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Teen Drinking and Carnival - Not For everyone


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This thread is NOT intended for everyone but maybe ONE parent like MYSELF. A parent with a child who is 'legal" or almost 'legal' but knows s/he is NOT an adult. They are legal without a pot to pee in and a window to throw it through. The law of the financial aide says DEPENDENT. We all know how much sense the law makes at time (FASA). If you are a parent like ME, please let me share what I found out from my own 'legal' age son who was recently on Carnival.


We were on Carnival for his graduation and while doing my late nigh track- down, I came across a fair share of teens who were clearly under the influence. I was out later than most parent because I was doing a bit of CSI- Cruise Scene Investigation. I always gave mine a hug/sniff to make sure things were on the up and up. Since we came home, I decided to grant him immunity from prosecution, aka my wrath, if he told me HOW the kids got the alcohol and to discuss the risk of alcohol poisoning. I don't think he gets the risk of poisoning so another reason to pray.


Well, I was not ready for it, but he said most of it was smuggled in, kinda the way mom and dad did. Some ways I wasn't aware possible, but that is besides the point. He said many teens had their own cabins, understandably, not wishing to share a cabin with parents. They drank while their parents were asleep, at shows, or elsewhere. They hung out in each others cabin at times, not necessary to drink. Maybe like mine, to the best of our knowledge (questionable) our child doesn't drink. However this is not to say, given the opportunity and vacation pressure they won't. What happens after they do or going in and out of a friends cabin can change our lives forever.


I never thought for a second these kids were packing their own stash, just something to think about and keep an eye on. I know I will be doing final check of ALL luggage on my next cruise, along with dropping by unannounced in the cabin. Make no mistake, those kids have been reading these boards.


I would like to see Carnival establish a curfew especially for younger kids, something I addressed in a letter to them, since my cruise.


The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage. If you are not that parent, be glad:)


My prayers and condolence to the family who lost their son in what may have started out so innocent even childish. We are on a cruise, let's have fun, why not take a sip from a new buddy cup.

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Does not surprise me that the kids are sneaking it on. Probably learned their best tricks from their parents.


I know that several kids on the Conquest were drinking. Some from their parents mini-bars. Some from smuggled boozes. Some in the ports of call.


Kinda scary but I do monitor what my teens pack and I do check them through hugs, high fives, etc for consumption.

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The only way an underage teen is drinking and gets in trouble is parental neglect. There's nothing wrong with giving your older teen SOME space, but you've got to remember you are STILL legally responsible for them. That means that they need to be checked up on, and if you've decided to take them with you it isn't the ship's staff's responsibility to do your job.


Blk_Amish - it sounds as though YOU took proper responsibility in a reasonable fashion. Kids know when their parents are doing their jobs and when they are not. Those that are not will find their kids testing their limits.


We've got a 13 year old, and typically that's a little young to be worrying about getting into the alcohol, but even so we set up times for him to have some freedom, but check in. If he wasn't were he was supposed to be at the right time, he knew he'd be stuck with the folks 24/7 the rest of the trip.

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Why put curfew issues on Carnival. Your the parent. Take charge and be the parent and set curfew on your own child... Too many parents sluff off parenting duties. Curfew is one that is a parents responsibility not a corporation.

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On the NCL Epic cruise my family went on this past Nov., I saw one kid about 20 or so with a can of beer (during the white hot party on the pool deck). He had all kinds of younger teens all hovering around him like little baby birds taking sips from the same can. It was pitiful to watch. As a veteran teacher I find myself watching kids and their behavior all of the time (habit) and I can tell you there was not a parent to be found with any of them. A few caught my eye and seemed to have some shame and would turn around to not see me. My then 13 yr old daughter was there and I pointed it out to her and how I wanted her to see that they thought they were all cool doing that and that accidents could happen from it. I try to educate my kids as much as possible to try to avoid what these poor parents are going through with their teen son dying from alcohol poisoning. And I too monitor my kids and have curfews and we even go one step further, we usually travel with the 3 nephews that are all around her age and love to tattle on each other ;) Tattling was a pain around 6-9 yr old but a joy in the teens,lol

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We were on the fascination the first week of June. When we go to Nassau we always take advantage of the $60 (40 of which you can use for food and drinks) per person deal at British Colonial Hilton. It's a beautiful property and has always been nice and relaxing. But not this trip. After we had been at the resort 15 minutes here comes about 30 teenagers and 8 adults. First stop for them, the bar. Normally wait staff would come to your cabana and take your orders. Not this time. Those kids and adults ran the staff ragged. I went up to the bar ordered a coke and a bottle of water. It was 10:00 in the morning. I stood there for about 5 minutes and during that time the kid beside me downed two beers. This went on for about 3 good hours. Kids were definitely intoxicated and the "adults" continued to allow them to drink. The adults even did a last call since they were going to close out the bar tab. Which was almost $3000.00. The only reason I know this is because the bar staff had added a couple of their drinks on mine and I had them correct it. They had the group rung up on a totally different register and I saw them add the drinks on to it. Anyway my point is I know the legal drinking age is 18 in the Bahamas but these adults undoubtedly were chaperones and I would have been very upset as a parent knowing that an adult allowed my kid to drink to the excess that these adults allowed these kids to drink. Not to mention they were allowed to go to the liquor store come back with more booze and prepare bottles for smuggling to take back on the ship with them. I'm just glad they weren't on the same ship as me.


Lesson learned I will never cruise in June again. I'll continue to risk the hurricanes and cruise in September.



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Does not surprise me that the kids are sneaking it on. Probably learned their best tricks from their parents.

I know that several kids on the Conquest were drinking. Some from their parents mini-bars. Some from smuggled boozes. Some in the ports of call.


Kinda scary but I do monitor what my teens pack and I do check them through hugs, high fives, etc for consumption.


I was a bit surprise and yes kinda scary. As parents all we can do is to provide information to help each other along. Each time you travel the kids are different and we need to be better prepared.

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As a parent to an immature 14 year old who will be 15 by the time of our next cruise, I wish he wasn't moving up to the teen club. However, I may be one of those strict parents, my child doesn't get his own cabin, he doesn't like sharing with mom and grandma? Tough. Throughout the day he has check in times, if he misses one then he doesn't get to run off that night after dinner for the couple if hours he has before his nightly curfew.


I don't smuggle booze on and make it a point not to drink in front of my child. It's my responsibility as his parent to know what he's doing and who he's doing it with.

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Why put curfew issues on Carnival. Your the parent. Take charge and be the parent and set curfew on your own child... Too many parents sluff off parenting duties. Curfew is one that is a parents responsibility not a corporation.


FireEATER with all due respect, I took the chance to do this thread ONLY to make parent like MYSELF to be a bit more aware. I did not do it to pass judgement or question another parent judgment who might be no worse than mine just different. As always, if there is a change I would like to see I address it directly with the company. I am a parent who lives in a town with a curfew, a community protects a child. Again, I did not realize about the smuggling and hope is there is another parent like myself, to be more aware and even less trusting. This is meant to create awareness to many like MYSELF who cruise infrequently and each trip creates new challenges.


PLEASE do not turn this into a bashing thread of parents. I HAVE MADE MY FAIR SHARE OF MISTAKES. Maybe there is NO parent like myself to learn and be more aware. Ya'll did it right off the bat.

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This thread is NOT intended for everyone but maybe ONE parent like MYSELF. A parent with a child who is 'legal" or almost 'legal' but knows s/he is NOT an adult. They are legal without a pot to pee in and a window to throw it through. The law of the financial aide says DEPENDENT. We all know how much sense the law makes at time (FASA). If you are a parent like ME, please let me share what I found out from my own 'legal' age son who was recently on Carnival.


We were on Carnival for his graduation and while doing my late nigh track- down, I came across a fair share of teens who were clearly under the influence. I was out later than most parent because I was doing a bit of CSI- Cruise Scene Investigation. I always gave mine a hug/sniff to make sure things were on the up and up. Since we came home, I decided to grant him immunity from prosecution, aka my wrath, if he told me HOW the kids got the alcohol and to discuss the risk of alcohol poisoning. I don't think he gets the risk of poisoning so another reason to pray.


Well, I was not ready for it, but he said most of it was smuggled in, kinda the way mom and dad did. Some ways I wasn't aware possible, but that is besides the point. He said many teens had their own cabins, understandably, not wishing to share a cabin with parents. They drank while their parents were asleep, at shows, or elsewhere. They hung out in each others cabin at times, not necessary to drink. Maybe like mine, to the best of our knowledge (questionable) our child doesn't drink. However this is not to say, given the opportunity and vacation pressure they won't. What happens after they do or going in and out of a friends cabin can change our lives forever.


I never thought for a second these kids were packing their own stash, just something to think about and keep an eye on. I know I will be doing final check of ALL luggage on my next cruise, along with dropping by unannounced in the cabin. Make no mistake, those kids have been reading these boards.


I would like to see Carnival establish a curfew especially for younger kids, something I addressed in a letter to them, since my cruise.


The purpose of sharing is just to let one parent like myself question more, ok, do final check of the luggage. If you are not that parent, be glad:)


My prayers and condolence to the family who lost their son in what may have started out so innocent even childish. We are on a cruise, let's have fun, why not take a sip from a new buddy cup.


So, the kids are learning how to smuggle from their parents. Who would have thought?


Still, since it is not legal for someone under the age of 21 to buy alcoholic drinks, where did the kids get the alcohol in the first place???

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Why put curfew issues on Carnival. Your the parent. Take charge and be the parent and set curfew on your own child... Too many parents sluff off parenting duties. Curfew is one that is a parents responsibility not a corporation.




1. My kid is my responsibility. Not yours, not her grandparents who might be on board with us, not a friend in our travel group. Certainly not Carnival. Absolutely not. If I want my child in the cabin at 11pm, she damn well better be there. It's no different than being at home. You come home at 11 in real life, you come home at 11 on a cruise ship. There's no curfew in real life, why put that on Carnival. People need to control and take responsibility for their own.


2. I'm not at all shocked about kids sneaking alcohol on. I was sneaking alcohol everywhere I could when I was underage.

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So, the kids are learning how to smuggle from their parents. Who would have thought?


Still, since it is not legal for someone under the age of 21 to buy alcoholic drinks, where did the kids get the alcohol in the first place???


Welcome to the college years, FRIENDS, relatives!


Again, just wanting a few to be aware of something I didn't, not judge.


Funny, I grew up in a time and place where kids were everyone's responsibility, yours are still mine. Times are changing so are kids. I addressed the curfew issue with Carnival, along with the drinking.

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Why put curfew issues on Carnival. Your the parent. Take charge and be the parent and set curfew on your own child... Too many parents sluff off parenting duties. Curfew is one that is a parents responsibility not a corporation.


I agree. my daughter is 17 and knows that the rules we set at the beginning of the cruise can't be broken and if they are she gets to spend the evening with mom and dad.


So, the kids are learning how to smuggle from their parents. Who would have thought?


Still, since it is not legal for someone under the age of 21 to buy alcoholic drinks, where did the kids get the alcohol in the first place???


Fake ID... they are still around and better than ever. When i was younger it was just a matter of chalking your license. now they get ones that lare good enough to fool anyone .

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My first carnival cruise was one month BEFORE my 21st birthday. I was always a good kid, and didn't start "experimenting" with drinking until a little bit into college.


I can tell you, based on that experience, there was NO WAY carnival would serve me a drink, even a month shy of 21. Trust me, I tried a few times. They looked at me funny, and then basically told me "YEAH, NO WAY."


However, my best friends mother, who traveled with us, gladly gave us a few bottles. Looking back, probably not the best idea and definately made her negligent if anything had happened.


While I symphatize with the death of the 18 year old man, I upsets me how quick people are to put the blame on others nowadays, especially big companies. It's a sad, sad, situation, and maybe im jaded, but I feel like people look for the deepest pockets during any tragedy. We live in a very sue happy country that ends up costing all of us at the end of the day.

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why put curfew issues on carnival. Your the parent. Take charge and be the parent and set curfew on your own child... Too many parents sluff off parenting duties. Curfew is one that is a parents responsibility not a corporation.
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I agree. my daughter is 17 and knows that the rules we set at the beginning of the cruise can't be broken and if they are she gets to spend the evening with mom and dad.




Fake ID... they are still around and better than ever. When i was younger it was just a matter of chalking your license. now they get ones that lare good enough to fool anyone .


Fake IDs are great .Now they get arrested and charged when they catch them ;)

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Why put curfew issues on Carnival. Your the parent. Take charge and be the parent and set curfew on your own child... Too many parents sluff off parenting duties. Curfew is one that is a parents responsibility not a corporation.


So knowing this WE as a caring COMMUNITY/cruise line step in so the child won't suffer. My town has a curfew because it takes a village to raise/protect a child. The curfew is there for level of protection for the child who some ignore because they don't care to get involved. I saw young girls interacting with older boys, blame the parent if she is hurt. No thought to how it could have been prevented by the village. We have some messed up parents but some villagers who simple care about theirs and theirs alone. In the end the child suffers, but as long we can blame the parent, who cares.


AGAIN, to help parents or others to be a bit aware of what lurks or get sneaked in in Listerine bottles, more than bright smiles.

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So knowing this WE are a caring COMMUNITY/cruiseline step in so the child won't suffer. It takes a village to raise a child. The curfew is there for level of protection for the child who some ignore because they don't care to get involved. I saw young girls interacting with older boys, blame the parent if she is hurt. No thought to how it could have been prevented by the village. We have some messed up parents but some villagers who simple care about theirs and theirs alone. In the end the child smuggers, but as long we can blame the parent, who cares.


AGAIN, to help parents be a bit aware of what lurks or get sneaked in in Listerine bottles, more than bright smiles.


A "village" is a community of people that know each other. A cruise ship is not a "village".

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A "village" is a community of people that know each other. A cruise ship is not a "village".


My 'village' is a community who CARES.

Where one who two gather we have worship. Where two or more cares we have a village.

I was keeping my eye on all kind of activities and others I know were doing the same.

We are taking about kids that are in questionable situation, most parent I know do care.PERIOD!


Call it what you want, but when kids are involve step up, mine, yours, his or hers.

If there is a parent who cruise infrequently, I hope you think twice about what can happen.

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Guest fyree39
The only way an underage teen is drinking and gets in trouble is parental neglect. There's nothing wrong with giving your older teen SOME space, but you've got to remember you are STILL legally responsible for them. That means that they need to be checked up on, and if you've decided to take them with you it isn't the ship's staff's responsibility to do your job.


Blk_Amish - it sounds as though YOU took proper responsibility in a reasonable fashion. Kids know when their parents are doing their jobs and when they are not. Those that are not will find their kids testing their limits.


We've got a 13 year old, and typically that's a little young to be worrying about getting into the alcohol, but even so we set up times for him to have some freedom, but check in. If he wasn't were he was supposed to be at the right time, he knew he'd be stuck with the folks 24/7 the rest of the trip.



Carnival doesn't need to babysit teens with a curfew. Just be a parent. That or leave the kids at home.

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Drinking age is 18 in many of the countries these cruises got to (Bahamas, Mexico, etc.) and that means the college crowd can drink legally. They can vote and they can serve our country (and die for it) but not have a drink? I'm a Naval Officer with 20+ years servcice, and it's been something that stuck in my craw for a long time...if my 18 yo sailor (yes Mom, he/she is just like your 18 yo, except in uniform) can die for you, then he should be able to have a drink before he does it. Just my $.02.

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Here it is, I was WRONG. Suggesting to Carnival that a curfew should be considered was wrong and stupid on my part. It was a suggestion that should not have been made and I am SORRY for doing so YES, you are right, no need for a curfew on Carnival. I AM SORRY


Others, please note I have admit to the error of my thinking about curfews. nuff on dat!

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My 'village' is a community who CARES.

Where one who two gather we have worship. Where two or more cares we have a village.

I was keeping my eye on all kind of activities and others I know were doing the same.

We are taking about kids that are in questionable situation, most parent I know do care.PERIOD!


Call it what you want, but when kids are involve step up, mine, yours, his or hers.

If there is a parent who cruise infrequently, I hope you think twice about what can happen.


Unfortunately, in this day in age, you have to be very careful about how you approach a child that you do not know.

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Unfortunately, in this day in age, you have to be very careful about how you approach a child that you do not know.


I know, I do it all the time. The worse I am going to get is a butt whopping or be called names.

CC won't give you the butt whooping but names, you get used to it.

I see young kids, I smile, run a joke and let them know they could be in danger, then I leave. Mine I drag with me.

Its the way I was raised except my neighbors could give me the butt whopping before I get home to face another.


I tell boys to pull up their pants all the time, kinda embarrassing to my own kids:D

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Although I appreciate the majority of your original post as trying to help "educate" other parents who may not be aware and you learned something new from your child re how they get alcohol onboard, I too fail to see the Carnival needs a curfew part. A ship is like a big city. You take your kids to NYC lets say...get them a room of their own, and the hotel should be responsible for making sure there is a curfew and they are in their rooms?


Then you go on to discuss raising a child in a village. I understand the gist of your point. But as a PP said...a ship is NOT that, its not your home town, or community or whatever. Do I think ANY of us would not stop and intervene if we saw a child in trouble on a ship Sure we would. I have seen my share of drunk kids on a ship. I have also seen a young girl being followed and harassed by three young men. What was she doing alone at 1:30am?? I dont know, but I followed them following her and made sure she got to where she was going. Where were her parents?? I dont know that either, but I did my best to help her and I think thats what anyone would do. If thats the type of "community" you mean, then yes, I agree. But if it means that others are responsible for others children....be it fellow passengers or Carnival themselves by imposing a curfew, then no, I disagree. No more than I think the guy down the hall in a hotel is repsonsbile or the hotel themselves. Thats a parents job. Will I "help" if the situation warrants it, absolutely. But its NOT my responsibilty.


But I appreciate the education to are trying to provide. Lets leave it at that. Without the rest of the responsibilty passing. You can't "rule" parental guidance.


Edit: I see while I was typing my response you have since decided its not for Carnival to impose a curfew. Ok :)

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