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Child Drowns on Norwegian Cruise Ship, Second Child Airlifted to Hospital


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Why do we need to know?



We don't need to know.


A previous poster said lets not make a judgement until we have all the facts but we will never have the facts and we shouldn't. It doesn't mean we all can't discuss our opinions about it.

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Passengers on board should sue the parents, the ones truely responsible, for ruining their vacation.



How do you know the parents were onboard with the children?


I am sure these parents are suffering enough without you suggesting others should sue them.

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Passengers on board should sue the parents' date=' the ones truly responsible, for ruining their vacation.[/quote']



Here is another person that knows all the facts. They apparently know exactly what happen enough to consider a lawsuit. Since you have so many facts, can you please share with the rest of us exactly what happened.


And how these events place blame on specific persons?


We would all like to know.

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Passengers on board should sue the parents, the ones truely responsible, for ruining their vacation.


My vacation would have been ruined and most likely over when the tragedy occurred. I wouldn't for one second even think about suing the parents Or anyone else for that matter but instead would spend my time looking for a way to prevent a tragedy such as this from happening again.

Edited by Karysa
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Why is it a bad thing to ask about parental supervision?


Fact: A stranger pulled the children from the pool.


Fact: A stranger performed CPR until the crew arrived.


Fact: a grandmother accompanied a child to the hospital.


Where are the parents?


it's not lala land out there anymore. unfortunately many grandparents, usually single grandmothers, are raising their grandchildren these days. There are many reasons for this, some avoidable, some unavoidable, some due to just plain bad decisions on someone or anothers part. I have no comment on this phenomenon.


but that is not what I am interested in and I too would like to know if this terrible incident was caused by lack of supervision or something else.


there is nothing wrong with wanting to know what caused this drowning. That is not finger point, that is truly getting all the facts.

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My vacation would have been ruined and most likely over when the tragedy occurred. I wouldn't for one second even think about suing the parents Or anyone else for that matter but instead would spend my time looking for a way to prevent a tragedy such as this from happening again.


but you had no control over it. if you were a witness to this drowning I could understand your point. If you weren't, then the most you need do is offer sympathy to the family. but would you let it ruin your vacation if someone fell overboard as well? or if someone slipped and died? or a spouse threw their mate overboard?


seriously, sympathies to the family and increased vigiliance on your part if you have your kids in the pool is the best you could do unless of course you were trained to save lives and were the one to pull the kids out and give cpr.


I am just being realistic here because one cant control everything nor should one let those uncontrollable things control them..

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Here is another person that knows all the facts. They apparently know exactly what happen enough to consider a lawsuit. Since you have so many facts, can you please share with the rest of us exactly what happened.


And how these events place blame on specific persons?


We would all like to know.


I think the poster you quoted was being scarcastic

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We live in a society where very few are held accountable for their actions anymore. I, for one, feel sorry for everyone involved. This includes the passengers who had to witness such a tragedy. It is very hard to not place blame as someone should be held accountable. By someone, I'm not referring to the cruise line. The person who boarded the ship with two young boys accepted the responsibility. If the boys chose to swim, they should have been within arms length of them in the pool. I understand one cannot always tell when someone is drowning, but if you are NEXT to your child IN the water, you will know something is up. I'm sicken to think of the innocent life lost, and the little boy who will live with this the rest of his life. I also feel for the parents, siblings, and anyone else who loves/loved these precious little ones. This however does not excuse whomever was responsible. Yes, they will have to live with this for the rest of their lives, but is that enough? I'm not sure, as this was 100% preventable, and two little boys should not have to pay for actions of a careless adult/adults.

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but you had no control over it. if you were a witness to this drowning I could understand your point. If you weren't, then the most you need do is offer sympathy to the family. but would you let it ruin your vacation if someone fell overboard as well? or if someone slipped and died? or a spouse threw their mate overboard?


seriously, sympathies to the family and increased vigiliance on your part if you have your kids in the pool is the best you could do unless of course you were trained to save lives and were the one to pull the kids out and give cpr.


I am just being realistic here because one cant control everything nor should one let those uncontrollable things control them..


Right or wrong I would want off of the ship. I couldn't even think about having fun. I would not expect that everyone would feel like me. I would detest being there. It would haunt me every second.

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Right or wrong I would want off of the ship. I couldn't even think about having fun. I would not expect that everyone would feel like me. I would detest being there. It would haunt me every second.


fair enough. It just seems extreme to me. I feel better not letting things I can't control, control me. But I understand your point of view,

Edited by luvtheships
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I do respect those impacted, but I also question the childrens' supervision. This is a completely avoidable tragedy. A child drowned recently on I believe a Carnival cruise ship. Hopefully parents can learn from these tragedies that they must supervise their children at all times in the pools.


this is no ones fault but the parents. you swim at your own risk. The parents should go to jail and serve a life sentence. Doesn't matter what cruise line it happened on, it all falls on the parents.

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I know how much fun the common masses are having being hateful toward the parents of these boys, but I just wanted to add that even if the parents were on board, an NCL spokesperson wouldn't clarify if the children were supposed to be in the kids program or with their caregivers.


"It has several pool areas, including an aqua park with a play area for young children. There's also a supervised program for children ages 3 to 17 called Splash Academy.


"Norwegian Cruise Line spokeswoman AnneMarie Mathews declined to specify which pool the children were found near. She also declined to say whether the children signed into care at Splash Academy or were supervised by their family."


quote is from abc news


Do we actually want accurate details though, or is it more fun to kick a suffering family while they're down by writing pages and pages of guilt-inducing garbage without any facts?

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I know how much fun the common masses are having being hateful toward the parents of these boys, but I just wanted to add that even if the parents were on board, an NCL spokesperson wouldn't clarify if the children were supposed to be in the kids program or with their caregivers.


"It has several pool areas, including an aqua park with a play area for young children. There's also a supervised program for children ages 3 to 17 called Splash Academy.


"Norwegian Cruise Line spokeswoman AnneMarie Mathews declined to specify which pool the children were found near. She also declined to say whether the children signed into care at Splash Academy or were supervised by their family."


quote is from abc news


Do we actually want accurate details though, or is it more fun to kick a suffering family while they're down by writing pages and pages of guilt-inducing garbage without any facts?


I never knew about splash academy but my kids never went to the clubs either


However if the dead child drowned while in splash academy I most certainly do want details. As should every other cruiser.

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this is no ones fault but the parents. you swim at your own risk. The parents should go to jail and serve a life sentence. Doesn't matter what cruise line it happened on, it all falls on the parents.


I think comments like this are absolutely ridiculous. Most of you are jumping to serious conclusions that may or may not be true.

Fact: They haven't released if these babies were even related.

Fact: They haven't released how long these babies had been in the water before being found unresponsive. To prove negligence.

Fact: They haven't released if these children were actually in the care of the cruise ship kids group/program when the incident happened.

Fact: Most relatives even medically educated people freeze in a medical emergency and can not treat their family member.


I wonder how many people making these comments actually have children or grown children over the age of 18. Kids (And Parents) do some really stupid things, parental guidance or not.


A horrific tragedy happened and someones baby has died. Some of you are commenting the parent/grandmother needs to be held accountable and punished. Really?! How could they be punished any more then they already are?

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I think comments like this are absolutely ridiculous. Most of you are jumping to serious conclusions that may or may not be true.

Fact: They haven't released if these babies were even related.

Fact: They haven't released how long these babies had been in the water before being found unresponsive. To prove negligence.

Fact: They haven't released if these children were actually in the care of the cruise ship kids group/program when the incident happened.

Fact: Most relatives even medically educated people freeze in a medical emergency and can not treat their family member.


I wonder how many people making these comments actually have children or grown children over the age of 18. Kids (And Parents) do some really stupid things, parental guidance or not.


A horrific tragedy happened and someones baby has died. Some of you are commenting the parent/grandmother needs to be held accountable and punished. Really?! How could they be punished any more then they already are?


Trying to think logically here and when I read posts like those you refer to all I imagine are very angry types and I just ignore them because they want a reaction plain and simple and are purposely stirring the pot


It is especially amusing when someone says put the parents in jail. Comments like that should be ignored as we do not have definitive facts

Edited by Crusin6
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Right or wrong I would want off of the ship. I couldn't even think about having fun. I would not expect that everyone would feel like me. I would detest being there. It would haunt me every second.


Wow...I can understand being depressed and thinking about this tragedy, but IMHO there is such a thing as being too sensitive


once I was held up in traffic on 95 on my merrry way to the Port of Miami - a huge and very fatal wreck - body bags , rescue vehicles leaving with body bags and no siren - not needed...


I still went on the cruise,


Every time I leave my complex I see the spot where a neighbor was killed in a car accident - sad but I still drive and drive by it.


I am sure you pass by hospitals - children die in hospitals...I am sure you pass by those sad roadside "crosses" don't you?? Does that bother you??


Life goes on - of course not the same if you actually knew them, and unthinkable for the poor family - but for the rest of us?

I do feel especially bad for the good Samaritans who tried CPR...hopefully they can console themselves with knowing that one boy was apparently saved by their heroic efforts

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this is no ones fault but the parents. you swim at your own risk. The parents should go to jail and serve a life sentence. Doesn't matter what cruise line it happened on, it all falls on the parents.


I've always wondered why type of people, back in the day, were the leaders of the lynch mobs - you know, those ignorant, vile folks that would rile a group up, capture, torture and hang those who he felt were guilty, regardless of facts or evidence.


I hope you don't have kids, for several reasons.

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You can feel sorry for the parents and grandparents (and who wouldn't?!) and still place blame on whoever they were cruising with who should've been watching them. Kids are the responsibility of the adults they are with and NOT the cruiseline.


I doubt very much that they were 'escapees' from one of the kids programs. Those people are well trained, very responsible and keep a sharp eye on those kids at all times. At least that's what I've always found and I doubt that has changed.

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Had to add, USA today is reporting the boys were removed from the pool by employees of the cruise line. If this stands true, I find it very hard to believe that the adult responsible was as close as needed to the boys. I know I've not come across as very compassionate, however, it maddens me when children are alone on ships. Come on, we are talking about 4 & 6 year olds, on a ship, unsupervised. There is no excuse for this, EVER!!!! I hope this tragedy will remind everyone of the importance of swim lessons, that need repeated yearly, until the child is quite old. It may not have these precious boys, but who knows. Also, my heart goes out to whomever had to pull the little ones out. What a feeling that would be, very heroic, but sad. I'm sure its a memory that will live with them forever.

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Had to add, USA today is reporting the boys were removed from the pool by employees of the cruise line. If this stands true, I find it very hard to believe that the adult responsible was as close as needed to the boys. I know I've not come across as very compassionate, however, it maddens me when children are alone on ships. Come on, we are talking about 4 & 6 year olds, on a ship, unsupervised. There is no excuse for this, EVER!!!! I hope this tragedy will remind everyone of the importance of swim lessons, that need repeated yearly, until the child is quite old. It may not have these precious boys, but who knows. Also, my heart goes out to whomever had to pull the little ones out. What a feeling that would be, very heroic, but sad. I'm sure its a memory that will live with them forever.


Sometimes a parent can be close, but freezes. I was at a local pool once and a toddler was walking with his mother and he fell in the pool. The mother stood there frozen. Thank God a gentleman about 20 feet away saw it and ran and dove in and rescued the little boy. After her son was in the arms of the hero, the mother jumped in the pool.

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Since it keeps being mentioned on here, speculating if the kids might have been in Splash Academy or not. NCL's Splash Academy has nothing to do with water. They don't take the kids swimming, it is simply the name of the kids program on the ship, it is for 3-12 year olds. They do a lot of activities but swimming is not one of them.

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this is no ones fault but the parents. you swim at your own risk. The parents should go to jail and serve a life sentence. Doesn't matter what cruise line it happened on, it all falls on the parents.


Apparently this poster has enough facts to not only find the parents guilty, but to pass a sentence as well. Kind of wonder why we have a court system if it is this easy.


While we are at it, could you share exactly what happened so others can watch out for this sort of event in the future. It is amazing that some posters here have all the facts, but are not sharing them.

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