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.......idle jottings


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Greetings are exchanged and we offer our simple gifts.

Their "cabin" is far grander than we expected, providing a guest bedroom, en-suite and TV room/Study !

As you can see, they have wifi too and a geo-thermally heated property and "infinity" pool.

Having rubbed noses in the traditional manner of these simple people.

They offer refreshments.......probably fresh yak's milk or some such abomination.

But nay.

An Agrapart et fils, 2008, extra-brut (low dosage) champagne from the grand cru village of Avize (France): a man we had actually met nearing 25 years ago, introduced as we were by chums in the same village (also champagnerons, naturally).

Yes the 2008 is still quite young but the mildly austere freshness and tightness of this predominantly Chardonnay based champagne was a perfect accompaniment as we looked over the rest of the "settlement" below that stretched for 30-35 miles in a 180 degree arc.

Obviously the elevated position is important to repel interloping tribes and beasts of the extensive forests.

Simple nuts are offered with the champagne.....salted almonds from Espana: traders had obviously passed through recently as there was a beautiful extra-virgin olive too (also from Spain: Andalucia, Hum's surmising).

The air is soporific as a second and then a third bottle is offered.....Ho Hum wonders how many beaver skins did they have to exchange for this delightful and extremely revered amber liquid.

The previous winter must have offered a fair bounty.

A brief adjournment on a most comfortable bed followed by a bath and Hum returns to a feast of foods: foie gras and toasted slices of baguettes, tiniest of succulent tomatoes, grilled thin asparagus with grated Parmiggiano, fresh sweetcorn, confit of duck and a Chambolle-Musigny to respectively sip throughout.

We are relaxed and happy and oh so content.

Feeling very blessed and humbled by the generosity of such wonderful chums with an equally wonderful sense of humour.

And all because of Sea Dream: news of which was exchanged during the car journey from Montreal to the "settlement" set on the outskirts of an extremely pretty town of 600 souls that is swelled in the summer months by double the number.

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Mr Hum, you might wish to check in over at Azamara. They had proposed, with videos, etc. to revamp the popular Sunset Bar into an enclosed alternate dining venue. The troops revolted, set up a survey and lo and behold, the Chief Blogging Officer announced that Management (Larry Pimentel, et al.) has reversed their plans and will leave the popular Sunset Bar as is. Talk about communication with and listening to your customers.:D


Mr Hum...what do you think? It can't be..can it? Is that Chief Blogging Officer none other than little Bonnie? Still tap tap tapping away...


Not just her mother's praise doth drown us all, now Mr Larry must be gushing with admiration for a Chief Blogging Officer that ensures great connectivity (who uses such plastic words in the real world?) with their clientele.


Even better don't you think...Azamara's Bonnie will be responsible for mentoring the next generation of Blogging Officers who beaver away within the company's blogging department?


Anchors away dear Bonnie, anchors away!

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So glad your enjoying our neck of the woods! We know which settlement you speak of! One of the more lovely towns in La Belle Provence! Would be lovely if we all met on Seadream one day!

Have fun! And we hope the weather does not spoil it for you too much!?...

If the car doesn't work, you can borrow our Kayaks for the rest of your journey!



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Mr Hum, you might wish to check in over at Azamara. They had proposed, with videos, etc. to revamp the popular Sunset Bar into an enclosed alternate dining venue. The troops revolted, set up a survey and lo and behold, the Chief Blogging Officer announced that Management (Larry Pimentel, et al.) has reversed their plans and will leave the popular Sunset Bar as is. Talk about communication with and listening to your customers.:D


Thanks to MACT, HH had been prompted of your earlier pist concerning the above.

Hum fully concurs with your conclusion.



Mr Hum...what do you think? It can't be..can it? Is that Chief Blogging Officer none other than little Bonnie? Still tap tap tapping away...


Not just her mother's praise doth drown us all, now Mr Larry must be gushing with admiration for a Chief Blogging Officer that ensures great connectivity (who uses such plastic words in the real world?) with their clientele.


Even better don't you think...Azamara's Bonnie will be responsible for mentoring the next generation of Blogging Officers who beaver away within the company's blogging department?


Anchors away dear Bonnie, anchors away!


Well firstly thanks for pointing out Butch's recent pist.....obviously travelling has had consequences.

Having read your pist several times, Hum remains perplexed by your standpoint.

Knowing you (somewhat) sometimes portrayed as a similar gnarled, cynic like old Hum himself (but with a great sense of humour in full working order) it is not clear whether it is slanted somewhat cynically or whether there is the faintest chance you are a reticent admirer although critical of "plastic" words......known better as "schmoooze" by most.


Explain yourself sir....Hum fears he is missing the "rub", the "gist" ....


But be prepared...Hum is appreciative of Azamara's stance on communication, listening to others, inviting dialogue with clients with whom they genuinely seem to consider.

A well known and respected former CEO and Captain, once of SD run the operation over there and by all accounts do a very fine job and their attitudes are quite sincere (or they fake it very well indeed).

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Thanks to MACT, HH had been prompted of your earlier pist concerning the above.

Hum fully concurs with your conclusion.





Well firstly thanks for pointing out Butch's recent pist.....obviously travelling has had consequences.

Having read your pist several times, Hum remains perplexed by your standpoint.

Knowing you (somewhat) sometimes portrayed as a similar gnarled, cynic like old Hum himself (but with a great sense of humour in full working order) it is not clear whether it is slanted somewhat cynically or whether there is the faintest chance you are a reticent admirer although critical of "plastic" words......known better as "schmoooze" by most.


Explain yourself sir....Hum fears he is missing the "rub", the "gist" ....


But be prepared...Hum is appreciative of Azamara's stance on communication, listening to others, inviting dialogue with clients with whom they genuinely seem to consider.

A well known and respected former CEO and Captain, once of SD run the operation over there and by all accounts do a very fine job and their attitudes are quite sincere (or they fake it very well indeed).


Anyone called "Bonnie" gets my vote every time!


This communication malarkey with customers. Who on earth do Azamara think they are? A listening cruise line, give the customers what they want cruise line, don't p*** your clientele off cruise line? It will never catch on, mark my words.


Azamara, the trailblazers have a Chief Blogging Officer. What money would you put on them also having a Chief Twitter Officer or perhaps they might have more than one...the Twittwo or the twoTwit Officers?

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Anyone called "Bonnie" gets my vote every time!


This communication malarkey with customers. Who on earth do Azamara think they are? A listening cruise line, give the customers what they want cruise line, don't p*** your clientele off cruise line? It will never catch on, mark my words.


Azamara, the trailblazers have a Chief Blogging Officer. What money would you put on them also having a Chief Twitter Officer or perhaps they might have more than one...the Twittwo or the twoTwit Officers?


I have it on good authority that Bonnie Twits with the best of them. Not being a Twit myself, I have to take their word for it.

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Anyone called "Bonnie" gets my vote every time!


This communication malarkey with customers. Who on earth do Azamara think they are? A listening cruise line, give the customers what they want cruise line, don't p*** your clientele off cruise line? It will never catch on, mark my words.


Azamara, the trailblazers have a Chief Blogging Officer. What money would you put on them also having a Chief Twitter Officer or perhaps they might have more than one...the Twittwo or the twoTwit Officers?


Oh my !

To borrow that famous line from Charlie for a moment.

What a tizzy you are in......we, of usual general accord with one another too.

What has brought on these "vapours" ?


Aha !


Jeremy Corbyn is the new Labour Party leader !

That must have disturbed you.



Hum leaves the country for a few days and you let this happen.....

OK it was'nt in "great shape", well not since they elected the wrong brother but never as bad as this !

Of there was Michael Foot.

But then along came The Messiah !

Tony Blair.

And then it went on the slide did'nt it.......and now we have this !


A significant number of British people have gone mad...........totally bonkers !

The Conservatives must think it is Xmas !

How many Conservatives voted for this "car crash" ?


So the Labour Party is now dead !

Along with the Liberal Party.

Just UKIP left but they have been very quiet especially surprising with the EU dithering about refugees AKA immigrants.

Has there been a secret deal ?

And the SNP are planning another referendum too......this time, go !


All the Conservatives now need to decide is:

- withdraw from Europe

- who to groom for new leader. Not Geoffrey please. Give Boris a go.


Say what you like about Queen Elizabeth, she just keeps rolling along providing stability but for how much longer !


Suppose it could be worse.

Just look at America. Donald Trump ?

And after that Kanye West ?

The madness is spreading !

Thank Gawd you have this....ehh Cabbie ?

Indeed !

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The glacially slow wifi at the hotel is preventing photo uploads, but here is a link to the Saumur tank museum:




Great displays, and unlike Bovington, you can touch them, no barriers. Can stick your camera in hatches, etc. The sign says though, in english only, "No climbing on tanks". But rules are made to be broken....


And topped the day off with a very nice cabernet frank from the Saumur region.


Photos later.

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Saumur, France. Home of fine tanks and good wine:


Thank you for the evocative description of your travels.....Hum senses and feels every nuance of your subtle observations


More info. How do they shoot? Is the recoil really bad? As accurate as your 44 Mag? :eek:


He's not shooting from the tanks Butch !

Hmmmmmm....or is he ?

Ye Gods...Sundance in a tank !

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Oh my !

To borrow that famous line from Charlie for a moment.

What a tizzy you are in......we, of usual general accord with one another too.

What has brought on these "vapours" ?


Aha !


Jeremy Corbyn is the new Labour Party leader !

That must have disturbed you.



Hum leaves the country for a few days and you let this happen.....

OK it was'nt in "great shape", well not since they elected the wrong brother but never as bad as this !

Of there was Michael Foot.

But then along came The Messiah !

Tony Blair.

And then it went on the slide did'nt it.......and now we have this !


A significant number of British people have gone mad...........totally bonkers !

The Conservatives must think it is Xmas !

How many Conservatives voted for this "car crash" ?


So the Labour Party is now dead !

Along with the Liberal Party.

Just UKIP left but they have been very quiet especially surprising with the EU dithering about refugees AKA immigrants.

Has there been a secret deal ?

And the SNP are planning another referendum too......this time, go !


All the Conservatives now need to decide is:

- withdraw from Europe

- who to groom for new leader. Not Geoffrey please. Give Boris a go.


Say what you like about Queen Elizabeth, she just keeps rolling along providing stability but for how much longer !


Suppose it could be worse.

Just look at America. Donald Trump ?

And after that Kanye West ?

The madness is spreading !

Thank Gawd you have this....ehh Cabbie ?

Indeed !



It's the beard "wot won it"!


He's mad, bad and dangerous, a fruitcake no less. And that was just the summation of the editorial in the FT. Imagine what The Sun is saying!


America be afraid, very afraid. That is 50% of the "their taking over the madhouse" agenda achieved....how is your "bad hair day" doing?


It really is total bonkers over here Mr Hum. Now the Hungarians are getting it in the neck for enforcing EU rules on migrants...from the EU! "Let them all in or we'll stop your pocket money" cries she who must be obeyed Merkel (who incidentally has now imposed border checks at the Germany/Austria border and sending back any immigrant who has already been processed after announcing only last week a free ride all the way to Berlin to anyone who wants it).


You just couldn't make it up unless you are a politician who are all just making it up.


Come back...old Blighty need you to restore some sanity to the madness. We know we can rely on you for sense, reason and a fine recommendation for claret in this hour of need.

Edited by MACT
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It's the beard "wot won it"!


He's mad, bad and dangerous, a fruitcake no less. And that was just the summation of the editorial in the FT. Imagine what The Sun is saying.


America be afraid, very afraid. That is 50% of the "their taking over the madhouse" agenda achieved....how is your "bad hair day" doing?


It really is total bonkers over here Mr Hum. Now the Hungarians are getting it in the neck for enforcing EU rules on migrants...from the EU! "Let them all in or we'll stop your pocket money" cries she who must be obeyed Merkel (who incidentally has now imposed border checks at the Germany/Austria border and sending back any immigrant who has already been processed after announcing only last week a free ride all the way to Berlin to anyone who wants it).


You just couldn't make it up unless you are a politician who are all just making it up.


Come back...old Blighty need you to restore some sanity to the madness. We know we can rely on you for sense, reason and a fine recommendation for claret.


Sorry MACT but on Hum's return to "Blighty" you will be relieved of your duties as Deputy Leader and return to the back benches to simply representing the peasants of Brigadoon.


What have you been doing while "Hove burns" ?


The UK political opposition has voted for a mad man, Europe is wholly over-run by immigrants going hither and thither, there has been yet another coup in Australia which makes Latin America look a bedrock of stability: the anti-royalist also has some pretty disturbing views other than wishing to see the Queen replaced by Dame Edna.


Donald *uck !" is way ahead in the lead in spite of pessing off Mexicans, women......Hilary has amazingly handed over an un-assailable lead by using her Amstrad to comment on secret information via her Facebook page......even adding a "Like" to Vlad on holiday in the Crimea.


Ho Hum fears it is "lemmings of a cliff" season and that simply nothing can be done for now.


Just wait til winter.....the immigrants will be thinking twice especially if reports are true that Northern Europe is to have a fierce winter and with Trade Unionists wish to bring down the Tories, don't rule out power strikes and rail strikes.


Hum will be offering a report from JOHN CLEESE tomorrow.


Paying alimony to three ex-wives has taken it's toll and yet his views and summary of the situation are worth considering, if not heeding.


It may be a tad old by now but it gives some gist of how he sees things shaping up in his own colourful way that is bound to offend a few....ok, quite a few.


Claret recommendations shall resume on return to the "Old Country" with news of the 2014 vintage after reviews from Jancis (Robinson) are scrutinised (you will know her as FT's wine correspondent).


Had a meal in a London restaurant a few months ago with Hum's chum "top 5 wine expert in the world" at which JR (also in "top 5 wine expert in the world") sat at the next ruddy table (it was JR's son's restaurant). How marvellous was that......Hum's friend wished to respect her privacy and did NOT say hello and introduce Hum (top 5 wine consumer in the world)......when will an opportunity ever occur like this again ?


Never ! That's right ! Ruddy British reserve ! Could 'ave 'ad a "selfie" with 'em ! That British reserve goes two ways......Hum said, not a word......and has been regretting it ever since.....

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......just catching up on Mr Hum's travels. Sounds like you're having a fabulous time. Dot back in hospital. Enjoy:)


....yes having a lovely time of it still.

Now with our wonderful SD chums in quaint, sea side settlements in Maine, USA and with great weather too and feeling very idle (which is likely to continue.......so dont be too surprised to see fewer and briefer pists for the foreseeable and maybe beyond....if at all ...... until x-ing maybe or maybe not).


Thoughts with you and your mother......"prayers" for you (although "God" and Hum have'nt been speaking since the train set did'nt turn up in Xmas 1958 and a few other little things after that.....wont bother them with you just now. You have far more pressing concerns at this time without Hum wittering on ad infinitum.....).

With fondest thoughts (Blondie too).


Edited by ho-hum
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Best Wishes for a rapid recovery as well. We have had a bit of that this Summer. Mr. Hum, has the tracking device you implanted in Ragnar failed? You don't suppose he appears to be a refugee and is being detained? Hope all is well with Mr. & Mrs Sundance but you know how it is, you can take the dog out of California but you can't take California out of the dog.:eek::D

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Thank you folks for your kind words. Ho Hum, I have a Flying Scotsman train set here, still in the box. I will dispatch it to you immediately so it will be there for your return. Just checking I've the correct address;


Sir H Hum

The Olde Homestead

Posh Part

United Kingdom

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Best Wishes for a rapid recovery as well. We have had a bit of that this Summer. Mr. Hum, has the tracking device you implanted in Ragnar failed? You don't suppose he appears to be a refugee and is being detained? Hope all is well with Mr. & Mrs Sundance but you know how it is, you can take the dog out of California but you can't take California out of the dog.:eek::D


Jim.......... last reports of Sundance were that he was meeting up with a right shady character in northern France.

All that Interpol and the Surete know is that he met Cabernet "Frank" a notorious, criminal, heavy arms dealer (though he is surprisingly light on his feet for a man with heavy arms).

The authorities are investigating Sundance and his extensive "shopping list" for a really, big operation, among which are a number of TANKS !

He has already been in contact with a Tank Emporium in the south of England but escaped capture on a midnight ferry to France where the authorities were in-undated with immigrants coming the opposite way.


The authorities don't think he is alone.....in fact having had him under surveillance for quite some time, they are absolutely sure he is not the "brains" behind it........well we who know him well could have told them that if they bothered to ask.

And so they have also contacted the FBI and they have come up with an interesting accomplice hiding out in a valley somewhere in Arizona with his high class moll.

They have him under surveillance and see him on a gun range from time to time; the spy cameras are in the barn door........a safe place for observation by all accounts.

He is a hardened criminal best known simply as "Butch": on account of his manly and rough appearance.

Sundance is into something "way over his head".........if he breaks silence again we must tell him about these developments.

And if the cops turn up, keep "schtum"....capiche.

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