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My Cuba Cruise

Balloon Man

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Jo- Yes!

Our neighbour has the following on her WC wall (more polite)

"Our septic system's very small

Hence this notice on the wall

Throw nothing down but toilet paper

Or we will be in trouble later"


On Northern lights:

Many years ago in March I was staying at my brother's cottage. Late at night we got a phone call telling us my father had died. We rushed around to head back to the City. As we pulled on to the country road, there before us were the Northern lights. It was quite mystical. Never hear of sightings in this area! Absolutely wonderful. Even for a decidedly non religious person.


Happy weekend to all!

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I would also be interestd to have complete clarification on the toilet paper issue. Normally a request to place it in the bin means that the plumbing system cannot handle it and the loo could get blocked - is that the case or not? Having a loo that does not function would be more of a problem.


Of the five cruises we have taken aboard the Cristal we did not hear of one plumbing problem. We certainly heard about them on other lines like Princess. One should remember that there are other personal products that must be disposed of in a similar manner to that requested to avoid plumbing breakdown.


But the tp request is made to afford complete treatment of the sewage held aboard for its eventual jettison. The less paper the faster the digestion and eventual removal. Unlike longer open sea cruises there are limited areas in our unique itinerary where this can be achieved. The request of our assistance is not unlike that of recycling for example. They ask us to but not everyone does. Some people see the need, others do not. But better some achievement than none.


Looking at the 2016 itinerary one can see that there will be more opportunities to jettison the converted tanks. Perhaps then there will be no further need to request our co operation in this matter. For those who cannot or will not understand the principles in all this, I can only suggest they book with another line for their cruise around Cuba...

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Thank you for that reply ONT-CA it does clarify the position a lot. I think what you said earlier about it having more impact on female passengers, is a reasonable comment in that case. I would have no great issue putting damp paper in the bin and perhaps if the bin is due to be emptied, some other paper. Obviously, there are times when it would not be practical to use the bin, but paper in the system would still be greatly reduced.


Must admit that we are used to cruise lines being so keen to stress that nothing should be put overboard and that they are so nature friendly that I am surprised anything is discharged into the sea at all. I had assumed it would be discharged ashore at a port. It seems there must be some sort of fermenter system onboard - I suppose the more modern ships would have better treatment systems, but they are not what we choose to travel on.

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... It seems there must be some sort of fermenter system onboard - I suppose the more modern ships would have better treatment systems, but they are not what we choose to travel on.


The system used aboard the Cristal and any other ship is a microcosm of the systems used in big cities. The object is to break down the solids and when totally neutralized send the clear fluid into the lake or river or ocean. The difficulty for the ship however is to have the tanks ready to jettison when the ship enters an acceptable and approved area to do so, no sooner nor later. The city can release it at any time. The ship must have it completed and ready when they get to the approved and designated area. It is a delicate balance of process and time and for that they engage our co operation.

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When we asked the Yellow cab driver to take us to a restaurant at a given address there was hesitation in his agreement. Once in this Vedado district he pressed the all-door lock button and we too felt his concern. But arriving at the restaurant without incident we had a very enjoyable evening after which we requested they call a cab for our return to our hotel. It being Saturday night, that is not an easy task as busy cabs are seen everywhere but occupied, even the “sometime cabs” operating by virtue of a cardboard TAXI sign attached to the passenger's lowered sun visor. One of the waiters finally left the restaurant and returned to tell us our cab was outside. This being Cuba, we didn’t overtly hesitate to get into this “sometime cab”, a 1953 Chevy or facsimile thereof, with one of us in the front seat and the other in the back. We proceeded down the street for but 100 feet. The driver abruptly stopped and immediately a man jumped into the back seat beside me and the “cab” accelerated. We quickly noted that the driver and this additional passenger were young, fit, and spoke no English. When speaking to each other in Spanish there seem to be a bit of a disagreement. Needless to say I was totally convinced that my day had come and my body might never be found. Streets in Havana have few street lights and the route this car was taking had barely house lights in view. I did not recognize any land marks, any streets, any anything. Suddenly the uninvited passenger gave a gruff command and the driver pulled a hard left where we found ourselves delivered to a secluded area of the parking lot of our hotel.


What had ensued was that the driver of this “sometime cab”, not being sure of the location of the requested hotel, needed a friend to give him directions. But here we were, safely delivered to our requested destination even being charged an amount less than we had paid a regular cab to get to the restaurant. Still white with fear, we entered the hotel for a much needed drink to discussed the incident and share our individual feelings. Both of us had seriously envisioned our bloody demise. But our total relief was mixed with some embarrassment and a bit of shame for we had misjudged this taxi incident, one which we later realized unlikely could have occurred in today’s Havana but rather one that might well happen in our own country.

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Funny in hindsight! We had the same experience - but milder- in Centfuges

We took a horsedrawn cab tour with 2 brothers who had no English. The three of us were joined by 4 Quebecers (one had some English). We were quoted 10 CUCs per person. They took us to some odd places....a hotel (we thought they were trying to get us into the bar for kickbacks for them),,,,Turned out they wanted to show us the fab sea view from the back and the gardens including topiary making a tree into Che Guevara. The tour was long. Very long. We decided they would likely try and charge us 10 CUCs AN HOUR. We firmly indicated it was time to return to the ship. Much hand ringing by the brothers. But we had not seen the best bits! They needed to show us various parts of the old City we had not seen. They would feet TERRIBLE if we had gone away without seeing the City at its best. Reluctantly we gave in. 30 minutes later they got us to the ship, charged us 10 CUCs each and insisted on hugging and kissing all the ladies.

I felt just terrible that I had spent the whole tour expecting the worst!


In Santiago de Cuba my sister got off the ship alone, hopped on to a bike cab and was convinced to stop and buy the driver a beer at a bar. He then took her to his house to meet his grandmother. She is almost 75 and saw her life flashing before her and felt guilty for her suspicious mind after. Her tour was the highlight of her week.


On our last night in Havana we took an unofficial cab back to our hotel. It was midnight and our driver had his 8 year old with him. We were shocked (it was midnight, remember) when he told the child to wait there for him to come back. He was very pleased when we said he should bring his son on the cab ride, and very appreciative. In Canada the man would have been arrested!!:eek:

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I may have been but a guest in their country but that does not preclude me from offering some constructive criticism, such as telling the locals to get up off their derrieres!!!

Cuba is not so much a failed state as resembling more of a lazy one or is that an oxymoron? When arriving at the port of Santiago de Cuba with a wheelchair in tow, we were confronted by seven, count them, seven custom and security guards all comfortably seated about the room. These were not immigration personnel for that is another inflated labour pool. These seven immaculate uniformed young security guards wanted to X-ray the wheelchair. But who would lift the heavy thing onto the belt? Not me said the first guard, not me squeaked the second and thereafter lies our tale. We were determined to wait them out. Finally one who may still have an ounce of belief in his county got up off his derriere and lifted the thing onto the belt. As the primary construction material of a wheelchair is hollow steel tubing, should there have been something within, it would be undetectable anyway. But X-ray they must. Finding nothing by seeing nothing we proceeded out the door.


On our return to the ship, these magnificent seven remained seated about the room but who are now determined to make us lift the thing onto the belt. Obviously they did not understand Canadian obstinacy. We left the chair standing at the belt and we too took to their bench and a seat. A lot of incomprehensible grunts were exchanged in Spanish and finally, finally the head honcho of this group of misfits’ seated across from him waves us through without the X-ray requirement. Now we all knew that such an X-ray is in reality ineffective but at that particular moment their national security standard was determined to be not worth getting up off their derrieres and lifting up the weight of this one wheelchair. What hypocrisy, what laziness, but for us, what a finale.

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HI all!


Liz54 ~ that was a lovely story about seeing the Northern lights, like a sign from above or maybe DD waving good bye.


Those were some scary stories about cabs but luckily they ended well. I noticed at our resort, where I've been 3 times that the staff are very helpful & affectionate with each other.


Here's the latest review:



I'm still trying to organize my thoughts to write mine!:o


Have a nice Sunday.


~ Jo ~ :)

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It has been said that I have the patience of Archie Bunker and those who read my posts will Im sure concur. When the ship entered Cienfuegos, the Cuban immigration officers came aboard and were set up in the theatre to process all the ship’s passengers. Upon completion, the ship would then and only then be given clearance. After and inordinate amount of time, I finally arrived close enough to see the table of four officers who were in uniform and seated at the table. Two of them were processing passengers while the other two were counting the stacks of immigration forms, that portion removed from each of our Cuban Visas. I noticed that whenever anyone interrupted one of these form counters, they would lose their totals and recommence the count. Enter Archie Bunker… Why they could not have used all four officers to process the lot of us, clear the ship and THEN count the forms was my burning fuse. I approached a person who accompanied the officers aboard, although not in uniform, seem to have some sort of control on proceedings. I said to him, “The longer you continue to do this, and hold us on the ship, and prevent us from going ashore, the less money we will be spending there.” To wit there was no answer.


But this being a back-to-back cruise for us, I am happy to report that with our re-entry into this Cuban port, all four officers were processing passengers and the ship was cleared in half the time of that of the previous week. Chalk one up for Archie.

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It appears that Cuba Cruise is looking at extending the season for cruises to the isle of Cuba. While we could see an additional month pre and post the current schedule, we would like to see comments from others on this idea.


Once the Greek Island season wanes and the Cristal is to be repositioned, why not first send her on to Montreal? She is the perfect size for this navigation. Arriving September and staying through the month of October she could offer a weekly “Fall Colour”cruises of the St. Lawrence and Maritime Provinces. Choices of Ports of Call can be made from the Gaspe, N.B, N.S. and NL, and the seven day cruise could culminate with the jewel, Quebec City, before returning to Montreal.


Upon the completion of these weekly cruises, a repositioning cruise from Montreal to Havana with calls at Bermuda as one example could commence the Cuban season at the beginning of November. As the Cristal cannot call at any USA port due to their current calls on Cuba, there should be no problem sailing to our Canadian ports. This would make the vessel available to us for a variety of cruises. Would you take a Canadian cruise out of Montreal? We would!


The major cruise lines that currently sail out of Montreal once or twice a year do so by calling on very few of our Canadian ports of call. But should the above proposed cruise necessitate a foreign stop, there is Saint Pierre and Miquelon. And like the Havana/Montego Bay arrangement perhaps something similar could be arranged to facilitate our Maritimers. Looking at the US exchange rage this morning we are speaking of a 30% saving on major line itineraries. Canadian travellers deserve and I'm sure will support something like this new cruise adventure.

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HI all!


I picked up the March/April issue of "Cruise Travel" & was surprised to see

an article called "introducing Celestyal Cruises" on page 44.

Their Olympia ship was RCL's "Song of America" & the Crystal (looking strange without its flowers) was NCL's Leeward.


Have a nice evening.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi all!


I met a girl who blogs on the Trinidad excursion & just checked it out. This was her 1st trip to Cuba & won't be her last. Give her a read, she has a review of each day & will be commenting further. She gave me permission to post it here.




I'm still thinking about my review.:o




~ Jo ~:)

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Hi all!


I met a girl who blogs on the Trinidad excursion & just checked it out. This was her 1st trip to Cuba & won't be her last. Give her a read, she has a review of each day & will be commenting further. She gave me permission to post it here.




I'm still thinking about my review.:o




~ Jo ~:)


Thanks for sharing the link to my blog! I really did enjoy this trip and I would do it again in a heartbeat!



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Thanks for sharing the link to my blog! I really did enjoy this trip and I would do it again in a heartbeat!



I also read and enjoyed it. I didn't realize you were on the same one as us from Havana until you mentioned how rough it got leaving Montego Bay. I'd do the cruise again too.

I think we saw much more of the real Cuba than our some of our friends who only do resorts. Of course DH and I may pay more attention for that stuff also since we don't want to just sit and drink for a week in the same spot.

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Thanks for sharing the link to my blog! I really did enjoy this trip and I would do it again in a heartbeat! Catherine


Thank you Catherine for a great review. You saw so much more than we and of course that was well deserved with your preparation for and research into the trip. Wish we had spend more time doing so.


As it were, we opened door number 3 as we did 1 and 2. Everything was a surprise some wonderful and some less so. But of course we will be returning for yet more of this unique and mysterious corner of the world extending our time aboard. How we wish we had your camera's eye for your compositions were awesome.


Thanks so much for sharing..

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HI all!


Catherine ~ glad you popped in!:D Have you been following this thread or have you checked out the Your Cuba Cruise site lately? They have changed the itinerary a bit for next year with an overnight in Havana amongst other things (no more Antilla or Punta Frances:(.)


I read a bit about your days in London with your Mom (nice photos). I couldn't imagine travelling with my late Mom but did travel as the Mom with my DD to London & Paris 3 years ago.;)


A fun book about travelling with a Mom is by Jane Christmas (a Canadian writer) who wrote "Incontinent on the Continent".


Liz54 ~ I too spent quite a while reading Cat's blog. I printed out some info

that will help me with my trip to Valparaiso/Santiago late next year.

Getting a lot of traffic for your house? Real Estate seems to be picking up here, saw a couple of 'sold' signs. Good luck on selling soon so you can live at your beautiful country place.


Kerri ~ that was a rough night!:eek: First time I slept with a bag from outside the elevator on my pillow & my sea bands on as I wasn't feeling the best.

You sure did get to see the real Cuba & wasn't it fascinating?


Ron ~ chimo!


~ Jo ~ :)

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Loved reading all about Cuba. We are on the last cruise March 23rd. Checked next years itinerary. Hope it sells well Thanks everybody for all the info you provided. Sherrill Ontario Cruiser


As they say, save the best 'till last. Hope you enjoy it as much as we. The new itinerary seemed to come out of nowhere. Don't know why they altered it so. But that will not deter us from booking again. The loss of Antilla deprives us of seeing the everyday lifestyle of their more rural people those that do not live in a large metropolitan areas. We enjoyed that more than any port. So take full advantage of the day you tender in to that jewel of a community for, as I say, the best goes to you, the last.



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HI all!


Catherine ~ glad you popped in!:D Have you been following this thread or have you checked out the Your Cuba Cruise site lately? They have changed the itinerary a bit for next year with an overnight in Havana amongst other things (no more Antilla or Punta Frances:(.)


I read a bit about your days in London with your Mom (nice photos). I couldn't imagine travelling with my late Mom but did travel as the Mom with my DD to London & Paris 3 years ago.;)


A fun book about travelling with a Mom is by Jane Christmas (a Canadian writer) who wrote "Incontinent on the Continent".


Liz54 ~ I too spent quite a while reading Cat's blog. I printed out some info

that will help me with my trip to Valparaiso/Santiago late next year.

Getting a lot of traffic for your house? Real Estate seems to be picking up here, saw a couple of 'sold' signs. Good luck on selling soon so you can live at your beautiful country place.


Kerri ~ that was a rough night!:eek: First time I slept with a bag from outside the elevator on my pillow & my sea bands on as I wasn't feeling the best.

You sure did get to see the real Cuba & wasn't it fascinating?


Ron ~ chimo!


~ Jo ~ :)


Thanks Jo, With all the cold and snow the market does not seem to have launched yet, so just a trickle of visitors. Discouraging!

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HI all!


Sherrill ~ wow the last cruise already! Doesn't time fly?! Have a great time!

Do you have shore excursions booked yet?

manueljose will be getting off when you get on Cristal. Hope he comes back with his opinion of the cruise too.


Liz54 ~ things should improve with the nicer weather which is surely coming soon!;)


Ron ~ I think part of the change has to do with people wanting to see more of Havana without adding on extra days. I heard a lady at the shore excursion desk trying to buy one for Havana the day she was disembarking & when told none were available she said but I didn't get to see Havana & that's what I wanted most! That's part of the reason we got on in Mo Bay = full day in Havana without coming early.


Last year people were reporting that museums are closed on Mondays so maybe that had something to do with it too.:confused:

It's just too bad that we've just discovered what a gem Antilla is & now it'll be gone!


Happy 1st day of Spring!


~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi again!


I just finished watching my Cuba Cruise dvd from last year. Did anybody buy one this year?


Sherrill ~ I don't know about a beach in Antilla but here are some things that have been said about the little Town. I think Ron mentionned somewhere that the crew enjoyed deep fried fish somewhere there at a really reasonable price. Somebody else said they spent hours there enjoying the people & entertainment.


Originally Posted by retiring soon viewpost.gif

That'll be too bad if they take away Antilla now we're hearing about fun, inexpensive things to do there.

DH had a good time there walking around listening to/taping music & having a Pina Colada on the street for just 5 CUC. Another person commented on how many hours they spent there too.


Ron said ~ "Agree whole heatedly Jo. Antilla is the diamond in the rough. When speaking to many of the Cuban servers aboard the Cristal they indicated that Antilla is more of what Cuba truly is than what the large cities are becoming. They say Antilla is the heart of Cuban life. I couldn't agree more. The live vocal street entertainment was wonderful and we stayed for hours. As you say they are honestly moderate in their pricing for Mojito were but 2 CUC's. As the ship stops at Antilla but once a week everyone is out to meet us. People just being them selves, dancing and having a good time. In my view the cancelation of this port would be a great loss and a very big mistake."


There are 2 good tours that run from there too. I did the Cuba Life tour last year & really enjoyed it & had booked the Biran & Alcala one until my virus hit & I had to cancel it.:(


Just found this from Nightingale:


Just thought I would add our two cents!

We spent the day in Antilla rather than going on any excursions and we had a great time wandering the streets and exploring. The town square is very busy and there are musicians playing and singing. Benches to sit on and trees to sit under. Old trains on the tracks, a lovely waterfront-fishermen repairing nets. If you like mooching and meeting friendly people, seeing interesting buildings and just enjoying the local environment you will enjoy your day.

By the way- the people are so happy to have the ship in town that day it is a day off school and work for the locals. There was a very active basketball game going on at the local court on the main street. There is a charming concert hall that you can wander into. We thoroughly enjoyed our day. Spent close to 6 hours just soaking in the Cuban flavour. It is an easy walk into the town from the tender dock. Musicians greet you playing and dancers are dancing. There are horses and donkey carts or old cars for rides. There are open air multi people carts with horses.

Enjoy your day Hope this helps.




~ Jo ~ :)

Edited by retiring soon
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