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9-Hr Flight with a 2-year old


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What about audio books? We flew a lot when my son was young and back then, we had books on tape. I also did the wrap presents trick and would have at least two new books on tape for him on our flights.


We always did sticker books or colorforms. We taught him tic tac toe at a very young age. We weren't always x and o, we were hearts and cats or squiggles and triangles, just mixed it up to make it more fun. We always read the airplane information card together to find all the things in the pictures. Some people have said that pipe cleaners were a fun toy that their kids liked.


Make sure you have something for him to suck on to pop his ears just in case his finger sucking doesn't do it. I forget how young my son was when we switched to lollipops but i always had dum dums with me for take off and landing. When he was really young we used a bottle or pacifier. I know on one flight we had one poor little girl who was screaming and had an idiot behind her who yelled at the mother. I tapped him on the shoulder with a dum dum to pass forward to her and she was able to pop her ears and calm down.


You seem like you have it really worked out so I hope he does great.


Thanks for the ideas! I had to google color forms, and I remember these growing up! I loved them! Pipe cleaners are an excellent idea as well. I never thought about books on tape! I need to see how he handles the headphones, then we may look into that option! Oh, and thank you for being supportive of the crying girl's mother. If we gets some cranky people around us, I hope there are some supportive souls like yourself nearby! :D


I'm happy to share!!


We flew from chicago to LA to Oahu on the way there, and then Oahu direct to chicago back.


I'm not sure which I liked better, having that chance to get off a plane and play around in LA was good, but it was a LONG LONG LONG day of travel. Including a delay in LA, it was like 22 hours from door to door. Thats a long time for a toddler.

Our little guy slept pretty well on landings, not so much during the flights. The Ipad generally kept him entertained, but we played games as well.

We DID bring our carseat for him.


We didn't have any issues with things rolling away, since he was in his car seat, they were pretty well contained. We are considering a strap-on tray with sides for our cruise air travel though.


We also got a bunch of toys that didn't roll though, and stickers were a huge hit. The dollar store ROCKED!


We are not supposed to advertise personal sites and stuff, but I blogged all about our trip with lots of details and how-toos and such. If your interested, PM me and I'll give you the details.


OR, ask away!


I'll send you a PM. Thanks!:)


ETA - scratch that, I can't seem to find how to PM on this forum. I do see the link in your profile though. Thanks!

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MrShake -- I love your blog. Thanks so much. I've only read through a little of it, but keep making notes for things to remember later. (Like a baby carrier! I've thought of this, but never wrote it down. Now I've written it down so I can research some options.) On another note, we are staying at the Marriott Ko Olina Beach Club also. We are part of Marriott Vacation Club, and will have a 3-bedroom unit.

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Check if your flight has charging stations at the seats, if not, look for something to extend the life of the ipad batteries.


That ipad is such a lifesaver os very long flights. I've done 10+ hour flights when my oldest was 2 and while it's not the funnest thing ever (and I was not the brightest of bulbs and checked his carseat with the suitcase because I was flying by myself with him and didn't want to lug his huge carseat on the plane with me plus mine and his carry on - WHAT was I thinking?!?!?!) it's really not too bad. IMO, the bulkhead is a huge plus bc you don't have to worry about the kicking of seats in front of you and you can create a little human wall for the kid to stretch out some. :)

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I would also bring a change of clothes for you. When we landed in Miami after a 5 hour uneventful flight my 2 YOU DGD threw up all over mom. She had to wear those same clothes for the next two hours until we got our luggage, rental cars and to the hotel. Not pleasant. I would also bring a change of clothes for your son, including PJs with their nighttime snuggly. It helps them know it's time for a nap.


Might want to have a change of clothing for Mom or Dad in the carryon or at the top of the lugage. We have rearranged our luggage several times at the carousels. Change in the bathroom.


(As a matter of course should have at least one full change of clothing for everyone in your carryons.)


When we were in HI with our 1yo & 2yo there were no juice boxes for sale on the Islands.

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MrShake -- I love your blog. Thanks so much. I've only read through a little of it, but keep making notes for things to remember later. (Like a baby carrier! I've thought of this, but never wrote it down. Now I've written it down so I can research some options.) On another note, we are staying at the Marriott Ko Olina Beach Club also. We are part of Marriott Vacation Club, and will have a 3-bedroom unit.


That Marriott Property is GORGEOUS!!!! I'm very very jealous!!

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Might want to have a change of clothing for Mom or Dad in the carryon or at the top of the lugage. We have rearranged our luggage several times at the carousels. Change in the bathroom.


(As a matter of course should have at least one full change of clothing for everyone in your carryons.)


When we were in HI with our 1yo & 2yo there were no juice boxes for sale on the Islands.


You know, come to think of it I didn't see any juice boxes... there were some other odd rules about plastic bags and such on Maui, so it wouldn't supprise me!


The suggestion of a change of clothing is a good one!

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Might want to have a change of clothing for Mom or Dad in the carryon or at the top of the lugage. We have rearranged our luggage several times at the carousels. Change in the bathroom.


(As a matter of course should have at least one full change of clothing for everyone in your carryons.)


When we were in HI with our 1yo & 2yo there were no juice boxes for sale on the Islands.


Actually that was the suggestion I made and the point of my post. A change of clothes for mom because she got thrown up on.

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Seriously. You seem very well-prepared and have thought of everything. Go for it. The flight will be okay. Assume there will be some difficult segments of the flight, and you will just deal with it the best you can. It's just a plane ride. It seems like forever, but at some point, it ends, and you move on!


I have done long-haul flights (10 hours) with my son at age 6. I know he's older than your child, but he is very active and challenging. I prepared (as you have), and it was fine. Not without "moments," but fine. I flew shorter flights with him from age 2 onward. I am not one to not fly or go on vacation because I have a child.


I will warn you that the worst part might come after you arrive at your destination and your child is exhausted from the long trip and the time change and jet lag.

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Might want to have a change of clothing for Mom or Dad in the carryon or at the top of the lugage. We have rearranged our luggage several times at the carousels. Change in the bathroom.


(As a matter of course should have at least one full change of clothing for everyone in your carryons.)


When we were in HI with our 1yo & 2yo there were no juice boxes for sale on the Islands.


Our son always spit up a lot, so we are pros at keeping extra clothes with us.... haha! He spit up all over me right after we got through security on our first flight with our son when he was 5 months old. Luckily, I had thought about extra clothes for myself! Thanks for the tip about juice boxes too... We'll have to remember that.


That Marriott Property is GORGEOUS!!!! I'm very very jealous!!


We agree. :) DH and I went in 2011 before DS was born, and are very happy to return. (Our last trip was a "baby moon."..... this trip is for DMIL's 60th!)

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Seriously. You seem very well-prepared and have thought of everything. Go for it. The flight will be okay. Assume there will be some difficult segments of the flight, and you will just deal with it the best you can. It's just a plane ride. It seems like forever, but at some point, it ends, and you move on!


I have done long-haul flights (10 hours) with my son at age 6. I know he's older than your child, but he is very active and challenging. I prepared (as you have), and it was fine. Not without "moments," but fine. I flew shorter flights with him from age 2 onward. I am not one to not fly or go on vacation because I have a child.


I will warn you that the worst part might come after you arrive at your destination and your child is exhausted from the long trip and the time change and jet lag.


Thanks for the reassuring words and encouragement. :) We tried DS's headphones yesterday with an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the ipad, and he did great! Sat through the whole episode, which he has never done. DMIL has jokingly stated that DS is going to do better on this flight than her. ;)


Also, I love your statement regarding not avoiding flying/vacation just because of a kid. DH and I try not to let it stop us either. (Hence, DS flying 4 times already!) However, I must say.... I have told DH that we will NOT be going on any more long flights for a long time! It just takes too much planning with a young one!

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I would ask my ped if I can give Sudafed or something like it pre-flight. When I flew with my granddaughter, I gave her one dose about an hour before boarding (2 hour flight) and made sure we had gum / candy / juice / water available. She had no problems with her ears and the one time dose got us through with no side effects.


As one who has flown with kids, and now the grandkids, I have a few recommendations:


Let the little one have their own backpack / tote bag / purse / whatever they can carry. Allow them to pick out some toys or books from home, and leave enough room for their own "personal" snack. (That last is for traveling with two or more kiddos - no need to share their own snack).


In your bag, pack the surprises and some additional snack items, just in case.


Bring a small magnetic board with some magnets. I see these in the dollar type stores sometimes. We also have one of those boards you can doodle, draw or write and then swipe it clean. Not sure what they are called, though, but they work for all ages.


I think as long as they are comfortable, you should be fine. Most kids are very adaptable, and will find ways to amuse themselves. You have already thought of the big things - food, drink, diapers and small toys. I think you've got it covered!

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We have done the Melbourne to Munich flight about 25 hours but stopped over in Singapore then went on. We also did the Hawaii flight. Our 4 year old son was 2 when we went to Europe.


Best advice is to see your ear and throat specialist prior to flight. Our son had grommets the week prior.

I did the zip locked nappy bag thing which was brilliant. Simply place the little pack in the pocket in front of your seat for easy nappy changes.


I find tab nappies easier to do up on the aircraft rather than pull-ups. This way you are not taking pants all the way off and shoes.


Try and fly over night and over sleep times. Try not to depart the flight at say 3am.


we love blocking our son in on the window seat plus he can look out the window.


an iPad is a must with headphones.


Make sure you pack pain relief for him in your carry on bag. Dummies and lolly pops are good.


Careful of airline food assist reheated & the Bateria can cause gastro symptom.


Carry gastro stop with you.


Prepare for the worst & you will get the best.

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I would ask my ped if I can give Sudafed or something like it pre-flight.



Careful with the Sudafed. For many kids(usually boys for some reason) it has an adverse affect. They become completely wired and nearly out of control. If you do decide this route, be sure to test it at home first. We gave some to our child at home around 6pm and he turned into the Energizer Bunny! Ran around the house, singing, throwing and drawing on things until almost 3am! :eek: Thank goodness we found this out before trying it on a plane.


The only other advice I have to is bring wedding/party bubbles. Kids love bubbles, and the party favour type are small enough to get through security.

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I'm not sure if it's been listed but ideas:

Sticker book of his favorite character/animal/trucks or just stickers and paper (keeps dd busy for a long time! Plus, helps with those fine motor skills!)


magnet book


mega doodle


apps on your phone/tablet


pipe cleaners are a ton of fun! I've made most of the abc's with them (ran out of pipe cleaners). anything bigger to string on the pipecleaners.


treats/snacks he may not otherwise get. For dd, she LOVES anything in it's own package, so she can have the bag. We get the organic yogurt bites or puffs, or something. or, get a bigger pack but put them in the little sample cups with the top.


Monkey in a barrel. Pieces to hold, hang and take in/out of the container.


Check Target dollar spot and/or Hobby Lobby for small fun stuff.


Trip to Party City. Pick up a few small things in his fave characters or animal or colors. I got dd a .35 Thomas stamp and a dino cup. Kid was entertained for 40 minutes! They have all kinds of small things, you can make up a box/bag. Party city also has tiny things of bubbles, though not sure you'd want to use them on the plane, may be good while waiting. idk.



Seazond :eek: I hope her parents gave you permission!


Good luck! No way would I even attempt that trip, no matter what I'd come up with, I don't see dd being very happy in a seat for 9 hours. (but she screams in the car any longer than 45 minutes, or when she's tired. Many kids would do fine.) I hope he does great!

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I know you said your child was not potty trained yet. Post It notes make a great cheap toy...but they also work great in public bathrooms when you get to that stage.


My 3 year old gets freaked out by loud auto flush toilets...you can put a post it note over the electronic eye and keep it from flushing right away until you can get the kid out of the stall. It is very stressful when they need to go potty but they are scared to go into the stall.


The other cheap thing we love to bring on vacation is dry erase markers in a few colors so they can color/draw on the windows etc. They don't take up a lot of room, it is really easy to clean up their art work when they are done. and they can also be used by the adults to leave notes in the cabin / hotel room etc.

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Seazond :eek: I hope her parents gave you permission!


Yes - absolutely, I had permission... granddaughter was a candidate for tubes in her ears, and we have to be careful about swimming / bathing, etc as well as any congestion, like from colds or allergies. I cleared it with the parents and the pediatrician in advance. Sudafed is purely a decongestant.

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Not a fan of using drugs to keep your child under control, but if its your perogative, I second the idea of trying it before hand. You never know!



As well, keep firmly in mind that most children are exteemly empathetic... they take their cues from you. If your tense and worried, they are going to be as well. If your relaxed and having a good time, they will as well!

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Using drugs is more than a case of keeping a child in this case under control but relieving discomfort and possible pain. On my last flight, lax to Atlanta, a toddler cried the entire flight. It was a redeye flight so any hope of catching up on sleep went out the window. I was so tired I almost missed my connecting flight to Jamaica. Another long flight in a few days and I am literally praying, not again. My child's right to a drug free flight stops when others can't enjoy theirs. It's one of the most challenging age to fly with.


Since the effects aren't consistent, testing before hand is important. It might be no worse than some of the process things we feed our kids everyday, lace with pesticides.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

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To the OP, your pre planning with toys and other ways to amuse your child is a great idea and your fellow passengers will thank you for planning ahead. We flew home to the West Coast from Hawaii last April and sat just in front of a family with 2 young children who spent the entire trip, crying, kicking the seat, screeching just to get a reaction etc. The parents did nothing to keep their children under control. They boarded with a load of stuff, so much that it wouldn't fit under the seat but not one toy or book was ever given to either child. I don't expect small children to sit quietly for several hours without something to do but apparently these parents did! Passengers asked for ear plugs, glared at the parents and complained to the FA and other pax but in the end, it was evident these parents just zoned out.....for the entire flight! So while I won't be on your flight, I applaud you for planning ahead.

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Using drugs is more than a case of keeping a child in this case under control but relieving discomfort and possible pain.[edited for point] My child's right to a drug free flight stops when others can't enjoy theirs. It's one of the most challenging age to fly with.


This is the last I'll say about it, since its not moving the thread forward... but no... my child's right to a drug free flight has NOTHING to do with other passengers. IF my child needs some medication to relieve pain, fever, or some other medical condition, then he gets it. But in NO WAY will I ever drug my child because someone else wants me to so they can have a pleasant flight.


That being said, my child is not disruptive. And if its your prerogative to use medication, then its your prerogative. But you should never feel obligated to drug your child because of other passengers.

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Couldn't agree more. Benadryl shouldn't be used as a substitute for good parenting.


Good parenting might mean doing whatever is necessary to get through a long difficult flight. Who says candy with process sugar is any better, merely a different choice, given the situation. We are dealing with a particular situation some of us have actually endured, flying with a toddler. If that's bad parenting then my hats off to the much better ones, because I am NOT as good or fortunate. Never thought for a second the child crying for 5 painful hours on my last flight was due to bad parenting, but mine, now 18 and 15, would have been out cold.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

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