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Brilliance of the Seas: A Truly Brilliant Cruise - Review

G85 SS

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Again, great pics and review! It was nice to meet you guys onboard, hope we cruise together again someday.


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Thanks Grady. Was nice meeting you as well. I'm sure we will run in to one another on another cruise at some point.


Thanks for taking the time for a great review. We're sailing on Briliiance in just over 6 weeks and can't wait.


Thanks for the compliment. Brilliance is a wonderful ship. You'll most definitely enjoy it.

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Key West:


With the backdrop of the setting sun and the appropriately named Sunshine Skyway Bridge all but a memory, day two was upon us and we were calling in Key West, Florida. Now, I live in Florida, take a cruise from Florida to travel to..... Florida. Don't judge. :p . But if truth be told, I have lived in Florida my whole life (26 years) and have never once been further south than South Beach in Miami. This port of call was a selling point for the both of us. As we woke up to the sun beaming rays of sunlight into our stateroom, we decided it was time to head to the Windjammer for Breakfast before heading out and about before we arrived in Key West. Again, this trip to the Windjammer was perfect. No lines, empty tables all around and wonderful food.


After fueling up for the day, it was time to head to Lattitudes to meet a group from this forum for a Cabin Crawl. This event took about 30 minutes and we had a group from every category of stateroom from Interior to Owners Suite participating for all to see. This was the first time participating in the event and I like being able to see all the different options in person because sometimes those pictures online aren't of your actual room. Who would have guessed? :eek:


Once the event was over, we all parted from this gathering and began doing our own thing again. Since our arrival in Key West wasn't until about 11:30am and clearance was after noon, we decided to grab some lunch then head off of the ship at about 12:30. This cruise we decided against booking any excursions as we just wanted to sit back and relax for 5 days and relax we did. Our mission in Key West was to go to the Southernmost Point. From where Brilliance docked to Southernmost Point is just a hair over a 1 mile walk one way. The walk there was very relaxing along Whitehead St and it was nice to soak up some of the history of my home state that I didn't know much about along the way. We passed places like the Truman Annex, The Oldest Schoolhouse and the Ernest Hemingway House and Museum. Once at the Southernmost point, we took our pictures and began a walk back along Duval St.


The walk back along Duval St was just as relaxing and enjoyable for us. Once we neared the shopping area we happened across a very unique store called "Abstracta". I almost walked right by it but my girlfriend caught it and from the outside it reminded me a little bit of the store "Obscura" on the Science Channel show called "Oddities". Once inside, though, we realized it wasn't the same sort of unique items, but still, very unique none-the-less. We spent the better part of an hour walking around in this store and finally settled on buying two different items for presents. They have all sorts of art pieces and décor for your house in this store and if you have never been to it, I HIGHLY recommend you walk around the store. The owner is a very, very nice gentlemen and will do anything to help you out. It is located at the corner of Duval St and Angela St.


After I was finished driving the other half up a wall from all the pictures I was taking, we headed back to the ship. Once back on board, we enjoyed the rest of our evening preparing for Formal Night and taking pictures. Of course this included going out on deck for sail away and to catch another sunset. The sunset started out promising as we had some cloud cover so I was expecting the sky to light up with vivid colors of orange, pink and purple. Sadly, clouds on the horizon had other plans but a beautiful sunset was still had.


Once the sail away was complete and the sun cast it's final ray on the day, it was time to reflect on the time spent in Key West over our dinner in the Main Dining Room. We both felt Key West was a great port to visit. There's a ton of history within walking distance to where the ship docks, plenty of bar life and of course, shopping for those who love shopping. The only negative I can think of, and this is being picky, is a few additional hours in port would have worked out great. But there was plenty of time for us to accomplish what we had in mind so I guess it doesn't even qualify as a negative, but more of a personal want.


After reflecting on our day in Key West over dinner and enjoying short conversations with Raveen, Katia and Anthony (Assistant Waiter, Waitress and Head Waiter in order) the evening was sadly coming to an end. And with it, another day was already in the books. But this left us with a positive outlook on day three. A day to spend at sea and really get to know this beautiful ship: Brilliance of the Seas.


Some images to leave you with from Key West.


Tank Island:



Whistle Bar/The Bull:


(Can you spot the beginner photographer error in panoramic photography? lol)







The stoplights don't match. :) The one street has a green while the cross street has a yellow. This is just a a nit-pick, took me forever to find the blue shorts guy even after someone posted it. I was searching for something, anything. I think it is a marvelous picture.


Great pics, really enjoying your review.



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I do have a picture of the menus for each night (except of the 3rd night I believe because I forgot lol) as I knew this question would be asked at some point.


I will post those up along with the cruise compasses to everybody can have it to look at. :)


awesome I would like to see them as well.

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The stoplights don't match. :) The one street has a green while the cross street has a yellow. This is just a a nit-pick, took me forever to find the blue shorts guy even after someone posted it. I was searching for something, anything. I think it is a marvelous picture.


Great pics, really enjoying your review.




I didn't even notice that. Haha. Thanks for pointing it out.


Never messed with Adobe Photoshop before and this is my first attempt at really doing anything with pictures. So there are definitely some learning curves that come along with it. but that's half the fun. Trial and error.


Thank you for the comments as well. They are appreciated.

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Nice review. What did you make of the Concierge & Diamond Lounges?


I didn't go into the Diamond Lounge, however, we really enjoyed the Concierge Lounge. We found ourselves spending time in the lounge every evening for about an hour before we got ready for dinner.


It was relaxing to go sit out on the deck, have a few hors d'oeuvres, which by the way were very good. They had these small little egg things. No clue on earth what they were called, but there were like a micro omelet with a huge boost of deliciousness. Chocolate covered strawberries, and spring rolls just to name a few.


Plus the complimentary drinks were also an added bonus though I didn't have more than one or two during any given time I was there. Our Concierge, Sasha Starke was extremely nice as well and would come out on deck and chat with us for a little while. I couldn't find anything at all to complain about. It was never even crowded which was great. Always a place to sit.

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Day 5 was upon us and with it were beautiful rays of sunshine and crisp blue Gulf waters. Today, much like the previous 4 was going to be spent relaxing. So, again, we found ourselves out at the pool. However, this day was the busiest of all days for the pool and we found it rather difficult to find a place to sit. We wound up going to the front of the ship where we were able to find a few chairs, but seeing how we were so far away from the pool, we weren't about to leave our things to go for a dip, so instead we decided to sun bathe a little.


After about an hour, these two teenage girls decided to take of residency next to us. Normally, I would not have a problem with anybody sitting next to me. Generally, I see it as someone new to meet and talk to for a little while. However, these girls had other things planned, whether it was intentional or not. As soon as they sat down, gossip started. And since they didn't know how to control their voice, I couldn't help but listen to the nonsense that came out of their mouths about other people. As if that wasn't enough to chase Jessica and I away, they also found it necessary to play music through the speaker of their iPhone on max volume. This isn't something any cruise line can control, but it was still a temporary dampener for me. So, seeing how our peaceful time had come to an end at the front of the ship, we decided to move on and find somewhere else to go.


But, a little luck was on our side and we found two lonely chairs in the Solarium(which was previously packed to the gills) asking for us to use them. After relocating, the relaxation continued. After a couple hours in the Solarium, it was time to turn our towels in, head back to the room and get ready for our evening activities. First on the list was the Concierge Lounge. Seeing how this was our last day to enjoy it, we spent the better part of an hour and a half on the outside deck watching the sunset. Beams of gold and shades of pink shot across the sky as the sun began to fall below the horizon. I took this time to take a few pictures and as I was doing so, our Concierge, Sasha Starke made a little joke telling me each picture I took would cost me $29.95. Small things like that added together is what makes these types of vacations so enjoyable.


With our goodbyes being said at the Concierge Lounge, we headed to dinner for the final time in the Main Dining Room. Much like the previous 4 days, dinner was wonderful. We had the pleasure of being seated at a table for 2 the whole duration of the cruise. Directly in front of the staircase which had a Christmas tree decorated wonderfully for the season. The added bonus to being at this table was back on day 3 having front row seats to see the entire Main Dining Room Staff as they sang us a song.


We were waited by three wonderful people. Raveen, our Assistant Waiter did a good job. Katia, our Waitress was always full of smiles and brought to us the friendliness you would expect out of your dining staff. Our Head Waiter, Anthony (Tony as he liked to be called) was always cheerful and stopped by every night, multiple times a night, spoke a few kind words and made sure everything was to our liking. The Dining Room Manager even stopped by every night(minus the first night) just to make sure we were enjoying ourselves. Because of the service we were provided in the main dining room, we only felt it was right to set aside some extra money for them. I have a hard time singling out one or two people to tip extra. So if my service is everything I would expect it to be, I will always tip in addition to the prepaid gratuities. To me, I believe it sends them a more powerful message that the work they do is greatly appreciated.


With the tips handed out, handshakes and hugs given, goodbyes were said in the Main Dining Room, it was off to spend some time in the Casino. this entire cruise I disciplined myself by only spending a dollar or two here and there on penny slots. But this time period was designated to Roulette. I started with $43. Why $43 you might ask? Well, it is all I had left and I said, whatever remains after the first 4 days will be spent at Roulette. So, I sat down, got my chips and began to play. It started out bad and I fell down to $15 fairly quick. But, patience paid off and I worked my way up to $75. Two spins later and I fell down to $65. I took a $5 chip and tipped the dealer and put the remainder on black. I told the dealer whatever happens to it, happens. Well, my luck ran dry and the money was gone.


Now it was time to head to the Colony Club. The moment we had been waiting for. The Quest. Now, I have been to probably 5 or 6 different Quests. And prior to this Quest, the most entertaining Quest was on Monarch of the Seas many years ago. While I enjoy Quest being held in Studio B, I just don't think you get the same rowdiness out of it. The two previous Quests, one on Freedom of the Seas and one on Oasis of the Seas felt rather tame. Well, I suppose this Quest was meant to make up for it. Now, before I go too far, some people say, "What happens at Quest should stay at the Quest". To that I say... BLASPHEMY! These are stories full of laughs and worth reliving. Now, if any of you say the thread about your craziest Quest experience, you know what I am about to say. but for the sake of trying to slim this post down a little bit I won't go into much detail. If you want more details, click the following link:




In short, we originally showed up and found a spot to sit and watch. A very nice English couple comes in with their teenage daughter. The husband asks me if I have been to the event before and what it's about. After a brief synopsis, he said it could be fun. Fast forward and we ended up being in a group with them and several other people. Before you know it, his wife is stripping and he is dressed in drag by the end of the show. Some hilarious pictures were taken while the drag queen models were doing their "Runway Walk" through the Colony Club. When all was said and done, my cheeks and stomach were killing me from laughing so hard. This was, by far, the best Quest Game Show I have ever attended. What better way to end what has been one of the best cruises I have ever been on than with tears of laughter running down your face?



Other areas worth mentioning:


The Dining Room Menu/Food. As of late, it seems like a lot of people have been complaining about the new menus Royal Caribbean has. And I admit, I am also guilty of such posts. Because back in June of 2013 on Oasis of the Seas, I felt like the food was sub par compared to what it has been in the past. I will also admit I was quick to say it was the new menu without trying to give the food a chance. Well, round two on Brilliance of the Seas with generally the same menu was much, much better. I didn't find any of the dishes to be bland or unappealing to look at. However, there were a couple dishes I got that were rather skimpy. but the beauty here is just ask for another, which I did. So, when comparing the Main Dining Room food between Brilliance of the Seas and Oasis of the Seas, I felt like Brilliance of the Seas takes the cake. I am beginning to think that just trying to prepare meals for plus/minus 6000 people may be a contributing factor there.


Favorite Dish: Lamb Shank. This dish was to die for. The meat was moist and EXTREMELY tender. Literally fall off the bone or cut with your fork tender. The taste was superb. If anybody out there has not tried it, I would HIGHLY recommend it.


Solarium Bistro/Salad Bar: I understand the Solarium Bistro/Salad bar is new since the ship has been revitalized? Anywho, I never waited longer than about 2 minutes to get a salad made it was definitely nice to have a place to just walk up to, get a small snack and go back to your seat to relax.


WindJammer: Let's stop in here for a second. It didn't matter what time we decided to go to the WindJammer. Every single time we went, there was a ton of available seating to choose from. Now coming off of Oasis, I had many frustrating moments in the WindJammer. Not to mention there would be a wait just to get in the place on Oasis. So scaling down to Brilliance was great because there was never a wait and the buffet was never shoulder to shoulder crowded. Oh the benefits of the "smaller" ships.


Staff: Our Cruise Director was "HelloClo" for those of you who know her by that name. Cruise Directors don't have a huge impact on my cruise, but the events she did host, she did a great job and it seems like those who work with her really enjoy working with her. She has an upbeat, spunky personality and will always take time away from her day to have a personal conversation with you.


Suite Attendant: Ito was our Suite Attendant while on board Brilliance. I'm not sure where to start when it comes to complimenting this fine young man. This was my first experience with a Suite of any kind so I don't know if it's commonplace or not. But comparing him to my previous stateroom attendants, he has them beat by a mile. Not to say the other stateroom attendants I have had are bad by any means because they are not. Going back on a previous post, on the last day he gave us a hand written note. That speaks volumes alone. Then add into the fact that by the first evening on board he knew Jessica and I by name and always addressed us by name for the remaining days on board. He was always cheerful and always kept our room the way it should be kept. I can't say thank you enough to this gentleman.




And with that, I wrap up this review. There are too many pros to name one at a time. The only con is that 5 days is WAY too short. But when is a cruise ever long enough for us die hards? I hope you have enjoyed reading the review and thank you all for looking.


As always, if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability. From here on out, I will leave you with various photographs from on board the ship to the Ports of Call to the scenery along the way.


And without further ado, here are the much requested Cruise Compasses! They are in PDF Format and I have them split up. Day 1 to Day 5 for ease of reading for all. Do enjoy. :D


I couldn't upload them directly to cruise critic because the files were too big. Even if I compressed them. So here is a link to each compass. If they do not work, let me know and I will try something else.


Day 1 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/198108417/Brilliance-Day-1-Cruise-Compass


Day 2 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/198108631/Brilliance-Day-2-Cruise-Compass


Day 3 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/198108668/Brilliance-Day-3-Cruise-Compass


Day 4 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/198108706/Brilliance-Day-4-Cruise-Compass


Day 5 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/198108732/Brilliance-Day-5-Cruise-Compass

Edited by G85 SS
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So Shacha was promoted from Diamond to Concierge lounge? Good for him - he was great for us in the Diamond lounge on our last B2B.


I would say so. lol.


We didn't use him for anything this cruise but he was definitely a very nice guy. And worthy of the position he holds now.

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woohooo we were on this same cruise and joined in for every Trivia Game plus the scavenger hunt and Quest. I must admit we came home with quite a few metals..lol It was a blast. We love Tivia!!


We did the trivia in the Schooner Bar and sat over by the Piano. Yeah, we only got 5 questions right on that. lol. But we had fun and that's all that matters with us.

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Do you have the MDR menus? I am trying to find out which menu is which night so I can reserve Chops Grille on my least favorite MDR menu night.





Edited by mac_tlc
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Do you have the MDR menus? I am trying to find out which menu is which night so I can reserve Chops Grille on my least favorite MDR menu night.





Here are the menus:




There's no guarantee that the order listed is what will be served on your cruise. One thing you can do is visit Chops as soon as you board. They will have the MDR menu list there.

Edited by clarea
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Here are the menus:




There's no guarantee that the order listed is what will be served on your cruise. One thing you can do is visit Chops as soon as you board. They will have the MDR menu list there.


I completely forgot to post them on here. I do have pictures of the menus. That's as best as I could do. Couldn't scan them on board. :p


I will post them in addition to what Bob has posted. :)

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Do you have the MDR menus? I am trying to find out which menu is which night so I can reserve Chops Grille on my least favorite MDR menu night.






Here are the menu's from each day except day 4. I forgot to take a picture of the menu that day.


Day 1



Day 2 - Formal Night



Day 3



Day 5


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Here are the menu's from each day except day 4. I forgot to take a picture of the menu that day.


Day 1



Day 2 - Formal Night



Day 3



Day 5





Thanks !!!! Very helpful.



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