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My Valorous Solo Cruise - Valor July 28, 2013 - August 4, 2013

Leo's Rule

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Girlfriend I am luvin your review! I leave on this cruise next month. Wish you were going with us !


Have bags, will travel. Now, I just need the funds! :D I'm sure you will have a blast. I wasn't as tired on this trip since I did it 9 months prior. I didn't have something planned in every port like last time. Pace yourself and I hope you've planned a vacation after this one.


Friends on FB? Does that mean us??


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Rob, it means my friends on FB. Though I've posted the pictures I'm using for this review there, they are currently locked because I am going to upload my full album and don't want people commenting on ones that will be deleted.


It does no good for me to post my FB page because I'm not searchable; you can't use my email address or my profile name to find me. And this trip I took a lot of land shots. I tried to upload the best ones without bombarding you all with all of my photos. :D


Me and my family were blessed to have met Leo's Rule. If anyone is cruising, make sure to have Leo's Rule with you and I guarantee you'll have an awesome time!


You're too kind Joel! I'm glad I met you and your family. We hit it off immediately. I hope to cruise with you all again in the near future!


I am loving this review even though I am not even halfway through. I think the underwear butt thing is the most ignorant fashion that has ever been created. Who wants to look at a someone's butt and underwear? It looks so low class. (not that I consider myself high class)..lol..


I love your pic on that sofa!


LOL. I had to sneak and take that photo. I had to take more photos of the lobby just and hurry and aim at them to capture it. I don't know why guys insist on wearing their clothes like that. It's such a turn off. And I really wonder about the ones who wear their pants down to their ankles...why wear pants? Just walk around in your drawers and get it over with. It's the mentality of today's youth...and worse, some of the older generation who refuse to grow older.


And thanks. I like the picture too. That sofa was calling my name; begging me to take a photo on it. LOL


I'm really enjoying the pics and review! Makes me want to go back and do this cruise again.


Thanks. I want to go back too, but I think I'm going to do my land vacation to St. Maarten on my birthday...and hopefully my friends don't back out again!!!! And if they do, maybe Joel and his family will join me????

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Can you tell me who the Maitre D is?


thanks for your review and help!


I'm sorry, I'm not able to tell you that information. I still have my FunTimes. I'll check once I'm home to see if his name is mentioned. I've never known who the Maitre D was on any of my cruises.

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We've arrived in St. Lucia. Originally I was to meet up with one of my friends but they were sick and today was St. Lucia's Independence Day. My alarm on my phone sounds at 6:30, but I take my time since I knew I was not in a rush to get off the ship and I have more than enough time to make it to breakfast. I don't know what prompted me to look at my watch, but I'm glad I did; my phone picked up the wrong time, it must have happened in St. Thomas because I left my phone on the ship while in Barbados. I was an hour behind time; great! I had to eat on the Lido this morning and you should guess why; if you said the TV, you're right. So me being behind an hour coupled with my television watching really did me in. I don't even watch this much TV at home!


My breakfast consisted of Oatmeal and a grapefruit half. I disembark around 10:00 or 10:30 and I look around the Visitor Center. I eventually make my way to the taxi stand and was offered a tour. I really wasn't interested in a tour, but was eventually offered an offer I couldn't refuse. One guy wanted to charge me $25 for a 2 hour shared tour and I had no idea where he was taking the group or $60 to go by myself. I wasn't interested. So another driver (Francis) pulled me to the side and asked what I was willing to pay. I offered $25 to tour solo. He told me it would only be an hour tour. I agreed to it. As we're walking to his van other drivers are trying to get me to ride with them; one even went as far as telling me he wouldn't charge me to ride with him. Anyhow, off me and Francis go.


We drove by the Governor’s Mansion (who by the way is a woman), we went to some place where the British Canon and some other canon were placed. I learned their colleges were just that; colleges; they didn't have any universities. We drove to an area where those with money lived; whether they were lawyers, doctors, or drug dealers. We went to Rodney Bay which is very gorgeous. We stopped at the beach there, but I didn't stay long because it started raining...and I wasn't dressed for the beach either. I went to find my driver and another driver was trying to earn my business and my heart. I locate Francis and off we go.



Governor's House



Nice Home; hope the owner wasn't there



Another nice home. Anyone want to buy it for me? LOL



Rodney Bay Beach??? I know I was in Rodney Bay



This is the place the cannons were

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More photos of the sights I took in while in St. Lucia



One of the canons



This tree was absolutely beautiful to me. There may have been some significance with the tree, but I don't recall what it is. :confused:



I don't remember what this was



A spectacular view. Where I was standing was supposedly the highest point in St. Lucia (aside from the Pitons)


And speaking of the Pitons, I thought I saw them from where I was standing; well, one of them:


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More photos:



Me and one of the vendors with a view of the ship in the background


And if you haven't figured it out yet, I go hard for my Zodiac. I'm still celebrating; Leo doesn't officially end until August 23rd! So, here's photos I couldn't resist taking:



See the Lion?



As I always say, "It's all about the Leos!!!!!!"



This was cute to me with the replica of the Pitons



When here in October, I was told this is where one of the Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed. Francis didn't mention it and I didn't ask. But doesn't this look like a dinosaur?

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We head back to the pier but had to take a detour due to this



Francis did ask someone if the driver was ok; they were. They weren't even in the car; they were standing outside. That was a miracle!


I pay Francis once I'm back at the Visitor Center, but I must have mentioned that I was looking for free WiFi, a bag for my mom, and wanted to see if the restaurant I visited in October was open (I wanted to find out what type of rum they used in their rum punch) because he offered to take me free of charge and bring me back to the Visitor Center. I never did find the free WiFi because everyone was practically closed except for those still trying to make a buck off the people in town from the ship, but I did buy my mom a bag. I also never found the restaurant. I was tired of people haggling me to look at what they had to offer and pressure me to buy stuff I didn't want nor need, so I found Francis and told him I was ready to go.


When Francis dropped me off for the second time, I don't know how I got turned around in the Visitor Center, but I used that time to try and connect to WiFi and I looked for a liquor that I was told was delicious. I never found the liquor but learned what was used in the rum punch I had last year; it was rum that was 160 proof!




I was told that there was a chance I wouldn't be able to bring it back to the States. It didn't matter because the store was out of bottles to sell, but the owner? employee? said she would have sent someone to purchase a bottle for me if I had arrived sooner. I will say drink this is moderation. Last year I felt like a drug addict; I had to sit for a while...and then I tried walking it off...and I only had a small cup of rum punch!


I eventually found free WiFi and called my mom to let her know I was ok; I hadn't talked to her since my birthday. Our conversation was short because the volume on my phone was acting weird. I tried connecting to the WiFi via my laptop but it never would connect and that was strange. I even tried using my Mobile Hotspot and though the laptop would recognize the device, I had no connection. I phoned T-Mobile to make sure I didn't have enormous charges on my account. I wanted to make sure because when we left San Juan I knew the next port was St. Thomas and it was a US Territory so I didn't turn my data off. At some point during the night I noticed I was roaming so I turned off the data and didn't turn it on again until in St. Thomas. Well, my phone connected to V.I. Innovative's tower and not T-Mobile's. I eventually got connected to T-Mobile's tower and tried phoning them to make sure I wasn't charged for the time I was roaming and while on Innovative's tower, but I could barely hear the operator and he hung up. I didn't worry about calling again; I was frustrated. So, when I reached an operator in St. Lucia and explained the past events, I was told that only $0.37 was charged to my account since Monday and that everything was ok. (Well, I have my bill now and an additional $1.50 was charged for text messages. Normally, I'd give the company hell for weird charges no matter how small, but I'm not phoning them about that. $1.50 isn't going to break me. LOL And besides, I did turn on my data and that's how those texts came through.)


I look at the time and notice I should be heading back to the ship. I really wanted to eat at Fish 'N Chips, but they stopped serving food at 3:30 p.m. When I did get on the ship I took the stairs to see if I could catch them anyhow, but they were closed. I head down the stairs and as I'm walking towards the Burrito Bar I thought my eyes were failing me; I saw someone on the ship that I wanted John Heald to get for me when I was on the Victory. I couldn't believe it; it was my server Nilson from the Destiny!!!!




We chatted a good 15 minutes and I learned that he'll soon be in Galveston (that's only 1.5 hours from me). His contract is taking him to the Triumph!!!!!!! Guess I have to book the Triumph now. I remember eating at the Burrito Bar, I just don't recall if it was on this day. I know I only ate there once because the lines were too long for my liking or they were already closed, but the food is good.


I really don't recall what I did. I do recall going by the Fun Shop to verify the time I needed to arrive tomorrow (Remember, Luis and Marcele wanted me to help sell bracelets). At some point I went to the MDR to see if my attire was appropriate for dinner. Tonight would be the second formal night and I just didn't feel like getting dressed up (I know, shame on me). The hostess told me I was fine for the 2nd night. She said men couldn't wear shorts on formal nights, but my attire was dressy. My attire was far from dressy, but whatever. I decide to go ahead and eat since I wanted to attend the trivia show. I was seated at a table with Kylie (from Australia), Chip & his wife whose name I now forget and their two children Sean and I forget their daughter's name. Tonight I order fish (which was cold, but I was brought a new dish and it was hot), a fruit salad, and had a Lemoncello shot. When it's time to order dessert, they finally had something I liked; the baked Alaskan and the chocolate amaretto cake; and it had nuts! I ordered both and then the waiters came over with more dessert and they finally sang happy birthday to me. I had 3 desserts; I ate one (the baked Alaskan) and 1/2 of the other (the chocolate cake).



I look greedy and sleepy, but it was the shot that got to me


The 80's Trivia Show started at 7:30, but I didn't arrive until 7:40 (I missed the first four songs). I still had a blast though. Felipe, the CD made it interesting. He would play snippets of a song and if someone knew what it was, they could shout out (not the answer, but just shout) and he'd stop playing the song. After it was all said and done, I didn't win, but I had a blast singing the songs...I didn't realize how loud I was...and I love to sing, but it may not be appeasing to others. :p At the end of the show I asked Felipe for a SOAS (and that's how I said it too) and told him I needed one since I celebrated my birthday on the ship. He told me he had something better for me and gave me a bottle of champagne. Oh God, more alcohol; I hadn't finished the bottle from the Steakhouse! But he did give me a SOAS too! I was a happy girl! And for those of you who don't know; a SOAS is a Ship On A Stick.



Me and the Cruise Director, Felipe with my gifts, because I didn't win

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I head to my cabin to put away my gifts and then I head to the Ivanhoe Lounge to see the show. The show was good, but I couldn't help thinking that my cousin could have and would have killed the Whitney Houston numbers. The head girl on the Entertainment Staff could sing, but she didn't do the Whitney songs any justice. The B Boys also performed in this show; they were really good. I couldn't help but think about another cousin who would fit in with them.


I've talked about Fernando before, but for some reason I think I may have called him Francisco early on. Anyhow, here's a picture of the two of us:




After the show the B Boys were performing in the American Lobby, but I didn't go straight there because I had to pay my water bill. When I get to the Lobby it was packed!!!! I squeezed my way towards to the front so I could record their performance. They asked for audience participation, but I didn't volunteer. Seeing the dance moves of some of the guests was funny. We voted for the best dancer and he was awarded unlimited ice cream from the Lido deck. LOL



Me with the B Boys


Now that the B Boys have done their thing, I head to the nightclub for White Night...and I happened to have on white; what a coincidence! I really had no idea it was White Night; that wasn't the name in the Fun Times. I run into DJ Zen, he told me he was looking for me the night they had Reggae night and asked the other DJ had he seen me. DJ Zen was a cutie.



This was taken on the 1st night, but was appropriate for this post :D


I danced so much this night. I didn't leave the club until 2:30 a.m. I couldn't get in the bed without showering, but it was amazing I didn't go to sleep standing up.


I exit the shower and this sexy stranger is sprawled out across one of my pillows...willing me to lay down next to him. LOL




Well, I must call it a night even though I'm not sleepy. Tomorrow is St. Kitts.

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Great pictures!! I agree with the LEO'S RULE.... I am a Leo as well ;):D


Sending you a high five via WiFi! LOL :p :D Happy belated birthday or Happy Birthday or Happy upcoming birthday!!!!!


And thanks! It's so hard choosing which ones to post. I took more than 500 photos, but writing this review will help me weed out which ones to truly post to Facebook.

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well, hello there....just dropping in to say thanks for the review. I decided to read all of it up to this point (it took a little while!), but definitely worth it.


You had me hanging on the edge of my seat when you were talking about getting to the airport :eek: Thought you might miss the flight!


We always miss our dog so much too. That is definitely the hardest part about cruising. Luckily we have an adult son who lives with us and watches over Penelope the Boston Terrier.


And I'm going to have to try that Coach store next time I'm in SJ. I've heard others talking about it and sounds like they have some good deals.


Looks like you had lots of fun on your cruise! Will be checking back for updates!!

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well, hello there....just dropping in to say thanks for the review. I decided to read all of it up to this point (it took a little while!), but definitely worth it.


You had me hanging on the edge of my seat when you were talking about getting to the airport :eek: Thought you might miss the flight!


We always miss our dog so much too. That is definitely the hardest part about cruising. Luckily we have an adult son who lives with us and watches over Penelope the Boston Terrier.


And I'm going to have to try that Coach store next time I'm in SJ. I've heard others talking about it and sounds like they have some good deals.


Looks like you had lots of fun on your cruise! Will be checking back for updates!!


Girl, I was worried myself. That was the only flight leaving for the day on SW. I don't know if they would have put me on a flight with another carrier. And the fact that I was flying out of Hobby and not Intercontinental would have made that difficult to begin with. My only other option would have been to fly out Saturday and that flight didn't get into San Juan until 7:30 pm! I would have missed a lot of things.


But I made it. Whew! :D


Yes, I had tons of fun on the cruise. Because I didn't get to bed until 1:30 a.m., I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay up tonight to finish St. Kitts, but you never know.


I'm glad you took time out of your day to read my review. And yes, you should definitely visit the Coach Outlet; I just hate the ones in Texas don't have deals like the one in PR.


Aww, we both have Terriers. I'm a new dog owner, so I don't know what similarities, if any, Boston Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers have in common. But I'm sure Penelope is beautiful!


how much did it cost you to get into the boatyard.


$12 fee - includes entrance, free drink, and cab ride back to pier

A cab ride to the Boatyard will cost you $5, but I'm told you can walk there in like 10 minutes from the pier.

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Sending you a high five via WiFi! LOL :p :D Happy belated birthday or Happy Birthday or Happy upcoming birthday!!!!!


And thanks! It's so hard choosing which ones to post. I took more than 500 photos' date=' but writing this review will help me weed out which ones to truly post to Facebook.[/quote']


Thank you it was on the 10th woohoo!!! LOL

Your doing an awesome job doing your review!!!!:D

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Thank you it was on the 10th woohoo!!! LOL

Your doing an awesome job doing your review!!!!:D


Well, I hope you partied like it was "1999". LOL


Thanks. I'm trying my best. I may muster up some strength tonight to report on St. Kitts. We'll see because right now sleep is kicking my butt at work!

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Well' date=' I hope you partied like it was "1999". LOL


Thanks. I'm trying my best. I may muster up some strength tonight to report on St. Kitts. We'll see because right now sleep is kicking my butt at work![/quote']


Ohh you bet I did!!!! LOL!!!! Looking forward to the rest of your review!!!:D;)

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Thanks. I want to go back too' date=' but I think I'm going to do my land vacation to St. Maarten on my birthday...and hopefully my friends don't back out again!!!! And if they do, maybe Joel and his family will join me????[/quote']


I'll talk to the family, but I think a land tour of Costa Rica is up next :)

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I wake up at 6:13 a.m. We're in St. Kitts!!!! I thought I overslept because the sun was shining brightly into my cabin. I panic for a moment because I see a guy outside of my window, but his back is to my window...and besides, he can't see in my room. I prepare for the morning and take pictures of the view from my private balcony. Well, it's not all mine; it's shared for all guests on deck 7, but I've never seen more than 3 people on the deck. Once back in the cabin I start cleaning my cabin. I throw away papers I don't need and wrap my bottle of champagne that CDE Felipe gifted me.


View from the deck right outside of my cabin:



Locate the yellow building with the green rooftop. Now look in between that building and the one to the right of it; the building with all of the vans in front. Notice anything?



These guys are standing in between both buildings. Too bad this isn't my waterproof camera, but I love this thing!



Just a stunning view to me. Also, notice the lone house on the hill?



Here's a better look at that house


I began moving slow because I had the TV on this morning. I look at my watch and noticed it's now 9:15 a.m. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I check my FunTimes and see that I have the opportunity to eat in the dining room, but the last time to arrive is at 9:30!!!!!!! I decide to take the elevator to deck 3 instead of walking down and I get to deck 3 only to discover that the path to get to the back of the ship is blocked. I walk down to deck 2 and I don't see a way to get to the back. Oh no; I'm going to miss breakfast...well, my chance to use my drink coupon. I decide to walk down the corridor of deck two and I see a way out!! I walk up to deck 3 and the dining room is empty. What? Ok, I'm at the wrong dining venue (Lincoln)...where is the Washington Dining Room? I found it with no problems the other day. I'm told I have to go up to deck 5; walk all the way to the back and then walk down two decks. I make it in the nick of time; well, it's 9:35, but there are people waiting in line. Yay!


I was seated at a table with 5 others and the first 10 to 15 minutes seemed like it would be an anti-social group because no one was talking. Eventually one guy began talking to the couple in front of him and engaged the rest of us after speaking with them for 5 minutes. I order breakfast; a Belgian waffle and hash browns. My food was cold. I informed the server and when my new plate of food arrived it was cold too, but the plate was hot. I ate some of the waffle and I left. And I didn't use my drink coupon!!!!


I head to deck 0 to disembark the ship. I really wanted to do my tour with Beulah, but I was the only one to sign up for the Half Day Tour to Nevis. Someone from the roll call had a tour with her, but they never would share which tour it was. Oh well! I could have gone to the beach, but it was so hot; it was extremely hot!!!! I searched for free WiFi, but never found it; everyone wanted you to pay. Some guy with a monkey offered to be my tour guide for the day. I told him I wasn't going anywhere with him. I'd tell you his name, but it's not appropriate for the board. Do you remember my picture of the mysterious sculpture from Magic Ice? Well, let's just say his name contained a word from the title of the establishment and the last part was what the picture resembled. A lovely tour provider by the name of Austin rescued me from monkey guy. He purchased my WiFi and went his merry way.


He must have thought I was cheap, broke, or maybe a combination of the two. Or maybe he just felt sorry for me, but I refused to pay for it; it was free last time...or so I think it was. I know there was free WiFi in port in October, but I maybe I connected in Barbados or somewhere????


I spent so much time in the Internet Cafe that I really didn't have much time to do anything else. It seems leaving at 1 pm for a tour is too late for the tour guides; they didn't recommend that I leave. So, since I wasn't going anywhere, I decided to get the free gifts from the shops and ended up spending $700 at a shop named Colors. At the moment the shop owner's name escapes me, but he wanted to marry me.



Me and the owner


Prior to me making my purchases a guy walks in saying it's his lucky day, so I tell him congrats because he just purchased my earrings. Thankfully his wife was cool. (No, he didn't really purchase the earrings, I just meant I'm glad his wife wasn't the crazy type. I joke around a lot and I was glad she didn't get the wrong impression).


I make my way back to the ship so I wouldn't do any more damage. I eat then I go to my cabin to get my ticket for the Past Guest Party. The party surely has changed. The appetizers are better, but now the drinks are larger; there is no way to have more than two drinks in 45 minutes, unless of course you're a real guzzler. (Note: Don’t sit in the front; you’re rarely served).



I have no idea what that drink was. There seemed to only be two drinks they were serving; this one and a yellow one. The appetizer doesn't look appealing in my photo, but it was soooooooooo good.

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