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Camp Carnival - Be Warned!


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Thank you -This was my ONLY point.




We were prepared to have kid-free time once in a while and it threw us for a loop. I am not blaming Carnival - except that their 'activities' are definitely not age appropriate. I've worked with kids my whole life and have a couple of them. My kids aren't sheltered, but they aren't hyperactive either. They are normal and most 8 year old boys don't play musical chairs or like to dance.




We are not experienced cruisers so only knew what we read on here. I remember reading "Couldn't pull the kids out of there...etc." So of course, I thought we could take them there, they would love it and we could go to a show.




Not to stir the pot, but why a family would book a cruise knowing their kids had to be with them 24/7 is perplexing. What about all the adult activities on board? We can't partake? Then why go on a cruise? Go to Disney. I can go to my bedroom at home at night and sit there for a lot less $ than paying for a cruise!



Lol. We took our boys on the Dream this past January. They are 9 and 11. We had them pick time blocks of two hours so we could have adult time Nd they could have kid time. They weren't interested in going at first so we told them we would check in with them to see if they wanted to stay. Each time they ended up having a great time and wanted to stay. Next day we would go through the same conversation AGAIN with the same result. Then they wanted night owls so I would set my alarm to wake up at midnight and go get them. We love taking the kids on vacation but we never get to be child free and we still have to parent, be aware of behavior, tell them to be aware of the lady carrying the tray full of food, etc. I do love them and they are good boys but next month it's DH and I alone on the Sunshine while boys bunk at grandma's I want a vacation where we don't have to parent for a week. Amen!




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I have two sons 6 and 9 year old, last year we went on our first carnival cruise the pride out of baltimore and it we loved it especially our children. Our kids loved the camp and most of the time willingly wanted to go they had plenty of activities both indoors and out and we also utilized the night owls which is great for adult time. Recently we just went on the freedom and although the setup was diffrent the kids still enjoyed themselves thourghly. Activities were many and kept both of them occupied while me and mommy had some quality adult time. Is it for every child def not but i think for a couple of hours a day it does the job quite well what more can you ask for.. Remember you are on a ship so being confined is par for the course!!

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That's why this is called critic. We all get to critique our cruise.


My kid loves camp. there are activities my ds doesn't care for. We skip those or he sits in anyways, they are usually only 30 minutes long and then they are on to the next activity.


BTW, musical chairs is an active game. I love(d) musical chairs and I cannot imagine a typical 6 & 8 yr. old have already outgrown that game but I guess they do/can. I miss my childhood and duck duck goose and 7 up days lol.


May I suggest for parents who really want to make sure there is action packed non stop camp stuff, go during a "kid heavy" cruise. Go during spring break, summer or Christmas break. Obviously the more kids, the more activities, and the more choices.


Oh, and we always pack a board game too (or go to the library and get one) just to have something to do late at night in our cabin or on rainy/cold days. (yes, even on a cruise it can happen).

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Yes, we take family vacation together, but that does not mean we have to be glued together ALL DAY EVERYDAY!! especially on a ship with LOTS of things to do for BOTH kids and adults. That's the whole point of Carnival. "FUN SHIPS". stuff for kids, stuff for adults, A BABYSITTING SERVICE IS EVEN OFFERED!! Just because im a parent, doesnt mean i want to be stuck to my kid 24/7!! ITS OK to do things WITHOUT your kid(s)!!


With work, school, after school activities, homework and them hanging out with their friends, I never feel 'stuck'. I enjoy every minute with my family and not only don't mind it, I relish in it. I leave it entirely up to them in what they want and I thank g-d everyday that they want to be 'stuck' with us 24/7.


Just my opinion.

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With work, school, after school activities, homework and them hanging out with their friends, I never feel 'stuck'. I enjoy every minute with my family and not only don't mind it, I relish in it. I leave it entirely up to them in what they want and I thank g-d everyday that they want to be 'stuck' with us 24/7.


Just my opinion.


and thats fine, nothing wrong with that. but it just doesnt work like that for us. maybe because i am a SAHM and i am already with him all the time, even with after school TKD classes. but i/we still like my/our freedom. and i get freedom quite often because he's in school, and thats 8 hours everday i get. and then he stays with family quite often as well. has always stayed with family for various amounts of time since he was about 2 weeks old. i have a big family and we are close. my grandparents adore time they spend with their great grandkids. as a PP said, not everyone has that kind of privilege. i do, and i take advantage of it while i have it! :)

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Something I have learned through our experience at Camp Carnival is that just because an activity is on a boat, that doesn't mean the kids will automatically love it. They like the same activities they like on shore. So OP, if your kids are too old for story time on shore, why did you think they would like it at Camp Carnival?


I think several people (including the OP) have made an excellent point that a cruise is a vacation where families can have a little time apart. But it's a babysitting service. Can you honestly say that your kids are thrilled and entertained every time you leave them at home? I know mine sure aren't. It depends on so many factors. Who the sitter is, what the activity will be, their mood on that day... every now and then they don't even feel up for going to Grammie and Papa's, which they normally love. Camp Carnival is no different. I'm certainly not one who thinks Carnival can do no wrong, but I do feel like we sometimes expect too much from camp. We've found that we either need to let the kids pick the activities that interest them and schedule around their interests, or we need to resign ourselves to the fact that we want to do something, so they may have a less-than-stellar time at camp doing activities that wouldn't be their first choice. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to be deliriously happy every second of the entire cruise.

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I dont know anything about CC, but have heard good things about it. But that doesnt mean it's a good fit for everyone. My suggestion would be before you decide NOT to take him on the next cruise....is maybe take a friend of his with you? Vs. going to CC he'd have a friend with him to run around and do things. He sounds very independent and mature, so it sounds like him and a friend off his choice would probably have a great time, leaving you worry free for some time of your own.



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First time cruiser here, we were on the Magic the week of Aug10th.


At first my DS10 didn't want to participate in CC; he tried it and enjoyed it. Every evening we would discuss which activities he wanted to participate in and he was also able to check himself in/out. He made lots of new buddies to hang out and all with that by the 3rd day of our cruise he decided to ditch dinner with his cool mom (aka me ;)) and just have dinner with his new buddies... What the heck..?!? :eek:


Just like us adults, some of the cruise adult activities don't interest us so we don't attend them. It's the same for the kids, not all of the activities are going to be fun/exciting for them. We just have to plan around those activities and find something to do that is more appealing to them.

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We have been extremely lucky, our boys were 8 and 11 when they started cruising, both are very sociable and loved the camps (admittedly the younger one loved it more once he was 9 and could sign himself out and do the scavanger hunts) they are now 12 and 15 and still like the kids clubs though the teen ones are more to meet other teens on board and hang out than structured activities, still they enjoy them. We brought our 5 year old granddaughter a couple years ago and we werent sure what she was going to do since she is an only child and not very sociable, turned out we lucked out again and she loved the camp to the point where all we had to do to get her to listen was say "no camp carnival" then, and she did whatever we asked lol. We did see children who werent looking very happy in the camp room when we picked her up, but I think that if your child is having that bad a time or crying for you that the staff contact you.

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I think it is great you are raising your nephews, that is very admirable. And that is great that you have someone to leave them with when you need a break. Not everyone has that option.


I love hanging out in the pool with my son and running around waterworks, digging in the sand on the beach, etc. But I also like laying in a chair every now and then and doing nothing. Like I said, my husband and I have set our expectations differently for the next one and we will take turns if needed so we both get to do things we want.


Camp Carnival depends on the ship, so yes it is possible to blame them for lack of interest if they are not planning fun activities and engaging the kids - that is their job on the ship.


In closing, the point the OP was trying to make was for parents to set the expectation that their kids may not go to CC. Like her, I had read before how kids love it and it is so amazing and kids didn't want to leave. And for some it is not that way.


From the OP:


"Our whole cruise plan was changed by the fact that our kids did NOT like the camp. We thought we'd have time for relaxing, casino, 'couple time', etc. but our whole experience was shifted. "

"Me and the hubby had to take turns going to the casino, etc. because the kids were with us most of the time. "


Many people read the first post and saw these things. I apologize I didnt read further through where the OP said they wanted time once in a while.


As far as not having kids, I've been the one raising my nephews for the last 5 years. When I plan a vacation, I don't expect free time from the kids unless I've made specific arangments, IE a babysitter. I would never trust the camp to be something they would like not knowing ahead of time, I've learned in these 5 years, that they might not like whats offered and need to have something planned, not planning for it is asking for trouble. Even the campgrounds we go to has "daycamp" for kids, but I plan on something else just in case, and dont blame the campground for the kids not liking the activities. I also plan just me and my wife vacations, like the one coming up, the kids will be at grandma and grandpa's so we can get away for a little while.


Blaming carnival for your kids not liking the camp, and having to spend the entire time with them is like blaming a movie theater for you not liking a movie.

Edited by tkportersat
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Our kiddos didn't care for it too much either. My son (6) and our nieces (8 and 5) went for a couple of hours one day and were pretty much done with it after that.


Before hand, my son was so exited to do the night owls party, but after that 2 hours, he didn't want to anymore.


I really enjoy time with him, but have to say, having an hour or two of adult time each day sounded nice.

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With work, school, after school activities, homework and them hanging out with their friends, I never feel 'stuck'. I enjoy every minute with my family and not only don't mind it, I relish in it. I leave it entirely up to them in what they want and I thank g-d everyday that they want to be 'stuck' with us 24/7.


Just my opinion.


Agreed. I would not allow a 7 year old to run off on his own.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with those who want to spend as much time as possible with your children or those that say that they want to have a little bit of a break. I feel both of these at different times. LOL. See I work and I sometimes feel like I don't get to spend enough time with my DD. But she wears me out. She is 3 1/2 and obviously still very dependent (even though she does not think so). So it can be exhausting. 24/7 of waiting on a preschooler hand and foot can be a little overwhelming. But if she were older and it was mostly playing, talking, relaxing, it would be a little easier.


I feel for those that have went in with expectations of Camp Carnival and found it not to be the experience they hoped for. Last year our DD was 2 and we specifically picked a Carnival cruise because they start their kids program at 2. I had grand plans that she would go on sea days, play and have fun and maybe a few nights she would even stay late so we could go out. But the reality was: drop her off about 10, go to brunch. Finish brunch, go pick her up. Feed her lunch, try all afternoon to get her to nap (unsuccessfully). Then get ready for dinner. Either take her to the buffet and then camp, or take her to the camp dinner, or take her to dinner with us then camp. After about an hour or 2 at camp, we get the phone call that she is crying and wants us. So go pick her up. Go back to the room, deal with tantrums until she finally gives into sleep. Then repeat.


It had not occurred to me that camp would not work out. Okay, truthfully it occurred, but I thought she would calm down or they would make an effort to engage her and calm her down. That did not happen. I don't blame carnival for it. It is just life with a child unfortunately.


The cruise was pretty miserable. Was it carnival's fault. Nope. I blame my DD. ;) No, really it was a combination between my expectations and my DD being a 2 year old who does not like to nap. :eek: (And just to clarify I love my DD and don't blame her, so don't get all upset).


Yet, crazy as I am, we are taking her on a cruise this fall, a year and 1/2 later. Hopefully things will be better. At least I will be prepared for the possibility that camp does not work out. Now, I have to figure out how to conquer the napping issue. :confused:

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Well said :) The toddler period is tricky...My son is 4 and is very much in the arguing stage. I know we are at the tail end of this, I can see daily that he is maturing. I also know it gets better because I have already raised two (22 & 20). I didn't start cruising until after my first husband passed away, so my kids were 10 & 12 already. They loved Camp from the start, but who knows if they would have when they were younger.


I hope your next cruise experience goes a little smoother :)


I don't think there is anything wrong with those who want to spend as much time as possible with your children or those that say that they want to have a little bit of a break. I feel both of these at different times. LOL. See I work and I sometimes feel like I don't get to spend enough time with my DD. But she wears me out. She is 3 1/2 and obviously still very dependent (even though she does not think so). So it can be exhausting. 24/7 of waiting on a preschooler hand and foot can be a little overwhelming. But if she were older and it was mostly playing, talking, relaxing, it would be a little easier.


I feel for those that have went in with expectations of Camp Carnival and found it not to be the experience they hoped for. Last year our DD was 2 and we specifically picked a Carnival cruise because they start their kids program at 2. I had grand plans that she would go on sea days, play and have fun and maybe a few nights she would even stay late so we could go out. But the reality was: drop her off about 10, go to brunch. Finish brunch, go pick her up. Feed her lunch, try all afternoon to get her to nap (unsuccessfully). Then get ready for dinner. Either take her to the buffet and then camp, or take her to the camp dinner, or take her to dinner with us then camp. After about an hour or 2 at camp, we get the phone call that she is crying and wants us. So go pick her up. Go back to the room, deal with tantrums until she finally gives into sleep. Then repeat.


It had not occurred to me that camp would not work out. Okay, truthfully it occurred, but I thought she would calm down or they would make an effort to engage her and calm her down. That did not happen. I don't blame carnival for it. It is just life with a child unfortunately.


The cruise was pretty miserable. Was it carnival's fault. Nope. I blame my DD. ;) No, really it was a combination between my expectations and my DD being a 2 year old who does not like to nap. :eek: (And just to clarify I love my DD and don't blame her, so don't get all upset).


Yet, crazy as I am, we are taking her on a cruise this fall, a year and 1/2 later. Hopefully things will be better. At least I will be prepared for the possibility that camp does not work out. Now, I have to figure out how to conquer the napping issue. :confused:

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I think like many have said already, its hit or miss but I guess my wife and I have been lucky on our last three cruises as our now 5 and 8 year old daughters love CC. On our cruise two weeks ago I found myself asking the girls if they'd rather stay with us and do the water park, pool, ropes course or mini golf to no avail. Finally, we just started to set times that we would come get them and let them know that they were not being allowed to spend their entire days at camp, as we wanted to hang out with them. Night time was fine and I know the reason my oldest wanted to go was because of the night owls program and being able to stay up extra late for a week. I think it also depends on the CC staff. With our last two cruises being so close to each other and on the same ship we found the staff to be mostly the same, which made it even nicer for the girls since they were remembered. Sorry it didn't workout for OP and a few others.

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OP, thanks for your post. We're taking our grandsons who will be 7, 8, and 11 on their first cruise next summer. I'll have a back up plan in place in case they don't like the kids' club.


We started taking our son on annual cruises when he was nine in1993. He didn't like Camp Carnival at all but found that it was the perfect place to meet other boys his age on the first day. For the rest of the cruise, he and his merry gang would gamble for the mints they used to have at the entrance to the dining room and build card houses in the card room, eat lunch together on lido, and go to shows together. He even ate with his new friends' families a few times. We had this rule about him calling every 45 minutes or us checking on him. We took him with us at the ports.


Granddaughter liked Camp Carnival when she was 8 and 9. I noticed that she hung with Mom and Dad on the last two cruises.

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I would have to suggest next time you take couples cruise, don't bring the kids. It sounds like you didn't want a family vacation this time, so perhaps leave the kids at grandma's


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My thoughts exactly!!!!!! We always went on vacation with the Kids.:D:D Never counted on other people to babysit. Now we have our couple cruises since we are empty nester's. Just the way we are.:)

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My thoughts exactly!!!!!! We always went on vacation with the Kids.:D:D Never counted on other people to babysit. Now we have our couple cruises since we are empty nester's. Just the way we are.:)


Who cares if the OP wanted a vacation without the kids? We live 1200 miles away from all of our family. We take cruises because we want time alone and time with the kids. It is a win/win for everyone. If people didn't utilize kids clubs on cruises, cruise lines would not offer them. But, guess what! All "family" cruise lines do. So, that must mean that there is enough demand from parents who want time alone!



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Hmmm.. We went on the Fantasy back in May.. This does not sound like the Camp experience that my 7 year old had (since they were 6 and 8, they would have been paired together with the 6-8 year olds)..


Now, they did have relax time, Wii time and fun within the camp but they also went mini-golfing, eating ice cream at the buffet on the Lido deck, animal folding in the main theater, etc.


So, I would say, it may have been the counselors that were not doing THEIR job, on getting the kids active and going around the ship. My older kids actually loved Camp Carnival and can't wait to go back on another cruise (I had another daughter, age 10 and then 2 - 5 year old boys)...

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I dont know anything about CC, but have heard good things about it. But that doesnt mean it's a good fit for everyone. My suggestion would be before you decide NOT to take him on the next cruise....is maybe take a friend of his with you? Vs. going to CC he'd have a friend with him to run around and do things. He sounds very independent and mature, so it sounds like him and a friend off his choice would probably have a great time, leaving you worry free for some time of your own.



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its already booked for just the 2 of us. its no big deal to us to vacation without our son. we do things without him all the time. and we do things with him all the time. we're still husband and wife, not just mom and dad ;)

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We have also had the experience of our kids not enjoying CC. I agree that a new friend can make a big difference in enjoyment of their time spent there and we also review the next day's activities and they choose what activities they will attend.


Our last cruise was the most challenging for us because normally our 3 boys would be content there if they get a chance to play some electronics from time to time, but the staff was not good at monitoring who was playing and each time they went it was the same children who wouldn't get off to let others have a turn. (Even when they asked for help from the staff). I don't enjoy complaining but I was having conversations with the staff on a daily basis about different issues last time and eventually we just stopped trying after day 3 of the 8 day cruise.


All that being said, we are approaching our next cruise with a great attitude and the expectation that the kids will give it a try again and hopefully meet new friends, try new things and have a great time there.

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Well said :) The toddler period is tricky...My son is 4 and is very much in the arguing stage. I know we are at the tail end of this, I can see daily that he is maturing. I also know it gets better because I have already raised two (22 & 20). I didn't start cruising until after my first husband passed away, so my kids were 10 & 12 already. They loved Camp from the start, but who knows if they would have when they were younger.


I hope your next cruise experience goes a little smoother :)



You have kids in their 20s and a 4 yr old ????? My hat is off to you and I say God Bless.


My kids are all in their 20s now , and I could not imagine starting all over again. DW and I started pretty young so we are still pretty young and vital and our hitch is up *LOL* Three out of the house and the 4th is a possibility in the next year.

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Like!! :D


Who cares if the OP wanted a vacation without the kids? We live 1200 miles away from all of our family. We take cruises because we want time alone and time with the kids. It is a win/win for everyone. If people didn't utilize kids clubs on cruises, cruise lines would not offer them. But, guess what! All "family" cruise lines do. So, that must mean that there is enough demand from parents who want time alone!



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