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Cruise Etiquette: What have passengers done onboard your cruise that was rude?

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I get it just fine. People are complaining about a POTENTIAL PROBLEM. When there's a real problem, it's easy to fix. Maybe I just have a different approach to things.


Not a single person here as said "I couldn't find a place to sit, and somebody was reading, and they wouldn't move." Everybody has said (basically) "I saw somebody reading". whine, whine, whine.


If it's really a problem you ask somebody to move. If you don't have to ask somebody to move, then it's not really a problem.


OMG! What world do you live in where you are Queen? Yes you have a different approach. You are important and no one else is. You are the perfect example of ME ME ME. I find it hard to relate to someone who is so self involved that they see no other view them theirs.

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If somebody behaves rudely about my reading in an eating area, I'll still share the table if they need a place to sit. But I'm going to stay put and continue to read until they leave (that's the counterproductive part).


Just imagine how nice it would be if there were a couple of dozen people on your cruise that acted just like you.:rolleyes::eek:


Think about it.

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IMO reading at the table is NOT rude, BUT, if the buffet is full, it is highly INCONSIDERATE to say the very least, as is card playing at these same tables, or just sitting there to enjoy the view, in areas such as Alaska.



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I like that idea. Just to give a teeny bit of justification for scooters running into people I'll use Disneyland as an example.

Not cruise related BUT. ..

We were at Disneyworld on a MakeAWish trip. My daughter was in a wheelchair. There was so many people that would cut me off as I was pushing her, or come to a complete stop in the middle of the walkway to do nothing other than takk on their phone or start eating. What really took the cake for me was during parades or open air shows people would come stand in front of her blocking her view.


As far as on a cruise I wish they would have elevator etiquette posted by the doors. That way I could point it out to people that needed a reminder.




sent from my broken Samsung

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jrose1982 - taking up any seat in a dining facility for the sole purpose of reading is rude. Any way you spin it, it's still rude. It's not only rude....it doesn't make sense. It's like eating dinner on a massage table...it just doesn't make sense.

A resounding YES! I think we have a reader here who, for some reason, likes to read in a dining area.


I'll let your other comment go.:D

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A resounding YES! I think we have a reader here who, for some reason, likes to read in a dining area.


I'll let your other comment go.:D



It's interesting to learn about some of the people we meet on this forum.


I've always wondered what people like jrose are thinking when we see them oblivious to their behavior. Now we know.


I'm trying not to judge, but the next time I'm walking through a crowded buffet and pass someone taking up a table with a book, I will be tempted to yell "JROSE! IS THAT YOU?".


I will try to resist and use my powers for good.:D



Edited by Beachdude
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It's interesting to learn about some of the people we meet on this forum.


I've always wondered what people like jrose are thinking when we see them oblivious to their behavior. Now we know.


I'm trying not to judge, but the next time I'm walking through a crowded buffet and pass someone taking up a table with a book, I will be tempted to yell "JROSE! IS THAT YOU?".


I will try to resist and use my powers for good.:D




How about we start JROSE thread? We can all post pics (faces blurred, of course) of our JROSE like encounters.

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Just wanted to pop in here, not really to share my etiquette experience, but to offer some perspective. Lighten up! I think the topic of this board has gravitated away from the main point, sharing memories over minor grievances, to a bash fest of differing opinions on what constituted cruising etiquette. I'm sure you're all very lovely people. Let's remember we're all here because we share a mutual love for traveling the ocean, not griping.


That being said, I think cruise ships are a great place to practice patience. You're with the same people for X amount of days, surrounded by different cultures, and you all have the secret ingredient for conflict: you paid a lot of money and expect things to go your way.


Yeah, doors slamming stink. You get that everywhere because of the way they're made to insure you don't have any unlocked rooms asking to be rooted through. People are going to butt in front of you in the line. Elevators, I think we can agree, are a perpetual mess, because as hard as it to believe, some people weren't brought up on standard elevator protocol. I've been shoved back into one before. I'm 5'1 and 105 pounds, making me perfectly sized for all the little corners in order to make space. Met some lovely people while crammed in a nook though, I can tell you. As far as out front rudeness, I leave that to things people blatantly do that they know are wrong. Being knocked in the head by a passing elbow? Sucks. It happens. Reading a book at a dining table? Inconvenience, perhaps, but I would hardly get heated over it. At my university there's an unspoken guide that everyone knows. You sit with as much space between you and a stranger as possible. If there is no empty tables, go make a friend and join the solo outlier (or duo). Might make you a bit uncomfortable, but that's how you make friends. Holding a gold card for Carnival by now and several other ships under my belt, it's pretty universal no matter what line I'm on.


I hope all you're future cruise experiences go much smoother! You're already blessed if you're on a cruise. Don't let little things tamper with your adventure.

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With all of the precaution over sanitation, I can't stand people who eat while in line at the WJ, especially those who shove something like fries in their mouth, lick their fingers, the grab at serving tongs to get more food.


I know this one is mostly just me, but I hate it when people twirl their napkins during the "show" in the MDR. I don't know about you, but I use my napkin to wipe off liquids, crumbs, and food morsels stuck to my face. The idea of then catapulting that around the room does not sound sanitary to me, even if it's all in good fun.


Besides those things, the usual ... running in halls, blocking passageways, and treating fixed seating dining like it is MTD and showing up an hour late every night because your server is nice enough to try to accommodate you.


It's been awhile, but I remember they closed the dineingroom doors 10 or 15 minutes after the hour. If you were late, go to the buffet. :)

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I love their non stops BUT am so tired of them allowing wheelchair people and people with children to board first. They also allow people with medical cards to. Over the holidays when the boarding started, a dad with a small child was up with the gate attendant and she yelled back and said the entire family could board - it included gramma and grampa plus an aunt and uncle and more kids. It really made many people including me mad because they did not purchase the early boarding option. Same with many older people - they have figured out how they can board early and not pay the extra fee. An elderly couple came into the gate area with both pushing wheelchairs that were full of bags. They sat at chairs right by the gate entrance and the wheelchairs were parked next to them. The boarding started and they pushed their way to the front of the line. Number one, I thought the airport had people that pushed them so how did they get an airport wheelchair for their luggage???? They looked very spry - yes, that doesn't show all.


And I also am sick and tired of being told to move over while I am in line waiting to board a ship. I had to stop at the ramp to the ship while 12 wheelchairs and their guest went past us. But what really upset me was when they jumped out of the chairs and ran off when they got on the ship. Saw several of them all over the ship - even dancing - no wheelchair

They are already seated - why do we have to stand while they are allowed to go on first. This handicapped stuff is getting out of hand.


Oh, and before you flame me, I do have a handicap car permit and my own wheelchair but I don't use them very often because it is better for me to walk and unless I am having an attack, I don't use it.


I agree, and I have a placard and use a cane. I'm willing to wait my turn, if I don't have to stand over 10 minutes (It gets very painful after that!

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Just wanted to pop in here, not really to share my etiquette experience, but to offer some perspective. Lighten up! .


Some good thoughts there evil, now may I point out something that I've learned over the years, rarely does saying "lighten up!" ever help relieve the tension. In fact it generally makes things worse because typically "lighten up or get over it" is a condescending self-righteous attempt of getting the last word. I'm not suggesting that was your motive, I'm just saying that you used the wrong phrase to make a point.


And inconvenience is in the eye of the beholder, wouldn't you say? I am so even that really didn't go ovTry helping two elderly women carry their trays full of food to another part of the ship so they can sit with their family. Inconvenience just doesn't fit for me.


I have cruised a lot and have way too many shirts to prove it, so I've been around. Honestly when this subject came up, I couldn't think of anything rude that happen to me except this one instance. So it's not as if I'm a cranky old man (my kids might disagree) using this thread as an excuse to dump. I truly think this subject actually is, or was, a productive thread. I read it trying to learn if I was crossing any lines, I am guessing that is what most readers were doing.


I am not suggesting we go on bashing posters here, I feel that it reached its conclusion until you jumped in. But it did take a few post to learn exactly what each poster was really trying to say. And honestly compared to other subjects of the past, I think most folks did handle themselves with patience and control. Now you may not agree and that's fine, but I'm suggesting as politely I can to next time use the tact or manners that you implied in this post.


Have a great cruise.



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My worst is when fellow passengers are rude when out on excursions, to tour guides and locals. They seem to think they are privileged and everyone else lives in a 3rd world country.


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The bus driver is often overlooked (Some guides may share tips with him), and we often tip the driver, sometimes also the guide and sometimes only.


One guided "" tour in BA, passengers had to point out certain buildings were open that she stated were closed! :eek: My wife had to translate between our tour guide and the BA guide where we going the next day!!!

In places you can just walk around, that's the best; in others, try to find another couple to go with you.

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Not cruise related BUT. ..

We were at Disneyworld on a MakeAWish trip. My daughter was in a wheelchair. There was so many people that would cut me off as I was pushing her, or come to a complete stop in the middle of the walkway to do nothing other than takk on their phone or start eating. What really took the cake for me was during parades or open air shows people would come stand in front of her blocking her view.

As far as on a cruise I wish they would have elevator etiquette posted by the doors. That way I could point it out to people that needed a reminder.




sent from my broken Samsung



Not you, people like that. I have know criminals who have been in prison with better manners!!

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The article hit on two of my beefs: On a RCI cruise (spring break, unfortunately) the "tweens" took great delight in punching all the elevator buttons. No doubt as to who,

they got off after one floor, giggling!! Grrrrr. The other is hogging and "reserving" of deck chairs. This was awful on same cruise. Row after row on empty chairs, each with a

towel "reserving" it. Grrrr again. I figured the message was don't book in spring break.

We have not had either issue on any of our 15 other cruises.

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It's interesting to learn about some of the people we meet on this forum.


I've always wondered what people like jrose are thinking when we see them oblivious to their behavior. Now we know.


You gotta hand it to them, though. These boards are always filled with complaints about rude people....chair hogs, line jumpers, etc, etc, etc. But it isn't too often someone actually admits to being one of them. ;)

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You gotta hand it to them, though. These boards are always filled with complaints about rude people....chair hogs, line jumpers, etc, etc, etc. But it isn't too often someone actually admits to being one of them. ;)


Not only admits it but spends quite a bit of time telling us how justified she is and that she is more aggressively rude the more people look aggravated or upset. So you act like a jerk, see it upsets people and then go out of your way to be a bigger jerk. Sounds like a power trip to me. Manipulating others for your own entertainment. What a sad and lonely person this kind of person must be.

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Probably the most obnoxious behaviour we've witnessed was standing in line for a complimentary shuttle in Topolobampo. Two elderly women, one using a walker, were in line ahead of us. About a dozen people charged past them to get the last few seats on the shuttle :(


We all had to wait for the next shuttle, and got talking with them. The older of the two, the one using her walker, was celebrating her 95th birthday. So those "VIPs" who beat those ladies onto the bus managed to outrun a 95 year old and her 70 year old daughter. What heroes!


Second most obnoxious behaviour was the same lineup. We sent the two ladies to sit in the shade, and when the next shuttle arrived, we held up the line so they, and one other couple using walkers, could get onto the shuttle first. The 3 women behind us started complaining LOUDLY about "how many people are you letting into line?" and "we should be on the bus NOW" and "are you letting EVERYONE go ahead?" and "you people (DH and me) are stupid". :rolleyes:


It was a good cruise, but the worst overall behaviour I've ever seen on a cruise.

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Probably the most obnoxious behaviour we've witnessed was standing in line for a complimentary shuttle in Topolobampo. Two elderly women, one using a walker, were in line ahead of us. About a dozen people charged past them to get the last few seats on the shuttle :(


We all had to wait for the next shuttle, and got talking with them. The older of the two, the one using her walker, was celebrating her 95th birthday. So those "VIPs" who beat those ladies onto the bus managed to outrun a 95 year old and her 70 year old daughter. What heroes!


Second most obnoxious behaviour was the same lineup. We sent the two ladies to sit in the shade, and when the next shuttle arrived, we held up the line so they, and one other couple using walkers, could get onto the shuttle first. The 3 women behind us started complaining LOUDLY about "how many people are you letting into line?" and "we should be on the bus NOW" and "are you letting EVERYONE go ahead?" and "you people (DH and me) are stupid". :rolleyes:


It was a good cruise, but the worst overall behaviour I've ever seen on a cruise.


That is not only rude but just plain sad. Would those people want their parents/grandparents treated that way?

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That is not only rude but just plain sad. Would those people want their parents/grandparents treated that way?


They probably wouldn't care :mad:


That one event has turned DH and me into the "walker/scooter/wheelchair" police when on vacation .... always watching out for handicapped people who need a bit of assistance.

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Not only admits it but spends quite a bit of time telling us how justified she is and that she is more aggressively rude the more people look aggravated or upset. So you act like a jerk, see it upsets people and then go out of your way to be a bigger jerk. Sounds like a power trip to me. Manipulating others for your own entertainment. What a sad and lonely person this kind of person must be.


We now know why she's ALONE.

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We now know why she's ALONE.


But.... But I'm alone and not bitter or rude (mostly)

I may read while I eat but I want to plant my rear on the teak deck in a cushioned teak deck chair and watch the water and the funny people. And I'll join the elder protection group, cause I may be one someday

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