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Running down the pier.......


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Sorry, I guess I never understood how laughing at someone else's expense was funny? I mean, I'm a fun gal... I have a good sense of humor, so I am told... but it just seems so terribly mean... :(


Oh well. Guess I'm in the minority. :p


You and I are of the same mind-set.

Picturing all the scenes other posters have mentioned does not make me laugh; I feel very badly for people who've missed their ships.



That being said, these situations are why I am very leery of planning any excursion or solo venture that will not have me back to the ship at least 90 minutes prior to the time passengers are told to be back.

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This why we chose a port side cabin (which in the case of Oasis and Allure is starboard)

I don't wish for anyone to actually miss the ship, because some folks- like the Dutch, are victims of an unfortunate circumstance. But it is fun to watch folks doing their darnedest to hustle as all aboard time gets close. Cruising attracts a lot of folks, who shall we say...are not in the best physical condition, and a 1/4 mile pier just about does them in, and of course some who "lose track of time" do so because they have also "lost their minds" at Senior Frogs, and if you are a sloppy drunk, you just deserve to YouTubed! ;)


All the runners we have ever seen (mainly Cozumel and Nassau) have been pretty young and thin (all pretty much under 30). I don't think we've ever seen anyone not in good physical shape running/heading for the ship late. And, we all cheer/jeer them. I just don't get how it can be so hard to be on time, except, yeah, there are people who are ALWAYS late for everything because they think everyone will wait for them. Guess what? They won't.:rolleyes:

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Sorry, I guess I never understood how laughing at someone else's expense was funny? I mean, I'm a fun gal... I have a good sense of humor, so I am told... but it just seems so terribly mean... :(


Oh well. Guess I'm in the minority. :p

Yep ! You are Karen. Sorry ! Ha ha ha

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On our very first cruise, we had tablemates from Los Angeles. He was actually some kind of TV producer and she was definitely a trophy wife. They were quite entertaining because he was very much the sterotype TV guy... throwing money here and there, buying wine for the table every evening, sending his food back every night, etc. She was mostly sea-sick the whole cruise. Oh and they were in the Owner's Suite, which was "just not as big as we expected." (He was calling his travel agent as soon as he got back to Florida!)


Anyways, they almost missed the ship in St. Thomas. Apparently they were haggling with a shop keeper over some very high end watches -- for him of course. Their taxi back to the ship got stuck in traffic and the driver told them they better get out and run.


They actually had to jump from the pier to the little opening in the side of the ship. The man told us at dinner that night that the Captain was standing there with his arms folded across his chest, looking none too pleased.


We knew something was up when we kept hearing their names called out over the PA. So we decided to go to that side of the ship and look for them. There was a crowd all watching who of course applauded when they jumped.


Very exciting -- for us, and them!



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We were in St. Thomas (I think that was). Right next to the ship on the pier was the return for rental jeeps. This couple comes screeching up to the place with about 5 mins until the ship leaves. But the gates are closed and the place is locked up. They drove around the lot several times, blowing the horn hoping to find someone. Finally the ship's horn blows! They drive the jeep up against the fence, and throw the keys over the fence at the office and start running for the gangway. They did make it onboard.

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I once saw a lady drive up in a taxi at Bergen just after our ship (SS Canberra) had sailed. It turned out later the taxi driver had taken her to the wrog dock. Fortunately there was a tug tied up alongside, and the kindly tugboat captain took her out to the ship - she had to climb a short ladder to get in, while the ships were steaming alongside, but she managed. Though clearly there's something wrong with me, and the other passengers, because I don't recall anyone laughing.


I think it's more an American thing, perhaps. (Missing the ship, that is.) I've very rarely seen it with British passengers - but if they do, the ship doesn't wait. I suspect it's the ridiculous American-ship habit of failing to change the ship's time to local time that must do it. Of all stupid corporate habits around the world, that has to be one of the stupidest.

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Sorry, I guess I never understood how laughing at someone else's expense was funny? I mean, I'm a fun gal... I have a good sense of humor, so I am told... but it just seems so terribly mean... :(


Oh well. Guess I'm in the minority. :p



i agree with you! Friends and I were on a ship's organized excursion which got back to the boat late due to tour's negligence. We almost had heart attacks and were mortified at the cat calls and curses that hurled at all of us!

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i agree with you! Friends and I were on a ship's organized excursion which got back to the boat late due to tour's negligence. We almost had heart attacks and were mortified at the cat calls and curses that hurled at all of us!


I'm surprised the captain or cruise director didn't announce on the PA that your ship excursion was late.

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I do not know why I find this so funny but I can just see someone standing there like :confused: what the heck happened to the ship? It was just here or did it park in another spot? Can we hit our panic button to help find where our ship parked, like with our car?! :p:D Yep, still laughing. I need more to do!

This reminds me of the first time I flew to Bermuda - I had never seen a cruise ship in my life. My friend and I went to breakfast on our second morning and were stymied as to how a new hotel had popped up in Hamilton overnight!:eek: Finally, we realized it was a Celebrity ship that had arrived since we had been downtown! I also have to join the folks who would be mortified if I saw someone missing the ship. I know I couldn't afford to add extra airfare and hotel costs to my cruise and take no pleasure from seeing someone else suffer. I do not have a smartphone, but, I think I heard they change the time automatically to whatever time zone you're in? If so, I'm sure this is the main reason people are late, not because they're stupid, selfish or drunk. MOO:)

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I do not have a smartphone, but, I think I heard they change the time automatically to whatever time zone you're in? If so, I'm sure this is the main reason people are late, not because they're stupid, selfish or drunk. MOO:)
Passengers not getting back to the ship on time has been going on LOOOOONG before smartphones. They aren't to blame most of the time as far as I know. One private tour we took in Iceland the rest of us were getting upset with one couple who would (not could) NOT get back to the van on time. Finally another woman pointed out to them that we HAD to be back to the ship on time. Nope. Not this couple. They KNEW the ship would wait for them! Yep, they fell into the selfish/entitled category. Between them and another jerk who kept questioning another about how in the world could 'someone of his profession afford to cruise' :eek: that was the last time we took a private tour arranged with strangers on a CC roll call.


btw - one Captain told us there is only one person that a ship will wait for - and it wasn't him. By law ships carrying over a certain number of passengers (I 'think' 12) are required to have a doctor before they can sail.


My top four reasons passengers miss the ship (in no particular order)



Not paying attention to the time (this doesn't include the 'smartphone' excuse)

Too much booze

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Met an older lady on Carnival's Fantasy. She and her husband came back from their tour in Nassau. She wanted do some shopping, he didn't. So she did and he got back on the ship.

She thought the time the ship was leaving was the time she had to be back on board. She got to the pier and there was the ship sailing out of the harbor. Carnival sent her to a nice hotel and the next morning flew her to Half Moom Cay, their island ,via sea plane! Her adventure cost them $1800! They had to pay for everything.

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We have never missed the ship.

But have certainly seen passengers and crew miss the ship.

Also watched one time in Cabo as 2 ladies came out to the ship on small boat while the ship slowly moved away -- and they had to climb a rope ladder to get back onto the ship -- holding their purses and packages.

We know the one crew member was fired when she missed the ship. We were on on the second part of the cruise. It was her first job working in the salon. St Thomas -- her father had to arrange for her to get back to Ft Lauderdale. We just happened to be out on our verandah as the father was helping her get her luggage off the ship. It was a costly lesson -- she needed a one way ticket from St Thomas to Ft Lauderdale, clothes, food, hotels, etc. And father had to pick up the bills.

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btw - one Captain told us there is only one person that a ship will wait for - and it wasn't him. By law ships carrying over a certain number of passengers (I 'think' 12) are required to have a doctor before they can sail.

:eek: Wow, I wonder if that's true! :eek: I'd hate to be the second in command when the captain caught up to the ship !:p

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This is always my worst fear when cruising. On our recent cruise, I was worried that my watch would stop or slow way down and not keep accurate time.


While I would laugh at people almost missing the ship and running down the pier, I definitely would not laugh or think it's funny that they missed the ship.

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I can not understand why people applaud those who are late and delay the departure.


In most cases they are late by their own fault so why applaud selfish or bad behavior?

We always applaud when someone comes running and realizes that "yes" the ship did wait for you, even if the ship waited 30 minutes.


And we applaud them for being able to board the ship and not for being left behind.

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Great to see a thread about watching my favorite port activity - pier running.


Forget high priced excursions - grab a cocktail, head up on deck 30 minutes before departure and watch the hilarity ensue.


There is even an etiquette to it - cheer the runners and boo the walkers.


Caribbean ports offer the best viewing - my favorite was the guy in Cozumel who came riding up in a rickshaw.

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Wow, thank you for all your responses! :D


I didn't realise that it happened so often or that it was classes as a hobby...how many of you have it listed on your cv???


I have to admit that I would watch some one running up the pier, in the same way that you always look at car crashes as you go past. I would hate to see some one just strolling along whilst a ship waited for them, but I dont think that I would necessarily jeer.


I am the kind of person that is late to a lot of things, not because I expect people to wait for me, in fact I always expect them not to and hold no grudges if I have to make another doctors/dentist appointment...because its only fair. Plus I run my own business and if some one is late, I cant always wait for them and it always shocks me when people say "i'm only half an hour late!".


Luckily I have never missed the ship on my cruises, but this thread has definately taught me to carry my passport and some extra cash (and change of underwear) just in case the worst thing happens.


Though I have to admit...if I was only a few minutes late getting there, I would not be running up the pier...I would pretend I was just a tourist and walk away in tears until the ship was out of sight before finding a rep because 99% of the time, if the ship has docked...it aint coming back! (though I have now seen some vids where the ships re-docks! :eek: ) I don't think I could face the cheering or the booing!

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Luckily I have never missed the ship on my cruises, but this thread has definately taught me to carry my passport and some extra cash (and change of underwear) just in case the worst thing happens.

And then you're back to the frequent threads about whether missing the ship is worse than having your pocket picked.

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You often hear them announce for people to contact the purser's desk when you are about to leave a port. These are the people who have not yet gotten back on the ship.They call for them in case they are on the ship but somehow didn't get logged back on board. They are the ones running down the pier to get back on but didn't run fast enough!

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It happened on the Baltic cruise I was on this summer. I was in a group walking tour in Tallinn with a man I quickly learned was an attention-seeker -- kept asking the stupidest questions and making ignorant comments ("You spell hotel with two l's here? weird..."), all seemingly to hear himself talk. I got really fed up with him really fast.


When we got back on the ship, we heard a rumour that he and his wife missed getting back on the ship and were left behind in Tallinn. Apparently they were using the wifi on shore and lost track of time.


I don't like enjoying someone else' misfortune but sure didn't mind that this had happened to him. Karma wins again!


And, unfortunately for them, the next day was a sea day. Couldn't catch up to us then. It was two days later that they caught up to us, in Copenhagen. Not sure how they managed that, since I heard they didn't have their passports with them.


My friend and I were on the dock in Copenhagen when the missing couple strolled up, shopping bags in hand (presumably carrying a change of clothes or two). They were very glad to see the ship again!

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We had an aft cabin so we could watch but there was no one running to catch the ship on our cruise.


We did see the pilot ship when we were in the dining room just after leaving Tampa and again after leaving Cozumel so we figured that someone missed the ship.


When we got back into Tampa, we heard that a family missed the last port in Key West because they did not change their watches to the ship's time. They had to find their way from Key West to Tampa to pick up their luggage.

That would be a terrible way to end your cruise. I mentioned to my husband that it must be the worst feeling to walk to the pier expecting to board and find no sign of the ship.:eek:


"I know I parked it here!"

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Many ports require a pilot to bring the ship in and out of port. The pilot boat brings them to the ship before the ship gets to the port then the pilot 'drives' the ship to the dock. Same when leaving. The pilot boat picks the pilot up when the ship is out of the port. We've seen the pilot go down a rope ladder then literally jump onto the pilot boat. Don't know if they are allowed to bring passengers back to the ship.

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