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Oreo's awesome breeze review 3/10 to 3/16


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Awesome review and great pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time. I hope to sail on the Breeze some day soon.


Did the eight days seem like too much?


A great time we had, indeed! However, we went on the 6 day itin, not the 8. Although we (I) am planning on booking the 8 sometime before the end of this year!


Thanks for reading!

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This is one of the most captivating reviews I've read on C.C. First let me commend you for not only your writing skills, but the dry and witty sense of humor you have, starting with your screen name. I think it goes over the top of most peoples heads, but I personally look at is as a name that signifies pride in yourself as an individual and what we all are, an American! I was born and raised in a very racially diverse city in California where for the most part everybody just looked at each other as you're either a good person or a jerk.

But enough of the speech. I'd only like to add that if the infamous John Heald ever wants to relax a little and let somebody else talk the cruise ship talk that we all enjoy, well, you'd be the perfect fit! Don't ever sell yourself short on your natural writing talent again.


Thanks for all the kind words! Much appreciated.

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It's me honey. LOL I am cracking up, like literally coughing and choking over here. The cake tasted like hot dirt? LOL And the foolishness you and the 5 year old were constantly up to is hilarious. This is a great review!




I LOVE this. Best breakfast ever.




Why aren't you up there? :D


Child, please!! Me? Up on the bar? Shaking what my momma gave me...? Hmmph. Actually, it does sound like fun...no, but my hubby would have KILLED me. Like seriously. I don't think he's a killer, but I don't push him, lol.

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Love your review we leave this Sunday! I think we might be the first Breeze group to try out Grand Turk. Hope they have the problems solved. We plan to stay away Senior Frogs ice. Keep writing your helping us get more excited!


Rub it in, why don't you!! No, I'm just kidding. I was really :( that we missed Grand Turk but I'll take a sea day over the flying ____'s anyday.


Have fun!!

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Love your review. I have a quick queston. Who was the maitre d on this cruise? We sailed the Breeze in December and had Ken. We sail on her in October but ken said he wouldn't be there, he's moving to Europe.

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So our original plans for Nassau were to catch a taxi over to Atlantis, see what we could see of it so we could say that we had been there, and then to catch a taxi over to Junkanoo Beach to relax and hang out. If we felt like it, we would also maybe hit the straw market and then make our way over to Senor Frogs. Let me just preface this review by saying that NONE of that happened.

This is what happened:

First, we woke up and had breakfast. Then we hopped off the ship around 9am and made our way past the two boats that had beat us to port, the Disney Magic? Fantasy? I don’t know. Whatever. And I think the MSC something or another was there too. The EPIC and the Sensation came later.





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And speaking of the Norwegian Epic. Can anybody answer this question for me? I took a picture of this with my other camera and as you know, it died a gruesome death so I don’t have a picture to post here but from the Breeze looking over to the EPIC, you could see the front of the ship. Now, out in front there was a huge “deck” of sorts that stretched for about 70 feet or so. And smack dead in the middle of this deck was this little, pitiful looking hot tub. It looked so odd there in the midst of this huge deck with no chairs, no bars, no other decorations that several of the passengers in the breeze that were standing where I was on the LIDO deck looking down started speculating as to what it was. One guy said it was the Captain’s private hot tub he uses to entertain the single ladies on the boat. Really? Highly unlikely. Another guy said he thought it might be the private deck for the penthouse suite. Ehh….maybe? But it just seems so strange that this little pool is sitting there in the middle of nothing. It looks so odd. There aren’t any chairs, loungers or anything. Anyway, just an observation. It would be great if someone had the answer to this question.


Onward and upwards, so once we got to the welcome center or visitor center, we were overcome by swarms of people trying to either get us to take a taxi, by their souvenirs, get our hair braided – have you seen my hair – I just recently cut it all off and its like three inches short. Come on. Anyway, we were like WTH is going on? So this one guy was like, there’s a ferry going to Atlantis, four dollars per person, leaving in a few minutes. Hubby and I looked at each other and were like, WHY NOT? So its us, and about 20 other folks following this chick out of the…let’s not call it the visitors’ center, lets call it the slaughter house, cause that’s what it felt like…and made our way over to this…let’s not call it a pier, let’s call it a gangplank…where this old, rickety, suspect looking 2 story “ferry” is bobby up and down in the water. Now, mind you, there were 20-25 people in our group but when I looked at the ferry, it was completely packed but they were still trying to heard people on. So hubby and I looked at each other again and were like, WHY NOT? So you have to literally crawl over a four foot cement wall, tip toe along a three foot wide path and then jump from that over to this unsteady, improperly tied up joke of a ferry boat. I thought we were sailing to hell, I’m not kidding you. But, I kept telling myself, we’re on vacation and you only live once. So once on, like I said people were packed in there like sardines and we were just lucky enough to find a place to sit up top on the container that hold the life vests. Guess we would have been tossed into the ocean should something have happened and people needed to get to them. But I digress, so we settle in for the 10minute ride and pray to God that we don’t get stranded or fall off. So then this guy comes up the stairs saying that he’s our guide. In the interest of being nice, let me just say that he, in no way, looked like a guide. I’ll just stop there. Surprisingly, however, he gave us a lot of information about the properties and houses we passed on the way over to Atlantis. We passed properties owned by Nicholas Cage, Charlie Chaplin, and even a house that was used in one of the James Bond films. It actually was a decent ride. We did not, however use it for the return trip. We caught a taxi.







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Here's the answer to your question about that pool in front of the Epic...




Great job on your review. I enjoyed reading it and looking at your photos! Thanks for taking time to write it up.


Ahh...I see, said the blind man. Thank you so much!!

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Once we got headed in the right direction to Atlantis, I told my hubby that I wanted to stop by to check on our boat, hah hah!!




Once in Atlantis, (and again, missing a lot of pictures here), we were able to walk around the area that had the high end stores as well as the gift shops. There were several tours walking by and we toyed with the idea of purchasing the one for $40 (tickets sold directly by the hotel) but decided that it just wasn’t that serious. We did get to see a few turtles outside a widow that must have been on one of “the forbidden” paths.




Once we walked around and went as far as we could before we thought we might get stopped by security, we made our way to the Casino and stayed there for a couple of hours. After that, I really wanted to go to the beach and lounge around while sipping on some margaritas so we decided to head out before it got too late. Now, remember I said that we didn’t do anything the way we planned? Well, I told hubby that I wanted to catch a taxi over to Junkanoo Beach because that’s the beach several people recommended to go. But, he decided that since we were already on the water that we could go to the one of the ones adjacent to the hotels. I told him that I didn’t think that to be a good idea (since I didn’t research any other beach) but he turned to me and said, “woman, there’s a beach over there, that’s the one we’re going to!” And so I said, babe, I don’t want to go to that one, the other one is supposed to be better. Then he was like, “just eat the cake, Anna Mae!!!” So we asked for directions and walked over to Cabbage Beach next to the RIU (sp?) hotel. I was not impressed nor was I happy. Just look at my face.




He'll never admit it, but he wasn't too impressed either.



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The waves on this beach were like the pipeline in Hawaii. I’ve never seen waves so fierce and crashing so close to the shore. I’m surprised there weren’t people out there trying to surf. Cabbage Beach is NOT a loungers beach. The winds were really high, kids and adults alike were screaming running away from the waves and there were about 100 people constantly walking in between and around the loungers selling shells, wraps, and homemade jewelry. The chairs were going for $10 per person per lounger and they were not very many options as far as food or drink. I think there was a small card table off to the side with gallon of homemade rum punch or something that they were selling for $10 a cup or $20 to drink all day. Really? My hubby walked down a few minutes and managed to score me a Heineken. No RED STRIPE? **sigh**

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Love your review. I have a quick queston. Who was the maitre d on this cruise? We sailed the Breeze in December and had Ken. We sail on her in October but ken said he wouldn't be there, he's moving to Europe.


If you are referring to the guy with the bbbeeeaauutiful singing voice, then yes it was Ken but I think he is leaving to go to Europe. Here;s a fuzzy pic of him and Butch during formal night...



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So after we had enough of the beach we caught a taxi back to town ($4pp) and it started to dawn on us that our vacation had come to and end. We were both really quiet on the taxi ride back and even though I tried to drag out our time spent in Nassau by perusing a few shops in front of the pier, we finally started back on the long walk to the ship. The EPIC was parked beside us on our return.



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So to pretty much wrap up this day, we went back to our rooms, took a quick nap, and while I begrudgingly packed up our stuff, hubby went and made visits to some of the people he had met while on board and wanted to stay in contact with in order to collect their information. After a while, we finally made it to the MDR boo hooed for about twenty minutes when we realized it was probably the last time we'd see our tablemates, and gave our wait staff their FAT tips.


We had decided to do the self emarkation and right after dinner and I went back to the room again to double and triple check the luggage and to look over and S&S accounts. Hubby decided to make one visit to the Liquid Nightclub but I had had enough. I cuddled up in bed with Kindle (who my husband says is my best friend), ordered some room service for the last time to have ready for him when he came in looking for the precious, and called it a night.


We docked at around 5:30 inthe morning and Butch came over the P.A. system around 6:30 basically telling us to get our a**es off the boat, lol. We thought that we woud have had time to get some breakfast and then maybe walk off around 8 or 8:30 but obviously these folks had other plans. Maybe they were gettng the ship ready for GUY FIERI and his family???


We walked off with no issues at around 7am. After all, we had a grueling 18 hour drive ahead of us. Customs was a breeze and off to the parking garage we went. We paid our $120 and made our way towards I-95N giving the breeze a last wave and glance in the rearview mirror.



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Just some added commentary about our experience onboard and throughout the cruise.




I am a curser. I wish I didn’t use those “four letter words” as much as I do but I’m not perfect. I’m not a foul mouthed heathen or anything like that, it’s just that sometimes I find that when I need to get my point across or can’t find a word to accurately describe my feelings I some times have to reach for one of these words. And as such if in a conversation with another person they should feel the need to reach for one of those words, then I can understand that sometimes it is necessary and I would not be offended.


HOWEVER, after returning from this cruise I have discovered that there is a new curse word that certain groups of people use that DOES offend me. It’s actually a three letter word.


The word, “TIP.”


Now, before you start lighting your torches to throw at me, give me a chance to explain. Actually, I will do you one even better. I will give you the definition of the word tip. It means: a sum of money given to someone as a way of rewarding them for their services. Let’s break that down. It says that it is to be given, (not required or demanded), as a way of rewarding someone (like a present of gift – in other words it should be unexpected) for their services (in other words some act or actual service that was provided).


Ironically, I am a BIG tipper. So much so that after having dinner at a restaurant, my hubby has been known to wait until I leave the table to then go back and retrieve some of the money I left – okay he only did that once but you get what I’m saying. For example, I actually brought $200 in one crisp dollar bills with me on this trip. I was ready to MAKE IT RAIN!!! And speaking of strippers, even they know they’re gonna have to do something strange for some change. They ain’t making no money just standing there expecting men to just throw their money at them. I’m just saying.


Back to my point. And I’m going to try and tread very lightly here. My question is, why is it that when I visit some of these islands, I am treated like a walking dollar bill? I feel as though I have a huge target painted on my back. EVERYONE wants a tip. And they ask for them. Per the definition, tips should not be asked or demanded of the giver. They should be bestowed upon the person providing the service at the discretion of the giver. Since when did it become acceptable for one to ASK or DEMAND for a tip!!! I find that to be very offensive. If you provide a service and you charge for said service and I use said service then I am only REQUIRED to pay you for said service. I am not REQUIRED to provide you with a tip. For example, we went to Dunn’s River Falls. The guide makes a speech about tips BEFORE we even started the hike. Tacky. Doesn’t make me want to tip you. The video guy at Dunn’s River Falls did an excellent job getting the crowd hype and making it fun and interesting. After the tour was over, he wanted $50 for the DVD – I didn’t have $50 to buy it. I said no. He got mad and rolled his eyes, then walked the hell off. Then had the nerve to come back five minutes later and said, I worked hard today. I deserve a tip. Well, shut the front door!! Seriously? We went to Nassau. Took the ferry. It cost $4 per person to ride the ferry. That’s what we paid. A guy looking like a certain Dave Chappelle character comes on the boat giving us information about the island. Thanks! I didn’t ask for this service but appreciate the information. Oh no, he pulls off his hat, holds it out, and starts walking around to every person sitting on the boat, expecting a tip. And you know what he did if you shook your head or ignored him? He got mad and rolled his eyes. Unbelievable. In the shops in the Dunn’s River Falls park, we got harassed by more than one shopkeeper and after buying a few shirts from one guy, and politely but firmly refusing to purchase anything else, this guys asks our names and then starts carving them into these wooden figures. I’m like, what are you doing? I’m not buying those. He says, no, no, boss lady, these are my gift to you. Just take care of me and give me a good tip. RIDICULOUS. We go to the IRIE BLUE HOLE in Ocho Rios. They’ve got these young boys “guiding” you into a big pool of water. I really don’t need your help finding my way into the water but okay. We stay all of twenty minutes. You know what happens afterwards? He follows us all the way to the car, waits for us to get in and then stands there looking sad. At least he had the decency not to roll his eyes or get mad when he realized he wasn’t getting one. We get off the ferry in Nassau and start walking towards Atlantis. Took a wrong turn. Saw a guy standing on the street. Said hey, which way to Atlantis if you please? You know what he said? Go right, then make a left through the shops. We said, thanks my man. Really appreciate it. You know what he said? Can I get a tip? ARE YOU SERIOUS?


On the flip side of that, we get automatically charged gratuities onboard for both drinks and for the workers – which I DO NOT agree with but that’s another post – okay fine. However, at the end of the cruise, our steward did such an excellent job and in my opinion went over and beyond what is required of his job. So guess what he got a tip! Our waiters put up with our obnoxious behavior and fed my husband’s incessant inner monster entrée after endless entrée every night. Guess what, at the end of the cruise, they got tips! And even though we had to give the bartenders tips for EVERY drink automatically, for the ones that were super cool and provided good conversation and or slipped us a free one every now and then, you guessed it, they got a TIP!! Why? Because they went over and beyond what was required of their JOB. What they already get paid to do. And, they didn’t expect or ASK for it.


I don’t know what’s wrong with these folks. Gas is $8 a gallon on some of these islands, milk is $9 a gallon. The unemployment rate is in upwards of 30%. They have to import everything they need. It must be very hard and I realize it is very different in America where we have unemployment compensation and welfare and things like that. But we are people too and have our own personal issues, beliefs, and financial struggles as well. Just on a different scale and in different ways. But the bottom line is, I go out of my way to make people feel comfortable whether I’m hosting an event in my house or I’m having a one on one conversation with somebody. Foolishly, I expect the same in return. I wouldn’t treat anyone like that in my home, let alone my country. Its just plain rude and I don’t appreciate it. I don’t like feeling beholden to anyone. Just because I’m visiting your country does not mean I owe you anything. You can’t tell me that five cruise ships carrying 4500 people per ship, visiting an island with a population of 5000 people isn’t boosting the heck out of your country’s economy. The spending alone from international tourism provides an immeasurable amount of income, wages, and employment opportunities for a lot of these small and developing countries. We are doing our part. Give us a break!!

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The one thing I truly believe people should stop complaining about:


THE FOOD: How do people go on a cruise, and let’s use the Breeze for example, and say, oh the food was terrible. ARE. YOU. SERIOUS.


First things first, go to a restaurant in the states that has to, in an hour and a half’s time, service over 4000 guests a four course meal. Do you think that you may occasionally get the order wrong or serve lukewarm food? Probably. But think about it like this: do you get three waiters that are willing to bring you something else, bring you two of something else, sing to you, dance for you, or jump up on table for you? I don’t think so. It is beyond me how these guys are able to feed that many people that much food in such a short of time. And we’re not talking about burgers and fries. We are talking about dishes that require food to be fresh, at a certain temperature, and most of the time cooked to order. That’s impressive. I have no complaints here. And neither should you!!!!


But you’re going to complain anyway aren’t you!! LOL


Okay, well then how about you try…














And yet, someone will still say, that as a whole, they didn’t like the food. Well, fine.


We thought the food was great. As I said at the beginning of my review, some was better than others but as a whole, it was great!!


Things to make me say hmmm….


  • Why are kids allowed in hot tubs?
  • Why is it called a “day at sea”? Shouldn’t it be called a “day on the ship”? If it were truly a day at sea, then why don’t they have like jet skis and fishing boats and stuff you can use and go out and see the sea? I think that would be unique and cool.
  • Why don’t they have cabins under the water line? You know how they have the glass bottom boats and stuff? What if they had cabins under the water line where you could look at the “window” and see the ocean life? Would that not be the coolest thing ever?


Things I plan to do differently next time:


  • If I ever cruise out of Miami again, I would come in a few days earlier or stay a few days later so we don’t feel like we’re rushing.
  • I would either purchase the Cheers program or smuggle some alcohol on, lol.
  • I would spend more time trying to meet new people and trying not to be so introverted.

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Once we got headed in the right direction to Atlantis, I told my hubby that I wanted to stop by to check on our boat, hah hah!!




Once in Atlantis, (and again, missing a lot of pictures here), we were able to walk around the area that had the high end stores as well as the gift shops. There were several tours walking by and we toyed with the idea of purchasing the one for $40 (tickets sold directly by the hotel) but decided that it just wasn’t that serious. We did get to see a few turtles outside a widow that must have been on one of “the forbidden” paths.




Once we walked around and went as far as we could before we thought we might get stopped by security, we made our way to the Casino and stayed there for a couple of hours. After that, I really wanted to go to the beach and lounge around while sipping on some margaritas so we decided to head out before it got too late. Now, remember I said that we didn’t do anything the way we planned? Well, I told hubby that I wanted to catch a taxi over to Junkanoo Beach because that’s the beach several people recommended to go. But, he decided that since we were already on the water that we could go to the one of the ones adjacent to the hotels. I told him that I didn’t think that to be a good idea (since I didn’t research any other beach) but he turned to me and said, “woman, there’s a beach over there, that’s the one we’re going to!” And so I said, babe, I don’t want to go to that one, the other one is supposed to be better. Then he was like, “just eat the cake, Anna Mae!!!” So we asked for directions and walked over to Cabbage Beach next to the RIU (sp?) hotel. I was not impressed nor was I happy. Just look at my face.




He'll never admit it, but he wasn't too impressed either.



What am I missing? What's wrong with the beach? Clean white sand, beautiful turquoise water.

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Hubby and I went on our first cruise (together) on the Carnival Victory in June of 2010 for our Honeymoon. That cruise (and not just for the obvious reasons) was THE best cruise we’ve ever been on and I’m not sure if any other cruise will ever even get close to that one. Perhaps one with a European itinerary...? But waking up everyday to a new port every morning (7 islands in 7 days) to some of the most beautiful, spectacular, and unspoiled scenery was just unbelievable. The excursions we took were with three of the most competent, experienced, and AWESOME independent tour operators in the business. A 6 hour private catamaran tour in Barbados, an 8 hour city tour in St. Lucia with Cosol, and a 4 hour beach tour in St. Thomas with Elvis are to this day, unrivaled. Not to mention that aboard the ship we had the best steward in history, the best waiters that ever lived, and met four other couples that sat with us in the MDR every night that and to this day, we still keep in touch with. All in all, it was perfect. Now, this is a BREEZE review, not a VICTORY review, but I just felt like I needed to preface what I’m going to say about the BREEZE with our experience on the Victory so you could kind of understand our frame of reference.


Going in, we did not expect this cruise to be like our honeymoon cruise. That was probably a once in a lifetime thing for us. It was Just. That. Good. But, we did have that in the back of our mind and were hoping that we would enjoy ourselves just as much especially being that the BREEZE was Carnival’s newest ship. So, did we?




It was awesome. It was different, but Carnival can’t control what goes on on land or what excursions you choose to take or how many people you meet. That’s YOUR JOB. They can, however make decisions as to the people they choose to employ and the activities they plan on board. Remember, we choose to cruise for the ports, not the ship. But in the case of the BREEZE, we got an added bonus in that we had things that other ships may not have like BUTCH, and GUYS’s, and the CHEER’s program, and things like that. So… while we were a little disappointed that we only got to make 2 out of the 3 ports that were scheduled (and one of those was Nassau, lol), THIS cruise was still the shiznit. It really was. I know I talked a lot about things that irritated me, and things that didn’t make any sense, but that’s the beauty of experiencing new things. It’s not always going to be perfect. If it were, it means you’re in HEAVEN and obviously dead. So for those of you trying to decide whether or not to book a cruise aboard the BREEZE, I would say YES! Do it. Especially if you cruise for the SHIPS. If you’re like us, however, and you cruise for the PORTS, then the great thing is that the BREEZE has several itineraries and you have more than a few options. Again, cruises are all about what you make them. I would much rather be sitting on an old raggedy ship in the middle of the ocean cruising to nowhere then sitting at work miserable and dealing with the rigmarole of work.



Thanks for all who read my review, encouraged me to continue even after my initial goof ups, and have inspired me to do more in the future. It was a lot of fun and I hope that if not just for the comic relief, that I gave somebody some insight about what life aboard the CARNIVAL BREEZE was like for a week. Til next time!!

Miracles and Blessings!!



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What am I missing? What's wrong with the beach? Clean white sand, beautiful turquoise water.


Nothing, if that's what you were looking for. I wanted a beach that I could actually get in the water. Waves were WAY too rough here. I was told Junkanoo was much better. That's all.

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You had me laughing out loud this whole review. Like I often times will say LOL and not really mean it... but I literally laughed out loud. So thanks for that.


Also I LOVE Jamaica but I totally agree. I feel like they're the absolute worst about holding their hands out for tips. I think that's so wrong and that's a big problem of mine with cruising- automatic tips. What the heck. We're also really good tippers, I have no problem tipping for great service. I got to the bar and tip a buck a drink and have SEVERAL drinks then leave a tip at the end. Same at a restaurant. I leave 20%+some. But when I go on an island and I am ASKED for a tip it makes me sooo angry. I'm off my soapbox now.



Anyway, thank you so much for this review. I can tell how much fun you guys had and I appreciate that you were honest and fair. You went and reviewed without having to bash anything that was a tiny bit wrong and you did a great job doing so. Your writing is just great and I read this whole thread in one sitting. You've made me so excited to go on my cruise in April (not on the Breeze but I don't CAAAAAAAAAARE- because it is a cruise :)).


Anyway- I hope you have a splendid time on the rest of your cruises, we're going to Grand Turk on our cruise (hopefully) so I will let you know how it is. Thanks so much again- seriously! You rock. More reviews please :) (that means you have to go on a bunch more cruises)

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I like you. :) You are a beautiful family.


Thank you for the awesome review. I love your sense of humor!


In regards to tipping, I totally agree with you. Just because Americans visit the country, doesn't mean your owed something.


I worked as a waitress many years ago, on a trip to Vegas, DH and I were at Caesars Palace, Bejing Noodle 9 restaurant one time and at the end of a nice meal, the waitress brings the bill and said " that doesn't include the tip". Do we look like idiots? I always tip very well but she got 10%.


Glad you had a great cruise! Thanks for sharing your trip with us.



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