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Poor Manners being Discussed on Another Forum....


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On another forum, etiquette and good travel manners are being discussed. It made me think of some of the worse episodes of the worst manners we've seen on the ships.


What would you do/say were it you to whom this happened?


Standing in Lido line waiting your turn to have your sandwich made at lunch. You are watching and as the person ahead of you is finished and moving away you start to move ahead to take your turn when you clearly feel two hands low on your back and you are being pushed forward to 'hurry up'. If you make a big stink and call them out, who will it be that has the bad manners? Afterall, no one saw this jerk put her hands on you but they surely will hear you tell her off if you choose to do so.


Yes, this on a HAL ship.

Yes, what horrid behavior.

Can you imagine?


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Ahh Judy, it's a sad statement but true - we will always encounter people who either (a) don't have manners or (b) think they are more important than others.


Nothing much we can do but give them a smile and tell them nicely to wait their turn.


I would have certainly responded to a 'push' with my best smile and a request not to 'push' me. It doesn't get the food made any faster. LOL

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On another forum, etiquette and good travel manners are being discussed. It made me think of some of the worse episodes of the worst manners we've seen on the ships.


What would you do/say were it you to whom this happened?


Standing in Lido line waiting your turn to have your sandwich made at lunch. You are watching and as the person ahead of you is finished and moving away you start to move ahead to take your turn when you clearly feel two hands low on your back and you are being pushed forward to 'hurry up'. If you make a big stink and call them out, who will it be that has the bad manners? Afterall, no one saw this jerk put her hands on you but they surely will hear you tell her off if you choose to do so.


Yes, this on a HAL ship.

Yes, what horrid behavior.

Can you imagine?



Shocking. That is horrible.

I would take a small step backwards and stamp on the person's toes.

Edit - Kazu is clearly much more well behaved than me. :)

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Shocking. That is horrible.

I would take a small step backwards and stamp on the person's toes.

Edit - Kazu is clearly much more well behaved than me. :)



Actually, I 'sorta' like your approach. :D



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Actually, I 'sorta' like your approach. :D




Thank you! :)


I'd like to think that what happens next is the person squeals and I could turn around and say "oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise you were there" and smile at them.

They can hardly point out that I must have known they were there because they've just shoved me in the back.

*Evil grin*

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On another forum, etiquette and good travel manners are being discussed. It made me think of some of the worse episodes of the worst manners we've seen on the ships.


What would you do/say were it you to whom this happened?


Standing in Lido line waiting your turn to have your sandwich made at lunch. You are watching and as the person ahead of you is finished and moving away you start to move ahead to take your turn when you clearly feel two hands low on your back and you are being pushed forward to 'hurry up'. If you make a big stink and call them out, who will it be that has the bad manners? Afterall, no one saw this jerk put her hands on you but they surely will hear you tell her off if you choose to do so.


Yes, this on a HAL ship.

Yes, what horrid behavior.

Can you imagine?



Haven't had that situation yet. I usually just turn around and give a look.


I realize that the Lido can get busy. What I make a effort to do, as I go through the area,is to scan as I walk and attempt to navigate around folks that don't pay attention to others walking. Boy is that difficult. People just seem to get into a trance and zero in on a dessert or juice that just calls their name! :D


My poor wife who is on the small side, has had larger passengers just about walk over her getting that piece of food.


Go figure.



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I can easily top that every day. But here is my most egregious example of bad manners.


A 93 year old woman who uses a walker, in line for the next shuttle bus, being hip-checked out of the way so two able-bodied "entitleds" can beat her (and her 65ish year old daughter) onto the bus, for the last two seats, in the beating sun....


and when the NEXT bus arrives, DH and I hold up the line and insist that the daughter and mother go AHEAD of us, while the three lazy no-manners jerks behind us start crabbing "what? are we going to let EVERYONE go ahead?" at the top of their lungs while pushing into us in a most deliberate fashion. :rolleyes:


.... so in the big picture, while I'd have been appalled at having anyone's hands on me, I'd just rollllll my eyes and affirm to myself my belief in karma :D

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I can easily top that every day. But here is my most egregious example of bad manners.


A 93 year old woman who uses a walker, in line for the next shuttle bus, being hip-checked out of the way so two able-bodied "entitleds" can beat her (and her 65ish year old daughter) onto the bus, for the last two seats, in the beating sun....


and when the NEXT bus arrives, DH and I hold up the line and insist that the daughter and mother go AHEAD of us, while the three lazy no-manners jerks behind us start crabbing "what? are we going to let EVERYONE go ahead?" at the top of their lungs while pushing into us in a most deliberate fashion.


.... so in the big picture, while I'd have been appalled at having anyone's hands on me, I'd just rollllll my eyes and affirm to myself my belief in karma





Whoa...... all one can hope is if the day comes they are 'walking in those shoes', they will have learned the lesson of what they did when they were 'hale and hearty'.


That must have been very distressing to experience, CowPrincess.




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I think "telling her off" would be way over the line for the behavior. I'd be more inclinded to turn around and say, "Excuse me but did you just push me?" That gets the point across while not escalating the situation. Two wrongs never make a right. ;)


This is what I would do too, and have, because it has happened to me before. :eek: And then I take my sweet time. :)

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I think "telling her off" would be way over the line for the behavior. I'd be more inclinded to turn around and say, "Excuse me but did you just push me?" That gets the point across while not escalating the situation. Two wrongs never make a right. ;)


No, but three rights do make a left. :)

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I very quiety turned and told her to never put a hand on me or anyone else who did not invite it.


I then proceeded to order my sandwich. :)

I never did see her again during our cruise.

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I would have said in a loud voice. Oh MY Royality has arrived everyone out of there way. should we bow down to you. Can we regular and handicapped get on the bus too. If they get in the front seats I would make get up and let people in need sit there.




never know how to move in lido line. do you wait in line or move if you don't want hot meal or sandwich so I aviod it.




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I can't say what I would do because it would depend on which Seago was inhabiting my body at the time of the offense. I'm far too unpredictable to be sure. Most likely I would ignore it, but I might say something, and if I was at the end of my last rope I might turn around and say "did you just PUSH me? I mean, did you just actually PUSH me?"


That's the fun of being me- no way to tell ;).

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Thankfully the conduct described by the OP and others in this thread is very, very rare on HAL ships. It has been our experience that HAL passengers are very friendly and very well behaved. I think you all make wonderful cruise mates.

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I can easily top that every day. But here is my most egregious example of bad manners.


A 93 year old woman who uses a walker, in line for the next shuttle bus, being hip-checked out of the way so two able-bodied "entitleds" can beat her (and her 65ish year old daughter) onto the bus, for the last two seats, in the beating sun....


and when the NEXT bus arrives, DH and I hold up the line and insist that the daughter and mother go AHEAD of us, while the three lazy no-manners jerks behind us start crabbing "what? are we going to let EVERYONE go ahead?" at the top of their lungs while pushing into us in a most deliberate fashion. :rolleyes:


.... so in the big picture, while I'd have been appalled at having anyone's hands on me, I'd just rollllll my eyes and affirm to myself my belief in karma :D


I've seen a lot of bad bus etiquette over the years. I can remember a situation similar to yours. I could see people were about to try to cut in line for a bus. We were near the front of the line and there was an older couple near us. As the younger interlopers started to dash for the door, I put my hand out and said "These people were here first." This got the older folks on the bus, and us right behind them. Don't know how the line cutters fared behind us.



I've seen plenty of Lido cutting, too. Many years ago, when QE2 didn't have a buffet area, they set up temporary stations to make a buffet alternative to the served breakfast. The woman behind me kept pushing her tray up against my back. I turned my head to see what she was doing and she said, "I'm sorry, but there's this old dear who tries to cut the line every morning. So I'm just trying to block her from getting in front of me." I didn't say anything, but I wasn't sure I believed this.


Well, no more than two minutes later, the old dear showed up. "I just want to reach for a roll for my friend," she said. So she wriggled into the line to reach the bread. And then stayed there. Someone said "There's a line." And she looked surprised. Several of us pointed to the end of the line, and she finally left. The woman behind me gave me a shrug and smile, a friendly I told you so look. We just shook our heads and laughed.

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I used to try subtlety with people like that, but either they play dumb or are dumb because they usually look at me confused, so now I'm very direct.


Push me and I turn around and say in an audible growl, "If you touch me again, I can guarantee you that I won't move any faster, but YOU WILL have trouble walking for the rest of your cruise."


I've just reached the point in my life where I don't suffer fools lightly anymore.

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I was waiting in line to get sushi and a large man standing next to me kept nudging me. I ignored it but when it was my turn and I had the tongs in my hand he reached over and took the tongs out of my hand, got his sushi and moved on. I was speechless! What a rude person, unbelievable.

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Wow ..a stranger putting their hands on me and actually pushing me. I believe that's called 'assault.'

Since the behavior seems over the top perhaps an over the top reaction would cure her of her bad manners. Upon contact I would clutch my back ,scream in agony , slide to the floor writhing in feigned agony screaming for help and saying "She pushed me!!! She pushed me !!! I am thinking she probably wouldn't push any one in line again. tee hee.;)

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Whoa...... all one can hope is if the day comes they are 'walking in those shoes', they will have learned the lesson of what they did when they were 'hale and hearty'.




That must have been very distressing to experience, CowPrincess.











It was distressing, as I'm still PO'd at the behaviour several years later :D To give you an idea of the "room temperature IQ" of the three "people" commenting as the 2nd bus was boarding, we were in MEXICO. The shuttle bus was taking us to a MEXICAN tpwm. The ones who had boarded AFTER us, AFTER we held up the line for the elderly lady and her daughter? Two of them sat directly behind us. "Ewwwww, look at all the MEXICANS" :rolleyes:




We live in a resort area. We are overrun with visitors on a regular basis. I have little hope for the future of the human race.

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Line cutters? Oh yeah :rolleyes: Same cruise as the hip-checkers, and kvetchers.....


12 people in one group. I watched them do this time and again.


"Excuse me, excuse me" as they pushed to the front of the line "we have a group of TWELVE" as though that made them somehow annointed for special treatment. And my favorite behaviour from the group of 12.


They'd find someone, anyone, that they might have met before, in line. One of them would start a conversation with the person they "knew" who was already in line. And that person would ease into the line. And then they would (what an amazing coincidence) see someone THEY knew, and invite them into line. And soon, all TWELVE would be in line :rolleyes:


We had the "pleasure" of watching all TWELVE of them do this at least two dozen times. And then, we had the "pleasure" of them on our return flight home, which ended up being delayed by about 3 hours. With luggage left far, FAR behind us. So we had to stand in line to file some sort of report about being separated from our luggage, before we could clear Customs in Canada. And one of them managed to get into line, well ahead of us, so soon all TWELVE of them were in line ahead of us, even though every one of them knew we had a 2 hour drive, in winter, in pitch black, to get home. A woman behind us, who'd been on the same flight, but NOT the cruise, was ready to cause an incident. We explained what we had endured for 10 days, and she just rolled her eyes, and recognized that there are some battles that are no-win.


I still believe in karma :D even though I seldom get to witness it in action.

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I've run across my fair share of rude people but the one that sticks out for me was a lido server. I was picking out a few items for lunch. One of the supervisors came over and they started joking with each other. They were so loud that I was having a hard time telling him what I wanted. I asked it they could wait until I was done to carry on. At that point he threw the plate on top of shelf and told me I had enough. To say I wasn't impressed is an understatement.

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I think "telling her off" would be way over the line for the behavior. I'd be more inclinded to turn around and say, "Excuse me but did you just push me?" That gets the point across while not escalating the situation. Two wrongs never make a right. ;)


Good. I told someone that I slow down when pushed. I think it is a cultural thing, residents of some countries are more pushy than others.

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I was waiting in line to get sushi and a large man standing next to me kept nudging me. I ignored it but when it was my turn and I had the tongs in my hand he reached over and took the tongs out of my hand, got his sushi and moved on. I was speechless! What a rude person, unbelievable.


I was being served a Mimosa on a cruise (qn HAL) when they were being given out to make up for missing a port ..... the waiter had the tray lowered in front of me.... I was reaching for the drink and a man came by and grabbed it off the tray. I did manage to shout "enjoy!!" at his retreating back. The waiter went and got me another drink and arrived back firmly clutching it in his hand.



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