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Back to Cozumel in 4 months-what now?


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We love Cozumel and want to experience something different. It seems like every cruise we have been on for the last several years goes to Cozumel. I'm not complaining, just running out of things to do. (Well not really, but you know what I mean). :)


So we have been to Chankanaab twice and have to admit, this by far, has been our #1 place we love. I just can't imagine it getting any prettier or better with a variety of things to do. After doing it twice, we decided there was just too much more to see and do that it was time to move on. My concern was always that we would never find another place to live up to Chankanaab...and so far, my fears have been well founded.


We tried out Nachi Cocom because everyone on here suggested it and seems to love it and returns time after time. It was beautiful, however it just wasn't "our" kinda place. We just didn't really care for the beach (as noted in my complete review).


A few months ago we went to Playa Mia. We really enjoyed ourselves, but then again, we were like the only cruise ship there and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. I can't imagine going when it is crowded.


So now what? Anyone who has read my reviews know that I love finding that "special" place that has absolutely beautiful water and beaches and I love to snorkel.


When I am researching, I REALLY research. I want to know places, see pictures, know what's included, how the food and drinks are, and all the amenities included. But, I need pointed in a good direction to start.


Before our last trip I had jotted down the names passion island and playa palancar. Any thoughts on these?


I noticed that the ship has an excursion to xcaret and it seems like the perfect place. However, it also seems like there's just not enough time to experience that place to the fullest and I'm not sure I want to spend a majority of my time taking a taxi to the water shuttle and another taxi to the place and then back again. Plus, when I did a search on this place, most post about it were OLD...like 2008 and before that. Do people not go here anymore?


So I welcome any thoughts and suggestions. Those of you know me and know what I like (by reading my reviews) should be able to point me in a good direction. :D I'm counting on you all! :p

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While we also love Nachi, PB, Mr. S and snorkeling at the Money Bar :D, on our next trip to Coz (I dream about it while enduring one more budget review :() we hope to explore the far side of the island - maybe Playa Oriente or Playa Bonita, or Playa Bush. With the waves and rip tides common on this side they may not be appropriate for your little one. Good luck! :)



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What are times in port this time?


I know if I ever have the time, I do want to try Xel-Ha or Xcaret on the mainland, but like you already stated, you have to fit the 45minute ferry ride and then more cab rides. (although if you are back on NCL this trip, at least you are already right at the ferry terminal)


The chance to snorkel in the underground ceynotes on the mainland has me seriously intrigued after watching a show on Travel channel or Discovery about the Ceynote system under the Yucatan.


Snorkeling-wise, I don't think you will find anything better unless you do one with a boat ride out to the reefs. (I did the one from Nachi and it was very cool had one of those HUGE groupers swim right under me)


East side is too rough to snorkel and Moneybar and Chankanaab is the best shore snorkeling on the island.


Hopefully someone who has snorkeled at Xcaret are Xel-Ha can give you some in depth perspective on the value versus travel time lost.



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I did Xcaret years ago and I loved cave tubing through the tunnels. One of my favorite memories. I am now going with my ten year old son and would love for him to experience the same, just contemplating the time and travel issue. It is a long ride. Also, they have a Dolphin interaction there-I didn't do it last time, so I don't know the fee, but it looked like so much fun. The groups back then (2009) were very small so everyone had great participation. I watched them for over an hour while I sat for lunch.

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We love Cozumel and want to experience something different. It seems like every cruise we have been on for the last several years goes to Cozumel. I'm not complaining, just running out of things to do. (Well not really, but you know what I mean). :)


So we have been to Chankanaab twice and have to admit, this by far, has been our #1 place we love. I just can't imagine it getting any prettier or better with a variety of things to do. After doing it twice, we decided there was just too much more to see and do that it was time to move on. My concern was always that we would never find another place to live up to Chankanaab...and so far, my fears have been well founded.


We tried out Nachi Cocom because everyone on here suggested it and seems to love it and returns time after time. It was beautiful, however it just wasn't "our" kinda place. We just didn't really care for the beach (as noted in my complete review).


A few months ago we went to Playa Mia. We really enjoyed ourselves, but then again, we were like the only cruise ship there and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. I can't imagine going when it is crowded.


So now what? Anyone who has read my reviews know that I love finding that "special" place that has absolutely beautiful water and beaches and I love to snorkel.


When I am researching, I REALLY research. I want to know places, see pictures, know what's included, how the food and drinks are, and all the amenities included. But, I need pointed in a good direction to start.


Before our last trip I had jotted down the names passion island and playa palancar. Any thoughts on these?


I noticed that the ship has an excursion to xcaret and it seems like the perfect place. However, it also seems like there's just not enough time to experience that place to the fullest and I'm not sure I want to spend a majority of my time taking a taxi to the water shuttle and another taxi to the place and then back again. Plus, when I did a search on this place, most post about it were OLD...like 2008 and before that. Do people not go here anymore?


So I welcome any thoughts and suggestions. Those of you know me and know what I like (by reading my reviews) should be able to point me in a good direction. :D I'm counting on you all! :p



Hi Mitsu,


Your reviews are fantastic, and so detailed - I feel as though I went along with you :)


May I suggest this page: http://www.cozumelmycozumel.com/Pages/Kids.htm


We have visited Cozumel twice via cruise ship. On our first cruise, we took a taxi tour around Cozumel, and visited the East side of the island. It's beautiful! Second time (with the kids), we went to Mr. Sanchos. Great day at the beach. We'll be visiting the island in February, for a 7 day winter escape. Instead of an AI, we're staying at a B&B (highly recommended on Trip Advisor), and will explore Coz on our own. Needless to say, I'm doing a lot of research given we need to come up with a weeks' worth of activities.


I hope the suggestions listed on the site help you choose your next adventure in Cozumel.

Edited by soccersharon
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Thanks so much for the link. I remember someone posting that link many years ago when I was first going to Cozumel after many years of being away from cruising.


It has to be an old link though because it has the Money Bar still listed and Dzul Ha. I wonder how much all of the places and pictures have changed over the years. :confused: Also it has a lot of them missing (even Chankanaab, which is the National Park and you would think it would at least be on there).


Anyone else have a link to a map like this with maybe all of the updated info?


Thanks again I really appreciate it. I'm going to check out all of the places on there.


What are times in port this time?


Snorkeling-wise, I don't think you will find anything better unless you do one with a boat ride out to the reefs. (I did the one from Nachi and it was very cool had one of those HUGE groupers swim right under me)


East side is too rough to snorkel and Moneybar and Chankanaab is the best shore snorkeling on the island.


Hopefully someone who has snorkeled at Xcaret are Xel-Ha can give you some in depth perspective on the value versus travel time lost.




We are in port from 9-5pm that day. So I just don't want to spend that much time for transportation out of the day. I swear when I was on a cruise back in the 80-90's that we docked at Playa del carmen. Did they use to have a place there where cruise ships went? I do remember we had to tender and can vividly remember getting on a tender and it was loaded with the Mexican guys who had their arms held straight out and they were weighed down with silver chains wanting you to buy them...all-the-way-to-shore! :p


I really don't want to take a boat out to the reef. I feel more comfortable (with my little one) snorkeling from the shore. We do however do them if it's something that's included with an excursion we have booked. But that's the only time. I like places you can get to from the shore in case she decides she doesn't want to go and wants to stay back at the shore and swim or play in the sand.


I was pretty convinced that Chank and Money Bar is probably the best snorkeling I'm going to find from shore. I have considered going to Money Bar, but I'm just not sure since there's not much there to do other than snorkel and not really much of a "beach". :( Although I would love to experience it.


We don't necessarily HAVE to have a place that is good snorkeling. Just a nice place with a usable beach and the "beauty" factor. Nachi wasn't for us because we really couldn't use the beach with the little one due to the hard to walk in-sinking sand and the brisk drop off in the water made me uncomfortable with my little one. Chank is one of those "beauty" places that has tons to do other than just snorkeling to me. Snorkeling there is just an added bonus.


So...I'm open to any suggestions that take us to a beautiful kid-friendly type of sand/beach area as well. :)

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We're thinking about doing both Money Bar and Paradise Beach on the same day to get both a good beach and good snorkeling. Snorkeling and nice sandy beaches don't usually go together.


Is Paradise Beach the beach that everyone talks about that has the water toys in the ocean? I kinda remember people talking about it before and said it's the type of beach where you will find lots of kids because of that. I think I might have researched it the first time around that we went to Cozumel but decided against it because our daughter (then 3 years old) would be too small to get on the water toys and I figured it would just be an aggrevating day of telling her why she can't get on them. I was thinking there might have been an age or height requirement as well??? :confused: I will have to check in to it.


I did Xcaret years ago and I loved cave tubing through the tunnels. One of my favorite memories. I am now going with my ten year old son and would love for him to experience the same, just contemplating the time and travel issue. It is a long ride. Also, they have a Dolphin interaction there-I didn't do it last time, so I don't know the fee, but it looked like so much fun. The groups back then (2009) were very small so everyone had great participation. I watched them for over an hour while I sat for lunch.


I bet the place is beautiful. I looked at a few things last night and everyone was stating how huge the place is and there's just not enough time to enjoy it all unless you are staying on the island and can stay there a full day...which worries me.


We have done cave tubing twice now, and honestly, I really could care less if we do it again. (Just like the land caves-we have some here in my state, plus we've been to all of them in Chattanooga Tennessee and we have done them many times. I'm to the point where I could care less if I ever step foot in another cave.)


As for the dolphin swims-we did that at Chankanaab and my (then 3 year old) loved it. But they are so expensive and I vowed to never do another one again until she was big enough to actually "swim" with the dolphins. (She did the encounter because of her height). So for a 10 year old, that would be perfect, but for my little one (who is now 5 and only 44"), it would be a waste of money.


I guess the animals there and the beach would be the big draw for us going to xcaret. So, that's why I'm wondering if it's even worth it.

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To mitsugirly....whatever u decide please post ur research. I'm leading towards Chankanaab bc of ur reviews but if u find another please share. And thank u for all ur help and pictures. I'll be going to Cozumel in November.



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Hi Mitsu,


Your reviews are fantastic, and so detailed - I feel as though I went along with you :)


May I suggest this page: http://www.cozumelmycozumel.com/Pages/Kids.htm


We have visited Cozumel twice via cruise ship. On our first cruise, we took a taxi tour around Cozumel, and visited the East side of the island. It's beautiful! Second time (with the kids), we went to Mr. Sanchos. Great day at the beach. We'll be visiting the island in February, for a 7 day winter escape. Instead of an AI, we're staying at a B&B (highly recommended on Trip Advisor), and will explore Coz on our own. Needless to say, I'm doing a lot of research given we need to come up with a weeks' worth of activities.


I hope the suggestions listed on the site help you choose your next adventure in Cozumel.


Thanks for the compliment. I try my best to help others in any way I can.


Thanks so much for the link. I clicked on it so that I can have a look around. The first thing I noticed...Things to do in cozumel with kids...but then the next thing I noticed along the side were the "things to do" advertisement listings: Sailing, cooking, fly & spin fishing, snorkeling and deep sea fishing-none which we be too "kid" friendly (well depending on the age of the kid I guess), but I thought it was funny. :D But I'll have a look around. My 5 year old is not the "normal" 5 year old and usually does anything a grown up will do, but I don't think fishing or cooking would be her (or our thing) lol.


I have heard a lot of people reference Mr Sanchos and I'm going to look in to it. Although, if my memory serves me right, I was thinking people said it a "party" place. We are pretty flexible and don't mind secluded places or busier places. It's all about the "place" to me. So definitely going to check it out. I just "hope" that it's not just another one of the places along a strip like Nohoch Kay (in Costa Maya) or even too much like Nachi Cocom. Neither place was really what we're looking for.


You are SO lucky to be able to go there and spend an entire week. Wow, I would love to do that. Maybe some day I will. Every time it's suggested to me (from family), I think about it, start to research and change my mind and book a cruise. LOL :D :p


To mitsugirly....whatever u decide please post ur research. I'm leading towards Chankanaab bc of ur reviews but if u find another please share. And thank u for all ur help and pictures. I'll be going to Cozumel in November.



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Well, I can post what I decide. But of course you are going on your cruise before I leave for mine. So, I won't be able to give you details on what it was actually like.


I would try out Chankanaab if I was you. You can't go wrong with it. It's just beautiful there and so much to do. If you plan on going there, I would definitely go.

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Is Paradise Beach the beach that everyone talks about that has the water toys in the ocean? I kinda remember people talking about it before and said it's the type of beach where you will find lots of kids because of that. .


Paradise Beach is a HUGE pay-as-you-go beach club; admission is $2 each and they do have water toys (extra $12 fee). Good food and drinks, beach has some rocky spots, but the changing facilities are updated and clean and the pool is VERY LARGE (about 6 or 8 times the size of the Nachi pool). PB attracts lots of families - your little one will love it - but it is not pretty like Chank or quiet like Nachi.


Good luck! :)

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Paradise Beach is a HUGE pay-as-you-go beach club; admission is $2 each and they do have water toys (extra $12 fee). Good food and drinks, beach has some rocky spots, but the changing facilities are updated and clean and the pool is VERY LARGE (about 6 or 8 times the size of the Nachi pool). PB attracts lots of families - your little one will love it - but it is not pretty like Chank or quiet like Nachi.


Good luck! :)


Explain the "rocky" spots to me. Is this just your normal big rocks you find out in the ocean (you know, where you will find some fish and sea life :D) or is it just rocky all over which makes it hard to swim? I'm thinking the first since they have water toys out there right? There has to be a way to get out there I assume without stepping on every rock.


Is there a height or age requirement for the water toys? Would a 5 year old be able to do them? (She is about 44" tall now).


What's the food like? What on the menu? How much are the drinks and food prices?


Thanks in advance.

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Mitsui...Playa Palancar and Alberts (sorta next door) are a bit further south than PB, Sanchos and Nachi. 10 minutes and a few $ more on the cab ride. But they are quieter beaches simply because not as many folks head there. Alberts has (or had) live music on some days. Food at PP is pretty good. Maybe some snorkeling at the southern end since its a tad closer to the end of the island. Both have websites as I recall.


I like the East side, but then I like rusitc places. Chin Rio and Punta Morena (only swim beaches on the east side) are NOT the west side beaches and if currents are rough there's no swimming at all. Food is great at CR and Playa Bonita though. Plus your little ones will get bored very quickly sitting a the car just to see a couple of blow holes and stomp around in the sand at the Rasta Bar while you enjoy a cold one.


I'd skip the idea of Xcaret...too far. And yes it's too bad not as many cruise ships go to Calica ( PDC's port) any more, but that would be the best way to go on any mainland excursion under a limited time.


If you're once again the only ship in or there are only a couple of others, don't rule out heading back to Playa Mia.

Edited by crewsweeper
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I'd check the web site for height restrictions -- my guess is that because of the depth of the water (to keep drunken divers like my son from bumping their heads :o) she might be too small or will require that MOM be with her all the time.


A few spots on the long beach require water shoes -- easy enough to walk around them to a sandy spot when getting in; more of a challenge on your way out. Good luck! :)



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Mitsui...Playa Palancar and Alberts (sorta next door) are a bit further south than PB, Sanchos and Nachi. 10 minutes and a few $ more on the cab ride. But they are quieter beaches simply because not as many folks head there. Alberts has (or had) live music on some days. Food at PP is pretty good. Maybe some snorkeling at the southern end since its a tad closer to the end of the island. Both have websites as I recall.


I like the East side, but then I like rusitc places. Chin Rio and Punta Morena (only swim beaches on the east side) are NOT the west side beaches and if currents are rough there's no swimming at all. Food is great at CR and Playa Bonita though. Plus your little ones will get bored very quickly sitting a the car just to see a couple of blow holes and stomp around in the sand at the Rasta Bar while you enjoy a cold one.


I'd skip the idea of Xcaret...too far. And yes it's too bad not as many cruise ships go to Calica ( PDC's port) any more, but that would be the best way to go on any mainland excursion under a limited time.


If you're once again the only ship in or there are only a couple of others, don't rule out heading back to Playa Mia.


I believe Playa Palancar is one that I was considering several years ago when we were going to Cozumel and we decided to head back to Chankanaab. So there must have been something that caught my interest there. I'll put it on my "check-it-out" list. :)


Can you tell me a little more about it? What's the beach like? What kind of prices are the drinks and food? Any pictures? Do they have a pool (not a deal breaker for me, we love going to the Caribbean for the beach, but sometimes it's nice to dip in the pool with the little one when she gets tired of the beach). Oh also, is it an AI or how do you book it?


Not really looking to go "too" far and not really looking for anything rustic. If I was staying in Cozumel, yea I would explore everywhere around there...east and west coast with no problems.


Here's the ships in port the day we will be there:


Norwegian Dawn, Norwegian Jewel, Norwegian Pearl, Navigator Of The Seas, Carnival Magic, Allure Of The Seas, Carnival Sunshine





But, I will say that even if we were the ONLY ship in port that day, I would not head back to Playa Mia. Been there, done that, have no desire to do it again although we loved it there. I want to experience new things and places. :D


So now that I know how many ships are going to be in port, I'm thinking maybe an AI is my best choice???


What all AI's are out there?

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I'd check the web site for height restrictions -- my guess is that because of the depth of the water (to keep drunken divers like my son from bumping their heads :o) she might be too small or will require that MOM be with her all the time.


A few spots on the long beach require water shoes -- easy enough to walk around them to a sandy spot when getting in; more of a challenge on your way out. Good luck! :)




Thanks for the info. Yea, this mom doesn't allow her to go anywhere without me. I'm pretty over protective when it comes to that. So I would definitely be out there with her.

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I think there are some recent UTube vids on Playa Palancar, if you google them. When I was there several years back, it was basically some palapas, loungers, sand, and a coupel of kayaks for rental. No pool. Good food, good service. No charge for entering, just expecting you you buy something (which used to be the way Paradise Beach operated). That may have changed now. Albert's next door basically the same.


For a different A.I. check out this place http://allegrocozumelresort.com/. I think it's down by Playa Mia and Mr Sanchos, but might be a little bit north toward Chank.

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I don't know much about these 4 beach clubs, but I do have links for you to check out...


Playa Palancar



Playa Azul



Playa Uvas



Stingray Beach



Sounds to me if one of these doesn't meet your snorkel/beach criteria, you might have to do Chankanaab again. (not that's a terrible thing.;) )



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While we also love Nachi, PB, Mr. S and snorkeling at the Money Bar :D, on our next trip to Coz (I dream about it while enduring one more budget review :() we hope to explore the far side of the island - maybe Playa Oriente or Playa Bonita, or Playa Bush. With the waves and rip tides common on this side they may not be appropriate for your little one. Good luck! :)




After looking at that link, I picked Paradise Beach and Mr Sancho and maybe Palancar. More checking to do. But I feel like all of the places are not on there.

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I think there are some recent UTube vids on Playa Palancar, if you google them. When I was there several years back, it was basically some palapas, loungers, sand, and a coupel of kayaks for rental. No pool. Good food, good service. No charge for entering, just expecting you you buy something (which used to be the way Paradise Beach operated). That may have changed now. Albert's next door basically the same.


For a different A.I. check out this place http://allegrocozumelresort.com/. I think it's down by Playa Mia and Mr Sanchos, but might be a little bit north toward Chank.


Thanks, I'll youtube some vids and hopefully find something good that sparks my interest.


Love that website. It list a lot of things there that sounds interesting. I don't see anything that shows a day pass though (for cruisers). Do you know if this is open for something like that or is it just something you found on the web when looking around?

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You'll need to contact them and ask. I know the El Cozumeleno (one of the better resort hotels on the island) has some similar stuff but no day packages.


Where ever you wind up, I'm sure it'll be a great adventure.:D

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I don't know much about these 4 beach clubs, but I do have links for you to check out...


Playa Palancar



Playa Azul



Playa Uvas



Stingray Beach



Sounds to me if one of these doesn't meet your snorkel/beach criteria, you might have to do Chankanaab again. (not that's a terrible thing.;) )




Well looks like I'm screwed then because none of those really appealed to me or gave me that "wow, I gotta go here" factor. :(


However, I have been looking at pictures on facebook for Paradise Beach and it has me wanting to find out more. So there is hope. :D I'm just concerned with how many people are going to be in port that day and I know this place is going to be PACKED. I don't mind a crowd, but packed...hmmm :cool:

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Oh but they seem to now. Www.cozumelforaday.com. Has Cozumel palace and el cozumeleno.

That website is Cozumel for a day dot com if it wipes it out.



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Well that's interesting. I wonder if it's the same company as Jamaica for a Day. It looks like the same website. I'll have to check this out. We have used JFAD at Sunset Grande in Jamaica and loved it. We are booking with them again for this cruise to Jamaica (different port and place this time). Hmmm....thanks for that info. :)

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Is it normal for Palacar to have peacocks and those squirrel/raccoon looking animals running around the beach there? I remember seeing tons of pictures about them being there and I saved a few of them on my computer. I just remembered it and thought I would ask if they are still there?



ALSO...someone tell me about Passion Island!!! That's another place I had saved on my computer.

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