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Mendenhall Glacier - Newbie Question


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We will be going to Alaska in May, in port from 7-130.


My stupid question of the day is "assuming we will be seeing glaciers from the ship, why should we go to Mendenhall while in Juneau?"


Do you get that much closer to it? Can you walk on it without buying some kind of tour?


We are traveling with our 2 kids, age 9 & 7. So, whether we take the Blue Bus or rent a car, the cost would be in the $65 range. The car obviously giving us greater flexibility for the price.


Knowing that our kids will bore quickly with anything we decide to do, I'm trying to decide if it's worth renting a car and going out to Mendenhall, or just skipping the car and Mendenhall and focusing on seeing a few things in town. Thanks.

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We will be going to Alaska in May, in port from 7-130.


My stupid question of the day is "assuming we will be seeing glaciers from the ship, why should we go to Mendenhall while in Juneau?"


Do you get that much closer to it? Can you walk on it without buying some kind of tour?


We are traveling with our 2 kids, age 9 & 7. So, whether we take the Blue Bus or rent a car, the cost would be in the $65 range. The car obviously giving us greater flexibility for the price.


Knowing that our kids will bore quickly with anything we decide to do, I'm trying to decide if it's worth renting a car and going out to Mendenhall, or just skipping the car and Mendenhall and focusing on seeing a few things in town. Thanks.


My initial reaction is that it would be a good opportunity to burn off some of the kids' energy! Do the walk out to the falls. My teens enjoyed picking up chunks of ice along the shoreline. My son found a little spit of land to stand on where it looked like he was walking on water:




Although you can't get close enough to the glacier to touch it, you do get pretty close, and there can be some great ice formations floating in the lake:



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We will be going to Alaska in May, in port from 7-130.


My stupid question of the day is "assuming we will be seeing glaciers from the ship, why should we go to Mendenhall while in Juneau?"


Do you get that much closer to it? Can you walk on it without buying some kind of tour?


We are traveling with our 2 kids, age 9 & 7. So, whether we take the Blue Bus or rent a car, the cost would be in the $65 range. The car obviously giving us greater flexibility for the price.


Knowing that our kids will bore quickly with anything we decide to do, I'm trying to decide if it's worth renting a car and going out to Mendenhall, or just skipping the car and Mendenhall and focusing on seeing a few things in town. Thanks.


Your tone with this post, is you don't find this an interesting area either? Certainly, it is not for everyone. I am disturbed by your "bored" kids comments. IF that truly is the case, then my decision would be this trip will be for me. AND I would be doing what my priorities were. Just a statement, nothing more.


The "city" again, if your preference, can occupy plenty of time, but the boredom factor, is going to be huge here. I suggest you find out WHAT it is, actually you want out of this trip, and WHY you chose Alaska. It sounds like you aren't looking for anything more than you would in the Caribbean?


Involving the kids in the activity selections can go along way. I suggest you consider it.


As for your Mendenhall questions, sorry, no access. IF you want to invest your time, in hiking, you can get a guided access hike from the west side.


Take a hard look and get your direction, good luck.

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You have not said if your ship is scenic cruising Tracy Arm/ Glacier Bay/ Hubbard Glacier. These can be far more interesting than Mendenhall. There are other things to do in Juneau from whale watching to gold mining - what are you going to do in the other ports?? I suggest that you do some more research on the towns and what they have to offer both in the form of DIY and cruise line excursions. A good place to start is www.cruiseportinsider.com


Also look at www.tripadvisor.com

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We will be cruising Sawyer Glacier.


This will be our first cruise and it is definitely more about "going on a cruise" than "seeing Alaska". We chose it as we can drive to port. That said, I have wanted to visit Alaska since working at a company that designed several of the AMHS and AS/CW ships.


Other things we plan to do are:


Juneau: Alaska State Museum (my kids love the Seattle Science Center, so they should enjoy this), State office building for the view, and Last Chance Mining Museum.


Skagway: Klondike Gold Rush Park, walking tour


Ketchikan: totem Bright state Park, Totem Heritage Center, Tong ass Historical Museum, walking tour.


As you can see, renting a car to visit Mendenhall would be our most expensive excursion. My husband and I would enjoy it, more just wondering if the kids would.


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I would vote to skip it. It probably isn't worth the money for you. The views are great, the visitors center is interesting, but if you aren't interested in hiking then it would be a short visit.

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I guess you have to decide whether your kids would be more interested in seeing a landlocked glacier - and you're right around $65 for all of you by bus - or if they prefer to walk around souvenir and jewelry stores in Juneau.


The trip should be more about what you want to do. When I was a kid I had to go wherever my parents wanted to go. Unfortunately my mother liked going to museums and art galleries, me not so much until I got much older.


When I was 7 years old we travelled all over Great Britain and Italy to visit relatives. I have no memories of that trip. When I was 9 years old we drove to California. I have a couple of vague memories of going on a couple of rides at Disneyland but nothing else. Judging by some photos apparently I was at Hearst Castle. I visited these places in my 20's and have good memories of them. I still remember places I traveled to as a teenager. My point? By the time they reach adulthood your sons will have no or very vague memories of this trip so you want to focus more on things that you will want to do because you're the one who will have the memories. But now I understand why we always did the things my parents wanted to do and not what I wanted to do when we're on holiday. Its because as an adult I don't remember the trips and things we did on holidays anyway.


If I was that age I would find the Mendenhall Glacier boring but getting outside after being cooped up on a ship and getting a chance to run around and explore would be the fun factor.


If you're stopping at any other Alaska ports you're going to be in a similar situation. The towns are full of similar shops you'll see in all the ports and you'll need to look at booking excursions or renting a car to get out to see the incredible scenery or fun things to do.

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(if you are on a budget), honestly, Mendenhall isn't worth the cost because it is melting. there are so many things one can see and experience in each port, by foot. it really depends on how adventurous you determine your children to be. At ages 9 & 7, they probably would enjoy each having their own binoculars and camera - that could keep them interested and busy. Learning the stories, seeing the wildlife, etc. might be interesting ....there are good coloring books you can buy in each port, so bring your crayons - it's a good way to re-enforce what they saw in each port.

If you can drive to the port, you are living in an area that is the great Northwest ....Alaska is just more of it. I saw my first Eagle in Alaska - that was so thrilling....your kids are probably used to it ?


I hope you enjoy your FirstCruise and Family Vacation. Bon Voyage.

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We will be cruising Sawyer Glacier.


This will be our first cruise and it is definitely more about "going on a cruise" than "seeing Alaska". We chose it as we can drive to port. That said, I have wanted to visit Alaska since working at a company that designed several of the AMHS and AS/CW ships.


Other things we plan to do are:


Juneau: Alaska State Museum (my kids love the Seattle Science Center, so they should enjoy this), State office building for the view, and Last Chance Mining Museum.


Skagway: Klondike Gold Rush Park, walking tour


Ketchikan: totem Bright state Park, Totem Heritage Center, Tong ass Historical Museum, walking tour.


As you can see, renting a car to visit Mendenhall would be our most expensive excursion. My husband and I would enjoy it, more just wondering if the kids would.


I hate to tell you, but the Alaska State Museum is NOT even remotely comparable to the Pacific Science Center! It is much, much smaller, and more history than science. I can spend ALL DAY (and in fact, have spent all night as well, with school group "sleep ins") at the Pacific Science Center. We spent about an hour at the Alaska State Museum. Don't get me wrong - it's a very nice museum. The big tree in the middle that you circle around to get to the second floor and the various animals on and around it are really cool. I've always liked native american art and artifacts, so I enjoyed those exhibits. I liked the museum, but if you go in expecting something like the Pacific Science Center, you will be disappointed.


I think renting a car is a great idea. You can go to Mendenhall and spend as much time as you like. There is a park somewhere along the way that your kids might enjoy as well. I can't give you specifics, but maybe somebody else will know. I have seen it from the bus when heading out to the glacier and it looks so cool that even I would like to go there some day!

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I know Alaska well and often when arriving in a port town by ship I just get off the ship and start walking.


I enjoy the freedom of being able to go where I please and to keep my money in pocket.....but


been there before and often.


Your results may vary.

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I second the motion for a rental car - so much you can see and do besides your stop at the glacier. I'd recommend driving "out the road" past Auke Bay to Eagle Beach. Amazing water views, and as the name suggests, eagles everywhere (well, atleast when we were there in mid-August), nice walking paths and a salmon filled stream. You could stop at the fish hatchery, which we greatly enjoyed, and also at the Shrine - be sure to look for whales from there, and the perhaps you'll be lucky enough to see some bears along the paths at Mendehall. Drive over to Douglas Island and check out what they have to offer.Go to the museums as noted above, walTop it all off with some delicious crab bisque from Tracy's Crab Shack right on the docks, and you've had yourself quite a day!

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This poster clearly has stated they aren't as interested in Alaska, and with their list, aren't interested in spending any money there either with touring a distant interest. So, based solely on that, skip the car rental costs, people are rating the rental cost as a "good value", but add in the significant gas costs, and it might be over the edge.


The touring chosen, seems to be "fill in" for their time. It's up to THEM to go how they wish. People cruising the Caribbean tour like this all the time. :)


Ideal, for their "lowest" price option would be to wait for those fire sales, and be flexible. I strongly suspect they will happen as there is significant oversupply on many sailings. What I plan on doing. :)

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We will be cruising Sawyer Glacier.


This will be our first cruise and it is definitely more about "going on a cruise" than "seeing Alaska". We chose it as we can drive to port. That said, I have wanted to visit Alaska since working at a company that designed several of the AMHS and AS/CW ships.


Other things we plan to do are:


Juneau: Alaska State Museum (my kids love the Seattle Science Center, so they should enjoy this), State office building for the view, and Last Chance Mining Museum.


Skagway: Klondike Gold Rush Park, walking tour


Ketchikan: totem Bright state Park, Totem Heritage Center, Tong ass Historical Museum, walking tour.


As you can see, renting a car to visit Mendenhall would be our most expensive excursion. My husband and I would enjoy it, more just wondering if the kids would.


Sent from my XT897 using Tapatalk 2


I can't believe nobody has pointed out that in May the chance of your ship making its way all the way up Tracy Arm to view Sawyer Glacier is almost zero. Don't count on seeing Sawyer Glacier. Cruise lines shouldn't even advertise it as it is false advertising. Even it late summer months, it's very iffy that your ship will get there. In May, there is almost no chance at all as the fjord will be too iced over.


It you want to see a glacier, I suggest going ahead and visiting Mendenhall. You and your kids would probably enjoy the short hike to Nugget Falls. For Alaska, $65 is dirt cheap for an entire family. Take a bus or rent a car, but given your itinerary, it will be the closest you'll get to a glacier.

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A bit off the topic, but since you are going to Skagway with 7 and 9 year old kids, have you considered taking the train ride (I forget the name but it is very popular and stops right on the pier)? It goes up the old gold rush route into Canada. You can take a bus or train back down. Kids usually love train rides!



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A bit off the topic, but since you are going to Skagway with 7 and 9 year old kids, have you considered taking the train ride (I forget the name but it is very popular and stops right on the pier)? It goes up the old gold rush route into Canada. You can take a bus or train back down. Kids usually love train rides!




Funny you say that, because I am keen on doing that tour, but have not booked it because I will be with my kids who I reckon will find it really boring.


To the OP: I have not been to Alaska before, and this is my first trip coming up, but I have done heaps of research on here and various boards to fins the best excursions that my kids will also enjoy.


How about the lumberjack show in Ketchikan?

Zipline tours?

Dog sled rides/summer sled rides?


I know tours are expensive, but you need to see what fits in with your budget and then plan from there.

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Thanks for all the replies both pro & con. My husband and I are still discussing and will figure it out!


As for all the other tours mentioned - sled dogs, zip line, skagway train- while we would all love to do any or all of those, they are all massively out of our budget. :(


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We will be going to Alaska in May, in port from 7-130.


My stupid question of the day is "assuming we will be seeing glaciers from the ship, why should we go to Mendenhall while in Juneau?"



Any better reason than this.


Mendenhall glacier Juneau3634042038_b31dd57e0f_b.jpg

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Thanks for all the replies both pro & con. My husband and I are still discussing and will figure it out!


As for all the other tours mentioned - sled dogs, zip line, skagway train- while we would all love to do any or all of those, they are all massively out of our budget. :(


Sent from my XT897 using Tapatalk 2


With your money limitations, then Mendenhall is about the only worthwhile option in your budget? I strongly suggest you just consider a rental car, so at least you could have some other stops. If at all possible, cut back/save elsewhere, the tours are what it's about in Alaska.

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