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.......idle jottings


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Sorry Ho Hum, that's me told off too I guess, however Poppy has been busy WORKING:eek::eek: so apologies again.

Out of the blue got a call from an ex client asking if I would evaluate all their marketing activity for the past 24 months, basically checking if their advertising/PR agency had delivered VFM. Stupidly Poppy agreed to do them a favour. FREE. Not a problem as they were a great client when I worked on their business for 20+ years.

So weeks later, 60 odd page analysis review doc ( did I mention FREE)? Oh! and the recommendations/proposals for 2017/18 marketing activity (FOC too).

All done and dusted, forwarded on and what did Poppy get as a thank you? NOTHING,ZILCH.

Not so much as a thank you email (well I did, just said this is exactly the info they wanted, no thank you), no bottle of bubbly, bunch of flowers etc etc.

Glad I'm out of that fickle industry! Think I just heard a cork wanting to jump/pop out of the bottle anytime soon!

RANT over but promise to be more attentive and will post more often:)

I need a holiday!!

Hope you're both keeping well as always.



Oh darling, Hum's not castigating ANYONE (and certainly not you) !


No expectations on anyone to feel duty bound to post.

Hum realises all too well that chums have busy lives.

Hum just sits around all day drinking wine, idly contemplating how jolly nice life is and he feels it is his God given duty to lighten up the lives of dearest chums offering the benefit of his extensive life experience and his brilliance (did Hum mention his modesty too ?).


What bustards to treat you so !

Hum spent years as an architect worried whether charges were too high then Hum was told to double them !

He did: could'nt keep up with demand !

So he increased them again !

And became very "picky" who he worked with too !


Any plans to go away anywhere ?

Blondie has been moaning about the "ruddy English weather".

Hum quite likes it.......sshhhh.

You must catch even more rain than us !


Yes we are well. Blondie had an "issue" but all is well now.

Hope you and ma are OK.

We are off on SDII soon but a heck of a lot of work to do first.

Getting finances in order and sorting out Wills !

Who gets the wine collection ?

No one really deserves them.....better begin an "exit strategy" !

More drinking.

So you see Poppy, its all go here too !

Pop over sometime with a chum/s and lets make a "dent" in the champagne collection with Blondie !

Your dear chum in "posh land" knows how to be generous towards you even if others don't !

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Getting with the program now, I see.


Oh my !

7 whole words !

Even had to use a comma to break up the OPUS !

That's surely a first.

But darn funny too, shame no one else has a clue !

You ol' rogue.

Don't ever change.

Love to your (far) better "other half".

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Bless you my dear. Sheriff Joe says he likes your avatar picture. You, me, and Ho-Hum are the only ones who use our real photos. But wait......I forgot Trapper Zimmy the curly haired devil.:D Contessa Annie Oakley!:eek::D


Begging your pardon if I may, but my avatar is truly me as well, mid cartwheel in front of the castle at the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. Ok, so it was 15 years ago. But I can still do a cartwheel although it isn't very graceful! :D


And to keep a tiny bit in the theme of things; I love shooting at the gun range.

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Begging your pardon if I may, but my avatar is truly me as well, mid cartwheel in front of the castle at the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. Ok, so it was 15 years ago. But I can still do a cartwheel although it isn't very graceful! :D


And to keep a tiny bit in the theme of things; I love shooting at the gun range.


....and for your information mcpepe, Jim did a whole series of full cartwheels all the way from the TOYB to the Pool Deck after one too many tequilas !

No, it was'nt graceful either .... took out 5 guests along the way too !

What a guy !


Your upcoming Hurtigurten trip looks fascinating.

Please tell us all about it. Please.

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....and for your information mcpepe, Jim did a whole series of full cartwheels all the way from the TOYB to the Pool Deck after one too many tequilas !

No, it was'nt graceful either .... took out 5 guests along the way too !

What a guy !


Your upcoming Hurtigurten trip looks fascinating.

Please tell us all about it. Please.


Well, in planning my Scandinavian adventure, I knew I wanted to see the coast of Norway. I was telling one of my Norwegian friends I'd made on Sea Dream and he said, "Hurtigruten!"


I'm spending 6 nights in Copenhagen first. Hoping to secure the shared table at Noma and the shared table at Amass!


I researched Hurtigruten. They started off as mail ships traversing the coast daily. Now they act as local transportation, ferries, mail ships, UPS AND as a cruise line.


It's not high end luxury. I don't need that anyhow. There will be people on board for one day, several hours, depending on if they just booked transit point A to B. Some categories don't need to book a cabin.


I sail from Bergen, spending a night there, go up to Kirkenes as the furthest point, and come south to Trondheim. I spend another night in Trondheim before flying to Oslo. This will take 11 days. We stop at many spots, some quite briefly to a few hours. The hikingg excursions are what interests me. We get off at one port, hike somewhere and pick up the ship at another port.


I'm there for the scenery. We do sail past the artic circle. It will be late Sept/Oct so *maybe* I may see Northern lights, but maybe not.


It's quite an international crowd; I'm looking forward to meeting lots of new people. I speak Italian and English, few phrases of Spanish and French but I know a smile and hand gestures can communicate well!


Looking forward to staying in Oslo with my SeaDream friends too! I told them I'd cook Italian for them!


Yes, I am travelling alone. Yes, I do it often. Should be quite an adventure!

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And I am still limping from that event Mr. Hum. I am sure you encouraged me. Thanks a lot....:eek::D


A friendly slap on the back maybe but nothing more .... not really encouragement ....... and then you sort of disappeared (without a word either but Hum wont hold that against you),

Just be thankful no bones were broken ...... other than in your hand.

And Hum can explain that too.

It was just Hum's eagerness to rush down the stairs to check on you when Hum inadvertently jumped on the outstretched hand as you extended it out for help.

Hum remembers thinking at the time, to himself "what a loss of fuss" you were making.

You forget the half glass of champers Hum left behind at the bar.

And picking you up and taking you to the doctor, where admittedly Hum told the doctor you had a reaction to painkillers (so none was prescribed); Hum thought the doctor meant the cocktail !

You remember that turn you had after the 14th at the "Soggy Dollar".

An easy mistake to make in all the confusion and what with you screaming and all.

Any there is a school of thought that thinks painkillers inhibit the healing process. No Hum does'nt subscribe to that and after all the shenanigans, Hum had to lay down with some Ibuprofen and finally got to sleep after finding the ear-plugs which masked your screaming !

Just be grateful "worse things happen at sea".

Which technically we were not unless you count being at anchor.

You should look back on the whole three months in traction that it could have been a whole lot worse, especially if Hum was not around !

Is this a good time to remind you that it is your round next.

Thought you might want to know that's all.

And a little thankyou would'nt go amiss either.

Just sayin'.

And please don't wince in excruciating agony when Hum shakes your hand.

Hum has a firm handshake, not strong.

Oh the faces you make !!

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Ok Mr. Hum. Holiday is over. Time to get back to work. Without Idle Jottings, I have only news to read with the morning coffee. That's just not OK. I need a drivel fix first thing not the news these days. Get with it Ho.:D BTW, just had my cast changed again. I will be right as rain next time we meet. Ready to do it all over again.:eek::D

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Ok Mr. Hum. Holiday is over. Time to get back to work. Without Idle Jottings, I have only news to read with the morning coffee. That's just not OK. I need a drivel fix first thing not the news these days. Get with it Ho.:D BTW, just had my cast changed again. I will be right as rain next time we meet. Ready to do it all over again.:eek::D



"Glutton for punishment" ehhh ?

Well Jim, the "drivel" mine is near exhausted.

All that's left are a few outcrops of volatile "rant" and some really "lewd" jokes.

The expression best suited is "scraping the bottom of the barrel" !

Of course, you feed off these "scraps" like they were nectar but the good people on this forum are not like us ....... them's decent folks, educated and all.

The sheer nonsense, you and ol' Hummy have talked about here.

Well, we've entertained ourselves at least, that's for sure.

Bless you good folks out there for indulging us.

But now ol' chum, Hum's about to go on his hols.

"Bucket and spade" packed.

Off for a 10 day trip around Italy: Roma to Venezia.

"Bellisimmo" (Italian for "ruddy brilliant") !

Think it's time for Hum to spare the good folks here for a while, waddya think?


What is this ruddy world coming too ehhh Jim ?

People are completely mad.

So much anger.

Thank heavens for people like us.

Banality and friendship has never been so important.

We've seen it all ehh Jim ?

You know, you and ol' Hum would sort these idiots out in a few days.


OK, then Jimbo, Hum has scribbled away some (historic) stuff which he will "flog off cheap" over the next few days.


By the way temperatures hit 96F here an hour ago.

Already had four chums phoning up for a "dip"! (in our pool).

OK but bring a bottle (chilled champagne) was Hum's standard reply.

Blondie's mad with Hum because she says she has to dress up ?

Dress up to go for a swim ?

"Wimmin" !!!!


Hum wonders what the substances the Russian Olympic team used to improve their performances. If Hum could get hold of some of that "good stuff", he would drop a few grammes in our gardener's tea. Jeeves is taking ruddy ages trimming the bushes on the estate ! Wish he would get a "shifty on": we have the Church choir ladies, tea, tomorrow.

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Hum just wishes to say that from a young age, Hum's parents impressed on to Hum the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed Hum values and morals in their daily lives.

That is a lesson that Hum continues to pass along.

And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.

Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

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Hum just wishes to say that from a young age, Hum's parents impressed on to Hum the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed Hum values and morals in their daily lives.

That is a lesson that Hum continues to pass along.

And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.

Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.


Very well written Hum. May I borrow it? Our liberal media would be calling me a blonde bimbo, but the Contessa can handle it because she is a woman of strength and character. Just like Melania will get thru this and the joke will be on them. Thank you for sharing your wonderful values with us.

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Manafort: "Ask not what your country can due for you, but ..."


Trump: Sounds good to me, lets run with it! :)




Personally Hum thinks she went a tad too far when she said "I am a proud independent black woman".


Next it will be Donald speaking "I have a dream ......" (Probably about a wall).


Tip from Hum: If Trump gets in, buy shares in Mexico Cement Corporation

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Hum just wishes to say that from a young age, Hum's parents impressed on to Hum the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed Hum values and morals in their daily lives.

That is a lesson that Hum continues to pass along.

And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.

Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.


Dearest hum,

try a different type of Champagne - the one you drink at the moment makes you dreaming on things that our young modern frantic generation has totally lost.

Just a simple example: When passing children or teenagers of our direct neighbours in the morning on my way to the office only 1 of 10 "opens mouth" and says "Hello" or "Good morning" - unbelievable in former times.

Gcmv was taught by his parents to greet "the older ones" - this has been buried in oblivion by the young ones. It is much more important to check mails or whatsapps on mobile devices or catch Pikachu behind the fence.


But gcmv is A LITTLE proud: A few weeks ago, I was accosted by a neighbour, that our son is so helpful and friendly (e.g. greeting, holding the door open, asking to carry the shopper basket) - in one word: unbelievable! That showed me, that our parenting could not been wrong ...


Sorry, I must correct myself: I'm VERY proud!!! ;)

Edited by gcmv
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Personally Hum thinks she went a tad too far when she said "I am a proud independent black woman".


Next it will be Donald speaking "I have a dream ......" (Probably about a wall).


Tip from Hum: If Trump gets in, buy shares in Mexico Cement Corporation


I wonder just how many different ways it is possible to say the same political drivel? Have we all not heard or said "do what you say you will do", "treat others with respect", etc. etc.? Wish I could speak Slovenian as well as she speaks English. Heck, wish I looked that good too!:D

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I wonder just how many different ways it is possible to say the same political drivel? Have we all not heard or said "do what you say you will do", "treat others with respect", etc. etc.? Wish I could speak Slovenian as well as she speaks English. Heck, wish I looked that good too!:D


Wow, the way the liberal media are complaining and crying, you woud think that Melania Trump exposed national security, deleted classified emails and was cleared by the head of FBI. LOL!

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Well, in planning my Scandinavian adventure, I knew I wanted to see the coast of Norway. I was telling one of my Norwegian friends I'd made on Sea Dream and he said, "Hurtigruten!"


I'm spending 6 nights in Copenhagen first. Hoping to secure the shared table at Noma and the shared table at Amass!


I researched Hurtigruten. They started off as mail ships traversing the coast daily. Now they act as local transportation, ferries, mail ships, UPS AND as a cruise line.


It's not high end luxury. I don't need that anyhow. There will be people on board for one day, several hours, depending on if they just booked transit point A to B. Some categories don't need to book a cabin.


I sail from Bergen, spending a night there, go up to Kirkenes as the furthest point, and come south to Trondheim. I spend another night in Trondheim before flying to Oslo. This will take 11 days. We stop at many spots, some quite briefly to a few hours. The hikingg excursions are what interests me. We get off at one port, hike somewhere and pick up the ship at another port.


I'm there for the scenery. We do sail past the artic circle. It will be late Sept/Oct so *maybe* I may see Northern lights, but maybe not.


It's quite an international crowd; I'm looking forward to meeting lots of new people. I speak Italian and English, few phrases of Spanish and French but I know a smile and hand gestures can communicate well!


Looking forward to staying in Oslo with my SeaDream friends too! I told them I'd cook Italian for them!


Yes, I am travelling alone. Yes, I do it often. Should be quite an adventure!


Well good on you Maria ! Forgive the familiarity.

Promise you'll post about your adventures on the Hurtigurten when you return.

Chums would be fascinated.

All the very best.


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Very well written Hum. May I borrow it? Our liberal media would be calling me a blonde bimbo, but the Contessa can handle it because she is a woman of strength and character. Just like Melania will get thru this and the joke will be on them. Thank you for sharing your wonderful values with us.


"Blonde bimbo" !

You ain't no "bimbo" Contessa !

You are "class".......... high class !

Hence Hum bestowed the appellation of Contessa !!!!

Your pedigree glowed for ALL to see.


And no you cannot borrow it !

It took Hum ages to feel so inspired to write it despite some apparent similarities to anothers (some say).


Now Hum has a huge amount of sympathy for Mrs.T: she was "set up" !

She must have felt used and betrayed.

No really.

And all she was doing was supporting her husband.

What's so wrong with that ?

Maybe it is not a femininist thing to say but it does have respectful integrity for Hum (or is Hum living in a different age ? Could very well be. Join Hum. Values are values.).

Hum has no issue supporting Blondie, in fact he is very proud to do so, she is an amazing person, so why should a lady not wish to show support for her husband.

Hum thinks it charming and not at all subservient.

Humility, maybe.

Whatever became of that ?


Now look, Hum is going to keep out of your politics......it is just not appropriate (Hum attempting to be appropriate ! Oh my !).

But when Mr. o (deliberate) "put the boot in on the UK" at a time when we needed our chums, well that is different.

He interfered with British values.; "ran rough shod over them" !

Keep off !

That was a despicable act of betrayal by a special chum.

Shame on him.

Playing to the gutless European socialists who are killing Europe with mis-placed "idealism" alienated from their cultural "roots", values and dignity making their ordinary citizens suffer as a consequence.

Up til then, Hum will be honest with you, us Europeans thought of him (o) as a "good guy".

And most still do: only Hum and true "grit Brits" are a tad disgusted and oh so disappointed.

He brought such hope to the disenfranchised.

Have they been up-lifted ?

Apparently not. Au contraire.

Now Hum knows full well that there are Democrat chums out there.

Respect and warmest regards to you dear chums.

Hum met a speech writer for the Democratic politicians (whilst on SD and we are good chums).

Hum and most of us Brits just wish your country some internal peace but how can we as Europeans speak ....... just look at France and now Germany.

It is a world wide phenomena.

Exacerbated, or so it seems by "crushing" political correctness and a lack of polite robustness to address all our common issues.

But let us keep a small flame alive here in this backwater not because of some moral duty but out of the respect and true affection we have for one another.

Why then can it not be done on a wider platform ?

Maybe that's how it works: lots of apparently isolated, small spaces of chums "meeting up" with one another.

It matters not what the apparent reason.

"God" bless us all (who or whatever you conceive "him" or "her" to be).

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Wow, the way the liberal media are complaining and crying, you woud think that Melania Trump exposed national security, deleted classified emails and was cleared by the head of FBI. LOL!


Like, Like, Like! You simply must sail with Hum and Blondie. A life changing event. :eek::D

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Dearest hum,

try a different type of Champagne - the one you drink at the moment makes you dreaming on things that our young modern frantic generation has totally lost.

Just a simple example: When passing children or teenagers of our direct neighbours in the morning on my way to the office only 1 of 10 "opens mouth" and says "Hello" or "Good morning" - unbelievable in former times.

Gcmv was taught by his parents to greet "the older ones" - this has been buried in oblivion by the young ones. It is much more important to check mails or whatsapps on mobile devices or catch Pikachu behind the fence.


But gcmv is A LITTLE proud: A few weeks ago, I was accosted by a neighbour, that our son is so helpful and friendly (e.g. greeting, holding the door open, asking to carry the shopper basket) - in one word: unbelievable! That showed me, that our parenting could not been wrong ...


Sorry, I must correct myself: I'm VERY proud!!! ;)


Equally dearest GCMV,

Now Hum must first admit that the wholly original piece Hm wrote about manners and stuff had been plagiarised by two "cute minxes" from the States: Mrs.obama and Mrs.Trump !!!

And Hum simply posted his original piece.


Now you, young man, gave Hum immense pleasure by VERY proudly stating how your son's fine manners were recognised. Thanks. It is truly wonderful to have posted this. You and frau GCMV are wonderfully mannered so it is no surprise.

There is just one thing that Hum has to mention.

You and Frau GCMV are ALWAYS 20 minutes late !!!


You know something chums. Hum has a few chums with children and a few are MONSTERS ! Our chums agonise over this and it causes great upset and anguish in their lives.

And it is NO FAULT of them either.

It seems that divine forces have somehow conspired to cause this to happen.

Hum is reminded of Kahlil Gibrans quote from "The Prophet".

"Your children come through you, not from you".

Of course a loving environment can work wonders (on anyone) but there are situations where this just does'nt work.


So Hum rejoices with anybody who sees good manners displayed including our own children but Hum also feels great compassion for those parents whose children are more challenging.


Of course Hum was a perfect child.

He went "off the rails" when he fell in with the "wrong crowd" but enough about Jim !!!!

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Like, Like, Like! You simply must sail with Hum and Blondie. A life changing event. :eek::D


That's true !

Jim had a bright future and a reason to live ........ before he met Hum !

Hum soon brought him down to Hum's level !

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Its a well known, upscale agency catering to the one-percenters headquartered in a small hamlet outside London.


They are always able to get the best rates AND occasionally they send along

a film crew to capture a voyage on celluloid, for future viewing on the BBC

followed by worldwide distribution.


While we have not had such opportunities, other friends recently received

rave reviews for their performances on a mini-epic aptly dubbed

Poseidon Adventure II ... and their ship is still afloat! Is there no justice?:)


Oh someone was in a "tizzy" !

Was it "Have a go at Hum day" !

Again......and so soon.

Is it because your shoulder is still giving you "jip" dear chap ?

Probably strained it getting the wallet out of your back pocket.

You know strange, unusual movements can cause muscular strains.


Hum has taken the reply back to "IJ".. .....well why should the good people on other forums have to suffer these banalities.

By the way folks, The Commander is a most generous and wonderful guy (with a great sense of humour..........though this may be stretching it just a tad !).

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I wonder just how many different ways it is possible to say the same political drivel? Have we all not heard or said "do what you say you will do", "treat others with respect", etc. etc.? Wish I could speak Slovenian as well as she speaks English. Heck, wish I looked that good too!:D


And Hum wished you looked that good !

Would be seeing a hell off a lot more of you if you DID look like Mrs.T !

And Hum would be very forgiving of her English too.

What jaw bones ! Grrrr baby !

Sorry coming over all Austin Powers !

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And so it came to pass that in the year of our Lord, 2016 on a fair summer morning, Blondie and Hum, dressed in their "casually smart" dictat, were inviited to visit "The World" docked in Greenwich.

The main lobby area is gigantic with a beautiful central display of flowers.

Everything is uber duber clean (the Baron GCMV's medals would glow back from the chandeliers).

The ship was totally full but most guests had departed to various "jollies" all around London and even into "Posh Land".

It felt deserted.

Our guide, chum and PR lady was running a tad late.

No mind as Hum shuffles over to the bar for a morning "snifter".

Only to be refused ! Only guest and designated people could buy drinks.

Damn poor start !

Hum sauntered dejectedly back over to Reception and enquired of a fair young lady whether Mikkel, the CO on "The World" was around (he was former CO on SD).

Yes he was and he's coming down.

It was great to meet up and catch up on old times, new times, his wife, Mila who acted a Purser on SDII (bright and beautiful....so much in common!).

We had NOW adjourned back to the bar (surprise, surprise) for a few drinks and had a jolly good old time.

Mikkel said the owners were a nice bunch, mostly Americans with quite a few Aussies and Brits making up about 10%.

He said he loved the ship and the crew are brilliant.

Mikkel is one of the nicest chaps Hum had met in the early days of SD and Hum is so glad we met up (Mikkel gave permission for photo).


And so our tour began of EVERYTHING !

So clean and tidy.

We were shown five "homes" for sale ranging from $8.75 M to $1.75M.

None struck Hum and the "homes" artwork was mostly very odd (Hum's tastes are quite discerning you know).

Well we negotiated a reduced "arrangement fee" for Jim and The Commander, down from 15% to 14.50% so Hum is sure they will be delighted.

There are suites for guests too (US !).

No, no need to thank Hum.

Won't hear of it old chums, just let us have the "rooms" when you are off the boat or we would love to join you.

Just put us down for your expense account first.


PS OK, so this was jotted a week or so back.



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