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My Cuba Cruise

Balloon Man

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Our friends had a wonderful time. They got on in Jamaica. They said that the entertainment was the best they have ever seen on cruise ships and they have been on a lot of them. Food was okay, Cabin a bit small (Outside) Staff were very friendly. They did their own thing walking around and said that US & CDN monies were accepted. .Can anyone else who has been just recently confirmed this. The one thing that they told me is that the people arriving by air in Havana were not met to be taken to the ship. They had to get and pay for their own transporation.Transfers are supposed to be included with us travelling on Air Transat. Can anyone confirm whether they were met at the airport or not?

Thanks Sherrill Ontario Cruiser

Mar 23rd sailing

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Our friends had a wonderful time. They got on in Jamaica. They said that the entertainment was the best they have ever seen on cruise ships and they have been on a lot of them. Food was okay, Cabin a bit small (Outside) Staff were very friendly. They did their own thing walking around and said that US & CDN monies were accepted. .Can anyone else who has been just recently confirmed this. The one thing that they told me is that the people arriving by air in Havana were not met to be taken to the ship. They had to get and pay for their own transporation.Transfers are supposed to be included with us travelling on Air Transat. Can anyone confirm whether they were met at the airport or not?

Thanks Sherrill Ontario Cruiser

Mar 23rd sailing


My sister joined us on January 26 Air Transat with a transfer to the ship. Another transfer was provided Feb 2 from ship to airport and Air Transat out.

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Our friends had a wonderful time. They got on in Jamaica. They said that the entertainment was the best they have ever seen on cruise ships and they have been on a lot of them. Food was okay, Cabin a bit small (Outside) Staff were very friendly. They did their own thing walking around and said that US & CDN monies were accepted. .Can anyone else who has been just recently confirmed this. The one thing that they told me is that the people arriving by air in Havana were not met to be taken to the ship. They had to get and pay for their own transporation.Transfers are supposed to be included with us travelling on Air Transat. Can anyone confirm whether they were met at the airport or not?

Thanks Sherrill Ontario Cruiser

Mar 23rd sailing

Dh thinks they'll accept US. I heard CDN they can change easily. Of course you should give more in CDN since the CUC is based on the American dollar rate for some reason.

We only took US to use in Jamaica.


We bought the air and cruise package at there was a woman with a Cuba Cruise sign waiting for us in the Havana airport who pointed us towards the buses across the road.

They had at least two full buses of transfers from our Air Transat flight and on the return trip from the cruise terminal.

I had confirmed our plans over the phone with a contact at Cuba Cruise so I would know what to look, for since we'd never been to Cuba before.

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Thanks Kerri & Martha Did you purchase CU at the airport and if so did the transat bus wait for you?

Another question On the Captains night did men wear blazers?

Sherrill Ontario Cruiser


We asked the woman at the airport with the sign about changing money and she said to just do it at the port. I looked around and didn't see a booth on the arrivals floor myself. I know there was one on the departures level.


There was a guy helping load luggage on the buses who said he accepted tips in Can. The bus driver and the man who took our checked bag at the port did not require a tip by their actions.


The money changing booths at the port are upstairs beside the stairs to the right. I think there were up to 4 cashiers open.

We got a rate of .74 at the port on Feb. 16. I don't know what the airport rate would have been.


Captains night, Dh just wore dress pants with a long sleeved dress shirt. Unusual for him since he even brought a suit for our Alsaka cruise. I wore dress pants and a lace top.

Some other men wore suits, sports coats, casual summer printed blazers and just golf shirts.

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On the arrivals level at the airport the currency exchange is accessed from outside the main doors. When we arrived (not air transat) there was a very big line up. We HAD to do it because we needed the CUCs for cab to our hotel in Havana.

If taking the Air Transat bus to the cruise terminal, there is an exchange as mentioned above. We also were able to change Cdn $ into CUCs at our hotel. The Exchanges were a better rate than the hotel.

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We have just booked a balcony cabin number 7202. Those cabins are just under the dance floor and show lounge. Does that mean we will get a lot of noise from there and, if so, will it go on until the early hours, or does it tend to settle down about midnight?


We were poised to book a deluxe outside, but at the last moment thought that some fresh air would be rather nice, especially if there is any odour from the bathroom.


Also, does do those cabins have a low (or glass) side to the balcony, or does the side of the ship stop you looking out of sitting down.



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Thanks again to replies to me.

ONT CA I have printed out your comments on Riico's as we will be staying in the Melia Habana which is only a couple of blocks away next year. We have our fingers crossed it is still open and as good then.



Just home -

Our final evening in Havana was spent at Riico's. Even more fascinating, charming and delicious. I can only see success and longevity.

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I also agree that the cabin doors need a second lock. I was never walked in on, but I was scared once when the steward knocked.


Unfortunately there is no indication as to how to double lock the door. All you need do is, after closing, lift the handle upward and a secondary lock is engaged. There should be some sort of indication on the back of the door tell us that. We found this with our customary trial and error...

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We have just booked a balcony cabin number 7202. Those cabins are just under the dance floor and show lounge. Does that mean we will get a lot of noise from there and, if so, will it go on until the early hours, or does it tend to settle down about midnight?


We were poised to book a deluxe outside, but at the last moment thought that some fresh air would be rather nice, especially if there is any odour from the bathroom.


Also, does do those cabins have a low (or glass) side to the balcony, or does the side of the ship stop you looking out of sitting down.




The show lounge had two major shows per night at 8 and at 10 (approximately). We went often to the later one. I believe they pretty much emptied after the later show. It was less than an hour long - so you will be fine unless you want to go to bed early! BUT that would be a mistake because the shows were all superior to anything we ever saw on Princess!


Sorry, don't know about the balcony. Hope you will report back on all of this!

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Glad you don't have a problem with the tp protocol. For me it is the principal reason I lost all interest in booking in the near future. I too have had experience in with this. For that matter, I have even had to use leaves. Neither is an experience I care to pay for.


A request to participate is not a command. They are advising us of a means to help in the protection of the environment. If you choose not to I'm sure no one will be upset nor will the ship sink. But Cuba, for obvious reasons and like many countries in the world today, are wanting in facilities and if you are expecting Waldorf Hotel conditions ashore you would have come on the wrong cruise.

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A request to participate is not a command. They are advising us of a means to help in the protection of the environment. If you choose not to I'm sure no one will be upset nor will the ship sink. But Cuba, for obvious reasons and like many countries in the world today, are wanting in facilities and if you are expecting Waldorf Hotel conditions ashore you would have come on the wrong cruise.


I am not sure about the ship, but in Cuba it was stressed to me many times that their systems simply cannot handle tp.


Many restaurants we dined in did not even have currently flushable toilets. We ate at one beautiful place in Old Havana with great food, wonderful music.......and a steady stream of employees crossing the restaurant with buckets of water brought in from the street.


If systems go wrong in Cuba, they simply do not have the means of repairing them. As one landlady said to me, it is not even just a matter of money - they cannot get replacement parts. Her water pump broke one day and the plumber had to jury rig it with parts that were never intended for that purpose. He tried everything and finally left the house at 2:00 AM. The owner prayed that the fix would last.


A lady in one museum ran into the washroom after me, too late to catch me, to warn me to use the waste basket before I entered the stall, and discussed the problem with another woman, not knowing that I could understand every word. They complained of tourists who did not respect the problem and would throw their toilets out of commission. On my way out I smiled and assured them that I did indeed use the basket. I received two radiant smiles and a thanks, amiga, in return.


I was wondering if the ship cannot flush tp because they empty their tanks in Cuban ports which cannot handle this waste.


Our stay in Cuba certainly made us appreciate what we have here. Last night we purchased a new living room window for $10,000. I was thinking that with the average Cuban wage at under $20 a month, it would take them a lifetime to pay it off.


Ron, did Sara give you my note? :D

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The show lounge had two major shows per night at 8 and at 10 (approximately). We went often to the later one. I believe they pretty much emptied after the later show. It was less than an hour long - so you will be fine unless you want to go to bed early! BUT that would be a mistake because the shows were all superior to anything we ever saw on Princess!


Sorry, don't know about the balcony. Hope you will report back on all of this!


That is fine - we will probably be in the lounge if there is anything going on anyway.


We booked about 1.5 hours ago and were not given a booking reference when we booked on the website and the confirmation email has not come through yet. Is it normal to get a booking reference from them? We always get a booking reference in the UK. We checked with our credit card company and the deposit payment has gone through, so hopefully it will be OK.


I note the itinerary now showing on the Cuba Cruise website is different. It now says that the ship leaves Havana at 1:00 the next day, so presumably that is 1am as they use a 24hr clock. After the sea day, the next port is given as Holguin, (which is inland), so it could well be Gibara as someone posted a day or two ago. The beach is still on the itinerary, but only from 10am to 2pm. So no major changes, but they could change it again in the future.

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A request to participate is not a command. They are advising us of a means to help in the protection of the environment. If you choose not to I'm sure no one will be upset nor will the ship sink. But Cuba, for obvious reasons and like many countries in the world today, are wanting in facilities and if you are expecting Waldorf Hotel conditions ashore you would have come on the wrong cruise.


As noted, I will not be participating anytime soon. Not because of conditions on land. Conditions with which I am familiar. But because I can spend my cruise $ elsewhere and not have to cope with what I consider unsanitary conditions aboard ship.


I don't accept the argument that there are obvious reasons for the less than ideal sanitary conditions, even having grown up in a country less developed than Cuba. But this is not the forum for that discussion.

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Ron, did Sara give you my note? :D


Yes, contained in a small white paper bag and as soon as we arrived. Believing I could find you before you left the ship we walked the deck with this bag in hand thinking that should you see this confused soul carrying your white bag you would figure it to be me. Alas all I got was strange stairs and a few questions as to what was in the bag...


I was a little confused about your actual enjoyment of the cruise as your note jokingly relegated me to the worst of cabins in the worst of locations and then stated, "...hope you enjoy the cruise as much as were did". But I realize that you did in fact have a good time. Thanks for leaving the door to the small inner cabinet in the walk in closet open, for it allowed us to utilize it without any further adoo$...and for the record, your pried imbedded fingerprints on the front door, resulting from them ushering you ashore were repairable and the paint dried in a day or two... We reluctantly showed 6200 to a few passengers who immediately wanted to book it for next season. What fools we be to the these envious masses...

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As noted, I will not be participating anytime soon. Not because of conditions on land. Conditions with which I am familiar. But because I can spend my cruise $ elsewhere and not have to cope with what I consider unsanitary conditions aboard ship.


I don't accept the argument that there are obvious reasons for the less than ideal sanitary conditions, even having grown up in a country less developed than Cuba. But this is not the forum for that discussion.


Totally agree. This is not an adventure for the faint of heart.

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Ron ~ so nice to hear from you & it was nice to finally meet you on board.

Very interesting news you're presenting! That'll be too bad if they take away Antilla now we're hearing about fun, inexpensive things to do there.

DH had a good time there walking around listening to/taping music & having a Pina Colada on the street for just 5 CUC. Another person commented on how many hours they spent there too. I can see them spending more time in Havana as that is what most folks want to experience. .

I was hoping that this year we'd be the only ship at the island but that didn't happen. ~ Jo ~ :)


Agree whole heatedly Jo. Antilla is the diamond in the rough. When speaking to many of the Cuban servers aboard the Cristal they indicated that Antilla is more of what Cuba truly is than what the large cities are becoming. They say Antilla is the heart of Cuban life. I couldn't agree more. The live vocal street entertainment was wonderful and we stayed for hours. As you say they are honestly moderate in their pricing for Mojito were but 2 CUC's. As the ship stops at Antilla but once a week everyone is out to meet us. People just being them selves, dancing and having a good time. In my view the cancelation of this port would be a great loss and a very big mistake.

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Yes, contained in a small white paper bag and as soon as we arrived. Believing I could find you before you left the ship we walked the deck with this bag in hand thinking that should you see this confused soul carrying your white bag you would figure it to be me. Alas all I got was strange stairs and a few questions as to what was in the bag...


I was a little confused about your actual enjoyment of the cruise as your note jokingly relegated me to the worst of cabins in the worst of locations and then stated, "...hope you enjoy the cruise as much as were did". But I realize that you did in fact have a good time. Thanks for leaving the door to the small inner cabinet in the walk in closet open, for it allowed us to utilize it without any further adoo$...and for the record, your pried imbedded fingerprints on the front door, resulting from them ushering you ashore were repairable and the paint dried in a day or two... We reluctantly showed 6200 to a few passengers who immediately wanted to book it for next season. What fools we be to the these envious masses...




I was hoping to get back to the ship to meet you, but you know what can happen to plans when on holidays. (We mistakenly thought we were capable of walking to our Casa Particular with all our baggage, but it was not so easy over cobblestone streets) Sorry, I would have enjoyed meeting up. Also, I believe you owe me a drink for leaving that door open. :D Maybe next time.


Ah, yes, I can see now how you might have misinterpreted my little note. LOL. I put it the paper bag, as there was no envelope available, and I did not want to leave a loose sheet of paper lying around. It's chances of survival would not have been good.


We certainly did enjoy the cruise and would not hesitate to repeat it. That are many other options to explore in each of the ports and we found Havana fascinating.


I admit to being a little odd - even things I don't necessarily "like", I appreciate as unique experiences.


One day our taxi had blown a gasket in Vinales, and we were left in the car for 45 minutes while the driver searched for oil. He tried several garages, but none could be found. Several strangers stopped to ask them if they could help. Cubans help each other!


Waiting for our driver to come back was not a hardship. There were no other cars on the street, only horses, horse driven carts, and lots of bicycles. A school had just let out and parents would have one child ride behind them on a bicycle, if there were 2, the second would ride on the handlebars. One little boy clopped past us on a horse carrying a pail, which I imagined to contain some necessity like milk that he was required to take home for his mother. A few minutes later he rode past again, being very careful not to spill the precious contents.


The children walking home from school all look so happy as they pushed and shoved each other, sang, and tried to get us to take pictures (without sticking out their hands for money).


Eventually, our driver lucked onto a garage that had just received in a shipment of oil. Really, really lucky, because as it turned out, there were 7 cars that had been abandoned at the garage for days while waiting for the shipment.


That was the most fun and interesting day of our 3 weeks in Cuba. It may not be interesting in the telling - you just had to experience it. (I even got to ride on an ox with horns all the way to the ground, and I held the reins by myself and was not led.) There were a thousand little details that made the day special. Perhaps it did not hurt that each time our driver stopped to ask for oil, he would drop us at a place where we could enjoy a pina colada. It was like a drinking game. :)


We also thought it was strange to drive on a highway to Vinales that was smoother than the 401, with not another car in sight. The guide explained to us that the road was in perfect condition because the military used it as a landing strip.


He also pointed out 5 "ironic" bridges, called this because they were free standing with no ramps or roads leading to them. They were planned for development at the time when Cuba was still heavily supported by Russian. When the Russian money ended the proposed road system was stranded.


What an interesting country!

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At the final stop of the T3 line to the eastern beaches of Havana, there is a stand with a sign that says Pina Coladas 1 CUC. A couple of drinks pays the cost of the $5 hop on, hop off ticket. :D


The beach is also lovely there with beautiful white sand.

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I was wondering if the ship cannot flush tp because they empty their tanks in Cuban ports which cannot handle this waste.


So much is being made of this situation unnecessarily. As you are aware there was no indication as to this disposal request posted in the cabin. This carry over request stems from the cruises this ship makes in the summer months throughout the Greek Islands. The treated effluent of a ship is customarily disposed of in international waters. Difficult to do when you are island hopping. But there are several times when the Cristal exits Cuban waters and provided the treatment is successfully completed, it can be jettisoned. Add to this that the maximum number of passengers for the Cuba adventure has now been set much less than the ship capacity. So the situation that plagued the ship in confined waters does not apply here. Yes, you can aid in the treatment of sound effluent in choices of paper disposal but it is not mandatory. Likewise water usage. It is not always advantageous to flush every time, such as when you wish to not disturb others in the night. But in so doing such action saves water and reduces tank holdings. A ship is a marvellous entity that produces more than propulsion, but things like drinking water, it creates cooling and warmth, provides electricity and sewage treatment. Each aspect should be respected in consumption by those who sail her

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A lady in one museum ran into the washroom after me, too late to catch me, to warn me to use the waste basket before I entered the stall, and discussed the problem with another woman, not knowing that I could understand every word. They complained of tourists who did not respect the problem and would throw their toilets out of commission. On my way out I smiled and assured them that I did indeed use the basket. I received two radiant smiles and a thanks, amiga, in return.


I heard of a lady receiving two Canadian quarters from the lady's room attendant (as coins are not convertible and so of little use to her)

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I've just completed the survey and noticed that there is a new itinerary posted on the website. It seems that the ship will stay in Havana for two days and then sail down the west coast to Maria La Gorda, then Cienfuegos, Jamaica, Santiago de Cuba then a day at sea on the way back to Havana.


I'm not sure whether that will be better, personally I liked the idea of sailing all the way around Cuba. What does anyone else think.


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I've just completed the survey and noticed that there is a new itinerary posted on the website. It seems that the ship will stay in Havana for two days and then sail down the west coast to Maria La Gorda, then Cienfuegos, Jamaica, Santiago de Cuba then a day at sea on the way back to Havana.


I'm not sure whether that will be better, personally I liked the idea of sailing all the way around Cuba. What does anyone else think.



Well I am not a happy bunny to say the least!!


We booked yesterday after being alerted to the new cruises being on sale by Jane from Cuba Cruise. The itinerary list had changed to what it was previously, but was nothing like it is now. I had mentioned we were spending an extended time in Havana, yet no mention was made of a different itinerary. I am now convinced that the company is totally bent apart from anything else.


Regarding the itinerary, a hotel in Havana would be a much better base to explore Havana and having looked at Wikipaedia and Google earth on Maria La Gorda it is purely a tourist hotel in the middle of nowhere that specialises in diving. The itinerary has clearly been changed to accomodate Americans sailing out of Jamaica and they are not interested in Europeans any more. Lets face it they do not even advertise over here - I just found the cruise by searching the net for cruises + Cuba.


The only port left that is really of interest to us is Santiago do Cuba and they are now leaving there at 4pm!! We have been to Cienfugos for a half hour stop and it was nice, but not a lot there to miss out on a longer visit. We also visited Trinidad and I would sugest that as a European you will feel, like me, that you could be in any touristy inland town in Spain - the pictures you see are all there is to it. We are now thinking we would be better spending a couple of nights in Vinales and possibly even fly to Santiago de Cuba from Havana at that stage in our holiday, instead of the cruise.


I have no regrets on booking an extended holiday in Cuba - it is somewhere to experience and the people are lovely. The overnight trip we did from Varadero last time was very good and is worthwhile if you have not been there. Our rep from Thomson's did not have any availability so we booked with another person selling trips in our hotel (the lady in red).


If it was a decent ship we may have wanted to go anyway, but it sounds very iffy - have you read through the last few pages? Also, some cabins are ridiculously small - check out the cruise critic review of the ship.


Happy holiday planning,



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At the final stop of the T3 line to the eastern beaches of Havana, there is a stand with a sign that says Pina Coladas 1 CUC. A couple of drinks pays the cost of the $5 hop on, hop off ticket. :D The beach is also lovely there with beautiful white sand.


Can you tell us burm if the HOHO bus T3 stopped at the dock? From the Stars Lounge observation windows we could see one of these busses pass in front but were not sure if it was the T1 or the T3. Caught the T1 but couldn't find the connection to T3 and will do it at a later time. BTW we were the only passengers to use the Star Lounge to wait out our departure due to hotel check-in time. There were no services up there but a wonderful space to relax and get a final bird's eye view of Havana.

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