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.......idle jottings


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I hear that the South of France is lovely this time of year. Of course, now that the word is out via idle jottings I would imagine that the Chateau de Chevre d'Or must be overrun with paparazzi by now. Heaven forbid, indeed!


Hope you are having a great time ...... wherever you are !

Oh yes, what is the best drink for your dinner ?

The "Dom" naturallement !

Or maybe a Provencal rose considering you are just a few.......oooops !


You and the Kardashians must be used to the paparazzi by now !

HH always ends up as the one taking photos of others with their cameras !


Alors bon vacances, mon ami !

A bientot.

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Hope you are having a great time ...... wherever you are !

Oh yes, what is the best drink for your dinner ?

The "Dom" naturallement !

Or maybe a Provencal rose considering you are just a few.......oooops !


You and the Kardashians must be used to the paparazzi by now !

HH always ends up as the one taking photos of others with their cameras !


Alors bon vacances, mon ami !

A bientot.


Well, h-h I must say that we are having a lovely time. However, we have endured a wine emergency (this of course hasn't affected those of us who prefer a nice cold beer) of sorts. Having been unable to find a suitable wine, Mrs. CTBjr has been treating the issue with liberal doses of Champagne.


Your message however has reminded us of that fateful day in St. Tropez last summer when we were introduced to Provencal rose shortly before the "ice bucket incident". So, thank you for the kind reminder. We shall be in search of the not so elusive provencal rose at lunch today!

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Well, h-h I must say that we are having a lovely time. However, we have endured a wine emergency (this of course hasn't affected those of us who prefer a nice cold beer) of sorts. Having been unable to find a suitable wine, Mrs. CTBjr has been treating the issue with liberal doses of Champagne.


Your message however has reminded us of that fateful day in St. Tropez last summer when we were introduced to Provencal rose shortly before the "ice bucket incident". So, thank you for the kind reminder. We shall be in search of the not so elusive provencal rose at lunch today!


You purchased Angelina & Brad's "Minerval"....a great wine.

Others to consider:

- Baylesse (blue bottle)

- "M" de Minuty

- Ott

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The marketing frenzy has started. I look forward to being invited aboard J. R Hum's private SeaDream yacht.


Ho Hum will make you Admiral of the Fleet !

We will have others to "do things" so we can drink at the bar with Raggy !

Sound good ?

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You purchased Angelina & Brad's "Minerval"....a great wine.

Others to consider:

- Baylesse (blue bottle)

- "M" de Minuty

- Ott


Perfect. We will investigate in a bit and report back. You know who is quite grateful. And, since you know who is quite grateful I am relieved and the Champagne purveyors are depressed. And so it goes.....

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Perfect. We will investigate in a bit and report back. You know who is quite grateful. And, since you know who is quite grateful I am relieved and the Champagne purveyors are depressed. And so it goes.....


Well your beautiful, delightful, charming and funny lady is right...drinking champagne is good for you


drinking INFERIOR beers (French & American) is a known cause for hair loss !

Homer is bald right ?

And look at Brendan (avatar, top left)....a full head of wild, thick hair....great Irish porter, that's why !


Well now the "cat is out of the bag".., have a great time in Paris....so many fabulous brasseries..mmmmmm

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Well HH finally wrote a reply to a Scottish couple whom we had met on the old boat together with a posh American couple.

Blondie liked it and suggested HH prints it here...well why not, saves HH being "oh so terribly witty" twice in the same month, so here goes:


"Dearest William & Helen,


No, we did not forget ye (that's Scots you know for "you") !


But that damn thing called life ehh !

A real bugger sometimes......we have had a few issues to deal with hence the appalling delay.

So very sorry chums.


When you e-mailed we had just left the boat.

Next week we return for the transatlantic crossing with 42 other souls and 2 ****holes !


The old ****** business is bound to pick up now it's Spring and judging by the social benefit bill being promised by the SNP (a Scottish Socialist political party), well people will be getting grants for "sprucing up" buildings etc...


We hope all your family is well.


HH is getting fatter than ever and Blondie is getting thinner !

Apart from that HH is afraid there is little other news from OIL RICH Posh part of the UK.



Yes, we live on a bloody oil reserve !

HH has got Blondie out digging as we speak...well she gets in the hole easier being so thin and all.

She's at it 24/7 with three breaks a day.

During which time she makes HH's brekkie, lunch and dinner.

HH has to pour his own wine these days but it allows her to get back out there digging away.

She's down about 20 feet....just another 28,980 to go !


So HH guesses you'll be looking for property south of the, as you are soon to be Socialist Scotland ehh ?


Well keep your "old pecker up" and dont "let the buggers grind you down".


All the best to ye (Scottish for "you" you know.....fluent you know, och aye the noooo ! What's "nooo" ?)


HH & "digger" Blondie


Yikes she hit an electrical cable so finishing this off using the generator !

HH tells her they are just minor burns....get back digging and be more careful next time !

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HH, your summary of the UK election and current candidates is rather witty....but sadly true.

Whatever your personal political views I am sure many people are asking how the hell has the UK managed to get itself in this mess!!

Ah well................it could be worse............we could have Francois.

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The truth about politicians

While walking down the street one day a 'Member of Parliament' is

tragically hit by a truck and dies.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter. ‘Under new democratic legislation

we now have options for new Heaven entrants, you can have one days free trial in both Heaven and Hell.

What a great idea, I have supported fairness and informed choices all my political life says the MP.

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,

down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a

green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of

it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake

his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at

the expense of the people.

They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and

champagne. The whole experience is so reminiscent of SeaDream...

Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has

a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that

before he realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter

is waiting for him.

'Now it's time to visit heaven.'

So, 24 hours pass with the MP joining a group of contented souls moving

from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time

and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter


'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose

your eternity.'

The MP reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have

said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be

better off in hell.'

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to


Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land

covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting

it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't

understand,' stammers the MP. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf

course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and

danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage

and my friends look miserable. What happened?'

The devil looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning........

today you voted.............

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HH, your summary of the UK election and current candidates is rather witty....but sadly true.

Whatever your personal political views I am sure many people are asking how the hell has the UK managed to get itself in this mess!!

Ah well................it could be worse............we could have Francois.



Well hello stranger, great to hear from you.

Loved the tale.

Firstly, ho hum ain't stupid enough to propound one political system over another (oh yes, he is that stupid ! Thankyou Commander, quite enough from you thankyou !).


Ho Hum is worldly wise enough to realise that the political world is split between two types of supporters each seeking to gain personal advantage but from two different means (takers and givers).

And depending on whether mummy and daddy were of one type or the other ... Well that pretty well decides it....for LIFE.

And if HH had a different mater and pater or some poor 16 year old kid of a mother on a rough, working class Council estate then "the dye is, pretty well cast".

Cynical ?

Not so.


Take HH's own political constituency.

Goebbels would'nt get in as a candidate of this constituency, he would not be considered far right enough !

The "chatter" round the candelabra lit dinner tables in this posh part of the UK is:

- the cost of proper staff

- gone are the days of finding anyone English for God's sake

- let Scotland piss off and see how their oil lasts on such an extravagant socialist spending policy promising a jacuzzi in everybody's home by 2020 run on free fuel and Mars bars sold at cost

- what the hell are the French doing

- thinking of buying a little "pied de terre" now the French economy has imploded but aaahh the socialist rates and service costs and the morbid French as well

- great to see the almighty squabbling between father and daughter over the course of far right politics in France..both as mad as one another

- shall we miss Switzerland this year for ski-ing, even a plain Laurent-Perrier costs £30 a flute and the decent stuff is nearly out of the question and then you have to pay for the nannies too

- will the "oiks" get in ? If so their son Nigel may lose his job at the Bentley dealership in Knightsbridge, whilst the parents whisper aside "he's too thick to do anything else"

- gun laws in the US. It'll be coming here next and about time but one fears the wrong class will be allowed guns too

- God help our police turning out like that lot, trigger happy or what

- refusing to serve gays in Indiana ! Bet there are no nice flower shops, decent restaurants, antique shops, travel agencies in that God forsaken State, that's for sure. God bless our Queen (they're talking about Sir Elton). It's as if they think homosexuality is compulsory or something.

- These religious extremists ehh ? Just the other week our vicar had the cheek to suggest an increase in the plate pass around. What's the matter with the man, that French franc note is probably worth quite a lot by now and for what ? an ecumenical visit to the Protestants in the next town....that's going just too far anyway I hear the car park is tiny, think that was how Margery got that scratch on the "Roller" last year when they did a coffee morning for some waste of time charity or another

- schools ehh, do you know Margery was actually moved on dropping off the "sprogs" in the Porsche (Turbo 4x4), suppose they will just have to border for a few years. I'll "crunch the numbers"

- Emily, the eldest you know who's as "fat as a barn"is saying she has self-esteem and body issues. She should was Dennis's reply, no not very helpful and she's at that difficult age 6-28 and now she insists on being vegan, she is dabbling in Jewish mysticism so everything has to be kosher and she also announced she is allergic to gluten and is lactose intolerant as well. We'll never find a "chump" to offload her at this rate. So what did you say your Nigel was doing now ?

- was'nt the hunt a disaster last year, those Animal activists were simply ghastly, completely spooked Cynthia on Hyacinth. It's our land why cant we just do what we like ? Yes It's against the Law but Cameron rides regularly we hear with the Kensington & Chelsea hunt.

- Glyndebourne this year ? No I dont think so, getting so awfully expensive what with new jewellery, dress and such

- saw off those solar panel renegades, now we're sitting on a bloody big oilfield. Just changed the Bentley to a hybrid, where's the justice in that eh


Yes these fatuous conversations are common place round the posh part.


Thank God no one actually ever examines the various political party's policies on anything...blind prejudice has served them well for many years and there is no need to change now, thankyou very much.


Next time: Religion


PS please good people do realise this is simply a bit of fun.....let your pants and knickers remain un-tangled. Love and peace to you all. But a laugh does'nt go amiss, ehh Cabbie ?


Rl787, Dont make it so in-frequent next time old chap.


Oh and what are your thoughts on Windstar's take over of Seabourn ?

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No the only one who passes off as "normal" is Miss Haggis but her policy seems to be spend, spend, spend ! So maybe not so normal.


"Miss Haggis"?!? Be frightened, very frightened of the cybernat Gestapo paying you a virtual visit Mr Hum! Such dissent and mockery will not be tolerated.


Before they march you off for re-education, here is some appropriate childish mockery...Do you not think there is a very disturbing resemblance between wee Jimmy Krankie and the Dear Leader?...https://youtu.be/YMgBumRBR-k

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Sorry MACT....damn "Quote" button kaput !


Yes quite so, quite so, haha


HH is posting this piece from a "safe house" in the heart of the posh part far from the Scottish border.

Yes death threats have been received and it was felt prudent to keep one's "head down".


Anyway HH guesses you don't want to hear too much more about UK politics (especially the American contingent, right).

Well let's swop to you guys then.

Hilary just announced her candidacy.

Now please do bear in mind that HH aint a political animal, so please keep your pants from bunching up.

The American politicians are perceived by the Brits as so much more "perky", like a child fed too much sugary products but they can also turn on the languid "game show host" persona.

"And who are contestants tonight Delores ?"

Our politicians shuffle around looking awkward whatever situation you put them in.

Meeting ordinary people, is particularly cringeworthy.

If they ever have to go outside, they wear fluorescent, high visibility jackets, a white helmet and safety glasses and are guided around by a whole host of minders in case the politician sets off a threshing machine or stumbles on a paving stone.

And this is just for a walk about around Kensington !

And God forbid they meet anyone with a coherent, opposite point of view !

Lots of patronising smiles as they shuffle backwards with the expression of horror behind the smile echoing "get me out of here".


That Obama !

What a cool dude, he is.

Always smiling.

Not as entertaining as George but he seems "he steers a straight course" kind of guy.

Now just sayin', HH knows you can get a little excitable 'bout these kind of things.


Oh yes the American politicians just seem more "zingy" and believable with their "look guys I've got my jacket off" and their bon ami, man of the people approach.

And then you have the wives....what a great bunch of ladies they are, no HH is being serious.


We saw Michelle O "strutting her stuff" to a song called something like "up town, funky girl".

Zoot alors ! She could dance and she looks great.

Can't see ANY of our lot doing that, the wives of the leaders or the many female politicians we have, except maybe Miss Cranky.


And you had that great lady Barbara Bush then Laura Bush.

Betty Ford a great humanitarian.

Nice ladies.

These were substantial ladies.

We had Margaret.

Wont see her like again.


And what is it with you Americans ?

Can you only enter the contest for Presidency if your relative has been President ?

At least with Obama you thought outside the box. All credit to you (no that is not an endorsement. Would HH be that stupid ? OK dont answer that.).


Politics ehh ?

As Captain Lund often reminds us at "Captain's Welcome", if the world could be run like the ship with crew from all different nationalities, religious and non-religious beliefs, sexes, sexualities etc.. Then the world would be a better place.

But as HH sometimes remind him, you mean a dictatorship then !


The one thing America does not have which the Europeans do, including the Brits, are really odd parties, candidate standing for a specific cause and the customary funny parties, such as the 35 year old plus party "The Monster Raving Loony Party" !

Yes it's true.

And people go out to vote for them !

HH cant be bothered to actually walk to a polling station amongst his fellow man.

Postal vote for him

Soon you will be able to do it on the ipad. Having to put a cross down on paper and going out to post it (our postie collects our letters....give him a few quid at Xmas and a bottle.....looks around the old pile whilst we are away too....yes you get that kind of service in the country and if you are thoroughly nice, non-politically aligned, chap).


Good day chums, toodle-pip and a "what oh !"

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Sounds a little like Ho-Hum is jealous of our politicians and electoral processes on the west side of the pond. Not intending to mix metaphors, but the grass is always greener and all that. Last night, after the third Republican jumped into the stream, DW said it is going to be a long time until November. When I reminded her that we are looking at November 2016, she screamed. (She is in the final hours of a grueling tax season so her loss of sense of time is understandable.) One commentator said today that Hillary's campaign will cost over a billion dollars. Think of all the hungry families who could be fed with half of what is going to be spent by all the candidates in the next 18 months. Margaret Thatcher had it right when she said "three weeks is long enough" for a political campaign. It says something, H-H, that your politicians stand for office while ours run. I'd love to take a page from your book, dear chap, and spend the next year and a half on SeaDream.


Zimmy's DH, who takes sole responsibility for the editorial comment

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If you really think too much about politics and politicians (on either side of the pond) It could make you want to break out the torches and emulate the peasants storming the Frankenstein Castle.:eek: Yes, the next year and a half aboard SeaDream just might be the only sane option.:D

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Not to be outdone by the bozos on the "other side of the pond", British Prime Minister

David Cameron in a sop to the "less than 1%", is proposing to allow 1.5M Brits now living in social subsidized housing to by their homes. Did he ever wonder why they are living in subsidized housing to being with ... but I digress, it is election time in GB.


Meanwhile, over here and west of our "settlements", a 73-year old auxiliary police officer mistakenly shot and killed a perp with his revolver, thinking he was shooting his taser. Now I ask you, what is a 73- year old retired insurance salesman, with little or no training (certainly not enough to distinguish between a revolver and taser) doing on an undercover sting operation where apparently there was no resistance. As they say, only in America!


Now, back to politics for a moment, as we follow "Grandma Clinton" on her 18 hour re-invent myself mini-van tour from New York to Iowa, listening to the common folk along the way to get a better sense of what direction to steer the country in 2016. Yeh, and she spent the nights at Day's Inns and ate at Taco Bell. Remember when she and Billy left the White House, they were "dead broke". Ah, what a difference a few years makes!


Yes, as previously written, its a long way until November 2016 but the campaign will

provide ample fodder for CNN and FOX, though I would suppose with a different slant.

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"Yes, the next year and a half aboard SeaDream just might be the only sane option."


Well, take a little break from that extended SD sabatical and join us on the Windstar Legend (a former SB little ship). We just booked the March 5, 2016 cruise from Barbados to Aruba. Will be spending a couple of days on Barbados pre-cruise. Managed to snag first class seats from LAX to BGI with American ff miles. But I'm sure those will dry up quick. Still have to book the Aruba to LAX flight, but that is not open to booking yet.


And have settled on our "Wine and War" tour. Taking the overnight ferry to St. Malo (on my 60th, ferry has a decent wine list...), in a Commodore cabin at least. Renting a BMW 4-series (old Ragnar has forgotten how to shift a manual, and is way too big for the normal little french clown cars) at the St. Malo ferry terminal, then heading to Normandy for a few nights (with oysters at Cancale and an overnight at Mont St. Michel on the way). From Normandy we'll have 6 or 7 days to work our way to the airport at Lyon for an evening flight back to LHR.

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That Windstar to Aruba itinerary looks really good. DW loves Bonaire as well. Hmmmmmm.......You might want to check behind yourself as you board. You never know what might be catching up.:eek: Could even be Ho-Hum. Don't say never Mr. Hum, you know I caught you peeking in other than SeaDream windows......:D

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Jimbo, forgot to mention earlier that you are welcome to stay with us during your August beat the heat trip. You have my email address, just let me know the dates. The pony is awaiting you (may God have mercy on your face...) :D


Sorry, but the pool won't be in by then. But there is a nice association pool a half mile a way you can use. That one may even be adults only :rolleyes: Nearest easily accessible beach is a four mile drive. But you can see it over your margarita glass from the palazzo :-)

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Jimbo, forgot to mention earlier that you are welcome to stay with us during your August beat the heat trip. You have my email address, just let me know the dates. The pony is awaiting you (may God have mercy on your face...) :D


Sorry, but the pool won't be in by then. But there is a nice association pool a half mile a way you can use. That one may even be adults only :rolleyes: Nearest easily accessible beach is a four mile drive. But you can see it over your margarita glass from the palazzo :-)


That would be great. What an offer! The only problem we would have is during the summer, since our Dog Sitter neighbors retreat to Colorado, we travel with Baby. I am afraid she is 17lbs of Attitude. 17lb, that is smaller than the Pony's head, right? She loves people but went after a Bull Mastiff at El Portal in Sedona. Like I said, Attitude!!:eek:

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Sounds a little like Ho-Hum is jealous of our politicians and electoral processes on the west side of the pond. Not intending to mix metaphors, but the grass is always greener and all that. Last night, after the third Republican jumped into the stream, DW said it is going to be a long time until November. When I reminded her that we are looking at November 2016, she screamed. (She is in the final hours of a grueling tax season so her loss of sense of time is understandable.) One commentator said today that Hillary's campaign will cost over a billion dollars. Think of all the hungry families who could be fed with half of what is going to be spent by all the candidates in the next 18 months. Margaret Thatcher had it right when she said "three weeks is long enough" for a political campaign. It says something, H-H, that your politicians stand for office while ours run. I'd love to take a page from your book, dear chap, and spend the next year and a half on SeaDream.


Zimmy's DH, who takes sole responsibility for the editorial comment


Your words simply ooze common sense and maturity........so glad HH's ramblings elicited such a sane and refreshing perspective.

HH is grateful.

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If you really think too much about politics and politicians (on either side of the pond) It could make you want to break out the torches and emulate the peasants storming the Frankenstein Castle.:eek: Yes, the next year and a half aboard SeaDream just might be the only sane option.:D


Hello Butch.

Imagine running into you in this neighbourhood !


Did you have the Mel Brooks film in mind ?

What a classic.

Yes you are right (as always) along with Zimmy's DH.

Fine fellows the pair of ye.


There is only one solution gentleman.

HH offers himself as world dictator.

Zimmy's DH kindly run the East coast from Chicago.

Butch the West Coast with Raggy in charge of Foreign Affairs, he'll smooth over the Middle East alright.

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Not to be outdone by the bozos on the "other side of the pond", British Prime Minister

David Cameron in a sop to the "less than 1%", is proposing to allow 1.5M Brits now living in social subsidized housing to by their homes. Did he ever wonder why they are living in subsidized housing to being with ... but I digress, it is election time in GB.


Meanwhile, over here and west of our "settlements", a 73-year old auxiliary police officer mistakenly shot and killed a perp with his revolver, thinking he was shooting his taser. Now I ask you, what is a 73- year old retired insurance salesman, with little or no training (certainly not enough to distinguish between a revolver and taser) doing on an undercover sting operation where apparently there was no resistance. As they say, only in America!


Now, back to politics for a moment, as we follow "Grandma Clinton" on her 18 hour re-invent myself mini-van tour from New York to Iowa, listening to the common folk along the way to get a better sense of what direction to steer the country in 2016. Yeh, and she spent the nights at Day's Inns and ate at Taco Bell. Remember when she and Billy left the White House, they were "dead broke". Ah, what a difference a few years makes!


Yes, as previously written, its a long way until November 2016 but the campaign will

provide ample fodder for CNN and FOX, though I would suppose with a different slant.



Now, now young Commander !

Ho Hum knows a mid-70 year old really quite well, would even claim to be a great friend.

And he is as bright "as button", smart, does a round of golf most days, catches up on the news in his local coffee shop, a great crooner, has an active social life and hunts beaver in the wilds of the Canadian woods in winters where temperatures plummet to -40 !


So please no disparaging the mid-70's.

But would HH trust him with a gun ?

Hell no......would'nt even trust him with a box of matches !

No, HH jests.


But as per usual, your point is well made.

It baffles us on the "other side of the pond" the love of guns, the type of guns available and those that are allowed them in the fine country of the US.

HH understands (probably wrongly) that the Americans "right to bear arms" was because of us, the Brits.

You dumped our tea into the sea !

Bostonians ! Not exactly known for bad behaviour. Who gave them their "settlement's name in the first place" !

Steady on guys !

Well we realised then and there, the game was up !

"They did'nt like our tea, your Majesty "

"What ! What kind of un-civilised people are these !"

"OK pack up and ski-daddle, don't like tea indeed"


So if we promise, cross our hearts and hope to die, that we wont threaten the Americans or try to re-introduce tea, then they can give up SOME of their guns (keeping guns for sport, huntin', social purposes) BUT what can possibly be the reason for a 17 year old needing a semi-automatic ?


Still want to visit Butch & Sundance for a shoot out !

Yeeha !


The US election is in November, 2016 !

Get away !

As Zimmy observes, the Brits take about 3-4 weeks !

There are only two parties in the US.

In the UK some constituencies have as many as 10 candidates (ok, 7 are "loonies" no come to think about it, they are all "loonies").

The Brits are sick and tired after a fortnight of campaigning.


Well good to hear from you old friend.

Hope preparations for the "state" visit to your adopted country are progressing smoothly.

Please no gun salute !

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