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Do you wear your wedding rings on cruises


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My husband and I wear silver bands that say "God with us together and apart" when we travel and leave our wedding rings at home. We purchased the bands one year when he was going to Honduras on a mission trip and I wasn't able to go. They're nice and very sentimental but they are also replaceable. Not only do I not have to worry about losing my wedding rings, but they are a nice vacation ritual. When I put it on I know I'm going on an adventure!



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I think that is really sweet.


I don't wear my engagement/wedding rings when I travel for one reason only...I have a tendency to lose rings!:eek: I've lost several including one that my now deceased and dearly loved MIL had given to the DH when he graduated. The DH was not as devastated about the loss as I was...I mourned the loss of that ring for months and only because of it's sentimental value. So as I've lost several rings since then...the sentimentally precious engagement/wedding rings stay home in the safe. As far as not wearing jewelry because I don't want to flash it in front of those that have less than me...I'm not one to feel guilty about things I have that others don't. Especially as whatever we have the DH and I have worked hard for. As a matter of fact, my engagement ring has a monetary value of just $200 but as they say in the commercial...It's priceless!!! The DH bought me that ring when he didn't have two pennies to rub together so it's doubly precious to me. It's more precious than the second set of rings (way more expensive) he bought me on our 25th Anniversary. Also, I don't think that wearing one's wedding/engagement rings while around people with less than you is flaunting your wealth or what you have that others don't... in any way. It's represents your commitment to your spouse or fiancée and the love that is shared by two. Just MHO on this matter.:D

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Yes, you have a point, and I respect that. But like I said, it is what suits you. When it comes to opinions, one size does not fit all.:D


I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mil ring. I lost a bracelet that a beloved relative gave me whin I was 14. I had it for over 55 years. It was not expensive, but the memories were priceless. Even after 4 years I still find myself looking for it whenever I am sorting through things.


I wonder though, how you loose rings? Do they fall off? If so, this may work for you. I have my mothers wedding band that is just a slim one, but it is snug. Once over my knuckles it is not coming off . So I wear that after my engagement ring as a kind of ring guard. I need liquid soap on it to remove it.


I mentioned that the ring is a slim one because unless you have very long fingers, then wearing three rings on one finger would be comfortable if they were wide. But fortunately for me, all three bands are narrow.



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I had a simple band with a few diamond chips for the 1st 10 years of my marriage. Then I got what I thought I had always wanted - a huge (to me) 3 carat stunner - excellent color and cut. I was so thrilled but soon noticed that the ring was rarely worn at home - it was heavy being platinum. I still love my ring, it was designed for me and is very different BUT the older I get - the more I realize that it is just a thing - the size of a stone does not determine how much you are loved.


I wear my ring when I cruise but never off of the ship. I have some excellent fake rings I can wear or in questionable locations - best to wear no jewelry at all.

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Yes, you have a point, and I respect that. But like I said, it is what suits you. When it comes to opinions, one size does not fit all.:D


I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mil ring. I lost a bracelet that a beloved relative gave me whin I was 14. I had it for over 55 years. It was not expensive, but the memories were priceless. Even after 4 years I still find myself looking for it whenever I am sorting through things.


I wonder though, how you loose rings? Do they fall off? If so, this may work for you. I have my mothers wedding band that is just a slim one, but it is snug. Once over my knuckles it is not coming off . So I wear that after my engagement ring as a kind of ring guard. I need liquid soap on it to remove it.


I mentioned that the ring is a slim one because unless you have very long fingers, then wearing three rings on one finger would be comfortable if they were wide. But fortunately for me, all three bands are narrow.



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Thank you for the tip. Yes, I've had a couple of them slide off but mostly...and I'm embarrassed to even admit it...I forget them...mostly in restrooms. I always take my rings off to wash my hands and I've been so preoccupied that I've forgotten rings in restrooms at the airport in LAX (which included a silver ring my SIL had given me), a couple of my then favorite silver rings at a grocery store restroom in Cabo, Mexico, and my DH's graduation gift (a beautiful 24k gold w/a fire opal) in a TJ Maxx. I've left several others in various restrooms around the world. Duh! I need a keeper.


The one that still haunts me, besides his graduation gift, is the first ring the DH ever bought me; it slipped off my finger one day and I keep hoping in my heart of hearts that I'll find it on the floor somewhere in the house. Even though I've checked every inch of it...I keep hoping...:(

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When I got engaged in 1969, my grandmother advised me never to take off my ring when I washed my hands, as I might forget it in a public restroom. Her advice was that it would be easier to clean it than to replace it.

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When I got engaged in 1969, my grandmother advised me never to take off my ring when I washed my hands, as I might forget it in a public restroom. Her advice was that it would be easier to clean it than to replace it.



I like your grandmother. My rings are either on or in the safe, at home or on a cruise.

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Re cruising in Asia or Europe - an observation:

Locals wear subdued jewelry and much less of it than many cruisers, hence the tourists who wear obvious jewelry are indeed noticed. (This a bit like the USA tourist who wear white athletic shoes while traveling.)

Always nice to blend in a bit!

Just a consideration. I decided on one trip to bring one pair of small hoop white gold earrings, a narrow link white gold chain bracelet, a subdued stainless case watch, and my wedding rings - no other jewelry. I had a couple of smaller scarves in lieu of necklaces. It worked great and was similar to what I observed throughout most of our European ports.

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I'm one of the few that rarely wears my wedding ring.


DH gave me a very small band with a diamond in it that his paternal Grandma gave him. I had diamonds that I had inherited from my paternal Grandmother. I decided that I wanted a wedding ring, just like DH, a single ring...so I designed a wedding ring for two diamonds, one from each side of the family, and had the engagement diamond reset in that ring.


I love it. And these days, I rarely wear it. I just don't appreciate having a ring on when the majority of my day is spent dealing with kitchen work, teaching fitness classes (or practicing), or doing any other of a number of things where I use my hands and/or my hands get extremely dirty. It could be because my fingers change size throughout the day as well...and I find the fit of my ring will fluctuate from tight to spin around my finger driving me crazy. At times, the ring can fling right off my finger and at other times, I have to soap it off.


DH doesn't like to wear his ring when he works out or does any physical either. It's annoying at the gym. His first wedding band was stolen from his locked locker at the YMCA. The stone cross he used to wear was left in the locker broken in two. Can you imagine? This within 2 years of marriage...


And that's when we came to personal conclusion that the rings are just ornamentation. Yes, they are meaningful...but they are just things...like all other things. We did what we did to make the second ring feel special...and to tell the truth, it's a better ring! We made sure DH could get a comfort band because this wasn't in our thoughts when we purchased the first one.


The sentiment attached to my ring is beyond. I love it. It's special and even though I understand all the reasoning behind the use the things you love mentality...for me...it's really annoying to wear. I don't love wearing it. My ring basically lives in the special thing that I keep in the drawer next to the kitchen sink...and I get to see it A LOT. Without all the annoyance of having that ring on.


That said. I do wear it on my OFF days. Which, considering my position as a homemaker...is pretty rare. BUT...we never take our rings on vacation. EVER. It's just another annoyance for both DH and myself. Partly because we like to swim and do other physical activity...and partly because it's just a worry. I recall bringing the ring on my honeymoon and I was constantly checking for it when we were swimming in the sea. At times, it could fall off in the sink when I was washing my hands if I wasn't careful...OMG...just beyond stressful to wear that thing.


You know when something is reduced to THAT THING...you just need to leave it at home. I don't need to start to associate all kinds of worry with something that I really do love. Most of the time.


All the ideas that everyone has to wear other rings is great...if you like rings. But I think I'm just not much into rings in general. DH and I are about to celebrate 17 fantastic years of marriage. The majority of which, has been ringless. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wear a plain gold band or costume jewelry on cruises or at the beach. I remember a friend of my sister commenting on my wedding ring once on a cruise and I said " Oh this came from Avon" and she said "I am so glad you know that. I was trying to figure out a way to tell you that wasn't a real diamond" !:)

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I never take off my rings. We have simple bands that are engraved inside and I have a modest diamond ring from my 12th anniversary ( my engagement is an emerald). When I feel like I am in a questionable place I turn my diamond towards the inside of my hand. To be honest, I was a tiny less than size 4 ring size when I married and now my ring is snug to the point that someone would have to cut my finger off to have my ring. I just don't think that anyone would find my rings flashy enough to be worth the trouble of removing my finger :p


As I was reading this thread it got me thinking how I feel about my rings. My rings are special because my marriage is the second most important relationship in my life and always will be. But as I got to thinking about it, they are just rings. Stuff just isn't that important to me and becomes less and less so over the years. I hadn't thought about it until now, but even my rings don't matter that much to me. Life is about people and not the stuff, even the stuff that is symbolic of the people.

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It depends on what I will be doing if I wear any jewelry at all (I know...guys are different). If it is just a normal day, I wear what I would wear at home (wedding ring, watch, a chain and medic alert bracelet). Since all are compatible with water I will wear them swimming. If we are going on an excursion it will depend on the activity. If there is a change something could "snag" and cause injury I will lock everything in the safe (but put on the medic alert dog tag)


At home I only take off my jewelry for massages and when I am officiating a basketball game (but do wear the alert dog tag for that).

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Our wedding rings are not expensive and over the top. When Drew was looking for an engagement ring' date=' I saw him looking and these huge expensive rings. I slowly motioned for him to look at the three piece set of a small engagement ring and matching bands. I told him then, it wasn't about the size or the expense of a ring...it was the fact that I was going to be his wife and carry his name. A small set was just perfect (I think he was relieved) :) Other jewelry that he has bought me over the years is very speical and some of it is rather expensive. I still wear it...it's too beautiful to keep it locked up. I saw this article and it tells just a few of the reasons behind a wedding band and why mine are so special to me, that I never want to be without them. The expensive jewelry they can have, it's insured, the wedding rings, they will have a fight on their hands if they try to take them!


Wedding bands signify a number of important elements in a couple's life: eternal love, devotion, commitment, fidelity, honor and respect and the bond of unity. It constitutes a legally binding agreement between husband and wife, as the wife becomes subordinate to her husband, and the husband swears to protect his wife.[/quote']


I like your thoughts. Except for the subordinate part---we've come a long way, baby! As women have become educated, we don't need a man to protect us! I wear my original 1/2 karat diamond (in a updated setting) even though we could afford something much larger. Hey...if we can spend $$$ cruising luxury/luxury lite, we have the $$$ for a diamond. But, I can't see putting money into a large diamond, to impress others. I'm not impressed.....I actually am drawn to others like me....who don't need to show off. That comes from living in an affluent community all my life. Show offs are annoying!

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I like your thoughts. Except for the subordinate part---we've come a long way, baby! As women have become educated, we don't need a man to protect us! I wear my original 1/2 karat diamond (in a updated setting) even though we could afford something much larger. Hey...if we can spend $$$ cruising luxury/luxury lite, we have the $$$ for a diamond. But, I can't see putting money into a large diamond, to impress others. I'm not impressed.....I actually am drawn to others like me....who don't need to show off. That comes from living in an affluent community all my life. Show offs are annoying!


Wow, judge others much? Just because a woman has a large diamond (and, for the record, I do not, since I prefer sapphires) doesn't mean she has it to impress you or anybody else.

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Gee, looks like I really opened a can of worms! :) I never said that this was for everyone....it works for us. Anyone on here that knows about my husband, knows that he is a kind and amazing man.


If my husband wants to open doors for me and walk on the outside curb to keep me from being splashed from cars...then I have no problem letting him do these things for me. I don't need someone to protect me. My nine milimeter does a great job of that.


We are a couple, he is my best friend...everything that I do I keep him in mind. When I ask him if he likes a certain dress....it's because I "want" to look nice for him and impress him...no one else...period.


I don't consider myself old, but I do consider myself "old school" I don't have to ask permission to do anything..purchase what I want, etc. If I buy a dress, (as I did yesterday) I just pull it out of the bag and ask his opinion, because it matters to me. Would I go out and spend a $1000 on something for myself without talking it over with him....NO simply out of respect for him. He is the same way.....again this is not for everyone, but it works for us. We take scripture to heart, so I would ask that you take that into consideration before you berate me or my husband, siply because I defer to him in major decisions.


Now, I must go and put his coffee on and get his breakfast ready and lay his newpaper out, so that he doesn't beat me! Everyone have a blessed weekend, and let this thread die on the vine.

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If my husband wants to open doors for me and walk on the outside curb to keep me from being splashed from cars...then I have no problem letting him do these things for me. I don't need someone to protect me. My nine milimeter does a great job of that.


We are a couple' date=' he is my best friend...everything that I do I keep him in mind. When I ask him if he likes a certain dress....it's because I "want" to look nice for him and impress him...no one else...period.


I don't consider myself old, but I do consider myself "old school" I don't have to ask permission to do anything..purchase what I want, etc. If I buy a dress, (as I did yesterday) I just pull it out of the bag and ask his opinion, because it matters to me. Would I go out and spend a $1000 on something for myself without talking it over with him....NO simply out of respect for him. He is the same way.....again this is not for everyone, but it works for us. We take scripture to heart, so I would ask that you take that into consideration before you berate me or my husband, siply because I defer to him in major decisions.


My husband and I are the same way and we're only in our 40s. Nothing old fashioned about it in my eyes. :) He takes care of me and I do my best to take care of him as well (I keep him feed, organized, and emotionally strong). He has taken for in sickness seriously since I now have cancer and I love him more and more every day for the things he does for me.


The kids have learned by example and they always help out as well, they hold doors open and assist with standing and stairs and carrying stuff for me. They will make wonderful husbands when their times come. :)


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My husband and I are the same way and we're only in our 40s. Nothing old fashioned about it in my eyes. :) He takes care of me and I do my best to take care of him as well (I keep him feed, organized, and emotionally strong). He has taken for in sickness seriously since I now have cancer and I love him more and more every day for the things he does for me.


The kids have learned by example and they always help out as well, they hold doors open and assist with standing and stairs and carrying stuff for me. They will make wonderful husbands when their times come. :)


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From one Sherrie Lynn to another SheriLyn, you are a wise woman! ;) That is what marriage is about. Taking are of each other and looking to each other for support.

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From one Sherrie Lynn to another SheriLyn' date=' you are a wise woman! ;) That is what marriage is about. Taking are of each other and looking to each other for support.[/quote']

Yep! I remembered you were a Sherrie Lynn while I am a Sherry Lynn in real life. :)


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My rings never come off. Many years ago one came off and went down the drain at work. I will never forget how amazing my boss was in getting a maintenance person in to retrieve it. One lost or almost lost is enough to convince you.



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I like your thoughts. Except for the subordinate part---we've come a long way, baby! As women have become educated, we don't need a man to protect us! I wear my original 1/2 karat diamond (in a updated setting) even though we could afford something much larger. Hey...if we can spend $$$ cruising luxury/luxury lite, we have the $$$ for a diamond. But, I can't see putting money into a large diamond, to impress others. I'm not impressed.....I actually am drawn to others like me....who don't need to show off. That comes from living in an affluent community all my life. Show offs are annoying!


When talking about diamonds, carat is spelled with a "C." It's a "K" when talking about gold. Sorry, that just bothered me ;)


I don't think most women wear their wedding rings to impress others. I don't; I wear them because my husband gave them to me and it makes me smile to look at my ring finger and remember how much we love each other. My rings are a symbol of our marriage, all that we've been through, and all that is yet to come.


To answer the OP's question - I never take off my wedding band. I guess because I'm old fashioned and my parents never took off their bands. I have friends who have diamonds and other stones in their wedding bands and have to take them off for certain things. I didn't ever want to take it off, so I have a plain band. I can wear it when cleaning, doing yard work, bathing the dog, cooking, going to the beach, etc. It never comes off. DH surprised me with my engagement ring and I don't wear it for those things because I wouldn't want it to be damaged or get too dirty. Same with safety - on or off a cruise. If I feel safe (which is 99% of the time), I'll wear my engagement ring; if not, I'll wear only my wedding band.

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Wow, judge others much? Just because a woman has a large diamond (and, for the record, I do not, since I prefer sapphires) doesn't mean she has it to impress you or anybody else.


I think it is human nature to judge others, and have opinions. Nothing wrong with that. I don't pretend to be perfect and without fault! You are right...there are woman who just want a big, honking diamond once in their lives--only for themselves. I have things that others may judge me for, but I have them for myself. What you didn't get was that in an affluent community, women DO have to have the biggest diamond, to impress others or fit in. That's a sociological fact. I'm sorry my post caused you to feel you needed to judge me!

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I think it is human nature to judge others, and have opinions. Nothing wrong with that. I don't pretend to be perfect and without fault! You are right...there are woman who just want a big, honking diamond once in their lives--only for themselves. I have things that others may judge me for, but I have them for myself. What you didn't get was that in an affluent community, women DO have to have the biggest diamond, to impress others or fit in. That's a sociological fact. I'm sorry my post caused you to feel you needed to judge me!


How do you know whether or not I live in an affluent community?

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I think it is human nature to judge others, and have opinions. Nothing wrong with that. I don't pretend to be perfect and without fault! You are right...there are woman who just want a big, honking diamond once in their lives--only for themselves. I have things that others may judge me for, but I have them for myself. What you didn't get was that in an affluent community, women DO have to have the biggest diamond, to impress others or fit in. That's a sociological fact. I'm sorry my post caused you to feel you needed to judge me!



I live in an affluent community, and not only do I not have a large diamond (my engagement ring is a sapphire and I rarely wear it anyhow), many of my neighbors also don't have large diamonds. About half only wear a simple gold or platinum wedding band. I typically wear no rings. The lady a few doors down was given a quarter carat diamond when they got engaged right out of college, it's what he could afford at the time. He has offered to replace it many times with something larger, but she loves her ring and always says no.


Maybe YOU feel the need to impress others, but please do not speak for all of us, as you couldn't be more wrong.

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How do you know whether or not I live in an affluent community?


I am totally confused. I seriously didn't post this to wonder who lived in an affluent community or whatever!! You are totally misreading my post and my intent. Have a nice day!

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I live in an affluent community, and not only do I not have a large diamond (my engagement ring is a sapphire and I rarely wear it anyhow), many of my neighbors also don't have large diamonds. About half only wear a simple gold or platinum wedding band. I typically wear no rings. The lady a few doors down was given a quarter carat diamond when they got engaged right out of college, it's what he could afford at the time. He has offered to replace it many times with something larger, but she loves her ring and always says no.


Maybe YOU feel the need to impress others, but please do not speak for all of us, as you couldn't be more wrong.


Wow....I consider myself attacked!! Now, I am being accused of trying to impress others. That's the problem with CC. It brings out people who enjoy stirring the pot. Please reread my post. I wasn't accusing EVERYONE in an affluent community. I was just making a comment about SOME people. I guess I'm not allowed to do that for fear of what's under the bridge! You totally misread my post and misrepresented my intent. I've seen that here before...

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