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.......idle jottings


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Had they consulted with me, they could have received the same conclusion for only a FREE cruise in an obstructed cabin!


Yes, me too! I wonder how much they spent on the study. They also paid the monthly expenses for dockage, utilities, payroll, etc. in addition to a $350,000 donation to the SSUS Trust. Good to have lots of money. :eek::D:D

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Buckets and spades packed away for another year, (the big "five O" birthday was tremendous, even had a cake baked for me), and I pour a large glass of a fruit filled number from the Minervois to aid digestion whilst perusing the month's ramblings and I have not even cast an eye through the first page and the drink is already spilled...


Who does this Hum think he is?


Actually, one of a perceptive and growing band of fellow British who live south of the border but are sick to the back teeth of the immature, pathetic, childlike, unrealistic, denying, small minded and petty fellow Scots, unfortunately many in number, who think (sorry, they don't actually, it takes too much effort and even if they tried it would result in them stretching their small mental capacity to beyond its restricted limits)...who are incapable or are in denial of understanding the real world in front of them.


Ahhh, that's better. And to think the holiday put me in a relaxed frame of mind.


If we were to head over the border (more likely chased out by a gang of tax raising slavering hordes) it would be to such genteel and pleasant lands such as west Dorset or Devon (though I have always had an affinity for North Yorkshire...the beer, ah the beer).


As Mr Hum's Estate covers much of southern England we would seek to lease a cottage of modest means if we can scrape together an amount of rent that would satisfy such a rapacious landlord.


Oh how wonderful, MACT is back !

Belated congratulations for your "big 50" dear chum.

Hum causing you to spill the Minervois !

Oh how Hum loves to "stir it up" in the spirit of chumminess of course.


To "sling your hook" to the West Country ?

Heed Hum's counsel.

The locals (or should that be "yokels") are completely in-comprehensible, even their signs.

Oh and the ........ ahem......in-breeding !!

"Alright my luvver" was originally thought to be simply a loving term of endearment but down there it also means something else.

The other thing is, it is about 4-5 hours from civilisation: the single lane, rutted cart track has just been widened, that is true but after a heavy rain the sides of the track are eroded away and it can take up to a week for the Council to fill them again.

If your'e a cider drinker, love pasties, cream teas and mackerel then you'll love it.


North Yorkshire would be wonderful: agree with you about the beer ("Tetleys" ?).


Yes since you have been away that "Nickerless" woman has been causing everybody to scratch their heads wondering just what she really wants.

She doesn't want to be part of the Union and wants to be independent but she is willing to swop this for being a very small and completely un-influential part of the madness that is the European Union, where nobody wants Scotland with their hand out to fund their ludicrous social policies promised to the Glaswegians when oil was at $100 a barrel (now $45 !).

Priceless !

What a ruddy "cock up" almost as epic as Corbyn and the Labour Party and we have Boris as Foreign Minister.........on his first visit to the French Embassy, the staff and French Ambassador actually booed him !

Anybody who "pesses off" the French is doing a great job as far as Hum is concerned.

He's really a lovely chap and the ladies love him.

What on earth caused him to pull out of the PM candidacy ?

We all expected some lewd photos to be released but not that bad.

Of course the French are very grown up about "dalliances" and Berlusconi's popularity was dependent on his "bunga bunga" parties.


There is a delightful cottage on the estate.

It needs a bit of work, which a man of your talent could attend to in his spare time.

For you, it's rent free, dear chum.

Just give Hum a bit of notice to clear out the "chooks" !

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On filling our pool in early May, we found it had more leaks than Julian Assange, much to our consternation. This after the fact that last year we spent a kings

ransom to redo the surfaces to avoid such an occurrence. We are pleased to report the pool is now up and running AND no leaks. We have closed our whittling

shop and are now in training to give Phelps a run for his money in Rio.


Have been busy pruning, mowing and seeding in anticipation of the arrival in

early September of one of filmdoms well known costumiers ... yes, a Brit no less

but I can't say more. She is an absolute riot, much like Hum on his meds, who will

keep us thoroughly entertained during her visit with tidbits of gossip from Hollywood.


Have finally put our BTB itinerary aboard SD I in February to bed, having booked all the air and hotels necessary for the itinerary. Did the same last year and it

truly was one of the best voyages ever on SD. Can't wait!


Meantime, well inside 90-days until the crossing and so looking forward to reuniting with all our many chums and some new acquaintances. Spending a

couple of nights in Barcelona to get our fill of tapas prior to the indulgences

of Sea Dream cuisine.


Glad to read Hum is "healing nicely" from his heretofore unmentioned ailment. His acid tongued commentary is the highlight of our morning cappuccino and

truly deserving of a Pulitzer (no, not Lilly), though there has been mention in the past of a cross dressing fetish. Whoops, have I said too much?


Now back to the comedy of the American elections. It makes a Three Stooges

flick look like drama!





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On filling our pool in early May, we found it had more leaks than Julian Assange


Now back to the comedy of the American elections. It makes a Three Stooges

flick look like drama!






Good Morning Commander. Love your pool references. We are baking in a hot summer and debating having a small pool put in. Having had them before, your reference brings back all those fond memories of repair bills. We have pools available here at Rusty Joint Acres but there are always those other people in them. And they frown on Jimbo bringing a martini.:eek: Imagine that. On SeaDream they bring the martini to me in the pool! As it should be.:D Isn't your first snow in a few weeks? I also appreciate the Three Stooges reference though I always thought of Curly, Larry, and Moe as honest. The political class in just about every country and level these days have no hesitation to give the middle finger to the rest of us. I seem to remember the "good ole days" when politicians lied and stole from the treasury but were somewhat discreet about it and managed to leave a little "meat on the bone" for us commoners. I guess nothing will change until we get Ho-Hum appointed King Of The World!:D

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To "sling your hook" to the West Country ?

Heed Hum's counsel.

The locals (or should that be "yokels") are completely in-comprehensible, even their signs.

Oh and the ........ ahem......in-breeding !!

"Alright my luvver" was originally thought to be simply a loving term of endearment but down there it also means something else.

The other thing is, it is about 4-5 hours from civilisation: the single lane, rutted cart track has just been widened, that is true but after a heavy rain the sides of the track are eroded away and it can take up to a week for the Council to fill them again.

If your'e a cider drinker, love pasties, cream teas and mackerel then you'll love it.


Anybody who "pesses off" the French is doing a great job as far as Hum is concerned.

He's really a lovely chap and the ladies love him.

What on earth caused him to pull out of the PM candidacy ?

We all expected some lewd photos to be released but not that bad.

Of course the French are very grown up about "dalliances" and Berlusconi's popularity was dependent on his "bunga bunga" parties.


There is a delightful cottage on the estate.

It needs a bit of work, which a man of your talent could attend to in his spare time.

For you, it's rent free, dear chum.

Just give Hum a bit of notice to clear out the "chooks" !


I'm used to completely in-comprehensible yokels...just cross the Forth Road Bridge (it's actually the second road bridge after the Kincardine Bridge soon to be followed by the third road bridge christened the Queen Elizabeth Crossing but the opening day has been put back again, not because the two ends when reaching the centre missed each other but the usual excuse about bad weather (who'd have thunk?))...there is the Kingdom of Fife...scary, very scary...normally put the foot to the floor and don't stop for anything, keep doors locked and say a prayer until reaching the gateway to the Highlands at Perth.


Ahh la Francais......


What a co-incidence...whilst languishing on a sun bed, one of the holiday reads was Peter Clarke's "1000 Years of Annoying The French". Always good to remind oneself of historical goings on, but even better when the proverbial c**p is being taken out our Gallic cousins. The facts suggest that they had a pretty miserable and defeated time between 1000 and 2000...and guess what? Their worst enemy was actually themselves...the pesky Anglo Saxons were just there to poke and laugh at their continued misfortune through the centuries....And it does not stop there...Vineyards in Southern England are starting to make seriously good fizz...so much so that French Euros are being spent by top French Champagne houses to buy up land! Oh the indignity, what would poor old Napoleon say to that?


An offer of a roof over our heads! Bravo!


Clear out ol' Foghorn Leghorn and we will be in business! "Ah say boy, that's a mighty kind offer, a mighty kind offer you just made to someone who could well be in major need someday".

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I'm off again for a few days...it's starting to feel like a "Ho Hum" existence, off gallivanting on another adventure after a few days back at the homestead.


Down to Anglesey for a bit of yachting on the Menai Straits...fine folk, good beer and lashings of succulent easy drinking vino "isn't it all easy drinking?" I hear Mr Hum enquire. Well, it can get a little tricky when one tries to stand up after a convivial dinner and navigate out the door without coming into contact with any stray furniture/people or avoid breaking any ornaments with that flailing hand when gravity wins and a well fed and watered body starts to crash to the ground...but one must try to put their best foot forward...just look out for where the dog is before hand.

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Well it's ALWAYS interestin' readin' the posts between some chums.

Hum feels like the veritable "fly on the wall" but how many out there are seeing the posts between 'dem and thinking "what the heck are these guys on" ?

Take Jim and TrapperZimmy especially when it is a Friday afternoon and it seems both "gentleman" have imbibed their historical relaxing beverage and now legal substance in many parts of the civilised US, as they begin "trippin'" and have bizarre conversations about what Hum knows not what, which sends Hum scurrying for his dictionary and online search to discover just what the heck they are talking ABOUT !!



Gentlemen, please, we must raise the standard of this forum so that it is drivel and title-tattle free for some of our more demanding readers.

It cannot descend into a scene of a pair of "trippin'" teenagers ramblin' about hallucinogenic induced scenarios involving skeets and a comic actress that once appeared in Archie Bunker !


And please have some thought for Baron von Heidelberg: he has to translate this stuff !

Is he any the wiser ?

Of course not.

He is probably saying to the Baronness.

"Vell Baroness, I am glad vee never took that job at the Volkswagen engine assembly plant (carburettor division) in Detroit, zees Americans are completely mad"



And yes gentlemen you MUST do a crossing with us !!!

It's like the day out for escaped inmates in "One flew over the cuckoos nest" but with less intelligence and more drinking !

The numbers for the November xing on SDII are over 70 confidential sources tell Hum. It is gettin' more and more popular but with you two onboard, it would be a sell out !

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Hum's recollections are somewhat different.

You, dear chum, are always "saddled" with a person who insists he is right on every question and he is always wrong AND you know he is wrong, yet being the kind gentleman you are, you always defer to him.


Our team comprises of:

- Blondie, who admittedly is good

- Moi meme, who has good days and truly awful days (usually about 6 in every week)

- Commander Courageous who invariably falls asleep but does have great knowledge on America and musicals (before 1973 !)

- Abenaki, who always says "I know this one, I know this one, it's on the tip of my tongue" and that's where it invariably stays !


And there is always a team of American academics who know all the intelligent stuff but who are hopeless on popular culture: they really thought Lady Gaga was a character in Macbeth !


Lady V will of course be joining our team as she is the brightest in the bunch !

The champagne bottle prizes are "in the bag" !




Our new team leader ! Victory will be ours: especially if Colonel Clint joins too and provided it remains at 4.30pm and not earlier for Hum must have his siesta after imbibing a few glasses before, during and after lunch!

That seems fair, Hum - the rich get richer. I think Lady V and the Colonel might be up to the challenge to crown a new team of trivia champions, leading those in trivia darkness to the light of victory. Power to the people !! (Boy, isn't that a throwback to the '60's)

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Deeply honored to be invited to the team! We'll study hard -- between the glasses of champers, of course! But must make sure Colonel Clint doesn't fall on his head -- that's a definite no-no! :eek:




To have you two on the dear old boat is a joy we will ALL look forward to.

You must let us know what we can do (and not).

You will be amongst chums and crew who love you.

The only time The Colonel will hit his head is when he "hits the pillow" every night after a satisfying and enjoyable day with chums who adore and respect him for all his years of service for his country and for being a ruddy nice chap t'boot.

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Good Morning Hum "Apologies for interferin'.

Don't forgot what happened to Britain when Obama was interferin'.

Hoping for our own USA BREXIT!




And a good day to you dearest, beautiful, charming Contessa,


Alrighty then, let's get straight to it.


Now really ?

Hum interferin' and obama (deliberate: no Hum still ain't forgiven him) interferin' ain't exactly comparable now are they ?


Well good luck with your emancipation (USA EXIT) and you obviously still think he is the right man: he certainly has great "presence".


We love America and Americans. We are allies. And of course we over here will have opinions about "you" over there as you do about "us" over here.

We are concerned chums, simply expressing a general growing slight worry by many "here" (including European chums).


Admittedly Hum is "on the side lines" and not as informed as your good self but that National Enquirer is a "mine of all sorts of information".


Did you know that obama is actually an alien and has to return to his planet (Ni-gerya) .....well that's for another time.

Jim already knew that: there's a lot Jim knows actually.

To you and Hum some of his posts just seem bizarre ramblings and they become especially surreal when he posts with TrapperZ.

But its all code you see.

Hum has had his suspicions for a while now.


Finally, in the UK, it was the people that emancipated the people (not the professional politicians).


AND as a result the politicians tumbled and it will continue that way across the whole of Europe if the ordinary, working people of Europe have the same courage as the British (so Italy will remain part of the EU then.......haha......just joking).




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"dunno", that's it for Pierre's movement?


Certainly, one of you daily "blabbers" can do better than that. C'mon!


Sir, have some ruddy manners, if you please.

Ask nicely and Hum will tell you.

Friend of Abenaki by any chance ?

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And a good day to you dearest, beautiful, charming Contessa,


Alrighty then, let's get straight to it.


Now really ?

Hum interferin' and obama (deliberate: no Hum still ain't forgiven him) interferin' ain't exactly comparable now are they ?


Well good luck with your emancipation (USA EXIT) and you obviously still think he is the right man: he certainly has great "presence".


We love America and Americans. We are allies. And of course we over here will have opinions about "you" over there as you do about "us" over here.

We are concerned chums, simply expressing a general growing slight worry by many "here" (including European chums).


Admittedly Hum is "on the side lines" and not as informed as your good self but that National Enquirer is a "mine of all sorts of information".


Did you know that obama is actually an alien and has to return to his planet (Ni-gerya) .....well that's for another time.

Jim already knew that: there's a lot Jim knows actually.

To you and Hum some of his posts just seem bizarre ramblings and they become especially surreal when he posts with TrapperZ.

But its all code you see.

Hum has had his suspicions for a while now.


Finally, in the UK, it was the people that emancipated the people (not the professional politicians).


AND as a result the politicians tumbled and it will continue that way across the whole of Europe if the ordinary, working people of Europe have the same courage as the British (so Italy will remain part of the EU then.......haha......just joking).





Happy Sunday morning Hum,


Appreciate the reply, I was concerned you were deciding to forego travel and possibly looking for a position in the political arena. HA!


My comment about USA exit was not about emancipation..I love my Country. It was about the male non politician vs female "The Queen of Corruption". (He gave her a new name this week). My allegiance is with that Non Politician similar to your Brexit vote.


Enjoy your day, it is a lovely day here on the lake and after my morning cappuccino, will take the slalom ski out for a spin. xoxo

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It's a code Mr. Hum, known only to them's which already know it. Trapper and I devised it to confuse and befuddle Euro types. Works pretty well on Brits too.:D


Obviously, Jim, he doesn't know what skeet are because they long ago hunted them to extinction. Now they have to chase foxes with what they call "hounds." Everybody knows that a hound is really that shiftless lump with its tongue hanging out, lazing on the front porch next to the washing machine.

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On filling our pool in early May, we found it had more leaks than Julian Assange, much to our consternation. This after the fact that last year we spent a kings

ransom to redo the surfaces to avoid such an occurrence. We are pleased to report the pool is now up and running AND no leaks. We have closed our whittling

shop and are now in training to give Phelps a run for his money in Rio.


Have been busy pruning, mowing and seeding in anticipation of the arrival in

early September of one of filmdoms well known costumiers ... yes, a Brit no less

but I can't say more. She is an absolute riot, much like Hum on his meds, who will

keep us thoroughly entertained during her visit with tidbits of gossip from Hollywood.


Have finally put our BTB itinerary aboard SD I in February to bed, having booked all the air and hotels necessary for the itinerary. Did the same last year and it

truly was one of the best voyages ever on SD. Can't wait!


Meantime, well inside 90-days until the crossing and so looking forward to reuniting with all our many chums and some new acquaintances. Spending a

couple of nights in Barcelona to get our fill of tapas prior to the indulgences

of Sea Dream cuisine.


Glad to read Hum is "healing nicely" from his heretofore unmentioned ailment. His acid tongued commentary is the highlight of our morning cappuccino and

truly deserving of a Pulitzer (no, not Lilly), though there has been mention in the past of a cross dressing fetish. Whoops, have I said too much?


Now back to the comedy of the American elections. It makes a Three Stooges

flick look like drama! G


Oh to have The Commander on such form is one of life's joys.

Hum can testify at first hand experience, the home is simply wonderful and the views are amazing and that naturally heated pool (geysers) is divine.

And the hosts........perfect.

Your guest sound sooo interesting too.

Dressing the stars.

Please tell your esteemed lady friend that Hum chose all his own outfits on THAT International best seller film.

Yes she will obviously be impressed.

Please have a quiet word with her and ask her, if there is ANYTHING she can do for Abenaki.

Hum has tried but .......... "Lost cause, complete lost cause"


Likening oneself to Phelps at his physical peak ehh Commander ?

More like whale watching in one of those Floridian amusement parks !

Whale World !

What that man will do for a bucket full of sardines !

Seen it with Hum's own eyes! Tis true !

But "all things must pass" his swimming prowess has withered and now he just floats around the pool disconsolately.

So sad.


Cross dressing ?

Moi ?

Who is being affected by his meds now ?

Maybe a wish fulfilment fantasy of yours ?

Or did you intend to say "dressing on crossings" (Transatlantic type)?


Does your SD February trip take in St.Barts ?

Oh just hear oneself ?

What a life ehh ?

And Hum appreciates every moment.


In US politics, Hum is put off by the personal and nasty slanging (mostly one way) and the hostile polarised positions it appears to be having though evidently quite a few people have a real appetite for this kind of thing.

When will he be talking about policy ? And positive policies t'boot ? Oh he just has about the economy. Cant wait to read that.


Oh and please tell Abenaki not to be sad about Hum's health.

The exorcism was fun ......... and thanks for the personal recommendation.

It's always re-assuring to use someone who you have both used ....... a lot !!!

Oh the stories they told ol Hum about you two !

Seems you are now both into that kind of thing except over here we don't call it exorcism...... our top judiciary (High Court Judges) are into that kind of thing too.

Well whatever works.

Sadly the "exorcism" did not cure Hum but he is seeing a vet next week.

Probably just need "worming" !

Again !

Hum will not be wearing THAT flea collar though !

Blondie wants Hum "chipped" so she knows what Hum's up to....at all times.

And will please someone tell Blondie that "choker chains" are just downright cruel !


Finally, Hum can testify that The Commander is both a handsome and a fine figure of a man with a wicked smile and oh that voice....... Snappy dresser too. And hopefully remains a great sport. All the best to you dearest chum.

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Let's start again, so in the spirit of chumminess here, all Hum can say is that Hum does not know Pierre's whereabouts.

Hum did hear a rumour that he came back on request by SD whilst they found a replacement (Peter Rima, former Hotel Manager on SDII).

All the best.


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Let's start again, so in the spirit of chumminess here, all Hum can say is that Hum does not know Pierre's whereabouts.

Hum did hear a rumour that he came back on request by SD whilst they found a replacement (Peter Rima, former Hotel Manager on SDII).

All the best.



Ooops, the recent above message was for The A Train, sorry forgot to "Quote" The A Train's original request for information.

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To have you two on the dear old boat is a joy we will ALL look forward to.

You must let us know what we can do (and not).

You will be amongst chums and crew who love you.

The only time The Colonel will hit his head is when he "hits the pillow" every night after a satisfying and enjoyable day with chums who adore and respect him for all his years of service for his country and for being a ruddy nice chap t'boot.


Aw, shucks......

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It's a code Mr. Hum, known only to them's which already know it. Trapper and I devised it to confuse and befuddle Euro types. Works pretty well on Brits too.:D


Code ehh ?

Pull the other one old chum.


No pool ?

Heck Jim we even have one !

In ruddy cold Britain.

It went up to 24 today but dont worry Hum put on lots of cream.

The "Royal Visit" has now met with an un-expected hitch.

What about one of those fibreglass ready made "jobbies" ?

Heck Jim, ol' Hummy would melt !

All that fat needs protectin'.

Hum knows you cool down by imbibing lots of cold beers but........wel that sounds like that would work !

"Royal Visit" back on.


You carefully diverted attention and avoided coming on the "XING".

Come to ol' Blighty. Direct flights to London, pick you up, stay for as long as you like, use it as a base and hire a car for visiting wherever you want. Jane is a brilliant cook and Hummy has a huge wine cellar. Try Indian food. Detached guest house. All yours matey boy.

It would be an honour.

Oh, fly down to Spain and Portugal and see a bit of that too. Dont need anything fancy, just clean.

You could do Hum a favour while you're at it too.

If you could take delivery of a few dresses for the fuller figure man, sorry woman, Hum would be very grateful.

The Las Vegas shop ("Pretty Boy") wont ship outside the US.

You could bring them with you..........probably should have sent the message in code.

Duuughhhh !

Charlie put Hum on to it ........ should have put that in code too.

Well the whole world knows anyways.

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Code ehh ?

Pull the other one old chum.


No pool ?

Heck Jim we even have one !

In ruddy cold Britain.

It went up to 24 today but dont worry Hum put on lots of cream.

The "Royal Visit" has now met with an un-expected hitch.

What about one of those fibreglass ready made "jobbies" ?

Heck Jim, ol' Hummy would melt !

All that fat needs protectin'.

Hum knows you cool down by imbibing lots of cold beers but........wel that sounds like that would work !

"Royal Visit" back on.


You carefully diverted attention and avoided coming on the "XING".

Come to ol' Blighty. Direct flights to London, pick you up, stay for as long as you like, use it as a base and hire a car for visiting wherever you want. Jane is a brilliant cook and Hummy has a huge wine cellar. Try Indian food. Detached guest house. All yours matey boy.

It would be an honour.

Oh, fly down to Spain and Portugal and see a bit of that too. Dont need anything fancy, just clean.

You could do Hum a favour while you're at it too.

If you could take delivery of a few dresses for the fuller figure man, sorry woman, Hum would be very grateful.

The Las Vegas shop ("Pretty Boy") wont ship outside the US.

You could bring them with you..........probably should have sent the message in code.

Duuughhhh !

Charlie put Hum on to it ........ should have put that in code too.

Well the whole world knows anyways.


The itinerary you describe sounds wonderful. (code translation: none). I will be happy to take delivery of your dresses and forward them to you. (code translation: What is Hum thinking? Doesn't he know dresses in that size look horrible? Try pantsuits instead.:eek:). Charlie, we need a management meeting at the TOY Bar. :D

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Charlie, we need a management meeting at the TOY Bar. :D


Well, Jim, it just so happens that as of now we are somehow scheduled to be on board for a total of 30 days in 2017 (please don't tell Mrs. CTBjr) so it shouldn't be difficult to coordinate that meeting :) !

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Yes, Hum is now shopping at the Big and Tall girl's boutique in Las Vegas

and having her (um, his) outfits shipped by poor Jim. Didn't I hint at this

in my previous post?


Can't wait for the crossing to see Hum turned out in her (damn it, his) new pant-suit for the Repeat Guests cocktail party. Rumor has it that a big LGBT

travel agency has secured the few remaining cabins in support of his "coming

out" declaration. The "choker chains" were a dead giveaway!


Am trying to imagine what a "first time" reader to this column must be thinking ... HA! But nearly a quarter million hits can't be wrong! :)

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