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Having a lot of anxiety about our cruise!


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Hello all! This year I'll be taking my daughter on her first cruise just a week shy of her 2nd birthday. Since I haven't had a vacation since 2010 when I booked the cruise I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to take her. Now that some of the excitement has worn off anxiety is becoming a problem. She's my first baby and I'm a first time mom so I'm really really nervous and I'm considering everything. We have a balcony cabin (my first and I'm super excited about it) and I plan to have her out there with me but I don't want anyone picking her up so close to the wall for fear she might fall over. I'm too afraid to do a catamaran excursion with her because anything could happen. Do they have life vests for toddlers? I plan to take her to the beach but she's only allowed in the shallowest parts because I'm afraid she could get swept in. One thing is for certain, she will not be out of my sight for a second. Am I crazy or is this normal stuff every parent considers/worries about? Any advice for an extremely nervous mommy? I'm not so concerned with any possible issues with the ship, if anything happens with that I'll deal with it when the time comes but this is different. The whole point of the cruise was to relax and have a great time with her but now I'm afraid I'll be too busy worrying about everything. :(

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Welcome to parenthood! :) These are normal concerns with a child your daughter's age. I know a lot of people take their young children to the beach, but I do not unless I'm with other adults. I would stay off the catamaran with a toddler too.

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I'm a fellow first time mom with a toddler - my 17 month old daughter. We just got back from a 9 day cruise on Enchantment. I freaked out and imagined all sorts of terrible things right before we left. We were all (lots of family came along, including grandparents) kind of paranoid at first.


After a rough second night (little sleep for any of us), we hit our groove and we all had a fantastic time. We learned to loosen the reigns on her a bit and let her explore and walk for herself. She LOVED feeling like a big girl, walked down the halls, to the elevator, ate with us at most meals in the dining room.


I was paranoid about balconies, too, but she was fine. We had an aft cabin with lots of room to run around, too.


I'll say, I bought her a harness and never used it.


We didn't bring her on a catamaran tour, either, because we wanted to snorkel and couldn't with her. I'm glad we didn't - we had to take a small boat to get to the catamaran and never would have felt ok doing that with her. They had child sized life vests, no idea on size.


I saw a three year old on that excursion that had a vest with swimmer float combo. If you do decide to do that kind of trip, I'd probably bring your own.


Honestly, the best part was how the crew spoiled her. They were SO great! Have a great time. We sailed Valor years ago and really liked it.

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I have 8 children with the youngest being 6, but I can understand your worry. For me it seems that I will worry the most about things Im not familiar with and once I get my bearings, so to speak, I can put it all back into perspective and settle in and relax. I am an info seeker and the more info I have, the more I can relax about any given situation, because when I feel prepared, I feel relaxed :)

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We took our first dd on a cruise over New Years. She turned 22 months while we were on the cruise, so probably similar to your dd. We didn't have a balcony room but we watched sail aways from the back of the ship by the railing. If you don't get to close and let her lean over or sit on it, that fear will be gone right away.


We were in four ports and took a beach excursion each time. It was great and our dd loved the sand. While we were in FL before the cruise we bought bucket, shovel, and sand toys. That kept her busy for a long time and we were able to keep her in the shade. We did bring her life vest from home but we never used it. In FL the water was rough and we didn't take her in there. At the ports it was calm and we held her in shallow water. It was great and you could tell she loved being there with just the three of us "swimming" around in the water. I wouldn't have felt comfortable on a cat ride, but if you do it, I'd suggest bringing your own vest. For under 30#s there are the vest that have the neck floats too. I would highly doubt they have those on a cat.


The ship was really fun for all of us. She was able to walk on her own a be a "big girl" without us feeling that she was unsafe. As pp said, the crew is great with little kids. Our dd got to know the ones that came around and talked to her all of the time and she'd give them high 5s. We were sitting at chairs by the purser's desk and one the people behind the desk took out a light and starting trying to catch it and step on it. Everyone was having fun with that.


Some of the empty lounges are good run around places during the day when they are closed. They feel free to move on their own and you don't have to be 5" from them because they can't get that far.


It's not a relaxing cruise as you may have taken in the past, but it should be fun. We had a great time and it was a special bonding time for all of us. We've never had 12 days of uninterrupted mommy and daddy time. She still talks about the beach.


I thought the most stressful times were in the airport, at the rental car company, and in the line to get on the ship. We did use a stroller and/or harness at that point. Once we got on the ship we didn't use either and it was much more relaxing.


You are normal to worry - but once you get on the ship, I'm sure you'll have fun!

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We've been cruising with our kiddos since the youngest was 3, and I still have those same worries. Yes - you are normal! Most excursions have some age restrictions, so look into whatever your choose. Maybe a beach club? They will have shallow entries where you can sit and splash with her and let her experience all of the new sights and smells and sounds. I'd also suggest a lightweight stroller because anything you do will involve some walking. Most cruise lines will also have mommy and me play times so take advantage of those. The railings on the balconies are 3.5 feet or so, but be sure to move the chairs (if you have them) away from the edge.


Whatever you decide to do, enjoy yourselves!

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Welcome to parenthood! :) These are normal concerns with a child your daughter's age. I know a lot of people take their young children to the beach, but I do not unless I'm with other adults. I would stay off the catamaran with a toddler too.


100% agree. I have a 2 year old daughter myself and I have a whole list of worries that are going through my head. I won't share them because I don't want the OP to get more anxious. :D My brain says that some of these are crazy, but that still does not ease my mind.

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We were in four ports and took a beach excursion each time. It was great and our dd loved the sand. While we were in FL before the cruise we bought bucket, shovel, and sand toys. That kept her busy for a long time and we were able to keep her in the shade. We did bring her life vest from home but we never used it. In FL the water was rough and we didn't take her in there. At the ports it was calm and we held her in shallow water. It was great and you could tell she loved being there with just the three of us "swimming" around in the water. I wouldn't have felt comfortable on a cat ride, but if you do it, I'd suggest bringing your own vest. For under 30#s there are the vest that have the neck floats too. I would highly doubt they have those on a cat.




Do you have any suggestions on a life vest? I am thinking about getting one for our DD. She turned two in January, but she is fairly petite. She was just under 22 pounds at her 2 year check up.

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Whew!! OK, its good to know I'm not the only one. LOL I don't have any excursions planned yet since I'm still doing some research on the ports. But we will most likely stay close to the ports and do a little shopping and beaches/resorts that are pretty close to the ship. One of the ports has a Butterfly farm that I think my daughter and I would love so that'd probably be the only tour/excursion we do I'm not sure yet. The catamaran tours are out of the question with her, I just asked about the life vests out of curiosity. My grandparents, aunt and uncle, and three younger cousins (19, 16, and 4) have decided to join us so we won't be completely alone and my grandfather has already agreed to keep her if I decided to do an excursion so we'll see. I do have an umbrella stroller I plan to take and I've been considering buying a harness with the backpack as well. Thanks for the replies!

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100% agree. I have a 2 year old daughter myself and I have a whole list of worries that are going through my head. I won't share them because I don't want the OP to get more anxious. :D My brain says that some of these are crazy, but that still does not ease my mind.


Now I want to know what they are! LOL Come on, I want to be prepared. I've thought up some pretty crazy scenarios too. :x

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I have 8 children with the youngest being 6, but I can understand your worry. For me it seems that I will worry the most about things Im not familiar with and once I get my bearings, so to speak, I can put it all back into perspective and settle in and relax. I am an info seeker and the more info I have, the more I can relax about any given situation, because when I feel prepared, I feel relaxed :)


I only have 5, the youngest being 10, but I agree that once I get there, I'm much more relaxed! Reality sets in, and what seemed to be a dangerous situation in your mind turns out to be fine.

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You need to stop worrying about "what if's".....you'll be a wreck before you even get on the ship!


Are you this paranoid at home? Being on vacation should be less stressful than everyday life!


Most of the beaches (do some research on which beach to go to...get a guidebook!) are quite calm and clear! Choose the right beach, so you don't have to worry! Being "swept away" would be rare, indeed! Don't do excursions you're not comfortable with!


Everything will be fine, and you'll look back on your vacation and think, "What was I so worried about?!".

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Worries are normal. It's over-worrying that can get you into trouble lol

We are booked to cruise in 46 days (WHOO HOOO) with our 2 year old (she turns too at the end of April). We have a cove balcony on the Carnival Dream---hoping that will be enclosed enough to give us more sense of security. Although we're booked for another cruise in September in a regular balcony.

I'm taking the backpack/harness. More for her being able to carry a few of her small toys with her, than for the harness. But it'll be good to have if I just wanna sit, drink my froofroo drink, and let her play near me---without running away LOL

I'm looking forward to the empty lounges for burning off energy, but really looking forward to the Camp Carnival. Hoping she enjoys it too!

One thing I've noticed and would suggest----always take more diapers/wipes than you would think you'd need. And take a few familiar snacks from home. We'll have goldfish crackers.

Have fun, deep breaths, shot of tequila, and you'll enjoy yourself :rolleyes:

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Worries are normal. It's over-worrying that can get you into trouble lol

We are booked to cruise in 46 days (WHOO HOOO) with our 2 year old (she turns too at the end of April). We have a cove balcony on the Carnival Dream---hoping that will be enclosed enough to give us more sense of security. Although we're booked for another cruise in September in a regular balcony.

I'm taking the backpack/harness. More for her being able to carry a few of her small toys with her, than for the harness. But it'll be good to have if I just wanna sit, drink my froofroo drink, and let her play near me---without running away LOL

I'm looking forward to the empty lounges for burning off energy, but really looking forward to the Camp Carnival. Hoping she enjoys it too!

One thing I've noticed and would suggest----always take more diapers/wipes than you would think you'd need. And take a few familiar snacks from home. We'll have goldfish crackers.

Have fun, deep breaths, shot of tequila, and you'll enjoy yourself :rolleyes:



Sorry-----she turns two...

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Now I want to know what they are! LOL Come on, I want to be prepared. I've thought up some pretty crazy scenarios too. :x


Oh, the usual- Wandering off, wandering into an elevator before we can manage to get on, falling off the ship, getting stepped on, chocking on something at camp, hidden allergy that we find out about at camp, wandering into the ocean, getting buried by sand. Sounds crazier when I write it down. Those things that are never going to happen, because I am not going to just let her go off on her own. Lol. She is probably in just as much danger at the grocery store and I am not afraid to take her there. Just paranoia. :D

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Hello, I felt ur anxiety, it is normal, it would b abnormal if u didn't feel that way ,I 2 was the same when we took our son @ 19 months, he is now 4 1/2 yrs old and going on his 5th cruise next month.....just take a deep breath..make it as close to home as possible with familarr items from home....u all will be fine and have fun...we did not do excursions we toured around the cruise ships...and once took a taxi...just an FYI, I'm sure u have everything thought out, bring powered pedialyte and a stroller with a protector from the sun....Our son at that age slept in the crib that we wiped with Lysol wipes and his favorite toys....we did go to the dollar store and bought beach toys..pail..shovel and sand molds..hope that was helpful..have fun and let us know how it goes...

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Totally normal! we all have these fears, but you will see everything will be fine. The balcony is 5 feet of glass and sort of angled toward you so it would be difficult to fall unless someone lifted her over the side which wouldnt happen. The beaches are not usually rough at all with little waves so sweeping her out to sea wouldn't happen either. They do have life jackets in the cabin but you can't take them when you go into port so you may want to pick one up at Walmart or target before you go. We always bring a swim vest for our son, age 4 even though he's a good swimmer now. More for peace of mind. You and your DD will have a blast. Just think she's only 2 and you have complete control over where she is and what she is doing at all times. We will have many more worries when they are teens!

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I only have 5, the youngest being 10, but I agree that once I get there, I'm much more relaxed! Reality sets in, and what seemed to be a dangerous situation in your mind turns out to be fine.


I'm hoping that's how I'll be. I think I'll be ok once we get on the ship.


You need to stop worrying about "what if's".....you'll be a wreck before you even get on the ship!


Are you this paranoid at home? Being on vacation should be less stressful than everyday life!


Most of the beaches (do some research on which beach to go to...get a guidebook!) are quite calm and clear! Choose the right beach, so you don't have to worry! Being "swept away" would be rare, indeed! Don't do excursions you're not comfortable with!


Everything will be fine, and you'll look back on your vacation and think, "What was I so worried about?!".


Yes, maybe so but it's easier said than done besides I like to be prepared. I just think of all types of scenarios in my head and think "In the event that so and so happens what should/would I do? What'd be the best thing to do?" I don't know, I can get carried away with that but she's not replaceable and that scares the crap out of me. I've found that I don't panic in an emergency situation when I'm prepared for it and know what to do. And no I am not this paranoid at home because it's familiar to us both; the ship and islands are not.


I am currently doing research on each of the 6 islands now and will decide which activities to do and which to stay away from. Getting swept away is probably rare but it's possible. You just never know. I'm sure I will look back on it once we're home and think I did all of this worrying for nothing. If that's the case then I'll have nothing but excitement and anticipation for our next cruise in August 2014. :)

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Worries are normal. It's over-worrying that can get you into trouble lol

We are booked to cruise in 46 days (WHOO HOOO) with our 2 year old (she turns too at the end of April). We have a cove balcony on the Carnival Dream---hoping that will be enclosed enough to give us more sense of security. Although we're booked for another cruise in September in a regular balcony.

I'm taking the backpack/harness. More for her being able to carry a few of her small toys with her, than for the harness. But it'll be good to have if I just wanna sit, drink my froofroo drink, and let her play near me---without running away LOL

I'm looking forward to the empty lounges for burning off energy, but really looking forward to the Camp Carnival. Hoping she enjoys it too!

One thing I've noticed and would suggest----always take more diapers/wipes than you would think you'd need. And take a few familiar snacks from home. We'll have goldfish crackers.

Have fun, deep breaths, shot of tequila, and you'll enjoy yourself :rolleyes:


Yes, this worrying thing is something my mother didn't tell me about but now that I have my own daughter I understand completely why she was (and still is) the overprotective mother that she is. Lots of things totally make sense now that I'm a parent too. LOL


I've been really really curious about the cove balconies and the scenic oceanview rooms. Please be sure to come back and let us know how you enjoyed it. I think I'll be trying the scenic ocean view or aft wrap balcony in 2014 but I'm open to a cove balcony too.


We'll definitely be using the empty lounges and camp carnival for mommy and me time. I won't really be able to use Camp Carnival that much since she won't yet be two but maybe next year if she's up for it. I'd also like to hear about your experience with camp carnival.


Oh, the usual- Wandering off, wandering into an elevator before we can manage to get on, falling off the ship, getting stepped on, chocking on something at camp, hidden allergy that we find out about at camp, wandering into the ocean, getting buried by sand. Sounds crazier when I write it down. Those things that are never going to happen, because I am not going to just let her go off on her own. Lol. She is probably in just as much danger at the grocery store and I am not afraid to take her there. Just paranoia. :D


LOL Some of those made me laugh. At least I know I'm not the only one with a wild imagination. :p

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Hello, I felt ur anxiety, it is normal, it would b abnormal if u didn't feel that way ,I 2 was the same when we took our son @ 19 months, he is now 4 1/2 yrs old and going on his 5th cruise next month.....just take a deep breath..make it as close to home as possible with familarr items from home....u all will be fine and have fun...we did not do excursions we toured around the cruise ships...and once took a taxi...just an FYI, I'm sure u have everything thought out, bring powered pedialyte and a stroller with a protector from the sun....Our son at that age slept in the crib that we wiped with Lysol wipes and his favorite toys....we did go to the dollar store and bought beach toys..pail..shovel and sand molds..hope that was helpful..have fun and let us know how it goes...


Thank you for the kind words and helpful advice! I'll add powdered pedialyte to my already long list for my daughter. LOL Depending on how many trips to the beach I plan I may even get one of those little tents for her to play in at the beach.


Totally normal! we all have these fears, but you will see everything will be fine. The balcony is 5 feet of glass and sort of angled toward you so it would be difficult to fall unless someone lifted her over the side which wouldnt happen. The beaches are not usually rough at all with little waves so sweeping her out to sea wouldn't happen either. They do have life jackets in the cabin but you can't take them when you go into port so you may want to pick one up at Walmart or target before you go. We always bring a swim vest for our son, age 4 even though he's a good swimmer now. More for peace of mind. You and your DD will have a blast. Just think she's only 2 and you have complete control over where she is and what she is doing at all times. We will have many more worries when they are teens!


Thanks! I've never had a balcony cabin before so you're right. That fear of mine might go away completely once I see it for myself. I have heard they are quite tall. And I will definitely buy and pack her a swim vest since you mentioned it.

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Do you have any suggestions on a life vest? I am thinking about getting one for our DD. She turned two in January, but she is fairly petite. She was just under 22 pounds at her 2 year check up.



First, it's normal to be worried...especially as a first time mom. I always found it helpful to remember the "rational"... Do you fear taking her to the grocery store in the car? Likely not...it's an everyday occurrence. But cars, not cruise ships, beaches or any of your other fears, are the "riskiest"...statistics show it is far more likely for something to happen in the car. So please, try to tell your brain to stop...all of us on here have traveled with kids, from cruises, to grocery stores and land vacations. Everything will be fine.:)


Now, as to your specific question about swim vests...I like the jacket style that Target and walmart sell...zips up the front and has a strap that runs between the legs to keep it "down". The child has full use of the arms and makes it easier to learn to swim....more natural.

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Oh, the usual- . . . wandering into an elevator before we can manage to get on . . .
Reminds me of our first trip to Italy with our DD then 3YO. We were in a train station in Milano - no elavator. DH was wrangling suitcases so we got him on the escalator. I had one suitcase, a carryon and DDs hand and had just coaxed her on the escalator, stepped on, when she paniced and darted back off. I started back but was encumbered by luggage and I'm certain I looked like a bad clown trying to fight my way back up the down escalator. DH abandoned the luggage at the bottom, and was running up the up escalator when A very kind, very old Italian gentleman bent down, took DDs hand, did a 123 ( in Italian), and helped her all the way udown. He spoke no English ( and my Italian is exeedingly limited) so I thanked him best as I could, as I also thanked the lady who had stuck around to watch our luggage. A minor situation that underscores that most people are good, that demonstrated that as parents we WERE able to deal with a difficult situation, and really just one of those stories that our family churns up occassionally that brings a smile (remember the time . . .?)


So even the little things that will go wrong will not necessarily be "bad". Plan a bit, worry a little, but most of all relax - it helps! If you are too tense your DD will pick up on it and she'll worry too.

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We got our vest at Dick's Sports and paid waaaay too much ($80). I got it in Feb last year before they were in Target. They only had the regular vest ones without the head flap. Just this week I saw they had the infant ones at Target for $30. Oh well, it wouldn't be the first baby thing we overpaid for. :) The difference between the regular vests and the infant one is the neck flap. They are the "legal" vest for kids under 30 pounds. It's made to keep the child's face up and the head resting on it. Our dd weighed 26 pounds at her 2 yr appt a few weeks ago, but her vest is a little snug in the chest. Hopefully she can still wear it for boating this summer. I would check Target before going anywhere else.



What islands are you going to? If it's Cayman, Cozumel, Jamaica, or Great Strirrup Cay I can tell you what beaches we went to and what they were like for little ones.

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We got our vest at Dick's Sports and paid waaaay too much ($80). I got it in Feb last year before they were in Target. They only had the regular vest ones without the head flap. Just this week I saw they had the infant ones at Target for $30. Oh well, it wouldn't be the first baby thing we overpaid for. :) The difference between the regular vests and the infant one is the neck flap. They are the "legal" vest for kids under 30 pounds. It's made to keep the child's face up and the head resting on it. Our dd weighed 26 pounds at her 2 yr appt a few weeks ago, but her vest is a little snug in the chest. Hopefully she can still wear it for boating this summer. I would check Target before going anywhere else.



What islands are you going to? If it's Cayman, Cozumel, Jamaica, or Great Strirrup Cay I can tell you what beaches we went to and what they were like for little ones.



Target is my go to store for nearly everything, especially since I have the Target CC. I'll probably go there today and see if they have any for my daughter to try on. We'll be going to St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, and St. Maarten. I want to go to one or two beaches total that aren't too crowded, rocky, or noisy.

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