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Bringing DIET Gatorade & Water on Board - Medical Need


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Alright.. thank you to those who contributed info. To respond to essentially ALL of the issues brought up in one hit, here goes:


(1) Yes, my diet pepsi *need* is a preference... based on addiction ;-) (let's change it around: if you are a coffee drinker, and you can't get coffee and have to drink Dr. Pepper instead, does it cure your need each morning?) (Not being a smart ass - just pointing out there is a difference in the beverages, and I hate coke products - a lot. If I have to suffer through port-only Diet Pepsi, I will... my point to the post was to see if anyone had luck bringing it on (realizing that it is NOT a medical need)...


(2) Ahhh, the water & gatorade situation. While most of you were extremely helpful and kind in your response, a few were not, and to those, here is my response: I'm certain there are other cardiac patients on board any given ship, and certainly some who are much sicker (i.e. cancer, etc.). My son is not limited in his activity - he is 10 1/2 months old right now (he will be 18 months when we cruise). He is not on medication. He is monitored medically by pediatric cardiologists & his pediatrician. He DOES however, sometimes encounter issues with sweating a lot (due to his heart condition), rapid breathing, etc. We have been advised to give him gatorade when this occurs... He is perfectly capable of cruising otherwise, and I don't know why it would be assumed that I'm ignoring his needs, etc. by bringing him on a family vacation. We're trying to ensure a fun time for all of us. My other son is 2 1/2 (he will be 3 at cruise time). He has a condition that causes him to throw up, and if he starts that, he requires additional fluids (i.e. gatorade). We do not give them the "regular" gatorade because the sugar messes with them. As for myself, I am diabetic. I cannot drink regular gatorade, and drink the low cal/low carb stuff for hydration purposes. Yes, I agree, most of the time, water is plenty for hydration, even after running, but sometimes it is not for me, especially if my electrolytes are low (I'll add that I'm a stage 4 cancer survivor, so I have a generally screwy body! A "healthy" one - but screwy!). My husband prefers gatorade for other reasons, but his is not a "need" per se.. If we're going to bring it on for one, though, we might as well bring for all in terms of the low carb stuff. My concern was that they would not have the equivalent on board, from what I have read. As for the water issue, please don't assume that my child is just a spoiled brat and will only drink one particular brand of water. That isn't accurate. Like I said, he has a condition which essentially causes him to gag pretty easily, leading to vomiting... we have found that drinking out of certain types of cups, etc. can exacerbate that if he drinks too quickly. He will NOT drink water (regardless of brand) from a sippy cup or open cup with enough frequency to get his daily need in... hence, the pop top bottle (specifically, we use Deja Blue bottles). Yes, I can probably bring empty water bottles with us.... but I'd prefer to just bring them full, if possible. As for the water quality on board, we're by no means cruise experts. We've taken 3 cruises. On the first, I was hugely surprised by how good the water was. On the second, it was virtually undrinkable (highly chlorinated). On the third, it had a rusty taste. I'm not hugely picky about water, but I can't stand it to have a tap-like/city-water taste. I can live with that though... my kids don't know that they have to drink, regardless. As for the gatorade powder, I'm not sure if they have the low carb kind in pouches? If they do, that would solve the gatorade issue, for sure.


(3) We've already booked our cruise - a more affordable one for our size family based on the kids-sail-free deal - on RCL, rather than CCL (after a lot of comparing). We are sailing out of San Juan. I've never sailed out of that port, but have been there, and haven't encountered any issues getting diet pepsi, water, etc. there, so I'm assuming we won't encounter issues this time around. NO... we are NOT driving, but also not flying with all that in tow. We will bring enough to get us through a day of travel (airline allows for the kids), and we will stock up once there - we arrive the day before our cruise.


(4) For those who slapped a luggage tag on their case of water, did you just leave it as is, openly a case of water or soda, and hand to the porter, or did you put it in a cooler of some sort?

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Oh, and to the person who suggested this was some sort of April Fool's joke... it's not. And that's silly. It's legit questions about a cruise line we simply aren't that familiar with. (And I posted them yesterday - on March 31st - not on April 1st).. :cool:

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Alright.. thank you to those who contributed info. To respond to essentially ALL of the issues brought up in one hit, here goes:


(1) Yes, my diet pepsi *need* is a preference... based on addiction ;-) (let's change it around: if you are a coffee drinker, and you can't get coffee and have to drink Dr. Pepper instead, does it cure your need each morning?) (Not being a smart ass - just pointing out there is a difference in the beverages, and I hate coke products - a lot. If I have to suffer through port-only Diet Pepsi, I will... my point to the post was to see if anyone had luck bringing it on (realizing that it is NOT a medical need)...


(2) Ahhh, the water & gatorade situation. While most of you were extremely helpful and kind in your response, a few were not, and to those, here is my response: I'm certain there are other cardiac patients on board any given ship, and certainly some who are much sicker (i.e. cancer, etc.). My son is not limited in his activity - he is 10 1/2 months old right now (he will be 18 months when we cruise). He is not on medication. He is monitored medically by pediatric cardiologists & his pediatrician. He DOES however, sometimes encounter issues with sweating a lot (due to his heart condition), rapid breathing, etc. We have been advised to give him gatorade when this occurs... He is perfectly capable of cruising otherwise, and I don't know why it would be assumed that I'm ignoring his needs, etc. by bringing him on a family vacation. We're trying to ensure a fun time for all of us. My other son is 2 1/2 (he will be 3 at cruise time). He has a condition that causes him to throw up, and if he starts that, he requires additional fluids (i.e. gatorade). We do not give them the "regular" gatorade because the sugar messes with them. As for myself, I am diabetic. I cannot drink regular gatorade, and drink the low cal/low carb stuff for hydration purposes. Yes, I agree, most of the time, water is plenty for hydration, even after running, but sometimes it is not for me, especially if my electrolytes are low (I'll add that I'm a stage 4 cancer survivor, so I have a generally screwy body! A "healthy" one - but screwy!). My husband prefers gatorade for other reasons, but his is not a "need" per se.. If we're going to bring it on for one, though, we might as well bring for all in terms of the low carb stuff. My concern was that they would not have the equivalent on board, from what I have read. As for the water issue, please don't assume that my child is just a spoiled brat and will only drink one particular brand of water. That isn't accurate. Like I said, he has a condition which essentially causes him to gag pretty easily, leading to vomiting... we have found that drinking out of certain types of cups, etc. can exacerbate that if he drinks too quickly. He will NOT drink water (regardless of brand) from a sippy cup or open cup with enough frequency to get his daily need in... hence, the pop top bottle (specifically, we use Deja Blue bottles). Yes, I can probably bring empty water bottles with us.... but I'd prefer to just bring them full, if possible. As for the water quality on board, we're by no means cruise experts. We've taken 3 cruises. On the first, I was hugely surprised by how good the water was. On the second, it was virtually undrinkable (highly chlorinated). On the third, it had a rusty taste. I'm not hugely picky about water, but I can't stand it to have a tap-like/city-water taste. I can live with that though... my kids don't know that they have to drink, regardless. As for the gatorade powder, I'm not sure if they have the low carb kind in pouches? If they do, that would solve the gatorade issue, for sure.


(3) We've already booked our cruise - a more affordable one for our size family based on the kids-sail-free deal - on RCL, rather than CCL (after a lot of comparing). We are sailing out of San Juan. I've never sailed out of that port, but have been there, and haven't encountered any issues getting diet pepsi, water, etc. there, so I'm assuming we won't encounter issues this time around. NO... we are NOT driving, but also not flying with all that in tow. We will bring enough to get us through a day of travel (airline allows for the kids), and we will stock up once there - we arrive the day before our cruise.


(4) For those who slapped a luggage tag on their case of water, did you just leave it as is, openly a case of water or soda, and hand to the porter, or did you put it in a cooler of some sort?


First off, congrats to you for being a cancer survivor! Secondly, I'm so sorry to hear that your family has so many health concerns. I can't contribute to all of your questions, but have a few suggestions as to the water and Gatorade. I would suggest the Mio drops or Crystal Light type flavorings along those lines to enhance the water, as finding G2 onboard will not be an option. As for the water, I would simply bring your son's favorite water bottle, and maybe as stated earlier, bring a Brita travel filter to purify the ship's water and refill his favorite cup/bottle. As much stuff as you will likely need to bring as it is, bringing cases of G2 and water will likely be a bit more than you might want to deal with. Bringing one case of drinks may be OK, but I would guess you may have an issue bringing multiple flats. Best of luck and hope you have a great trip!

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They sell the low cal version of Gatorade in powder packets, Mio also has a lo-cal version of it's energy drink too. (I think theirs tastes better)


Just tape the luggage tag on the case of water. I would bring (or buy in San Juan) a small roll of the clear packing tape & cover the whole tag, not just part of it so they can't claim it was ripped off in the luggage carts

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We haven't taken water onboard but I have seen it many times with no problems. We have taken on 2 / 12 packs of soda with no problem. If you put a tag on it to hand to the porter, be sure and put some packing tape around the edges to secure it because the plastic may tear while being handled by the porters. You can also put it in a light weight duffel bag. They just want to be sure you are not bringing liquor onboard.


We had our cab driver stop by a grocery store in San Juan to buy our drinks. Just tip him a little extra. If you can get the Gatorade in powder form that would be easier because with 2 small children and all the luggage etc., you will really be loaded down. There's a chance they might not carry your brand of water, so bring an empty bottle just in case.


The worst that can happen is they confiscate your stuff , but I don't see that happening and if your called to the "naughty room" just tell them why you need the items. Enjoy your cruise with your family !!!

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We left from San Juan on Jewel last October. At the Pan Am pier. I remember being surprised that inside the check-in area there was a store selling alcohol and sodas. Since I read the rules before embarking on what was my first Royal cruise, I realized that in that moment that the rules were indeed flexible.


Since the sailing was a night one it would be easy enough to come back into the terminal and pick up a few things without your carry on bags.


Sorry that I don't remember exactly what the options were.

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OP, I understand your concerns, but I do believe that the low carb, low cal Gatorade is available in powder form, you might have to look for it though. Toting enough of that onboard could be a problem. Not sure of cruise length or ports of call, so you may have a problem finding the low carb Gatorade ashore if you don't bring enough at embarkation.


As for the ship's water. As you say, it can vary somewhat in taste, etc, but is completely safe. The chlorination taste is because the water is constantly recirculating the ship, not stopped in the pipes as in your home until you open a tap, and the USPH requires that there always be residual chlorine in the water at the farthest point from the chlorination point (engine room), which is usually monitored on the ship's bridge. Halogens like chlorine decay over time, which is why the chlorinated water at your home doesn't taste like chlorine (it has sat in the pipes), and why ships need to constantly add chlorine to the recirculating water. If you take a pitcher of tap water from your cabin's sink, put it in the fridge (if available), or even on the desk for 3-4 hours, the chlorine will decay, and the taste will go away. Also, the water dispensers in the buffet, the soda guns in the bars, and the ice machines all have carbon filters to remove the chlorine (it causes deposits in the machines), so these are generally better sources for water on a ship where you find the taste in your cabin to be objectionable.


I would think that a couple of empty water bottles of the "kid approved" type, some Gatorade powder, and either a Brita pitcher or a couple of Brita bottles for the rest of the family would be more convenient.

Edited by chengkp75
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Good to know about removing the chlorine taste by letting water sit. The second cruise we were on, it was just HORRIBLE (thankfully, we didn't have kids with us on that one because I could see the refusal in my toddler to drink it...) ;-) (As an aside: I wouldn't know what the tap water tastes like on any given day at home, either - it's nasty - we have a 5 gallon water dispenser that we use! :) - yep, totally picky! haha)


I wasn't aware the G2 was available in powder form. I've never seen it, but will start looking. I appreciate that info from everyone. I agree - MUCH easier to bring that aboard if it's powdered! :) (we've brought powdered lemonade (non-sugared, unlike the stuff on board), and tea (it tastes better to me than theirs) before, and it was handy.


Thanks for the congrats on the cancer survivorship... no big deal. I'm not the first or last to have done it :) I had it when I was 3-4 years old, so I really recall nothing from that time period. Unfortunately, the treatments I underwent (because they were convinced there was less than 1% chance of survival) wreaked havoc on my body, and I still have some of those effects today.. leading to a few different "needs" than perhaps the standard 36-year-old female ;-)


Both my kids are adopted (at birth). They're amazing, and were born "healthy" and with no known issues... as with any child, there's always the risk of something going wrong... Unfortunately, my younger son was diagnosed with 2 congenital heart conditions after they found a murmur at his 8 week check up. He truly isn't limited at this point, and they hope he will grow out of them without need for anything major, and is doing very well right now w/ just monitoring, but he does have a few extra needs/things we watch for just to be safe :) My older son is healthy - he just, since infant hood, has had a vomiting issue - no one really knows what the condition is caused by... but if he gets upset, eats/drinks too fast, or isn't feeling well, well.... it's not pretty ;-( So, I try to minimize "episodes" as much as possible for his own wellbeing (and mine!) All in all, my kids are "perfect" in my eyes, and they are healthy. They just have a few extra needs that, in my mind, are pretty minimal, to keep day-to-day life a little less hectic ;-)


Thanks for the info on San Juan port. I'm confident, if it's where it was 3 years ago, that we can find water, at the very least. I'll bring a couple of my son's water bottles, just in case.. Our itinerary is Southern Caribb, several of the stops we've had before on CCL, so I'm certain I can get my "fix" on my DP in those places ;-)





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I know this is about the drinks, but just want to suggest you bring a doctor's note regarding your son's vomiting, just in case it happens on the ship and they want to quarantine you



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I'd also say that's probably a great idea. Def don't want the med staff quarantining him because they're suspect of Noro.



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I'd also say that's probably a great idea. Def don't want the med staff quarantining him because they're suspect of Noro.



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or not allowing onboard if he has an episode in the terminal.

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Comparing Coffee to Dr. Pepper is completely different than Coke vs. Pepsi. Coffee is not carbonated at all.


But keep in mind that the Freestyle machine has many different drinks. For example there is Sprite, Orange, etc. so there is usually some drink that acceptable to everyone.

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I want to thank the OP for these questions. I also have some medical problems that require special drinks. Kefir for the probiotics and cranberry-grape (the only cranberry juice I can stand) for low kidney function. I have carried these things on when sailing other cruise lines without a problem, so I had no idea it might be an issue with Royal. I'll be giving guest services a call tomorrow! Thanks again for the heads up! :)

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[quote name='emilysmimi']I want to thank the OP for these questions. I also have some medical problems that require special drinks. Kefir for the probiotics and cranberry-grape (the only cranberry juice I can stand) for low kidney function. I have carried these things on when sailing other cruise lines without a problem, so I had no idea it might be an issue with Royal. I'll be giving guest services a call tomorrow! Thanks again for the heads up! :)[/QUOTE]

have you ever tried cranberry suppements? They are available at all major pharmacies (I got mine at the grocery store). They are just a more concentrated version of cranberry juice (no strange "healthy" additives). I find them much easier to travel with- so much lighter! (btw, I take them for urinary tract health, and was recommened them by my doctor).
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I talked to Royal about bringing Dr. Pepper onboard and they told me I couldn't also. I asked her about why they don't allow people to bring sodas on but other cruise lines do and she said that they weren't aware that any other cruise lines allowed it. I told her that I know Carnival does and we have been on 8 cruises and have always brought on drinks without a problem. I just don't understand why they have that rule.

I asked her why it was alright to bring wine on but not sodas and she said people may want to celebrate a special occasion so they want to bring their wine. It doesn't make since to me. They can buy wine on the ship if they want to celebrate.

Anyway, I didn't really get a satisfactory response to my questions.
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[quote name='mistshar']Anyway, I didn't really get a satisfactory response to my questions.[/QUOTE]

Hi Carol, that's because there simply isn't one. There is no answer that a rep could give you (us) that would satisfy. "Because those are the rules" or "Because I said so" don't cut it. ;):D

Anyway, the answer is most likely about money - bottom line, they don't allow beverages because it's a money-maker for them. They threw us a bone by finally allowing the wine, which is awesome. But $2.59 for a can of pop onboard is a pretty fair profit, IMO.
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[quote name='Langley Cruisers']Hi Carol, that's because there simply isn't one. There is no answer that a rep could give you (us) that would satisfy. "Because those are the rules" or "Because I said so" don't cut it. ;):D

Anyway, the answer is most likely about money - bottom line, they don't allow beverages because it's a money-maker for them. They threw us a bone by finally allowing the wine, which is awesome. But $2.59 for a can of pop onboard is a pretty fair profit, IMO.

Yup. The rep told me SPECIFICALLY that they don't allow water & soda to be brought on because they make a significant profit from it on board and equated it to the movie theaters making a ton of money off popcorn & soda....
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  • 1 month later...
I've tried several Mio (and generic Target-brand) drops, and so far, I feel like they all have a very chemically taste & actually burn or dry out my throat a little, if that makes sense? Does anyone have a suggestion for one that ISN'T that way? Because there's no way I can rely on those for replacements, or have my children drink them if they do that to me.

On another note: would fresh MINT and a couple LEMONS be something that might be allowed to be brought on? I think as long as they're refrigerated that day, they'd be okay.... and I've figured out that my son WILL drink *tap* water if I soak mint & lemon in it (I don't want to use the chemical/liquid versions though). Edited by wagzz21
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Man and Woman has subsisted fine on water forever.

There are lemons at drink stations or available at any bar by request to flavor your water.

The reason those flavor drops dry out your throat and taste like chemicals is because they are chemicals. No one NEEDS them for any reason other than wanting it for flavor.
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[quote name='LoveyHowell']Man and Woman has subsisted fine on water forever.

There are lemons at drink stations or available at any bar by request to flavor your water.

The reason those flavor drops dry out your throat and taste like chemicals is because they are chemicals. No one NEEDS them for any reason other than wanting it for flavor.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I realize that.... but, if you had read through the comments above (I know... there were a lot), one of our issues is with our 2 year old who will not drink enough fluids, essentially (outside of water in particular bottles and gatorade), so we were looking for and trying suggestions to see if he might be more willing to try and drink water off the tap on board if flavored with something. Definitely a no-go on the Mio related stuff, at least so far. I do know he'll drink the water flavored with mint & lemon... I tried it with tap water for $hi#s and giggles to see if he'd drink it (because he will not drink the tap otherwise), and he did, once cold - and carefully placed in his preferred bottles).

I'm a TINY bit hesitant about lemons "in public." I know this makes me sound like a germ-a-phobe.. and I truly am not..... but, there have been SO many things about lemons being extremely contaminated at restaurants, etc., and fecal matter on them from people who are handling them not properly washing their hands, etc. beforehand. So.... we tend to pass on lemons in our iced tea and water these days for that reason. I'm not sure they'd offer us a WHOLE lemon to wash & cut up ourselves, which is why I was wondering if we might be able to just carry a couple on board with us (normally, with food, I'd say probably... but with it being a "fruit", I'm not sure what the rules are).
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