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Many Questions... (VERY Long, Sorry!)


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Trying to sort through a plethora of information and looking for help and feedback from the experts.


At this point I think we are going to book airfare from our home to LA on Wednesday evening. We'll occupy ourselves on Thursday, arriving at the airport after dinner--around 8:00 pm.


We've decided on Economy Plus on Air France. It gives the extra pitch that we need to not feel claustrophobic at half the cost of ATN's business class--which my research tells me is not worth the price. Additionally we'll be able to choose a 2x window/aisle seat pair when we book, which we consider a huge plus. The AF flight lands in PPT at around 5:00 am. Here's where I need help.


First of all, I know it's a crazy question, but my husband gets pretty cranky if he doesn't get breakfast in the morning, and he considers the morsel they hand out on the plane to be the pre-breakfast appetizer. Is there anywhere in the airport that is open at 5:30-ish for breakfast? He's pretty easy to please, eggs, pancakes, croissants, anything along those lines is fine. It doesn't have to be fancy or sit down--counter service is more than fine.


We are planning on staying at the IC Tahiti. As of right now, we're planning on taking a cab to the hotel from the airport, and I expect that even after customs/immigration and something to eat, we should be at the hotel before 6:30 am.


From previous experience flying long hauls, I know that nerves get increasingly frayed between my husband and I until we have showers once we land. It's the way it is, there is no getting around it. We are happy to spend some cash to make sure that we can get showers as soon as is reasonably possible after we get off the plane.


We fully expect that we won't be able to get into our room when we arrive. Does the IC have any sort of shower facilities that people can use? How early can you get into a day room and how late can you stay in it? (Ideally we 'd like to shower and then nap for 2-3 hours which would allow us to stay up late enough that night to wake up on FP time the next morning.) I'm willing to book a room for the night before if I need to, but if there is a reasonable less expensive option, I'd like to hear it. I should also mention that I have "just enough" points for a free night in a garden view room, so even if we need to book a room for the night before (Thursday) it won't cost out of pocket. (We will book an OTWB for Friday night.)


We're thinking that we'll walk to the market which appears to be about a mile and get some water/snacks--maybe bread/cheese/bottle of red wine and make that a late lunch/early dinner on the deck of the OTWB before calling it a fairly early night. Does anyone have any reason that this wouldn't be a good plan?


Has anyone ever ordered room service breakfast to the OTWB? Was it just ridiculously expensive, or obscenely expensive? (Eggs, bacon, toast, juice, coffee, etc.)


We're thinking about bringing a bottle of Champagne along, will they provide Champagne glasses?


Can we book the PG transfers from the IC to the port, even if the PG isn't arranging our air?


If not, I think the plan is to leave the IC around noon and take "Le Truck" (I love the "adventure" of mass transit :) ) over to the Port. We will be traveling pretty light, one medium and one small suitcase, and a tote/day pack between us. We understand that we can hand over our bags anytime after noon, and then go to the market across the street and do some shopping and maybe find something to snack on. Please let me know if that isn't the case.


On board...


We will be celebrating our 20th anniversary next year. We are considering renewing our vows while in board. I've read about a private vow renewal or "blessing" ceremony that can be held on Motu Mahana (not the group ceremony on the ship). Does anyone have details?


Can you borrow life jackets to wear snorkeling?


Fast forward to debarkation...


We're thinking we'll stay on the ship until 10:00 or so, then walk to Hotel Tahiti Nui.


We're considering booking an island tour with Patrick for the afternoon--although it also seems that there's quite a bit to do in town--museums, shopping, historical sites, etc. Thoughts?


Our flight leaves the next morning at 7:-something, so I suspect we'll need to be ready to leave the hotel by 4:30 at the latest. I'm assuming that pre-booking a cab is probably the best way to go?


Once we get to the airport, is there a decent place to wait? I've heard that the waiting areas are outside and very hot? Even at 5:00 am? (Keep in mind that I'm from central Florida, so 80-something and humid is pretty normal for me.)


Sorry this was so long. I'm trying to make sure we don't have any surprises. I highly doubt that we'll be back to FP in our lifetimes as we have a travel "bucket list" that will take over 20 years to get through. I suspect that by the time we're well into our 70's, traveling to Tahiti might be a bit much. So I'm trying to get as much out of this trip as I can--without stressing us out.



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I will address a couple of your questions.....


Not much to eat at airport. I would wait until you eat at the IC. You will likely have to wait for room unless they will sell you early check in.


iC has showers which we have used after checking out on route to the PG. So you could use them when you land.


I would just take a taxi to the PG. it's more convenient.


I did the full anniversary celebration $500 and worth it. Was a gift from my daughter for our 30th. It was really well done and if you check my posts I have written a lot about it.


Patrick is very well recommended for Tahiti tour.


We have the AMEX plat and used the lounge. No AC and airport is the pits so it was great.

Food in airport really bad. People took take out sandwiches fom the hotel.


Hope this helps.

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I'm sure others with more experience will weigh in on many of your questions,,but I will help with what I can! ( In red)

Trying to sort through a plethora of information and looking for help and feedback from the experts.


At this point I think we are going to book airfare from our home to LA on Wednesday evening. We'll occupy ourselves on Thursday, arriving at the airport after dinner--around 8:00 pm.


We've decided on Economy Plus on Air France. It gives the extra pitch that we need to not feel claustrophobic at half the cost of ATN's business class--which my research tells me is not worth the price. Additionally we'll be able to choose a 2x window/aisle seat pair when we book, which we consider a huge plus. The AF flight lands in PPT at around 5:00 am. Here's where I need help.


First of all, I know it's a crazy question, but my husband gets pretty cranky if he doesn't get breakfast in the morning, and he considers the morsel they hand out on the plane to be the pre-breakfast appetizer. Is there anywhere in the airport that is open at 5:30-ish for breakfast? He's pretty easy to please, eggs, pancakes, croissants, anything along those lines is fine. It doesn't have to be fancy or sit down--counter service is more than fine.there is a small concession with snacks and beverages in the departures area, but we didn't see any proper restaurants in the PPT airport. It's not a large place like other " international" airports. However, there is an extensive buffet breakfast at the IC, if he can bear to wait. The IC is so close to the airport, it hardly seems neccasary to take a cab or bus. I timed it, it was about 5 literal minutes away including loading and unloading. You would likely be at IC more quickly than trying to find another restaurant elsewhere in PPT


We are planning on staying at the IC Tahiti. As of right now, we're planning on taking a cab to the hotel from the airport, and I expect that even after customs/immigration and something to eat, we should be at the hotel before 6:30 am.

the IC offers "transit rooms" simply ask for a key at the front desk. There you can shower and freshen up, there are showers, toilets, sinks and a changing area ( no beds) but at least you can get cleaned up till your room is ready and then relax in a lounge chair at the pool. Alternatively, many book a room the night before so that it is ready for you when you arrive, if you are staying the next night, you would not need to vacate the room at 11am. If you are boarding that same day, you would be back to the lounge chair by 11, which is not much time to use the room for paying for the whole night


From previous experience flying long hauls, I know that nerves get increasingly frayed between my husband and I until we have showers once we land. It's the way it is, there is no getting around it. We are happy to spend some cash to make sure that we can get showers as soon as is reasonably possible after we get off the plane.


We fully expect that we won't be able to get into our room when we arrive. Does the IC have any sort of shower facilities that people can use? How early can you get into a day room and how late can you stay in it? (Ideally we 'd like to shower and then nap for 2-3 hours which would allow us to stay up late enough that night to wake up on FP time the next morning.) I'm willing to book a room for the night before if I need to, but if there is a reasonable less expensive option, I'd like to hear it. I should also mention that I have "just enough" points for a free night in a garden view room, so even if we need to book a room for the night before (Thursday) it won't cost out of pocket. (We will book an OTWB for Friday night.)the only problem with this plan is since you would be moving rooms, you are still " out on the street" from 11 till 2 PM . So you'd use your points and only get a bed from 7 ish to 11 ish, because you are changing rooms. Possibly, if you ask nicely they may let you stay in your garden view room till the OWB was available, but that depends on vacancy.


We're thinking that we'll walk to the market which appears to be about a mile and get some water/snacks--maybe bread/cheese/bottle of red wine and make that a late lunch/early dinner on the deck of the OTWB before calling it a fairly early night. Does anyone have any reason that this wouldn't be a good plan?

tikimhas done this and can tell you about where and what. But I would think it's a fine plan! Food is pricey at IC. We shopped at the Marche for lunch foods to have in our day room at IC upon debarkation rather than buying lunch there. I think you will be warned that it is best to cab rather than walk after dark. So maybe shop early and leave your things in your fridge till mealtime.


Has anyone ever ordered room service breakfast to the OTWB? Was it just ridiculously expensive, or obscenely expensive? (Eggs, bacon, toast, juice, coffee, etc.)


We're thinking about bringing a bottle of Champagne along, will they provide Champagne glasses?


Can we book the PG transfers from the IC to the port, even if the PG isn't arranging our air?

im not certain of these ?s above, but I think you can buy transfers

If not, I think the plan is to leave the IC around noon and take "Le Truck" (I love the "adventure" of mass transit :) ) over to the Port. We will be traveling pretty light, one medium and one small suitcase, and a tote/day pack between us. We understand that we can hand over our bags anytime after noon, and then go to the market across the street and do some shopping and maybe find something to snack on. Please let me know if that isn't the case.plenty of nice foods at the Marche in Papeete, so if you head to port early you can definitely find some nice shops and food, though not many places to " sit".. there is a nice Patisserie in the market with meat pies and breads, another shop with cheeses, etc. We enjoyed wandering around PPT, a very lively little port city with plenty of people watching!


On board...


We will be celebrating our 20th anniversary next year. We are considering renewing our vows while in board. I've read about a private vow renewal or "blessing" ceremony that can be held on Motu Mahana (not the group ceremony on the ship). Does anyone have details?

Emdee did something like this, and she can weigh in on it


Can you borrow life jackets to wear snorkeling?

yes, when you get fitted for your gear, just ask, they are happy to provide them!


Fast forward to debarkation...


We're thinking we'll stay on the ship until 10:00 or so, then walk to Hotel Tahiti Nui.


We're considering booking an island tour with Patrick for the afternoon--although it also seems that there's quite a bit to do in town--museums, shopping, historical sites, etc. Thoughts?here I'm confused:confused: Patrick usually runs tours on Bora Bora? Maybe either Marama or Tahiti Nui run tours of Tahiti. We truly enjoyed the off road 4x4 tour into the mountainous interior of Tahiti. We were able to swim in a waterfall, and there is room for only 6-8 so it's very nice.


Our flight leaves the next morning at 7:-something, so I suspect we'll need to be ready to leave the hotel by 4:30 at the latest. I'm assuming that pre-booking a cab is probably the best way to go?

i would say make arrangements at the front desk for a cab, or one of the travel companies, though there will be many people leaving the hotel for this flight, so they fully expect to need cabs at that hour.


Once we get to the airport, is there a decent place to wait? I've heard that the waiting areas are outside and very hot? Even at 5:00 am? (Keep in mind that I'm from central Florida, so 80-something and humid is pretty normal for me.)

we didn't find the airport uncomfortable in the evening. It was certainly cool enough. It is covered but open to the air. There are long lines for each step; check in, luggage, then security, all separate lines. Once through security, there is an open air covered lounge with the aforementioned counter for snacks and beverages, rest rooms, a few typical duty free shops and several lounge areas with couches set in seating groups. I thought these looked nicer than LAX! They were a bit crowded once more than one flight is preparing to embark, but you may not find that to be the case that early


Sorry this was so long. I'm trying to make sure we don't have any surprises. I highly doubt that we'll be back to FP in our lifetimes as we have a travel "bucket list" that will take over 20 years to get through. I suspect that by the time we're well into our 70's, traveling to Tahiti might be a bit much. So I'm trying to get as much out of this trip as I can--without stressing us out.



Don't stress! Relax! Enjoy! :D And don't let an ocassional expensive lunch or dinner or cab ride upset you- in the scheme of what your total trip costs, spending 50 bucks for a breakfast buffet is a drop in the bucket, letting it ruin your vacation would be a crying shame!;)

Hope the " real" experts weigh in too, they were so helpful when we were planning!

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There is a restaurant, kind of cafeteria really, upstairs at the airport (outside of security.) No memory of what time it opens--we found it on our first trip, when we had to wait at the airport from about 5 a.m. until about noon for our flight out to Manihi. They had pastries and coffee and things like that, can't remember any more details than that, sorry, or what time it opens.

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Thanks All.


My further research indicates that the Air France breakfast might be somewhat more substantial than we thought, and enough to get us through until lunch.


I think we're going to book the room for Thursday night so we are sure of having an immediate place to shower and nap for a few hours. We can accomplish that and be checked out by 11:00 if we need to. We'll leave our bags with them, have something for lunch, then walk to Carrefour during the time that we're without a room, so that should work out perfectly. We'd be walking mid-day, we don't plan on being out after dark.


We've decided that the idea of a bottle of wine, loaf of bread, cheese, charcuterie, and chocolates on the porch of the OTWB sounds like an ideal way to watch the sun set and start our vacation--it's something we do at home sometimes as well, very relaxing. We're not sure that even with a nap we'll be able to enjoy a nice dinner out, we'll be falling asleep in our soup. ;)


As far as going from the IC to the PG, it's not the cost that's driving the idea of taking Le Truck, but truly the adventure and experience of trying the public transit that different countries/areas offer. Trust me, I'm not worried about a $25 cab fare. :)


My Amex is through Hilton, and just gold, so "no Club for me." :D


We've got time to weigh our options of either taking a tour after we disembark or just wandering about town and maybe going to one of the museums. We'll have dinner at one of the cafe's, or maybe the food trucks--we have a growing food truck culture in my area, so it's something we are used to and enjoy.


Thanks again for all the answers so far!

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I have never had a meal at the roulottes but they do look quite good.


Regarding le truck to the ship - its not just the money. I guess we love to be on board asap so no delay for us. Also if you take a cab there you can get there before three so you will board before the buses come. Not that the wait is very long even if you are on a bus but we just like to get there ahead.


We also love the wine and cheese meal and often have that on a weekend. No hassle for anyone and the quality of both fresh bread as well as imported cheese is wonderful.

Likely Tiki will be able to tell you how far the Carrefours is but I swear I saw some supermarches at a reasonable walk from the IC.

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I have never had a meal at the roulottes but they do look quite good.




Regarding le truck to the ship - its not just the money. I guess we love to be on board asap so no delay for us. Also if you take a cab there you can get there before three so you will board before the buses come. Not that the wait is very long even if you are on a bus but we just like to get there ahead.


OK, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about here. I was under the impression that Le Truck is like a typical fixed route "bus" in most cities--they are on a schedule and run every 10-90 minutes at the set stops along the way. No? We were planning on leaving the IC at check-out (11:00 am) and taking Le Truck to the pier, checking our bags with the PG and then shopping across the street until boarding--which I thought began at 3:00 pm. Maybe I'm wrong?


We also love the wine and cheese meal and often have that on a weekend. No hassle for anyone and the quality of both fresh bread as well as imported cheese is wonderful.

Likely Tiki will be able to tell you how far the Carrefours is but I swear I saw some supermarches at a reasonable walk from the IC.


I'll wait for Tiki to chime in :)

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Patrick adventures is great.

Roulettes are great.

Economy plus on AF is still economy people.

Don't know ATN biz class. Despite its shortcomings

It's still preferable to economy. Especially if you are my size.

The new layout looks promising also.

If staying at any IC buy yourself Ambassasor status. You get late check out and once a year you get a free weekend night when one us paid. Also if you get the Priority Rewards Visa card you get a free night anywhere once a year.

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Economy plus on AF is still economy people.

Don't know ATN biz class. Despite its shortcomings

It's still preferable to economy. Especially if you are my size.


AF Economy is half the cost of ATN business class--several thousand dollars less. I don't know what your size is, but while we both have long legs, we are on the slender side, so seat width doesn't really play into our decision. AF Premium Economy is about the same amount of space and seat width as domestic first, which we both fly cross country regularly.


If staying at any IC buy yourself Ambassasor status. You get late check out and once a year you get a free weekend night when one us paid. Also if you get the Priority Rewards Visa card you get a free night anywhere once a year.


I looked at the Ambassador program, but don't think it's worth the money for us. I have more Hilton and Marriott points than I'll ever use, so the free weekend night is meaningless to us. Given our plans, I'm not sure that late check out would really be all that beneficial, either.


Thanks for trying though.

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Understood. I have saved thousands - yes thousands of $$$ because of my Ambassador membership and Visa card. Since I don't use Marriott or Hilton it's perfect for me.

Last time I priced AF premium economy and ATN business

The difference was much less than half. I know if you upgrade using the cruise line the price is ridiculously high.

Always trying to be helpful.....


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Understood. I have saved thousands - yes thousands of $$$ because of my Ambassador membership and Visa card. Since I don't use Marriott or Hilton it's perfect for me.

Last time I priced AF premium economy and ATN business

The difference was much less than half. I know if you upgrade using the cruise line the price is ridiculously high.

Always trying to be helpful.....



I've got a Hilton Amex, so I know what you mean. I travel a lot with work and 95% of my stays are with one of those two brands. We're taking a two week road trip this summer and will have free rooms every night--and I still have enough points left to do it two more times. :eek: I donated a week of free nights to a charity last year, might end up doing the same again this year. I can't remember the last time I paid for a hotel room for personal travel--other than a few resorts which are independent.


One of the other things about ATN is that we won't be back to Tahiti for a long time if at all. So ATN miles would be useless. In order to earn AA miles on ATN flights, the flight has to be booked through AA, which adds $2K per ticket to the cost--yes, really! If we fly AF, we can use them again for Europe in 2015, and have enough for the free upgrade to business on miles for one direction--a $1000 or so savings.

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Cool. Totally understood. Last time was all on Delta miles.

Before ATN changed their redemption rewards I was able to get some biz class upgrades.

This September is on them too as my wife and I still had enough for a one way each and they let us combine them so I fly free (yes she is in biz)

I used to just book economy and upgrade at the airport.

Was well worth it when they flew from JFK. Not so much anymore IMHO.

AF is talking about stopping the Papeete flights at the end of 2014. I can't imagine what that will do to ATN airfares.

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  • 1 month later...

Having just flown BA premium economy (World Traveller Plus), I assume the AF version is much the same--nice big seats, decent legroom, a few amenities, but definitely not Business.


I'm hoping I can work this out using AF in September 2014, but I'm worried that they will pull out of FP before that--anyone know if there's a firm date for cancellation?


We took Business on ATN once, in 2008. It was like a poor cousin of the older business seats on Lufthansa--not much better than the enhanced economy I took on BA last week. As usual, the food was great going out to FP, coming back it was the pits. I'm wondering what the new seats will look like, but can't pay that amount this time. We travelled twice in ATN Economy, when the planes were nice and new, and thought it was pretty good, but I hate to fly Economy these days, if I can possibly swing PE!

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I think the seats are to be the plastic shell type lie flat ie not flatbed.


I too upgraded a few times. Last time I went economy but drugged myself. Just slept through the night.

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ATN is supposed to have all new interiors including lie flat business seats on their Lax-Ppt route as of next month.

Per ATN the first plane is due to be completed mid-April, per their press release it will take until June to finish all four.

EL SEGUNDO, CA (January 31, 2013) – Air Tahiti Nui, named the 2012 “Best Airline in the South Pacific” by Global Traveler magazine, will launch its new $17 million cabin reconfiguration and entertainment system on board its fleet of Airbus A340-300 aircraft in April 2013. Three aircrafts will be updated by June for the Los Angeles and Paris routes. The colors of the new seats and interiors will continue to reflect the stunning beauty and charm of Polynesia.
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They have pictures of what the new cabins will look like on their website. Both cabins are being completely redone so it should be a big improvement.


I am really hoping we get to try it next month. I will be sure to give everyone an update when I return (hopefully with pictures!)



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  • 4 weeks later...
Having just flown BA premium economy (World Traveller Plus), I assume the AF version is much the same--nice big seats, decent legroom, a few amenities, but definitely not Business.


I've spent a lot of time researching, and I think the best comparison is to the US Airway domestic FC on a 737. Not terrific, but far better than coach. We're both on the slender side but have longer legs, so pitch is more important than width. I'm not worried about food/beverage, unless you'r flying International first on Emirates or Cathay, none of them are worth writing home about. The legroom and knowing that when the person in front of you reclines it won't affect you makes the small upgrade cost well worthwhile.


I've heard that the cushioning on the seats is a problem, and we'll bring a couple of foldable stadium cushions for extra padding on our bottoms to alleviate that potential discomfort.

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Scratch all that about Air France--playing around with fares nearing our travel dates and they look to be charging the same for Premium Economy as ATN is charging for business! Talk about a no-brainer.


I'll know more in a few weeks once our dates actually open to book.

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