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Attention Flowboarders!


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I can confirm that the Flowrider on Navigator is a double and they do use an inflatable divider to let two people boogie board at once.


Glad to hear they got a divider. When we were on in April they didn't split it, and the lines were so bad that my youngest would line up right before the stand-up session ended, do one ride, and the line would be so long that he wouldn't bother waiting.

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I have a 38" Shuvit and Frank has a 42 Shuvit and we have a bag from Waveloch to carry them in.


Then about an hour later the guy who runs the place came in to ride and saw me using that old board and said they had a brand-new 41" Carve they were selling...My board has the channels which some people say don't make a difference, but the original Carve I used didn't have them and the one I bought does, and I felt there was a difference.


I have a question for both of you Charger and mil76 since you own your own boards.


For fathers day my wonderful wife has offered to get me Waveloch board or two!! She is a great wife, I tell you. While on the ship I only ride their 39" Outlaw. I do not like the longer boards. Anyhow, after reading this thread and following the FlowRider website I am looking at the a few different boards and would like some input from you, or others reading this post in regards to their own boards. I am thinking a board with channels is the way to go.


The one choice is a 39″ Carve Flowboard with channels. A rather simple choice I think.


The other two that I am looking at and are not exactly sure which would be better the the following two.

A) 38″ Shuvit Flowboard with channels Image below through the link.



B) 38″ SC Shuvit Channel Flowboard -- The board comes standard with channels and the side cut shape allows for quicker more responsive turns and goes faster from rail to rail than any other board in the line. Image below through the link.



So what are your thoughts to the three boards. Any two of these will cost the same as one of the Outlaw boards and IMHO they (Outlaw) are not that great, even though I have never rode anything else. Oh, and I forgot to mention I can get a bag as well. Not that it should matter but I am 42, about 5'10" and weigh about 195lbs. I did mention she is the smartest, and most wonderful wife didn't I.:D


Thanks for your time and input.


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39″ Carve Flowboard with channels.


That's the board I have, very stable and carves well (thus the name)


38″ Shuvit Flowboard with channels


My son has this board, very similar to the carve, turns a little quicker in my opinion.


38″ SC Shuvit Channel Flowboard


The instructor let me try his, way to quick in my opinion.


I also have a 42" Shuvit, too hard for me to turn (it's for sale)


Best to become friends with your fellow flowriders and try out the various boards before you purchase or you will end up trying to resell a bad choice.



P.S. - I'm 62, 5'-8" and 170 pounds and have been flowriding since the Freedom came out 8 years ago.

Edited by loudbmw
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39″ Carve Flowboard with channels.


That's the board I have, very stable and carves well (thus the name)


38″ Shuvit Flowboard with channels


My son has this board, very similar to the carve, turns a little quicker in my opinion.


38″ SC Shuvit Channel Flowboard


The instructor let me try his, way to quick in my opinion.


I also have a 42" Shuvit, too hard for me to turn (it's for sale)


Best to become friends with your fellow flowriders and try out the various boards before you purchase or you will end up trying to resell a bad choice.



P.S. - I'm 62, 5'-8" and 170 pounds and have been flowriding since the Freedom came out 8 years ago.


Thanks for the info loudbmw. I am leaning towards the 38" channel shuvit as the one for sure. I have a feeling that the 38" sc channel might be too responsive.


I was also emailing with a friend who has an Ash board, who loves it, and he gave me some recommendations on the Ash. His best advice was get a Waveloch and an Ash board and take them both to the ship. That way you can use one for sure, and the Ash if the sports staff will allow it.


Where we live the nearest flowrider that allows standup is close to 4 hours away. I do all of my riding on the ship, and I have only once seen a person bring their own board, and never thought to ask about trying it. I have only been riding for 3 years this fall, even though I have been on The Oasis class many more times. It took me a while to try it, then it became an addiction.


On a side note I love your CC name. As a car guy, we have 9 for two drivers, I can only invision your ride.

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I am an old guy who used to surf many years ago but drifted away from the sport. Had not been on a board for over 25 years but ended up on an Oasis cruise and checked out the flow rider. Spent a few days enjoying watching the good guys carve it up. Eventually I decided to try the BB side and found it very easy both lying and kneeling so I decided to risk my old brittle ones on the stand up. Had a blast and regrated not giving it a go earlier.


The only downside was the long lines (kept me away from scrabble and bingo LOL:D). Fast forward and I will be more than likely cruising on Quantum on a few legs of it's journey to China next year. Anyone know what the flow rider set will be on Quantum? Will it be similar to Oasis? As it is a long repo cruise my guess is that the lines will be a lot shorter.

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The Flowrider experience on Oasis was one of the top 10 memories of that cruise.


Having determined ahead of time that I didn't want to be fodder for laughter by large crowds - have never surfed nor been on Flowrider before that time - I signed up for a morning lesson session.


There were 5 of us in this group. After 10 minutes of each of us being taught and trying the "belly board"...2 of the folks called it a day - they said they simply "couldn't get it". One other person left after another 5-10 minutes.


That left a nice 50-something gentleman and me for the remaining 35-40 minutes or so. He had mentioned that he had extensive experience surfing all over the world...but after about 20 minutes of being "trained" on Flowrider...he commented "this is a lot different...and harder...than surfing..."

He lasted about another 10-15 minutes...so I had Flowrider to myself for the last 10-15 minutes.


The trainers were actually very good. Make no mistake...this is about balance and control...as well as understanding how small adjustments can make big differences in the results.


The bottom line is that not only was it well worth the experience...I actually managed a 1 1/2 minute stretch (twice) without wiping out. My wife filmed (and took video) of the who thing. Once you get a bit used to it...you actually can manage to "ride" with some confidence...and I'm not a 20-year-old or even close.


No guts no glory... :D


I would recommend doing Flowrider for sure...as well as the lesson session...and welcome the chance to do it again next year on Allure.

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Wow! I was on my 1st ship with a flowrider last year and I didn't realize that there are folks who takes flowriding so seriously that they bring their own boards. Although there was adults using it as well as teens and kids and I had plan on doing it but never got a chance to, I thought it was just an amusement type thing for folks like at the local water park. This was a interesting read. :cool:

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Thanks for the info loudbmw. I am leaning towards the 38" channel shuvit as the one for sure. I have a feeling that the 38" sc channel might be too responsive.


I was also emailing with a friend who has an Ash board, who loves it, and he gave me some recommendations on the Ash. His best advice was get a Waveloch and an Ash board and take them both to the ship. That way you can use one for sure, and the Ash if the sports staff will allow it.


Where we live the nearest flowrider that allows standup is close to 4 hours away. I do all of my riding on the ship, and I have only once seen a person bring their own board, and never thought to ask about trying it. I have only been riding for 3 years this fall, even though I have been on The Oasis class many more times. It took me a while to try it, then it became an addiction.


On a side note I love your CC name. As a car guy, we have 9 for two drivers, I can only invision your ride.


Are we long lost brothers? We have 5 vehicles amongst two people. My brother has an entire warehouse full of vintage cars, tons of Corvettes but others as well. Of course, my brothers are all American cars and mine all foreign.




PS I am heading to Ontario next week, heading to Trout Lake via Winnipeg and Red Lake.

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I am an old guy who used to surf many years ago but drifted away from the sport. Had not been on a board for over 25 years but ended up on an Oasis cruise and checked out the flow rider. Spent a few days enjoying watching the good guys carve it up. Eventually I decided to try the BB side and found it very easy both lying and kneeling so I decided to risk my old brittle ones on the stand up. Had a blast and regrated not giving it a go earlier.


The only downside was the long lines (kept me away from scrabble and bingo LOL:D). Fast forward and I will be more than likely cruising on Quantum on a few legs of it's journey to China next year. Anyone know what the flow rider set will be on Quantum? Will it be similar to Oasis? As it is a long repo cruise my guess is that the lines will be a lot shorter.


Are you on the Quantum for the full Repo? If so you should have a lot of time on the flowrider. That said, the first hour every morning should be advanced stand-up which is usually, even on the Oasis, a group of about 8-10 max. So, you can get a lot of rides in that first hour. If you are doing a many day repo that may be the right amount. That said, any cruise without a lot of kids, such as a transatlantic will rarely have more than 15 that will ride a lot. On the Oasis 7 nighters, I surfed less than the Freedom because the kiddies show up in droves when they are on the ship. I am hopeful that my 2014 Oasis cruise is timed better than last years. As we had about 1000 kids from Brazil and Costa Rica. I tried to figure out why they were on holiday and I think I should be good next year. Time will tell, probably find some other national holiday that I didn't anticipate.:eek::D



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I have a question for both of you Charger and mil76 since you own your own boards.


For fathers day my wonderful wife has offered to get me Waveloch board or two!! She is a great wife, I tell you. While on the ship I only ride their 39" Outlaw. I do not like the longer boards. Anyhow, after reading this thread and following the FlowRider website I am looking at the a few different boards and would like some input from you, or others reading this post in regards to their own boards. I am thinking a board with channels is the way to go.


The one choice is a 39″ Carve Flowboard with channels. A rather simple choice I think.


The other two that I am looking at and are not exactly sure which would be better the the following two.

A) 38″ Shuvit Flowboard with channels Image below through the link.



B) 38″ SC Shuvit Channel Flowboard -- The board comes standard with channels and the side cut shape allows for quicker more responsive turns and goes faster from rail to rail than any other board in the line. Image below through the link.



So what are your thoughts to the three boards. Any two of these will cost the same as one of the Outlaw boards and IMHO they (Outlaw) are not that great, even though I have never rode anything else. Oh, and I forgot to mention I can get a bag as well. Not that it should matter but I am 42, about 5'10" and weigh about 195lbs. I did mention she is the smartest, and most wonderful wife didn't I.:D


Thanks for your time and input.



I have not tried the Carve, but I do not care for the Outlaws at all. I like the Shuvit I have. Frank has the Shuvit SC and everyone loves that board. You will pay twice for an Outlaw what you will for a Carve or Shuvit and personally, even though they are heavier, I like the wood boards WITH channels. Just be sure that you maintain the bottom of that board so you don't get wood rot.

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I have not tried the Carve, but I do not care for the Outlaws at all. I like the Shuvit I have. Frank has the Shuvit SC and everyone loves that board. You will pay twice for an Outlaw what you will for a Carve or Shuvit and personally, even though they are heavier, I like the wood boards WITH channels. Just be sure that you maintain the bottom of that board so you don't get wood rot.


I chatted with the guys at Flowrider today and they were really helpfull. After my discussion I am going to go with the 38 shuvit. Once I am more comfortable with my new board I could always get a faster board.


Charger, I do have one question. How do you maintain the bottom to avoid board rot?




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Looks like you already made the decision, but here's another vote for the 39" Carve with channels. I was using the boat's Outlaws for many cruises and although I was doing OK, I couldn't carve the way I wanted. I tried someone's old Carve and my carving increased dramatically. The place I tried the Carve had one with channels for sale, so I bought it immediately and have never looked back. I'm not going pro anytime soon, but I sure have a blast with it now.

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Looks like you already made the decision, but here's another vote for the 39" Carve with channels. I was using the boat's Outlaws for many cruises and although I was doing OK, I couldn't carve the way I wanted. I tried someone's old Carve and my carving increased dramatically. The place I tried the Carve had one with channels for sale, so I bought it immediately and have never looked back. I'm not going pro anytime soon, but I sure have a blast with it now.


Mil76, I figure after a years worth of cruising I might get another board. Russ Lomas, who has posted on this thread, has an Ash board and lives 40 minutes from our house. I saw him this weekend at a car show and we were chatting about going to the nearest Flowrider this summer for a road trip. I figure he can try my board and likewise. From everything I read and through discussions channels are a definite must have, no matter what the board or brand.


At 42, I have no intention of going pro but I would like to have a fighting chance in the BOB against an 11 year old girl with the cute factor all over her. :p

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Mil76, I figure after a years worth of cruising I might get another board. Russ Lomas, who has posted on this thread, has an Ash board and lives 40 minutes from our house. I saw him this weekend at a car show and we were chatting about going to the nearest Flowrider this summer for a road trip. I figure he can try my board and likewise. From everything I read and through discussions channels are a definite must have, no matter what the board or brand.


At 42, I have no intention of going pro but I would like to have a fighting chance in the BOB against an 11 year old girl with the cute factor all over her. :p


Yeah, I'm 46 so I don't see professional flowboarding anywhere in my future. I'm like you where I just want to be able to get into BOB on my cruises and maybe one day by dumb luck win one. I'm still steaming that they didn't do a BOB on the Navigator in April, after I got my board and made a huge leap in my riding. That was my best shot ever, as I think my 15 year old DS, who has benefited from the new board as well, is going to be better than me within the next few months. I guess it's time to start cruising without him.


You know you have it bad when you start doing Flowrider road trips. We have done the drive to Albuquerque 4 times since December and are going again in 2 weeks, and we even have season passes to a Flowrider 6 hours away!

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Yeah, I'm 46 so I don't see professional flowboarding anywhere in my future. I'm like you where I just want to be able to get into BOB on my cruises and maybe one day by dumb luck win one. I'm still steaming that they didn't do a BOB on the Navigator in April, after I got my board and made a huge leap in my riding. That was my best shot ever, as I think my 15 year old DS, who has benefited from the new board as well, is going to be better than me within the next few months. I guess it's time to start cruising without him.


You know you have it bad when you start doing Flowrider road trips. We have done the drive to Albuquerque 4 times since December and are going again in 2 weeks, and we even have season passes to a Flowrider 6 hours away!


Ya, I'd say you have it bad. I think our drive is around 2 hours or so and a boarder crossing into the states. Yes it sounds like your DS soon needs to stay home.


I ordered my board today, a Shuvit 38" with channels. The colour is Rasta Camo. No one will confuse it as their own. The only thing I will feel a bit strange about is carrying to and holding it at the Flowrider. I guess it is a first world problem.


I was in the top three in the BOB last cruise and really it was the 11 year old with the cute factor that won. The other guy and myself were tied by audience cheer, but maybe I was a bit better:p. I did win the best wipeout, but that might have been the unofficial first place?? Anyhow she was a nice girl to chat with in the lines and secretly I was cheering for her too. Cute factor does count.

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Are we long lost brothers? We have 5 vehicles amongst two people. My brother has an entire warehouse full of vintage cars, tons of Corvettes but others as well. Of course, my brothers are all American cars and mine all foreign.




PS I am heading to Ontario next week, heading to Trout Lake via Winnipeg and Red Lake.


JC, my long lost brother. We have many classic mustangs, a couple new ones, a hybrid, and a few more rides. I should post a pic one day.


Have a safe trip in Northern Ontario. Red lake is in the middle of nowhere. You going fishing or just an adventure? I have been to Winnipeg numerous times and driven through northern Ontario at least half a dozen times. Pack the Deet and bug spray and have fun, whatever the occasion.



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Yep, Trout Lake has basically two fishing lodges on it and nothing else. I think it was commercially fished half a century ago. It is completely nowhere float plane to and from.


That said, walleye, fried potatoes and beer. Yum.



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Shoot, got in too late I am actually selling my 38in Shuvit and I have only used it 3 times. Found we like the 39in outlaw better.


Lauren, what are you asking for your board and where are you located? I have a 16.5 yo who lives for the flowrider and has been lucky enough to be allowed to use the private boards of several passengers/flowriders on previous cruises. He really would improve with his own board, as many have already stated.


Maybe we can work something out.

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Charger, I do have one question. How do you maintain the bottom to avoid board rot?





Padding – super glue if it starts to peel up


Sand with fine or super fine steel wool – #4/0

High gloss minwax quick dry poly – clear gloss

Steel wool in between coats

3-5 coats of the poly


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Padding – super glue if it starts to peel up


Sand with fine or super fine steel wool – #4/0

High gloss minwax quick dry poly – clear gloss

Steel wool in between coats

3-5 coats of the poly



How often are you doing this maintenance on the board? I posted above to Lauren who is looking to sell a 38" Shuvit because I have a 16.5 yo for whom I might want to buy it. I'd want to be sure to maintain the board for long term use. Since we don't live that close to a flowrider, we are limited in when we would use the board, so we'd get more life out of it if properly maintained.

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How often are you doing this maintenance on the board? I posted above to Lauren who is looking to sell a 38" Shuvit because I have a 16.5 yo for whom I might want to buy it. I'd want to be sure to maintain the board for long term use. Since we don't live that close to a flowrider, we are limited in when we would use the board, so we'd get more life out of it if properly maintained.


The decking just depends on how well it holds up. Those usually don't need to be fixed or maintained very often unless it gets dropped on the cement or kicked around or dropped while at the Flowrider.


For the bottom we will redo that after every cruise and for home use since we go to the waterpark every weekend, usually after two or three weekends we will reapply the poly.


Frank redid the park boards less than a month ago and because they get used so much and kicked around, you can already see where pieces of wood are chipping out and the decking is coming up. Once that wood is exposed and if not fixed properly and quickly, there is a good chance of wood rot and compromising the board.


I purchased my board from a kid at the water park who wanted an Ash board and he had taken the decking off of it, put some skateboard deck on there and then filled it all in with wood putty. It was a mess. Frank Drimmeled it all out, purchased some EVA foam from HydroTurf and sanded and resurfaced the bottom. My board still looks brand new :)


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Here is the bottom of my board. As you can see, it took some sanding to get it back to pristine condition because he ended up sanding all of the waveloch logos off in the process. :D


Now that bottom is a beautiful thing. I think that he'd improve so rapidly if he had his own board but I'd prefer to get a used one since we just don't have a water park within easy driving distance where we can go on a regular basis. We try to cruise on Freedom class twice a year, and you never know when you'll find yourself near a flowrider. So buying new doesn't make sense for him. Kind of my thinking for when I buy him a car late this year. He definitely does NOT need new LOL!!!


Do you know of anyone looking to sell a board? Lauren is selling a 38" Shuvit which I think would be good for him, but what do I know?

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Now that bottom is a beautiful thing. I think that he'd improve so rapidly if he had his own board but I'd prefer to get a used one since we just don't have a water park within easy driving distance where we can go on a regular basis. We try to cruise on Freedom class twice a year, and you never know when you'll find yourself near a flowrider. So buying new doesn't make sense for him. Kind of my thinking for when I buy him a car late this year. He definitely does NOT need new LOL!!!


Do you know of anyone looking to sell a board? Lauren is selling a 38" Shuvit which I think would be good for him, but what do I know?


That is what my board is, a 38" Shuvit with channels. I love that board and I have tried several others but always go back to mine.


There is someone on the FB Flow Family page that is selling that board. He wants $150 for it, said he has ridden it a total of 9 times. I can get his email address if you would like. I would offer a $100 and see if you can meet in the middle. Or see what price Lauren is willing to offer for hers and if it has channels.


I was lucky and my board was only $60; HOWEVER, we then had to purchase the EVA foam and the smallest size sheet you can get is $75 but we can get three boards out of one sheet if cut correctly.:D

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