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"Live from" Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterannean! My First Cunard Experience


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It's a Great place Rome one of my favs :), but you've got to be on your guard all the time you can't just relax.

Problem is who's genuine and who's out to make a quick buck :(

Still following and enjoying your review so far :)

Btw does your mum and dad own an Ice-cream Parlour in Canada :confused:,

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After we had our paperwork checked and we were simply waiting for them to call our number so we could get checked in over here,




an older Indian gentleman and his wife (as well as another Caucasian lady) came over and approached Dad and asks him a few questions.


Him: Hi, are you from Canada?

Dad: Yeah :-) why?

Him: is that Sarah? *points at me*

Dad; o_o ... (How did that jump happen LOL, that escalated quickly) how did you- huh?


LOL Dad was so taken aback. ^^ He was like, how did you get from Canada, to Sarah?? The man explains that he is from Cruise Critic and that he had read my m.s. Volendam trip report! :D It registers and my Dad then understands haha. It turns out that the people who had recognized me were Bridgeguru (Sar and Nimu from Michigan, USA)! They introduced me to the lady with them, Gabegal1 (Diane from west Canada), who was the one who arranged our roll call! Bridgeguru told my Dad that said he had read my report and that I was very good at writing (Awh, so nice c:) and that apparently, I was very easy to spot out in a crowd (LOL). I asked how so, and he said it was as I had described, of Asian descent, a teenager with younger sister & parents LOL *sticks out like sore thumb*.


Anyways, we were probably of one of the last groups called to check-in. We took our things to line up, and approached the counter of which we were called to. The person dealing with our things appeared to be new to their job, but we were patient. After everything was sorted out, we headed to the picture taking area. Initially, we refused because it was unlikely that we’d purchase a picture of our sweaty, tired looking selves from the gallery, but they insisted since the photos would be put into our cards as ID or something. We took the pictures and proceeded outside, outside to the gloriousness of her Majesty. ;) (see what I did there? Because the ships’ name is Queen Elizabeth hehehe)




We climbed the gangway and boarded the ship, but of course, not before a good dose of Purell ^^




We boarded on Deck A, and lined up to get on an elevator just like everybody else. Finally after about 5 minutes, we got on an elevator and went up to Deck 8. We entered our rooms (which were already ready to go upon embarkation) to drop our luggage off. It was hilarious, because we were like stupid people when we first entered our room LOL. Sis & I didn’t realize we had to stick our key card into this little key slot in order for our lights to turn off ^^”. While holding the door open with my hip, we kind of just smacked all of the things that looked like it could turn lights on LOL. After a while, I figured it out an stuck the key in. Another thing that was kind of funny was that as soon as I got the lights on, I barricaded it with my body and didn’t let Sis touch anything before I took my pictures ahahha :,D. So here are the pictures of my untouched Deluxe Inside stateroom! :D







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This was immediately to the right of the door!




Our amazingly huge closets!




The vanity:




You can see on the television, their welcome aboard safety video that plays on a nonstop loop on certain channels!




You can see on the vanity, our excursion tickets, the kids’ club sign up (that we didn’t do because I looked at their itinerary and it looked super lame :/, totally for small children. I mean seriously! I’ll show you guys pictures of their cruise plan for activities later.


Here’s the welcome aboard alcohol they provide (that we just gave to Mom & Dad):





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(this is the infamous Pol Acker that is apparently disgusting. Mom & Dad drank it and thought it just tasted like normal sparkling wine LOL. They aren't drinkers so they can't really tell the difference between most alcohols ^^)


Here’s our bathroom:






It was small like normal cruise ship bathrooms, but sufficient in size. Good amenities, nice layout!


As well as some last random pictures I took:





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Here are the notes I took on my room throughout my trip.


Room 8051:


~Deluxe Inside Deck 8 Forward-ish Midship~


- biggest stateroom I’ve ever had I believe

- nice spacious

- first time I have sufficient amount of hangers

- bathroom door usefully stiff, doesn't swing everywhere

- door heavy, slams itself shut

- lots of different outlet styles

- hidden drawer under bed front, put backpack in

- hairdryer in drawer under tv

- fridge under hairdryer drawer

- quiet, comfy

- next to laundrette, but it closes at 9pm, so no noise

- stateroom attendant : Tito, good job, always sees him in hall whenever i leave my room, greeting us

- good bathroom

- big comfy bed, lots of pillows

- comforter weird, fluffy but outside covering seems purposely a bit bigger that centered fluffy inside. Makes it comfier but when you try to sit on the bed edge, you'll slide/fall off

- turn on lights: insert room key card into slot at door area

- weird hangers in big closets, stuck to it, stick tops

- ample closet space, length good for gowns and tux

- normal hangers in middle lower area for shirts

- shower a bit cramped, still ok. Move showerhead to how you like

- twist top knob to turn water on. Press weird button to activate shower head. Twist bottom knob to adjust temperature. Felt stupid trying to figure it out.

- closet mirror door doesn't stay open


Once we dropped everything off, we all gathered back up and headed up one floor in search of the Lido buffet. (by the way, I had read online that Mom & Dad’s room 8047 had an irritating vibrating and noise from next door; pool machinery presumably. They came by and told us they could hear it, but it was subtle and it didn’t bother them. That was a relief, because I was extremely concerned after reading the review of a lady who stayed in it before and got transferred out! :0)


This was what we were met with as soon as we went up one floor (Stairwell A, forward set of stairs/elevators):






The spa! We went in for a quick look:




Here’s my only shot of the gym. Nice, wide open area, to the left was a hard wooden floor for yoga, stretching etc. We practiced taekwondo on the punching bag too. We would later go to the gym frequently for about an hour a day during the latter half of the cruise.



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I take a few more spa pictures before heading outside to the Lido poolside. In here is the special, get a spa-pass-before-you’re-allowed-in zone with a special royal spa pool of some sort at the end:






We then head outside, passing by the ping pong area:






(surprisingly good condition & quality ping pong equipment)


As well as the Lido pool deck:





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Anyways, *exits Garden Lounge*




And we entered the lido for our embarkation lunch.




Look! Here’s today’s buffet lunch menu!




We then proceeded to the food area after sanitizing our hands1 (LOL I think that’s Bridgeguru and his wife in my shot below to the left :DD)






We noticed that compared to most family-orientated cruise ships, the atmosphere here was more sophisticated & polite. There were no fighting or rushes for anything. It felt like everybody carried themselves with more grace (: Okay, now time to take a look at what we ate!

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Here’s my plate! A cottage pie, a piece of rib, a chocolate brownie & some potatoes! (all very tasty)




Here’s my sister’s plate. A piece of roast beef, chicken, fried, potatoes, ribs and rice!




Here’s Dad’s plate of roast beef, cottage pie, vegetables, fish and ribs!




As well as Mom’s plate of fish, vegetables, roast beef and ribs!




Mom also had a little cream puff dessert thing:




Mom & Dad had as well a little plate of desserts they shared (a cake thing and a brownie):



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Dad had some Cream of Broccoli soup that was delicious:




So Sis & I wound up getting our own!


After eating, Mom and Dad decided to go and check on the dining room seats with the maitre'd to make sure we have a table together that was in an acceptable location. I eat slow (okay, seriously, I’m just like an old person. I eat slowly, drink slowly, walk slowly, bathroom slowly and get cold when nobody else is cold. :D LOL I’m old!), I finished my fruit and stayed behind at the table with Sis.




As I ate, I also took a picture of the little pack we get from the check-in guy:




It holds your key card, as well as a map that can fold out (don’t accidentally rip it off like me LOL)




Once I finished eating my fruit, Sis & I went back to our room. We go down the nearest stairwell and go down one floor. I notice that there are clocks like these at every staircase on the ship:




While I’m there, might as well, right? :P



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This is one incredible review from what appears to be a special, uniquely talented young woman.


Thank you, Sarah, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.


BTW I live about a half-hour from Haifa, and went to the port one of the days the QE was docked there to take pictures, such as this one:




Thank you very much (: It is my pleasure. Thank you for following along!


Haha, that's awesome ^^. We absolutely enjoyed ourselves in Haifa! We found the people there to be so very nice and helpful when we asked them for direction help! They really go out of their way to help us out!


It's a Great place Rome one of my favs :), but you've got to be on your guard all the time you can't just relax.

Problem is who's genuine and who's out to make a quick buck :(

Still following and enjoying your review so far :)

Btw does your mum and dad own an Ice-cream Parlour in Canada :confused:,


I agree, I was extremely alert every time I had luggage on me. I was also extremely careful with my camera & Dad's backpack. We were very aware of the presence of pickpockets in the city! We were always on our guard. && Wonderful (:


Haha, no they do not. They just have high expectations and do a lot of research beforehand LOL.


Looks like it was a good thing you only had a carry-on considering the train, the bus, and the walking you did!


The first time I see the ship in person, I always have an "Oh, my!" moment.


Right? ^^ It was crazy! I looked like a mess by the time I sat down for my embarkation meal! ( sweaty and yucky D: )


I know the feeling, every time I see a ship for the first time, I'm all bouncy and excited :D


Once again great food pictures (and it is only the first meal onboard:D). I am starting a list of the food I want to try. The cream of broccoli soup is the first one on my list.


Thank you! (: ^^ Good plan, good choice as well LOL It's so good !!

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Yes -- we are on the ship.

There is no way either of us could have handled those steps and long walk just to get to the shuttle bus.

Pol Acker -- sounds like that is the English version of HAL's Pol Clement that they used to give to the Neptune Suite Passengers. It is a sparking wine -- which we don't care for -- it is very bitter to our taste. It actually sours my stomach.

Love all he details and pictures.

And of course -- we have finished dinner. :D

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As we make our way to our room, we briefly get lost and wind up going to room 8151 instead of 8051. We tried out key cards and it didn’t work. It took about a minute for it to register that this was not our room. A stateroom attendant asked us if we're in the right area. He informed us that we were at stairway C aft. 8051 is forward by stairway A or B. Oh. Awkward.




We thanked him and walked back to our room. As we made our way back, we passed by a lady & man worker. As we pass by, they both look at us (children) as if we are dolphins. They know we exist, they rarely ever see one, but when they do, they're fascinated. The lady even commented: "You're young!" :0 //shock & disbelief// LOL. Anyways, we get back to room, (our actual room LOL)




I checked the time, there was about 2 hours before we had to get ready for the muster drill, so I took this opportunity to unpack and wipe as much things as we could. As this would be my home away from home for the next 12 nights, things would have to be clean! As I wiped the closet hangers, I noticed that for the first time, we actually had enough!! :O




Anyways, I wiped everything down and unpacked some things. As I unpacking, there was a knock at the door. Expecting my parents, I was a little confused when I heard “Housekeeping!” I opened the door to our stateroom attendant Tito! (He’d wind up to be one of the best stateroom attendants we had ever had. This guy was like a ninja! We kept trying to catch him cleaning our room but never could LOL. The room would just be clean when we’d show up! ^^). So Tito walks in, introduces himself and starts explaining all the amenities of the room. Unsure of what to do, I just hold the door open and face him; nodding as he explains things (a girl can never be too careful, right?). As he’s explaining, Mom & Dad suddenly walk in. They greet him and ask what’s up. They stay for the last half of the explaining and tell him that they’d like for the welcome aboard sparkling wine to be brought to their room. He asks if either of us would like ice in our buckets upon request or every day. I say upon request (since we never even use it), and Mum & Dad ask for it to be filled daily. After everybody clears out of our room, Sis & I continue unpacking with the time left. After a while, Mom comes in telling me that she wants to do laundry, and she needs somebody to keep watch of her machine so that nobody would take her things out when she wasn’t there (ie. when the washer finishes washing and somebody else needs it, and that somebody is impatient). Anyhow, Mom said that I was going to be the one who watches the machine D: She brings me to the laundry room next door to my room and opens the heavy, airtight door. We walk in and we see that we are not the only ones doing laundry! Mom takes one look at the dude, looks at me and says, “Well, bye! :D” *slams door* o_o … Mom has left me by myself in room with Mr.tall (6ft+), muscular, very tattooed, bald dude with a greyish short beard wearing tank top and shorts. o_o (*all stories of kids being attacked by bad guys flash in my mind* LOL) He's very smiley though. Anyways, I smile to him and take these of the laundrette (that’s the way the English say “Laundromat” :D, just like the way they say “lift” instead of “elevator”!):














And everything’s free for your convenience! The man was very funny; he kept jumping out of the way to avoid getting in my shots! ^^ After I can no longer stand the awkward silence, I strike up conversation with him, talking about how long he and I stayed in Rome, where we both come from etc. Apparently, he's from Switzerland and he's here with his husband. :D (*sigh of relief, wipes sweat off brow* LOL). So we chat for a while and kill some time (very, very nice man! I’d see him and his husband quite a few times throughout our trip! They would be henceforth known as “my Swiss friends” :P). After talking to for a while (he pronounces “w” as “v” and his favourite word is wonderful hehe ^^), an elderly gentlemen comes in and joins us in the laundry room! We all talk together about this and that before my Swiss friend leaves, saying that he’d be back in a bit. I chat with the old man for a while about travelling and whatnot until the Swiss man comes back, but this time with another (slightly less muscular) dude that looks just like him (bald, short grey beard, tattoos all over the arms, short and tank top LOL). As this new character touches the dryer to check if it’s done, I quietly wave laundry buddy over and I ask him if that is his husband (for some reason I always have to repeat myself when speaking to him. I’m not that quiet, am I? D:). He laughs and says yeah. His husband looks at us and asks him what’s up. Laundry buddy tells him (in Swiss), what I was asking him. He laughs and asks how I knew, & if I could just tell? (LOL) I laugh and say no, that it was my new friend that told me. The new Swiss guy asks if I am the "pretty girl from Canada" who has been chatting with laundry buddy. I just laugh, (I mean, what can I say, yes? LOL). He asks again, actually looking for an answer. o_o LOL, so I’m like, yeah..? (i guess?). They introduce themselves to me as Peter (laundry buddy’s husband) and Amadeus(?) (laundry buddy) and we shake hands (we would shake hands almost every time we met that trip LOL, like, I asked Peter about it and he responded by saying that they loved shaking hands ^^~). It’s quite loud from laundry machines, so it’s hard to hear. I feel like I heard laundry buddy’s name wrong.

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Anyhow, they leave and leave me with the older gentleman. Time has passed quite quickly as it is already almost time for muster drill. There are announcements saying that it is almost time, but I still keep talking with old man (he said he was 68 years old or something, 20 years older than laundry buddy), waiting for mom come back. When she finally does, we get the almost-dry stuff, and put it in her room to dry later. We are instructed to grab out life jackets and bring it with us as we go for the drill (it’s at 5pm by now). We are supposed to meet at muster station A (Royal Court theater). Although the back of the door says to go to deck 3, just go deck 2. That’s what the workers say. Anyways, we follow the direction workers pointing, and carry life jackets down the employee stairwells (I took this later that night):




And head to the theatre with everybody else. During the muster drill, some crew speak first (the guy was funny ^^), and then the captain (Captain Christopher Wells) makes a long announcement that teaches you how to wear your life vest. Once we’re done, we sit down, and then take it off. After it ends, everybody goes back to their rooms, and we all get ready for dinner (early seating at 6pm). (Bring your dining card from your stateroom with you or you can’t get in. This is only needed for day 1). Tonight’s dress code is informal, but I had heard that people still dress up a little bit. I have Dad first wear a full on suit, and the 3 of us ladies wear cocktail dresses/short style dresses. When we get to the dining room (Britannia), I notice that we seem to be the most dressed up people in the entire room. As the dress I was wearing had a somewhat poufy skirt part, it bounced as I walked along. I was actually very disappointed that everybody was dressed so casual. All the men who wore jackets had either a normal shirt or a sweater underneath it (since jackets were required but not enforced). Dad felt overdressed. Women wore black pants and a colourful blouse. We felt like the only ones wearing dresses. Anyhow, I didn’t care. I liked my poufy dress and I’d wear it proudly, even though nobody else dressed up. According to Dad, people’s heads kept turning to look at us when we’d walk by, in order to look at our clothes. I’m pretty sure it’s because they’re like, “huh, what we’re supposed to dress up more?”. After that night, on informal nights, all of the people in the Britannia dressed up more! There were many women in cocktail dresses, and men in suit jackets! (I’d like to think that it was because of us, but it’s probably not true LOL).


Anyhow, here's my first picture of our dining room!




I got my little lens out and took some random shots at our table (our table was right next to the server’s station):


Flower butter! :D




Ice water! :D




Either salt or sugar or pepper or something! :D




Bonine motion sickness pills! :D



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Our servers for this cruise were Sebastiao, our head server (hehe, see how I purposely got this picture to get a shot of the “White Star Service” pin that Cunard is renowned for? This picture was really awkward to take because he had to stand absolutely still while I pointed a huge camera at his chest LOL. Thanks for being so cooperative! ^^~),




& for all intents and purposes, Figh (pronounced like “fight” without the “t”) Chai, meaning “useless stick” in Cantonese, an extremely accurate description of him. This was the nickname we gave our assistant server, as he ignored our table for over half of our cruise. Since I’m not really going to be doing anything except complain about him, I felt it’d be kinder of me not to reveal his name. Like seriously, this guy didn’t even introduce himself to us! I didn’t even know we had an assistant server until day 5!! =_= literally the worst assistant server we have ever had in our entire cruising life. He only served the 3 tables behind us and ignored our table and the table to our left because the 3 tables behind us complained about their dining room service on day 2. That is just completely ridiculous. We were pretty much taken care of by our head server ONLY, the entire trip.


Anyhow, Sebastiao brought over the menu!








We all finished ordering after discussing for a while and eventually, our first dishes started arriving!


Sis ordered the Beef Consommé with Barley and Vegetables:




(This tasted only okay. Eh.)


Dad ordered the Baby Prawn Salad with Marie Rose Sauce:




(This was very tasty. Yum! Sauce matched well with the baby prawns.)

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Mom ordered the Chicken Liver Parfait with Red Onion Compote:




(which turned out to be just live a liver pate. I was actually quite surprised, it was very good! o_o And I don’t even like liver!! It tasted like Thanksgiving to me LOL, I don’t even know why ^^)


And I ordered the Chilled Apple and Yoghurt Soup (v for vegetarian):




(This was so-so. Eh. Okay. Wouldn’t order it again.)


Mom finally received her hot water she requested (she doesn’t like drinking ice water, just hot water). It’s kind of cute, they always give you a tea cup and a teapot!






Dad had a second starter coming, he had also ordered the Pumpkin Soup with Roasted Pumpkin Seeds:




This was just… -_- LOL. I recall Dad saying it was bad, bland and not good, but I personally don’t recall how it tasted. In my iPad notes I took, I just put the face “-_-“ HAHAHA. LOL THAT’S ALL I WROTE. AHAHA IT WAS SO BAD IT DIDN’T EVEN DESERVE A DISCRIPTION.


Anyhow, (:D) after everybody finished their starters, our entrées started arriving! First up was Mom’s Stuffed Portobello Mushroom with Provençal Vegetables and Mozzarella:




She said it tasted alright. Nothing special.

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Some folks have commented about the lack of 'ship' pictures but I for one congratulate you on those very informative pictures that have finally allowed me to see the equipment on offer at the laundrette.


Thank you very much for taking the time to post them and could I please take copies to show 'she who must be obeyed!'

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Wow! You finally made it! (That should stop the whiners! Ha! Ha!)


Am loving your photos. Keep up the good work!




&& thank you! (:


Great pictures Sarah......we want more please! :D


Thank you! && they're on their way! (:


Yes -- we are on the ship.

There is no way either of us could have handled those steps and long walk just to get to the shuttle bus.

Pol Acker -- sounds like that is the English version of HAL's Pol Clement that they used to give to the Neptune Suite Passengers. It is a sparking wine -- which we don't care for -- it is very bitter to our taste. It actually sours my stomach.

Love all he details and pictures.

And of course -- we have finished dinner. :D


LOL it wasn't so bad! (: I was sweating by the time we were there, but nonetheless okay! ^^ They're probably of a similar variety! Pol Acker is sparkling wine as well. My parents thought it was alright, ingestible. & thank you! :D LOL good job.


Some folks have commented about the lack of 'ship' pictures but I for one congratulate you on those very informative pictures that have finally allowed me to see the equipment on offer at the laundrette.


Thank you very much for taking the time to post them and could I please take copies to show 'she who must be obeyed!'


Thank you! (: I cannot help but take pictures of everything when I see them for the first time! && but of course! I never have any problems with people printing my photos, or shaing them with other people as long as they do not try to pass them off as their own! As long as I am given credit for them, feel free (: Printing them is for sure a thumbs up (: Thanks for asking by the way! How curteous of you ^^~


I am continuing to enjoy your review. Keep up the great work!


Wonderful (: && thank you! ^^

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Sis’s entrée then arrived; here was her Seared Sirloin Steak with Bourbon Barbecue Sauce and Western Fries:




Although she said it was alright, she said it was a little overcooked. She had asked her it to be medium rare, but it was pretty much medium.


Dad got the Fettuccine with Green Peppercorn, Whisky and Orange Cured Salmon and Chopped Dill:




As did I:




It was alright, unfortunately prettier than it tasted. It was somewhat bland. I also found it tasted too much of black pepper, which I actually don’t care for.


Once we had all finished our entrées, we kind of just chatted. (Our table number!):




In between our entrées and our desserts, they always ask us if we want any coffee or tea, and then bring out some candied ginger




& dark mint chocolates.



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