least within the first 3-4 hours of boarding.

3. Be adventurous – don’t let the names fool you.

4. Try the “Manly Cupcake” – a cupcake that is topped with bacon. Yup. BACON. REAL BACON. I heard it's good...but I never seemed to find it when I would visit the Cupcake Cupboard...just another reason for me to go back on another cruise.


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Thank you for doing another review Sherri!! Loved your Freedom review ( I go in her in 99 days, WooHoo!!) & I really loved your 12 day Med. review!!


Edited to say, Now I know to look for white chocolate donuts in the Cafe!


Oh, have a wonderful time on the Freedom - such a beautiful ship! Thank you for following along - and yes, now you know where to get the White Chocolate Donuts! And they're FREE! I love that word - FREE!



EPIC fan of your EPIC review! Great stress relief during a tough week and have loved cruise dreamin through your words (and your photos too). Thanks for all the hard work you are putting in (the review, not the cruise).


Why, thank you, EPIC fan! I'm glad I could offer some stress relief...and I appreciate your very kind words! It IS a bit of work, but because I get to relive my cruise as I write about it, it's kinda' fun, too. ;)

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I showed the picture of the freestyle machine screen to my hubby since he is a bit OCD and he shrugged and thought they were trying to be "bubbles". My brain exploded.


That made me laugh out loud! :D


I'm leaving on Indy later this morning. I can't wait to read the rest of your review when I get back!


Wow - have an AMAZING time on the Indy! I'm sure there will be a page or two to read when you return...and then we'll be looking for your EPIC REVIEW! ;)

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We were just testing you ;)

I was actually confused when you went down to deck 5...but maybe you were considering it's stage that's on deck 5 like the deckplans show :p


Btw I "had" to quote you on my latest review...there are just so many places one can say "I could live here" that I just had to....but I did quote so no plagiarism hahaha


See...I just did it to confuse you. ;) I WISH I could say it was done on purpose, but it was a complete oversight on my part. Sigh. Brain fart.


Hey, you can plagiarize or quote me any time - I wouldn't have a problem with it! But you're right...there are just so many places where we can say, "I could live here" - so true!

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Were they the same BeatleManiacs that performed on Serenade with the "Paul" you met in Santorini?


You know... probably around the time you were on this cruise, I was on CC and thinking, Gee, I haven't seen anything from Sherri lately, I wonder if she's still cruising (and reviewing)?


I also owe you a big thank you. I was very fortunate that I booked a Serenade cruise after you. In my research I followed your roll call (probably the most active I've ever seen) read your blog on the prior Med cruise and then got the advantage of reading your review. My wife and I had a wonderful cruise and we followed many of your tips. RomeinLimo was fantastic! One of our highlights was the Santorini hike that we did just like your friends (Steve and Amy?) My wife was so impressed with all the "planning" that I did, but in reality a lot of was "copying.'


Thanks for all you do... and I'd be happy to send in my dollar!


It's funny you would ask about the BeatleManiacs...and I'm glad someone remembered! ;)


When I first heard onboard the Allure that the BeatleManiacs would be performing, I actually made a trip to Guest Services to see if I could get a message to "Sir Paul". The guy at GR looked at me like I was CRAZY as I explained the encounter I'd had with Sir Paul in Santorini last summer, and how I wanted to be able to say hi to him (you know that picture of Jack Doyle - the agent who checked me in??!! THAT'S how the guy at GR looked at me!) Anyway, the GR guy told me how I could get a message...but I didn't. Time got away. Anyway - I went to the show and I realized that this was NOT EVEN the same band that was on the Serenade this summer...these guys were about 20 years older than the other band. I'm SO glad I hadn't sent a message - I would have been a creeper/stalker and it would have been to the WRONG guy!


I'm glad that you found me again, and I'm happy that my review of Europe was able to help in your own planning. Europe can be daunting for those of us who haven't traveled there before, so I knew tips and advice would be appreciated. And yes, the Steve & Amy who did the Santorini hike are the same Steve & Amy who invited me along on this cruise. :)

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You know how you see a thread on the first page of of the RCI Board but for some reason the title doesn't strike you, so you don't click on it? And then the next day the thread is still on the first page. And the next day, and the next day. And the number of posts and views just keeps climbing and climbing until curiosity eventually gets the better of you and you click on the thread just to see what everyone else finds so interesting? That's me with your review. Wow...I should have clicked in from day 1. I'm only up to page 10 and there's still LOTS more to go. GREAT REVIEW! Very entertaining and it's bringing me back to our 2011 cruise. Thanks.


Aw, I LOVE this! And it's so true...those threads that just never seem to die, and you have to cave one day to see what the fuss is about! (I'm assuming you have found Gambee's review of the Allure? It is truly EPIC!)



I was lucky in that I discovered the previous reviews after they were completed. All the waiting for the next update is like waiting for your vacation to arrive except there's nothing I can plan in the interim!


Okay that's a lie, I've already mock planned a sailing on Oasis and Allure. I just have this lack of (unallocated)vacation time issue for the next 2 years.


I love it - a "mock" planning....! THAT'S the spirit! ;) Thank you....! :D

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