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.......idle jottings


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There are probably few readers who know the number of voyages made by Ho-Hum and Blondie aboard SD. Suffice to say, their loyalties are unquestioned.


I know the number, because ho-hum told me - I would probably loose count if I had to count in this regions ... ;)


Ho-hum, my friend, take it easy - gcmv and a lot of cc-members are proud to know you and respect your opinion and criticism - if SD (and its owner) don't want to talk to you - forget it!


In Germany we have a saying which means: In your life you are going to meet everybody at least twice - perhaps next time the owner takes his chance ... :rolleyes:

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Life for ho hum (and probably a few others).

Can sometimes be encounters with ego crushing or at least ego diminishing events (or even, as in ho hum's case: non-events).

Ho hum is no Brad Pitt (Cess Pit, yes)

Ho hum ain't the "sharpest tool in the toolbox" either.

Even a silly old fool on (many) occasions t'boot.

But dammit, he thought his opinions were kind of worthy of some consideration (especially to people he has paid a lot of money to, over the years: yeah right ! Ho hum hears The Commander cry)

Not so with Oslo, no that has to be admitted, that was accepted a year ago.

But so began the "pebble throwing at Atle's window" thro' this very thread.

And yet again, not a jot of difference.

Shoreside management and owner simply dont give a hoot.

But then ho hum foolishly believed an event soon approaching may about to change all this !


So ho hum respected his privacy by not announcing this to the world, did not approach him, did not interfere with his schedule of meetings onboard and generally keeps a respectful distance.

Ho hum can be so damnably English at times.

And yet all the time, so naively thinking secretly to himself, that the owner actually intends to speak to ho hum about his concerns.

Yes it would be probably be private and to save him note taking, a list of main concerns was produced which ho hum would hand to him at the end.

No doubt the owner would thank ho hum to have spoken to him for his honest evaluation of the problems relating to SD shoreside management, maybe he would offer him a senior position (which by the way, ho hum would decline, saying he would prefer to live out his life with blondie sans disturbances of mere business matters).

And so he waited.


And waited.


And waited.

It eventually transpired that he was wholly unaware who ho hum even was !!!!

You are frigging kidding me, the last remaining pocket of air in ho hum's already, withered and deflated ego finally escaped.....psssssssss.

"Not with a bang but a whimper"

TS Eliot: The Hollow Men


Ho hum or the owner or both.

Crushed ho hum.


Perk up Ho-Hum, I do not think it is your shortcoming. I have sailed with the Emperor and his family/entourage aboard three times (lucky me). To date, I have had no speaking contact with him. We even spent half a day on a Bali Bed next to the Executive Bali Bed with The Actress ensconced in it. A cheery "Good Morning" with a nod and smile from old Jimbodini garnered a look usually reserved for someone observing a leaking drum of toxic waste. Good thing I have experience being snubbed or I should have felt deflated as well. Again, perk up. You will always have me to sit with.:eek:

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Gentlemen, gentlemen, ho hum is heartened by your offerings ........ particularly loved Jim's line "garnered a look usually reserved for someone observing a leaking drum of toxic waste"



Love it !


Now ho hum has taken stock of a few things: ho hum:

- love the ship

- love the crew

- love the cabin

- love the food

- love the wine

- love the size of the vessel

- love the outside nature of the vessel

- love the itineraries (Med & Caribbean)

- love the time with blondie onboard

- love all the chums met onboard

- love all the chums "met" here on CC

- do not regret spending what we've spent

- look forward to next voyages


Furthermore ho hum:

- like the individuals at shoreside management (with exception of booking department.....grrrrr !)

- think the Owner is a decent guy and respect him for his previous entrepreneurial nature as well as creating SD in the first place


But.............. there remain issues.

Enough to stop ho hum and blondie continuing on SD ?

Hell no.

Enough to continue bringing to the attention of others ?

Yes, well where else than Cruise CRITIC.

But, is there a point to it ?

Well nothing is addressed, is it ?


And at the back of all this, ho hum asks himself, seriously is'nt all this rather un-becoming for a man of ho hum's years to go around acting like Victor Mildrew !!!!


This is a character from a very popular British TV programme whose exasperated catchphrase "I dont believe it !" to whatever irritation/s of life he encounters that particular day.

See link below for an example:




Ho hum suspects that most non-British readers will be wondering how odd the British are.

We are ...... extremely odd.

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Well, how's about a little change of pace and join ol' Ragnar and his lovely, and sense-of-smell impaired, wife on a Ponant cruise in Tahiti? Ship seems very SeaDreamish, but with balconeys. Ragnar's DW suprised me with this as a gift for my 60th orbit around the sun, next fall.





This seems a little calmer and more refined than the Gauguin cruise. About double the passengers of SD. Unfortunately, "pomme frites" is about all the french I know....


I haven't done any research on this, as this is DW's show. I am looking forward to swilling "free" french wine after diving and scaring sharks, etc. Best of all, I'm not doing any of the planning:D. All I have to do is pack.

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Well, how's about a little change of pace and join ol' Ragnar and his lovely, and sense-of-smell impaired, wife on a Ponant cruise in Tahiti? Ship seems very SeaDreamish, but with balconeys. Ragnar's DW suprised me with this as a gift for my 60th orbit around the sun, next fall.





This seems a little calmer and more refined than the Gauguin cruise. About double the passengers of SD. Unfortunately, "pomme frites" is about all the french I know....


I haven't done any research on this, as this is DW's show. I am looking forward to swilling "free" french wine after diving and scaring sharks, etc. Best of all, I'm not doing any of the planning:D. All I have to do is pack.



Well what a kind thought Ragnar.

Unfortunately if ho hum and blondie only do one SD voyage a year......it's the Transatlantic xing with all our chums..... And that dear friend begins in late October.

So it would be a bit of a rush doing both.

Sounds a fantastic cruise.

What a kind thing to do ..... Well done Lady R.

Does the impaired sense of smell affect taste too ?

Ho hum and blondie are Francophiles ....... So food and wine Francais would be heaven.

Another line you may wish to add to your French repertoire, to say to your lovely lady is " voulez-vous couchez avec moi c'est soir" after a romantic dinner under the stars of the Pacific.


Ho hum has made it easier for you, see link below for pronouncing this phrase. It also gives you a good idea how ho hum looked at that age and his dance moves. His dance moves have'nt changed but the svelte like appearance disappeared soon after.


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Another line you may wish to add to your French repertoire, to say to your lovely lady is " voulez-vous couchez avec moi c'est soir" after a romantic dinner under the stars of the Pacific.


As ho-hum knows, the English vocabulary of gcmv is very, very limited, but his french (language) skills are even worse. :(

So dearest ho-hum, what do you think? Is it important for gcmv to commit this complex sentence to memory before booking the next cruise?

It would take at least 20 minutes for him to get this into his brain … ;)

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As ho-hum knows, the English vocabulary of gcmv is very, very limited, but his french (language) skills are even worse. :(

So dearest ho-hum, what do you think? Is it important for gcmv to commit this complex sentence to memory before booking the next cruise?

It would take at least 20 minutes for him to get this into his brain … ;)


Your English is amazing !

Your correction of our Captain is quite punctilious (haha he will have to look that up; then he will no doubt correct ho hum again !)


But you have not read ho hum's instructions !

You must download the YouTube link. It is a "catchy" (easy to remember) song and Patti Labelle and the girls are brilliant (tho' ho hum thinks they have imbibed something before the show AND it is "lip-synced").


Adieu mon ami !

A toute a l"heure aussi.


Ha ha


Love to Frau GCMV.


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So not long to go now until the transatlantic xing.

Both vessels are on their last voyages around the Mediterranean.

A lot of crew change over when they dock in Spain.

SDI leaves from Malaga on the 25 October to Bridgetown stopping off at Tenerife.

SDII leaves from Malaga on the 28 October to San Juan stopping off at Funchal.

SDII is significantly more expensive than SDII !

Why ?

Must be the ho hum and blondie factor.


Well that and all the excellent chums we sail with.

Maybe it's the Aussie contingent coming (big drinkers !).

No really why the difference ?


SDI is taking a more southern approach than SDII this year.


Better check out weather and waves.

It can be a bit bouncy out of Lisbon.

Crikey !

See attachment below: yes, same again, it will be bouncy for a few days !


We'll be sailing with Captain Lund.

An amazing guy.

We'll be sailing with lots of great chums too.


Abenaki is yet to inform us on the evening themes.

And he has'nt posted here for an age.

What is he up to ?

Maybe he's gathering in the maple syrup or hunting beaver or whatever Canadian backswood men do at this time of year.

Whatever it is: get the themes sent out soon Abenaki !

Blondie is in extreme agitation not knowing what to wear: so she is threatening to bring two large suitcases full of clothes to cover every eventuality.


Well back to last minute arrangements before we go.

We need extra special clearance to get into the US.

So must have extra documentation.

Hope to God they are a little calmer at immigration and better organised about Ebola arrangements (headless chickens spring to mind).


Well enough of ho hum.

Have a great weekend.


Edited by ho-hum
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Gentlemen, gentlemen, ho hum is heartened by your offerings ........ particularly loved Jim's line "garnered a look usually reserved for someone observing a leaking drum of toxic waste"



Love it !


Now ho hum has taken stock of a few things: ho hum:

- love the ship

- love the crew

- love the cabin

- love the food

- love the wine

- love the size of the vessel

- love the outside nature of the vessel

- love the itineraries (Med & Caribbean)

- love the time with blondie onboard

- love all the chums met onboard

- love all the chums "met" here on CC

- do not regret spending what we've spent

- look forward to next voyages


Furthermore ho hum:

- like the individuals at shoreside management (with exception of booking department.....grrrrr !)

- think the Owner is a decent guy and respect him for his previous entrepreneurial nature as well as creating SD in the first place


But.............. there remain issues.

Enough to stop ho hum and blondie continuing on SD ?

Hell no.

Enough to continue bringing to the attention of others ?

Yes, well where else than Cruise CRITIC.

But, is there a point to it ?

Well nothing is addressed, is it ?


And at the back of all this, ho hum asks himself, seriously is'nt all this rather un-becoming for a man of ho hum's years to go around acting like Victor Mildrew !!!!


This is a character from a very popular British TV programme whose exasperated catchphrase "I dont believe it !" to whatever irritation/s of life he encounters that particular day.

See link below for an example:




Ho hum suspects that most non-British readers will be wondering how odd the British are.

We are ...... extremely odd.



I can only aspire to your SD "frequent flyer" miles and I can only aspire to your great attitude.


If I had that kind of experience with the owner it would be hard to continue to be such a fan. One wonders where in the hierarchy things change, as truly the crew is WONDERFUL, and that doesn't start at the bottom (at least not according to all the highly paid consultants I've heard speak.)


Have a wonderful crossing!

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I can only aspire to your SD "frequent flyer" miles and I can only aspire to your great attitude.


If I had that kind of experience with the owner it would be hard to continue to be such a fan. One wonders where in the hierarchy things change, as truly the crew is WONDERFUL, and that doesn't start at the bottom (at least not according to all the highly paid consultants I've heard speak.)


Have a wonderful crossing!




Well fpebbles,

May ho hum firstly say what a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance.

Ho hum sees you're a SD fan and chum of Zimmy (whose name pops up with great regularity).


Your conclusion that the crew are WONDERFUL is quite correct.

But your premise that it may be due to the Owner is not proven.

In ho hum's perception over a long period of time, there does appear to be a loyalty from the old Captains to the Owner (who ho hum greatly respects) but it is these old Captains that have generally created the onboard feel.

They and the influence of the great Executive Hotel Manager.

An enigma of a man.

He once was a humble waiting staff and has risen through the ranks to become one of the best hotel managers in the world !

He is also a man who is discrete and finding out any information is extremely difficult.

Ho hum dares say most women would simply ask direct questions but ho him is a man and English: a deeply repressive bundle (oh and ex-Catholic: truly no hope !).

But you assume there must be a loyalty between the great man and him (the Owner).


So, ho hum agrees that the Owner is symbiotically an influence and yet .......... Ho hum regrets to add that the pressure some of the senior personnel are under (both ship and shore side) is immense and this must also be laid at the door of the Owner.

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May ho hum firstly say what a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance.

It has been my pleasure, and continues to be so, to follow your travels.


chum of Zimmy

I have been lucky enough to sail with Zimmy and several others who frequent these boards.


But your premise that it may be due to the Owner is not proven.

I agree with you so completely. I meant to imply that it did not seem to be coming from the owner (at least he was not walking the walk--altho perhaps he talks the talk, as is said). Watching that hot man in action--amazingly smooth. (That was an odd sentence to write, but is appropriate for his ability.)

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If CTBJR posts the usual link, we will be following your escapades. The cameraman loves Blondie.



Oh the Xing blogs !!


If only you knew what really goes on !!!!


They are usually produced by a person with either little awareness of what is truly going on !!




They are editing them furiously to protect the passengers (highly likely) !!!




They are overtly aware of giving the wrong message and Shoreside Management "pull" photos. They did that once when SDII was ploughing through a mighty wave when the bow of the ship submerged down onto the sea and an almighty wave covered the whole length of the ship !!!

It was very exciting but ho hum guesses SD management thought this might not be good for business or publicity. Shame really.


And so we will have the usual round of photos of food, walk-a mile with the fitness freaks who care not a jot for their knees (it is crippling; you won't find ho hum doing a walk !!), passengers wrapped up, passengers sun bathing, passengers having snacks etc...




You won't have pictures of blondie dancing on the tables (any table; she doesn't care), ho hum wearing ice buckets, riotous lunches with 15 chums, crew being very silly, passengers being even sillier, Captain (sorry; classified) etc....


But around 4.0pm, the vessel is deserted: siesta time !

Just love the xing.

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Dear Mr Ho Hum:


Having been on these boards for several years now, I have occasionally viewed the "Idle Jottings" section, and have often wondered who "Ho Hum" was.. and today I decided to read them all from page 1 through page 44... and I think that I have figured it out from some of the comments that you have made and cruises that you have been on.


And if I am correct, we have been on at least two crossings with you and Blondie over the past several years. We have enjoyed every one of them!


So, I am am wondering which of the two westbound crossings you are booked on this year? SD I or SDII. I hope it is II from Lisbon so that I can confirm your true identity.... Hopefully, we will see you one week from tomorrow in Lisbon.


Also, thanks for keeping this section going on these forums.... very interesting and enjoyable.

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Oh the Xing blogs !!


If only you knew what really goes on !!!!


They are usually produced by a person with either little awareness of what is truly going on !!




They are editing them furiously to protect the passengers (highly likely) !!!




They are overtly aware of giving the wrong message and Shoreside Management "pull" photos. They did that once when SDII was ploughing through a mighty wave when the bow of the ship submerged down onto the sea and an almighty wave covered the whole length of the ship !!!

It was very exciting but ho hum guesses SD management thought this might not be good for business or publicity. Shame really.


And so we will have the usual round of photos of food, walk-a mile with the fitness freaks who care not a jot for their knees (it is crippling; you won't find ho hum doing a walk !!), passengers wrapped up, passengers sun bathing, passengers having snacks etc...




You won't have pictures of blondie dancing on the tables (any table; she doesn't care), ho hum wearing ice buckets, riotous lunches with 15 chums, crew being very silly, passengers being even sillier, Captain (sorry; classified) etc....


But around 4.0pm, the vessel is deserted: siesta time !

Just love the xing.


Yes, they do seem a bit "sanitized". You can remedy that by sending ole Jimbo pictures on a regular basis. We will be in NYC but all the hotels provide Wi-Fi (how about that one SeaDream???) so will be keeping up with you. Starting the day without Ho-Hum is like starting the day without...... well, sunshine.:eek::D

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Yes, they do seem a bit "sanitized". You can remedy that by sending ole Jimbo pictures on a regular basis. We will be in NYC but all the hotels provide Wi-Fi (how about that one SeaDream???) so will be keeping up with you. Starting the day without Ho-Hum is like starting the day without...... well, sunshine.:eek::D


Haha ..... too kind, too kind.


Round these 'ere parts, ho hum is referred to as "oh it"s 'im again" quickly followed by a shrug of the shoulders and a forlorn glance heaven-ward as if uttering "Oh God .... Why me, again !"


But here's the "rub" Jim-azing-ness, ho hum just would not send photos of guests in various degrees of debauchery, tom-foolery or even jim-foolery let alone charlie-foolery ! Oh my....


You see these are generally respected individuals .... Hard to imagine sometimes !

And to publish their photos, well ..... It's just not cricket !


Yes ho hum knows, you lot out there just want salaciousness.

This is your one time of the day when you can say to your high principles "go hang !"


But ho hum respects you too much for sending you such sordid pictures.


"No give us sordid pictures, please ho hum !"


No your majesty, Mr.President and Pope Brian (or whatever his name is), ho hum must insist on this one .... Ho hum will respect guests privacy and the crew's jobs !!!


No, come on now ... Stop sulking.

What ho hum could do, is write to y"all and describe events and those partaking (without naming them).....would that be acceptable ?


You must also realised that there are 13 chums of ho hum and blondie travelling with us whom we have been in Contact with for months now.

Can you imagine a dinner scenario, where one of those mentioned in this thread brings up some juvenile act reported on CC, taking umbrage at ho hum for publishing the event, with their actual name and photo !

Ho hum fears he would be tossed overboard mid-Atlantic !!!!

Quite rightly ! Caddish behaviour !

And where would you be then without your (near) daily dose of trivia and banalities !!


No dear Jim and friends you will have to settle for the anodyne photos but maybe ho hum can present the true life onboard .......

Very often it is just relaxing, chatting with chums ..... not much of a spectator sport but oh so ........ wonderful.

Ho hum's favourite trip of the whole year and with great chums t'boot ......

You would all like them as much as ho hum and blondie ......

So you are very welcome to join us all thro' this thread (subject to internet connection ...... Which has generally been brilliant for a long time now... No grumbles there, no praise indeed for the Communications Officer, Louie .... a great guy t'boot but he is on vacation.....so fingers crossed that the replacement is as good as Louie otherwise no jottings of any kind. Scary !).

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Oh I will look forward to your jottings on the upcoming crossing, sanitized or not! Don't really need photos, you do quite well with descriptions. Then use your imagination to envision the event! Oh I am sure it will be fun! Have a great crossing! Hope those waves don't get as bad as bad as the ones you described earlier!

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Oh I will look forward to your jottings on the upcoming crossing, sanitized or not! Don't really need photos, you do quite well with descriptions. Then use your imagination to envision the event! Oh I am sure it will be fun! Have a great crossing! Hope those waves don't get as bad as bad as the ones you described earlier!


Waves approaching from the bow (that is the pointy end at the front right ?) are fine; it's those "sneaky ones" from the side that ho hum is not a fan of.

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Oh God, these are the things going through ho hum’s head in the approach to leaving for Lisbon and then the xing:


1. Must get everything done before going away ! EEEKKK !


2. Going away with chums and crew…..YIPEEE !


3. Please God, dont let anything go wrong just before ho hum goes away


4. Bikini wax or not ? (better get a quote first .... Maybe they would throw in the ears for free)


5. Abenaki STILL hasn’t produce evening wardrobe list …… he does nothing ALL day !!


6. Dont get so inebriated that lifeboat drill is a blur (again) or tell the young, buxom wench that she can rely on ho hum if we hit an iceberg ! Must check boyfriend is not around this time.


7. Make an effort with people you don’t know this time. Accountancy must have it’s upside Ho hum supposes.


8. Dont tell anybody another one of your rambling stories about this or that. You always forget why you are telling the story, the names of the people you are talking to and we will dock in just 10 days time so keeps the stories short.


9. Remember you just can’t tell jokes but if you do don’t laugh BEFORE the punchline (like you always do).


10. Impress people that you know Jim (but keep it quiet that you know Charlie !)


11. Whatever happens don’t talk about yourself. Remember the man who threw himself over board during one of your monologues.


12. Leave those ice buckets alone ! Just how old are you ? It MAY have been funny once.


13.Dont dance ! Medics were called last time thinking you were having a “fit” !


14.Keep blondie off the tables !!

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Dear Mr Ho Hum:


Having been on these boards for several years now, I have occasionally viewed the "Idle Jottings" section, and have often wondered who "Ho Hum" was.. and today I decided to read them all from page 1 through page 44... and I think that I have figured it out from some of the comments that you have made and cruises that you have been on.


And if I am correct, we have been on at least two crossings with you and Blondie over the past several years. We have enjoyed every one of them!


So, I am am wondering which of the two westbound crossings you are booked on this year? SD I or SDII. I hope it is II from Lisbon so that I can confirm your true identity.... Hopefully, we will see you one week from tomorrow in Lisbon.


Also, thanks for keeping this section going on these forums.... very interesting and enjoyable.



Well BB (better known as B** & J*** if ho hum is not mistaken) having briefly surmised YOUR posting, ho hum would similarly come to the following conclusions:


- having "read ALL postings by ho hum" !

One surmises that you are no longer in gainful employment !

You lucky b*****r ! (Old Anglo-Saxon expression. Trust ho hum, not offensive in the slightest. Truly).


That if you are employed, then it would explain the dip in WalMart's profits ! (Yes, ho hum admits that could be construed as offensive but we are chums right ?).


- so you have "boned up" on ho hum's references in postings and you MAY have sailed with ho hum and blondie TWICE: and so that leads you into thinking you know ho hum's identity ?

God you're good ! (feel the heavy sarcasm in that line for a moment; yes dwell a little longer and savour every nuance....aaaaaahhhhhj) !


Well ho hum can go, oh so much better ........ but your privacy is safe (B&J)

Ho hum would say, see you in the piano bar....the lady has a great voice !


- regarding which vessel; well that has been answered in a previous post. SDII from Lisboa !


- and remember like the Scarlet Pimpernel, ho hum will never reveal his identity !

Lives are at stake BB: please remember that.


- and yes, ho hum will be delighted to re-make your acquaintance too, naturally. It is going to be a great voyage though 2/3 days out of Lisbon could be a bit lively !!! But that might calm down.


Have a safe trip to Lisbon guys and really look forward to meeting you AGAIN.

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Have a safe trip to Lisbon guys and really look forward to meeting you AGAIN.


Will ho-hum and blondie spend some time in Lisbon before embarkation?


Gcmv and Frau gcmv will do a cruise on Europa 2 in June 2015 starting and ending at Lisbon - it would be great to get some hints about restaurants in Lisbon recommended by ho-hum as gcmv will stay in Lisbon for four days prior to this cruise.


All the best to ho-hum and "table-climbing blondie" - enjoy the xing! ;)

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