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My Cuba Cruise

Balloon Man

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Of course, as no news is good news… we are aboard. The final cab ride of this three day debacle to get here was white knuckle in the extreme. But what a welcoming, for so many of the staff not only recognized us but some even knew of our pending arrival. A few favourites are missing, also victims of the strike and airport closures. But they are to join the ship in Cuba. What has surprised us and with a bit of annoyance is that this is not, as we were lead to believe, a YourCubaCruise but strictly a Louis Cristal sailing. Apart from all expenditures being expressed in Euros, prices are of the European style if you know what I mean. Only on the 19th of December when the ship reaches Montego Bay will our accounts be settled and all subsequent charges then will be expressed in Canadian currency. With a passenger list of less than 90 people this could hardly be a viable financial adventure and yet even though the ship must be brought to Cuba for the start of the season we are being treated as the sole purpose of being at sea with them. All meals are confined to the one ample sized dining room and all are of a limited time duration while being available only a la carte. However, the first sampling of the menu gets more than top marks with selections and quality reminiscent of cruising at the turn of the century. The overabundance of servers, all wishing to please, can be a little daunting.
The ship is in fine shape with notable improvements and repairs. It seems to handle the Cuban waters better than currently the Mediterranean, with light swells challenging even veteran sea legs. Previously suggested solutions for the multi-drawer thrust and parry, i.e., inserting wedges made of elastic bands, seems to work fine. Now if we can get our neighbour to secure his washroom door during the night we should attain some sense of tranquility. The weather is comfortable but not yet warm enough to take full advantage of that enviable balcony/deck but should change for the better shortly. The telephone extension previously mentioned does work, proving that the connectors are universal, although of little need at the moment. Our DVD player hooked up in minutes which is also used for our pre-recorded daily music supply including now the small extension speaker feeding the deck area. Simply put, we are at home again.
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Thank you for letting us know that you made it safely, Ron. With all the pampering you are currently enjoying, it should not take too long for your nerves to calm down. What an experience- from the ridiculous to the sublime!
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Hi all!

Ron ~ thanks for letting us know you're onboard! Too bad about the differences. Hope you meet the neighbours & get the problem with the noise fixed up. Wow, that's a small number of fellow cruisers!

I just checked the tracker & see that Cristal is off Corsica on the way to Marseilles.

Have a nice day wherever you are.

~ Jo ~ :)
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Well here we are in Barcelona. Very surprised at the low temperature for a Med port. Looking forward to the southern side in a day or two and hopefully that will commence the winter get-a-way Email almost impossible. More if we can.
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HI all!

p598378 ~ that's sort of hard to tell. Most of us on the thread are from Canada but last year there were a lot of Scandinavians, some from England, Israel, USA, Jamaica & Germany that I recall. They seem to advertise the cruise all around the world.

Ron ~ nice to hear from you!:D Hope the weather warms up soon. Is the Cruise Director the same one as last year? I think he didn't want to announce the nationalities onboard as some CDs do as he didn't want anyone to feel they were outnumbered or some such thing.

Have a nice day. It's a dull one here.:(

~ Jo ~ :)
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HI all!

Just see from the tracker that Cristal has passed Gibraltar on its way to Funchal then it'll be a lot of sea days. Sure hope Ron got some warmer weather to use that amazing outdoor space.

Have a nice weekend. I hope to travel 500 miles through Spain watching a movie about the Camino tomorrow if the weather's good for driving to Town.

~ Jo ~ :)
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With the majority of our cruise yet to be experienced. I may be a little premature in writing any form of a critique. But having enjoyed two full rotation cruises on the vessel around Cuba last season, I would have to comment that she is more suited to Cuban waters than the annual trans-Atlantic repositioning. The Captain has assured us that the current sea conditions are much in our favour and yet we can barely walk about the ship without hanging onto something or someone. The leisurely speed of 14 knots may be at the heart of it but it has been suggested that the use of stabilizers or lack thereof is more likely the problem. I never was quite sure just what “stabilizers“ were all about or if activated or not. But I’m also told that fuel savings are attained by not activating them and one can appreciate with so few paying passengers aboard, economies will be found.
We are taken back at the cool temperatures of Mediterranean Ports at this time of year. Either it is our misconception or they are experiencing an early winter. We can only now utilize the balcony/deck for sunning but with jackets and only because we take refuge behind the hull wall affording some wind protection. Eight days into the cruise and the pool has not yet been filled for, being under a retractable glass ceiling might be enjoyed by some although how long its water could currently be contained is a question.

The chef is French and his culinary achievements and artistry are being savoured and enjoyed. Menus are varied and enticing. Service is impeccable, friendly and informative. Carlos, our maître d’ seems to be on constant duty to assist. All in all one the best dining rooms yet.

The voices and harmony of the Duo Mezzo Chordettes were some of last season’s wonderful entertainment in the lounge. We are very happy to see them back again and they assure us they will also be with the ship in February when we return. Other entertainment of a slightly more classical nature is relaxing and fitting the more senior passenger list.

Cruise director Danny is again with the ship with his multi language abilities being less pressed as the two languages of announcements are English and German. The bilingual abilities of many German passengers saves the day. However at times I am confronted with silly memories of the antics of John Kleese in Faulty Towers…but of course I don’t…
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Hi Ron. Thanks again for the update.

Will the wonderful French chef and Carlos be staying on all winter?

As to not utilizing the stabilizers, I have to admit that this appeals to me. I fondly recall very wobbly legs years ago, until I accustomed to walking on non pitching land once more. I enjoy a bit of rock n rollin'.

Nothing you have said diminishes my pleasure in anticipation. :) I look forward to your next report!!!

Two months to go.
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HI all!

Ron ~ thanks so much for your report.:D Sure hope the voyage smoothes out & the weather warms up. Those Germans (DH is one of them) sure like to travel!! The announcements on my NCL Dawn cruise were only made in English & German which was so strange as we're so used to hearing French
as the 2nd language.

Thanks for the info re Danny. How about the "Dustin Hoffman" look alike is he there too? I wonder if the chef is the same French guy as was in Cuba.
Anyhow like burm, I eagerly anticipate our Cuba cruise.


~ Jo ~ :)
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Hi all!

I received a 2 for 1 offer that sort of scared me due to my "deal" with DH BUT it's only for sailings out of Havana so I feel I don't have to comply, right?;) I wouldn't have wanted to wait 'til now to book as there are only 68 cabins available on our sailing & no XE which is what we'll have.

Haven't really seen the Cristal on the locator so wonder where it is. Did it make Funchal?

Have a nice day.

~ Jo ~ :)
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Jo, we booked something that was important to us and got exactly what we wanted. In the future we can sit back and take advantage of last minute offers, when our wish to take this particular cruise is not so strong.
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HI all!

burm ~ good point & that's why I wanted to book early.:D

BTW yesterday when I went into the local TA to pick up a brochure I saw a guy I know coming out. When I asked the TA if anybody had booked the Cuba cruise he said the man that just left did. I'll have to ask him when he's going when I next see him as he's my insurance broker.

Snowy, windy day here today. Sure hope tomorrow's better as I have somewhere to go.

Have a good one.

~ Jo ~ :)
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I was talking to cuba cruise office yesterday and they said that they were really busy.

Today I checked on the avalability of cabins on a couple of dates, first this am and then pm, interesting results.

Date Departure port am pm
19 Jan Havana 66 65
23 Jan Montego Bay 51 46
25 Jan Havana 40 37

Another winter day in Victoria 16C with heavy rain and wind another rain storm tonight, weather flow is from hawaii.

We did have some snow a few days ago, about 1cm, lasted a few days with a few days of colder temperatures
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[quote name='wu687']I was talking to cuba cruise office yesterday and they said that they were really busy.

Today I checked on the avalability of cabins on a couple of dates, first this am and then pm, interesting results.

Date Departure port am pm
19 Jan Havana 66 65
23 Jan Montego Bay 51 46
25 Jan Havana 40 37

Another winter day in Victoria 16C with heavy rain and wind another rain storm tonight, weather flow is from hawaii.

We did have some snow a few days ago, about 1cm, lasted a few days with a few days of colder temperatures[/QUOTE]

Some winter!! 25 cm of snow here over the next 12 hours!:(
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These pre-composed postings are being sent from Barbados.


We really misread this cruise. Having completed so many TA’s we really did expect better ambient temperatures and a bit more sunshine. However, we have never been this late in the sailing season. The only nice thing we can say about the abundant rain, and we are currently in the middle of a very severe thunder storm, is that it washes the nightly deposited sea salt spray residue from our deck. Without question, the saving grace is the staff. Congenial, fun loving and so dedicated to our comfort and enjoyment. And these good folk will be on hand for those of us boarding the upcoming season’s Cuba Cruises. Lucky us.


Within hours of our last posting there was an announcement from the Captain that stabilizers had been activated for our comfort. (Do they read our posts?) Whatever, we can now replace the magic flying lamp on the credenza…


A second simulated emergency lifeboat drill was held mid-cruise, mid-Atlantic and that entailed taking each designated group to their actual life boat, the one that would be used in the event of an emergency. This second drill is new to us and I think a very good idea considering recent international and historical misadventures.


A jaded lot, we had forgotten that we had been to Madeira before and only realized so when we disembarked. So, none of the ports are new to us. This cruise is solely for the journey aboard, a condition prevalent with our passengers. I know of but one shore excursion that was not cancelled due to insufficient interest. And a very small circle of we cocktail enthusiasts attend the ship’s daily and much appreciated pre-dinner Half Price enticement, so frugality can’t be at the heart of such disinterest.


We are now out of reach of all TV communications and it would be senseless trying the internet. So this will be transmitted if and when next we hear “land ho”. As mentioned, we brought along our mini DVD player which we readily attach to the cabin TV for both our recorded music and video discs entertainment. We prepared these over a period of time with this cruise in mind because with 15 days at sea, and we are currently in a consecutive seven day stretch, there is quite a time-void to fill. And quite frankly, Bingo, Trivia, Treasure Hunts and the like do not work for us although obviously successful for many of our passengers. And if and hopefully when the Sun King ever decides to pay us a visit we can exchange the TV screen for some Sun screen.


The steel, glass and tiled swimming pool room was, of all places, chosen for the special Geek dinner. One can imagine the acoustics. Plus the PA system was set at Mega Hurts… We unreservedly expressed our disapproval and left the room. Chargeable room service was the only alternative to this dining ménage. However, because of this occurrence the follow evening’s “gala” and those being held in this same venue to follow will be supported by a single station in a dining room for those of us who do not take to such dinner shows. But we must and do appreciate the difficulty in accommodating and entertaining this very small list of passengers.


One of the attractions of the seven day Cuba Cruise is the casual dress code with no formal nights. I hope they never lose that. And so I believe, like ourselves, most of our passengers having little information to go on other than these Cruise Critic Cuba entries, applied that understanding to this cruise. When the ship’s bulletin indicated an elegant attire on certain evenings it left many of us with the uncomfortable predicament of encountering management and staff dressed to the nines while we, clad in our only and exclusive Cuban casual mode.


King Sol in all his glory has finally arrived at this threshold of the Caribbean and is being enjoyed with a vengeance. Temperatures and temperaments are improving considerably.

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HI all!


Ron ~ so nice to hear from you!:D I was hoping you'd chime in as I just saw on the tracker that you're in Barbados, a place you'd expect sun. Sorry the cruise/weather hasn't been as good as it could have been. I'm now wondering what I have to look forward to next year doing Christmas in the Med.


Glad the staff is primo & that the captain used the stabilizers.

Better days are ahead. Have fun & enjoy your amazing space.


I see our cruise week is selling quite nicely, only 47 cabins available now.


~ Jo ~:)

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Hi all!


I checked the tracker & Cristal is headed to Montego Bay to begin it's 1st Cuba cruise which btw the website says has no categories available!

Can that really be? Would a lot of people want to cruise for Christmas?

Anyhow all our cruises are getting closer, just not close enough!;)


Have a nice day, dull & dreary here but I have a turkey lunch to look forward to today.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi all!


I checked the tracker & Cristal is headed to Montego Bay to begin it's 1st Cuba cruise which btw the website says has no categories available!

Can that really be? Would a lot of people want to cruise for Christmas?

Anyhow all our cruises are getting closer, just not close enough!;)


Have a nice day, dull & dreary here but I have a turkey lunch to look forward to today.


~ Jo ~ :)


They were offering some amazing deals for the Christmas and New Year's cruises. I am not surprised that people have snapped them up.


For those with no close family, I think a Christmas cruise would be beautiful.


I could see us taking a New Year's cruise one day. NYE celebrations are so expensive, and we normally have to drive through blizzard conditions to get there. To celebrate on a ship would be awesome.


New Ye

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Hi all!


Happy SaIls 2 U ~ no cruise line sails to Cuba from the States at this time

but the cruise we're talking about sails from Montego Bay or Havana around Cuba. I see you like NCL, well the Louis Cristal that does "Your Cuba Cruise" is the former NCL Leeward.


We've been on this cruise earlier this year & liked it so much we're doing it again. I've also been to all inclusives in Cuba 6 times.


I guess the 1st cruise of the season starts tomorrow. It'll be nice to hear back from people who have done the cruise this time.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Upon embarkation and after we registered our credit card with the ship, their head office accounting system processed a charge of one euro (1.00 €) to test the validity of the card. We later noted this charge on our card account with its conversion to Canadian funds. The item seemed strange but harmless enough.


Unknown to us, this uncommon and distinctive charge processed from Cyprus prompted our bank in Canada to suspect foul play and they placed a hold on our card preventing any further use. When the ship tried to process mid-cruise payment of our onboard account, it was rejected. We were informed of this by ship’s letter upon arrival at Barbados. We appreciated the fact that they did not do so while several days out to sea where undue anxiety would have been the result in not being able to deal with the problem.


Our bank recently dispensed with the need to be advised of our travel itinerary. So when they called our residence to verify the test charge they of course received no answer. At Barbados we telephoned the bank and informed them of this problem. After substantial questioning for confirmation of identity they released the hold they had on the card.


We then approached the ship’s Purser to explain the sequence of events. By processing this 1.00€ test charge they could in fact be creating further credit card problems. And with the large number of Canadian passengers expected this upcoming season they could be in for a lot of accounting upheaval. They are taking this into consideration. So forewarned is forearmed. Know the procedure, telephone numbers, etc., of your financial institution in the event that this should happen to you.

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Sent from Montego Bay

Greetings from the Celestyal Cristal. Rumors abound that there are now new owners of this Cuba Cruise venture and they are situated in Cyprus. We have only now realized that our cruise card identifies the vessel as Celestyal Cristal. Three gentlemen who boarded at Barbados are rumoured to be these very owners. The financial losses of the first year of operations is said to have been crippling. If all this is in fact correct I will be sorry to hear it. The special relationship Canada has with Cuba was a perfect match for this Canadian business adventure. Not that I will think anything less of this wonderful cruise and itinerary and I will certainly continue to use it as a winter get-a-way. But knowing it was one of our own made it that much more enjoyable. How unfortunate that the venture was slightly premature because news indicating that US citizens will now be free to travel to Cuba would have increased passenger numbers substantially. But as I say, rumors abound and if anyone has any information on this we would appreciate hearing from them.


Whatever the financial circumstances of the ownership, the ship is now changing the posted prices of services to Canadian funds as they commence the first MB to MB cruise. One service is now being offered at half the previous Euro price when taking into consideration the current exchange rate. I must have a second look at the duty free offerings as our last visit found a desired brand priced in Euros at twice that of the provincial liquor stores when converted to Canadian. But whatever the price(s), for those of us on the original TA cruise, charges will be in Euros until we reach our final destination, Havana.

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