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Bit of a Blog – Adventure of the Seas – Westbound Transatlantic – 4th November 2013

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I haven't been back on CC much since we got back from our last cruise, but when I saw this thread I just knew I had to follow it! Thoroughly enjoying reliving our Adventure cruise from earlier this year.


Linda, if you happen across an Indian waiter by the name of Edward, tell him Michelle and Steve from the Iceland/Norway cruise say hello! :) (He was stationed in Jesters when we were on board, which was absolutely deserted most nights, so he ended up being our own personal waiter and was lovely to chat to)

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Quick post from phone as Vodafone seem to think I am in Europe. Pics of all menus and in fact all pics will follow on my return home. No chance of doing that with WiFi this trip.


Southampton weather was dry and and cool. Warmed up daily currently mid 80s.


Am not going to repeat joke here Jason was very poor taste. And I'm comfortable with most humour.


I've been in to town and currently in WJ having breakfast. More later from laptop. X

I've been following along and would like to say, thank you for your dedication to posting, especially with the Internet connection issues. I know how frustrating that was when we were on Adventure. Hopefully after her revitalisation next year before we bring her back to Southampton the pervasive wifi improves.


I must have missed the comment about David Furnish, obviously I would have registered a complaint had I heard it. I find people on RCI cruises so welcoming to same sex couples, otherwise we wouldn't be still cruising with the company after all these years.


Anyway, please enjoy the rest of your cruise, and once again thank you.

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I would THINK that would be over the top ... I would HOPE they have more class than that!!



Me too, but if it was enough to make her walk out I would have to wonder.


As a gay man and a decent human being if I were there and heard such a joke/comment you can guarantee that I would be at guest services immediately!

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Quick post from phone as Vodafone seem to think I am in Europe. Pics of all menus and in fact all pics will follow on my return home. No chance of doing that with WiFi this trip.


Southampton weather was dry and and cool. Warmed up daily currently mid 80s.


Am not going to repeat joke here Jason was very poor taste. And I'm comfortable with most humour.


I've been in to town and currently in WJ having breakfast. More later from laptop. X



Thank you for taking the time to reply to me



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Me too, but if it was enough to make her walk out I would have to wonder.


As a gay man and a decent human being if I were there and heard such a joke/comment you can guarantee that I would be at guest services immediately!


I'll find out when I see her Sunday! I believe if it were, she would also have gone to GS.

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I’ve read on the boards about people being disturbed by a banging door early in the morning…. The last few days it’s been the same for me. This morning before 7 there was a bang and a shudder. I watch the morning show….. There has been a daily ‘What’s in the bag’ competition….we ask the questions and Cuddy says ‘Yes’ or ‘No’….. having worked out it’s a Celebrity 2014 Calendar from Poundland someone actually guesses it’s ‘Cliff Richard’. The chant of ‘What’s in the bag what’s in the bag’ accompanied by jazz hands will be imprinted on my brain for quite a while.


8am and the ship is ready to disembark. I’ve watched us come in to port on the TV. I kick myself out of the room and head ashore. It’s odd being in port with barely anyone else. I buy a return ticket and catch the ferry over to Phillipsburg. Most of the shops are still shut; beach bars are beginning to wakeup. I wander around for a bit. The M.A.C shop is opened and I buy 3 different of something for my 3 DDs. Let’s see who reads this first…. If indeed they are following…. and comments accordingly on Facebook. First to comment gets to choose….. I’m so mean. Lol. I scour the shops for something for my 2 GS….. I’d quite like something with a pirate design but can find nothing again.


I walk back to the ship. I grab pics of the taxi fare boards…. Am thinking they are the same as last year. Breakfast in WJ. Wish I’d gone there before now. Was very pleasant. To be honest it’s 10am and most have already gone ashore but I get a freshly prepared omelette.


There is a message in my room along the lines of : if you are on Deck x present yourself at xx a.m tomorrow to go through immigration in St Thomas and by the way you need a print out of your ESTA. Ouch. Never needed a print out before. If you told me previously in a thread that I needed to do that I have clearly forgotten to do so. Sigh. So I go to the trouble having blogged, to send myself an email with the copy attached. I then log on to a PC…. Only I can’t download the attachment to print it out.. I should have embedded the image in the email. Sigh. So then I have to sign in the ESTA website so that I can print it off. RCI have previously offered for people to apply for their ESTA with free internet access on day 5. My time is between 8am and 9am. Others have been called as early as 6am. Those on excursions have to present themselves 90 minutes before their excursion time.


I head to the Solarium for a swim, do some reading and catch some zzzzzzzzzzz. My right eye is sore. Lunch in WJ. Head back to solarium. Nap some more….. I actually feel quite rough….. head back to the room and nap some more…. This is ridiculous….. my eye is now weeping. I have missed sailaway… tut. And the Sabbath evening service. Sigh. I push myself out of bed for dinner…. I have already ordered…… drum roll….. LOBSTER!! OK ok so Sabbath service and Lobster in the same paragraph is a curious mixture. Shrug.


I have a Baked Alaska, which is my dessert tonight, with me in my room. I really don’t think my blinking (literally) eye is a very sociable look. I’ve dined alone inside 45 minutes.

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I have been ashore already…. Considering the fiasco that was Immigration I guess that’s not bad going.


My eye is much better this morning. I want to post now as I’m not sure about when I can post down the line next…. When I joined the queue for Immigration it was reaching half way down the Prom deck to where Gus stands. Our green waiver forms were checked numerous times. It took an hour to reach the desk where the officials for non-USA/Canadian citizens were sat. They had arrived late so I hear. The ESTA was given a cursory glance, seriously, all that effort and they just look at it…. could I have shown him my .jpeg on the laptop? He asks me where did I board; where have I been; how many days at sea were there? How long am I staying in the US? He then tears off the bottom bit of the green waiver form and pops it in the passport which he stamps. I ask for it to be stapled in as I WILL lose it…. He sends me to Guest Services.


I head ashore and grab a cab to downtown. $4. Of course everyone is asleep still. Not only are they still asleep but some have gone home already. There’s been a power cut throughout town. When I posted earlier Palm Passage was quiet and shady but there was no coffee to be had without power. The two shops I have come specifically to visit are open and trading in the dark. I get what I came for and head for the Cable Car…. I did say in the stores that as soon as I leave the power will come back on….. and sure enough it does. At the Cable Car base they are happy to take my money but advise me that it isn’t running yet….. maybe in half an hour…. So I pass and head back to the ship…. I have been bitten and my ‘after bite’ is in my room. You can see the cables from the ship so if it’s up and running later on I may head out again. Photo I’D checked by port security….. just as ell I have my passport on my always when ashore….


The envelopes they give out have changed from when I last cruised….. the couple that have been left on my bed with the Guest Satisfaction survey say : WOW! RECOGNIZING EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE. Additional Gratuity in Recognition of Delivering the WOW! There is a place to write the crew member’s name and / or position and the stateroom number. I need to find out if they hold the same status as the WOW cards….


Been sat in the Viking Crown. Had to reboot laptop…. If you’re reading this it worked. Cable car doesn’t appear to be running.

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Chillin' in Palm Passage, St Thomas. Patty and Scott, I miss you guys. This morning was a shambles on board. US immigration. Fiasco. More on my return but suffice it to say some cruisers had a very early start to their day x


I recall Glyn saying the same when they did the crossing last year

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Got a load of credit towards my internet package thanks to the lovely people at Guest Services. Using up my free time and have printed off my boarding pass for tomorrow.


Cable car is running but I'm too hot and sticky now to venture off again. I think we are sailing away a bit later than planned due to the immigration procedure and people getting late to their excursions. I am so looking forward to seeing Washington DC with Patty and meeting up with her family again for a couple of days.


There will be a flood of pics appearing then as I sink into post cruise blues and mal de debarquement.


I do hope others from the roll call will pop any cool pics here too :D

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Thank you Linda for taking the time to write this blog with all the difficulties that went along with it.

Looking forward to seeing all your pictures once you get back to London and get the time to post them.

Have a wonderful time with your friend and her family and a safe journey back home to London.



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Got a load of credit towards my internet package thanks to the lovely people at Guest Services. Using up my free time and have printed off my boarding pass for tomorrow.


Cable car is running but I'm too hot and sticky now to venture off again. I think we are sailing away a bit later than planned due to the immigration procedure and people getting late to their excursions. I am so looking forward to seeing Washington DC with Patty and meeting up with her family again for a couple of days.


There will be a flood of pics appearing then as I sink into post cruise blues and mal de debarquement.


I do hope others from the roll call will pop any cool pics here too :D


Linda, thanks for taking the time to write this blog. Have a good and safe flight tomorrow!:):)

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Hey, Linda:


Thanks for taking the time to blog. It really getting me in the spirit for January on AOS.


I feel silly, but I can't remember. Is there a Starbucks or similar on AOS? I am wondering about premium iced tea for my dh. Now that there is the newer drink packages, I'm wondering about getting one for him.





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Got a load of credit towards my internet package thanks to the lovely people at Guest Services. Using up my free time and have printed off my boarding pass for tomorrow.


Cable car is running but I'm too hot and sticky now to venture off again. I think we are sailing away a bit later than planned due to the immigration procedure and people getting late to their excursions. I am so looking forward to seeing Washington DC with Patty and meeting up with her family again for a couple of days.


There will be a flood of pics appearing then as I sink into post cruise blues and mal de debarquement.


I do hope others from the roll call will pop any cool pics here too :D


Thanks for the live report. We are looking forward to Washington DC monument photos, too. :D I'm sorry to say, we've never even been there, either. :o

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Hey, Linda:


Thanks for taking the time to blog. It really getting me in the spirit for January on AOS.


I feel silly, but I can't remember. Is there a Starbucks or similar on AOS? I am wondering about premium iced tea for my dh. Now that there is the newer drink packages, I'm wondering about getting one for him.







There's a Starbucks in/adjacent to the Cafe Promenade if I remember correctly.

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There was a coffee place next to the Cafe Promenade but to be honest I didn't use it.... there's a super all things Adventure thread on the board which has specific info.


I'm free of that darn wifi and can type without C&P first!!


Watched sailaway yesterday on Deck 4 and caught the sunset. Nice group for dinner discussing toll charges on roads and bridges.... makes a change from the weather!! Went to the final show. Featured the RCI latin dancers then a pair of guest dancers.... imo not really a suitable farewell show. Drew easily outshone them on his drum kit... ok I'm biased. I like him a lot as a person not just an entertainer, director etc....


Managed to get my suitcase outside by 11pm..... breakfasted this morning in MDR with Roberta, the lady who had broken her kneecap. I don't envy her her flight home. I go to chill on Deck 4 MDR with the other Diamonds and was happy to sit and read until my number was called but the girl said anyone who wants to go can. So I did.


My luggage is labelled with the number 19. There is no number 19 on any of the boards where luggage is waiting. Some of the numbers are not in the right order but there is definitely no 19. I find all similarly labelled cases in the vicinity. Note to self.... helps to check when putting suitcase in the back of the van that it is the right one.... my luggage was initially heading to the rainforest apparently. Retrieve it. Put it in the correct van. At airport before 9. USDA check easy. No lines at United sweet. No check in staff at United not so sweet. I weigh my case..... also not so sweet. I remove a heavy cardigan from the case and cross fingers. Over an hour later the self check-in screens spring to life.... I get a boarding pass with a gate number.... and wait some more. Finally a girl appears and takes the case off the person in front of me. She has a handful of pre-printed luggage labels. My turn. She wants my bag weighed and I breathe in. She actually didn't look at the scales.


I have a TSA pre tick on my boarding pass.... I don't have to remove shoes or laptop. Bangle bleeps that's all.'m on a ship.. The airport is moving a bit.... like I'm on a ship.... got to love the post cruise side effects. :o

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We've had 2 formal nights so far ..... one more to come apparently....


I wake up real early. Watch a movie then the Breakfast Show. Really is a Groundhog Day. Walk 5 laps (over the loudspeaker it is announced they are going to have crew drills today) then breakfast. Theory from table partners is it’s the time changes that left me confused yesterday. Over breakfast various crew drills are announced. Apparently until yesterday they had had 112 days accident free amongst the staff but are now back to 1.


There are various officers standing along Deck 5 and just before 11 they line up for 2 minutes silence (today is 11/11). The last post is sounded and a few words of remembrance are spoken. It’s very surreal standing amongst so many in the stillness and silence. I can see a lift in the distance in movement. I am reminded how grateful I am to those who gave their lives and how thankful I am that their sacrifice has allowed me to experience so much and the freedoms I enjoy.


Flash mob rehearsal. Am getting better at remembering the routine. We now have learnt the whole the whole thing. Captain’s midday talk is heralded by what appears to be a Hawaiian Christmas song….


Cruise Critic Lunch. Deck 4. Not everyone shows but many do. Julio, the Loyalty Ambassador sits with us as do many other crew members. There’s a lovely a la carte menu to choose from and a choice of red or white wine. I’ll be sure to feed back to CC on my return.


I go to the enrichment lecture titled ‘Breakthrough in Mental Health’. It’s really more to do with the brain and the various illnesses pertaining to it. We cover similar ground to previously but still interesting nevertheless. I am still prone to dropping off…..


I go to Bingo…. It’s the ‘Win a Cruise’ game. I get to ‘one number to go’…..


Ice show. Wow. Thinking back this was definitely a WOW moment for the paddle, which is in my room and how on earth would I get a picture any way? I manage to grab a few pics but with my point and shoot not sure they will be of any use.


Mixed grill for dinner tonight. As I can’t have what is called ‘British sausage’ I have asked for extra lamb chops. With mash and gravy. I think I am in heaven until the MTD manager turns up with GF chocolate soufflé with chocolate sauce…. He has found the recipe and given it to the chef. OMG. They’ve brought 2 and I give one to my table neighbour…. Now I’m in chocolate heaven.



Linda, I took about 200, if you would like some of them?

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Linda, I took about 200, if you would like some of them?




Glad to see you made it home. Was lovely to meet you.


I'm in Virginia with my amazing friends. They took me to a wonderful restaurant last night that has a GF menu!!


I've sent you a msg on FB as it will be easier to chat there..... I'm sure all your photos are way better than mine but the Ice Show ones especially would be lovely to see or share a couple.

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Glad to see you made it home. Was lovely to meet you.


I'm in Virginia with my amazing friends. They took me to a wonderful restaurant last night that has a GF menu!!


I've sent you a msg on FB as it will be easier to chat there..... I'm sure all your photos are way better than mine but the Ice Show ones especially would be lovely to see or share a couple.


Enjoy Virginia and friends!! :)


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