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Rotator Cuff Surgery and Cruising


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I have had the total package on both shoulers, at different times, many years ago, when I was still practicing. Since I am right hand dominant it was difficult trying cases after the right shoulder surgery, but a competent secretary was a great assist. The left shoulder was not as bad, but neither was a walk in the park.

All other things beinq equal, pain medication and sleeping pills were a great asset.

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CruisingGatorGirl - Sorry to hear this. Did he injure his arm during police duty? Is your wedding in December or next spring?


Sorry, I just saw this! Yes, he injured his shoulder while on duty. He was chasing a bad guy at night through the woods and tripped :(


Our wedding is THIS November, 11/30 :eek: Almost time! We will be on the Equinox 12/9 for our honeymoon.

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Well, my Wife just completed day 2 of PT and her range of motion improved from her last visit. The hard part for her is the pain that comes from moving the surgically repaired shoulder...and the hardest part for me is watching the pain in her face during her visit. Sleep is still hard to come by which I think makes the healing process go so much more slowly but she has come along way in just 14 days.....


Thanks again for your thoughts and well wishes....it really does help.

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Well it has been 3 weeks (today) since the surgery and my Wife's progress has been very steady. PT started one week ago( 4 sessions) and Her range of motion has improved (or met goals) in each session. Everyone seems happy with Her progress.


The one challenge continues to be sleeping. Still in a recliner and I believe it is becoming a love/hate affaire with that chair..lol.


I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and again thanks for all of your wonderful ideas during this long process.

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Honestly, it will depend on the severity of her injury.


I had a complete tear in both the supraspinitus and the infraspinitus, a couple of years ago.


My surgery was quite painful and took a long time to recover.


I was off work for just over 3 months, and was in physio for close to a year, as I developed encapsulitis, i.e.., frozen shoulder.


Others bounce back quite quickly.


My advice to your wife: Get into physiotherapy, ASAP, and augment it with massage, etc. The exercises hurt like a son-of-a-gun, but FORCE yourself to do them faithfully. Some days, it feels like they are actually making you worse, which is not the best incentive for carrying on. But do them nonetheless. Have plenty of follow up with your surgeon.


Hoping your case is a simple one, and that it will not take you long to recover. :)

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Happy Thanksgiving !

DH is thankful I've recovered from the Oct. 10, 2013 rotator cuff surgery and can pack travel bags again.


I'm thankful for comfort and mobility today. Now, I can join him for the opening of the Auto Show.


I hope the OP's wife is doing better each day.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it has been six weeks today since surgery and yesterday the Doc told my Wife to stop wearing the sling. A very nervous time for her. Healing is going well but sleep is still a big challenge. It has been amazing how slow and how fast ;) her arm/shoulder have improved.


Thanks again for all the feedback and I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year

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Well, it has been six weeks today since surgery and yesterday the Doc told my Wife to stop wearing the sling. A very nervous time for her. Healing is going well but sleep is still a big challenge. It has been amazing how slow and how fast ;) her arm/shoulder have improved.


Thanks again for all the feedback and I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year


Thanks for coming back and updating us on your wife's progress. Had shoulder surgery for bone spurs myself. Also found some minor rotator cuff problems which only took a 'nip or two' to correct. I know a bit what your wife is going through and glad to hear its' going well. Looks like you're going to make your cruise. Good time to recuperate.

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I'm glad your wife is doing so well.


I had rotator cuff surgery done over 10 years ago for a work injury / small tear and also had a bone chip from the fall where I broke the fall grabbing on to a supply cart. I would have been better off just falling on the floor.


My surgeon is very highly rated & experienced, and does not order PT after this surgery. He says he has had too many cases of reinjury. I got my full range of motion back in 2 weeks, but it had never been all that restricted - just very painful to move. I went back to my dance classes as soon as I was cleared, and the pressure of trying to keep up in class was my rehab. The day I broke some scar tissue free was incredibly painful but necessary to the recovery.


Now my other shoulder needs a repair, larger tear this time & don't even know how it happened. Will be doing this in february with the same surgeon, hoping my recovery is as good this time. I do remember what a nuisance it was trying to get anything done. Drying my hair with one arm (this time I have this to attach to my hair dryer - makes it somewhat possible to dry & style one armed). I had to have my then school aged son hold the pan while I scrubbed it with my right hand.

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Well, it has been six weeks today since surgery and yesterday the Doc told my Wife to stop wearing the sling. A very nervous time for her. Healing is going well but sleep is still a big challenge. It has been amazing how slow and how fast ;) her arm/shoulder have improved.


Thanks again for all the feedback and I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year


Will you take the cruise?


Physical Therapist says I'm right on target since the Oct. 10 surgery. I'm doing well with motion but muscles are very weak. Moving things with my left arm is still a challenge.

Let us know if you're travelling soon.



Edited by USVI-4-me
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Merry Christmas to all..... 7 Weeks from surgery update. Wife is sleeping better (not great but in the bed) and her PT has been reduced to 2 times per week. And it looks like 9 weeks after surgery she will be released to go back to work (with lifting restrictions). The PT has been "cranked" up and her mobility and strength are slowly returning.


Now for the big question about cruising... The Doc feels she will be able to cruise but he said no lifting and don't go into the ocean. The" no ocean" was in case a rouge wave were to catch her off guard and tear up "his work". I am sure PT will continue on the ship and baggies will be packed to hold ice.


Thanks again for all the great ideas on how to make travel more comfortable for her. And if there are anymore please send them our way.

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Glad to hear that your wife is so improved at this point.


I have had both shoulders scoped for bone spurs and minor tears...my surgeon took out a piece from the right shoulder that took much longer to heal, plus there is arthritis in both.


My mom has had a full shoulder replacement on her right side, and while the left needs to be done, she simply cannot imagine going through that kind of pain, sleep issues and PT again (she's 77).


Now, 5 years out from the left side, something is going on again. I have an appt with the surgeon for 1/7 so we'll see what he has to say. I'm not looking forward to going back under again but I can't imagine having to deal with the pain and limitations of ignoring it.


Oh, and while most get great relief from pain killers, I'm one of those with an incredibly high tolerance for them, and they end up doing nothing for me. So even in pain, I don't take much. I have taken them at night, thinking that they will ease up the pain some so I can sleep, but I think it's more a placebo effect than actual relief, since they do nothing during the day.


Wishing her continued positive healing and good results.

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Glad to hear that your wife is so improved at this point.


I have had both shoulders scoped for bone spurs and minor tears...my surgeon took out a piece from the right shoulder that took much longer to heal, plus there is arthritis in both.


My mom has had a full shoulder replacement on her right side, and while the left needs to be done, she simply cannot imagine going through that kind of pain, sleep issues and PT again (she's 77).


Now, 5 years out from the left side, something is going on again. I have an appt with the surgeon for 1/7 so we'll see what he has to say. I'm not looking forward to going back under again but I can't imagine having to deal with the pain and limitations of ignoring it.


Oh, and while most get great relief from pain killers, I'm one of those with an incredibly high tolerance for them, and they end up doing nothing for me. So even in pain, I don't take much. I have taken them at night, thinking that they will ease up the pain some so I can sleep, but I think it's more a placebo effect than actual relief, since they do nothing during the day.


Wishing her continued positive healing and good results.


The surgical procedure today is much better, and recovery smoother, than when I had my first rotator cuff surgery in 1998. The big box that is a part of the post-surgery sling for 6-8 weeks makes a big difference as it prevents the arm locking down.


I didn't think I could do it again after 1998 but the Oct. 10 surgery has been much easier. Just today I asked if the surgeon can schedule me for the next (re-do of 1998) as early as March. Orthopedic said wait another month and keep working on muscle strength.


Fortunately, the OP's wife is doing very well too.


Happy cruising is just ahead. I'm watching itineraries.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Two thumbs up for getting over the Oct. 10 surgery and 2x a wk physical therapy.

After three more weeks of PT, the doctor says I'm good to

go where we like.


The first trip for me will be Las Vegas.

IMHO Las Vegas is easier than taking a cruise.


Still, we're checking to cruise soon, before Spring Break.

Then another one in the Med from BCN or FCO to Istanbul, Venice, and/or Rhodes.


Is the OP taking the January cruise? Please report back.



Edited by USVI-4-me
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A few years ago, I had total rotator surgery on both shouders, at different times. Things went well for years; and, then I developed serious problems. I had opinions from different surgeons, who all agreed that the only remaining surgical option (s) would be replacement. As a matter of fact, I had to stop lifting free weights. Someone mentioned the value of fish oil; hence, I increased my daily dosage to 3000 units. I now do about 200 reps every other day with 25 lb. weights for the deltoid, biceps, and triceps; and, I am 83.

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A few years ago, I had total rotator surgery on both shouders, at different times. Things went well for years; and, then I developed serious problems. I had opinions from different surgeons, who all agreed that the only remaining surgical option (s) would be replacement. As a matter of fact, I had to stop lifting free weights. Someone mentioned the value of fish oil; hence, I increased my daily dosage to 3000 units. I now do about 200 reps every other day with 25 lb. weights for the deltoid, biceps, and triceps; and, I am 83.

I should have mentioned that it is 3000 mg. I simply offer this because it has worked for me, although I have no clinical medical evidence to support this regimen. But, if it has worked for me, perhaps others

may benefit from this regimen.

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Count me as a member of the "been there, done that" crew….

Being religious with the PT is very important!!! I had my PT (well, all of my various PTs) at a clinic where they take care of many world-class athletes (baseball players, skiers, Tiger Woods…). I have always been gung-ho in my rehabs - I had a good health plan that didn't have visit limits. Three times a week for months. It hurt like a son-of-a-%itch, but I had to just cowgirl up and take it. She'll get there. Be sure to get a detailed PT plan from her therapist that she can follow on the cruise and MAKE SURE SHE STICKS TO IT!!! TheraBands can be your friend…


I'd still take a sling with me. The shoulder can get tired with all that walking - it does get sore from all that hanging down! Have her go to the Broken Beauties website - they have a fantastic selection of very cool, very colorful slings. One of them always a "get well" present to my girlfriends who have shoulder surgery or break an arm/wrist… She can get a "casual" one and a "formal" one!!! I got the Skulls and Roses one for fun and travel - they roll/fold up to nothing. I have one of their older silk ones for dressy occasions. I had a trip to Europe 4 months after my surgery and those slings came in very handy.

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Count me as a member of the "been there, done that" crew….


I'd still take a sling with me. The shoulder can get tired with all that walking - it does get sore from all that hanging down!


I had a trip to Europe 4 months after my surgery and those slings came in very handy.


This is excellent advice. Just yesterday, I ventured forth to the shopping mall and carried a shopping bag that was only 2 or 3 pounds for less than an hour.


It was back to the ice packs for me for the rest of the evening. I didn't realize how sore and swollen my shoulder was getting until it was too late.


Today at Physical Therapy I was told to take care about letting my arm hang too long and cautioned about carrying. (my surgery was Oct. 10)


Do take care on the cruise to rest the arm and put it in a sling or pocket when touring.


I'll take JackDiamond's advice and start 3000 mg of fish oil when I find it at the drug store -Marisa

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Marissa, I take the fish oil in 1000 mg capsules three times daily. I do not know whether if makes a difference if you take it all at once, but I defer to the installment ingestion.


Thank you JackDiamond,

I presume 3 capsules of 1000 mg will help in other ways as well.

Your advice is appreciated, some days I think my parts (joints, ears, eyes, patience) are wearing out. Some parts are just plain wearing south.



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Thank you JackDiamond,

I presume 3 capsules of 1000 mg will help in other ways as well.

Your advice is appreciated, some days I think my parts (joints, ears, eyes, patience) are wearing out. Some parts are just plain wearing south.



I know the feeling, but it beats the other alternative.

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My Wife is having surgery on Tuesday and they are telling her up to 12 weeks to recover. She has been trying to tough it out until after our cruise in late January but it has become just tooo painful, Well as (un)luck would have it the 12th week is exactly the same week as our cruise... I am just wondering if anyone out there has dealt with this type of surgery and what was your recovery time experience? Do you think she can go on this trip?


My wife has had it twice, the last time was just six weeks before the cruise and she had no problem and a wonderful cruise. The R&R will be perfect for her. The key forvsucess is not to overdue it.

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