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Waged War on My Closet and Won-The Sequel


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Yep-already bought them..and I got $30 US cash back in "vat tax" at the airport because of what I paid for them so I look at it as "$30 off" savings. They have their own home in a special box which is what I'm doing for all the new shoes. Sadly they don't ship to the USA but now that I know my size I figure I can buy more from this label and my friend can ship them for me here:)


Speaking of the war: part of what I'm doing is also organizing as I am going through and purging stuff. I have a vintage 1960's American Tourister train case, and a 1940's vintage round hat box-so I am using the train case to store all my makeup and the hat box for my hair accesories, plus they look very cool for decorating. I have a Christian Dior square box with a beautiful ribbon on that so am going to use that for some other accessories. So making use of stuff I already have which fits the mission.


Purge on ladies, and post your stories to keep us all motivated!


Gathina I hear you on the "afraid to wear" issue :D


Those shoes are gorgeous, and they are an investment in your personal wellbeing. So once they are done/gone, you will have your wellbeing as ROI :D


Get some suede protector, and a suede brush, and know that you will be able to care for them properly and ensure many many wearings.


I can't remember the brand of a pair of suede shoes I owned, they were French and fabulous. And ruined before wearing by a cat vomitting in them ;) Whatever wear you get from your new GORGEOUS shoes, you will exceed my track record :D


Like nice undies etc, shoes are consummables (sp?) in my opinion. Wear them, enjoy them, smile about them.


Congratulations! You are living up to your plans!

Edited by Gathina
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DH may have a point! Nobody is going to know your wearing your "old" stuff as they don't know you...then you can use the $$ for more cool things on your trip! :) That's part of the purging for me-repurposing what I already have . ..Good luck on the closet!


Twice a year I clean out my closets and donate everything to several of my favorite charities. But, I have yet to touch the closet in the guest room. It is a total mess! When I had to tell my DS's frat brother that he best not open the closet door because I was afraid everything would fall on him:eek:..that was my breaking point. I was so :o! Thank goodness he was only visiting for three nights, I did put up one of those hanging things on the outside of the closet door for him to hang his tux (we were going to the Grammy Awards show and after party) but I still feel bad that I didn't have room in the closet for my DS's guest. So, when I get back from my trip to FL, I'm going to clean it out. The DH jokes that, for our trip to FL, I should shop my guestroom closet instead of buying new stuff! LOL! As if!:D
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I think a lot of us are in that boat-seems like I'm reading about this war on everyone's blog! The pay it forward thing I really believe in-I have to believe some of my greatest "things" I got for next to nothing because I sowed into someone else's life with my stuff.


I brought two new blouses to my friend in Europe I saw last week-with tags on them-never worn and wasting away-they were perfect on her and she was thrilled. Weird thing was I couldn't bring myself earlier to let go of them so I guess she was the reason why!


Purge on!


Well, for the last month or so I have been waging war on my house.

I have already taken 4 large lawn and leaf bags full of clothes to our shelter that helps battered women and children.

Got rid of 4 pairs of shoes but have several more to go to my daughters, even waged war on my husbands closet and he hasn't missed a thing that went in one of the bags.

Now I am waging the war on my craftroom. I am getting all of the loose pictures I have here done into scrapbooks.

So far I have done 9 small books and the one big family album with pictures that are as much as 100 years old in it.

I am almost finished with that and then the papers and decorations that are left will be sorted and given to my daughters because they are big on scrapbooking.

My kitchen gets a war raged on it quite often so that is pretty much done.

After the craft room is done I will do the dining room and the get rid of things in the china hutch that we don't use.

I don't entertain like we used to and we don't do banquets anymore so I don't need 150 wine glasses and etc.

It is only my husband and I at home now and we don't do catering anymore so we don't need all the catering stuff.

It feels so good to be able to "release" these things to the Universe as someone said on here! Paying it forward to another person that needs it.

Have a great pergeing day everyone,


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This is too funny:D...I went through my closet this morning and filled

up 2 garbage bags......lots and lots of pants that don't fit and/or I haven't

worn in forever.....donating to charity as well.


Oh, those shoes are pretty....love the colors:D

Edited by Lois R
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Gathina, love the shoes…please don't be fearful of wearing them. I have a couple pair of shoes that (I felt) I paid way too much for. But, I figured I needed to get my money's worth out of them. Both have been worn so much you would think I'd be tired of them, but no, I still love them and weirdly enough, still get compliments on both pair. I've had them for over 5 years, I swear I wear each pair at least twice a week. That's about 520 wearings each so far and they're still going strong :) So, the shoes have been a great value, much more so than less expensive shoes that were barely worn.


I've been watching some YouTube videos from Gayle Goddard, a professional organizer. I like what she has to say, especially about sentimental items and how to get started on sorting through your clutter and "stuff".



I think I'm lucky that I'm not a sentimental saver. Sure, I have a few things, but you don't walk through my home and see the past life of parents, grandparents, etc… What I do have is in photo albums or neatly folded onto the linen shelf.


Edit: yesterday I went through 2 drawers and got rid of 3 nightgowns, fairly new and were gifts. They have lace at the neck and I hate the feeling of lace. Two pair of jammie shorts that I haven't worn in a couple years. A workout bra that doesn't really fit all that well. About 5 tank tops that have seen better days (I have tank tops in every color you can imagine). I still need to go through the shoes…that is going to be the hardest part for me. Not because all these beautiful shoes don't fit, but because with nerve damage I just can't wear even the lowest heel any longer.

Edited by Happy ks
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I hear everyone about the shoes. I wore a pair that I hadn't worn in several to dinner and the symphony on Friday. The parking garage, restaurant an hall were all in the same block. By the time I got home my feet were in tears. Even my DH commented that he could see the pain I was in. The shoes went right to the give away bag & several worn pairs are in the trash. This makes 10 pairs this month that are out of my closet.


I still have some clothes from my working years that either don't fit or I will probably never wear. They have to go next.


Mary Lou

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Those shoes are worth every penny-and I bought them because they can go with so many different types of outfits-dressy, casual, and perfect for all seasons in FL..my friend in the UK I was with knows shoes and fashion and she assured me they were well worth it. So the next thing is to find 1-2 more pairs that will do the same thing.


The closet purge also means getting dressed in the morning is a whole lot easier-because your not sifting through so much. ..same as with makeup and other things. Now my big thing is "what to do"with all my ski clothes, fur hats, coats, etc. from when I lived in snow country. I doubt I'll ever wear the ski clothes again plus they are 20 years old but still in perfect condition, the pants and jacket were probably about $500 in total new. Ebay,maybe? The fur coats-I can't bear to part with those. I have a mink stole I got for an event in 1989 and I've tried for years to ditch it and never could bring myself to it-good thing, I googled it and it's from a fine furrier in Canada and worth about $375 and it's from the 1950s..so I'm keeping it..for what, I have no clue! So any advice on what to do with the ski stuff is apppeciated


Gathina, love the shoes…please don't be fearful of wearing them. I have a couple pair of shoes that (I felt) I paid way too much for. But, I figured I needed to get my money's worth out of them. Both have been worn so much you would think I'd be tired of them, but no, I still love them and weirdly enough, still get compliments on both pair. I've had them for over 5 years, I swear I wear each pair at least twice a week. That's about 520 wearings each so far and they're still going strong :) So, the shoes have been a great value, much more so than less expensive shoes that were barely worn.


I've been watching some YouTube videos from Gayle Goddard, a professional organizer. I like what she has to say, especially about sentimental items and how to get started on sorting through your clutter and "stuff".



I think I'm lucky that I'm not a sentimental saver. Sure, I have a few things, but you don't walk through my home and see the past life of parents, grandparents, etc… What I do have is in photo albums or neatly folded onto the linen shelf.


Edit: yesterday I went through 2 drawers and got rid of 3 nightgowns, fairly new and were gifts. They have lace at the neck and I hate the feeling of lace. Two pair of jammie shorts that I haven't worn in a couple years. A workout bra that doesn't really fit all that well. About 5 tank tops that have seen better days (I have tank tops in every color you can imagine). I still need to go through the shoes…that is going to be the hardest part for me. Not because all these beautiful shoes don't fit, but because with nerve damage I just can't wear even the lowest heel any longer.

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Those shoes are worth every penny-and I bought them because they can go with so many different types of outfits-dressy, casual, and perfect for all seasons in FL..my friend in the UK I was with knows shoes and fashion and she assured me they were well worth it. So the next thing is to find 1-2 more pairs that will do the same thing.


The closet purge also means getting dressed in the morning is a whole lot easier-because your not sifting through so much. ..same as with makeup and other things. Now my big thing is "what to do"with all my ski clothes, fur hats, coats, etc. from when I lived in snow country. I doubt I'll ever wear the ski clothes again plus they are 20 years old but still in perfect condition, the pants and jacket were probably about $500 in total new. Ebay,maybe? The fur coats-I can't bear to part with those. I have a mink stole I got for an event in 1989 and I've tried for years to ditch it and never could bring myself to it-good thing, I googled it and it's from a fine furrier in Canada and worth about $375 and it's from the 1950s..so I'm keeping it..for what, I have no clue! So any advice on what to do with the ski stuff is apppeciated


Why can't you donate them? Charities are always in need of things.

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I donate that stuff all the time-but the problem is tourist season is about over here-and shops slow down a lot here..after April 1 many will be gone or enroute north so not much of a market, or for even locals here who travel to ski.



Why can't you donate them? Charities are always in need of things.
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Gathina, check Etsy and ebay for vintage ski wear sellers, contact them and see if they'd give you some cash for your stuff. Easier than trying to sell it yourself, y'know? That'd be my first route, anyway.


You might also try googling vintage clothing stores, ski wear and see if that gives you any leads. I have a vicuna coat I'm trying to get rid of and am looking at all routes that are easiest, with no problems about "I don't like it" after the sale :D

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If you decide to get rid of the stole, definitely try Etsy. Who is the furrier? (I'm Canadian, and I'm just curious :D )


I dumped all my ratty t-shirts and have new ones on order. I deserve to feel decent even though my clothing will get ruined in a few wearings :D

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If you decide to get rid of the stole, definitely try Etsy. Who is the furrier? (I'm Canadian, and I'm just curious :D )


I dumped all my ratty t-shirts and have new ones on order. I deserve to feel decent even though my clothing will get ruined in a few wearings :D


I am going to get rid of some old t-shirts too. I wear them to clean house but I think it is time to get new ones.

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Lazares of Windsor..I think I'm going to keep it ..it looks like something you'd see Lucille Ball wear..


If you decide to get rid of the stole, definitely try Etsy. Who is the furrier? (I'm Canadian, and I'm just curious :D )


I dumped all my ratty t-shirts and have new ones on order. I deserve to feel decent even though my clothing will get ruined in a few wearings :D

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CowPrincess and everyone-I had to take a road detour due to construction the other day, spotted a charity store with a sign that said "DESIGNER SHOES $25"..so of course I pulled off, and the clerk told me a shoe store had gone belly up and donated all the inventory! Literally hundreds of boxes arranged all by size-I spent an hour looking at each one-shoes from Italy, Brazil, Spain, including Luisa D'Orio, my favorites. All brand new, all with price tags still on them stating no less than $150, some were $250 and more. Would you believe I bought only one pair?? A nice pair of white kitten heel slip ons to go with summer dresses, made in Brazil. Feel like a silk glove on my feet! I went to Old Tyme Pottery yesterday and bought shoe boxes for $1 each, so that's my project this week. The store is in West Palm Beach on the corner of Belvedere and Olive Ave. for the locals who might want to swing by!

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Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh the pain of living 1000s of miles away ;) Congrats on ONE PAIR, that is awesome in so many ways.


Have you worn your new acquisitions from London yet?


(.... and an aside, I'm moving stuff OUTTA here. I apparently went too far with that, as I dropped off some stuff at the thrift store, then went to their sales area to look for linen pants. What did I find out on a rack? A top of MINE that I had no desire to get rid of. Bought it back :D)

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No, haven't worn my London shoes yet-still afraid to :)


I'm into the organization war right now-I'm in the middle of cleaning and repairing the shoes I dug out of the closet that I still love and could wear-there is a cobbler nearby (two N.Y. Italian brothers in their 70's) that has been able to salvage shoes nobody else could. Have gone to them for years and I don't know what I'll do when they die one day. Reputation is so stellar one day I heard a woman begging them to postpone their annual 2 week vacation as she HAD to have those shoes and THEY were the only ones who could fix them.


I got some nice clear boxes at "Old Time Pottery" for $1 each for the shoes. I also found a 1970 American Tourister blue train case in perfect condition and a Tweed round American Tourister train case from 1940's at Salvation Army-both had no tags so I offered $5 for both...cleaned them up perfectly and am going to use those to store hats and accessories.


So technically still waging war on the closet but in the organization sense.


Any other reports? Wage on, Ladies!


Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh the pain of living 1000s of miles away ;) Congrats on ONE PAIR, that is awesome in so many ways.


Have you worn your new acquisitions from London yet?


(.... and an aside, I'm moving stuff OUTTA here. I apparently went too far with that, as I dropped off some stuff at the thrift store, then went to their sales area to look for linen pants. What did I find out on a rack? A top of MINE that I had no desire to get rid of. Bought it back :D)

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Here in provincial Australia we don't get to see much ultra High fashion. But my best find for shoes that are super comfortable leather, and durable is a company called Steplite, with shoes made in Portugal. Prices are in the mid $100's but are my go to's for all day stuff. One pair brown/+coloured trim lace ups have been looking good for 10 years with care, Mi latest are silver/lavender leather open toe flats that look good with everything and cool in our 40*+ summers. Hope you can find a US supplier.

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Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh the pain of living 1000s of miles away ;) Congrats on ONE PAIR, that is awesome in so many ways.


Have you worn your new acquisitions from London yet?


(.... and an aside, I'm moving stuff OUTTA here. I apparently went too far with that, as I dropped off some stuff at the thrift store, then went to their sales area to look for linen pants. What did I find out on a rack? A top of MINE that I had no desire to get rid of. Bought it back :D)


That is so funny!:D:D:D:D

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I also found a 1970 American Tourister blue train case in perfect condition and a Tweed round American Tourister train case from 1940's at Salvation Army-both had no tags so I offered $5 for both...cleaned them up perfectly and am going to use those to store hats and accessories.


So technically still waging war on the closet but in the organization sense.


Any other reports? Wage on, Ladies!


I love those vintage train cases and hat boxes, I have a few and also some matching Samsonite cases from the same era, they weigh a ton but I have used them as decorating pieces. I collect vintage accessories and purses too and use most of those pieces as decor too, but the purses get an odd outing.


I also have a couple of old fur stoles (that everyone hates these days) they are of course vintage so not pc in the least, so they are in a box in the garage with some of my other vintage clothing collection.

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Gathina-- What color is our mink stole?

How is it holding up? After a while in the heat and humidity the fur starts to 'molt'. Need refridgeration to keep fur looking nice.

If it's in good condition you could have it shaved/dyed and made into to something else. At worst you can make it into a pillow or bolster.:D


I remember some wild colors and patterns on the strtchers at my grandparents' shop in the early 70's. At the time they were doing alot of fur with leather trim.

Edited by SadieN
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It's brown-we live in constant air conditioning so it's holding up pretty good..but there is a furrier in Miami and I'm taking that and a couple other pieces there for cleaning..and then afternoon tea at the Biltmore :) Might as well feel rich while I'm at it right?? But full English tea service at the Biltmore is like $25 so that's money well spent to feel like I'm fancy LOL


Celtic: I have business in Orlando soon, saw that's your stomping grounds-is there a section of Orlando you recommend for vintage/thrift stores?There's a few other things I'm looking for in terms of storage


Gathina-- What color is our mink stole?

How is it holding up? After a while in the heat and humidity the fur starts to 'molt'. Need refridgeration to keep fur looking nice.

If it's in good condition you could have it shaved/dyed and made into to something else. At worst you can make it into a pillow or bolster.:D


I remember some wild colors and patterns on the strtchers at my grandparents' shop in the early 70's. At the time they were doing alot of fur with leather trim.

Edited by Gathina
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Those vintage luggage pieces sound wonderful! (I'm beginning to wonder if we were separated at birth :D ) I have a Loewe (yes THAT Loewe) train case from the 1950s or so that holds my hair products on our vanity. Black pony hair with tan leather trim. :D


Wear those shoes. The new ones. Go out for coffee with a friend, or lunch, or something. Wear them. You need to get past the fear......

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To be honest I get most of my vintage stuff online as I don't generally get a lot of me time to gad about.


Up here there are a few thrift stores dotted around the 192 and the 50. I would probably head to Winter Park though where they have a few vintage places and you might find some nicer things.

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I have an "awful" trial I'm an expert witness in so I'm wearing the Russell and Bromley shoes tomorrow-I need all the confidence I can get!


Those vintage luggage pieces sound wonderful! (I'm beginning to wonder if we were separated at birth :D ) I have a Loewe (yes THAT Loewe) train case from the 1950s or so that holds my hair products on our vanity. Black pony hair with tan leather trim. :D


Wear those shoes. The new ones. Go out for coffee with a friend, or lunch, or something. Wear them. You need to get past the fear......

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