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Finally, we made it onboard Allure (only 8 months later than planned), so the review!

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So, after a long flight we touch down in Florida. 86F, very nice thank you.


We pass through immigration, pick up our bags and pass through customs quickly (that's the bonus of using somewhere like Sanford as opposed to Orlando International).


I make my way to the Hertz car rental desk to pick up our vehicle.


First word of warning to UK travellers. If, like me, you have prepaid for your rental in the UK before travelling, remember the car rental company will still place a 'hold' for approval of in the case of Hertz of $200.


I know this and don't have an issue with it.


However, as I paid for the prepaid rental with my Debit card which is against my normal bank account, Hertz at Sanford didn't give me the option to use a credit card for the 'hold' and placed it on the card I used for the reservation. I didn't think anything of it at the time as the agent only asked for my drivers licence.


As I subsequently found out the hold was against my normal bank account and unfortunately, although Hertz did not request any funds from this amount at the end of the rental on May 12th, it took another 13 days before my bank let the hold expire and return the funds to my available balance. So I learnt a lesson and when I picked up the car for the return journey I asked the agent to use my credit card for the hold as I knew this credit card company releases the holds faster than my normal bank.


Anyway, off we trotted to the car parking lot to see this huge Nissan Pathfinder! Brilliant! It may not be the most fuel economical vehicle, but I like the big cars! I folded down the 3rd row of seats so that we could throw our bags in the back, set the SatNav I brought from the UK complete with my Florida map preloaded and we were off.


Now another word of warning to infrequent visitors to Florida. As you may know the state has lots of Toll roads, and one of the main ones from Sanford is the 417.


Now, what I didn't know is that a lot of the exits no longer have manned booths for you to pay the toll in cash. I always make sure I have some $1 notes available for my first tolls until I collect enough 25c coins for subsequent tolls. This normally means I can traverse the first few tolls without incident. WRONG! :(


We proceeded towards Orlando and then the SatNav sent me towards a toll booth that to my horror was unmanned and only accepted the correct change which was 75c (now remember this amount because it's important).


As I had $1 notes, but no coins, what do I do? I can't reverse out and try another route, so I proceed through the barrier to be accompanied by bells ringing, and no doubt photographic evidence being taken as warning signs mention. So I pull over trying to work out what to do. No option but to proceed.


Now I'm thinking we'll never make it to Fort Lauderdale as a State Trooper will be alerted and I'll be pulled over to pay the $100 fine stated at the toll booth and deported!


I worry about it overnight and on our journey south. Luckily we meet up with friends when we get to Fort Lauderdale that assure me that the rental company will just charge me with the toll amount at the end of the rental.


OK, so I relax and don't expect to be hauled over to the side of the highway by the Sheriff or a State Trouper :D


Now, here's the rub. OK, yes Hertz will pay the toll upon my behalf and recharge me, but what I didn't realise is that there is a processing fee as you will automatically use "PlatePass". This is $4.95 per rental day (capped at $24.95 per month).


So I was charged 2 days @ $4.95 (thankfully this rental was only until 12th May), plus the toll amount of 75c. My bank then kindly converted this at a rate of 1.5063 $ = £1, plus a non sterling transaction fee of £1.25, plus an electronic transfer fee of £0.19.


So, my missed toll of 75c just because I didn't have any quarters, cost me £8.51!


So the moral of this tale, visitors to Florida, make sure you have coins as well as $1 notes!


Anyway here's a few photos of May 10th


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Really enjoying your review, especially as we're doing a similar trip in August (Oasis instead of Allure for us). Keep it coming ;).


Tell Patrick his blog is excellent. I'm relaying it all to my DH and laughing as I'm reading aloud! Loved the bit where he joins in the shopping frenzy...lol. Hope our flight is less eventful!

Glad you like it, he is a better writer than me, and even I joined in the shopping frenzy later in the week. You have to watch those with razor blades on their elbows :D they are lethal!


If you're driving in Florida and not aware of cashless tolls, please read my previous instalment!


We were at trunk also....:)
Beautiful beach.
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This is one of the downsides of sailing on this fantastic ship, there is almost too much to do in 7 days, so you need to plan. So I can understand for some people this can take away the spontaneity and relaxing aspect of a cruise. But if, like us, you travel a long way to take this experience, you need to make the most of it.



I also understand how some people have the opinion that this takes away from the relaxing aspect of the cruise. But my view on this is that it is more relaxing when you are aboard to know you have the reservations rather than dealing with the stress of wondering whether or not you will be able to get into the the venue or not. A little planning goes a long way to making sure you will not leave at the end of the week feeling disappointed with what you missed.

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Now, here's the rub. OK, yes Hertz will pay the toll upon my behalf and recharge me, but what I didn't realise is that there is a processing fee as you will automatically use "PlatePass". This is $4.95 per rental day (capped at $24.95 per month).


So I was charged 2 days @ $4.95 (thankfully this rental was only until 12th May), plus the toll amount of 75c. My bank then kindly converted this at a rate of 1.5063 $ = £1, plus a non sterling transaction fee of £1.25, plus an electronic transfer fee of £0.19.


So, my missed toll of 75c just because I didn't have any quarters, cost me £8.51!


So the moral of this tale, visitors to Florida, make sure you have coins as well as $1 notes!


That sound more complicated than trying to figure out all of the taxes and fees that we here in the US have added to our telephone bills!

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Yay! You're back! And you've started your review!!!


I'm a day late or so to the party, but I'm excited to be reading...I'll have to go check out Patrick's blog, as well....


I had to laugh about the planning bit...because, as you know, I'm a compulsive planner as you are...and I look at people who AREN'T planners and wonder how they survive in life??! I'd have a mental breakdown!!!

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I also understand how some people have the opinion that this takes away from the relaxing aspect of the cruise. But my view on this is that it is more relaxing when you are aboard to know you have the reservations rather than dealing with the stress of wondering whether or not you will be able to get into the the venue or not. A little planning goes a long way to making sure you will not leave at the end of the week feeling disappointed with what you missed.
I agree, and there were still things we didn't accomplise, but that wasn't due to not planning, there's just too much to experience on the Oasis class of ship. Just means we will have to go back!:D


That sound more complicated than trying to figure out all of the taxes and fees that we here in the US have added to our telephone bills!
That's the complexity of purchasing goods in a non GBP currency. I have it all the time when travelling for business, so I'm used to it!
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Yay! You're back! And you've started your review!!!


I'm a day late or so to the party, but I'm excited to be reading...I'll have to go check out Patrick's blog, as well....


I had to laugh about the planning bit...because, as you know, I'm a compulsive planner as you are...and I look at people who AREN'T planners and wonder how they survive in life??! I'd have a mental breakdown!!!

You do need to read Patrick's blog, he does but an amusing spin on lots of the events. I've a feeling my review may take a few days too!
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You do need to read Patrick's blog, he does but an amusing spin on lots of the events. I've a feeling my review may take a few days too!


JUST finished reading Patrick's blog - I enjoyed it tremendously! He has that dry, sarcastic humor that I so enjoy (go figure!). It sounds as if you all had an amazing time - and reading about "Angel Gabriel" brought back memories! :)

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So, after retiring early to bed due to jet lag, and after a huge dinner at Olive Garden (somewhere I could walk to from the hotel, which also meant I could have a glass of wine, or 2!:D) I awoke at stupid o'clock and filled the iron with water and set up the ironing board and started to press all the clothes we'd packed (I do this everytime we travel to the US, so don't worry it's not a fetish I have for freshly pressed shirts!).


We never press clothes before we pack (they are thoroughly clean though honest), because after some approximately 14 hours (turned to be at least 16 hours due to the delay at Manchester airport as detailed in the blog), in a suitcase, they are fit for nothing, so that's my job and it helps pass the time until it is a more civilised hour for breakfast.


We breakfast at Denny's at around 7 a.m. and then you'd have found us in Walmart picking up some essentials like an auxillary cable for the iPhone/iPod so that we can play our music on the trip south (out of the mass of cables I brought for iPad, iPhone, iPhone, Smartphone, Camera and the UK to US power adaptors, what's the one I left in my own car, yes the aux cable!).


At 10:30 and check out of the hotel (I need to mention the Hyatt Place hotel, they have extremely attentive and polite staff, and so I would recommend it for a short stay on International Drive) and hit the road for Fort Lauderdale and the Lago Mar Resort.


I find the Florida turnpike and set cruise control as we made our way south, arriving at the hotel following lunch at one of the service plazas some 4.5 hours later. En-route into Fort Lauderdale as we exit SR 91 and hit SR 84 we spot Oasis of the Seas in the distance, this is exciting as she must be at least 3 miles away, but due to her colossal size, she cannot be missed!


Finally we arrive at the Lago Mar Resort which is hidded away on South Ocean Drive, but looks wonderful.


Patrick's blog tells you the tale of the surprise upgrade, and the photo slideshow below shows the suite we were given.


In a nutshell, we had refreshments, watched Oasis depart at 5 pm, went for dinner with our friends on Las Olas Blvd and retired, ready for the BIG day (and with the size of Allure, that's no understatement) - May 12th!:D


Blog of May 11th - http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/patch64/2/1368294686/tpod.html


Slideshow of May 11th

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I awoke again due to jet lag at some stupid hour (around 4:30 am!), so went to sit on the balcony to witness Carnival Freedom entering the channel with all her lights on illuminating the distinctive funnel. In the distance I see more lights and I just know what ship that must be, yes MINE (well not exactly but you know what I mean).


So, I stay on the balcony until Allure of the Seas makes her way slowly into Port Everglades. I can see camera flashes from people on their balconies on board and wonder if they are either of the groups of people we know onboard and especially one couple who we will meet up with once we disembark and are back in Kissimmee.


Now, I'm really excited and can't wait for breakfast, check out, car rental return and check in at terminal 18.


Breakfast is served at the Palm Gardens restaurant and both outdoor and indoor seating is available. Still getting used to the climate we opt for indoors. Service is fantastic and the range of food available at the buffet and the 'to order' egg and pancake station is superb.


We check out of suite 385 at around 10:30 a.m. and after I borrowed a stapler from the extremely helpful concierge (to attach our pre-printed luggage tags that I brought from home, to our bags) we headed off towards the car rental depot. But first I needed to fill the car with gas and did this at the nearest station I'd noticed on our way in yesterday.


Drop off was painless (I'll let Patrick's blog describe the shuttle trip :)) and we headed off to terminal 18 where it looked like organised chaos (which is exactly what it is, organised). Now when approaching the terminal our shuttle driver noticed that passengers were still disembarking and explained that if all passengers had already left the ship, then the exit wall would be all the colour blue as the doors when closed match the surrounding wall.


Now, I earlier omitted to mention that there has been a lot of reports recently of people receiving emails prior to sailing to explain that due to government budget constraints, there are fewer border agents deployed, so this means it takes longer for all ~ 6,000 guests to disembark and be processed and so not to show up for check in until later. I never received an email (even after departing the UK as I check my email as often as I find free WiFi and that was in both hotels), but what I did receive on the morning of the 12th was a SMS message from RCI UK advising the same, but we'd already left for the port :D. Surprising considering the UK is +5 hours ahead of east coast of the US.


We left our bags with a porter (keeping a beady eye to make sure they did get loaded into a cage), tipped accordingly (I know many say you shouldn't have to, but I do, that's my choice) and we entered terminal 18.


Wow, what a smooth check in process, after security we headed for the Diamond line and there you go, we had our SeaPass cards in our hands. We stopped for the obligatory photo (recycled by RCI hopefully) and went up the escalator and sat in the Diamond holding area.


Now, Port Everglades states on their website that all terminals have free WiFi, well they may have, but it wasn't cooperating with me, but as I was thinking it's something what would help pass the time before boarding, I needn't have worried. An announcement was made to say "look folks we're boarding our B2B guests and so general boarding would be starting soon". It did and so after Suite, Pinnacle and Diamond Plus guests, we were heading up that gangplank! So approximately 15 - 20 mins after arriving at the terminal at 11:30 we were making our way onboard the largest cruise ship in the world - let me at it!


Again as reported by so many, you can view all the available photos, you can watch the hundreds of YouTube videos, you can watch the TV programs, but nothing, and I mean nothing can prepare you for that first moment when you board on the Royal Promenade. OMG. Stunning.


I think I'm going to exhaust the batteries in my camera or get cramp in my shutter finger!


We head straight for Central Park and lunch at the famous Park Cafe, yum yum.


Finally we get to our cabin at 1 pm after a quick and short tour of the ship, on deck 11 (11664) a starboard side D7 category near the elevators. I'll let Patrick and the photos describe it in more detail (I think he has it as deck 12 12664 in this blog by mistake). Everything we've pre ordered is there (soda cups for the freestyle Coca Cola machines, shore excursion tickets, tuxedos hanging in the closet, chocolate coverted strawberries, details of the wine & dine package for which I already have a sticker on my SeaPass card, and details of the nightly Diamond cocktail hour which for this sailing will be held nightly in the Blaze nightclub on deck 4 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm). Our Diamond welcome back basket and beverages are also there on the vanity.


Ruth our stateroom attendant introduces herself (she is so sweet and does a fantastic job all week) and then our bags arrive (that's prompt).


We head up to the Solarium to explore further after taking a few snaps of the Royal Promenade from the Diamond Club on deck 6 (more of that later) and partake of a margarita to settle the nerves:D, especially mine after I tried out the Zip Line over the Boardwalk for what would be the first time this week. There were no lines, so it had to be done!


At 4:30 pm head for muster drill which for us is in the Aqua Theatre, deck 6.


Immediately after muster we head back to deck 11, but this time head aft on the port side to the public deck for sailaway. We have our Union Jack flag and I have my rainbow coloured boa to wave at the Port Cam to whom I have sent a 'Request a Wave' prior to sailing.


Our friends find us and introduce us to their friends who will be such amusing companions for the rest of the week. Several people from the CC roll call introduce themselves as I seem to be very noticeable apparently!:o


Once we sail out of the channel, Patrick and I return to the cabin and celebrate with our bottle of Veuve Clicquot and toast a great 7 days to come.


All aboard Blog: http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/patch64/2/1368316800/tpod.html


Finally photos of Allure!


Port Fever Sailaway (3.25 minutes in you may see us!)

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Just to finish embarkation day off, we checked out the menus on display for 150 Central Park and decided we'd like to try the first of the 2 menus available so made reservations for day 3, Chops we still had to organise with our friends for later in the week as we now only had Thursday, Friday or Saturday available. We had Monday booked for Giovanni's Table, Tues for 150, and Weds for Rita's Fiesta.


Tonight we would try MTD in the Adagio dining room on deck 5, using our prebooked time of 8:30 pm.


So off we trot at around 7:30 pm to Blaze for our first meeting with the Diamond Concierge and our friends. Great proper introductions and a very enjoyable cocktail hour before dinner.


Dinner was good, albeit over a little quicker than I'd like, but nothing to do with bad service, but more IMHO to the need to turn MTD tables for diners waiting for a table in the holding area just outside the restaurant. This area is a great addition as it prevents a line extending down the Royal Promenade as has been witnessed on other ships.


After dinner we have reservations for Ocean Aria in the Aqua Theatre, although not until later, so we meander around, have a beverage and turn up for the show which is certainly a unique feature on a cruise ship and not to be missed.


Time for bed as it's been a exilarating day, and time to be lulled to sleep by the ever so slight "motion in the ocean".

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I awake and slip into my routine of going for a stroll to collect tea for me (English Breakfast please, none of this flavoured rubbish) and coffee for Patrick.


Now as I don't realise that the Park Cafe opens most days at 7:30 am, I head for Cafe Promenade on deck 5. Luckily this venue is at the same end of the Royal Promenade as we are when I get out of the elevators, so I know exactly where to go. However, this is where the first of only a few 'bad' issues on Allure raises its head. As I'm taking hot beverages out of the venue, on other ships there is a plentiful supply of paper cups, lids and cardboard sleeves al la Starbucks, to help you carry the hot liquids safely. Not in Cafe Promenade on Allure, despite asking the staff on duty. OK, I think, I'll go to the Diamond Lounge on deck 6 at the other end of the promenade, no problem, good exercise.


So off I go to the DL. Disappointment number 2, (don't get too many on day 1 please). Although there are paper cups with lids and sleeves in abundance, the speciality coffee maker (if you don't want Latte) only appears to provide black coffee of one type or another. That's OK as all other DL's on other ships have cartons of milk or creamer available, nope not on Allure :mad:


Even though a large selection of teas are available (including English Breakfast thank goodness), no milk aargh! No staff are in attendance, although the continental breakfast goods have been laid out.


So, OK I'll take empty cups, lids and sleeves and go back down the promenade and get drinks from Cafe Promenade. Result! But I could have made a fortune selling paper cups & lids to fellow passengers as I lost count of the number of people enquiring as to where I got mine from and I was quite embarrassed to say the DL, to which a lot of people didn't have access to. RCI take note, mugs full of hot liquid are dangerous.


Subsequently I found that the Park Cafe does provide paper cups, lids and cardboard sleeves, so my tip, either order room service for coffee/tea or wait until the Park Cafe opens (which I think is around 7:30 am daily) and go there. To be honest Central Park is so tranquil first thing too. So RCI, please be consistent in all venues from where hot beverages can be taken. We don't all want Starbucks.

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Really enjoying your review. We have got caught out by the tolls before' date=' I felt your pain :D[/quote']At least I wasn't held up by a State Trooper and banged up! Now I know for the future. Glad you're enjoying my ramblings!
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As we only had a short stay in Nassau (RCI changed the departure time and notified us months ago), we didn't plan anything today.


After breakfast Patrick relaxed in the near empty Solarium and I disembarked briefly to take photos of Disney Dream and Carnival Ecstasy, the only other 2 ships in port with us, and of course shots of Allure.


Once back on board I explored the quiet ship and then we headed for lunch at Johnny Rockets.


During the scrum down (the only 'Ugly' of the cruise) that is the first of the $10 sales this week, Patrick elbows his way to a waterproof watch and I purchase a fedora at full price from Willow.


We take a nap and the dress for dinner at Giovanni's Table in formal attire. You'll read of the fun of formal portraits in Central Park in Patrick's blog.:D


After dinner we change and head to the Amber Theatre for Chicago and then hunt out the Casino to donate some $$$ to RCI.


'Bad' number 3 (not a good start on only day 2). The ventilation in the Casino is terrible and the venue is far too smokey. With not even sitting near a smoker, and after the brief visit, my clothes stink. Not good RCI, do something about it.:mad:


Day 2 blog: http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/patch64/2/1368467500/tpod.html


Day 2 slideshow:

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ISubsequently I found that the Park Cafe does provide paper cups, lids and cardboard sleeves, so my tip, either order room service for coffee/tea or wait until the Park Cafe opens (which I think is around 7:30 am daily) and go there. To be honest Central Park is so tranquil first thing too. So RCI, please be consistent in all venues from where hot beverages can be taken. We don't all want Starbucks.


That doesn't help me for my 5 AM coffee prior to my morning walk around the ship.:)

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That doesn't help me for my 5 AM coffee prior to my morning walk around the ship.:)
As the week wore on, there were a few paper cups available at Cafe Promenade, but no lids, if that helps at all.
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That doesn't help me for my 5 AM coffee prior to my morning walk around the ship.:)



Bring your own travel mug, whatever, from home and just use their smaller cup to fill yours. If its large enough, two cups. ;)

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Another day dawns and this gives us our first day at sea heading towards St Thomas. I go for a morning wander to take more photos and am shocked at my appearance on the Boardwalk! Please, I've only been on board for 3 days, the waistline can't have increased that much:D




We make our way to the MDR for breakfast and end up joining Joyce, Jerry, Gail & Dennis for a good catch up over our start of the day.


After breakfast as I have a coupon giving me 15% discount off a Britto collectable (over $30) we head to Central Park and the Britto store there.


I purchase "Royalty Cat" but didn't realise it is a numbered item and comes in such a big box (that'll be fun packing!).




After this we retire to the public area on deck 11, aft, port side overlooking the Aqua Theatre and spend a couple of hours away from the crowds. So calm and relaxing up here. Later in the cruise we'd find another hidden gem too.


We take lunch at the Solarium Cafe which provides a great selection of more healthy options, so you don't have to feel too guilty all week!


Back to deck 11, aft, but starboard side to relax, not! The start of the World's Sexiest Man competition shatters the peace and quiet, but you can't complain as that's the purpose of the Aqua Theatre during the day and you get a great view from up there.


I forgot to mention that Joyce had advised us that she had booked another Liberty sailing onboard the previous day, well 2 actually, one 7 night Mediterranean sailing out of Barcelona, followed by the westbound transatlantic to Fort Lauderdale, very similar to the one where we met in 2011. She persuaded us to see the Loyalty Ambassador and book onboard as the 7 nighter Mediterranean takes in my birthday.


So at the time of our appointment (3 pm) we approached the Loyalty Ambassador's area to surprise Cindy Dangel who we first met on Mariner in 2004, with whom we booked our 1st Freedom sailing in 2006 (where we met her again) and to remind her it was 7 years since we met. She recognised us and we had a great catch up.


We then proceeded to book the Liberty sailing, but an important note for UK cruisers. Although you will get the OBC benefit for booking on board, we from the UK, DO NOT qualify for the reduced deposit of $100 per person which is advertised all over the ship, in the Cruise Compass and especially in the umpteem messages you will get on your in room TV. This is only applicable to US cruisers. So, as we had to convince Joyce and her friends, we have to be sure we want to book the sailing, because a) we don't benefit from a reduced deposit, and b) if we cancel we lose all our deposit, or c) if we want to change sailing, we are changed an amendment fee which is equivalent to 50% of the deposit. So for UK cruisers, although you will get OBC, you still have to provide your credit card and stump up a non-refundable deposit of £150 per person (approx $225 per person).


Reeling from having booked yet another cruise, I needed sustenance before dinner at 150 Central Park and so we take the appropriate medicine in the Viking Crown before an excellent dinner as detailed in Patrick's blog.




Day at Sea Blog: http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/patch64/2/1368489600/tpod.html



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Land beckons today at our 2nd port stop of Crown Bay in St Thomas. No need to go for the morning hunt for coffee as we've ordered room service breakfast as we have a shore excursion today. We ordered for 8:00 - 8:30 and received a call at 7:50 so say that the server was outside, now that's prompt service.


One thing I really appreciate on Allure is the sensible sized table on the balcony that means you don't have to juggle the cups/saucers/plates of your breakfast like on other ships. However, the smaller vanity (and it is smaller than those on Freedom and Voyager class ships in D category cabins) means you need to be very tidy so that the room service tray can fit on there!


Once breakfast was over we make ourself ready for a day ashore. The special 'gangway' button on the elevator may only be a minor thing, but it helps remove any indecision of how to disembark (well it does for some!). We are directed down the escalator and off the ship into the blistering heat that is St Thomas and head for the area where lots of people are milling around awaiting their tour to start.


A great day was had on St John following a short crossing, and we visited the famous Trunk Bay to spend some time on the beach.


Upon return we purchase 2 really colourful, inexpensive (and it showed) shirts for the 'Colourful Caribbean' suggested dress code for the evening, especially as we are heading to Rita's Fiesta.


Bolstered by a Mojito at Boleros (usually one of my favourite beverages on RCI) but which seemed to take an eternity to serve despite the venue not being busy and the bar tender not being overrun (this is a recurring theme, more of which in tomorrow's instalment) then we headed off to Blaze to meet with our friends and attend the Diamond event.


At 8:30 pm we head to the Boardwalk on deck 6 for Rita's Fiesta not quite sure what to expect. On arrival we are presented with sombreros (which are a tad small) and wristbands which have 3 tabs attached and are used for each alcoholic beverage included in the cover charge.


We are seated at a table of 10 of which 4 people are off our CC roll call (which is quite a coincidence and not preplanned). It turns into a fun event with appetizers, entrees and dessert served by the staff intermingled with activities which inluded group dancing on the Boardwalk and a mandatory limbo dance to get back to the table. The Margarita's were long and strong!





May 15th blog: http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/patch64/2/1368640314/tpod.html



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