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Man overboard


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This is so sad. The crew on the Princess ships I have been on, have overall, always been so hard-working, and so helpful and friendly. We were so fortunate to have the same cabin steward on our last cruise, as on the previous cruise - and he even looked for us and recognized us right away! (Hi, Ariel, if you or Princess look at these boards!)


I hope the passengers are considerate, and understand any delays or cancellations while this search is underway. I hope they are also considerate of the employees' emotions. I worked at an office where someone committed suicide on the workroom floor (3 months after I had transferred out of there), but it was a very traumatic incidence for me, and even more so for the employees still there.


Please be kind and considerate to the crew. If you have a complaint, be respectful and reasonable. If the person you talk to can't resolve your problem, thank them and take it to the next higher level.


you can,t believe how insensitive people are. one lady on a previous cruise was real mad because she had to leave the cabin while a helicopter evacuation was happening

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Quick update, we are steaming ahead to Hawaii. The Captain sent wine to our tables this evening which was a nice gesture. We are missing our first port, which was to be Hilo. We are scheduled now for Oahu at 4pm, however the Captain is hoping to make it earlier. He will update us as we get closer.


Thanks for the update.

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Very nicely put.

Thanks for the excellent post/


I appreciate your comment and the comments of others who appear to have understood my post as copied above in Post #73. Many obviously didn't!


The ending to this tragedy is very sad. I hope all onboard will have wonderful experiences in Hawaii and smooth sailing as they return home. Aloha!

Edited by Bucky3
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I am 100 percent certain there are some passengers who are venting to Passenger Services right this minute, despite everyone hopefully knowing the situation and the severity thereof.


Sadly, Princess will probably give them something just to quiet them.


you can,t believe how insensitive people are. one lady on a previous cruise was real mad because she had to leave the cabin while a helicopter evacuation was happening
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On the Grand..........Pushing towards Honolulu.....just announce we should now be in at 1PM local time........Very sad, but still a lot of very mad people, that makes it even more sad that they can only think of them selves........Prayers to all.....a nice service this morning by the Captain. We well survive with two less then we started with. Princess has made an offer to passengers aboard. Still very unhappy people. Thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.


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On the Grand..........Pushing towards Honolulu.....just announce we should now be in at 1PM local time........Very sad, but still a lot of very mad people, that makes it even more sad that they can only think of them selves........Prayers to all.....a nice service this morning by the Captain. We well survive with two less then we started with. Princess has made an offer to passengers aboard. Still very unhappy people. Thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.



How's the weather? any sunshine? :)

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I wish I could say the same we had one lady who was so rude to the staff every meal time it was awful to listen and watch obnoxious was the word we used


Was it any worse than some of the posts on these forums. We say things not caring who is on the receiving end of it or what it might trigger, hardly without a need to apologize. I can only assume that lady homed her skills on a public forum. The worse is blaming parents whose kids were hurt, without knowing all the details. We have mastered meanest because our identify is safe or we know we may never have to encounter them again.


I doubt this was the cause, but we never know the straw that will break the camel's back.




Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

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I wonder if Princess would consider giving special offers to passengers who display appropriate behaviors in light of unexpected situations. :D I know the squeaky wheel gets the grease........but it would go a lot further in the long run, to have 'nice' guests return on their ships. Some squeaky wheels know how to squeak no matter how much grease they get........ :rolleyes:

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Some companies do that. To make a long and funny story short, many years ago I was flying Delta out of Atlanta and there were massive storms in between. This was pre-internet and cell phone days, so you had to wait in line. When I finally got up there, the person at the agent next to me was screaming, yelling, stating how important she was. I was calm and polite. The agent took great care of me (FC seat via Pit early next day, food, hotel), the person next to me was put on a flight two days later, with nothing but a food coupon. She heard what I got and started ranting again "Why is he so special."


Now, I know I shouldn't have said it, and I was tired, but she got under my skin so I went "Because I treated them like people and your were a -censored- -censored-." She turned purple, stalked away.


Oddly enough, I got upgrades for quite a while after that flying out of ATL.


I wonder if Princess would consider giving special offers to passengers who display appropriate behaviors in light of unexpected situations. :D I know the squeaky wheel gets the grease........but it would go a lot further in the long run, to have 'nice' guests return on their ships. Some squeaky wheels know how to squeak no matter how much grease they get........ :rolleyes:
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I wonder if Princess would consider giving special offers to passengers who display appropriate behaviors in light of unexpected situations. :D I know the squeaky wheel gets the grease........but it would go a lot further in the long run, to have 'nice' guests return on their ships. Some squeaky wheels know how to squeak no matter how much grease they get........ :rolleyes:


I think to anyone who ask for opportunity to enjoy the vacation they planned. Depending on why you booked this vacation escape, this incident could hit hard. Personally knowing 2 schoolmates of my kids who committed suicide last year and one attempted , I would have been a royal mess. The escape would have turned into a harsh reality check.


When my vacation goes wrong I always ask for the opportunity to do the one I planned, courtesy of course.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

Edited by Blk_Amish
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A quick update from the Grand... we are arriving in Oahu shortly, it is currently 10:30am and Diamond Head is ahead of us. Everyone we have witnessed and talked to aboard has been very nice, calm and have been very respectful. We are happy that we have not run into any unpleasant behavior about our very unfortunate situation.

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I would be appalled if EVEN ONE PERSON complained about their dang cruise being disrupted by the sad suicide of a crew member. I don't believe ANYONE should be rewarded for NOT complaining!


I can't believe that anyone thinks "their" vacation is more important than attempting to rescue a person from drowning.

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I would be appalled if EVEN ONE PERSON complained about their dang cruise being disrupted by the sad suicide of a crew member. I don't believe ANYONE should be rewarded for NOT complaining!


I can't believe that anyone thinks "their" vacation is more important than attempting to rescue a person from drowning.

Totally agree. My heart goes out to the crew who have no time for mourning and must continue to service the passengers with a smile while having a heavy heart. IMO,they are the ones who should receive compensation.

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I would be appalled if EVEN ONE PERSON complained about their dang cruise being disrupted by the sad suicide of a crew member. I don't believe ANYONE should be rewarded for NOT complaining!


I can't believe that anyone thinks "their" vacation is more important than attempting to rescue a person from drowning.


They didn't know the guy was missing for over two hours. He jumped deliberately with the intent to drown. There was no "attempting to rescue a person from drowning". They were quite aware that the were looking for a body to recover.


It's my opinion that, if someone really wants to kill themselves (jumping overboard mid-ocean seems to qualify as really wanting that result) then you should let them do so. It's their life - not yours - not anybody else's. Leave the poor guy alone.

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I was responding to a specific post by thyme2go, so my post maybe seems random. As for the crew member- it is maritime law that you HAVE to try to rescue someone who has gone overboard regardless of the circumstances. No Captain would say, "yeah that guy just wanted to die- so off we go!" You act first and ask questions later.

Edited by rebeccalouiseagain
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I would be appalled if EVEN ONE PERSON complained about their dang cruise being disrupted by the sad suicide of a crew member. I don't believe ANYONE should be rewarded for NOT complaining!


I can't believe that anyone thinks "their" vacation is more important than attempting to rescue a person from drowning.


People have complained about their cruise being disrupted when other passengers have done this. I can't see this as any difference except it might be in Princess best interest to offer some kind of do over. I doubt a company offering a Complete Escape wants first time or infrequent cruisers be forever stuck with an employee suicide.


This is more than a case of a drowning person. It's an act some find selfish and unforgivable, it saddens but also angers.

Edited by Blk_Amish
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It is not like the employee's get to go home after coming back from a cruise. These people are out to sea for months and not seeing anyone from home. They need someone to talk to as well. It may do a lot of good. If they had someone to talk to it may avoid this issue.


A very sad situation for this young man, his friends and family,and for his co-workers. I imagine (as a few have noted) that Princess is a big enough company that there are counseling resources available for its employees. Even a confidential video chat while at sea may be helpful. But it does mean the employee does seek the help. Which is difficult for many.


My graduate school roomie was originally from Manilla and I did channel my undergrad Psych degree for her or anyone else who did want to talk. Back in 1977 I was one of her bridesmaids -- the couple --he's from France -- is still married with two grown kids.


The school district here (and I'm sure most around the country) have a full time grief counseling staff that is deployed as necessary. When my daughter was in middle school, a letter came home that one of the students had passed away and that the counseling staff would be at the school the next day (there were also satellite vans from all of the TV stations) -- a father had killed all his kids, including the middle schooler, and himself when he was in financial straits. My daughter didn't know this boy, but just last year, there was a need for another visit from this staff because a girl, that my daughter was friends with despite the couple of years difference in ages, was found dead of inhaling fumes...by her older sister, who had been in classes with my girl. The hardest thing is for a parent to lose a child so when the mother found out I had lost my brother while I was 17, she wanted my thoughts.


Myself, I've set up a blog (really, more of an online book...but I took it down to do a major re-edit that hopefully I'll be done with in a few weeks) that narrates someone's experiences over several years working in a hostile work environment. There's supposedly "counselors" at his workplace, but often things get turned around against the victim, which has happened to him and others when they've tried to get redress.


I don't know what this poor unfortunate soul who was on the Grand was going through, but I hope his crew members are able to access help to get them through this.


I just hope the number of passengers who made the situation about what they were missing out on is very few in number. I doubt if they were tell off by compassionate passengers that they would really care. You can't install caring back into a person who decides to throw it out of their life.

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This is a very sad situation for the man, his family and his friends and just as we need to have compassion for them, I think we should have some compassion for those on board even the so-called 'complainers'. We don't know their situation either. This may be an once in a lifetime trip for them, the only opportunity for them to ever see the Hawaiian Islands. This may be their once a year or once ever 2 or 5 year vacation from a stressful life and job. Just like we don't know why this man felt the only way to deal with his life was to end it, we don't know the circumstances of others on the ship. I don't think that just because they are complaining they are necessarily uncaring people. Please let's have compassion for everyone in this sad situation and not criticize or demonize how anyone is reacting.

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A very sad situation. We just got off this very ship days before and it is sobering.


I hope the best for everyone involved, especially the crew member's family and all those on board. I met many crew members on the Grand during the 12/18-1/4 sailing and will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

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This is a very sad situation for the man, his family and his friends and just as we need to have compassion for them, I think we should have some compassion for those on board even the so-called 'complainers'. We don't know their situation either. This may be an once in a lifetime trip for them, the only opportunity for them to ever see the Hawaiian Islands. This may be their once a year or once ever 2 or 5 year vacation from a stressful life and job. Just like we don't know why this man felt the only way to deal with his life was to end it, we don't know the circumstances of others on the ship. I don't think that just because they are complaining they are necessarily uncaring people. Please let's have compassion for everyone in this sad situation and not criticize or demonize how anyone is reacting.



I think this is one of the nicest, most understanding posts I have had ever read. It is certainly a terrible tragedy for the crew member and those who loved him, but I can't also help but feel sad for the passengers who excitedly boarded a cruise they had likely been planning for months and now they are faced with this tragic turn of events. We all react differently in stressful situations and while I'm sure most are trying to be compassionate, it is not hard to fathom why some are also perhaps not handling the situation as well. We just don't know how much this vacation might have meant to some who are not dealing well with the disappointment of plans that have been smashed.

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I think this is one of the nicest, most understanding posts I have had ever read. It is certainly a terrible tragedy for the crew member and those who loved him, but I can't also help but feel sad for the passengers who excitedly boarded a cruise they had likely been planning for months and now they are faced with this tragic turn of events. We all react differently in stressful situations and while I'm sure most are trying to be compassionate, it is not hard to fathom why some are also perhaps not handling the situation as well. We just don't know how much this vacation might have meant to some who are not dealing well with the disappointment of plans that have been smashed.


Thank you for the kind words as well as the sentiments you expressed. We will be boarding the Star next Sunday and just feel for all of those involved.

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This is a very sad situation for the man, his family and his friends and just as we need to have compassion for them, I think we should have some compassion for those on board even the so-called 'complainers'. We don't know their situation either. This may be an once in a lifetime trip for them, the only opportunity for them to ever see the Hawaiian Islands. This may be their once a year or once ever 2 or 5 year vacation from a stressful life and job. Just like we don't know why this man felt the only way to deal with his life was to end it, we don't know the circumstances of others on the ship. I don't think that just because they are complaining they are necessarily uncaring people. Please let's have compassion for everyone in this sad situation and not criticize or demonize how anyone is reacting.


Precisely. I am onboard the Star right now. We aided in the search along with the Grand. I overheard a woman that was very upset, she had booked this cruise specifically to visit Maui, and we missed Maui and will substituting Kona instead.


I am very fortunate to have traveled many times to Hawaii, but for many people this is a once in a lifetime journey. I can understand their disappointment at missing their chance to visit a place they had always wanted to see.

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I can understand disappointment, however I do not think that gives folks the right to mistreat crew or other passengers, and complaining sometimes is actually mistreatment, particularly in regard to crew. Passengers can just turn and leave the disappointed complainer, crew cannot.


Regarding missing Maui and going to Kona instead, I again can understand disappointment for this person. Apparently no one warned them to never take a cruise when one port is that important to you - fly there. Ship ports change for various reasons and one needs to just go with it. Even if my cruise were "ruined" I WOULD NOT inflict my disappointment on others. But then I cruise for the whole experience and I do tend to make lemonade from lemons, some others do not. Complaining is apparently more fun for them.

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