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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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Free CRUISE plus FREE FUTURE cruise, plus all traveling expenses reimbursed, plus a STORY for the AGES. Suck it up for a few days, everyone is going to be just fine. To be honest, put me on that ship, I wouldn't mind the adventure. I dont think SAFETY is an issue at all. People are making a big deal out of nothing. The PAX are getting compensated nicely. So, you sleep in tents on the deck. There is no buffet, or unlimited ice cream for a few days. My golly, only 3 square meals. Heaven forbid. Send me on that ship, I'll take that compensation package any day for what the PAX are going through.

ITA!! This what I always tell people living in refugee camps, pooping in buckets, eating stale bread, sleeping in tents in miserable elements!! "This is a STORY for the AGES, stop complaining!!"



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I'd like to think that Carnival has arranged for one awesome BBQ, additional bathrooms and hand sanitizers ready and waiting in Mobile for when the ship arrives for 5,000 people (3,427 Pass & 1,100 crew).


Perhaps they also might want to re-think their commercials. The one where the people are relaxed while on the ships and jump to their previous vacation where they were freaking out...

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As for the ship "moving" it floated 90 miles in 30 hours, that is about 3 miles per hour, and yes it is bobbing up and down and around, but hey, they transfered 3 tons of food and supplies from one ship to another, how did they do that, Toss each box/bag and bottle from the lido deck of one to the other? I would bet they tied one ship to the other, and slid the gangway across and before they started moving things they told the crew "be carefull the ships are still moving" and they did it and did not drown

they transferred the food by shuttle or lifeboat. And actually they probably set up a line of crew and handed each other each case of food until transfer is completed. 3 tons of food is nothing. Could be done in an hr tops.

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I hope but fear the worse that disembarking 3000 people with limited elevators and luggage is gonna be a huge cluster and take some time. Hopefully they learned something from the Splendor.


There's a good argument to pack carry on only. ;)


Carry on bag and a passport--I'd definitely be looking to be the first person off so I wasn't stuck behind the herd.

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We got the following text from Daughter-in-law this morning.(Sh*t and p*ss rolling acroos floor with evry wave. People sick and throwing up every where.) I don't think they can leave their munster station to roam around. She is still in her pajamas.

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Tell me how the transfered the supplies then? Did they have the crew use a life boat to move the supplies (oh yea people on CC say that is not safe)


Did the toss it from one ship to the other?


Did they jump in the water and swim it to them?


How else did they move the supplies?


Yes, in 2003 I was on the Paradise and the medical tender pulled up next to the Paradise at midnight while moving, and they opened the deck 0 door, slid the gang way across and rolled the person on the gearny across, then the crew went back and got luggage, and the other 3 people from his party and they all walked over to the tender, that was tied to our ship holding them together while we were moving slowly. When it was done, they pulled the gangway back, untied and it turned away from us, and sailed away. We never stopped moving, I was on the open deck about with my wife, and we watched this happen. With our own eyes. So yes they can transfer people and luggage from a moving ship to another moving ship at night in the open sea, by walking cross the gangway. It is not a guess, thought, or idea, it is a FACT it can and does happen.

There is a difference between a Pt transfer and supplies.

And If I was on the transfer it wouldnt have been done with a gangway and the Pt would have been in a stokes not a gurney.

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i must admit reading this thread this morning has been way more fun than watching my early morning news. i've learned all about tugboats, the coast guard, maritime law, passports and passport cards, electrical circuitry, and way more about the elimination habits of humans than i care to know. i've also learned about how human waste will eventually lead to the sinking of the ship, that passenger convenience should dictate the tugging of a ship against wind and current direction, that food police are necessary to control the savage instincts of human beings, that sheets and blankets draped over chairs to provide some privacy for people sleeping on deck are tents, and that a passenger's husband is getting his 15 minutes of fame by taking advantage of the misery of 4000 passengers.


i've also learned that thousands of people are predicted never to cruise carnival again as they are trying to find ways to re-book for their cancelled cruises. i've learned that some people are more concerned about if people on the ship are getting more days towards their platinum status (heaven forbid that someone is getting something for free). i've learned that solar panels should be on every ship even though their use in the regular world has proven to be to inconvenient, heavy, expensive, and rarely worth the effort.


i've learned that an incident on one ship proves that all ships owned by a company are suspect and should not be allowed to sail, that those sailing without passports deserve their fate and should have their debarkation slowed for the benefit of those that actually paid for a passport. i've learned that the cruiseline is holding their passengers hostage, gee just throw them all into rafts and lifeboats and have them paddle their way to land.


oh, and the best, gossip rags information repeated a gazillion times by other blogs posing as legitimate news sources carries much more weight than press releases posted on legitimate sites. and now i'm off to have breakfast with my gorgeous french model i met online.


See, Cruise Critic can be very educational.

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First time USA passports for a family of four (two adults, 2 children) now cost a total of $480 + the photos, etc.


That is not insignificant when compared to the cost of a three or four day cruise, especially if a future trip that would require passports is not anticipated.


The need for a passport or passport card for a US citizen when crossing into the USA from Canada or Mexico and the need for a passport when flying to the USA from a country that does not require US citizens to have a passport is a USA government requirement, mainly started after 9/11.


I agree that it is best these days to have a passport, but there are valid financial reasons not to require one on a "closed circuit: cruise.


Yes, a situation could arise where you need to unexpectly need to disembark in Mexico or have to fly back internationally.


But you could have other unusual situations where you do not have proper documentation. As one example, if you are flying and need to make an unusual landing (weather, mechanical trouble, etc) in Russia, but do not have a Russian visa which is required if you fly into that country. Obviously, travelers do not get visas for every country they may fly over, but do not plan to stop in.


Split that cost up over 5 years for the kids and 10 for the adults and it's about a dollar a week.

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This is probably not the time to berate pax or their families for what they are going through.


The crew are also suffering. But I don't think that's the pax fault or that the pax need to feel guilty over it.


What you don't feel sorry for the crew, The same crew that everyone on CC loves like family tips extra and are best friends with? Shame on you, those crew members are all here trying to support their families back home live on the ship for 6 months at a time, and work 20 hour days for very little pay.


I was not berateing the pax or their family, just asking/saying to remember the crew, and what the are going through, and have ahead of them in the days/weeks to come,


At this point they are living in a floating toilet, that will need cleaned and sanitized, and then they still have to live in it.


At least the passengers are out in the open air, and are going to get to go home in a few days.


As for the Pee and Poop I think I could hold it longer than normal, especialy when not eating as much. I normally pee a few times a day, and poop one or two times a day. so think I would be like George on Seinfeld, when they went to pakistan for the wedding, I can hold it.


On the Pee and Poop topic,


I wonder if the entertainment staff are having new contests, like the hairy chest contest, now they could have the "who can pee the farthest" or "who can hit the pool from up here" or


this is worse


target shooting, "can you hit this bucket from here"


Ok, just had to say it.


In support of the passengers and the suffering they are going through, being a Carnival supporter, we are not going to flush the toilet, we are turning of all the power, and only eating cold/room temperature food untill the ship is tied to the dock, Who is with me? Lets support the passengers and crew.

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The Triumph has not been reporting position through AIS since early yesterday. The AIS system is what most tracking information online uses. One can only assume this is to save electricity for other vital onboard services, since the Coast Guard is within eye sight I can see them doing this. When a ship hasn't reported in awhile sometimes the system will spit out old data.



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Can you sail out of New Orleans? Their are still cabins available on the 2/24 NCL Star sailing if you wanted to jump lines.


Thanks we just cancelled and are booked on this sailing! Two more day of relaxation with out worry! Thanks so much. We had looked up other CCL, RCCL, and Disney but over looked NCL. :)

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According to reports and pictures, they used lifeboats to re-supply the Triumph.


You mean they did the dangerous act of lowering a life boat, tieing it to the ships, and getting in and out over an over to move a few tons of supplies,


How daring, from the posts here on CC that is impossible or at least way to risky, they should not have even tried that. after all a ham could have fallen in the water and drown.

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Ok, I had to chuckle at the mention of birth control pills. I guess people might be bored enough to decide to get it on.


Off-topic but humorous, one of the "Level One" necessities for supplies headed to the US research station at the South Pole are BCP's. :D

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What I suggested was someone on the front lines of this company who is trained in crisis management. Someone who can give truthful facts and yes if family wants to call every hour they should be encouraged to do so. The texts coming from passengers do not vary much at all. I trust what they are saying. I am merely echoing what family members are saying on this board and that is they are getting a watered down interpretation of what is really going on. Does it change what is really happening? Of course not, but they are in essence stranded at sea and family members deserve constant communication. I am trained in triage and when you are the lifeline (Carnival) to your loved ones, you had better be available and receptive 24-7.


I'm very surprised a blog like review is not being written and published, pretty much what was done for the Splendor. The PR over that one really put Carnival in an extremely good light.


Who is the CD on the Triumph, and why is that info not being channeled through FB or the JH blog instead of reading about underwear and sausages ad nauseum.

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What you don't feel sorry for the crew, The same crew that everyone on CC loves like family tips extra and are best friends with? Shame on you, those crew members are all here trying to support their families back home live on the ship for 6 months at a time, and work 20 hour days for very little pay.


I was not berateing the pax or their family, just asking/saying to remember the crew, and what the are going through, and have ahead of them in the days/weeks to come,


At this point they are living in a floating toilet, that will need cleaned and sanitized, and then they still have to live in it.


At least the passengers are out in the open air, and are going to get to go home in a few days.


As for the Pee and Poop I think I could hold it longer than normal, especialy when not eating as much. I normally pee a few times a day, and poop one or two times a day. so think I would be like George on Seinfeld, when they went to pakistan for the wedding, I can hold it.


On the Pee and Poop topic,


I wonder if the entertainment staff are having new contests, like the hairy chest contest, now they could have the "who can pee the farthest" or "who can hit the pool from up here" or


this is worse


target shooting, "can you hit this bucket from here"


Ok, just had to say it.


In support of the passengers and the suffering they are going through, being a Carnival supporter, we are not going to flush the toilet, we are turning of all the power, and only eating cold/room temperature food untill the ship is tied to the dock, Who is with me? Lets support the passengers and crew.

Absolutely, we should remember the crew, I'm with you on that. :)

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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my passport and I'm on my third. It's like a ticket to the world. When it gets within several months of expiration, I start thinking about getting it renewed constantly.


Start thinking ealier.


Many countries now require six months of validity left in your passport in order to go there.

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You mean they did the dangerous act of lowering a life boat, tieing it to the ships, and getting in and out over an over to move a few tons of supplies,


How daring, from the posts here on CC that is impossible or at least way to risky, they should not have even tried that. after all a ham could have fallen in the water and drown.

You know the one you are disagreeing with is a Coastie

SO he might have a little more knowledge of what happens in those situations

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That's such a sad mindset. There are so many wonders in this world to explore, I can't imagine being satisfied on your deathbed thinking that the most exciting place you'd ever traveled to was Carlos & Charlies.


Yes, but many people do not like or want to travel.


I know people that have never left the state they were born in. I once read an article about people born on Galveston Island who have never left the island.

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You are exactly right (reallyitsmema). That is precisely how they did it. They used the small boats from Elation and Legend to transfer the goods.


waldocruiser1 - Come on, use a little common sense here. Take a good look at a cruise ship. Notice how the sides are not flat....life boats that stick out, bridge wings, balconies, etc. If 2 modern cruise ships attempted to raft off to one another, it would be a disaster. The ships would be destroyed.


The point was, they could have transfered the passengers from ship to ship with a lifeboat/tender type of transfer, and it would have been a risk, but an option also that was possible.


I agree that the two ships tied together was not happening, but some type of lifeboat transfer is possible.

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