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Mitsugirlys graduation getaway cruise


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Someone was very sleepy.






I kept looking behind us and I never did see the other ferry coming with Kendra on it. Oh no...it just dawned on me...we can't even go back to the ship since we have Brayden because we don't have his key card. There was no getting in the gate at the port or anything. Ugh. Well, the good thing about it was that this was a ship sponsored tour and without that last ferry being back, they weren't leaving us no matter what. This settled my mind at least.



We are getting closer to the ships.







When the ferry was getting close to the ships, the one thing I always like is that they will stop and give you the opportunity to take pictures of the ship.














They make sure everyone gets a chance and do not rush you. Then they slowly pull around it while you continue to take pictures. Awesome job.




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Kim, You said you couldn't get reservations for the shows and therefore did not get to see them....did you ever try showing up 10 minutes before they started? We could only get reservations late in the week for the early shows and just showed up earlier in the week like they tell you in the Freestyle Daily and got into both Rock of Ages and Burn the Floor. Admittedly this was on the BA but the GA works the same. You may not get 3-4 seats together but you should get in. Many make reservations and then forget all about them. We never had a problem getting into Fat Cats or Howl at the Moon either.

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Of course, they had to pull up and dock NOT where we had originally got on at. We were now outside the pier and they make sure you have to walk along the roads, therefore hoping that you will shop and spend money or get your hair braided. I think we were asked by the same lady at least 5 times in a matter of maybe 10 minutes.


We went in the port area (they have tons of shops in there before going to the security area) and we found soda being sold for only $1 a can. Of course after seeing $2.50 for soda everywhere we have been, we seen this as a deal and started filling up. hehe


We slowly walked toward the security area and figured we would wait there for Kendra and her bf to arrive. It was only about 5 minutes and they were there.


Our all aboard time was at 6:30pm and it was already 6:30pm. I was really hoping that Kendra hadn't been back for awhile and decided to do some shopping, therefore forfeiting her "I was on a sponsored tour" excuse to get on the ship (if everyone else from that ferry was already on).


We quickly headed toward the pier and stopped along the way to take some pictures (since I felt a little easy about not missing the ship because people were still walking in).














We made it down the pier and turned and was in the home stretch to the ship. I could hear the music blaring and see people dancing and the welcome back party was here!!! Woo hoo. I love the welcome back party.






We made it up to the ship, grabbed our cold hand towels, gave the staff our NCL beach towels to get clean and dried non-heavy towels...and it was quite. Completely quiet. The party was packed up in an instance and we had missed it. Sigh. Wait, what's this? Kendra hands her wet towels to the staff and they roll away....not giving her any. She had reached down in her bag on the ground for something and when she looked up they were gone. To see her running after them yelling for her towels...priceless.



We were checked in, on board, to our rooms and it was 7pm. Whew, that was close. They made several announcements for about 6 people and at 7:15pm, we pulled out.




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I'm sitting on the balcony and I see the sunset. I swear that the sunsets disappear into the water (snicker) so much quicker than anywhere else. It's amazing how quickly they are gone. I actually got up and ran (well, hobbled on my hurt foot) and grabbed my camera to take a picture.


Snap 1





Snap 2 five seconds later







We headed off after our showers to get Sakari something to eat. She never did come out of the water at Blue Lagoon to have her lunch. She never once complained about being hungry either, which is extremely weird for her since she's hungry 24/7 and thinks she has to eat every 1.5 hrs when at home.


Then she was ready to go to the kids club for the last time. We only snacked because of our reservations at 9:15pm at Teppanyaki. I called Kendra to make sure that they were still going to eat and she said "yes", so I had my confirmation before having more to eat at the buffet.


We headed off to the Casino to play for one last time and to cash in our winnings for the week.


I started getting a little risky on this day. Of course everyone I have ever talked to talks about doing the "max" bid and winning good. I'm conservative. I play the penny machines and I play all the lines betting the smallest amount you can. I will try to find the .30 - .50 per spin bids. However, tonight would be different. I would play one of my favorite games from the week and I would slowly work my way up to the max bid of $3.00 per spend. YIKES!! :eek: Well, it played off and worked for me. I started with $40 in my pocket, but only played $20 in the first slot. I walked away with $118 that time. I moved on to another slot that I had been playing during the week and figured I would sink my other $20 in to it and go back and forth between the max bid of $3 and the next to the max bid (I think it was $1.50). Yep, my amount kept going up and up. I think I have a new strategy now.







We ran into Kolin and Courtney and she had me take a picture with her phone of them standing with the chandelier in the background. I snapped the picture and then said "Let me take a real picture for you."





It was almost time to head to Teppanyaki (9pm) and I wondered if Kendra would actually be on time.

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We arrived at Teppanyaki at 9pm and Kendra was not in site. You know me, always early, but I decided I would take a chance and try to run up to the photo shop to get my pictures.


When I got up there, it was PACKED. There was no getting pictures any time soon, so we headed back to the restaurant. It was only about 10 after and I stopped to check in. I expected to wait a little bit, and hopefully see Kendra dragging along, but they took us straight in.






There were already 3 people sitting at our table. We ordered our drinks and they served us all Edamame Japanese soy beans. Oh my gosh they were so good! He explained that we were to open up the bean, pop it out and only eat the inside. It was a lovely little snack. The hubby and I both agreed that we could sit around and snack on these all day and would be happy. I don't remember having any of these the last time we were at Teppanyaki and I know they don't serve them in the Japanese restaurants that we visit around here.





We were looking over the menu's and the waitress was coming around taking orders.




I had the chicken and shrimp and the hubby ordered the chicken and noodles.


Then...Kendra and family finally arrived. We were forced to actually do some switching around in the seats so that the 3 of them could sit together and just the hubby and I (because of the way the table was shaped). We got some glares the rest of the night from the people in front of us. I don't know what the glares were all about...Kendra being late, Brayden, me being a cougar, Kendra's boyfriend with the tattoos...there was no telling. I just seen a lot of whispers going on and looking over at us. Sigh. Although I didn't let it ruin my night, it felt a little uncomfortable because they just wouldn't stop starring with the glaring judging eyes.


Next up was the Miso soup. It was tasty, but I had no idea what it was and had to look it up when I got home.






Meanwhile, since Kendra and the family had just arrived, they were just now getting their edamame beans and Brayden was loving his, which surprised me. He ate every last one of them and some of Kendra's too.


We were then served our seaweed salad, which was pretty good too. At least a lot better than the salad they served at the Illusionarium. The chef started to prepare our meals and confirmed them with all of us and the show began.







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Either the guy was new or nervous or something, but he did not get off to a good start. He was trying to swing the utensils around and kept dropping them. I think the more he tried, the more nervous he seemed.


He did things with spinning eggs, catching the eggs in his hat, "drawing" things on the grill with the egg white, making shapes with the rice and so on.


He made an egg into a cobra snack and sang "the song" when you coax them out of the basket as he made the snake slither toward Brayden. Brayden loved it.














Of course I got the mean stare when I got up out of my seat to take the picture of this because I was sitting on the end and couldn't see the entire thing.





We were served our rice in the bowls and our chicken was soon to follow.





Now I don't know about others, but when I eat my "chicken fried rice" I eat them mixed together. I'm not sure the "proper" way to eat this at "this" Japanese restaurant, but when we go to the land based ones, the rice is put on the plate and then the chicken. When we took the rice and emptied it onto the plate and then put our chicken with it...MORE GLARES!!! Seriously? What were we doing wrong? They kept their rice in their small little bowls while they daintily took bites, trying to keep the overflowing rice from falling onto the dinner mat. Is that really the way you are supposed to eat it? I would rather eat mine together and not make a mess and have more room!



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I have to admit...the last time we went to Teppanyaki, I did not enjoy it too much. I really didn't care for the food that time either (this was on the Pearl I believe). I swore that time that I would probably never eat there again. It wasn't bad, but nothing special that I would want to do again. I very much enjoy the land based ones we have here.


Since we had the UDP this cruise, it's probably the only reason that I agreed to go. I'm so glad that I did. It was WONDERFUL. I absolutely LOVED the chicken and the seasonings they used this time. There was just something different about it. I don't know if they have changed things since the last time we tried it or what. I would definitely go again now to compare on another ship. I can say that I honestly didn't care for the shrimp this time. Maybe it was the type of shrimp. I'm not sure.



I took a few quick pictures around the place. I loved the way they had the place decorated as well.






It gave you a great relaxing Japanese feeling. The last time we went, it was basically just a room with 2 tables. Nothing special.






Brayden was getting sleepy so Kendra's boyfriend decided to take him back to the room and put him to bed. Kendra stayed back with us. I guess that was the improper thing to do as well, so more glares. But I'm sorry, when you have a tired little one, it's best to excuse yourself than to force them to stay there when they get whiny and then having to carry them back to the room at 48" tall and 50 pounds.


I noticed the time, 10:20pm and started to panic. It was time to pick Sakari up from the kids club. Yikes. We weren't even done eating and we were not able to have desert. We did ask the waitress for a "to-go" box (maybe not the proper thing to do either according to the "looks" we got), but we needed to feed Sakari and I know how much she loves rice. Kendra also had her bf's boxed up so that he could finish eating back in the room since he had to leave early.


Courtney also reminded me that tonight was the diamond shops raffle at 10:30pm and ask if I had my tickets. Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about them. I had an entire bag of them back in the room just from buying my ring. It had to give me better chances right?


So Courtney ran to pick up Sakari before 10:30, gave tickets to Kolin to stand while they called off the raffle numbers, met him back there just as they began, they informed me that I was only 3 numbers off of the grand prize. DARNIT!




We headed back to the room and met Courtney there. I ran in, gave Sakari her food, told the hubby I would be back and then Courtney and I raced to the photo shop to buy my pictures.


At this time, I'm all of a sudden in panic mode. Serious full blown panic mode. It's going on 11pm and our bags were to be set out in the hall by 11pm and I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED PACKING!!! I needed to buy my pictures. I needed to go down to customer service and get a final statement. I needed to go to the jewelry store to pick up my authentic certificate for my diamond ring. Ugh...this was just not cool. It was getting late.


The one thing that did make me smile during this mess was that Sakari came home with an autograph book from the kids club "teachers". One of them had wrote in her book (the one that remembered her from the Jewel cruise) and she was excited about that.






I thought this was a nice thing to do for the kids. It's the first time it has ever happened.

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Another awesome review. Love all the pics. It feels as though I'm aboard with you.


Thanks so much for taking the time doing these incredible reviews.

I know folks book after reading your reports. You should get a commission. :D





The night before Disney had taken off out of port in St Thomas after we did and we noticed that they were racing past us out in the ocean in the middle of the night. I guess they were in a hurry to get to Nassau.


We found that they were already docked once we got close enough to see.




The DCL Fantasy was in St Thomas. The DCL Dream was in Nassau.

So DCL isn't faster than NCL. :p

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Love, love, love the ring! I bought a few rings on my March cruise, but they were nothing like that! Jealous...


Thanks so much. I really like it too. :D


Kim, You said you couldn't get reservations for the shows and therefore did not get to see them....did you ever try showing up 10 minutes before they started? We could only get reservations late in the week for the early shows and just showed up earlier in the week like they tell you in the Freestyle Daily and got into both Rock of Ages and Burn the Floor. Admittedly this was on the BA but the GA works the same. You may not get 3-4 seats together but you should get in. Many make reservations and then forget all about them. We never had a problem getting into Fat Cats or Howl at the Moon either.


No we didn't. I didn't think to try that, but I really wasn't too bothered by it I guess. I'm not really too much into the musical dancing shows and my kids didn't like it at all (Burn the floor). Although the dancing amazes me at their moves and talent, I can't take too much of it before I'm bored. I had imagined that the other show (Legally Blonde) was probably pretty much the same thing.


I just really enjoy going to something different every night like on the older ships. A comedian one night, a magic show the next, dancing the next, the acrobats another night and so on. I didn't like that they had the same show for several nights in a row. I definitely didn't want to wait to see if any seats became available and then all of us to get split up.


Kendra tried to get in to some of the comedy clubs a few times and couldn't get in because it was too full. :( So that was a no-go as well. At least when she went.

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Me too. You go, girl.


Hehehe :D



Another awesome review. Love all the pics. It feels as though I'm aboard with you.


Thanks so much for taking the time doing these incredible reviews.

I know folks book after reading your reports. You should get a commission. :D



The DCL Fantasy was in St Thomas. The DCL Dream was in Nassau.

So DCL isn't faster than NCL. :p


I agree...or at least a free cruise or visit to some of the places. :D If some of these places only knew the revenue I probably bring to them based on the reviews and the pictures......



Yep, I know it was the Fantasy in St Thomas and discovered it was the Dream in Nassau when Dumbo was no longer on the back of the ship. Although, the Fantasy was really flying by us that night. We seen them from a distance...they got closer and closer, then they pulled right away from us. (This was one of the times that we were out on the deck and looking in the binocular thingys they have on the waterfront).

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Either the guy was new or nervous or something, but he did not get off to a good start. He was trying to swing the utensils around and kept dropping them. I think the more he tried, the more nervous he seemed.


He did things with spinning eggs, catching the eggs in his hat, "drawing" things on the grill with the egg white, making shapes with the rice and so on.


He made an egg into a cobra snack and sang "the song" when you coax them out of the basket as he made the snake slither toward Brayden. Brayden loved it.














Of course I got the mean stare when I got up out of my seat to take the picture of this because I was sitting on the end and couldn't see the entire thing.





We were served our rice in the bowls and our chicken was soon to follow.





Now I don't know about others, but when I eat my "chicken fried rice" I eat them mixed together. I'm not sure the "proper" way to eat this at "this" Japanese restaurant, but when we go to the land based ones, the rice is put on the plate and then the chicken. When we took the rice and emptied it onto the plate and then put our chicken with it...MORE GLARES!!! Seriously? What were we doing wrong? They kept their rice in their small little bowls while they daintily took bites, trying to keep the overflowing rice from falling onto the dinner mat. Is that really the way you are supposed to eat it? I would rather eat mine together and not make a mess and have more room!



Were the people glaring at you sitting at your table or another table? Sounds really strange. I can only imagine what they would do when I not only put the rice on the plate but dump my sauce all over the top, hehe.


And what's wrong with moving to get a better picture? Geesh!

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I hate that you had snotty people at your dinner. I hope that you enjoyed it anyway.


When it comes to people like that, here in the South, we just say, "well, bless your heart". ;)


Thank you for your update!

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Thoroughly enjoy your reviews, every time I read one it makes me want to go on that cruise!

The looks from others, falls under the F them file..you can't always judge a book by it's cover, if you saw my middle step daughter you'd think she was attacked by some terrible ink monster as she is very tattooed. Judging looks all around, but she's a meek little sweetheart who choses to be bold with her colorful tats.

Anyway, great pics as usual.

Good luck on your Nclex!! Staying in the ED environment or changing? I love it there and can't imagine myself anywhere else after 13 yrs doing it. Spent 2 years in CCU then moved down to ED, it's my home and family now (met hubby there too firefighter/paramedic married to ED RN go figure) Just remember if you hate where you start out, gain the knowledge offered and try something else, you'll know home when you find it!!

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Were the people glaring at you sitting at your table or another table? Sounds really strange. I can only imagine what they would do when I not only put the rice on the plate but dump my sauce all over the top, hehe.


And what's wrong with moving to get a better picture? Geesh!


Glaring lady=lady in every picture I took of the chef. Can you not see some of the glares?


I hate that you had snotty people at your dinner. I hope that you enjoyed it anyway.


When it comes to people like that, here in the South, we just say, "well, bless your heart". ;)


Thank you for your update!


Lol, I love that saying (I'm from Alabama and the family uses it all the time) and it was a big joke at school because we had a teacher and she THE nicest, most proper, polite, caring, true traditional nurse you would ever come across. She was so afraid of ever displeasing anyone. I heard the "Bless your heart" come out of her several times and we just joked about it because we KNEW she didn't mean it that way, but was still funny. I think I need to start using it more. :p

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I agree with the "Bless their hearts" statement. This is the only way to deal with people like that. If they want to be sourpusses, well then just let them!


I did not get the rice thing either. On the Jewel in December, we went there and some people ate all their rice before he was done cooking the meal! I mix it all up together on my plate too. Maybe that is an American thing and we aren't supposed to do that at an authentic restaurant. Who knows.



DH was 30 and I was 38 when we met, and we married 6 months later. So I guess that makes me a cougar too!

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Thoroughly enjoy your reviews, every time I read one it makes me want to go on that cruise!

The looks from others, falls under the F them file..you can't always judge a book by it's cover, if you saw my middle step daughter you'd think she was attacked by some terrible ink monster as she is very tattooed. Judging looks all around, but she's a meek little sweetheart who choses to be bold with her colorful tats.

Anyway, great pics as usual.

Good luck on your Nclex!! Staying in the ED environment or changing? I love it there and can't imagine myself anywhere else after 13 yrs doing it. Spent 2 years in CCU then moved down to ED, it's my home and family now (met hubby there too firefighter/paramedic married to ED RN go figure) Just remember if you hate where you start out, gain the knowledge offered and try something else, you'll know home when you find it!!



I totally agree with the "you can't judge a book by its cover". Actually our charge nurse in the ED has more than her share of tats. It starts at her left wrist, goes up the arm, down her entire side and down the left leg to the foot. Completely tatted from finger tips to be toe on her left side. You would never know by working with her, seeing her, talking to her or anything. I worked with her for 2 years before I even found out how tatted she was. Nurses usually don't get that picture of the "tatted" person, but it's shocking to see just how many have them...and a lot.


I'm glad you enjoy the reviews. I think I enjoy doing them as much as others enjoy reading them. It's a win-win situation. :D



I probably won't be staying in the ED when I pass the NCLEX (not by choice). I just don't think they are hiring new grads at this time.


I just found out yesterday that they are not offering a tech, that just graduated in March and passed her boards April 4th, a nursing job. She's been a tech longer than I have. So, I'm not sure what's going on with that. I know in the past they have always offered the techs a nursing position when they graduate. I'm just not holding my breath at the moment.


I absolutely LOVE the ED, but there is a lot of drama there between the nurses and even the management. There is a huge turn around because of it. There's a lot of snotty nurses that if they don't like you, they will do anything to set you up for failure, not help you out, or try to (and most of the time successfully) get you fired. Then we have charge nurses getting fired for stealing dilaudid to feed their habit. It's just a mess.


So part of me wants to stay. The other part of me wants to go up on one of the floors. Another part of me wants to completely go to another hospital. We'll see. Either way, I'm sure I will be happy. A year or two will pass by quickly and I'll be able to move on.

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I agree with the "Bless their hearts" statement. This is the only way to deal with people like that. If they want to be sourpusses' date=' well then just let them!


I did not get the rice thing either. On the Jewel in December, we went there and some people ate all their rice before he was done cooking the meal! I mix it all up together on my plate too. Maybe that is an American thing and we aren't supposed to do that at an authentic restaurant. Who knows.



DH was 30 and I was 38 when we met, and we married 6 months later. So I guess that makes me a cougar too! [/size']



I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that mixes the food or takes it out of the bowl and puts it on the plate. I really thought I was doing something wrong. But now I feel better. :)



Robin, I just knew I loved you for a reason. You go girl, you cougar you! :D

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We are really enjoying your review! We leave in 9 days on the Getaway and can't wait. Despite all the mishaps on the trip it looks like you really made the most of it and have a fun-loving family.

Edited by ee1999
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Other than you missing your flight in the beginning everything else seems to have worked out well. :) You guys sound like such a fun family! Of course no family is perfect and we all have our moments - and yes on vacation too. If someone tells you otherwise do not believe them.


As far as getting stares from stuck up snobs - that's why I don't do traditional dining in the MDR. You never know what kind of people they'll put you with.

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You could choose from a hamburger or hotdog.... The meal also came with the large steak fries....


The one thing I really enjoyed about this place was they paid attention to detail. It wasn't just a hut that they sat up and served you food from. They actually made it look appealing and decorated to give you a nice Caribbean feel.

Right, because nothing says "Caribbean" like burgers and dogs. ;):D


(Yes, I know you were talking about the decor, not the food, but that was my first thought.)

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Glaring lady=lady in every picture I took of the chef. Can you not see some of the glares?




You are a much better person than me for ignoring the woman. I have been in NY for 5 years (I am also a member of the "many years older than my husband" club) and I would have a hard time not asking that woman what her problem was. I never would have done that before living in NY though.


I have enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for putting it together and also Congratulations on your graduation. Best of luck in your job search! I used to work as a clerk in a crazy ED so I can only imagine how crazy your place of work is. Nurses get all my respect. I could never do it.

Edited by Ciardasully
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We are really enjoying your review! We leave in 9 days on the Getaway and can't wait. Despite all the mishaps on the trip it looks like you really made the most of it and have a fun-loving family.


Thanks so much. I hope you have a wonderful trip on the Getaway. She's a beautiful ship. :)


Other than you missing your flight in the beginning everything else seems to have worked out well. :) You guys sound like such a fun family! Of course no family is perfect and we all have our moments - and yes on vacation too. If someone tells you otherwise do not believe them.


As far as getting stares from stuck up snobs - that's why I don't do traditional dining in the MDR. You never know what kind of people they'll put you with.


Oh don't I know it. I have learned over the years that the families that appear "perfect", usually have the most problems and skeletons in their closets. :p


I hate traditional dining as well. I cringe when I think about how it use to be back when I first started cruising in the 80's...having to sit at an assigned table with people you don't know and not knowing if your personalities would clash. We have had some bad experiences back in the day for sure and even had people switch tables. It's just not my thing. I'm a friendly person and will speak to anyone, but then there are those people that are just not "approachable" and you can usually tell it right away. I usually get the pleasure of being assigned with them. :p


Because of the traditional dining, this alone is what took me so long to cruise with another line. I was so caught up on it. Then I decided to go for it and cruised with Carnival Dream and did the my time dining and it worked out perfect. I'll never look back again.


However, you're still always stuck with assigned people when you go to the pay restaurants such as Teppanyaki. There's just no way around it unless you can come up with 8 people in your party (which we had, but 2 of the kids and 1 munchkin wasn't attending with us that night).

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Right, because nothing says "Caribbean" like burgers and dogs. ;):D


(Yes, I know you were talking about the decor, not the food, but that was my first thought.)


Haha, I actually laughed out loud when I read that. hehe :D


You are a much better person than me for ignoring the woman. I have been in NY for 5 years (I am also a member of the "many years older than my husband" club) and I would have a hard time not asking that woman what her problem was. I never would have done that before living in NY though.


I have enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for putting it together and also Congratulations on your graduation. Best of luck in your job search! I used to work as a clerk in a crazy ED so I can only imagine how crazy your place of work is. Nurses get all my respect. I could never do it.


High Five to you girl!!! (many years older than my husband club...I like the way that sounds).


I was very shy growing up, then when I became an adult I became a little "hot headed" and didn't take crap from anyone. Now that I'm older, I have calmed down a lot and look at like a little different. I cherish it more and try not to let things get to me as much. In the end, I know I will never see these people again and it's not worth getting too worked up over. It does make me feel uncomfortable, but I just tell myself I'm not there for them, I'm there to have a good time with my family. Don't get me wrong, if you push the wrong buttons, I do explode and it's not a pretty site when it happens. :D But for the most part, I'm a good girl.


Thanks for the congrats. Yep, our ED is "extra" crazy because it's also a trauma center (which I love), so we get the "good stuff". I love me some good gory stuff. :p

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