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Concerns about Sheraton Rio


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Unfortunately, there is one Regent cheerleader on CruiseCritic who loves to scold anyone who dares suggest that Regent is less than perfect. Her comment that you should "suck it up" is completely unacceptable. I'm very sorry you have been subjected to this.



I am the same "cheerleader" that won't sail on the Navigator, has issues with our last Voyager cruise, etc. Sorry, but I am one honest cheerleader.


Apparently the terminology is bothering to some. It makes me laugh because the word "scold" is something I haven't heard in a very long time (except after moving to the small city where we live I read about the police "scolding" people who are misbehaving.) Truly do not know how I would "scold" anyone. I may disagree but that is as far as it goes.


Perhaps there is a term I need to learn and perhaps someone can help. What is it called when a person is not happy with where they will be staying, has other options but decides to stay in the place they think they will hate despite what anyone says?


The way I see it, the OP does not like the hotel but chooses to stay there anyway. Regent may or may not have other options and Regent may or may not be putting their passengers in rooms that have not been refurbished on the upcoming cruise.


Think I need to go on the Navigator and take a bath in brown water:eek:


P.S. journeyfan, I actually know the OP and have sailed with her and her husband before. We have had lunches and cocktail parties with them -- she knows my views very well. They have almost as many nights on Regent as we do and probably just became Platinum or will be on their next cruise. Sometimes when you see comments between posters on CC, there is more to the story than what is evident. I'm sure that the OP is not surprised by my views on this subject and is not upset by being subjected to them:-)

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"Perhaps there is a term I need to learn and perhaps someone can help. What is it called when a person is not happy with where they will be staying, has other options but decides to stay in the place they think they will hate despite what anyone says?"


TC2, I do not know your history with the OP, but I do believe that your last post was inappropriate. The OP has already posted that he/she was not informed about the change in the hotel before final payment. As it is now past final payment, which will not be refunded, he/she is looking at getting the hotel that was originally booked or something equivalent. The Sheraton, obviously, is not that hotel. IMO, Regent is providing misleading advertising on its site regarding the provision of a "luxury" hotel when it knowingly places people in hotels that are not up to a "luxury" standard.


Although I have chosen not to sail on Regent since they instituted specific changes that I did not agree with, I have not previously doubted their provision of the Regent Experience. In fact, I just helped friends book their first Regent cruise and told them what things I thought they would love about Regent. However, reading some of the current threads on this board and reading the reviews that have been posted, I now have some serious concerns that my friends are not going to have their first "luxury" cruise. Those reviews include your non-review of your last sailing which, IMO, says as much as if you had written a review.


By the way, I have had many baths on the Navigator in brown water. The water was just as brown coming out of the shower, it just wasn't as "visible". :D

Edited by mariners
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"Perhaps there is a term I need to learn and perhaps someone can help. What is it called when a person is not happy with where they will be staying, has other options but decides to stay in the place they think they will hate despite what anyone says?"


TC2, I do not know your history with the OP, but I do believe that your last post was inappropriate. The OP has already posted that he/she was not informed about the change in the hotel before final payment. As it is now past final payment, which will not be refunded, he/she is looking at getting the hotel that was originally booked or something equivalent. The Sheraton, obviously, is not that hotel. IMO, Regent is providing misleading advertising on its site regarding the provision of a "luxury" hotel when it knowingly places people in hotels that are not up to a "luxury" standard.


Although I have chosen not to sail on Regent since they instituted specific changes that I did not agree with, I have not previously doubted their provision of the Regent Experience. In fact, I just helped friends book their first Regent cruise and told them what things I thought they would love about Regent. However, reading some of the current threads on this board and reading the reviews that have been posted, I now have some serious concerns that my friends are not going to have their first "luxury" cruise. Those reviews include your non-review of your last sailing which, IMO, says as much as if you had written a review.


By the way, I have had many baths on the Navigator in brown water. The water was just as brown coming out of the shower, it just wasn't as "visible". :D


I'm sorry you feel that way. Also sorry that you no longer cruise Regent but understand why you changed your cruise lines.


Regent changes hotels occasionally. Whenever this has occurred, our TA has made us aware of it. I assume that people booking directly with Regent would be given the information by Regent. We hear from Regent (through our TA) frequently -- reminding us about visas, etc. It makes me wonder if the OPs TA received the information but did not pass it on. As I recall, the OP was not pleased with her TA when we last sailed together. Not sure if she changed TA's as we discussed on board or remained with the one she was with March of last year. In any event, the fact that she was not notified makes me suspect the TA.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, when Regent does pre or post cruise accommodations (other than just the night before the cruise), it is common for them to state "xxxx Hotel or similar". That is a bit frustrating for the traveler as they are not able to let people know where they will be staying until the last minute. In this case, the OP learned about the change in hotels after the final payment. If it was the fault of Regent and not the TA, perhaps she could have cancelled when she learned that she would be at the Sheraton.


I am not defending Regent's choice of a hotel but am truly puzzled why the OP has not gone with an option that would either insure that she receives a good room at the Sheraton (requiring additional money to be paid) or select a hotel on her own. IMO, there is a solution to this issue -- maybe not one that was hoped for but there is no reason why anyone needs to stay somewhere that could possibly uncomfortable for them.


I just took the time to read TripAdvisor's recent reviews of this hotel and do see where there are some issues. The fact that they are apparently still renovating the hotel seems to be the main one. I doubt if anyone posting on this board understands why Regent books the hotels that they do. What they booked a Four Seasons in Sydney and a Sheraton (I haven't stayed at a Sheraton in 20 years) in Rio.


Without having to read every post, does anyone know if Mr. Kamlani has been emailed and asked about this situation?

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I have not emailed Mr Kamilani as someone (I think it was you, TC ) suggested it was not advisable to do so.


As Mariner correctly pointed out if Regent is promising luxury that is what they should provide not a mediocre Sheraton. The TA contacted Regent and was told they could make changes if they chose to do so without explanation. When we booked this onboard we were told our category provided an upgraded hotel experience.


We believe Regent is not living up to their promises. If this is a turnoff to future customers so be it. Our belief is that honesty is the best policy. No matter how much we enjoy being on a Regent ship ethical behavior is very important to us.


Also, we love our TA. She goes above and beyond for us.

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I have not emailed Mr Kamilani as someone (I think it was you, TC ) suggested it was not advisable to do so.


As Mariner correctly pointed out if Regent is promising luxury that is what they should provide not a mediocre Sheraton. The TA contacted Regent and was told they could make changes if they chose to do so without explanation. When we booked this onboard we were told our category provided an upgraded hotel experience.


We believe Regent is not living up to their promises. If this is a turnoff to future customers so be it. Our belief is that honesty is the best policy. No matter how much we enjoy being on a Regent ship ethical behavior is very important to us.


Also, we love our TA. She goes above and beyond for us.



Hi, if I suggested not emailing Mr. Kamlani, it may not have been a good suggestion. Now I suggest you do so because of the comment made by Regent ("they could make changes if they chose to do so without explanation".)


Again, I am not defending Regent's choice of hotels. From our experience, the caliber of the hotels we have stayed in do not match the accommodations on board the ship. If the Cruise Consultant on board suggested otherwise, they may have been in a selling mode (not a good thing). Unfortunately, communication between onboard officers such as the Cruise Consultant and the home office are not as good as they should be. Again, not defending Regent here.


One reason that I (and possibly jhp - cannot speak for her) bring up posters that may be reading this thread and are put off by the hotels, is because it is not fair for readers to think that every hotel that Regent books is the caliber of the Sheraton in Rio. This is simply not the case, as you know.


Glad to hear that you love your TA. When we had dinner aboard the Mariner last year, you were quite upset with the one you had at that time. Apparently you have changed to one that is passing on information from Regent and has enough experience booking Regent that they have a source at headquarters that can help her/him. Do you recall how long after the final payment was due that he/she learned about the change in hotels? Hopefully she called Regent immediately and voiced her concerns for her client (you). I'm reiterating what a good TA should do for the benefit of newbies on the Regent board:) IMO, too many Regent first timers have problems because they use TA's that book more land travel and/or air travel than luxury cruises.


As you know, my focus on CC is "newbies". So, any detail that you can give regarding the communication (or lack thereof from Regent), the ultimate the resolution (if there is one) will help a lot of people. Do you have a plan in place just in case you end up in a room that isn't satisfactory?


As you know, honesty and ethical behavior are extremely important to us as well. We would not cruise Regent if we believed they were less than honest with passengers. Lastly, please contact Mr. Kamlani -- he should at least know that your TA was notified after the final payment was due as well as the fact that the hotel ratings are not satisfactory or representative of the Regent Experience.


Keep us informed.

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Thanks TC for all the helpful suggestions. I am waiting to hear tomorrow what the TA learns from the additional person she is contacting. If the info is not satisfactory I will contact Mr Kamilani. You know how much we love Regent and don't want to see them fall from the high esteem we hold for them. But an unexplained bait and switch without a decent remedy makes us most uncomfortable. Even my mild-mannered spouse is not happy about this turn of events and Regent's current response.


Hope you are both recovered from your last voyage.

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Although I have chosen not to sail on Regent since they instituted specific changes that I did not agree with, I have not previously doubted their provision of the Regent Experience. :D



Mariners, I would love to know what drove you away. I have posted my own speculations about others in a generic sense, but it would be helpful for whomever from Regent checks in here now and then. Just because you have been around here for so long, as I have, and I respect your opinion.

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Thanks TC for all the helpful suggestions. I am waiting to hear tomorrow what the TA learns from the additional person she is contacting. If the info is not satisfactory I will contact Mr Kamilani. You know how much we love Regent and don't want to see them fall from the high esteem we hold for them. But an unexplained bait and switch without a decent remedy makes us most uncomfortable. Even my mild-mannered spouse is not happy about this turn of events and Regent's current response.


Hope you are both recovered from your last voyage.


Just went back to page one where I posted that Mr. Kamlani was on vacation. We are recovering from our last voyage - thanks for asking! Things should be back to normal just in time for our next cruise (we will be leaving March 17th for Beijing). After that we will take a much needed hiatus from traveling. The only cruise still on the books after March is Oceania in November. But, knowing us, we may squeeze something in -- just not too long or too far. Thankfully, cats have nine lives

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Jackie, it was nice chatting with you a few days ago. We are about cruised out regardless of the line. We are starting to enjoy AI land trips...i.e Africa, India and Asia. What we like about it as we can customize the land trips. On the ships we are all there for a brief period of time so you really don't get to see much.


Whatever your choice of travel is have a great time!! Life is too short.

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Jackie, it was nice chatting with you a few days ago. We are about cruised out regardless of the line. We are starting to enjoy AI land trips...i.e Africa, India and Asia. What we like about it as we can customize the land trips. On the ships we are all there for a brief period of time so you really don't get to see much.


Whatever your choice of travel is have a great time!! Life is too short.


Really enjoyed chatting with you as well. It sounds like a few of us are getting cruised out. It doesn't help the situation when problems such as the one on this thread occurs.


I find it interesting that when most people first go on a luxury cruise line, they are amazed at everything. Remember the first time you had a butler (not sure if you have one at home - we don't)? I didn't want one -- what in the world would I do with one? We were thrilled at the thought of staying in a penthouse suite. And, although we had flown business and/or first class before, we began cruising when the flatbeds were becoming more popular. The business class flatbeds on Cathay Pacific (today) are better than First Class was on most airlines in the early 90's.


February, 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of our cruising (not counting a long ago Disney cruise). We started at the top -- Regent. Ten years is not such a long time but they seem like the good old days in terms of cruising on Regent.


Fast-forwarding to 2014, we find fault with too many things on Regent (certainly not all of their fault). Being greeted with champagne upon embarkation is simply expected. The butler is also not unique any more -- we expect to have a butler. We find fault with the food (that seemed perfect in 2004). Regent did not have pre-cruise hotels in 2004 (actually, they didn't have them 3 years ago if I remember correctly -- could have been a bit longer). Now people check out Trip Advisor and are not pleased with what Regent is providing for them - not the hotel - not the airline. Then, we have the nerve to complain when we have to pay a deviation fee or find our own hotel (even though we are given a credit for the hotel). Note: I am not talking about the OP -- these are general statements - many of which apply to me.)


Many of us "old timers" (in terms of cruising) certainly do not appreciate included excursions or sitting on buses to go on an excursion. And, lastly, we are so disappointed that our March, 2014 cruise is full so there will not be an opportunity for an upsell and we are "stuck" with a penthouse suite. :eek: ;) :D


I could go on and on but this thread is about the Sheraton Rio. Hopefully there is some relativity in my rant. In terms of this thread, I suggest (again) that Regent drop the whole "included" hotel program since it seems there are more complaints about it than compliments (certainly not only on this thread).


Anyway Miles, enjoy your exotic adventures to some of the best parts of the world.

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Jackie, I am the butler in our home. I just don't do windows. The butlers we have had on Regent and Crystal are all well trained and very knowledgable. The one we had on the Voyager arranged a great Indian meal and shared some of his own spices with us.

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Brazil is an exciting country. Its economy is the world's seventh largest. It is considered a member of the BRIC group, which refers to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, which are all deemed to be at a similar stage of newly advanced economic development. It has one of the world's fastest growing major economies.


I have been to Brazil many times on business, mostly to São Paulo & have laid over in Rio a number of times. Rio offers a number of excellent luxury hotel options. The Sheraton Rio is not one of them.

I don’t understand why Regent selected the Sheraton Rio. It does not take a rocket scientist to find a quality hotel in Rio. Anybody who can find their way to this website can chose a better hotel option than the Sheraton.

I would suggest that customers who select Regent’s pre-cruise option in Rio should do so knowing that they will get a far less luxurious & far more expensive experience than they could have easily planned on their own.

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Many thanks for the info in the post above. It just confirms our disappointment in Regent for their lack of commitment and honesty to passengers. Our TA went back through the paperwork to see when the change in the hotel showed up. It was not until the final documents arrived. Too late to drop the hotel and make our own arrangements.


Yesterday I sent an email to Mr. Kamlani. It will be interesting to see if I get a response. If Regent could not find a different hotel then a letter explaining that with some added something would have been the "luxury line" way of handling the situation

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It surprises me that such experienced travellers still make such a fundamental mistake in assuming that pre/post hotels are going to be at or near the same high standard as the ship, especially in third world countries. Plus, Regent is a business and if they have a couple of hundred people to accommodate ashore then of course they are going to shop around for the best group booking/discount deal. It almost certainly won't be at the "best" (very subjective definition) hotel. The answer is simple, make Google your friend, do some simple research and make your own hotel choice and arrangements, via your TA if necessary. Then if the hotel turns out to be a dud you only have yourself to blame, although I suspect that even if you are greeted by flower girls strewing rose petals at your feet some will complain they were the wrong colour. (JOKE! Kinda)

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Although Rio is not a third world country, it does present challenges in terms of safety for tourists to the area. I feel safer in some third world countries than I did in Rio. I say this respectfully. We appreciate the beauty of the area but feel that it is better for visitors to Rio have realistic expectations.


What is particularly upsetting to me is when I read statements such as the one above "It just confirms our disappointment in Regent for their lack of commitment and honesty to passengers". These are harsh statements - especially considering the fact that you are taking the word of a TA (that could lose your business if they did, in fact, learn of the hotel change earlier). Alleging that Regent is dishonest is probably the worst thing that could be said about them and I truly hope this allegation was not made to the President of Regent. I know the CEO of Prestige Cruise Holdings and have communicated with the President. While I may not agree with every decision made by Regent and/or PCH, I know with 100% certainty that they are honest and would not accept dishonesty from anyone in their organization.


Let's put this in perspective. Note: Baggywrinkle made some excellent points!!!!!:mad:

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It seems 2 posters are suggesting that Regent should be excused for selecting the Sheraton Rio because some people think Brazil is a 3rd world country and Rio is dangerous. I really don’t understand that logic but I am sure Regent has their reasons & no doubt they have shared them with one of the posters who seems to be a confident of Regent executives.


I really don’t care why Regent selected that hotel. I have no need to justify their decision or blame them. My only point is that if you want a more luxurious, safer, and less expensive option, you can easily do that on your own. Consult CruiseCritic’s sister website TripAdvisor & you will find better options. If you choose Regent’s option, I hope you have a positive experience, but know you have options that are less risky.


Rio is an exciting city & you should view your visit there as more than an embarkation experience.

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It seems 2 posters are suggesting that Regent should be excused for selecting the Sheraton Rio because some people think Brazil is a 3rd world country and Rio is dangerous. I really don’t understand that logic but I am sure Regent has their reasons & no doubt they have shared them with one of the posters who seems to be a confident of Regent executives.


I really don’t care why Regent selected that hotel. I have no need to justify their decision or blame them. My only point is that if you want a more luxurious, safer, and less expensive option, you can easily do that on your own. Consult CruiseCritic’s sister website TripAdvisor & you will find better options. If you choose Regent’s option, I hope you have a positive experience, but know you have options that are less risky.


Rio is an exciting city & you should view your visit there as more than an embarkation experience.


I agree with you about there being much better hotels in Rio. However, it is too late for passengers leaving next month to make the change (unless they wish to pay for their own hotel without receiving Regent's credit -- a good option for those who are truly concerned). Also agree that Rio is an exciting city and much more than an embarkation experience.


Regent does not have to justify why they selected this hotel. Being a long time Regent cruiser, I was taken aback by the attacks on Regent. It has been our experience that Regent goes above and beyond what they are required to do for their passengers. No one has shared information with me as to why this particular hotel was selected, I am simply confident that Regent was not less than honest about anything. While I agree that this hotel seems to be a less than wonderful choice, to suggest that, because of this hotel choice, the company does not have a commitment to their passengers and is less than honest is, IMO, a very unfair and untrue statement.

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It surprises me that experienced travelers make such a fundamental mistake in assuming Brazil is a third world country.


I've never been and never will go there. My dear friend's son has a very high position at an American company there. I get my information from him. When you must live in a gated community, that is 3rd world to me. Or, when you are not safe driving in many areas. Their way of life is 3rd world. Unfortunately, our jobs are going there because of cheap labor. Let's see how long their economy improves, at our expense. I knew someone would nitpick over the terminology of the meaning of "third world". Let's just compare their way of life to ours. No thank you---not for me!

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I've never been and never will go there. My dear friend's son has a very high position at an American company there. I get my information from him. When you must live in a gated community, that is 3rd world to me. Or, when you are not safe driving in many areas. Their way of life is 3rd world. Unfortunately, our jobs are going there because of cheap labor. Let's see how long their economy improves, at our expense. I knew someone would nitpick over the terminology of the meaning of "third world". Let's just compare their way of life to ours. No thank you---not for me!


So I guess that leaves out huge parts of the world for you, right?

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So I guess that leaves out huge parts of the world for you, right?


No, not huge parts of the world--- just South America. And, Mexico. I was scarred in the late 70's when one of the ports we visited was Caracas. People lived on hills, and would get rid of their trash by throwing it down the hill behind their homes. Then, there was the mudslide...


Am I not entitled to decide where I want to travel, without being jumped on or judged? Everyone likes something different and we cannot all be the same. I was expressing my personal preference. Sorry that offends you. I guess I need to be more careful about what I post here, because someone will want to start something! Bless your heart!

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No, not huge parts of the world--- just South America. And, Mexico. I was scarred in the late 70's when one of the ports we visited was Caracas. People lived on hills, and would get rid of their trash by throwing it down the hill behind their homes. Then, there was the mudslide...


Am I not entitled to decide where I want to travel, without being jumped on or judged? Everyone likes something different and we cannot all be the same. I was expressing my personal preference. Sorry that offends you. I guess I need to be more careful about what I post here, because someone will want to start something! Bless your heart!


Not trying to start anything, believe me. We all have our boundaries and limits. As someone about to experience Thailand, Laos and Cambodia for the first time I'm about to discover mine perhaps. We spent a few days in Rio and loved it, and would go back--but we were in a "good" area, and taken around by a guide. I was aware of the issues, and decided to enjoy it anyways. I've seen terrible poverty in a number of places, but so far nothing has stopped me from travelling.

Edited by Wendy The Wanderer
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Not trying to start anything, believe me. We all have our boundaries and limits. As someone about to experience Thailand, Laos and Cambodia for the first time I'm about to discover mine perhaps. We spent a few days in Rio and loved it, and would go back--but we were in a "good" area, and taken around by a guide. I was aware of the issues, and decided to enjoy it anyways. I've seen terrible poverty in a number of places, but so far nothing has stopped me from travelling.


Have been to Thailand repeatedly -- they are a model for developing countries. They don't sit on their rear end waiting for other countries to help them -- they work 24/7 - building, farming, working. While recently unrest in Bangkok is disturbing, we previously felt safe everywhere we have been in this wonderful country.


IMO, the Rio has more than most countries in the world and some of the citizens chose do nothing but deface the beauty around them. Very sad. We sailed from South Africa to Rio 2 1/2 years ago. The people in the area we visited in South Africa had very little but were proud of what they had. They swept dirt streets to make things look good. We did not see trash in the waters until we reached Rio.


Sorry for the rant. We choose to travel to countries with an open mind and heart. Now, after visiting just about everywhere on earth that we are interested in visiting, Rio and Mexico rank low on our list while Thailand, parts of Malaysia/Borneo and Nimibia remain at the top.


Others may see it differently. We have no desire to return to South America but you never know....... the doors to our mind are not closed.,

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