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.......idle jottings


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Unfortunately, Raggy, we would also love to be on SD II, BUT it is virtually

impossible to get convenient flights in and out of St. Thomas from Canada

without many connections and I am too old for this. While San Juan was no picnic, it was much easier than STT.


So, we too, have opted for a BTB out of St Maarten on Feb 20 ending

in Barbados on March 5. With this itinerary, we fly non-stop in and out ...

less hassle and less chance for missed connections. AND, this itin has some interesting ports-of-call.



I hear you, going anywhere from southern California is a pain, what with the pacific to the west and 4000 km of flyover country to the east ;)


Commander, we depart March 5th out of Barbados on Windstar Legend! Unless you are flying out right after disembarking maybe we could meet for a drink! We will be at the Hilton near the port until about 1:30 pm.

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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So close, yet so far! We'll be on the 10 dayer out of Barbados while you will be in and around the BVIs.


Your back to back itineraries are almost identical. I guess it IS all about the yacht for you!


We need the 10 dayer to "close the gap" between the far southern Caribbean and the north eastern caribbean, so that we will have bagged all the islands in the eastern/southern Caribbean.


Then we can finally put that darn mug we bought on Saba away :o It has been like that evil slot machine, calling "Franklin!", on the old Twilight Zone episode...


Well you're right about the yacht (and the wonderful crew), that's for sure.

Yep and there are a lot of repeats: most in St.Barts where we already have some plans with a few crew members !

So that's a bonus.


yes, but that mug is made in China so you have to do those "islands"as well.


That's crazy talk !


Butch has a point Sundance.......off you go.




Off you go !!!

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Well hope all our Canadian chums are having a good time on Canada Day.


How do you celebrate it ?


Do you go out to the vast forests.

Leaping from tree to tree!

Watch the logs as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia!

With your best girl by your side!

The Larch!

The Pine!

The Giant Redwood tree!

The Sequoia!

The Little Whopping Rule Tree!

You would sing! Sing! Sing!

Oh, I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.


Sorry, just could'nt resist.



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He's a lumberjack, and he's okay,

He sleeps all night and he works all day.

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatree.

On Wednesdays I go shoppin'

And have buttered scones for tea.

I put on women's clothing, And hang around in bars.

I wish I'd been a girlie Just like my dear papa.


OK, HH's sorry !

No more, promise.

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Ho-Hum, I've been patiently waiting in the wings for another SD day report, and just thought, as I have not read anymore, that you could not get a word in, what with future plans of upcoming cruises, greek tradegies and the like. All good fun and I'm loving it, but alas now I realise there are no more sea days for the moment, and you are now back on land, albeit foreign land. Just wanted to say thanks for a great review and I really look forward to your/someone's next journey all aboard SD even if I have to wait till Christmas!

Cheers, to one and all, Millie

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Binoculars with "Image Stabilisation"???


Tip of the day from gcmv: Drinking less helps to stabilise ... :D


Sorry for Frau "IHI" and her husband (not every German can be so amiable like Herr and Frau gcmv ;)).


Gcmv knows, that ho-hum is curious to hear something about our Europa2 cruise - it was FANTASTIC!!!

Different to SD (500 pax, fully booked), but the food was outstanding in each restaurant, the wine list seemingly endless, the service staff as friendly as on SD, the "suite" was a "real suite" (35sqm) and (SURPRISE, SURPRISE) we both felt, that this vessel has indeed a "soul" and space, space, space ...


Gcmv is convinced, that ho-hum and blondie would really enjoy a cruise on this ship, but:

At all events - do it with your (english-speaking) chums as 90 % of the guests come from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.:)


Attached a photo of the vessel (white), our rental convertible (dark grey) and Frau gcmv (light grey, sunglasses and hat).



Oh Ralph, you know Hum wouldn't have posted about Frau "IHI" on petty ignorant nationalist prejudice.

We ALL have 'em (them).

Matters not which country they are from.

So no need to apologise for the perceived attitude of a countryman (well woman in this case).

Personally HH considers the English, the worst.

Some (English people) can be so nice to your "face" but are seething underneath with anxieties and neuroses.

The TV series "Midsomer Murders" is a documentary not a drama.

We (the English) love to poison people and drop pots of Geraniums on people's heads when they walk to some mansion or other.


And there were some very nice, discerning German couples onboard who gave HH a real education about visiting Namibia. The couples exemplified fine manners, etiquette, courtesy and were extensively knowledgeable about other cultures and really nice too.

As you are old chap !! And Frau gcmv too.

Whom it is a delight and privilege to know.


And Hum will do Europa 2 !

You know HH tried the "taster" ? But timing was off.

Now you poor Germans will not be able to go on vacations anymore because you leant all that money to the Greeks to buy your products (Siemens trams, Mercedes-Benz cars etc...) and they have decided not to repay you !


Thankyou for clarifying the ship (white), car (grey) and Frau gcmv (light grey).

HH can't really say it helped but HH thanks you all the same.

HH kind of worked it out for himself.

By the way the writing is in white.....ignore the grey-black squiggles. Hope that helps old friend.


So old chum what next ? Sea Dream or Europa ?

You know you tempted HH about The Dolomites......HH must go there.

HH will ask your recommendations before he goes.

Nice to hear from you old friend.

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He's a lumberjack, and he's okay,

He sleeps all night and he works all day.

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatree.

On Wednesdays I go shoppin'

And have buttered scones for tea.

I put on women's clothing, And hang around in bars.

I wish I'd been a girlie Just like my dear papa.


OK, HH's sorry !

No more, promise.


As the rest of humanity shout "less, less!!!!" it is good to see the anthem of the posh part get an airing.

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It seems that for the next century there will only be enough spare runway space for an eagle to land in the posh part of UK.


When heading out and back again for a sublime SeaDream experience, the excruciating prospect of flying in and out of London has to be endured. How on earth can these pesky foreigners keep getting it right and here in ol’ Blighty we make such a pig’s ear of it? The motherland that built an empire, administered the whole Indian sub-continent with a team of only twenty two people, one cricket bat and a kettle and brought civilisation to many parts of the outer limits of the world can’t make a simple decision on where to lay a mile and a half of fresh tarmac for a plane to land on.


After many years deliberating whether to do anything, a Commission was appointed and three years later it has recommended what everyone thought they would say in the first place. Now there will be pontificating by politicians then we can all look forward to years of further consultations, reviews of these consultations, recommendations of the reviews of the consultations…then just to flush another fifty million down the swanny the ubiquitous public enquiry will be set up so some long haired tree dweller with nothing remotely valuable to contribute will get their five seconds of fame to comment on the consultations, reviews and recommendations. It is enough to make you fly from Schiphol.


Talking of Schiphol…I would rather not. It’s in Holland, no hills, strange footwear. And what about those pesky French, always striving to be morally superior to “les rostbifs” yet happily squeeze in another Parisian runway as periodically as their President squeezes into his leathers and bikes over to his mistress for another night of sin?


If ever a planning application for a new runway is submitted, let’s hope it is on a Friday afternoon that it plonks on the desk of our dear planner Bob. Fresh back from a few lunchtime snifters with his fellow hard working and diligent local authority colleagues, Bob takes his sharp pencil, yawns and gets to work granting permission for, amongst other things the creation of a dormer window in a roof, a rear extension to a bungalow and what’s this “to lay one and a half miles of tarmac on rough ground near M4 motorway”. He remembers that his friend Charlie does road maintenance so it could be a good earner all round and duly ticks the approved box, as a beery smile beams from his flushed Friday afternoon face. Soon after, he leaves the office thinking what idiot would want to lay such a length of tarmac which goes nowhere? “Ah well, not my problem now”.

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So old chum what next ? Sea Dream or Europa ?

You know you tempted HH about The Dolomites......HH must go there.

HH will ask your recommendations before he goes.

Nice to hear from you old friend.


Never Europa - only Europa 2 as it offers the more relaxed atmosphere (gcmv doesn' t like to wear tuxedos and ties on holiday).


Seadream again - why not? Perhaps Istanbul - Athens with lovely Greek and Turkish islands. But at the earliest in spring/autumn 2017 - gcmv hopes that the Greeks see sense until then.


Next for us is Alto Adige (Dolomites) in August for one week - best recommendation for ho-hum and blondie is where Herr and Frau gcmv stay:



When your plans get more concrete, feel free to ask for more ... :)

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Ho-Hum, I've been patiently waiting in the wings for another SD day report, and just thought, as I have not read anymore, that you could not get a word in, what with future plans of upcoming cruises, greek tradegies and the like. All good fun and I'm loving it, but alas now I realise there are no more sea days for the moment, and you are now back on land, albeit foreign land. Just wanted to say thanks for a great review and I really look forward to your/someone's next journey all aboard SD even if I have to wait till Christmas!

Cheers, to one and all, Millie


Well thanks for that Millie. Kind of you to say.


Yes it would be great to hear from others experiences onboard; maybe not as OCD as yours truly but something (cough cough).


You wont have to wait til Xmas.

The next trip is the transatlantic crosssing but reports on port visits will be a little sparse for obvious reasons.

And there were will be no "tittle-tattle" as the boat usually has few passengers and those that do the crossings are the "usual old hands", low life's, drunks, derelicts, cheapos, n'er do wells, would slit yer throat if you looked at 'em funny; you would'nt know the type being a refined lady from such a posh city.

Added to which most of whom know the identity of HH: indeed are his chums.

How ?

God knows.

So to avoid some "miffed" victim of the "pen" interrupting Hum crunching on his morning cornflakes at brekkie and telling him what a cad he is, it is probably wise to "sheepishly" avoid such un-fair and usually un-true castigations and imputations on their characters.

You can imagine what cocktails would be like if say HH nicely "bitched" about 2/3 of them.

HH might be thrown overboard !

Conversely if Hum reports how jolly nice they are then Hum will be left in peace with the occasional, acknowledged nod of appreciation and respect directed his way.

And how HH's "bosom will swell with pride" and gloat in self-satisfaction that he is universally liked.

Yeah right Commander.


Blondie will be back onboard quite soon (August) with a girlfriend who is certifiably mad but extremely funny. She is a natural comic writer of observation of people but it is confined to texting (she has yet to comprehend email).


She married a guy from Byron Bay, NSW (Australia to all those out there not from Oz) who she met in her early travelling days as a young 20 year old.

They settled in the UK where they did very well for themselves.

Blondie and her friend talk some nights for over an hour !

Quite extraordinary !

Men are a little more economical.

They always have fun on SD and are pampered extensively. Well you can imagine.

Hum loves the close friendship they have and hearing what they have got up to.

And the "low down" on the passengers and of course the wonderful crew.

Maybe Hum could tell you about it.

IF THERE WERE A BIT MORE INTEREST EXPRESSED BY YOU LOT (apart from you Millie, there was not exactly a tidal flow of appreciation for Hum's exhaustive daily reports, now was there ? (Cough, cough).


HH is getting the hint.

There are several forums on wine you know, one day HH may just jump ship or be banned for in-appropriate commenting: Hum "sails" pretty close.

And the wine forums are a little more liberal and always go off topic.

Why ?

They've just "necked" a bottle of Chateau H'orrible !

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As the rest of humanity shout "less, less!!!!" it is good to see the anthem of the posh part get an airing.


Indeed it is, indeed it is, sir.


Sorry got to go it's Wednesday, need to go to the lavatree first (wish we had an indoor one) then shopping followed by buttered scones for tea, maybe arrange Blondie's wardrobe and then off for a few swift ones at the pub with one's chums.

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Well the temperatures in the UK are back to civilised levels: mid-20's.

Quite sufficient.


Here is an ever inventive British oik using his i itiative to cool down.


Hum says "Well done sir, well done"



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Well the temperatures in the UK are back to civilised levels: mid-20's.

Quite sufficient.


Then I don't think we need fear a sudden unannounced appearance from the Posh Part over here in Desert Land. It has been a steady 45-46 for a few weeks. Down to around 40 today. No place for sissies! And I have repeatedly said how much I enjoy your drivel...I mean writing....about your SeaDream adventures. So much so that I risk being accused of being a paid shill for Your Esteemed Self. Keep up your end Sir and us Po Folk will inevitably show up on one of your voyages. That will serve you right.

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Hey Ho, you might not be aware of the privations Ragnar is enduring. California is in the midst of a severe drought. Water restrictions are very severe. Poor Raggy is limited to drinking beer only, no water.

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Blondie will be back onboard quite soon (August) with a girlfriend who is certifiably mad but extremely funny. She is a natural comic writer of observation of people but it is confined to texting (she has yet to comprehend email).


She married a guy from Byron Bay, NSW (Australia to all those out there not from Oz) who she met in her early travelling days as a young 20 year old.

They settled in the UK where they did very well for themselves.

Blondie and her friend talk some nights for over an hour !

Quite extraordinary !

Men are a little more economical.

They always have fun on SD and are pampered extensively. Well you can imagine.

Hum loves the close friendship they have and hearing what they have got up to.

And the "low down" on the passengers and of course the wonderful crew.

Maybe Hum could tell you about it.

IF THERE WERE A BIT MORE INTEREST EXPRESSED BY YOU LOT (apart from you Millie, there was not exactly a tidal flow of appreciation for Hum's exhaustive daily reports, now was there ? (Cough, cough).



I would love to hear the "low down" on the passengers and the wonderful crew. I would pick up many tips, ideas, do's and don'ts.

Funny you mention Byron Bay, we are booked to go there for Christmas. Not exactly SD in the Caribbean but a beautiful part of the world nonetheless. Although there have been a couple of great white shark attacks in their waters recently so we will have to "tread" carefully.

Cheers, Millie

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It seems that for the next century there will only be enough spare runway space for an eagle to lan......BLAH BLAH BLAH... thinking what idiot would want to lay such a length of tarmac which goes nowhere? “Ah well, not my problem now”.


Oh we are being a tad curmudgeonly.


Love it.

You're right about India.

Have you been ?

The best architectural bits were from the invading Moguls (Islam) and the civilising arrival of the Brits (Lutyens): a let's help out these jolly chaps approach all round the world.

OK some thought, be gone with them and look how it's panned out.

What the Indians created (architecturally, even if you can call it that) is complete trash.

If you go to India, the tour guides say how proud they are of their buildings.

Yes matey boy, because you did'nt build 'em !

No Hum will never get the temples.

It's a "throw everything and the kitchen sink at it" approach.


Well our trip back from Rome, leaving ship at 9.0am (BST) and to walking through the front door at 4.0pm (BST) was partly due to the proximity of the airport.

Not too shabby eh ? But keep it quiet. Hum has also been in the fight against expansion of our very convenient local airport.

Well it's more of a social thing round here. If you even hinted that you dont care, your name would be besmirched round Poshland.


But Oh great news here at Poshland !


The Airports Commission looking into where best add extra air flight capacity has announced it should be London Heathrow !


Hurrah !


So no more plans overhead (well where else would they go dummy ?) near to Poshland from:

- London Gatwick

- London Luton

- London City


The planes overhead would be coming from London Heathrow !


Then you have the helicopters too !

Bloody convenient though when you want lunch in France.

Oh and our helicopter owning chums who pop over for a bite (and a drink or two).

Well the roads are in total gridlock these days.

The trains are diabolical. People even push into First with their crying sprogs. It really is the last straw.

Some roads are backed up all the way to the Channel tunnel where immigrants and French farmers and port workers are taking it in turns to set tyres alight !

It beggars belief.

What really pees off the French is all these immigrants prefer Britain to France.

What a shambles the port is in.

If the French cant handle the problem then cede the land over to Britain. A 25 mile radius should do it.


The immigrants create diversions by lighting tyres and then jump into lorries returning to old "Blighty" and because there are no washroom facilities in the backs of these lorries, the whole cargo has to be dumped.


HH is still waiting on his en primeur wine delivery from Bordeaux.

They say it may have to be destroyed.

Yes it would put old Hum off sniffing his wine knowing it's possible journey and events along the way !

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Ok Mr. Hum, this is most deifinitely "Idle Jottings" but how long do you figure it will be until SeaDream has a Cuba cruise given recent reestablishment of relations? We trust you to know what AB is thinking even before he thinks it.

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Never Europa - only Europa 2 as it offers the more relaxed atmosphere (gcmv doesn' t like to wear tuxedos and ties on holiday).


Seadream again - why not? Perhaps Istanbul - Athens with lovely Greek and Turkish islands. But at the earliest in spring/autumn 2017 - gcmv hopes that the Greeks see sense until then.


Next for us is Alto Adige (Dolomites) in August for one week - best recommendation for ho-hum and blondie is where Herr and Frau gcmv stay:



When your plans get more concrete, feel free to ask for more ... :)



OK Europa 2, Europa 2 !

Got it.

"I dont like to wear tuxedos and ties on holiday" !

So HH assumes you are wearing them all the time when not on holiday !

Do you and Frau gcmv work as a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers double act touring the various beer houses of Bavaria ?




"Greeks seeing sense" !

They will be out the euro by the time you pop over there if the "No" vote wins on Sunday.


Yes "GCMV travel agency" shall handle all HH's arrangements in this area of Northern Italy.

HH appreciates your very kind offer.

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Then I don't think we need fear a sudden unannounced appearance from the Posh Part over here in Desert Land. It has been a steady 45-46 for a few weeks. Down to around 40 today. No place for sissies! And I have repeatedly said how much I enjoy your drivel...I mean writing....about your SeaDream adventures. So much so that I risk being accused of being a paid shill for Your Esteemed Self. Keep up your end Sir and us Po Folk will inevitably show up on one of your voyages. That will serve you right.


Aw schuks Butch !!

Your continued support, kindness and humour makes it all worth while


Hey Ho, you might not be aware of the privations Ragnar is enduring. California is in the midst of a severe drought. Water restrictions are very severe. Poor Raggy is limited to drinking beer only, no water.


Only beer to drink, poor Raggy !

He never complains.

Respect Raggy.


Do you get any respite in the evenings old chap (from the heat) ?


Yes Hum shares concerns about lack of water in California........it is a worry.

What's your take on it Jim ?

Climate change, over extraction, combination of two ?


Oh and this evening it truly "bucketed down" for two hours.


Still HH would love to "live". in the desert for three weeks a year


Ok Mr. Hum, this is most deifinitely "Idle Jottings" but how long do you figure it will be until SeaDream has a Cuba cruise given recent reestablishment of relations? We trust you to know what AB is thinking even before he thinks it.


2017 ! Hum's educated guess.


Well as soon as possible really.


SD want to get in there quickly as they see lots of Americans going which would add to the "coffers": they may even charge a premium price too (well why not: they didn't tell Hum this mind: it just seems reasonable to do so) of course the rest of the world has been going to Cuba for years and quite liking it.


We have a chum who is a Captain of an airline (he posted here once with a cheeky post) who flew there once a week and absolutely loved it.

The people were very friendly, educated and kind.

He arranged for his chums to collect un-wanted clothes which he gave out.

Just think about it, some lucky Cuban gent is strutting around Havana in one of Hum's old clothes (probably those shirts recommended by Abenaki....haha).


But there is an issue which they are openly talking about (well HH hopes it was no big secret told just to Hum one dinner).


Port Calls.

The restriction on foreign flag vessels calling on the U.S. if they have called in Cuba in the last 180 days.

It is not expected that this restriction will be lifted on cruise ships in the short term, however, it is possible if there is pressure from the cruise lines.


This is the issue currently being assessed, as obviously it affects the subsequent itinerary of the ship chosen to go.


Hum has no clue what AB thinks.

This is the man who brought you "Raw Food"......complete madness.

He is certainly a unique man with decades of experience at the top in the cruise industry.

Hum does think that he feels somewhat "down" that the other itineraries never really worked.

Maybe that's why he is handing much of the work over to his son, Andreas.

But when Hum saw him last on the Italian - Croatian cruise, a few weeks ago, he looked healthy and "chipper" with the air of a man on a mission.

Avoiding HH being his biggest priority no doubt.


Would you go to Cuba, Jim ?


Anyone else ?

Edited by ho-hum
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Si sir, Cuba esta en la lista. As far as the water shortage in California (we have no shortage in AZ) name me one world problem that does not ultimately come back to some form of too many people. The climate is changing as it has always done throughout the millennia. Stick around long enough and you might see dinosaurs again.

Edited by Jim Avery
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Do you get any respite in the evenings old chap (from the heat) ?



Still HH would love to "live". in the desert for three weeks a year




On average, the temperature at night hits a low that is 30 to 35 degrees F lower than the high. So, once the sun is over the Yardarm, it becomes tolerable again. If you do choose to live in the desert for a few weeks (assuming not in the Summer) you will be amazed at how nice it is. We suggest you check the Phoenician Resort website for a taste. Of course you can also stay in our guest room in our little bungalow. It is probably the size of Blondies shoe closet but you are most welcome.

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