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Ocho Rios, Jamaica - Really that bad?


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I have just finished reading the posts on the worst ports and some of the posts regarding Ocho Rios have me scared to death. Is it really that bad. If we do an excursion to Dunns Falls will we avoid some of the fear that people are expressing? I was really looking forward to this port and now I am filled with anxiety. Is there anything positive someone can tell me. Please - suggestions on what might be the best thing to do here besides stay on the ship. Thanks everyone.

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You know, there are travellers and then there are TRAVELLERS. I can't believe how one incident with one somebody brings all the babies together. They come out of the woodwork and sympathize with each other. You want positive......here's positive.


We've been to Ocho Rios several times and NO........never been accosted. Our most recent trip was Thanksgiving 2003. We took a van (5.50/PP RT) to Dunn's, paid our admission, did our climb and met the van for trip back to the ship. The vendors WERE NOT in our face; we said no if we were not interested and that was that. A few in our party wanted to do hair braiding, so when we got back they took a taxi and went somewhere else. My husband wanted to go with them, so he did. No untoward problems.


Strike that 2003; hubby just reminded me that we were there again in 2004. Just walked around the pier and the few shops in the pink building.


If it's your nature to be scared to death, then you will. If it's your nature to treat each new thing as an adventure, you'll be fine. That's my sermon

du jour. :)



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When we were in Ocho Rios, we took a Princess shore excursion - bus tour with combination Plantation tour, Dunn River Falls and shopping. We never felt uneasy or threatened. While the Plantation would be enjoyed more by someone who had never seen bananas, coconuts or pineapple growing like we had, it was a beautiful ride. Dunn River Falls was awesome, fun, and something we'll do again. Yes, the vendors that line the exit from the falls are insistant, but we just kept walking with a firm "no thank you". No one ever touched us or made us feel uncomfortable. After the Falls, the bus took us to a gated shopping area with about 10 stores where we purchased tee-shirts, coffee, and that amazing rum liqueur. There were no street vendors in this area.


I think the folks who have had negative experiences are perhaps wandering around town on their own. If you're the least bit concerned, go with the Princess shore excusion. Yes, it's a bit more expensive but you'll have a good time and won't have to spend any energy worrying -you can save that energy to climb the falls.

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I have been to Jamiaca many times. Most recently to Ocho Rios in 2004. I have never felt in any danger. With that said, we do not enjoy Jamiaca nearly as much as we used to. The people used to be soooo friendly. The last two trips there my DW and I both commented that Jamiaca was changing. The vendors have become so aggresive. For example they started asking my childrens names who innocently told and within 30 seconds they had a wood sculpture with their names carved on them and the vendor trying to force me to pay him for it (which I of course did not at which point they gave me some threatening stares). We enjoyed the falls and the beautiful island. It was such a shame we had to give our children lessons in being rude to people by not responding, saying no in a stern way and making no eye contact. It is not this way all over the island but the vendors area you are forced to go through outside Dunn's River Falls was a real turnoff. Again, we never felt in any danger but were made to feel we needed to get out of there.


While we are not afraid to go to Jamiaca, we no longer would make that a highlight of our trip.

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I love Dunns River Falls... it is such a cool experience to climb these rocks with cold fresh river water running over your legs. It is a beautiful spot.


Having said that, Jamaican people are really pushy for harrassing you to try and buy things etc... there are some beautiful hotels with beaches where the local people are not allowed - this is paradise, but the public beaches - forget it! it is hell.

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I was worried also after reading several posts, but found a great guide on Jamaica ports of call board (Peat Taylor) and ended up having a GREAT time. Dunns River falls was outstanding. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting at work right now looking at a picture of me and my beautiful DW kissing in front of one of the falls. The guides were very friendly and willing to take pictures throughout the climb.

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We were there two years ago and had a ball. We took a ship's "Jeep" tour that was great. Everyone was friendly and we weren't bothered at all. I thought the shopping area near where the ship docked was great. I'd go back again.

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We've been to Jamaica MANY times and it's one of our favorite ports. The trick is to get away from the dock area and get out and see the island. The people are warm and friendly and there are so many wonderful things to see. We have always gone out on our own excursions and never had a problem or felt threatened in any way. If you hire your own taxi, make sure it's properly licensed and negotiate your price before you start out. If you're the least bit hesitant to venture out on your own, take a ship tour but definitely get out and see this beautiful island.


There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of in Jamaica - enjoy the adventure!



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We went to Jamaica in May 05 and booked a tour with Phil Lafayette. We had a marvelous time. It was in fact my hubby's favorite. We were promptly received at the dock, went straight to Dunn's River and had a fabulous time. Phil mentioned that we could exit the area the same way we came in as to avoid the market area. So we did. A few women shouted out to us to buy a photo of our stay but we politely declined and kept walking. We finished before others on our tour and so we sat outside of the van waiting. Phil saw us and invited us to join in the conversation in a shady spot with some of the other bus/tour drivers. He always made us feel included. Next we went tubing and then for a tour of some everyday areas including a nice spot overlooking the town. He was so very friendly and shared alot about his Jamaica.

Some people wanted to go back to the ship so Phil dropped us off at a local eatery and made suggestions on what to order. He promptly came back to eat with us and then dropped us off at Jimmy Buffet's for a drink and some shopping. Plenty of time and lots of safe fun. He emailed us after our return and after expressing some post cruise blues, sent an additional email with a cute graphic and song to cheer us up!

Plan ahead with a reputable tour and you will be fine!

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Our group of six was in Ocho Rios last October. I had read many negative comments about this port, but we still wanted to explore the area. We made reservations with one of the many tour guides to climb the Falls, go tubing down the White River and to see Fern Gully.


We met our guide and proceeded directly to the Falls. My wife was a bit apprehensive about doing the climb, but once we started, she wanted to go all the way to the top. We passed many vendors on the way out, but they weren’t too aggressive.


Next, we were off to do tubing. We were shocked that it was not the same as the ship’s excursion. The location was close to town and we traveled down a dirt road through a very poor area. We really felt uncomfortable being in this area. It turns out that the power company shut off the water at the dam upstream, so the river was too low for tubing. We were glad to get out of there.


The drive up the Fern Gully was very nice, but the guide knew some of the vendors along the route and stopped even though we didn’t ask to. However, once my wife looked around, she found some things she wanted and the prices were reasonable.


Finally, we took a drive through the more affluent area of city before returning to the port.


All in all, we had a good time there, better than I had expected. The Falls were the highlight of the tour and we’re glad we made the climb. If we ever go back, I would be willing to use a private tour guide again, but probably without the tubing. In all fairness, we met people who did the local tubing before the dam shut off the water and they had a great time. For us, if we want to do tubing, we’ll probably book that through the ship. We definitely would not be like many who just stay on the ship.



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I definitely do not like Jamaica. And my husband and I really felt threatened while walking around Dunn's River Falls (we were on a ship's excursion). Fortunately, there was a guard nearby and he stepped in and helped us. He said he understood why we felt the way we did. Now, to answer another poster....We have traveled extensively...have met up with beggers in Turkey....were swarmed over by beggers and vendors in Morocco, bargained with locals in Jerasulem...met up with "tinkers" in Ireland...well, you get the picture. We are not timid travelers, but I can say that if we are on a cruise that has Jamaica on it's itiinerary, we stay on board ship! Folks should never be lulled into a false sense of security while traveling anywhere!!!!!

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We're considering a cruise with Ocho Rios on the itinerary and have been wondering the same thing as you, chopper.


It's obvious that tourism in Jamaica has been hurt by the hassling that some tourists have faced. So why doesn't the Jamaican government do something to help their own cause? Why don't they make it easy for tourists to visit and spend money? Does anyone have any insight into this?

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I was nervous about Ocho Rios, too, after reading here. We were there on June 2 of this year and loved the island. If you go there realizing that you are a guest in another country and don't expect it to be like America or the people to be like Americans, you'll have a great time. Yes, the people can be pushy, but we found that if we were just polite and gave a firm, "No, thanks", they'd leave us alone.


We did a zip-line tour of the rain forest canopy and loved it. We shopped after that with no problem.


I have heard that the market you have to walk through at Dunn's River Falls is a little intimidating, with especially aggressive people. We didn't go there so I can't speak from experience.


Go and enjoy it. Jamaica is a beautiful island.

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Our first trip to Jamaica, we stopped at Montego Bay. I had really looked forward to it and hoped that our experiences would prove the naysayers wrong. At the end of the day, we were very thankful to be back on the ship.


We decided to give the island another chance when we stopped at Ocho Rios. My wife and I took separate excursions, and we both had positive comments afterward.


Something that really helps no matter where you go is getting over the fact that you aren't in Kansas anymore.

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We're considering a cruise with Ocho Rios on the itinerary and have been wondering the same thing as you, chopper.


It's obvious that tourism in Jamaica has been hurt by the hassling that some tourists have faced. So why doesn't the Jamaican government do something to help their own cause? Why don't they make it easy for tourists to visit and spend money? Does anyone have any insight into this?

Actually, they have cleaned up somewhat. A few years ago Jamaica was on US Government's list of travel warnings and cruise lines removed that port from itineraries. That has been lifted, and it does seem Jamaica is trying. But I don't like it and still won't go ashore there. Obviously, not everyone feels as I do.

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We had been to Jamaica twice and I was ready to never go back again. However, in March of this year we took a Panama Canal cruise and the first port was Ocho Rios. I had decided to stay on board because of aggressive vendors, but then found that the only zipline tour offered on the cruise was in Ocho Rios. We had decided that we would do a zip line excursion on this cruise, wanted to do it in Costa Rica, but one was not offered by the ship. So we did it here in Ocho Rios. EXCELLENT choice, great tour guides, the zipline employees were a blast and the zip line itself was awesome. We went back to the ship and did not go shopping, but had no problems anywhere on the tour.


A number of years ago when we did the Dunns River Falls, we found the vendors aggressive but that was our first time in any foreign country so the fact that we were not comfortable was due more to that than to the aggressive vendors.

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I was just there in March with my 19 y/o DD and my beautiful DIL and although we were stunned by the begging and the level of poverty, we were expecting it and realized that this was not our country. We did book Dunn's River Falls through Peat Taylor (he's the best!!!), however exiting the fall's area, we were almost the victims of some sort of scam - a local asked us to fill a personal survey, however, we were not aware that they had taken pic's of us with their camera phone, so be aware. Also, when you leave the park, the exit goes through an area where the vendors are very agressive. The three of us buddied with another couple from our ship and exited through the entrance, so we would not have to go through the vendors. Please don't miss Dunn's River Falls or the a drive through the island because of some negative comments - just exercise common sense. And yes, I told my girls not to accept anything any strange "cigarettes" or other "substances".

Don't miss Margaritaville - it's walking distance to the pier and it's great!!!!!!

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We were in Ocho Rios last December and we had booked the Falls and Fern Gulley tour prior to the cruise with A-Z Planners. We met Belinda at the ship and she took us to our driver. He stayed with us during the climb at the falls and took us to the pottery factory and around the mountain. No problems. We went back to the ship for lunch and then went back to Margaritaville's for drinks and looked around in the shops there. No one bothered us, but we didn't go out on our own other than Margaritaville's.

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If you don't want to deal with the vendors at Dunn's River Falls instead of going through the straw market where it will direct you to go when you exit the falls, just go out the same way you came in and you avoid the market.


I did this (got the tip from cruise board) and it worked fine. My boyfriend who enjoys bargining did go through the market and enjoyed it.


But don't miss Dunn's River Falls because of the vendors.

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Let's put it this way: If we want to do a "Western" and have the choice between a ship stopping in Jamaica and another ship that does NOT stop in Jamaica, we'll pick the one WITHOUT the Jamaica port stop ... even if the price is a bit more! :rolleyes:


We've been to Jamaica at least 10 times (throughout the years) and think it's a beautiful island ... but, it really is NOT safe. (Have never been there where someone has not offered to sell us coke. Once, I was standing beside my DH and a female offered to sell herself to him .... :p We laugh about the coke and the "other offer" ... but it is a place to be very careful!) At least Ocho Rios is better than MoBay!!!


Would we get off the ship if we had a port stop in Jamaica? Certainly!


As suggested by a couple of posters above, Margaritaville is a good choice OR go on an excursion offered by the ship. Whatever ... Go, Have Fun, but be CAREFUL there!


Happy Sailing! OCruisers :)

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If you're that scared, I would suggest paying the money and booking the excursion through the cruiseline, that way you'll be with other passengers on a tour organized by the cruiseline.


I don't think you should pass up the Falls, it's lots of fun! Stay with your group even while walking in the parking lot and down to the falls as there are many people that will ask you if you want to feel happy.


When I went I felt a bit wary and I could tell that other cruisers in our group felt the same way, but we were not walkling around in fear. We just all kept together and waited a bit while one person or another wanted to stop for souvenirs. It was unspoken among us (I don't think any of us had heard the negative things about Ocho Rios before), so common sense goes a long way!

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We were in Ocho Rios last year and had a great time. We booked a tour to Dunn' s Falls with Peat Taylor and he was great. We were not bothered at all at any time. We did get offered pot by one of the locals in the city but a "no thank you" did the trick. At no time did we feel wooried about our safety-no more than any other city here at home. I wouldn't go flashing lots of cash or jewels and I wouldn't walk alone but I wouldn't do that here either.


I am planning to go back next year.

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I am also not a fan of Ocho Rios -- and I did a ship's tour. The island is gorgeous but the locals would not leave me alone (pushing drugs, kept following me, etc. .). I tried to be polite and say no thank you but that was not the correct answer.


I will either pay more to go on a ship that doesn't stop in Ocho Rios or stay on the ship next time. I am well traveled and have never experienced the bad feelings I had when I was there.

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Add me to the list of people who love going there! We had a great time when we were there a few years ago. Yes, we experienced pusy vendors, but we've experienced them at many other stops too. A firm "no thank you" and just keep walking usually works.

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