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More RCI Cost Cutting?

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actually he is not wrong, once at a gym i was using a dispenser in the shower i smelt something funny, and yeah someone puked or whatever inside it. :( it was very very gross and i still have a fear of them today, on the ship a brought small irish spring bars. and i lifted the lid and it was easy to open on RC.


Where did I say he is wrong? Where did I say you could not open them if you wanted?


My opinion on the matter still stands.

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Where did I say he is wrong? Where did I say you could not open them if you wanted?


My opinion on the matter still stands.


lol not sure why you are taking it so hostile, im just telling you my experience because like you i once thought who would do something like that, and ill tell you its a sick world friend.

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Because we use the fridge for my Insulin and Hubby's Embril which must stay cold plus fruit and juice we bring from the Jammer in case my diabetes is wonky with extra walking that day.


For the week it's our fridge and there isn't enough room with all the Woo Haa in it as well.


Special case, I know.



Not so special.....I also need the fridge for medical reasons. So, why doesn't RC ask on the reservation if we want the fridge empty or full? Wouldn't that save some money not having to pay someone to fill it? This RC employee could be doing something else.

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I would rather pay more for a cruise, way more, to be pampered and be surrounded by nice things. I absolutely hate cheap. It makes me cringe. When I pay 4000 - 6000 for a cruise and get a cheap single ply roll of toilet paper it makes me angry. Teeny tiny bars of soap are another thing. These things cost the cruise line pennies. Who cares if some strange passengers pack them to take them home. It would be so easy to provide nicer things and make the guests happy. I don't give a rats butt if they raise my fare to 4010 from 4000 to cover these nice things. My goodness, its a vacation at a nice resort, not a tent on the river.


Don't get me started on the tips included thing either. Just tacky tacky tacky.


The point is, the cruise lines will continue to cut until the Customer pushes back. If the Customer doesn't push back, they will continue to cut and/or raise prices. Its basic economics.


Just look at the airlines. It used to be nice to fly. Everyone got meals, good meals. Then it went to poor meals, then it went to none. Now it is like riding a filthy stinky city bus. But the planes are packed full. So the cuts will continue and the prices will continue to increase until the Customers push back.


If the standard Royal experience isn't the right one for you.....experience cruising on another cruise line, that has less cruisers and more luxurious services....or book on Royal and be in their Suites, where some of the extras will be found.


DH and I are not looking for the cheapest cruise fare, but a reasonable fare for a good vacation. Since at home I am not a 'pampered pet' I don't have to have extravagant pampering on vacation.

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Cuts and / or additional revenue streams can not be directly tied to lower cruise fares. People claim they are okay with cuts as to keep the base fare low, yet they offer no proof that those cuts have actually amounted to reduced prices. I might be inclined to agree with that mentality if it could be proven, but it can't, it hasn't, and it won't. Therefore my viewpoint is we pay the same but get less in return. Hardly a bargain deal.

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Cuts and / or additional revenue streams can not be directly tied to lower cruise fares. People claim they are okay with cuts as to keep the base fare low, yet they offer no proof that those cuts have actually amounted to reduced prices. I might be inclined to agree with that mentality if it could be proven, but it can't, it hasn't, and it won't. Therefore my viewpoint is we pay the same but get less in return. Hardly a bargain deal.


How long have you been cruising? If you can not see for yourself have drastically the prices have come down then it can not have been long. No way we are paying anywhere close to what we paid for the same cabin type today as when we started cruising 10 years ago.


There is proof of lower prices. You simply have to be interested enough to search it out rather than complain.

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How long have you been cruising? If you can not see for yourself have drastically the prices have come down then it can not have been long. No way we are paying anywhere close to what we paid for the same cabin type today as when we started cruising 10 years ago.


There is proof of lower prices. You simply have to be interested enough to search it out rather than complain.


My first cruise was in 1989 or 1990.


What we have seen the last few years is an industry driven to the need to produce profits PER QUARTER during a massive financial collapse and recession. Prices have been pared to the bone. Optional extras create additional revenue streams.


Some believe suite guests, cabana buyers, chefs packages diners, etc. are the ones that subsidize lower cost cruising. I don't subscribe to that viewpoint. Royal Caribbean, nor ANY other cruise line, has ever said we are introducing new revenue paths as a means to keep cruising base fare lower. THAT would be proof of the theory. I see it as less and less shipboard space available for the advertised fare when services and amenities become for a charge.


I am posting on the topic, that signifies to me that I have interest. We don't have to share opinions or viewpoints; I would not say that means you are not interested enough to be educated on the topic.


I'd love to know which new charges within the past 5 years have DIRECTLY correlated to lower cruise fare pricing...

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Some believe suite guests, cabana buyers, chefs packages diners, etc. are the ones that subsidize lower cost cruising. I don't subscribe to that viewpoint. Royal Caribbean, nor ANY other cruise line, has ever said we are introducing new revenue paths as a means to keep cruising base fare lower. THAT would be proof of the theory. I see it as less and less shipboard space available for the advertised fare when services and amenities become for a charge.


I'd love to know which new charges within the past 5 years have DIRECTLY correlated to lower cruise fare pricing...


Why would RCL or any other cruise line make public that they are introducing new revenue paths to be able to lower fares. Just look at history -- you don't need anyone to tell you if you follow simple logic.


All new charges have directly correlated to lower cruise fare pricing just as the reduction in some amenities have. No cruise line is every going to say that, but it is true.

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Cruiselines only have one Goal - MONEY !!!

A cruiseline isn´t in the Business to offer all for nothing, they are in the Business to make Money and that´s what I expect from them as from any other Business.


Of course their Primary Goal is not to Keep the base Price low. Their Primary Goal is to maximize Profit.

If you want to maximise Profit you must try to minimize your cost while maximizing the Price People are paying.


With all this the companies Need to find the Balance between what People are willing / able to afford for a certain product. This of course Needs to take the economy into account as especially with cruiselines we are talking about available disposable income.


Then of course it´s a matter of which Segment of the market a Company wants to place themself into. Like RCI is a massmarket line and not a luxury line.


With this in mind they will have to find out how much they can take away from their product to reduce cost and what will be the breaking Point of what are People willing to pay for their product.


They rightfully don´t care if they take away stuff like space onboard which was fromerly available to all, if they can still maintain their Profit margins by keeping fares at a Level People are still booking and at the same time get People to pay extra for the space they formerly gave away for all included in the Price.


If you don´t like it, there´s only one Thing for you to effectively do - you need to stop buying the product. Only if the Business recognizes a drop in sales volume they will either further drop the Price or upgrade their product.


So cruiselines are not adding extra charges to Keep the cruise fare lower, they Need to Keep the base fare low to maintain their sales volume and to be able to do this they Need to generate more extra Revenue.


It´s Kind of a discussion about what´s first hen or egg.

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A London hotel submitted the following exchange of letters to the Sunday Times.


Dear Maid,


Please do not leave any more of those little bars of soap in my bathroom since I have brought my own bath-sized Imperial Leather.


Please remove the six unopened little bars from the shelf under the medicine chest and another three in the shower soap dish. They are in my way.


Thank you,

S. Berman




Dear Room 635,


I am not your regular maid. She will be back tomorrow, Thursday, from her day off.

I took the 3 hotel soaps out of the shower soap dish as you requested. The 6 bars on your shelf I took out of your way and put on top of your Kleenex dispenser in case you should change your mind. This leaves only the 3 bars I left today which my instructions from the management are to leave 3 soaps daily.


I hope this is satisfactory.



Relief Maid




Dear Maid


I hope you are my regular maid.


Apparently Kathy did not tell you about my note to her concerning the little bars of soap. When I got back to my room this evening, I found you had added 3 little Camays to the shelf under my medicine cabinet.


I am going to be here in the hotel for two weeks and have brought my own bath-size Imperial Leather, so I won't need those 6 little Camays, which are on the shelf. They are in the way when shaving, brushing teeth, etc.


Please remove them.


S. Berman




Dear Mr. Berman,


The assistant manager, Mr. Kensedder, informed me this morning that you called him last evening and said you were unhappy with your maid service. I have assigned a new girl to your room. I hope you will accept my apologies for any past inconvenience.


If you have any future complaints, please contact me so I can give it my personal attention. Call extension xxxx between 8AM and 5PM.


Thank you.

Elaine Carmen





Dear Miss Carmen,


It is impossible to contact you by phone since I leave the hotel for business at 7:45 AM and don't get back before 5:30 or 6.00 PM. That's the reason I called Mr. Kensedder last night. You were already off duty. I only asked Mr. Kensedder if he could do anything about those little bars of soap.


The new maid you assigned me must have thought I was a new check in today, since she left another 3 bars of hotel soap in my medicine cabinet, along with her regular delivery of 3 bars on the bathroom shelf.


In just 5 days here I have accumulated 24 little bars of soap. Why are you doing this to me?


S. Berman




Dear Mr. Berman,


Your maid, Kathy, has been instructed to stop delivering soap to your room and to remove the extra soaps.


If I can be of further assistance, please call extension 1108 between 8 AM and 5 PM.


Thank you,

Elaine Carmen,





Dear Mr. Kensedder,


My bath-size Imperial Leather is missing. Every bar of soap was taken from my room, including my own bath-size Imperial Leather.


I came in late last night and had to call the bellhop to bring me 4 little Cashmere Bouquets.


S. Berman




Dear Mr.. Berman,


I have informed our housekeeper, Elaine Carmen, of your soap problem. I cannot understand why there was no soap in your room since our maids are instructed to leave 3 bars of soap each time they service a room.


The situation will be rectified immediately.


Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.


Martin L. Kensedder

Assistant Manager




Dear Mrs. Carmen,


Who the hell left 54 little bars of Camay in my room?


I came in last night and found 54 little bars of soap. I don't want 54 little bars of Camay. I want my one damn bar of bath-size Imperial Leather.


Do you realize I have 54 bars of soap in here? All I want is my bath-size Imperial Leather.

Please give me back my bath-size Imperial Leather.


S. Berman




Dear Mr.. Berman,


You complained of too much soap in your room, so I had them removed.


Then you complained to Mr.. Kensedder that all your soap was missing, so I personally returned them. The 24 Camays which had been taken and the 3 Camays you are supposed to receive daily.


I don't know anything about the 4 Cashmere Bouquets.


Obviously your maid, Kathy, did not know I had returned your soaps, so she also brought 24 Camays plus the 3 daily Camays.


I don't know where you got the idea this hotel issues bath-size Imperial Leather.


I was able to locate some bath-size Ivory which I left in your room.


Elaine Carmen





Dear Mrs.. Carmen,


Just a short note to bring you up-to-date on my latest soap inventory.


As of today I possess:


* On the shelf under the medicine cabinet -18 Camay in 4 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.

* On the Kleenex dispenser - 11 Camay in 2 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 3.

* On the bedroom dresser - 1 stack of 3 Cashmere Bouquet, 1 stack of 4 hotel-size Ivory, and 8 Camay in 2 stacks of 4.

* Inside the medicine cabinet - 14 Camay in 3 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.

* In the shower soap dish - 6 Camay, very moist.

* On the northeast corner of the tub - 1 Cashmere Bouquet, slightly used.

* On the northwest corner of the tub - 6 Camays in 2 stacks of 3.


Please ask Kathy when she services my room to make sure the stacks are neatly piled and dusted. Also, please advise her that stacks of more than 4 have a tendency to tip.

May I suggest that my bedroom window sill is not in use and will make an excellent spot for future soap deliveries.


One more item, I have purchased another bar of bath-size Imperial Leather, which I am keeping in the hotel vault in order to avoid further misunderstandings.


S. Berman

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Cuts and / or additional revenue streams can not be directly tied to lower cruise fares. People claim they are okay with cuts as to keep the base fare low, yet they offer no proof that those cuts have actually amounted to reduced prices. I might be inclined to agree with that mentality if it could be proven, but it can't, it hasn't, and it won't. Therefore my viewpoint is we pay the same but get less in return. Hardly a bargain deal.
Why would RCL or any other cruise line make public that they are introducing new revenue paths to be able to lower fares. Just look at history -- you don't need anyone to tell you if you follow simple logic.


All new charges have directly correlated to lower cruise fare pricing just as the reduction in some amenities have. No cruise line is every going to say that, but it is true.

Another way to verify that cuts in cruise fares ARE directly related to additional sources of on-board revenue is simply to read & study RCI's financial statements. You'll find that fares alone vs. overall costs would result in the corporation operating at a loss. I think it's quite obvious that RCI would not lower fares to, on average, a below costs level if it were not for the fact that they've been able to establish other revenue streams enabling them to make the profit they need to survive, please stockholders & remain viable.


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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As I responded in my previous quote, RCL does not seem to be your cruise line as it is for the masses. You should try a more upscale line where you are pampered from head to toe.


I'm perplexed by your tirade about tipping. Are you complaining that a) it's too low, b) it should be included in the cruise fare or c) added to any bar drinks or specialty restaurant that you purchase. I would think that you would be happy that it is daily rate is added to your folio, and at the end of your cruise you can give extra to those that provided maximum service. That is what I do. Do you want to go back to the envelope thingy?


Thanks. I am guessing that it can go both ways. Perhaps I should remain loyal to Royal, help improve it with my sacks of money, and you should ponder moving to a downscaled line if a $50 fare increase is too much. Just kidding. But it is funny how people pressure other people to leave their party if they are the least bit different.


In response to your questions about my position on tipping a) it is neither too low or too high, it simply should not be added to the receipt. b) If a tip is mandatory, it is no longer a tip. It should simply be added to their wage and reflected in the cruise fare. It is only done this way to enable a lower advertised cruise fare with hidden surcharges as airlines do with luggage fees. At some companies, tips are preferred as they can evade some taxes. c) A tip should not be "added" to anything by anyone but me. No person is entitled to a tip. They must earn a tip. Sadly, simply by showing up, people expect 15% these days. But exceptional service may earn you as little as 20% and as much as 1000% ($100 on a $10 receipt) in my book. The envelope thingy, as you call it, is a waste of envelopes. I have no need for them. They serve no other purpose than to remind people to tip.

Edited by TubbyMrT
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Why would RCL or any other cruise line make public that they are introducing new revenue paths to be able to lower fares. Just look at history -- you don't need anyone to tell you if you follow simple logic.


All new charges have directly correlated to lower cruise fare pricing just as the reduction in some amenities have. No cruise line is every going to say that, but it is true.


But I think the point is that the cruise lines use extra charges and cuts in amenities to make up for having to cut cruise fares to sell the cabins. If they could get away with adding the extra charges, cutting amenities, and not cutting cruise fares I am sure that they would. But they have to move the cabins or extra charges and amenity cuts are meaningless. I sense that they are trying to ascertain which extra charges people will be willing to pay and which amenity cuts people will be willing to accept. But, hey, if they can get people to pay for a cupcake on a ship that is loaded with stuff to eat that costs nothing extra then that pretty much says it all.

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But I think the point is that the cruise lines use extra charges and cuts in amenities to make up for having to cut cruise fares to sell the cabins. If they could get away with adding the extra charges, cutting amenities, and not cutting cruise fares I am sure that they would. But they have to move the cabins or extra charges and amenity cuts are meaningless. I sense that they are trying to ascertain which extra charges people will be willing to pay and which amenity cuts people will be willing to accept. But, hey, if they can get people to pay for a cupcake on a ship that is loaded with stuff to eat that costs nothing extra then that pretty much says it all.


Yes, Doc, I agree it's all about filling those cabins and hoping the folks will spend money on something extra once onboard. (anything!) It seems like, as of now, they are forced to reduce fares last minute to fill all cabins but some of that was brought on by them. (larger ships with so many more cabins and everyone wants to cruise those, not the smaller ships)


As for paying for cupcakes or other things already available for no extra charge, those who are buying are probably the same ones complaining about cruise prices.

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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately as a society we in general are too blame for things loosing their luster....


Who would have ever guessed that a company selling things for $1 would ever make it....and just one of them has just become a $20 billion company....and that's just in North America....


We want more, we want it cheaper and we want it NOW!


This system just doesn't work....it has to give somewhere....


I paid more for my first cruise I did in 1998 then I am paying today....


Today I pay less and I get less....


Royal Caribbean in my opinion is still the best at this time! and that's why we keep sailing....

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Unfortunately as a society we in general are too blame for things loosing their luster....


Who would have ever guessed that a company selling things for $1 would ever make it....and just one of them has just become a $20 billion company....and that's just in North America....


We want more, we want it cheaper and we want it NOW!


This system just doesn't work....it has to give somewhere....


I paid more for my first cruise I did in 1998 then I am paying today....


Today I pay less and I get less....


Royal Caribbean in my opinion is still the best at this time! and that's why we keep sailing....



All points well taken, and well made.

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A London hotel submitted the following exchange of letters to the Sunday Times.


Dear Maid,


Please do not leave any more of those little bars of soap in my bathroom since I have brought my own bath-sized Imperial Leather.


Please remove the six unopened little bars from the shelf under the medicine chest and another three in the shower soap dish. They are in my way.





OMG - this post had me laughing so hard I literally (and I do mean "literally") was crying. I am so happy I work from home or else any co-workers I shared an office with would have thought I had finally lost it :eek:


For anyone who might have missed the entire post, it's #261.


Petesweet - if we ever cross paths on a ship, please remind me of this post.... you deserve a drink on me for the great laugh :D



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