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A Very Late Review - 10 Night Society Islands & Tuamotus


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The blue lagoon is very very far from where the PG docks in Rangiroa. We could have technically gone on our trip but its not worth the time and rough water. This is why Tiki has suggested that the ship anchors closer to the blue lagoon if they have 1.5 days in Rangiroa on the 2017 cruise.

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As we pulled away from the Blue Lagoon on Ato's boat, the water was so clear we could make out the different types of fish, stingray and coral below. The water had just started getting a little deeper when all of a sudden the boat motor stopped! I'm not entirely sure what happened but Ato and his team had it running again in no time. I don't think anyone would have complained too much if we had to stay a little longer here though! So with our boat going again our amazing tour continued and we were on our way to our last stop; snorkeling, but this time out in the deep sea! I was actually quite nervous to snorkel here because I'm not the greatest swimmer and we had seen lots of sharks on our way to this particular spot (mind you they were not very big)! Most people chose to stay on the boat (including my DH) so I was on my own. I jumped in the water (which was freezing by the way) and started to have a look around. What I saw was AMAZING! It was so deep I couldn't even begin to see the bottom of the ocean (I think our Ato said it was around 80 feet) but there were giant walls of coral that looked like pillars which I could make out beneath me. The fish here were so different to the ones I had seen on my (many) other snorkeling trips. I have no idea what they were but they were huge (although you can't really tell from my photo's so you'll have to take my word for it) ;-)



(so many fish they kept bumping into me)



(I love the grumpy fish at the bottom of this photo)



(oh my what a big nose you have)


Deep water snorkeling might just be my new favourite thing! It was great fun and there was so much to look at I was in the water for quite a while. The current was strong so by the time I popped my head up to see where I was, I was miles away from the boat. I started the long swim back and once I was back onboard DH asked me if I had seen the shark! Umm no! I would have been swimming a lot faster if I had instead of my leisurely paddle pace! ;-)


So there you have it! Our tour of the Blue Lagoon in Fakarava was complete. If you ever have the chance to visit this island and are deciding what to do... don't think about it for another second! Jump onto your roll call and organise a group to join you at the Blue Lagoon. I promise you will not regret it!


Once back on the cruise ship we had another delicious dinner then headed to the theatre to watch the Polynesian dance show featuring the PG's very own Les Gauguines. Tonights show was really fun and had everything you would expect from a Tahitian performance (singing, dancing, lots of hip shaking). For me, this show was an equal first place tie with the 'crew capers' show so I would highly recommend it.



(les gauguines)

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When we went to that last snorkelling spot I sat in the boat and looked over. Even from the boat I could see the fish. Ato had reserved done of the Gish kebab to attract the fish to the surface. They were amazing. You are lucky to visit this area. He can only take you there in calm weather.

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When we went to that last snorkelling spot I sat in the boat and looked over. Even from the boat I could see the fish. Ato had reserved done of the Gish kebab to attract the fish to the surface. They were amazing. You are lucky to visit this area. He can only take you there in calm weather.


Sorry for the errors. The ipad self corrects mercilessly.

Should read Ato reserved SOME of the SHISH kebab....

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I totally share your love of deep water snorkeling. We loved the deep water with Ato (though the fish weren't as great as yours as the wind was so bad), and I loved the drift snorkel in Rangiroa. That was super fun and very cool as well.


Loving your review!!

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Oh, I'm so happy,happy, happy (like a room without a roof) that you posted your review...late is perfectly acceptable and infinitely better than never! :D I loved your wedding picture, the scenery is breathtaking! (Note to self: move NZ up on the life list)


I love your good humored and humorous report and the beautiful photo! Thanks sooo much!

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Oh, I'm so happy,happy, happy (like a room without a roof) that you posted your review...late is perfectly acceptable and infinitely better than never! :D I loved your wedding picture, the scenery is breathtaking! (Note to self: move NZ up on the life list)


I love your good humored and humorous report and the beautiful photo! Thanks sooo much!


Thanks Family! I LOVED your review so much as well, it really helped us with our planning (not to mention excitement levels). So thank YOU!


P.S - I may be slightly biased but you should absolutely come to NZ (especially the South Island as it is so beautiful). Here are some of our wedding pics taken around Wanaka that really show how beautiful our country is.



(cherry blossoms & mountains)



(Rippon Vineyard - our wedding venue)



Mt Roy in Wanaka)


I know this is a PG board so I hope no one minds me posting these very unrelated NZ pics! Just wanted to say if any of you are planning a trip to NZ at any stage, feel free to PM me and I would be more than happy to help!

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Oh My Gosh! That is so beautiful!! We have been to Australia for a very short visit once- our kids were very young, and my DH was speaking at a medical conference there and it was in Oct (Springtime!) and our 15th wedding anniversary. We went for 1 week- and the 4 days we spent in a plane:rolleyes:

It was not enough time, but it was the in,y time we could spare and I could not pass up the chance to go. We want to go back and include a trip to NZ, but we won't do it until we can spare 4-6 weeks. Sooooo, it's going to be a while :(


But that is truly some lovey scenery and a beautiful wedding! Well worth the wait I'm sure ;-) I glad you shared the photos, we go off the rails here on the PG board frequently, ;) no harm no foul as we say here in the States!


Thank you for your kind words about my review! I love reading reviews, and seeing photos, which is why I write them. I'm passionate about travel and sharing my experiences, and I've enjoyed CC (especially this PG board, because the people are so nice!) because you can find others who are excited about travel too! I'm so glad you are sharing your review!


I have FP flu, I tried to get Hubby to go back this fall for the repeaters cruise, but he really wants to do this Eastern Europe trip we are taking. And it's to early in Sept for it to work for us. I thought maybe for our 30 th anniversary, but we both want to go to Antarctica, and 2017- our 30 th year married is the best year for us to go there based on family events (graduations, weddings and whatnot) I'm trying to convince him to sneak in a 10 day in 2016, but not sure if I can make it happen. But we loved PG and FP and I do want to go back!


I'm hoping you also have more FP photos for us to see!

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Oh My Gosh! That is so beautiful!! We have been to Australia for a very short visit once- our kids were very young, and my DH was speaking at a medical conference there and it was in Oct (Springtime!) and our 15th wedding anniversary. We went for 1 week- and the 4 days we spent in a plane:rolleyes:

It was not enough time, but it was the in,y time we could spare and I could not pass up the chance to go. We want to go back and include a trip to NZ, but we won't do it until we can spare 4-6 weeks. Sooooo, it's going to be a while :(


But that is truly some lovey scenery and a beautiful wedding! Well worth the wait I'm sure ;-) I glad you shared the photos, we go off the rails here on the PG board frequently, ;) no harm no foul as we say here in the States!


Thank you for your kind words about my review! I love reading reviews, and seeing photos, which is why I write them. I'm passionate about travel and sharing my experiences, and I've enjoyed CC (especially this PG board, because the people are so nice!) because you can find others who are excited about travel too! I'm so glad you are sharing your review!


I have FP flu, I tried to get Hubby to go back this fall for the repeaters cruise, but he really wants to do this Eastern Europe trip we are taking. And it's to early in Sept for it to work for us. I thought maybe for our 30 th anniversary, but we both want to go to Antarctica, and 2017- our 30 th year married is the best year for us to go there based on family events (graduations, weddings and whatnot) I'm trying to convince him to sneak in a 10 day in 2016, but not sure if I can make it happen. But we loved PG and FP and I do want to go back!


I'm hoping you also have more FP photos for us to see!


Well we look forward to welcoming you back to this part of the world again one day!


I know what you mean about the FP flu, DH and I both have it! Actually writing this review is not helping one bit, it seems to be making my symptoms worse haha. Oh and never fear, I have many more FP photos to come! :D

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Thank you for your lovely review, it's evident how much you enjoyed your time in FP.

We went on the 10day cruise in 2012 and had a fantastic time, and met so many great people (Hi Clairesmom - good to see you here!)


Your review was just what was needed on this board there has been so much adverse comment and negativity . Its a delight to read and your happiness shines through!


As some-one else commented it's a tonic - or a breath of fresh-air..... thanks again.

ps. love NZ, travelled there a bit, and endorse Wanaka as sooooo beautiful.

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Thank you for your lovely review, it's evident how much you enjoyed your time in FP.

We went on the 10day cruise in 2012 and had a fantastic time, and met so many great people (Hi Clairesmom - good to see you here!)


Your review was just what was needed on this board there has been so much adverse comment and negativity . Its a delight to read and your happiness shines through!


As some-one else commented it's a tonic - or a breath of fresh-air..... thanks again.

ps. love NZ, travelled there a bit, and endorse Wanaka as sooooo beautiful.


Oh thank you so much! I'm glad I wrote it, it's really nice reliving it actually but makes me want to go back even more!


I'm also really glad you liked Wanaka! Obviously we love it there but it's nice to hear when overseas guests enjoy it as much as we do! :)


Thanks again for your kind words :)

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We awoke to another day of brilliant sunshine in paradise. Today the PG was docked in Taha'a, a small island known for it's vanilla production and pearls! The Paul Gauguin has a private island here known as Motu Mahana and we had planned to spend the whole day here enjoying the beach, bar, BBQ and activities on offer.


Alas, this is when things took a turn for the worse for us...


The evening before, DH mentioned he had an itchy foot before we went to bed. Well overnight it had developed into cellulitis (a bacterial infection) and he woke up with a fever, swollen glands and a very red and swollen foot. He knew exactly what it was as he has had it before so we immediately went to see the doctor. He had some blood tests done, his temperature taken and given a thorough exam before yes it was confirmed, my new hubby had cellulitis. The doctor advised DH to stay onboard the ship as he was not to get anything on his foot (sand, water or otherwise). Not the news we had been wanting to hear on our honeymoon!


We went back to our room armed with a bunch of antibiotics and discussed what we were going to do. Obviously DH was to stay onboard the ship but he thought I should still go and enjoy the motu. I wasn't sure and offered to stay and keep him company but he insisted I go and have fun. There is no point both of us missing out he said. So off I went on the tender to Motu Mahana promising to come back and check on him in a couple of hours.


The beauty of the water in Taha'a was incredible. There were so many different shades of blue with clear boundaries between them.



(the beautiful waters of Taha'a)



My new Aussie friends were the only other people on the tender as it was around 10am by this stage and everybody else was long on the private island! This is my first view of what I had in store for me...



(tropical island perfection)


As I stepped off the tender I could see people kayaking, swimming, snorkeling, drinking cocktails out of coconuts and shopping at the various stalls dotted around the motu. It was like no place I have ever been before and I can see why people rave about it!



(hair treatment demonstration)



(one of the stalls selling jewellery and pareo's)



(the floating bar)


I did a quick search of the island, found our 'trusty' friends and told them what had happened to DH. They quickly offered me a sun lounger and a drink and I started to relax a bit. I felt so bad that my poor hubby was missing out as I knew he would have absolutely loved it here. He likes nothing more than relaxing with a drink and chatting to friends, especially in paradise! I tried not to mope around though and made a concerted effort to enjoy myself and actually ended up having a really nice time. I swam, sunbathed, drank some yummy cocktails and enjoyed the company of all the friendly people I had met so far on the cruise. I have to say that the people on this cruise were fantastic, most of the people we met really were genuinely nice and really friendly so I never felt like a third wheel on the motu.


Soon lunchtime had arrived and I could smell the beginnings of a beach BBQ!



(PG staff cooking lunch)



The lunch was fantastic, I ate so much! There were burgers, hot dogs, kebabs, baked potatoes, salads and of course... more cocktails! There was so much food and most people (well the ones I was sitting with anyway) had seconds (yes guilty). After lunch I had a wander around the various stalls on the island. I bought a pareo and then participated in the pareo tying lesson which was really fun.


As I was looking at the stalls I happened across a beautiful pearl necklace. I spent quite a while looking at it then decided no, I didn't need any pearls. I walked away. Then I came back. I walked away again. And then back I came. I wanted the pearls, I needed the pearls, they were calling my name... ok you get the picture, I really really liked them :-) There was just one problem... I had left my credit card on the ship. I decided to head back to get it and check on DH at the same time. In no time at all I was standing in our cabin looking at poor DH who was still in his dressing gown in bed. He was doing just fine though and told me to go back and get the pearls. I didn't need anymore encouragement. So I became the proud owner of a lovely pearl necklace!

Edited by lovetotravel68
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The rest of my afternoon was spent taking photos and swimming in the beautiful warm water. Some spots were actually hot like a spa pool. It made swimming (or even just sitting) in the water so much fun.



(the warm water at Taha'a)


Here are some of my favourite pics from that day...



(the PG in paradise)






(beautiful views)


I went back to the cruise ship wearing my new necklace with a smile on my face. DH was feeling a little better by that stage so he came up on deck for the sail away party. This was my favourite sail away as the scenery was just breathtaking. We sailed past so many tiny motu's while the band sung 'kokomo' in the background, it was fantastic. There was also a beautiful sunset that evening which I enjoyed with DH.



(motu's of Taha'a with Bora Bora in the background)



(sunset from the PG)


The crew capers show was also that evening. DH was pretty tired by then so he went off to bed and I went to the show alone. The show featured PG staff performing and some of them were so talented! There was singing, dancing and even 'gangnam style' (which was hilarious)! One of the staff members in particular was amazing (I think he was a room steward), he sang 'can you feel the love tonight' and had everyone on their feet giving him a standing ovation at the end. It's amazing how you see these people everyday and you just have no idea what amazing things they can do!


My advice for Taha'a would be to skip the excursions and spend as long as you can at Motu Mahana. It really is a fantastic day, and it's free!! Oh and don't forget to take your wallet ;-)

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Thank you for this great review, (and your wedding pictures are fantastic!). Your pictures and description of Motu Mahana are beautiful. If I wasn't already going to be there in September - I would be on the phone with my TA right now. It has been five years since we were last on the PG and I have an acute case of the FP flu. I cant wait to read the rest of your review. Enjoy your pearls! Linda :-)

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I totally share your love of deep water snorkeling. We loved the deep water with Ato (though the fish weren't as great as yours as the wind was so bad), and I loved the drift snorkel in Rangiroa. That was super fun and very cool as well.


Loving your review!!


Thanks! I have never been snorkeling in deep water before, it was great to see some big fish! Glad you enjoyed the drift snorkel as well, did you see any sharks? I need to work on my swimming skills between now and our next PG trip! :D

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Ahhhhh.....the pleasures of MM.


I cannot wait for the next instalment.


Great reading.

Thanks a mill for your review.




Yes, enjoy your pearls.

I took 5 trips to FP to buy my strand.

You are lucky that something called. They will be a wonderful memory.


Thanks Emdee and yes I love my pearls! Every time I wear them I think of our wonderful honeymoon :)

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Thank you for this great review, (and your wedding pictures are fantastic!). Your pictures and description of Motu Mahana are beautiful. If I wasn't already going to be there in September - I would be on the phone with my TA right now. It has been five years since we were last on the PG and I have an acute case of the FP flu. I cant wait to read the rest of your review. Enjoy your pearls! Linda :-)


Haha wow thank you! Five years on and you still have the flu, you might have it even more so when you get back from your September trip! :D


I LOVE my pearls! I went to FP with the mindset that I wasn't going to buy any as I already have some (mind you they are white). When I saw this necklace I loved the colours so much and it is very 'me.' I will post a pic of them :)

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