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.......idle jottings


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NOTE: HH would like to apologise to newish readers if anyone is offended by this over-simplistic, national stereo-typing. Kindly take a "large pinch of salt" whilst reading this high grade drivel as longer term readers can testify.



I've taken so many pinches of salt reading this drivel that the blood pressure is now registering 250/60!


I now hear a ticking. Is the heart about to explode like a bomb? No...just the trusty ol' Timex piece still ticking along. Wound it up for the first time in years...still working!


Like you Mr Hum, I haven't actually worn a watch for many years...just look out the window at the position of the sun (or being up North, the dull light trying to penetrate through the darkened sky.) If it is peaking over the hills off to the east, get up you lazy sod. If it is past the big beech tree, it's time for a cocktail in preparation for sundowners. And if it is nowhere to be seen, go to bed. Simple rules for a simple life.

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"Idle Jottings" was set up, according to the first post, to be a catch-all for hints, opinions, travel tips, and what ever else comes to mind. Hopefully linked somehow to SeaDream. Lately this thread has managed to slide into strange(er) territory. It is approaching the level of one of my all time favorite films: "Animal House". To keep on topic, I was happy to see a DVD of this classic aboard SeaDream in Costa Rica. How's that for a connection?:eek:

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Well, at least this is boat related: sitting at Hoag hospital in Newport Beach California waiting for Mrs D to have a routine test, and this is the view out the waiting room window.


Just another day in paradise...



(Well, a sideways, lo-res paradise anyway.)


Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Well, at least this is boat related: sitting at Hoag hospital in Newport Beach California waiting for Mrs D to have a routine test, and this is the view out the waiting room window.

Just another day in paradise...

(Well, a sideways, lo-res paradise anyway.)


Well first of all......all the best to Missus D.

So was the photo taken after you passed out ? Seeing the needle was it ?

Big one hugh ?

God even your hospitals are sited in amazing places.....truly you live in a beautiful part of the world.

Oh and thanks for the "boaty thingy" link.

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"Idle Jottings" was set up, according to the first post, to be a catch-all for hints, opinions, travel tips, and what ever else comes to mind. Hopefully linked somehow to SeaDream. Lately this thread has managed to slide into strange(er) territory. It is approaching the level of one of my all time favorite films: "Animal House". To keep on topic, I was happy to see a DVD of this classic aboard SeaDream in Costa Rica. How's that for a connection?:eek:


Honestly ("How's that for a connection ?")..,, you ask ?

Seriously ?


T e n u o u s........is how Hum would describe it.

Very tenuous, very, very tenuous, gossamer thin........need a microscope to see it.....HH could go on.


Is there some kind of rule that we have to mention SD at least once in every five posts otherwise we will be "escorted from the premises" by burly CC security personnel ?


Do you know how many views there have been on this thread ?

See it is the camaraderie between SD guests and potential SD guests: in that respect, it has never been off point.


Oh thanks, by the way for the back handed compliment that this elite thread (yes in Hum's mind only) reminds you of "Animal House" !

Which you like.......not exactly Fellini or Zaffarelli is it ?

But HH views your comment as a kind gesture similar to putting coins into a parking meter for someone else's vehicle close to expiration time and subsequently being towed.


In that respect, great job Jim or should that be Neidermeyer !


Who do you see as Belushi ? Sundance perhaps ?

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Sundance could probably fill the role admirably. I was more of Otter Stratton.....Or maybe D-Day.:eek: Would you play Dean Wormer for us??


Haha......Otter Stratton or D-Day ?

HH guesses it depends whether you have been drinking a gin martini or tequila.


Yes Hum could play the Dean.......the pretentious, devious, pompous role ehh ?

You know Hum so well.



Mr Hum, you are probably already on Double Secret Probation at Cruise Critic anyway.:D


The good people at CC have been very tolerant.

Under the terms of a former reprieve, HH is keeping "schtum" (love these Yiddish terms: why ?).

All praise to Host Dan.

He sees that meeting new chums and the camaraderie here is one of the best things about cruising and that apparent "belittling" is only friendly banter and leg pulling (well HH sure hopes he does !)


Yes but one day HH will go too far and then that'll be the day.....not soon enough for some. Eh Cabbie ? Hhaha

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Does anyone remember Roland, the Hungarian barman on SDII.

Well he has just married a Ukrainian lady called Anastasiia, who worked as a croupier; also (naturally) on SDII.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

See the photo below:


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I've taken so many pinches of salt reading this drivel that the blood pressure is now registering 250/60!


I now hear a ticking. Is the heart about to explode like a bomb? No...just the trusty ol' Timex piece still ticking along. Wound it up for the first time in years...still working!


Like you Mr Hum, I haven't actually worn a watch for many years...just look out the window at the position of the sun (or being up North, the dull light trying to penetrate through the darkened sky.) If it is peaking over the hills off to the east, get up you lazy sod. If it is past the big beech tree, it's time for a cocktail in preparation for sundowners. And if it is nowhere to be seen, go to bed. Simple rules for a simple life.


View the blood boiling as armchair exercise and it gives the old heart a work out t'boot and all is then well with the world.

Feel rather pleased that HH can illicit such a reaction but methinks you talk in jest.

In fact HH is always rather surprised that there are not more real averse reactions but HH suspects readers simply view HH more as "silly old fa.t !"


HH loves your “rules of life” but may Hum add, there are just days when it is best to stay in bed altogether !

All this neurotic running around "improving" your life is mostly absolute balderdash.

Why not just accept life as it is..........seems a bit silly to do anything else at Hum's age.

"Less is more" as someone else who does'nt like getting out of bed once said.


There we have it….all sorted.


Judging by your comments, HH guesses you live “t’up North”.

Here in the South, we are in double digits: a sweltering 10 degs.

Yes it’s peeing down but as we console ourselves down here; “the garden needs it”.


But when you switch on the old "goggle box” to see how your savings are generally plummeting and the farce of chipper David going around Europe demanding revisions to the EU treaty, you occasionally see problems weather-wise elsewhere in the world.

Floods in Texas ! (Sorry to all SD chums caught up in it)

Heat wave in India ! (Yes chums there too)

All one has to do here is put on a sweater when it gets a bit "nippy".

Britain has'nt a lot going for itself but weather-wise it is fairly civilised if a little deprived of that "ball of fire" people talk about in Southern climes.


Just popped out to buy bedding plants to festoon the pots around the “pile”.

Yes Hum is proud of his yearly display and this year it’s going to be great again.

No, not up to exhibiting at the local summer fete at the vicarage (who, by the way, the vicar confided to Hum that he had given up belief in Him many years ago ! Well no real surprise there but hell get over it, you miserable old so.d, Hum says).

No the plants would'nt get through into the main judging stages. A certain Lady views the type of plants selected by Hum as "common".


Hum will miss his mother's pride of seeing the future beautiful displays but these traditions need to continue and Hum feels even more inspired than ever.

Trailing white geraniums predominate as they need less watering but then the skies "open up" again !

HH mixes in Helichrysum which give a lovely silver leaf and actually survived all year over winter, giving a charming gothic look to his columns. One or two upright white geraniums give a bit of height. Trailing lobelia are also incorporated. Oh and there's a central display of mixed white flowers called "Wedding bouquet". Yes, new to me too.


Now writing this drivel, Hum's back is playing up....too much vigorous activity !

A bath, a small snifter or two and a rub down with "Deeep Heat" by Blondie back from London seeing a chum with whom she occasionally lunches: a beautiful, Iranian Jewish pearl dealer !

You can't make this up can you ?

A lovely, lovely lady whose father escaped the downfall of the Shah in Persia with just the "shirt on his back" and a few connections in the pearl business.....quite a story. And he is such a gentleman.

It's remarkable hearing how these guys can make a very successful life for themselves from nothing but he misses old Persia......very sad.

Their favoured meal ?

Bento boxes of seaweed, sashimi etc...

It's divine she says, smiling at the re-collection of eating every morsel and then regaling Hum as how the train trip home was ghastly: standing room only !


Promise to send a photo of the display once in full bloom, if you wish ?

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Looks like you and Mrs D. have love of gardening in common.... while Blondie and I have wondering about your sanity in common :D Should make for lively table conversation if ever aboard SD at the same time. And all four of us will bust our guts laughing while talking about Jim!


Heh, heh, heh, don't forget to look over your shoulder. You never know who is catching up........:eek:

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Looks like you and Mrs D. have love of gardening in common.... while Blondie and I have wondering about your sanity in common :D Should make for lively table conversation if ever aboard SD at the same time. And all four of us will bust our guts laughing while talking about Jim!



Now there is one crazy ol' coyote !



And dont you go round questioning HH's sanity young man.

A person with an extreme narcissistic, Messianic, split personality and an obsessive compulsive disorder can live nearly a full "normal" life as much as anybody..

So said the psychiatric evaluation panel following the Sea Dream Captain's insistence a few years back that HH is checked out before allowing him back onboard after two or three "incidents".

Which came in useful when CC made a similar request several years later and rescued him from being completely banned.


And what of you ?

HH's expecting to hear a news report that a "Crazy Yank, stole a tank from a museum in the South of England and was last seen hijacking a ferry to France !"


HH believes in the homeopathic view on life when it comes to sanity (at least).

A little craziness is essential PLUS a large "dollop" of humour and a dash of "not taking yourself too seriously".

Oh and chums who take the same view.

Oh and tolerant "better halves"


And there you have it......tips on living too.

But you guys reading this drivel, know that already.

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When are you and Blondie due for your next cruise? As much as I enjoy the recent bantering here, I am eager for updates and news flashes from SD!


Well, welcome home "Slim" !

Enjoyed reading about your travels.

Quite the "new man" are'nt you !

HH wonders how your lady is getting used to your lavish dinners !


Well you know the banter has been fun but it's missing your "gems".


Your timing (as always) is perfect. For we are off on a voyage and ....... wait for it.....It's on Seabourn !!!





No, HH kids you: its SDII....naturally !


But combined with this 10 day voyage we are flying to Verona (8 June) for 2 nights and then up to a very posh villa on Lake Garda for another 3 nights. We then pop down to Venice for another 3 nights at another posh place. We meet up with a "crew" chappie on the night before for a meal and catch up.

As it happens, one of HH's wine merchants has just popped back from Verona and has enthusiastically listed a few restaurants and rare local wines to imbibe. HH will follow his orders implicitly. He is a great bon viveur and we have spent many a wine fuelled evening together in his establishment which specialises in "distinct individual wines". His advice is only one of four HH listens to.

Whilst in the area HH will still savour the more standard wines of the region... Valipocellas, Vallpolicella de Ripaso, Amarones and Soaves......mmmmmmm.


We have Belgium chums onboard now, who have kindly kept us up to date with news and photos. Unfortunately HH has not passed the information on due to the debauched nature of these characters and to protect their privacy.

They disembark on the day we embark and we will meet up with them too.

We know no others onboard but maybe your enquiry and this response. will illicit a few fellow CC and SD chums. Or perhaps not ! SD will expect un-expected cancellations in great numbers.

"Oh Gawd, he is going to be onboard.....in-sufferable fellow. Let's cancel !"


The itinerary is set out below.......if you have any other requests dear chum, HH is here to oblige.



Jun 16, 2015 Venice, Italy 2 PM - 4 PM (Embarkation) Evening

Jun 17, 2015 Opatija, Croatia Morning Afternoon

Jun 18, 2015 Sibenik, Croatia Morning Mid-Day

Jun 18, 2015 Hvar, Croatia Evening Overnight

Jun 19, 2015 Hvar, Croatia Late Evening

Jun 20, 2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia Morning Late Evening

Jun 21, 2015 Monopoli, Italy Morning Afternoon

Jun 22, 2015 Gallipoli, Italy Morning Afternoon

Jun 23, 2015 Taormina (Etna) Sicily, Italy Morning Late Evening

Jun 24, 2015 Lipari, Sicily, Italy Early Morning Mid-Day

Jun 24, 2015 Stromboli, Sicily, Italy Afternoon Late Evening

Jun 25, 2015 Amalfi, Italy Morning Afternoon

Jun 25, 2015 Capri, Italy Evening Overnight

Jun 26, 2015 Capri, Italy Afternoon

Jun 27, 2015 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy Morning


Edited by ho-hum
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Your timing (as always) is perfect. For we are off on a voyage and ....... wait for it.....It's on Seabourn !!!


No, HH kids you: its SDII....naturally !


Phew! You had me going for a minute there but am greatly relieved to learn of your upcoming trip. Will look forward to regular reports and updates but of course I'll be spending much of my time practicing my newly acquired culinary skills, U look forward to following your upcoming trip. Hope it's a great one!

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His advice is only one of four HH listens to.


And the other three? Blondie of course plus...let me think...Foghorn Leghorn and Stan Laurel?


What an enchanting itinerary. Was on SD1 last year and visited Taormina, Lipari and an unplanned after dinner sail to the lava spewing Stromboli. Absolutely adored these places.


Happy days (it is guaranteed by drinking Amarone) and calm seas.

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HH, you expressed an interest in the Azamara Board on CC. Currently there is an ongoing thread concerning the upcoming refits of both ships. I feel you would find the company input and especially the participation of Larry Pimentel to be enjoyable.

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Phew! You had me going for a minute there but am greatly relieved to learn of your upcoming trip. Will look forward to regular reports and updates but of course I'll be spending much of my time practicing my newly acquired culinary skills, U look forward to following your upcoming trip. Hope it's a great one!


It will be a pleasure dear friend (to ocassionally report to y'all).

Back to that stove......that egg wont boil itself !


Oh you're not at that level yet...ooops, sorry.

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And the other three? Blondie of course plus...let me think...Foghorn Leghorn and Stan Laurel?


What an enchanting itinerary. Was on SD1 last year and visited Taormina, Lipari and an unplanned after dinner sail to the lava spewing Stromboli. Absolutely adored these places.


Happy days (it is guaranteed by drinking Amarone) and calm seas.



No, HH was referring to the people he would listen to regarding.....wine !

Foghorn Leghorn !

Stan Laurel !


Blondie is always worth listening too.


Yes HH loves these places too......one day HH must stay in one of those bijoux hotels in Capri too.

Our Belgian chums have been enjoying it too and have also sent lot's of photos, with the added interest of what they are drinking too !

See photo (yes HH has been discreet). Positano in background. Taittinger, rose Comtes de Champagne, 2005 in the foreground served by Ferenc Kis, sommelier.


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Hi Jim,


(The "Quote" button aint working).

Yes thanks for that Jim.

The truth about HH's "snooping" on the Azamara thread was to check out a "pesky" contributor to see if she is up to her "old tricks" !

So you have elicited HH's shameful petty attitude: HH has since desisted.

HH was'nt interested in Azamara per se but was impressed by the open attitude and effective communication of Larry P.


Sea Dream's "dialogue" with guests is non-existent, indeed they appear secretive and distrustworthy of guests.

So 10/10 to Azamara !

This is one of Sea Dream's biggest failings and is characterised by their cultural isolation, insularity and arrogance assuming that what works in No-way works in more contemporary societies: it plainly does'nt.

Will it change ?

Well we seem to have a new man at the helm......signs dont look encouraging.

But there are individuals within the higher echelons of management who are quite open and candid and HH encourages this approach.


Now HH understands that changes are afoot in re-modelling their ships (2 of them ?).


Here are two posts. One by the head honcho himself (LP) and the second by CC's Host.

All sounds rather jolly, does'nt it ?


It seems we are truly "short changed" !


Thank you for such robust comments!


I truly enjoy the community input from the Cruise Critic boards. Your providing us with valuable guest insights on our remodel effort. Keep up the input and the end product will continue to exceed expectations. Additionally our officers and crew are watching your comments as we all learn more of your thoughts in an effort to create quality. Thanks for being so engaged and passionate about our little boutique cruise line.


Also keep in mind there is more to reveal.... Stay tuned!



Hello Larry,


As always, thank you for visiting with us, and sharing your insights. It's always great to hear from Azamara's fearless leader ! We appreciate that you engage with your guests, and that Azamara is listening.


It was a heck of a day on the forum. I believe that most of us (myself included) are very excited about what's ahead for Journey and Quest - and any exciting surprises to come. We eagerly look forward to further updates.


Congratulations to You, and everyone at Azamara, on your efforts to make your beautiful Azamara Journey & Quest even better. All the very best, and thanks again !


HH is'nt that knowledgeable about Azamara's cruises or how they compare with Sea Dream but it seems they are re-modelling or making them bigger for more passengers and creating an Oriental outside dining area that you have to pay to eat there.


Maybe you would like to briefly summarise it for us Jim.

Have you or anyone out there sailed on them ?

What are your impressions ?

Care to comment here on the "kerfuffle" going on over at Azamara ?

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